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path: root/nixpkgs/pkgs/tools/package-management/protontricks/steam-run.patch
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Diffstat (limited to 'nixpkgs/pkgs/tools/package-management/protontricks/steam-run.patch')
1 files changed, 470 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/nixpkgs/pkgs/tools/package-management/protontricks/steam-run.patch b/nixpkgs/pkgs/tools/package-management/protontricks/steam-run.patch
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..bcc1fc989836
--- /dev/null
+++ b/nixpkgs/pkgs/tools/package-management/protontricks/steam-run.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,470 @@
+diff --git a/src/protontricks/cli/main.py b/src/protontricks/cli/main.py
+index c77d287..236c2a9 100755
+--- a/src/protontricks/cli/main.py
++++ b/src/protontricks/cli/main.py
+@@ -17,8 +17,7 @@ from ..flatpak import (FLATPAK_BWRAP_COMPATIBLE_VERSION,
+                        get_running_flatpak_version)
+ from ..gui import (prompt_filesystem_access, select_steam_app_with_gui,
+                    select_steam_installation)
+-from ..steam import (find_legacy_steam_runtime_path, find_proton_app,
+-                     find_steam_installations, get_steam_apps,
++from ..steam import (find_proton_app, find_steam_installations, get_steam_apps,
+                      get_steam_lib_paths)
+ from ..util import run_command
+ from ..winetricks import get_winetricks_path
+@@ -67,8 +66,7 @@ def main(args=None, steam_path=None, steam_root=None):
+             "WINE: path to a custom 'wine' executable\n"
+             "WINESERVER: path to a custom 'wineserver' executable\n"
+             "STEAM_RUNTIME: 1 = enable Steam Runtime, 0 = disable Steam "
+-            "Runtime, valid path = custom Steam Runtime path, "
+-            "empty = enable automatically (default)\n"
++            "Runtime, empty = enable automatically (default)\n"
+             "PROTONTRICKS_GUI: GUI provider to use, accepts either 'yad' "
+             "or 'zenity'"
+         ),
+@@ -204,17 +202,9 @@ def main(args=None, steam_path=None, steam_root=None):
+         if not steam_path:
+             exit_("No Steam installation was selected.")
+-    # 2. Find the pre-installed legacy Steam Runtime if enabled
+-    legacy_steam_runtime_path = None
+-    use_steam_runtime = True
++    # 2. Use Steam Runtime if enabled
+     if os.environ.get("STEAM_RUNTIME", "") != "0" and not args.no_runtime:
+-        legacy_steam_runtime_path = find_legacy_steam_runtime_path(
+-            steam_root=steam_root
+-        )
+-        if not legacy_steam_runtime_path:
+-            exit_("Steam Runtime was enabled but couldn't be found!")
++        use_steam_runtime = True
+     else:
+         use_steam_runtime = False
+         logger.info("Steam Runtime disabled.")
