#! @python3@/bin/python3 -B import argparse import shutil import os import sys import errno import subprocess import glob import tempfile import errno import warnings import ctypes libc = ctypes.CDLL("libc.so.6") import re import datetime import glob import os.path from typing import Tuple, List, Optional def copy_if_not_exists(source: str, dest: str) -> None: if not os.path.exists(dest): shutil.copyfile(source, dest) def system_dir(profile: Optional[str], generation: int) -> str: if profile: return "/nix/var/nix/profiles/system-profiles/%s-%d-link" % (profile, generation) else: return "/nix/var/nix/profiles/system-%d-link" % (generation) BOOT_ENTRY = """title NixOS{profile} version Generation {generation} {description} linux {kernel} initrd {initrd} options {kernel_params} """ # The boot loader entry for memtest86. # # TODO: This is hard-coded to use the 64-bit EFI app, but it could probably # be updated to use the 32-bit EFI app on 32-bit systems. The 32-bit EFI # app filename is BOOTIA32.efi. MEMTEST_BOOT_ENTRY = """title MemTest86 efi /efi/memtest86/BOOTX64.efi """ def write_loader_conf(profile: Optional[str], generation: int) -> None: with open("@efiSysMountPoint@/loader/loader.conf.tmp", 'w') as f: if "@timeout@" != "": f.write("timeout @timeout@\n") if profile: f.write("default nixos-%s-generation-%d.conf\n" % (profile, generation)) else: f.write("default nixos-generation-%d.conf\n" % (generation)) if not @editor@: f.write("editor 0\n"); f.write("console-mode @consoleMode@\n"); os.rename("@efiSysMountPoint@/loader/loader.conf.tmp", "@efiSysMountPoint@/loader/loader.conf") def profile_path(profile: Optional[str], generation: int, name: str) -> str: return os.path.realpath("%s/%s" % (system_dir(profile, generation), name)) def copy_from_profile(profile: Optional[str], generation: int, name: str, dry_run: bool = False) -> str: store_file_path = profile_path(profile, generation, name) suffix = os.path.basename(store_file_path) store_dir = os.path.basename(os.path.dirname(store_file_path)) efi_file_path = "/efi/nixos/%s-%s.efi" % (store_dir, suffix) if not dry_run: copy_if_not_exists(store_file_path, "@efiSysMountPoint@%s" % (efi_file_path)) return efi_file_path def describe_generation(generation_dir: str) -> str: try: with open("%s/nixos-version" % generation_dir) as f: nixos_version = f.read() except IOError: nixos_version = "Unknown" kernel_dir = os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath("%s/kernel" % generation_dir)) module_dir = glob.glob("%s/lib/modules/*" % kernel_dir)[0] kernel_version = os.path.basename(module_dir) build_time = int(os.path.getctime(generation_dir)) build_date = datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(build_time).strftime('%F') description = "NixOS {}, Linux Kernel {}, Built on {}".format( nixos_version, kernel_version, build_date ) return description def write_entry(profile: Optional[str], generation: int, machine_id: str) -> None: kernel = copy_from_profile(profile, generation, "kernel") initrd = copy_from_profile(profile, generation, "initrd") try: append_initrd_secrets = profile_path(profile, generation, "append-initrd-secrets") subprocess.check_call([append_initrd_secrets, "@efiSysMountPoint@%s" % (initrd)]) except FileNotFoundError: pass if profile: entry_file = "@efiSysMountPoint@/loader/entries/nixos-%s-generation-%d.conf" % (profile, generation) else: entry_file = "@efiSysMountPoint@/loader/entries/nixos-generation-%d.conf" % (generation) generation_dir = os.readlink(system_dir(profile, generation)) tmp_path = "%s.tmp" % (entry_file) kernel_params = "init=%s/init " % generation_dir with open("%s/kernel-params" % (generation_dir)) as params_file: kernel_params = kernel_params + params_file.read() with open(tmp_path, 'w') as f: f.write(BOOT_ENTRY.format(profile=" [" + profile + "]" if profile else "", generation=generation, kernel=kernel, initrd=initrd, kernel_params=kernel_params, description=describe_generation(generation_dir))) if machine_id is not None: f.write("machine-id %s\n" % machine_id) os.rename(tmp_path, entry_file) def mkdir_p(path: str) -> None: try: os.makedirs(path) except OSError as e: if e.errno != errno.EEXIST or not os.path.isdir(path): raise def get_generations(profile: Optional[str] = None) -> List[Tuple[Optional[str], int]]: gen_list = subprocess.check_output([ "@nix@/bin/nix-env", "--list-generations", "-p", "/nix/var/nix/profiles/%s" % ("system-profiles/" + profile if profile else "system"), "--option", "build-users-group", ""], universal_newlines=True) gen_lines = gen_list.split('\n') gen_lines.pop() configurationLimit = @configurationLimit@ return [ (profile, int(line.split()[0])) for line in gen_lines ][-configurationLimit:] def remove_old_entries(gens: List[Tuple[Optional[str], int]]) -> None: rex_profile = re.compile("^@efiSysMountPoint@/loader/entries/nixos-(.*)-generation-.