{ bash , coreutils , fetchFromGitHub , lib , python39 , substituteAll }: let inherit (lib) makeBinPath; # the latest python version that waagent test against according to https://github.com/Azure/WALinuxAgent/blob/28345a55f9b21dae89472111635fd6e41809d958/.github/workflows/ci_pr.yml#L75 python = python39; in python.pkgs.buildPythonApplication rec { pname = "waagent"; version = ""; src = fetchFromGitHub { owner = "Azure"; repo = "WALinuxAgent"; rev = "refs/tags/v${version}"; sha256 = "sha256-lnCDGUhAPNP8RNfDi+oUTEJ4x3ln6COqTrgk9rZWWEM="; }; patches = [ # Suppress the following error when waagent tries to configure sshd: # Read-only file system: '/etc/ssh/sshd_config' ./dont-configure-sshd.patch ]; doCheck = false; # azure-product-uuid chmod rule invokes chmod to change the mode of # product_uuid (which is not a device itself). # Replace this with an absolute path. postPatch = '' substituteInPlace config/99-azure-product-uuid.rules \ --replace "/bin/chmod" "${coreutils}/bin/chmod" ''; propagatedBuildInputs = [ python.pkgs.distro ]; # The udev rules are placed to the wrong place. # Move them to their default location. # Keep $out/${python.sitePackages}/usr/sbin/waagent where it is. # waagent re-executes itself in UpdateHandler.run_latest, even if autoupdate # is disabled, manually spawning a python interprever with argv0. # We can't use the default python program wrapping mechanism, as it uses # wrapProgram which doesn't support --argv0. # So instead we make our own wrapper in $out/bin/waagent, setting PATH and # PYTHONPATH. # PATH contains our PYTHON, and PYTHONPATH stays set, so this should somewhat # still work. preFixup = '' mv $out/${python.sitePackages}/etc $out/ buildPythonPath mkdir -p $out/bin makeWrapper $out/${python.sitePackages}/usr/sbin/waagent $out/bin/waagent \ --set PYTHONPATH $PYTHONPATH \ --prefix PATH : $program_PATH \ --argv0 $out/${python.sitePackages}/usr/sbin/waagent ''; dontWrapPythonPrograms = false; meta = { description = "The Microsoft Azure Linux Agent (waagent)"; mainProgram = "waagent"; longDescription = '' The Microsoft Azure Linux Agent (waagent) manages Linux provisioning and VM interaction with the Azure Fabric Controller''; homepage = "https://github.com/Azure/WALinuxAgent"; license = with lib.licenses; [ asl20 ]; }; }