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path: root/pkgs/development/libraries/science/math/magma/generic.nix
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Diffstat (limited to 'pkgs/development/libraries/science/math/magma/generic.nix')
1 files changed, 87 insertions, 30 deletions
diff --git a/pkgs/development/libraries/science/math/magma/generic.nix b/pkgs/development/libraries/science/math/magma/generic.nix
index 7ef60e0418ed..757a1b77dafc 100644
--- a/pkgs/development/libraries/science/math/magma/generic.nix
+++ b/pkgs/development/libraries/science/math/magma/generic.nix
@@ -5,35 +5,48 @@
 #  supportedGpuTargets: List String
 # }
-{ blas
+{ autoPatchelfHook
+, blas
 , cmake
+, cudaPackages_11 ? null
 , cudaPackages
 , cudaSupport ? config.cudaSupport
 , fetchurl
 , gfortran
-, cudaCapabilities ? cudaPackages.cudaFlags.cudaCapabilities
 , gpuTargets ? [ ] # Non-CUDA targets, that is HIP
-, rocmPackages
+, rocmPackages_5
 , lapack
 , lib
 , libpthreadstubs
 , magmaRelease
 , ninja
+, python3
 , config
   # At least one back-end has to be enabled,
   # and we can't default to CUDA since it's unfree
 , rocmSupport ? !cudaSupport
 , static ? stdenv.hostPlatform.isStatic
 , stdenv
-, symlinkJoin
   inherit (lib) lists strings trivial;
-  inherit (cudaPackages) backendStdenv cudaFlags cudaVersion;
   inherit (magmaRelease) version hash supportedGpuTargets;
+  # Per https://icl.utk.edu/magma/downloads, support for CUDA 12 wasn't added until 2.7.1.
+  # If we're building a version prior to that, use the latest release of the 11.x series.
+  effectiveCudaPackages =
+    if strings.versionOlder version "2.7.1"
+    then cudaPackages_11
+    else cudaPackages;
+  inherit (effectiveCudaPackages) cudaAtLeast cudaFlags cudaOlder;
+  inherit (cudaFlags) cudaCapabilities;
+  # move to newer ROCm version once supported
+  rocmPackages = rocmPackages_5;
   # NOTE: The lists.subtractLists function is perhaps a bit unintuitive. It subtracts the elements
   #   of the first list *from* the second list. That means:
   #   lists.subtractLists a b = b - a
@@ -95,19 +108,34 @@ stdenv.mkDerivation {
     inherit hash;
+  # Magma doesn't have anything which could be run under doCheck, but it does build test suite executables.
+  # These are moved to $test/bin/ and $test/lib/ in postInstall.
+  outputs = ["out" "test"];
+  # Fixup for the python test runners
+  postPatch = ''
+    patchShebangs ./testing/run_{tests,summarize}.py
+    substituteInPlace ./testing/run_tests.py \
+      --replace-fail \
+        "print >>sys.stderr, cmdp, \"doesn't exist (original name: \" + cmd + \", precision: \" + precision + \")\"" \
+        "print(f\"{cmdp} doesn't exist (original name: {cmd}, precision: {precision})\", file=sys.stderr)"
+  '';
   nativeBuildInputs = [
+    autoPatchelfHook
   ] ++ lists.optionals cudaSupport [
-    cudaPackages.cuda_nvcc
+    effectiveCudaPackages.cuda_nvcc
   buildInputs = [
-  ] ++ lists.optionals cudaSupport (with cudaPackages; [
+    python3
+  ] ++ lists.optionals cudaSupport (with effectiveCudaPackages; [
     cuda_cudart.dev # cuda_runtime.h
     cuda_cudart.lib # cudart
     cuda_cudart.static # cudart_static
@@ -115,11 +143,11 @@ stdenv.mkDerivation {
     libcublas.lib # cublas
     libcusparse.dev # cusparse.h
     libcusparse.lib # cusparse
-  ] ++ lists.optionals (strings.versionOlder cudaVersion "11.8") [
+  ] ++ lists.optionals (cudaOlder "11.8") [
     cuda_nvprof.dev # <cuda_profiler_api.h>
-  ] ++ lists.optionals (strings.versionAtLeast cudaVersion "11.8") [
+  ] ++ lists.optionals (cudaAtLeast "11.8") [
     cuda_profiler_api.dev # <cuda_profiler_api.h>
-  ] ++ lists.optionals (strings.versionAtLeast cudaVersion "12.0") [
+  ] ++ lists.optionals (cudaAtLeast "12.0") [
     cuda_cccl.dev # <nv/target>
   ]) ++ lists.optionals rocmSupport [
@@ -129,32 +157,60 @@ stdenv.mkDerivation {
   cmakeFlags = [
-    "-DGPU_TARGET=${gpuTargetString}"
-    (lib.cmakeBool "MAGMA_ENABLE_CUDA" cudaSupport)
-    (lib.cmakeBool "MAGMA_ENABLE_HIP" rocmSupport)
-  ] ++ lists.optionals static [
+    (strings.cmakeFeature "GPU_TARGET" gpuTargetString)
+    (strings.cmakeBool "MAGMA_ENABLE_CUDA" cudaSupport)
+    (strings.cmakeBool "MAGMA_ENABLE_HIP" rocmSupport)
+    (strings.cmakeBool "BUILD_SHARED_LIBS" (!static))
+    # Set the Fortran name mangling scheme explicitly. We must set FORTRAN_CONVENTION manually because it will
+    # otherwise not be set in NVCC_FLAGS or DEVCCFLAGS (which we cannot modify).