*\.conf$") rex_generation = re.compile("^@efiSysMountPoint@/loader/entries/nixos.*-generation-(.*)\.conf$") known_paths = [] for gen in gens: known_paths.append(copy_from_profile(*gen, "kernel", True)) known_paths.append(copy_from_profile(*gen, "initrd", True)) for path in glob.iglob("@efiSysMountPoint@/loader/entries/nixos*-generation-[1-9]*.conf"): try: if rex_profile.match(path): prof = rex_profile.sub(r"\1", path) else: prof = "system" gen_number = int(rex_generation.sub(r"\1", path)) if not (prof, gen_number) in gens: os.unlink(path) except ValueError: pass for path in glob.iglob("@efiSysMountPoint@/efi/nixos/*"): if not path in known_paths and not os.path.isdir(path): os.unlink(path) def get_profiles() -> List[str]: if os.path.isdir("/nix/var/nix/profiles/system-profiles/"): return [x for x in os.listdir("/nix/var/nix/profiles/system-profiles/") if not x.endswith("-link")] else: return [] def main() -> None: parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='Update NixOS-related systemd-boot files') parser.add_argument('default_config', metavar='DEFAULT-CONFIG', help='The default NixOS config to boot') args = parser.parse_args() try: with open("/etc/machine-id") as machine_file: machine_id = machine_file.readlines()[0] except IOError as e: if e.errno != errno.ENOENT: raise # Since systemd version 232 a machine ID is required and it might not # be there on newly installed systems, so let's generate one so that # bootctl can find it and we can also pass it to write_entry() later. cmd = ["@systemd@/bin/systemd-machine-id-setup", "--print"] machine_id = subprocess.run( cmd, text=True, check=True, stdout=subprocess.PIPE ).stdout.rstrip() if os.getenv("NIXOS_INSTALL_GRUB") == "1": warnings.warn("NIXOS_INSTALL_GRUB env var deprecated, use NIXOS_INSTALL_BOOTLOADER", DeprecationWarning) os.environ["NIXOS_INSTALL_BOOTLOADER"] = "1" if os.getenv("NIXOS_INSTALL_BOOTLOADER") == "1": # bootctl uses fopen() with modes "wxe" and fails if the file exists. if os.path.exists("@efiSysMountPoint@/loader/loader.conf"): os.unlink("@efiSysMountPoint@/loader/loader.conf") if "@canTouchEfiVariables@" == "1": subprocess.check_call(["@systemd@/bin/bootctl", "--path=@efiSysMountPoint@", "install"]) else: subprocess.check_call(["@systemd@/bin/bootctl", "--path=@efiSysMountPoint@", "--no-variables", "install"]) else: # Update bootloader to latest if needed systemd_version = subprocess.check_output(["@systemd@/bin/bootctl", "--version"], universal_newlines=True).split()[1] sdboot_status = subprocess.check_output(["@systemd@/bin/bootctl", "--path=@efiSysMountPoint@", "status"], universal_newlines=True) # See status_binaries() in systemd bootctl.c for code which generates this m = re.search("^\W+File:.*/EFI/(BOOT|systemd)/.*\.efi \(systemd-boot (\d+)\)$", sdboot_status, re.IGNORECASE | re.MULTILINE) if m is None: print("could not find any previously installed systemd-boot") else: sdboot_version = m.group(2) if systemd_version > sdboot_version: print("updating systemd-boot from %s to %s" % (sdboot_version, systemd_version)) subprocess.check_call(["@systemd@/bin/bootctl", "--path=@efiSysMountPoint@", "update"]) mkdir_p("@efiSysMountPoint@/efi/nixos") mkdir_p("@efiSysMountPoint@/loader/entries") gens = get_generations() for profile in get_profiles(): gens += get_generations(profile) remove_old_entries(gens) for gen in gens: try: write_entry(*gen, machine_id) if os.readlink(system_dir(*gen)) == args.default_config: write_loader_conf(*gen) except OSError as e: print("ignoring profile '{}' in the list of boot entries because of the following error:\n{}".format(profile, e), file=sys.stderr) memtest_entry_file = "@efiSysMountPoint@/loader/entries/memtest86.conf" if os.path.exists(memtest_entry_file): os.unlink(memtest_entry_file) shutil.rmtree("@efiSysMountPoint@/efi/memtest86", ignore_errors=True) if "@memtest86@" != "": mkdir_p("@efiSysMountPoint@/efi/memtest86") for path in glob.iglob("@memtest86@/*"): if os.path.isdir(path): shutil.copytree(path, os.path.join("@efiSysMountPoint@/efi/memtest86", os.path.basename(path))) else: shutil.copy(path, "@efiSysMountPoint@/efi/memtest86/") memtest_entry_file = "@efiSysMountPoint@/loader/entries/memtest86.conf" memtest_entry_file_tmp_path = "%s.tmp" % memtest_entry_file with open(memtest_entry_file_tmp_path, 'w') as f: f.write(MEMTEST_BOOT_ENTRY) os.rename(memtest_entry_file_tmp_path, memtest_entry_file) # Since fat32 provides little recovery facilities after a crash, # it can leave the system in an unbootable state, when a crash/outage # happens shortly after an update. To decrease the likelihood of this # event sync the efi filesystem after each update. rc = libc.syncfs(os.open("@efiSysMountPoint@", os.O_RDONLY)) if rc != 0: print("could not sync @efiSysMountPoint@: {}".format(os.strerror(rc)), file=sys.stderr) if __name__ == '__main__': main()