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path: root/pkgs/development/compilers/ponyc/make-safe-for-sandbox.patch
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'pkgs/development/compilers/ponyc/make-safe-for-sandbox.patch')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 116 deletions
diff --git a/pkgs/development/compilers/ponyc/make-safe-for-sandbox.patch b/pkgs/development/compilers/ponyc/make-safe-for-sandbox.patch
deleted file mode 100644
index 098b61c18867..000000000000
--- a/pkgs/development/compilers/ponyc/make-safe-for-sandbox.patch
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,116 +0,0 @@
-From e26ae067644ea780f050fb900bd850027bb86456 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
-From: superherointj <5861043+superherointj@users.noreply.github.com>
-Date: Tue, 7 Mar 2023 14:59:31 -0300
-Subject: [PATCH] make-safe-for-sandbox.patch
- lib/CMakeLists.txt | 80 ++--------------------------------------------
- 1 file changed, 2 insertions(+), 78 deletions(-)
-diff --git a/lib/CMakeLists.txt b/lib/CMakeLists.txt
-index 129e26e6..d25bdf9d 100644
---- a/lib/CMakeLists.txt
-+++ b/lib/CMakeLists.txt
-@@ -32,14 +32,14 @@ endif()
- set(PONYC_GBENCHMARK_URL https://github.com/google/benchmark/archive/v1.7.1.tar.gz)
- ExternalProject_Add(gbenchmark
-+    SOURCE_DIR gbenchmark-prefix/src/benchmark
- )
- set(PONYC_GOOGLETEST_URL https://github.com/google/googletest/archive/release-1.12.1.tar.gz)
- ExternalProject_Add(googletest
-+    URL @googletest@
- )
-@@ -52,82 +52,6 @@ install(TARGETS blake2
-     COMPONENT library
- )
--set(LLVM_DESIRED_HASH "1f9140064dfbfb0bbda8e51306ea51080b2f7aac")
--set(PATCHES_DESIRED_HASH "3e16c097794cb669a8f6a0bd7600b440205ac5c29a6135750c2e83263eb16a95")
--    if(EXISTS "${PROJECT_SOURCE_DIR}/../.git")
--        # Update submodules as needed
--        option(GIT_SUBMODULE "Check submodules during build" ON)
--        if(GIT_SUBMODULE)
--            message(STATUS "Updating submodules...")
--            execute_process(COMMAND ${GIT_EXECUTABLE} submodule update --init --recursive --depth 1
--                            WORKING_DIRECTORY ${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}
--                            RESULT_VARIABLE git_submod_result)
--            #message("git_submod_result ${git_submod_result}")
--            if(NOT git_submod_result EQUAL "0")
--                message(FATAL_ERROR "git submodule update --init --recursive --depth 1 failed with ${git_submod_result}, please checkout submodules")
--            endif()
--            # we check to make sure the submodule hash matches
--            # the reason the submodule hash is in this file is to be able to use this file as a key for caching the libs in CI
--            execute_process(COMMAND ${GIT_EXECUTABLE} submodule status
--                            WORKING_DIRECTORY ${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}
--                            OUTPUT_VARIABLE git_submod_output)
--            #message("git_submod_output ${git_submod_output}")
--            string(FIND "${git_submod_output}" "${LLVM_DESIRED_HASH}" LLVM_SUBMOD_POS)
--            if(LLVM_SUBMOD_POS EQUAL "-1")
--                message(FATAL_ERROR "Expecting the lib/llvm/src submodule to be at hash '${LLVM_DESIRED_HASH}'; found '${git_submod_output}'; update the LLVM_DESIRED_HASH variable in lib/CMakeLists.txt if you've updated the submodule.")
--            endif()
--        endif()
--    endif()
--    # Apply patches
--    message("Applying patches...")
--    file(GLOB PONY_LLVM_PATCHES "${PROJECT_SOURCE_DIR}/llvm/patches/*.diff")
--    # check to see if the patch hashes match
--    message("Checking patches ${PONY_LLVM_PATCHES}")
--    set(PATCHES_ACTUAL_HASH "needed_if_no_patches")
--    foreach (PATCH ${PONY_LLVM_PATCHES})
--        file(STRINGS ${PATCH} patch_file NEWLINE_CONSUME)
--        string(REPLACE "\n" " " patch_file ${patch_file})
--        string(SHA256 patch_file_hash ${patch_file})
--        # message("${PATCH}: '${patch_file_hash}'")
--        string(CONCAT PATCHES_ACTUAL_HASH ${PATCHES_ACTUAL_HASH} ${patch_file_hash})
--        # message("concat is '${PATCHES_ACTUAL_HASH}'")
--    endforeach()
--    # message("Desired hash ${PATCHES_DESIRED_HASH}")
--    # message("Actual hash  ${PATCHES_ACTUAL_HASH}")
--        message(FATAL_ERROR "Patch hash actual '${PATCHES_ACTUAL_HASH}' does not match desired '${PATCHES_DESIRED_HASH}'")
--    endif()
--    foreach (PATCH ${PONY_LLVM_PATCHES})
--        message("  Checking ${PATCH}")
--        execute_process(COMMAND ${GIT_EXECUTABLE} apply --check -p 1 --ignore-whitespace --whitespace=nowarn ${PATCH}
--                        WORKING_DIRECTORY "${PROJECT_SOURCE_DIR}/llvm/src"
--                        ERROR_VARIABLE _err_out
--                        RESULT_VARIABLE git_apply_check_result)
--        if(git_apply_check_result EQUAL "0")
--            message("    Applying ${PATCH}")
--            execute_process(COMMAND ${GIT_EXECUTABLE} apply -p 1 --ignore-whitespace --whitespace=nowarn ${PATCH}
--                            WORKING_DIRECTORY "${PROJECT_SOURCE_DIR}/llvm/src"
--                            RESULT_VARIABLE git_apply_result)
--            if(NOT git_apply_result EQUAL "0")
--                message(FATAL_ERROR "Unable to apply ${PATCH}")
--            endif()
--        else()
--            message("    Already applied ${PATCH}")
--        endif()
--    endforeach()
--    message(FATAL_ERROR "Git not found!")
- message("Building targets: ${LLVM_TARGETS_TO_BUILD}")
- set(LLVM_ENABLE_BINDINGS OFF CACHE BOOL "ponyc specific override of LLVM cache entry")