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path: root/nixpkgs/pkgs/tools/virtualization/nixos-container/nixos-container.pl
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Diffstat (limited to 'nixpkgs/pkgs/tools/virtualization/nixos-container/nixos-container.pl')
1 files changed, 476 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/nixpkgs/pkgs/tools/virtualization/nixos-container/nixos-container.pl b/nixpkgs/pkgs/tools/virtualization/nixos-container/nixos-container.pl
new file mode 100755
index 000000000000..d99b4cfba4a3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/nixpkgs/pkgs/tools/virtualization/nixos-container/nixos-container.pl
@@ -0,0 +1,476 @@
+#! @perl@/bin/perl
+use strict;
+use POSIX;
+use File::Path;
+use File::Slurp;
+use Fcntl ':flock';
+use Getopt::Long qw(:config gnu_getopt no_bundling);
+use Cwd 'abs_path';
+use Time::HiRes;
+my $nsenter = "@utillinux@/bin/nsenter";
+my $su = "@su@";
+# Ensure a consistent umask.
+umask 0022;
+# Ensure $NIXOS_CONFIG is not set.
+# Parse the command line.
+sub showHelp {
+    print <<EOF;
+Usage: nixos-container list
+       nixos-container create <container-name>
+         [--nixos-path <path>]
+         [--system-path <path>]
+         [--config <string>]
+         [--config-file <path>]
+         [--flake <flakeref>]
+         [--ensure-unique-name]
+         [--auto-start]
+         [--bridge <iface>]
+         [--port <port>]
+         [--host-address <string>]
+         [--local-address <string>]
+       nixos-container destroy <container-name>
+       nixos-container start <container-name>
+       nixos-container stop <container-name>
+       nixos-container terminate <container-name>
+       nixos-container status <container-name>
+       nixos-container update <container-name>
+         [--config <string>]
+         [--config-file <path>]
+         [--flake <flakeref>]
+         [--nixos-path <path>]
+       nixos-container login <container-name>
+       nixos-container root-login <container-name>
+       nixos-container run <container-name> -- args...
+       nixos-container show-ip <container-name>
+       nixos-container show-host-key <container-name>
+    exit 0;
+my $systemPath;
+my $nixosPath;
+my $ensureUniqueName = 0;
+my $autoStart = 0;
+my $bridge;
+my $port;
+my $extraConfig;
+my $signal;
+my $configFile;
+my $hostAddress;
+my $localAddress;
+my $flake;
+my $flakeAttr = "container";
+# Nix passthru flags.
+my @nixFlags;
+my @nixFlags2;
+sub copyNixFlags0 { push @nixFlags, "--$_[0]"; }
+sub copyNixFlags1 { push @nixFlags, "--$_[0]", $_[1]; }
+# Ugly hack to handle flags that take two arguments, like --option.
+sub copyNixFlags2 {
+    if (scalar(@nixFlags2) % 3 == 0) {
+        push @nixFlags2, "--$_[0]", $_[1];
+    } else {
+        push @nixFlags2, $_[1];
+    }
+    "help" => sub { showHelp() },
+    "ensure-unique-name" => \$ensureUniqueName,
+    "auto-start" => \$autoStart,
+    "bridge=s" => \$bridge,
+    "port=s" => \$port,
+    "system-path=s" => \$systemPath,
+    "signal=s" => \$signal,
+    "nixos-path=s" => \$nixosPath,
+    "config=s" => \$extraConfig,
+    "config-file=s" => \$configFile,
+    "host-address=s" => \$hostAddress,
+    "local-address=s" => \$localAddress,
+    "flake=s" => \$flake,
+    # Nix passthru options.
+    "log-format=s" => \&copyNixFlags1,
+    "option=s{2}" => \&copyNixFlags2,
+    "impure" => \&copyNixFlags0,
+    "update-input=s" => \&copyNixFlags1,
+    "override-input=s{2}" => \&copyNixFlags2,
+    "commit-lock-file" => \&copyNixFlags0,
+    "no-registries" => \&copyNixFlags0,
+    "no-update-lock-file" => \&copyNixFlags0,
+    "no-write-lock-file" => \&copyNixFlags0,
+    "no-allow-dirty" => \&copyNixFlags0,
+    "recreate-lock-file" => \&copyNixFlags0,
+    ) or exit 1;
+push @nixFlags, @nixFlags2;
+if (defined $hostAddress and !defined $localAddress or defined $localAddress and !defined $hostAddress) {
+    die "With --host-address set, --local-address is required as well!";
+my $action = $ARGV[0] or die "$0: no action specified\n";
+if (defined $configFile and defined $extraConfig) {
+    die "--config and --config-file are mutually incompatible. " .
