# Test for NixOS' container support. let client_base = rec { networking.firewall.enable = false; containers.webserver = { autoStart = true; privateNetwork = true; hostBridge = "br0"; config = { networking.firewall.enable = false; networking.firewall.allowPing = true; networking.interfaces.eth0.ip4 = [ { address = ""; prefixLength = 24; } ]; }; }; }; in import ./make-test.nix ({ pkgs, lib, ...} : { name = "containers-restart_networking"; meta = with pkgs.stdenv.lib.maintainers; { maintainers = [ kampfschlaefer ]; }; nodes = { client = { lib, pkgs, ... }: client_base // { virtualisation.vlans = [ 1 ]; networking.bridges.br0 = { interfaces = []; rstp = false; }; networking.interfaces = { eth1.ip4 = lib.mkOverride 0 [ ]; br0.ip4 = [{ address = ""; prefixLength = 24; }]; }; }; client_eth1 = { lib, pkgs, ... }: client_base // { networking.bridges.br0 = { interfaces = [ "eth1" ]; rstp = false; }; networking.interfaces = { eth1.ip4 = lib.mkOverride 0 [ ]; br0.ip4 = [{ address = ""; prefixLength = 24; }]; }; }; client_eth1_rstp = { lib, pkgs, ... }: client_base // { networking.bridges.br0 = { interfaces = [ "eth1" ]; rstp = true; }; networking.interfaces = { eth1.ip4 = lib.mkOverride 0 [ ]; br0.ip4 = [{ address = ""; prefixLength = 24; }]; }; }; }; testScript = {nodes, ...}: let originalSystem = nodes.client.config.system.build.toplevel; eth1_bridged = nodes.client_eth1.config.system.build.toplevel; eth1_rstp = nodes.client_eth1_rstp.config.system.build.toplevel; in '' $client->start(); $client->waitForUnit("default.target"); subtest "initial state", sub { $client->succeed("ping -c 1 -n >&2"); $client->succeed("nixos-container run webserver -- ping -c 1 -n >&2"); $client->fail("ip l show eth1 |grep \"master br0\" >&2"); $client->fail("grep eth1 /run/br0.interfaces >&2"); }; subtest "interfaces without stp", sub { $client->succeed("${eth1_bridged}/bin/switch-to-configuration test >&2"); $client->succeed("ping -c 1 -n >&2"); $client->succeed("nixos-container run webserver -- ping -c 1 -n >&2"); $client->succeed("ip l show eth1 |grep \"master br0\" >&2"); $client->succeed("grep eth1 /run/br0.interfaces >&2"); }; # activating rstp needs another service, therefor the bridge will restart and the container will loose its connectivity #subtest "interfaces with rstp", sub { # $client->succeed("${eth1_rstp}/bin/switch-to-configuration test >&2"); # $client->execute("ip -4 a >&2"); # $client->execute("ip l >&2"); # # $client->succeed("ping -c 1 -n >&2"); # $client->succeed("nixos-container run webserver -- ping -c 1 -n >&2"); # # $client->succeed("ip l show eth1 |grep \"master br0\" >&2"); # $client->succeed("grep eth1 /run/br0.interfaces >&2"); #}; subtest "back to no interfaces and no stp", sub { $client->succeed("${originalSystem}/bin/switch-to-configuration test >&2"); $client->succeed("ping -c 1 -n >&2"); $client->succeed("nixos-container run webserver -- ping -c 1 -n >&2"); $client->fail("ip l show eth1 |grep \"master br0\" >&2"); $client->fail("grep eth1 /run/br0.interfaces >&2"); }; ''; })