+@@ -281,7 +271,6 @@ def main(args=None, steam_path=None, steam_root=None):
+             proton_app=proton_app,
+             steam_app=steam_app,
+             use_steam_runtime=use_steam_runtime,
+-            legacy_steam_runtime_path=legacy_steam_runtime_path,
+             command=[str(winetricks_path), "--gui"],
+             use_bwrap=use_bwrap,
+             start_wineserver=start_background_wineserver
+@@ -361,7 +350,6 @@ def main(args=None, steam_path=None, steam_root=None):
+             proton_app=proton_app,
+             steam_app=steam_app,
+             use_steam_runtime=use_steam_runtime,
+-            legacy_steam_runtime_path=legacy_steam_runtime_path,
+             use_bwrap=use_bwrap,
+             start_wineserver=start_background_wineserver,
+             command=[str(winetricks_path)] + args.winetricks_command
+@@ -373,7 +361,6 @@ def main(args=None, steam_path=None, steam_root=None):
+             steam_app=steam_app,
+             command=args.command,
+             use_steam_runtime=use_steam_runtime,
+-            legacy_steam_runtime_path=legacy_steam_runtime_path,
+             use_bwrap=use_bwrap,
+             start_wineserver=start_background_wineserver,
+             # Pass the command directly into the shell *without*
+diff --git a/src/protontricks/data/scripts/bwrap_launcher.sh b/src/protontricks/data/scripts/bwrap_launcher.sh
+index b5552e1..b11bc99 100644
+--- a/src/protontricks/data/scripts/bwrap_launcher.sh
++++ b/src/protontricks/data/scripts/bwrap_launcher.sh
+@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
++#!/usr/bin/env bash
+ # Helper script
+ set -o errexit
+@@ -80,6 +80,8 @@ done
+ log_info "Following directories will be mounted inside container: ${mount_dirs[*]}"
+ log_info "Using temporary directory: $PROTONTRICKS_TEMP_PATH"
+-exec "$STEAM_RUNTIME_PATH"/run --share-pid --launcher \
++exec steam-run "$STEAM_RUNTIME_PATH"/pressure-vessel/bin/pressure-vessel-wrap \
++--share-pid --launcher \
+ "${mount_params[@]}" -- \
+ --bus-name="com.github.Matoking.protontricks.App${STEAM_APPID}_${PROTONTRICKS_SESSION_ID}"
+diff --git a/src/protontricks/data/scripts/wine_launch.sh b/src/protontricks/data/scripts/wine_launch.sh
+index 1f8a432..2d82f2b 100644
+--- a/src/protontricks/data/scripts/wine_launch.sh
++++ b/src/protontricks/data/scripts/wine_launch.sh
+@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
++#!/usr/bin/env -S steam-run bash
+ # Helper script created by Protontricks to run Wine binaries using Steam Runtime
+ set -o errexit
+@@ -158,8 +158,8 @@ if [[ -n "$PROTONTRICKS_INSIDE_STEAM_RUNTIME"
+         log_info "Appending to LD_LIBRARY_PATH: $PROTON_LD_LIBRARY_PATH"
+     elif [[ "$PROTONTRICKS_STEAM_RUNTIME" = "legacy" ]]; then
+-        log_info "LD_LIBRARY_PATH set to $LD_LIBRARY_PATH"
++        log_info "Inserting to head of LD_LIBRARY_PATH: $PROTON_LD_LIBRARY_PATH"
+     fi
+     exec "$PROTON_DIST_PATH"/bin/@@name@@ "$@" || :
+ elif [[ "$PROTONTRICKS_STEAM_RUNTIME" = "bwrap" ]]; then
+diff --git a/src/protontricks/data/scripts/wineserver_keepalive.sh b/src/protontricks/data/scripts/wineserver_keepalive.sh
+index 8168dae..559de33 100644
+--- a/src/protontricks/data/scripts/wineserver_keepalive.sh
++++ b/src/protontricks/data/scripts/wineserver_keepalive.sh
+@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
++#!/usr/bin/env bash
+ # A simple keepalive script that will ensure a wineserver process is kept alive
+ # for the duration of the Protontricks session.
+ # This is accomplished by launching a simple Windows batch script that will
+diff --git a/src/protontricks/steam.py b/src/protontricks/steam.py
+index c39b51d..79de098 100644
+--- a/src/protontricks/steam.py
++++ b/src/protontricks/steam.py
+@@ -14,9 +14,8 @@ from .util import lower_dict
+ __all__ = (
+     "COMMON_STEAM_DIRS", "SteamApp", "find_steam_installations",
+-    "find_steam_path", "find_legacy_steam_runtime_path",
+-    "iter_appinfo_sections", "get_appinfo_sections", "get_tool_appid",
+-    "find_steam_compat_tool_app", "find_appid_proton_prefix",
++    "find_steam_path", "iter_appinfo_sections", "get_appinfo_sections",
++    "get_tool_appid", "find_steam_compat_tool_app", "find_appid_proton_prefix",
+     "find_proton_app", "get_steam_lib_paths", "get_compat_tool_dirs",
+     "get_custom_compat_tool_installations_in_dir",
+     "get_custom_compat_tool_installations", "find_current_steamid3",
+@@ -393,37 +392,6 @@ def find_steam_path():
+         return None, None
+-def find_legacy_steam_runtime_path(steam_root):
+-    """
+-    Find the legacy Steam Runtime either using the STEAM_RUNTIME env or
+-    steam_root
+-    """
+-    env_steam_runtime = os.environ.get("STEAM_RUNTIME", "")
+-    if env_steam_runtime == "0":
+-        # User has disabled Steam Runtime
+-        logger.info("STEAM_RUNTIME is 0. Disabling Steam Runtime.")
