# Miscellaneous small tests that don't warrant their own VM run. import ./make-test-python.nix ({ pkgs, ...} : rec { name = "misc"; meta = with pkgs.stdenv.lib.maintainers; { maintainers = [ eelco ]; }; foo = pkgs.writeText "foo" "Hello World"; machine = { lib, ... }: with lib; { swapDevices = mkOverride 0 [ { device = "/root/swapfile"; size = 128; } ]; environment.variables.EDITOR = mkOverride 0 "emacs"; documentation.nixos.enable = mkOverride 0 true; systemd.tmpfiles.rules = [ "d /tmp 1777 root root 10d" ]; fileSystems = mkVMOverride { "/tmp2" = { fsType = "tmpfs"; options = [ "mode=1777" "noauto" ]; }; }; systemd.automounts = singleton { wantedBy = [ "multi-user.target" ]; where = "/tmp2"; }; users.users.sybil = { isNormalUser = true; group = "wheel"; }; security.sudo = { enable = true; wheelNeedsPassword = false; }; boot.kernel.sysctl."vm.swappiness" = 1; boot.kernelParams = [ "vsyscall=emulate" ]; system.extraDependencies = [ foo ]; }; testScript = '' import json def get_path_info(path): result = machine.succeed(f"nix path-info --json {path}") parsed = json.loads(result) return parsed with subtest("nix-db"): info = get_path_info("${foo}") if ( info[0]["narHash"] != "sha256:0afw0d9j1hvwiz066z93jiddc33nxg6i6qyp26vnqyglpyfivlq5" ): raise Exception("narHash not set") if info[0]["narSize"] != 128: raise Exception("narSize not set") with subtest("nixos-version"): machine.succeed("[ `nixos-version | wc -w` = 2 ]") with subtest("nixos-rebuild"): assert "NixOS module" in machine.succeed("nixos-rebuild --help") with subtest("Sanity check for uid/gid assignment"): assert "4" == machine.succeed("id -u messagebus").strip() assert "4" == machine.succeed("id -g messagebus").strip() assert "users:x:100:" == machine.succeed("getent group users").strip() with subtest("Regression test for GMP aborts on QEMU."): machine.succeed("expr 1 + 2") with subtest("the swap file got created"): machine.wait_for_unit("root-swapfile.swap") machine.succeed("ls -l /root/swapfile | grep 134217728") with subtest("whether kernel.poweroff_cmd is set"): machine.succeed('[ -x "$(cat /proc/sys/kernel/poweroff_cmd)" ]') with subtest("whether the blkio controller is properly enabled"): machine.succeed('[ -n "$(cat /sys/fs/cgroup/blkio/blkio.sectors)" ]') with subtest("whether we have a reboot record in wtmp"): machine.shutdown machine.wait_for_unit("multi-user.target") machine.succeed("last | grep reboot >&2") with subtest("whether we can override environment variables"): machine.succeed('[ "$EDITOR" = emacs ]') with subtest("whether hostname (and by extension nss_myhostname) works"): assert "machine" == machine.succeed("hostname").strip() assert "machine" == machine.succeed("hostname -s").strip() with subtest("whether systemd-udevd automatically loads modules for our hardware"): machine.succeed("systemctl start systemd-udev-settle.service") machine.wait_for_unit("systemd-udev-settle.service") assert "mousedev" in machine.succeed("lsmod") with subtest("whether systemd-tmpfiles-clean works"): machine.succeed( "touch /tmp/foo", "systemctl start systemd-tmpfiles-clean", "[ -e /tmp/foo ]" ) # move into the future machine.succeed( 'date -s "@$(($(date +%s) + 1000000))"', "systemctl start systemd-tmpfiles-clean", ) machine.fail("[ -e /tmp/foo ]") with subtest("whether automounting works"): machine.fail("grep '/tmp2 tmpfs' /proc/mounts") machine.succeed("touch /tmp2/x") machine.succeed("grep '/tmp2 tmpfs' /proc/mounts") with subtest("shell-vars"): machine.succeed('[ -n "$NIX_PATH" ]') with subtest("nix-db"): machine.succeed("nix-store -qR /run/current-system | grep nixos-") with subtest("Test sysctl"): machine.wait_for_unit("systemd-sysctl.service") assert "1" == machine.succeed("sysctl -ne vm.swappiness").strip() machine.execute("sysctl vm.swappiness=60") assert "60" == machine.succeed("sysctl -ne vm.swappiness").strip() with subtest("Test boot parameters"): assert "vsyscall=emulate" in machine.succeed("cat /proc/cmdline") ''; })