{ system ? builtins.currentSystem, config ? {}, pkgs ? import ../.. { inherit system config; } }: with import ../lib/testing.nix { inherit system pkgs; }; with pkgs.lib; with import common/ec2.nix { inherit makeTest pkgs; }; let image = (import ../lib/eval-config.nix { inherit system; modules = [ ../maintainers/scripts/openstack/openstack-image.nix ../modules/testing/test-instrumentation.nix ../modules/profiles/qemu-guest.nix ]; }).config.system.build.openstackImage + "/nixos.qcow2"; sshKeys = import ./ssh-keys.nix pkgs; snakeOilPrivateKey = sshKeys.snakeOilPrivateKey.text; snakeOilPublicKey = sshKeys.snakeOilPublicKey; in { metadata = makeEc2Test { name = "openstack-ec2-metadata"; inherit image; sshPublicKey = snakeOilPublicKey; userData = '' SSH_HOST_ED25519_KEY_PUB:${snakeOilPublicKey} SSH_HOST_ED25519_KEY:${replaceStrings ["\n"] ["|"] snakeOilPrivateKey} ''; script = '' $machine->start; $machine->waitForFile("/etc/ec2-metadata/user-data"); $machine->waitForUnit("sshd.service"); $machine->succeed("grep unknown /etc/ec2-metadata/ami-manifest-path"); # We have no keys configured on the client side yet, so this should fail $machine->fail("ssh -o BatchMode=yes localhost exit"); # Let's install our client private key $machine->succeed("mkdir -p ~/.ssh"); $machine->succeed("echo '${snakeOilPrivateKey}' > ~/.ssh/id_ed25519"); $machine->succeed("chmod 600 ~/.ssh/id_ed25519"); # We haven't configured the host key yet, so this should still fail $machine->fail("ssh -o BatchMode=yes localhost exit"); # Add the host key; ssh should finally succeed $machine->succeed("echo localhost, ${snakeOilPublicKey} > ~/.ssh/known_hosts"); $machine->succeed("ssh -o BatchMode=yes localhost exit"); # Just to make sure resizing is idempotent. $machine->shutdown; $machine->start; $machine->waitForFile("/etc/ec2-metadata/user-data"); ''; }; userdata = makeEc2Test { name = "openstack-ec2-metadata"; inherit image; sshPublicKey = snakeOilPublicKey; userData = '' { pkgs, ... }: { imports = [ ]; environment.etc.testFile = { text = "whoa"; }; } ''; script = '' $machine->start; $machine->waitForFile("/etc/testFile"); $machine->succeed("cat /etc/testFile | grep -q 'whoa'"); ''; }; }