# Rudimentary test checking that the Stalwart email server can: # - receive some message through SMTP submission, then # - serve this message through IMAP. let certs = import ./common/acme/server/snakeoil-certs.nix; domain = certs.domain; in import ./make-test-python.nix ({ lib, ... }: { name = "stalwart-mail"; nodes.main = { pkgs, ... }: { security.pki.certificateFiles = [ certs.ca.cert ]; services.stalwart-mail = { enable = true; settings = { server.hostname = domain; certificate."snakeoil" = { cert = "file://${certs.${domain}.cert}"; private-key = "file://${certs.${domain}.key}"; }; server.tls = { certificate = "snakeoil"; enable = true; implicit = false; }; server.listener = { "smtp-submission" = { bind = [ "[::]:587" ]; protocol = "smtp"; }; "imap" = { bind = [ "[::]:143" ]; protocol = "imap"; }; }; session.auth.mechanisms = [ "PLAIN" ]; session.auth.directory = "in-memory"; storage.directory = "in-memory"; # shared with imap session.rcpt.directory = "in-memory"; queue.outbound.next-hop = [ "local" ]; directory."in-memory" = { type = "memory"; principals = [ { type = "individual"; name = "alice"; secret = "foobar"; email = [ "alice@${domain}" ]; } { type = "individual"; name = "bob"; secret = "foobar"; email = [ "bob@${domain}" ]; } ]; }; }; }; environment.systemPackages = [ (pkgs.writers.writePython3Bin "test-smtp-submission" { } '' from smtplib import SMTP with SMTP('localhost', 587) as smtp: smtp.starttls() smtp.login('alice', 'foobar') smtp.sendmail( 'alice@${domain}', 'bob@${domain}', """ From: alice@${domain} To: bob@${domain} Subject: Some test message This is a test message. """.strip() ) '') (pkgs.writers.writePython3Bin "test-imap-read" { } '' from imaplib import IMAP4 with IMAP4('localhost') as imap: imap.starttls() status, [caps] = imap.login('bob', 'foobar') assert status == 'OK' imap.select() status, [ref] = imap.search(None, 'ALL') assert status == 'OK' [msgId] = ref.split() status, msg = imap.fetch(msgId, 'BODY[TEXT]') assert status == 'OK' assert msg[0][1].strip() == b'This is a test message.' '') ]; }; testScript = /* python */ '' main.wait_for_unit("stalwart-mail.service") main.wait_for_open_port(587) main.wait_for_open_port(143) main.succeed("test-smtp-submission") main.succeed("test-imap-read") ''; meta = { maintainers = with lib.maintainers; [ happysalada pacien ]; }; })