# pkgs.appimageTools {#sec-pkgs-appimageTools} `pkgs.appimageTools` is a set of functions for extracting and wrapping [AppImage](https://appimage.org/) files. They are meant to be used if traditional packaging from source is infeasible, or it would take too long. To quickly run an AppImage file, `pkgs.appimage-run` can be used as well. ::: {.warning} The `appimageTools` API is unstable and may be subject to backwards-incompatible changes in the future. ::: ## AppImage formats {#ssec-pkgs-appimageTools-formats} There are different formats for AppImages, see [the specification](https://github.com/AppImage/AppImageSpec/blob/74ad9ca2f94bf864a4a0dac1f369dd4f00bd1c28/draft.md#image-format) for details. - Type 1 images are ISO 9660 files that are also ELF executables. - Type 2 images are ELF executables with an appended filesystem. They can be told apart with `file -k`: ```ShellSession $ file -k type1.AppImage type1.AppImage: ELF 64-bit LSB executable, x86-64, version 1 (SYSV) ISO 9660 CD-ROM filesystem data 'AppImage' (Lepton 3.x), scale 0-0, spot sensor temperature 0.000000, unit celsius, color scheme 0, calibration: offset 0.000000, slope 0.000000, dynamically linked, interpreter /lib64/ld-linux-x86-64.so.2, for GNU/Linux 2.6.18, BuildID[sha1]=d629f6099d2344ad82818172add1d38c5e11bc6d, stripped\012- data $ file -k type2.AppImage type2.AppImage: ELF 64-bit LSB executable, x86-64, version 1 (SYSV) (Lepton 3.x), scale 232-60668, spot sensor temperature -4.187500, color scheme 15, show scale bar, calibration: offset -0.000000, slope 0.000000 (Lepton 2.x), scale 4111-45000, spot sensor temperature 412442.250000, color scheme 3, minimum point enabled, calibration: offset -75402534979642766821519867692934234112.000000, slope 5815371847733706829839455140374904832.000000, dynamically linked, interpreter /lib64/ld-linux-x86-64.so.2, for GNU/Linux 2.6.18, BuildID[sha1]=79dcc4e55a61c293c5e19edbd8d65b202842579f, stripped\012- data ``` Note how the type 1 AppImage is described as an `ISO 9660 CD-ROM filesystem`, and the type 2 AppImage is not. ## Wrapping {#ssec-pkgs-appimageTools-wrapping} Depending on the type of AppImage you're wrapping, you'll have to use `wrapType1` or `wrapType2`. ```nix appimageTools.wrapType2 { # or wrapType1 name = "patchwork"; src = fetchurl { url = "https://github.com/ssbc/patchwork/releases/download/v3.11.4/Patchwork-3.11.4-linux-x86_64.AppImage"; hash = "sha256-OqTitCeZ6xmWbqYTXp8sDrmVgTNjPZNW0hzUPW++mq4="; }; extraPkgs = pkgs: with pkgs; [ ]; } ``` - `name` specifies the name of the resulting image. - `src` specifies the AppImage file to extract. - `extraPkgs` allows you to pass a function to include additional packages inside the FHS environment your AppImage is going to run in. There are a few ways to learn which dependencies an application needs: - Looking through the extracted AppImage files, reading its scripts and running `patchelf` and `ldd` on its executables. This can also be done in `appimage-run`, by setting `APPIMAGE_DEBUG_EXEC=bash`. - Running `strace -vfefile` on the wrapped executable, looking for libraries that can't be found.