+        "Please define one or the other, but not both";
+if (defined $flake && $flake =~ /^(.*)#([^#"]+)$/) {
+    $flake = $1;
+    $flakeAttr = $2;
+# Execute the selected action.
+mkpath("/etc/containers", 0, 0755);
+mkpath("/var/lib/containers", 0, 0700);
+if ($action eq "list") {
+    foreach my $confFile (glob "/etc/containers/*.conf") {
+        $confFile =~ /\/([^\/]+).conf$/ or next;
+        print "$1\n";
+    }
+    exit 0;
+my $containerName = $ARGV[1] or die "$0: no container name specified\n";
+$containerName =~ /^[a-zA-Z0-9_-]+$/ or die "$0: invalid container name\n";
+sub writeNixOSConfig {
+    my ($nixosConfigFile) = @_;
+    my $localExtraConfig = "";
+    if ($extraConfig) {
+        $localExtraConfig = $extraConfig
+    } elsif ($configFile) {
+        my $resolvedFile = abs_path($configFile);
+        $localExtraConfig = "imports = [ $resolvedFile ];"
+    }
+    my $nixosConfig = <<EOF;
+{ config, lib, pkgs, ... }:
+with lib;
+{ boot.isContainer = true;
+  networking.hostName = mkDefault "$containerName";
+  networking.useDHCP = false;
+  $localExtraConfig
+    write_file($nixosConfigFile, $nixosConfig);
+sub buildFlake {
+    system("nix", "build", "-o", "$systemPath.tmp", @nixFlags, "--",
+           "$flake#nixosConfigurations.\"$flakeAttr\".config.system.build.toplevel") == 0
+        or die "$0: failed to build container from flake '$flake'\n";
+    $systemPath = readlink("$systemPath.tmp") or die;
+    unlink("$systemPath.tmp");
+sub clearContainerState {
+    my ($profileDir, $gcRootsDir, $root, $configFile) = @_;
+    safeRemoveTree($profileDir) if -e $profileDir;
+    safeRemoveTree($gcRootsDir) if -e $gcRootsDir;
+    system("chattr", "-i", "$root/var/empty") if -e "$root/var/empty";
+    safeRemoveTree($root) if -e $root;
+    unlink($configFile) or die;
+if ($action eq "create") {
+    # Acquire an exclusive lock to prevent races with other
+    # invocations of ‘nixos-container create’.
+    my $lockFN = "/run/lock/nixos-container";
+    open(my $lock, '>>', $lockFN) or die "$0: opening $lockFN: $!";
+    flock($lock, LOCK_EX) or die "$0: could not lock $lockFN: $!";
+    my $confFile = "/etc/containers/$containerName.conf";
+    my $root = "/var/lib/containers/$containerName";
+    # Maybe generate a unique name.
+    if ($ensureUniqueName) {
+        my $base = $containerName;
+        for (my $nr = 0; ; $nr++) {
+            $confFile = "/etc/containers/$containerName.conf";
+            $root = "/var/lib/containers/$containerName";
+            last unless -e $confFile || -e $root;
+            $containerName = "$base-$nr";
+        }
+    }
+    die "$0: container ‘$containerName’ already exists\n" if -e $confFile;
+    # Due to interface name length restrictions, container names must
+    # be restricted too.
+    die "$0: container name ‘$containerName’ is too long\n" if length $containerName > 11;
+    # Get an unused IP address.
