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path: root/pkgs/misc/vim-plugins/vimrc.nix
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Diffstat (limited to 'pkgs/misc/vim-plugins/vimrc.nix')
1 files changed, 203 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/pkgs/misc/vim-plugins/vimrc.nix b/pkgs/misc/vim-plugins/vimrc.nix
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..4e97d7f1d549
--- /dev/null
+++ b/pkgs/misc/vim-plugins/vimrc.nix
@@ -0,0 +1,203 @@
+{stdenv, vimPlugins, vim_configurable, buildEnv, writeText, writeScriptBin}:
+  /* usage example::
+     let vimrcConfig = {
+       # If you like pathogen use such
+       pathogen.knownPlugins = vimPlugins; # optional
+       pathogen.pluginNames = ["vim-addon-nix"];
+       # If you like VAM use such:
+       vam.knownPlugins = vimPlugins; # optional
+       vam.pluginDictionaries = [
+         # load always
+         { name = "youcompleteme"; }
+         { names = ["youcompleteme" "foo"]; }
+         # only load when opening a .php file
+         { name = "phpCompletion"; ft_regex = "^php\$"; }
+         { name = "phpCompletion"; filename_regex = "^.php\$"; }
+         # provide plugin which can be loaded manually:
+         { name = "phpCompletion"; tag = "lazy"; }
+       ];
+       # if you like NeoBundle or Vundle provide an implementation
+       # add custom .vimrc lines like this:
+       customRC = ''
+         set hidden
+       '';
+     };
+     in vim_configurable.customize { name = "vim-with-plugins"; inherit vimrcConfig; };
+  */
+  inherit (stdenv) lib;
+  findDependenciesRecursively = {knownPlugins, names}:
+    let depsOf = name: (builtins.getAttr name knownPlugins).dependencies or [];
+        recurseNames = path: names: lib.concatMap (name: recurse ([name]++path)) names;
+        recurse = path:
+          let name = builtins.head path;
+          in if builtins.elem name (builtins.tail path)
+            then throw "recursive vim dependencies"
+            else [name] ++ recurseNames path (depsOf name);
+    in lib.uniqList { inputList = recurseNames [] names; };
+  vimrcFile = {
+    vam ? null,
+    pathogen ? null,
+    customRC ? ""
+  }:
+    let
+      /* pathogen mostly can set &rtp at startup time. Its used very commonly.
+      */
+      pathogenImpl = lib.optionalString (pathogen != null)
+      (let
+        knownPlugins = pathogen.knownPlugins or vimPlugins;
+        plugins = map (name: knownPlugins.${name}) (findDependenciesRecursively { inherit knownPlugins; names = pathogen.pluginNames; });
+        pluginsEnv = buildEnv {
+          name = "pathogen-plugin-env";
+          paths = map (x: "${x}/${vimPlugins.rtpPath}") plugins;
+        };
+      in
+      ''
+        let &rtp.=(empty(&rtp)?"":',')."${vimPlugins.pathogen.rtp}"
+        execute pathogen#infect('${pluginsEnv}/{}')
+      '');
+      /*
+       vim-addon-manager = VAM
+       * maps names to plugin location
+       * manipulates &rtp at startup time
+         or when Vim has been running for a while
+       * can activate plugins laziy (eg when loading a specific filetype)
+       * knows about vim plugin dependencies (addon-info.json files)
+       * still is minimalistic (only loads one file), the "check out" code it also
+         has only gets loaded when a plugin is requested which is not found on disk
+         yet
+      */
+      vamImpl = lib.optionalString (vam != null)
+      (let
+        knownPlugins = vam.knownPlugins or vimPlugins;
+        toNames = x:
+            if builtins.isString x then [x]
+            else (lib.optional (x ? name)
+                  ++ (x.names or []);
