# Nixpkgs lib This directory contains the implementation, documentation and tests for the Nixpkgs `lib` library. ## Overview The evaluation entry point for `lib` is [`default.nix`](default.nix). This file evaluates to an attribute set containing two separate kinds of attributes: - Sub-libraries: Attribute sets grouping together similar functionality. Each sub-library is defined in a separate file usually matching its attribute name. Example: `lib.lists` is a sub-library containing list-related functionality such as `lib.lists.take` and `lib.lists.imap0`. These are defined in the file [`lists.nix`](lists.nix). - Aliases: Attributes that point to an attribute of the same name in some sub-library. Example: `lib.take` is an alias for `lib.lists.take`. Most files in this directory are definitions of sub-libraries, but there are a few others: - [`minver.nix`](minver.nix): A string of the minimum version of Nix that is required to evaluate Nixpkgs. - [`tests`](tests): Tests, see [Running tests](#running-tests) - [`release.nix`](tests/release.nix): A derivation aggregating all tests - [`misc.nix`](tests/misc.nix): Evaluation unit tests for most sub-libraries - `*.sh`: Bash scripts that run tests for specific sub-libraries - All other files in this directory exist to support the tests - [`systems`](systems): The `lib.systems` sub-library, structured into a directory instead of a file due to its complexity - [`path`](path): The `lib.path` sub-library, which includes tests as well as a document describing the design goals of `lib.path` - All other files in this directory are sub-libraries ### Module system The [module system](https://nixos.org/manual/nixpkgs/#module-system) spans multiple sub-libraries: - [`modules.nix`](modules.nix): `lib.modules` for the core functions and anything not relating to option definitions - [`options.nix`](options.nix): `lib.options` for anything relating to option definitions - [`types.nix`](types.nix): `lib.types` for module system types ## Reference documentation Reference documentation for library functions is written above each function as a multi-line comment. These comments are processed using [nixdoc](https://github.com/nix-community/nixdoc) and [rendered in the Nixpkgs manual](https://nixos.org/manual/nixpkgs/stable/#chap-functions). The nixdoc README describes the [comment format](https://github.com/nix-community/nixdoc#comment-format). See [doc/README.md](../doc/README.md) for how to build the manual. ## Running tests All library tests can be run by building the derivation in [`tests/release.nix`](tests/release.nix): ```bash nix-build tests/release.nix ``` Some commands for quicker iteration over parts of the test suite are also available: ```bash # Run all evaluation unit tests in tests/misc.nix # if the resulting list is empty, all tests passed nix-instantiate --eval --strict tests/misc.nix # Run the module system tests tests/modules.sh # Run the lib.sources tests tests/sources.sh # Run the lib.filesystem tests tests/filesystem.sh # Run the lib.path property tests path/tests/prop.sh # Run the lib.fileset tests fileset/tests.sh ``` ## Commit conventions - Make sure you read about the [commit conventions](../CONTRIBUTING.md#commit-conventions) common to Nixpkgs as a whole. - Format the commit messages in the following way: ``` lib.(section): (init | add additional argument | refactor | etc) (Motivation for change. Additional information.) ``` Examples: * lib.getExe': check arguments * lib.fileset: Add an additional argument in the design docs Closes #264537