+    my %usedIPs;
+    foreach my $confFile2 (glob "/etc/containers/*.conf") {
+        my $s = read_file($confFile2) or die;
+        $usedIPs{$1} = 1 if $s =~ /^HOST_ADDRESS=([0-9\.]+)$/m;
+        $usedIPs{$1} = 1 if $s =~ /^LOCAL_ADDRESS=([0-9\.]+)$/m;
+    }
+    unless (defined $hostAddress) {
+        my $ipPrefix;
+        for (my $nr = 1; $nr < 255; $nr++) {
+            $ipPrefix = "10.233.$nr";
+            $hostAddress = "$ipPrefix.1";
+            $localAddress = "$ipPrefix.2";
+            last unless $usedIPs{$hostAddress} || $usedIPs{$localAddress};
+            $ipPrefix = undef;
+        }
+        die "$0: out of IP addresses\n" unless defined $ipPrefix;
+    }
+    my @conf;
+    push @conf, "PRIVATE_NETWORK=1\n";
+    push @conf, "HOST_ADDRESS=$hostAddress\n";
+    push @conf, "LOCAL_ADDRESS=$localAddress\n";
+    push @conf, "HOST_BRIDGE=$bridge\n";
+    push @conf, "HOST_PORT=$port\n";
+    push @conf, "AUTO_START=$autoStart\n";
+    push @conf, "FLAKE=$flake\n" if defined $flake;
+    write_file($confFile, \@conf);
+    close($lock);
+    print STDERR "host IP is $hostAddress, container IP is $localAddress\n";
+    # The per-container directory is restricted to prevent users on
+    # the host from messing with guest users who happen to have the
+    # same uid.
+    my $profileDir = "/nix/var/nix/profiles/per-container";
+    mkpath($profileDir, 0, 0700);
+    $profileDir = "$profileDir/$containerName";
+    mkpath($profileDir, 0, 0755);
+    # Build/set the initial configuration.
+    if (defined $flake) {
+        buildFlake();
+    }
+    if (defined $systemPath) {
+        system("nix-env", "-p", "$profileDir/system", "--set", $systemPath) == 0
+            or do {
+                clearContainerState($profileDir, "$profileDir/$containerName", $root, $confFile);
+                die "$0: failed to set initial container configuration\n";
+            };
+    } else {
+        mkpath("$root/etc/nixos", 0, 0755);
+        my $nixenvF = $nixosPath // "<nixpkgs/nixos>";
+        my $nixosConfigFile = "$root/etc/nixos/configuration.nix";
+        writeNixOSConfig $nixosConfigFile;
+        system("nix-env", "-p", "$profileDir/system",
+               "-I", "nixos-config=$nixosConfigFile", "-f", "$nixenvF",
+               "--set", "-A", "system", @nixFlags) == 0
+            or do {
+                clearContainerState($profileDir, "$profileDir/$containerName", $root, $confFile);
+                die "$0: failed to build initial container configuration\n"
+            };
+    }
+    print "$containerName\n" if $ensureUniqueName;
+    exit 0;
+my $root = "/var/lib/containers/$containerName";
+my $profileDir = "/nix/var/nix/profiles/per-container/$containerName";
+my $gcRootsDir = "/nix/var/nix/gcroots/per-container/$containerName";
+my $confFile = "/etc/containers/$containerName.conf";
+if (!-e $confFile) {
+    if ($action eq "destroy") {
+        exit 0;
+    } elsif ($action eq "status") {
+        print "gone\n";
+    }
+    die "$0: container ‘$containerName’ does not exist\n" ;
+# Return the PID of the init process of the container.
+sub getLeader {
+    my $s = `machinectl show "$containerName" -p Leader`;
+    chomp $s;
+    $s =~ /^Leader=(\d+)$/ or die "unable to get container's main PID\n";
+    return int($1);
+sub isContainerRunning {
+    my $status = `systemctl show 'container\@$containerName'`;
+    return $status =~ /ActiveState=active/;
+sub terminateContainer {
+    my $leader = getLeader;
+    system("machinectl", "terminate", $containerName) == 0
+        or die "$0: failed to terminate container\n";
+    # Wait for the leader process to exit
+    # TODO: As for any use of PIDs for process control where the process is
+    #       not a direct child of ours, this can go wrong when the pid gets
+    #       recycled after a PID overflow.
+    #       Relying entirely on some form of UUID provided by machinectl
+    #       instead of PIDs would remove this risk.
+    #       See https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/pull/32992#discussion_r158586048
+    while ( kill 0, $leader ) { Time::HiRes::sleep(0.1) }
+sub startContainer {
+    system("systemctl", "start", "container\@$containerName") == 0
+        or die "$0: failed to start container\n";
+sub stopContainer {
+    system("systemctl", "stop", "container\@$containerName") == 0
+        or die "$0: failed to stop container\n";
+sub restartContainer {
+    stopContainer;
+    startContainer;
+# Run a command in the container.