+        names = findDependenciesRecursively { inherit knownPlugins; names = lib.concatMap toNames vam.pluginDictionaries; };
+        # Vim almost reads JSON, so eventually JSON support should be added to Nix
+        # TODO: proper quoting
+        toNix = x:
+          if (builtins.isString x) then "'${x}'"
+          else if builtins.isAttrs x && builtins ? out then toNix "${x}" # a derivation
+          else if builtins.isAttrs x then "{${lib.concatStringsSep ", " (lib.mapAttrsToList (n: v: "${toNix n}: ${toNix v}") x)}}"
+          else if builtins.isList x then "[${lib.concatMapStringsSep ", " toNix x}]"
+          else throw "turning ${lib.showVal x} into a VimL thing not implemented yet";
+      in assert builtins.hasAttr "vim-addon-manager" knownPlugins;
+      ''
+        let g:nix_plugin_locations = {}
+        ${lib.concatMapStrings (name: ''
+          let g:nix_plugin_locations['${name}'] = "${knownPlugins.${name}.rtp}"
+        '') names}
+        let g:nix_plugin_locations['vim-addon-manager'] = "${vimPlugins."vim-addon-manager".rtp}"
+        let g:vim_addon_manager = {}
+        if exists('g:nix_plugin_locations')
+          " nix managed config
+          " override default function making VAM aware of plugin locations:
+          fun! NixPluginLocation(name)
+            let path = get(g:nix_plugin_locations, a:name, "")
+            return path == "" ? vam#DefaultPluginDirFromName(a:name) : path
+          endfun
+          let g:vim_addon_manager.plugin_dir_by_name = 'NixPluginLocation'
+          " tell Vim about VAM:
+          let &rtp.=(empty(&rtp)?"":','). g:nix_plugin_locations['vim-addon-manager']
+        else
+          " standalone config
+          let &rtp.=(empty(&rtp)?"":',').c.plugin_root_dir.'/vim-addon-manager'
+          if !isdirectory(c.plugin_root_dir.'/vim-addon-manager/autoload')
+            " checkout VAM
+            execute '!git clone --depth=1 git:// '
+                \       shellescape(c.plugin_root_dir.'/vim-addon-manager', 1)
+          endif
+        endif
+        " tell vam about which plugins to load when:
+        let l = []
+        ${lib.concatMapStrings (p: "call add(l, ${toNix p})\n") vam.pluginDictionaries}
+        call vam#Scripts(l, {})
+      '');
+      # somebody else could provide these implementations
+      vundleImpl = "";
+      neobundleImpl = "";
+  in writeText "vimrc" ''
+  " minimal setup, generated by NIX
+  set nocompatible
+  filetype indent plugin on | syn on
+  ${vamImpl}
+  ${pathogenImpl}
+  ${vundleImpl}
+  ${neobundleImpl}
+  ${customRC}
+  '';
+rec {
+  inherit vimrcFile;
+  # shell script with custom name passing [-u vimrc] [-U gvimrc] to vim
+  vimWithRC = {vimExecutable, name ? null, vimrcFile ? null, gvimrcFile ? null}:
+    let rcOption = o: file: stdenv.lib.optionalString (file != null) "-${o} ${file}";
+    in writeScriptBin (if name == null then "vim" else name) ''
+      #!/bin/sh
+      exec ${vimExecutable} ${rcOption "u" vimrcFile} ${rcOption "U" gvimrcFile} "$@"
+      '';
+  # add a customize option to a vim derivation
+  makeCustomizable = vim: vim // {
+    customize = {name, vimrcConfig}: vimWithRC {
+      vimExecutable = "${vim}/bin/vim";
+      inherit name;
+      vimrcFile = vimrcFile vimrcConfig;
+    };
+  };
+  # test cases:
+  test_vim_with_vim_addon_nix_using_vam = vim_configurable.customize {
+    name = "vim-with-vim-addon-nix-using-vam";
+    vimrcConfig.vam.pluginDictionaries = [{name = "vim-addon-nix"; }];
+  };
+  test_vim_with_vim_addon_nix_using_pathogen = vim_configurable.customize {
+    name = "vim-with-vim-addon-nix-using-pathogen";
+    vimrcConfig.pathogen.pluginNames = [ "vim-addon-nix" ];
+  };