+-        return None
+-    elif env_steam_runtime and Path(env_steam_runtime).is_dir():
+-        # User has a custom Steam Runtime
+-        logger.info(
+-            "Using custom Steam Runtime at %s", env_steam_runtime)
+-        return Path(env_steam_runtime)
+-    elif env_steam_runtime in ["1", ""]:
+-        # User has enabled Steam Runtime or doesn't have STEAM_RUNTIME set;
+-        # default to enabled Steam Runtime in either case
+-        steam_runtime_path = steam_root / "ubuntu12_32" / "steam-runtime"
+-        logger.info(
+-            "Using default Steam Runtime at %s", str(steam_runtime_path))
+-        return steam_runtime_path
+-    logger.error(
+-        "Path in STEAM_RUNTIME doesn't point to a valid Steam Runtime!")
+-    return None
+diff --git a/src/protontricks/util.py b/src/protontricks/util.py
+index 7e95af5..7dc9a29 100644
+--- a/src/protontricks/util.py
++++ b/src/protontricks/util.py
+@@ -8,14 +8,14 @@ import shutil
+ import tempfile
+ import re
+ from pathlib import Path
+-from subprocess import PIPE, check_output, run, Popen, DEVNULL
++from subprocess import PIPE, run, Popen, DEVNULL
+ import pkg_resources
+ __all__ = (
+     "SUPPORTED_STEAM_RUNTIMES", "lower_dict",
+-    "get_legacy_runtime_library_paths", "get_host_library_paths",
+-    "RUNTIME_ROOT_GLOB_PATTERNS", "get_runtime_library_paths",
++    "get_host_library_paths", "RUNTIME_ROOT_GLOB_PATTERNS",
++    "get_runtime_library_paths",
+     "WINE_SCRIPT_TEMPLATE", "create_wine_bin_dir", "run_command"
+ )
+@@ -43,24 +43,6 @@ def lower_dict(d):
+     return {k.lower(): _lower_value(v) for k, v in d.items()}
+-def get_legacy_runtime_library_paths(legacy_steam_runtime_path, proton_app):
+-    """
+-    Get LD_LIBRARY_PATH value to use when running a command using Steam Runtime
+-    """
+-    steam_runtime_paths = check_output([
+-        str(legacy_steam_runtime_path / "run.sh"),
+-        "--print-steam-runtime-library-paths"
+-    ])
+-    steam_runtime_paths = str(steam_runtime_paths, "utf-8")
+-    # Add Proton installation directory first into LD_LIBRARY_PATH
+-    # so that libwine.so.1 is picked up correctly (see issue #3)
+-    return "".join([
+-        str(proton_app.proton_dist_path / "lib"), os.pathsep,
+-        str(proton_app.proton_dist_path / "lib64"), os.pathsep,
+-        steam_runtime_paths
+-    ])
+ def get_host_library_paths():
+     """
+     Get host library paths to use when creating the LD_LIBRARY_PATH environment
+@@ -72,7 +54,7 @@ def get_host_library_paths():
+     # Since that command is unavailable with newer Steam Runtime releases,
+     # do it ourselves here.
