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path: root/pkgs/development/compilers/graalvm/community-edition/update.sh
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Diffstat (limited to 'pkgs/development/compilers/graalvm/community-edition/update.sh')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 130 deletions
diff --git a/pkgs/development/compilers/graalvm/community-edition/update.sh b/pkgs/development/compilers/graalvm/community-edition/update.sh
deleted file mode 100755
index 65d36514bcd0..000000000000
--- a/pkgs/development/compilers/graalvm/community-edition/update.sh
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,130 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env nix-shell
-#!nix-shell -p coreutils curl.out nix jq gnused -i bash
-# Usage:
-# ./update.sh [PRODUCT]
-# Examples:
-#   $ ./update.sh graalvm-ce # will generate ./graalvm-ce/hashes.nix
-#   $ ./update.sh # same as above
-#   $ ./update.sh graalpy # will generate ./graalpy/hashes.nix
-# Environment variables:
-# FORCE=1        to force the update of a product (e.g.: skip up-to-date checks)
-# VERSION=xx.xx  will assume that xx.xx is the new version
-set -eou pipefail
-cd "$(dirname "${BASH_SOURCE[0]}")"
-tmpfile="$(mktemp --suffix=.nix)"
-readonly tmpfile
-trap 'rm -rf "$tmpfile"' EXIT
-info() { echo "[INFO] $*"; }
-echo_file() { echo "$@" >> "$tmpfile"; }
-verlte() {
-    [  "$1" = "$(echo -e "$1\n$2" | sort -V | head -n1)" ]
-readonly product="${1:-graalvm-ce}"
-readonly hashes_nix="$product/hashes.nix"
-readonly nixpkgs=../../../../..
-mkdir -p "$product"
-declare -r -A update_urls=(
-  [graalvm-ce]="https://api.github.com/repos/graalvm/graalvm-ce-builds/releases/latest"
-  [graaljs]="https://api.github.com/repos/oracle/graaljs/releases/latest"
-  [graalnodejs]="https://api.github.com/repos/oracle/graaljs/releases/latest"
-  [graalpy]="https://api.github.com/repos/oracle/graalpython/releases/latest"
-  [truffleruby]="https://api.github.com/repos/oracle/truffleruby/releases/latest"
-current_version="$(nix-instantiate "$nixpkgs" --eval --strict -A "graalvmCEPackages.${product}.version" --json | jq -r)"
-readonly current_version
-if [[ -z "${VERSION:-}" ]]; then
-  gh_version="$(curl \
-      ${GITHUB_TOKEN:+"-u \":$GITHUB_TOKEN\""} \
-      -s "${update_urls[$product]}" | \
-      jq --raw-output .tag_name)"
-  new_version="${gh_version//jdk-/}"
-  new_version="${new_version//graal-/}"
-  new_version="$VERSION"
-readonly new_version
-info "Current version: $current_version"
-info "New version: $new_version"
-if verlte "$new_version" "$current_version"; then
-  info "$product $current_version is up-to-date."
-  [[ -z "${FORCE:-}" ]]  && exit 0
-  info "$product $current_version is out-of-date. Updating..."
-# Make sure to get the `-community` versions!
-declare -r -A products_urls=(
-  [graalvm-ce]="https://github.com/graalvm/graalvm-ce-builds/releases/download/jdk-${new_version}/graalvm-community-jdk-${new_version}_@platform@_bin.tar.gz"
-  [graaljs]="https://github.com/oracle/graaljs/releases/download/graal-${new_version}/graaljs-community-${new_version}-@platform@.tar.gz"
-  [graalnodejs]="https://github.com/oracle/graaljs/releases/download/graal-${new_version}/graalnodejs-community-${new_version}-@platform@.tar.gz"
-  [graalpy]="https://github.com/oracle/graalpython/releases/download/graal-${new_version}/graalpy-community-${new_version}-@platform@.tar.gz"
-  [truffleruby]="https://github.com/oracle/truffleruby/releases/download/graal-${new_version}/truffleruby-community-${new_version}-@platform@.tar.gz"
-# Argh, this is really inconsistent...
-if [[ "$product" == "graalvm-ce" ]]; then
-  declare -r -A platforms=(
-    [aarch64-linux]="linux-aarch64"
-    [x86_64-linux]="linux-x64"
-    [aarch64-darwin]="macos-aarch64"
-    [x86_64-darwin]="macos-x64"
-  )
-  declare -r -A platforms=(
-    [aarch64-linux]="linux-aarch64"
-    [x86_64-linux]="linux-amd64"
-    [aarch64-darwin]="macos-aarch64"
-    [x86_64-darwin]="macos-amd64"
-  )
-info "Generating '$hashes_nix' file for '$product' $new_version. This will take a while..."
-# Indentation of `echo_file` function is on purpose to make it easier to visualize the output
-echo_file "# Generated by $(basename $0) script"
-echo_file "{"
-echo_file "  \"version\" = \"$new_version\";"
-echo_file "  \"hashes\" = {"
-for nix_platform in "${!platforms[@]}"; do
-  product_platform="${platforms[$nix_platform]}"
-  args=("${url//@platform@/$product_platform}")
-  # Get current hashes to skip derivations already in /nix/store to reuse cache when the version is the same
-  # e.g.: when adding a new product and running this script with FORCE=1
-  if [[ "$current_version" == "$new_version" ]] && \
-      previous_hash="$(nix-instantiate --eval "$hashes_nix" -A "hashes.$nix_platform.sha256" --json | jq -r)"; then
-      args+=("$previous_hash" "--type" "sha256")
-  else
-      info "Hash in '$product' for '$nix_platform' not found. Re-downloading it..."
-  fi
-  if hash="$(nix-prefetch-url "${args[@]}")"; then
-echo_file "    \"$nix_platform\" = {"
-echo_file "      sha256 = \"$hash\";"
-echo_file "      url = \"${url//@platform@/${product_platform}}\";"
-echo_file "    };"
-  else
-      info "Error while downloading '$product' for '$nix_platform'. Skipping it..."
-  fi
-echo_file "  };"
-echo_file "}"
-info "Moving the temporary file to '$hashes_nix'"
-mv "$tmpfile" "$hashes_nix"
-info "Done!"