+sub runInContainer {
+    my @args = @_;
+    my $leader = getLeader;
+    exec($nsenter, "-t", $leader, "-m", "-u", "-i", "-n", "-p", "--", @args);
+    die "cannot run ‘nsenter’: $!\n";
+# Remove a directory while recursively unmounting all mounted filesystems within
+# that directory and unmounting/removing that directory afterwards as well.
+# NOTE: If the specified path is a mountpoint, its contents will be removed,
+#       only mountpoints underneath that path will be unmounted properly.
+sub safeRemoveTree {
+    my ($path) = @_;
+    system("find", $path, "-mindepth", "1", "-xdev",
+           "(", "-type", "d", "-exec", "mountpoint", "-q", "{}", ";", ")",
+           "-exec", "umount", "-fR", "{}", "+");
+    system("rm", "--one-file-system", "-rf", $path);
+    if (-e $path) {
+        system("umount", "-fR", $path);
+        system("rm", "--one-file-system", "-rf", $path);
+    }
+if ($action eq "destroy") {
+    die "$0: cannot destroy declarative container (remove it from your configuration.nix instead)\n"
+        unless POSIX::access($confFile, &POSIX::W_OK);
+    terminateContainer if (isContainerRunning);
+    clearContainerState($profileDir, $gcRootsDir, $root, $confFile);
+elsif ($action eq "restart") {
+    restartContainer;
+elsif ($action eq "start") {
+    startContainer;
+elsif ($action eq "stop") {
+    stopContainer;
+elsif ($action eq "terminate") {
+    terminateContainer;
+elsif ($action eq "status") {
+    print isContainerRunning() ? "up" : "down", "\n";
+elsif ($action eq "update") {
+    # Unless overriden on the command line, rebuild the flake recorded
+    # in the container config file. FIXME: read the container config
+    # in a more sensible way.
+    if (!defined $flake && !defined $configFile && !defined $extraConfig) {
+        my $s = read_file($confFile);
+        $s =~ /^FLAKE=(.*)$/m;
+        $flake = $1;
+    }
+    if (defined $flake) {
+        buildFlake();
+        system("nix-env", "-p", "$profileDir/system", "--set", $systemPath) == 0
+            or die "$0: failed to set container configuration\n";
+    } else {
+        my $nixosConfigFile = "$root/etc/nixos/configuration.nix";
+        # FIXME: may want to be more careful about clobbering the existing
+        # configuration.nix.
+        if ((defined $extraConfig && $extraConfig ne "") ||
+            (defined $configFile && $configFile ne "")) {
+            writeNixOSConfig $nixosConfigFile;
+        }
+        my $nixenvF = $nixosPath // "<nixpkgs/nixos>";
+        system("nix-env", "-p", "$profileDir/system",
+               "-I", "nixos-config=$nixosConfigFile", "-f", $nixenvF,
+               "--set", "-A", "system", @nixFlags) == 0
+            or die "$0: failed to build container configuration\n";
+    }
+    if (isContainerRunning) {
+        print STDERR "reloading container...\n";
+        system("systemctl", "reload", "container\@$containerName") == 0
+            or die "$0: failed to reload container\n";
+    }
+elsif ($action eq "login") {
+    exec("machinectl", "login", "--", $containerName);
+elsif ($action eq "root-login") {
+    runInContainer("@su@", "root", "-l");
+elsif ($action eq "run") {
+    shift @ARGV; shift @ARGV;
+    # Escape command.
+    my $s = join(' ', map { s/'/'\\''/g; "'$_'" } @ARGV);
+    runInContainer("@su@", "root", "-l", "-c", "exec " . $s);
+elsif ($action eq "show-ip") {
+    my $s = read_file($confFile) or die;
+    $s =~ /^LOCAL_ADDRESS=([0-9\.]+)(\/[0-9]+)?$/m
+        or $s =~ /^LOCAL_ADDRESS6=([0-9a-f:]+)(\/[0-9]+)?$/m
+        or die "$0: cannot get IP address\n";
+    print "$1\n";
+elsif ($action eq "show-host-key") {
+    my $fn = "$root/etc/ssh/ssh_host_ed25519_key.pub";
+    $fn = "$root/etc/ssh/ssh_host_ecdsa_key.pub" unless -e $fn;
+    exit 1 if ! -f $fn;
+    print read_file($fn);
+else {
+    die "$0: unknown action ‘$action’\n";