+     result = run(
+-        ["/sbin/ldconfig", "-XNv"],
++        ["steam-run", "ldconfig", "-XNv"],
+         check=True, stdout=PIPE, stderr=PIPE
+     )
+     lines = result.stdout.decode("utf-8").split("\n")
+@@ -90,7 +72,7 @@ RUNTIME_ROOT_GLOB_PATTERNS = (
+ )
+-def get_runtime_library_paths(proton_app, use_bwrap=True):
++def get_runtime_library_paths(proton_app, proton_app_only=True):
+     """
+     Get LD_LIBRARY_PATH value to use when running a command using Steam Runtime
+     """
+@@ -111,7 +93,7 @@ def get_runtime_library_paths(proton_app, use_bwrap=True):
+             f"Could not find Steam Runtime runtime root for {runtime_app.name}"
+         )
+-    if use_bwrap:
++    if proton_app_only:
+         return "".join([
+             str(proton_app.proton_dist_path / "lib"), os.pathsep,
+             str(proton_app.proton_dist_path / "lib64"), os.pathsep
+@@ -313,7 +295,7 @@ def run_command(
+             wine_environ["STEAM_RUNTIME_PATH"] = \
+                 str(proton_app.required_tool_app.install_path)
+             wine_environ["PROTON_LD_LIBRARY_PATH"] = \
+-                get_runtime_library_paths(proton_app, use_bwrap=use_bwrap)
++                get_runtime_library_paths(proton_app, proton_app_only=use_bwrap)
+             runtime_name = proton_app.required_tool_app.name
+             logger.info(
+@@ -337,13 +319,9 @@ def run_command(
+                     "Current Steam Runtime not recognized by Protontricks."
+                 )
+         else:
+-            # Legacy Steam Runtime requires a different LD_LIBRARY_PATH
+-            # that is produced by a script.
+             wine_environ["PROTONTRICKS_STEAM_RUNTIME"] = "legacy"
+             wine_environ["PROTON_LD_LIBRARY_PATH"] = \
+-                get_legacy_runtime_library_paths(
+-                    legacy_steam_runtime_path, proton_app
+-                )
++                get_runtime_library_paths(proton_app, proton_app_only=True)
+             # bwrap is not available, so ensure it is not launched even if the
+             # user configured it so
+@@ -353,7 +331,6 @@ def run_command(
+     # configuring the environment and Wine before launching the underlying
+     # Wine binaries.
+     wine_bin_dir = create_wine_bin_dir(proton_app)
+-    wine_environ["LEGACY_STEAM_RUNTIME_PATH"] = str(legacy_steam_runtime_path)
+     wine_environ["PATH"] = os.pathsep.join(
+         [str(wine_bin_dir), wine_environ["PATH"]]
+     )
+diff --git a/tests/cli/test_main.py b/tests/cli/test_main.py
+index 0a35f8d..9b96629 100644
+--- a/tests/cli/test_main.py
++++ b/tests/cli/test_main.py
+@@ -121,15 +121,10 @@ class TestCLIRun:
+         assert str(command.args[0]).endswith(".local/bin/winetricks")
+         assert command.args[1] == "winecfg"
+         assert command.env["PATH"].startswith(str(wine_bin_dir))
+-        assert (
+-            "fake_steam_runtime/lib64" in command.env["PROTON_LD_LIBRARY_PATH"]
+-        )
+         assert command.env["WINE"] == str(wine_bin_dir / "wine")
+         assert command.env["WINELOADER"] == str(wine_bin_dir / "wine")
+         assert command.env["WINESERVER"] == str(wine_bin_dir / "wineserver")
+-        assert command.env["LEGACY_STEAM_RUNTIME_PATH"] == \
+-            str(steam_runtime_dir / "steam-runtime")
+         assert command.env["PROTONTRICKS_STEAM_RUNTIME"] == "legacy"
+         assert "STEAM_RUNTIME_PATH" not in command.env
+@@ -180,16 +175,14 @@ class TestCLIRun:
