#! /usr/bin/env nix-shell #! nix-shell -I nixpkgs=. -i bash -p pandoc # This script is temporarily needed while we transition the manual to # CommonMark. It converts DocBook files into our CommonMark flavour. debug= files=() while [ "$#" -gt 0 ]; do i="$1"; shift 1 case "$i" in --debug) debug=1 ;; *) files+=("$i") ;; esac done echo "WARNING: This is an experimental script and might not preserve all formatting." > /dev/stderr echo "Please report any issues you discover." > /dev/stderr outExtension="md" if [[ $debug ]]; then outExtension="json" fi DIR="$( cd "$( dirname "${BASH_SOURCE[0]}" )" >/dev/null 2>&1 && pwd )" # NOTE: Keep in sync with Nixpkgs manual (/doc/Makefile). # TODO: Remove raw-attribute when we can get rid of DocBook altogether. pandoc_commonmark_enabled_extensions=+attributes+fenced_divs+footnotes+bracketed_spans+definition_lists+pipe_tables+raw_attribute targetLang="commonmark${pandoc_commonmark_enabled_extensions}+smart" if [[ $debug ]]; then targetLang=json fi pandoc_flags=( # Not needed: # - diagram-generator.lua (we do not support that in NixOS manual to limit dependencies) # - media extraction (was only required for diagram generator) # - myst-reader/roles.lua (only relevant for MyST → DocBook) # - link-manpages.lua (links should only be added to display output) # - docbook-writer/rst-roles.lua (only relevant for → DocBook) # - docbook-writer/labelless-link-is-xref.lua (only relevant for → DocBook) "--lua-filter=$DIR/../../doc/build-aux/pandoc-filters/docbook-reader/citerefentry-to-rst-role.lua" "--lua-filter=$DIR/../../doc/build-aux/pandoc-filters/myst-writer/roles.lua" "--lua-filter=$DIR/doc/unknown-code-language.lua" -f docbook -t "$targetLang" --tab-stop=2 --wrap=none ) for file in "${files[@]}"; do if [[ ! -f "$file" ]]; then echo "db-to-md.sh: $file does not exist" > /dev/stderr exit 1 else rootElement=$(xmllint --xpath 'name(//*)' "$file") if [[ $rootElement = chapter ]]; then extension=".chapter.$outExtension" elif [[ $rootElement = section ]]; then extension=".section.$outExtension" else echo "db-to-md.sh: $file contains an unsupported root element $rootElement" > /dev/stderr exit 1 fi outFile="${file%".section.xml"}" outFile="${outFile%".chapter.xml"}" outFile="${outFile%".xml"}$extension" temp1=$(mktemp) $DIR/doc/escape-code-markup.py "$file" "$temp1" if [[ $debug ]]; then echo "Converted $file to $temp1" > /dev/stderr fi temp2=$(mktemp) $DIR/doc/replace-xrefs-by-empty-links.py "$temp1" "$temp2" if [[ $debug ]]; then echo "Converted $temp1 to $temp2" > /dev/stderr fi pandoc "$temp2" -o "$outFile" "${pandoc_flags[@]}" echo "Converted $file to $outFile" > /dev/stderr fi done