{ fetchurl, lib, stdenv, makeWrapper , pkg-config, gnupg , xapian, gmime3, sfsexp, talloc, zlib , doxygen, perl, texinfo , notmuch , pythonPackages , emacs , ruby , testers , gitUpdater , which, dtach, openssl, bash, gdb, man, git , withEmacs ? true , withRuby ? true , withSfsexp ? true # also installs notmuch-git, which requires sexp-support }: stdenv.mkDerivation rec { pname = "notmuch"; version = "0.38.2"; src = fetchurl { url = "https://notmuchmail.org/releases/notmuch-${version}.tar.xz"; hash = "sha256-UoLr5HQrA+4A/Dq4NZaflNIpJ523IyESvcUAnYYelH4="; }; nativeBuildInputs = [ pkg-config doxygen # (optional) api docs pythonPackages.sphinx # (optional) documentation -> doc/INSTALL texinfo # (optional) documentation -> doc/INSTALL pythonPackages.cffi ] ++ lib.optional withEmacs emacs ++ lib.optional withRuby ruby ++ lib.optional withSfsexp makeWrapper; buildInputs = [ gnupg # undefined dependencies xapian gmime3 talloc zlib # dependencies described in INSTALL perl pythonPackages.python ] ++ lib.optional withRuby ruby ++ lib.optional withSfsexp sfsexp; postPatch = '' patchShebangs configure test/ substituteInPlace lib/Makefile.local \ --replace '-install_name $(libdir)' "-install_name $out/lib" # do not override CFLAGS of the Makefile created by mkmf substituteInPlace bindings/Makefile.local \ --replace 'CFLAGS="$(CFLAGS) -pipe -fno-plt -fPIC"' "" '' + lib.optionalString withEmacs '' substituteInPlace emacs/notmuch-emacs-mua \ --replace 'EMACS:-emacs' 'EMACS:-${emacs}/bin/emacs' \ --replace 'EMACSCLIENT:-emacsclient' 'EMACSCLIENT:-${emacs}/bin/emacsclient' ''; configureFlags = [ "--zshcompletiondir=${placeholder "out"}/share/zsh/site-functions" "--bashcompletiondir=${placeholder "out"}/share/bash-completion/completions" "--infodir=${placeholder "info"}/share/info" ] ++ lib.optional (!withEmacs) "--without-emacs" ++ lib.optional withEmacs "--emacslispdir=${placeholder "emacs"}/share/emacs/site-lisp" ++ lib.optional (!withRuby) "--without-ruby"; # Notmuch doesn't use autoconf and consequently doesn't tag --bindir and # friends setOutputFlags = false; enableParallelBuilding = true; makeFlags = [ "V=1" ]; postConfigure = '' mkdir ${placeholder "bindingconfig"} cp bindings/python-cffi/_notmuch_config.py ${placeholder "bindingconfig"}/ ''; outputs = [ "out" "man" "info" "bindingconfig" ] ++ lib.optional withEmacs "emacs" ++ lib.optional withRuby "ruby"; # if notmuch is built with s-expression support, the testsuite (T-850.sh) only # passes if notmuch-git can be executed, so we need to patch its shebang. postBuild = lib.optionalString withSfsexp '' patchShebangs notmuch-git ''; preCheck = let test-database = fetchurl { url = "https://notmuchmail.org/releases/test-databases/database-v1.tar.xz"; sha256 = "1lk91s00y4qy4pjh8638b5lfkgwyl282g1m27srsf7qfn58y16a2"; }; in '' mkdir -p test/test-databases ln -s ${test-database} test/test-databases/database-v1.tar.xz '' + '' # Issues since gnupg: 2.4.0 -> 2.4.1 rm test/{T350-crypto,T357-index-decryption}.sh # Issues since pbr 6.0.0 bump (ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'notmuch2') rm test/T055-path-config.sh # Flaky, seems to get its paths wrong sometimes (?) # *ERROR*: Opening output file: Permission denied, /nix/store/bzy21v2cd5sq1djzwa9b19q08wpp9mm0-emacs-29.1/bin/OUTPUT rm test/T460-emacs-tree.sh ''; doCheck = !stdenv.hostPlatform.isDarwin && (lib.versionAtLeast gmime3.version "3.0.3"); checkTarget = "test"; nativeCheckInputs = [ which dtach openssl bash gdb man ] # for the test T-850.sh for notmuch-git, which is skipped when notmuch is # built without sexp-support ++ lib.optional withEmacs emacs ++ lib.optional withSfsexp git; installTargets = [ "install" "install-man" "install-info" ]; postInstall = lib.optionalString withEmacs '' moveToOutput bin/notmuch-emacs-mua $emacs '' + lib.optionalString withRuby '' make -C bindings/ruby install \ vendordir=$ruby/lib/ruby \ SHELL=$SHELL \ $makeFlags "''${makeFlagsArray[@]}" \ $installFlags "''${installFlagsArray[@]}" '' # notmuch-git (https://notmuchmail.org/doc/latest/man1/notmuch-git.html) does not work without # sexp-support, so there is no point in installing if we're building without it. + lib.optionalString withSfsexp '' cp notmuch-git $out/bin/notmuch-git wrapProgram $out/bin/notmuch-git --prefix PATH : $out/bin:${lib.getBin git}/bin ''; passthru = { pythonSourceRoot = "notmuch-${version}/bindings/python"; tests.version = testers.testVersion { package = notmuch; }; inherit version; updateScript = gitUpdater { url = "https://git.notmuchmail.org/git/notmuch"; ignoredVersions = "_(rc|pre).*"; }; }; meta = with lib; { description = "Mail indexer"; homepage = "https://notmuchmail.org/"; changelog = "https://git.notmuchmail.org/git?p=notmuch;a=blob_plain;f=NEWS;hb=${version}"; license = licenses.gpl3Plus; maintainers = with maintainers; [ flokli puckipedia ]; platforms = platforms.unix; mainProgram = "notmuch"; }; }