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path: root/pkgs/applications/science/logic/acgtk/default.nix
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Diffstat (limited to 'pkgs/applications/science/logic/acgtk/default.nix')
1 files changed, 10 insertions, 40 deletions
diff --git a/pkgs/applications/science/logic/acgtk/default.nix b/pkgs/applications/science/logic/acgtk/default.nix
index b787a4e7a01c..729aef4e21c2 100644
--- a/pkgs/applications/science/logic/acgtk/default.nix
+++ b/pkgs/applications/science/logic/acgtk/default.nix
@@ -1,57 +1,27 @@
-{ stdenv, fetchurl, ocamlPackages,
-  buildBytecode ? true,
-  buildNative ? true,
-  installExamples ? true,
-  installEmacsMode ? true }:
-let inherit (stdenv.lib) versionAtLeast optionalString; in
-let inherit (ocamlPackages) ocaml camlp4; in
-assert buildBytecode || buildNative;
+{ stdenv, fetchurl, dune, ocamlPackages }:
 stdenv.mkDerivation {
-  name = "acgtk-1.3.1";
+  name = "acgtk-1.5.0";
   src = fetchurl {
-    url =;
-    sha256 = "1hhrf6bx2x2wbv5ldn4fnxhpr9lyrj3zh1vcnx8wf8f06ih4rzfq";
+    url =;
+    sha256 = "14n003gxzw5w79hlpw1ja4nq97jqf9zqyg00ihvpxw4bv9jlm8jm";
-  buildInputs = with ocamlPackages; [
-    ocaml findlib camlp4 ansiterminal biniou bolt cairo2 dypgen easy-format ocf yojson
-  ];
-  patches = [ ./install-emacs-to-site-lisp.patch
-              ./use-nix-ocaml-byteflags.patch ];
-  postPatch = optionalString (camlp4 != null) ''
-    substituteInPlace src/ \
-      --replace "+camlp4" "${camlp4}/lib/ocaml/${ocaml.version}/site-lib/camlp4/"
-  '' + optionalString (versionAtLeast (stdenv.lib.getVersion ocamlPackages.yojson) "1.4") ''
-    substituteInPlace src/scripting/ --replace yojson.cmo yojson.cma
-  '';
-  # The bytecode executable is dependent on the dynamic library provided by
-  # ANSITerminal. We can use the -dllpath flag of ocamlc (analogous to
-  # -rpath) to make sure that ocamlrun is able to link the library at
-  # runtime and that Nix detects a runtime dependency.
-  NIX_OCAML_BYTEFLAGS = "-dllpath ${ocamlPackages.ansiterminal}/lib/ocaml/${ocaml.version}/site-lib/ANSITerminal";
+  buildInputs = [ dune ] ++ (with ocamlPackages; [
+    ocaml findlib ansiterminal cairo2 fmt logs menhir mtime ocf
+  ]);
-  buildFlags = optionalString buildBytecode "byte"
-             + " "
-             + optionalString buildNative "opt";
+  buildPhase = "dune build";
-  installTargets = "install"
-                 + " " + optionalString installExamples "install-examples"
-                 + " " + optionalString installEmacsMode "install-emacs";
+  inherit (dune) installPhase;
   meta = with stdenv.lib; {
     homepage =;
     description = "A toolkit for developing ACG signatures and lexicon";
     license = licenses.cecill20;
-    platforms = ocaml.meta.platforms or [];
+    inherit (ocamlPackages.ocaml.meta) platforms;
     maintainers = [ maintainers.jirkamarsik ];