{ lib , stdenvNoCC , rustPlatform , fetchFromGitHub , buildGoModule , makeWrapper , nodePackages , cacert , esbuild , jq , moreutils , perl , pkg-config , glib , webkitgtk , libayatana-appindicator , cairo , openssl }: let version = "4.11.0"; geph-meta = with lib; { description = "A modular Internet censorship circumvention system designed specifically to deal with national filtering."; homepage = "https://geph.io"; platforms = platforms.linux; maintainers = with maintainers; [ penalty1083 ]; }; in { cli = rustPlatform.buildRustPackage rec { pname = "geph4-client"; inherit version; src = fetchFromGitHub { owner = "geph-official"; repo = pname; rev = "v${version}"; hash = "sha256-6zii8WxJp++yqTkxejNDta7IW+SG0uPgmnWqX5Oa9PU="; }; cargoHash = "sha256-WI525ufJxuepRZHyx8tO4K+7WZuM/NlTVNqVMJH6avg="; nativeBuildInputs = [ perl ]; meta = geph-meta // { license = with lib.licenses; [ gpl3Only ]; }; }; gui = stdenvNoCC.mkDerivation rec { pname = "geph-gui"; inherit version; src = fetchFromGitHub { owner = "geph-official"; repo = "gephgui-pkg"; rev = "3a6d2fa85603e9ac3d5d6286685d8a8ca792a508"; hash = "sha256-SE1TwYvR3+zwdPxlanq4hovmJsOdCJQzWfSJ6sSyJ5k="; fetchSubmodules = true; }; pnpm-deps = stdenvNoCC.mkDerivation { pname = "${pname}-pnpm-deps"; inherit src version; sourceRoot = "${src.name}/gephgui-wry/gephgui"; nativeBuildInputs = [ jq moreutils nodePackages.pnpm cacert ]; installPhase = '' export HOME=$(mktemp -d) pnpm config set store-dir $out pnpm install --ignore-scripts # Remove timestamp and sort the json files rm -rf $out/v3/tmp for f in $(find $out -name "*.json"); do sed -i -E -e 's/"checkedAt":[0-9]+,//g' $f jq --sort-keys . $f | sponge $f done ''; dontFixup = true; outputHashMode = "recursive"; outputHash = "sha256-OKPx5xRI7DWd6m31nYx1biP0k6pcZ7fq7dfVlHda4O0="; }; gephgui-wry = rustPlatform.buildRustPackage { pname = "gephgui-wry"; inherit version src; sourceRoot = "${src.name}/gephgui-wry"; cargoLock = { lockFile = ./Cargo.lock; outputHashes = { "tao-0.5.2" = "sha256-HyQyPRoAHUcgtYgaAW7uqrwEMQ45V+xVSxmlAZJfhv0="; "wry-0.12.2" = "sha256-kTMXvignEF3FlzL0iSlF6zn1YTOCpyRUDN8EHpUS+yI="; }; }; nativeBuildInputs = [ pkg-config nodePackages.pnpm makeWrapper ]; buildInputs = [ glib webkitgtk libayatana-appindicator cairo openssl ]; ESBUILD_BINARY_PATH = "${lib.getExe (esbuild.override { buildGoModule = args: buildGoModule (args // rec { version = "0.15.10"; src = fetchFromGitHub { owner = "evanw"; repo = "esbuild"; rev = "v${version}"; hash = "sha256-DebmLtgPrla+1UcvOHMnWmxa/ZqrugeRRKXIiJ9LYDk="; }; vendorHash = "sha256-+BfxCyg0KkDQpHt/wycy/8CTG6YBA/VJvJFhhzUnSiQ="; }); })}"; preBuild = '' cd gephgui export HOME=$(mktemp -d) pnpm config set store-dir ${pnpm-deps} pnpm install --ignore-scripts --offline chmod -R +w node_modules pnpm rebuild pnpm build cd .. ''; }; dontBuild = true; installPhase = '' install -Dt $out/bin ${gephgui-wry}/bin/gephgui-wry install -d $out/share/icons/hicolor for i in '16' '32' '64' '128' '256' do name=''${i}x''${i} dir=$out/share/icons/hicolor mkdir -p $dir mv flatpak/icons/$name $dir done install -Dt $out/share/applications flatpak/icons/io.geph.GephGui.desktop sed -i -e '/StartupWMClass/s/=.*/=gephgui-wry/' $out/share/applications/io.geph.GephGui.desktop ''; meta = geph-meta // { license = with lib.licenses; [ unfree ]; }; }; }