+    # See https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/issues/281656#issuecomment-1902931289
+    (strings.cmakeBool "USE_FORTRAN" true)
+    (strings.cmakeFeature "CMAKE_C_FLAGS" "-DADD_")
+    (strings.cmakeFeature "CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS" "-DADD_")
+    (strings.cmakeFeature "FORTRAN_CONVENTION" "-DADD_")
   ] ++ lists.optionals cudaSupport [
-    "-DCMAKE_CUDA_ARCHITECTURES=${cudaArchitecturesString}"
-    "-DMIN_ARCH=${minArch}" # Disarms magma's asserts
-    "-DCMAKE_C_COMPILER=${backendStdenv.cc}/bin/cc"
-    "-DCMAKE_CXX_COMPILER=${backendStdenv.cc}/bin/c++"
+    (strings.cmakeFeature "CMAKE_CUDA_ARCHITECTURES" cudaArchitecturesString)
+    (strings.cmakeFeature "MIN_ARCH" minArch) # Disarms magma's asserts
   ] ++ lists.optionals rocmSupport [
-    "-DCMAKE_C_COMPILER=${rocmPackages.clr}/bin/hipcc"
-    "-DCMAKE_CXX_COMPILER=${rocmPackages.clr}/bin/hipcc"
-  ] ++ lists.optionals (cudaPackages.cudaAtLeast "12.0.0") [
-    (lib.cmakeBool "USE_FORTRAN" false)
-  ];
-  buildFlags = [
-    "magma"
-    "magma_sparse"
+    (strings.cmakeFeature "CMAKE_C_COMPILER" "${rocmPackages.clr}/bin/hipcc")
+    (strings.cmakeFeature "CMAKE_CXX_COMPILER" "${rocmPackages.clr}/bin/hipcc")
+  # Magma doesn't have a test suite we can easily run, just loose executables, all of which require a GPU.
   doCheck = false;
+  # Copy the files to the test output and fix the RPATHs.
+  postInstall =
+    # NOTE: The python scripts aren't copied by CMake into the build directory, so we must copy them from the source.
+    # TODO(@connorbaker): This should be handled by having CMakeLists.txt install them, but such a patch is
+    # out of the scope of the PR which introduces the `test` output: https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/pull/283777.
+    # See https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/pull/283777#discussion_r1482125034 for more information.
+    # Such work is tracked by https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/issues/296286.
+    ''
+      install -Dm755 ../testing/run_{tests,summarize}.py -t "$test/bin/"
+    ''
+    # Copy core test executables and libraries over to the test output.
+    # NOTE: Magma doesn't provide tests for sparse solvers for ROCm, but it does for CUDA -- we put them both in the same
+    # install command to avoid the case where a glob would fail to find any files and cause the install command to fail
+    # because it has no files to install.
+    + ''
+      install -Dm755 ./testing/testing_* ./sparse/testing/testing_* -t "$test/bin/"
+      install -Dm755 ./lib/lib*test*.* -t "$test/lib/"
+    ''
+    # All of the test executables and libraries will have a reference to the build directory in their RPATH, which we
+    # must remove. We do this by shrinking the RPATH to only include the Nix store. The autoPatchelfHook will take care
+    # of supplying the correct RPATH for needed libraries (like `libtester.so`).
+    + ''
+      find "$test" -type f -exec \
+        patchelf \
+          --shrink-rpath \
+          --allowed-rpath-prefixes "$NIX_STORE" \
+          {} \;
+    '';
   passthru = {
-    inherit cudaPackages cudaSupport rocmSupport gpuTargets;
+    inherit cudaSupport rocmSupport gpuTargets;
+    cudaPackages = effectiveCudaPackages;
   meta = with lib; {
@@ -168,6 +224,7 @@ stdenv.mkDerivation {
     broken =
       !(cudaSupport || rocmSupport) # At least one back-end enabled
       || (cudaSupport && rocmSupport) # Mutually exclusive
-      || (cudaSupport && strings.versionOlder cudaVersion "9");
+      || (cudaSupport && cudaOlder "9.0")
+      || (cudaSupport && strings.versionOlder version "2.7.1" && cudaPackages_11 == null);