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Diffstat (limited to 'overlays/patches/emacs/overlay/README.org')
1 files changed, 203 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/overlays/patches/emacs/overlay/README.org b/overlays/patches/emacs/overlay/README.org
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+* Emacs overlay for Nixpkgs
+** Quickstart
+To get up and running quickly, add the following lines to your =/etc/nixos/configuration.nix=:
+#+BEGIN_SRC nix
+{config, pkgs, callPackage, ... }:
+# ...
+  services.emacs.package = pkgs.emacs-unstable;
+  nixpkgs.overlays = [
+    (import (builtins.fetchTarball {
+      url = https://github.com/nix-community/emacs-overlay/archive/master.tar.gz;
+    }))
+  ];
+# ...
+This configuration will enable this overlay, and define your system-wide emacs package as the =emacs-unstable= attribute it provides.
+*NOTE:* Read the "Usage of the overlay" section below for further explanation of this configuration. This has the potential to break things, and will frequently trigger full source rebuilds of emacs.
+If you want to enable daemon/server mode, add the following line to the same configuration:
+#+BEGIN_SRC nix
+services.emacs.enable = true;
+It is recommended you read Nixpkgs and NixOS documentation on package overlays and overrides to familiarize yourself with the concepts:
+ - https://nixos.wiki/wiki/Overlays
+ - https://nixos.org/nixpkgs/manual/#chap-overlays
+** Contents of the overlay
+This overlay consists of two overlays: =emacs= and =package=.
+You can use both of them as a whole overlay or only one of them.
+*** =package= overlay
+**** Elpa
+Daily generations of Elpa.
+**** Melpa / Melpa stable
+Daily generations of Melpa & Melpa stable attribute sets.
+**** EXWM & needed dependencies
+This overlay provides fresh versions of EXWM and dependencies. This is
+updated daily.
+*** =emacs= overlay
+**** Emacs from Git and latest (including pre-releases)
+This overlay also provides two versions (latest from git) for Emacs. These
+are updated daily.
+These attributes are named =emacsGit= and =emacs-unstable=.
+=emacsGit= is built from the latest =master= branch and =emacs-unstable= is built from the latest tag.
+Emacs from git is not guaranteed stable and may break your setup at any
+time, if it breaks you get to keep both pieces.
+We also provide two attributes named =emacsGit-nox= and =emacs-unstable-nox=
+if you wish to have Emacs built without X dependencies.
+=emacsPgtk= uses the experimental pgtk feature which supports Wayland natively.
+**** Extra library functionality
+This overlay comes with extra functions to generate an Emacs closure
+from various types of dependency declaration. (These are abstractions
+on top of =emacsWithPackages=.)
+For example, =emacsWithPackagesFromUsePackage= adds packages which are
+required in a user's config via =use-package= or =leaf=.
+#+BEGIN_SRC nix
+  { pkgs, ... }:
+  {
+    environment.systemPackages = [
+      (pkgs.emacsWithPackagesFromUsePackage {
+        # Your Emacs config file. Org mode babel files are also
+        # supported.
+        # NB: Config files cannot contain unicode characters, since
+        #     they're being parsed in nix, which lacks unicode
+        #     support.
+        # config = ./emacs.org;
+        config = ./emacs.el;
+        # Whether to include your config as a default init file.
+        # If being bool, the value of config is used.
+        # Its value can also be a derivation like this if you want to do some
+        # substitution:
+        #   defaultInitFile = pkgs.substituteAll {
+        #     name = "default.el";
+        #     src = ./emacs.el;
+        #     inherit (config.xdg) configHome dataHome;
+        #   };
+        defaultInitFile = true;
+        # Package is optional, defaults to pkgs.emacs
+        package = pkgs.emacsGit;
+        # By default emacsWithPackagesFromUsePackage will only pull in
+        # packages with `:ensure`, `:ensure t` or `:ensure <package name>`.
+        # Setting `alwaysEnsure` to `true` emulates `use-package-always-ensure`
+        # and pulls in all use-package references not explicitly disabled via
+        # `:ensure nil` or `:disabled`.
+        # Note that this is NOT recommended unless you've actually set
+        # `use-package-always-ensure` to `t` in your config.
+        alwaysEnsure = true;
+        # For Org mode babel files, by default only code blocks with
+        # `:tangle yes` are considered. Setting `alwaysTangle` to `true`
+        # will include all code blocks missing the `:tangle` argument,
+        # defaulting it to `yes`.
+        # Note that this is NOT recommended unless you have something like
+        # `#+PROPERTY: header-args:emacs-lisp :tangle yes` in your config,
+        # which defaults `:tangle` to `yes`.
+        alwaysTangle = true;
+        # Optionally provide extra packages not in the configuration file.
+        extraEmacsPackages = epkgs: [
+          epkgs.cask
+        ];
+        # Optionally override derivations.
+        override = final: prev: {
+          weechat = prev.melpaPackages.weechat.overrideAttrs(old: {
+            patches = [ ./weechat-el.patch ];
+          });
+        };
+      })
+    ];
+  }
+Similarly, =emacsWithPackagesFromPackageRequires= adds packages which
+are declared in a =.el= package file's =Package-Requires= header, which
+can be handy for CI purposes:
+#+BEGIN_SRC nix
+  emacsForCI = pkgs.emacsWithPackagesFromPackageRequires {
+    packageElisp = builtins.readFile ./flycheck.el;
+    extraEmacsPackages = epkgs: [
+      epkgs.package-lint
+    ];
+  };
+pkgs.mkShell {
+  buildInputs = [ emacsForCI ];
+** Usage of the overlay
+*** Latest master each rebuild
+One way, and probably the most convenient way to pull in this overlay is by
+just fetching the tarball of latest master on rebuild.
+This has side-effects if packages breaks or things like that you may want
+to be in control of which revision of the overlay you run.
+Adding the overlay this way will extend your Emacs packages set to contain
+the latest EXWM and dependencies from their respective master and make the
+package =emacsGit= available. These of course change quite rapidly and will
+cause compilation time.
+#+BEGIN_SRC nix
+  nixpkgs.overlays = [
+    (import (builtins.fetchTarball {
+      url = https://github.com/nix-community/emacs-overlay/archive/master.tar.gz;
+    }))
+  ];
+*** Binary cache
+You will want to use the [[https://nix-community.org/#binary-cache][nix-community binary cache]]. Where the
+overlay's build artefacts are pushed. See [[https://app.cachix.org/cache/nix-community][here]] for installation
+*** Install directly from the overlay
+The repository is meant to be used as an overlay as is explained
+above. Still, for experimental purposes, you might want to install a
+package directly from the overlay. For example, you can install
+=emacsGit= from a clone of this repository with the following command:
+#+begin_src shell
+  nix-build --expr 'with (import <nixpkgs> { overlays = [ (import ./.) ]; }); emacsGit'
+* Community
+** Matrix chat
+[[https://matrix.to/#/#emacs:nixos.org][Nix Emacs]]
+#  LocalWords:  EXWM NixOS emacsGit
+#  LocalWords:  SRC nixpkgs builtins fetchTarball url