+         assert command.env["PATH"].startswith(str(wine_bin_dir))
+         # Compared to the traditional Steam Runtime, PROTON_LD_LIBRARY_PATH
+-        # will be different
++        # will be the same (it would be different without steam-run.patch)
+         proton_install_path = Path(proton_app.install_path)
+         assert command.env["PROTON_LD_LIBRARY_PATH"] == "".join([
+             str(proton_install_path / "dist" / "lib"), os.pathsep,
+             str(proton_install_path / "dist" / "lib64"), os.pathsep
+         ])
+-        # Environment variables for both legacy and new Steam Runtime exist
+-        assert command.env["LEGACY_STEAM_RUNTIME_PATH"] == \
+-            str(steam_runtime_dir / "steam-runtime")
++        # Environment variable for new Steam Runtime exists
+         assert command.env["STEAM_RUNTIME_PATH"] == \
+             str(steam_runtime_soldier.install_path)
+         assert command.env["PROTONTRICKS_STEAM_RUNTIME"] == "bwrap"
+@@ -254,9 +247,7 @@ class TestCLIRun:
+             str(runtime_root / "lib" / "x86_64-linux-gnu")
+         ]))
+-        # Environment variables for both legacy and new Steam Runtime exist
+-        assert command.env["LEGACY_STEAM_RUNTIME_PATH"] == \
+-            str(steam_runtime_dir / "steam-runtime")
++        # Environment variable for new Steam Runtime exists
+         assert command.env["STEAM_RUNTIME_PATH"] == \
+             str(steam_runtime_soldier.install_path)
+         assert command.env["PROTONTRICKS_STEAM_RUNTIME"] == "legacy"
+@@ -407,7 +398,6 @@ class TestCLIRun:
+         # Also ensure log messages are included in the error message
+         assert b"Found Steam directory at" in message
+-        assert b"Using default Steam Runtime" in message
+     def test_run_gui_provider_not_found(self, cli, home_dir, steam_app_factory):
+         """
+@@ -421,20 +411,6 @@ class TestCLIRun:
+         assert "YAD or Zenity is not installed" in result
+-    def test_run_steam_runtime_not_found(
+-            self, cli, steam_dir, steam_app_factory):
+-        """
+-        Try performing a command with Steam Runtime enabled but no
+-        available Steam Runtime installation
+-        """
+-        steam_app_factory(name="Fake game 1", appid=10)
+-        result = cli(
+-            ["10", "winecfg"], env={"STEAM_RUNTIME": "invalid/path"},
+-            expect_returncode=1
+-        )
+-        assert "Steam Runtime was enabled but couldn't be found" in result
+     def test_run_proton_not_found(self, cli, steam_dir, steam_app_factory):
+         steam_app_factory(name="Fake game 1", appid=10)
+         result = cli(["10", "winecfg"], expect_returncode=1)
+diff --git a/tests/conftest.py b/tests/conftest.py
+index 106e0d9..8236f3a 100644
+--- a/tests/conftest.py
++++ b/tests/conftest.py
+@@ -169,7 +169,7 @@ def steam_runtime_dir(steam_dir):
+     """
+     (steam_dir.parent / "root" / "ubuntu12_32" / "steam-runtime").mkdir(parents=True)
+     (steam_dir.parent / "root" / "ubuntu12_32" / "steam-runtime" / "run.sh").write_text(
+-        "#!/bin/bash\n"
++        "#!/usr/bin/env -S steam-run bash\n"
+         """if [ "$1" = "--print-steam-runtime-library-paths" ]; then\n"""
+         "    echo 'fake_steam_runtime/lib:fake_steam_runtime/lib64'\n"
+         "fi"
+@@ -735,7 +735,7 @@ def xdg_user_dir_bin(home_dir):
+     # Only mock PICTURES and DOWNLOAD; mocking everything isn't necessary
+     # for the tests.
+     (home_dir / ".local" / "bin" / "xdg-user-dir").write_text(
+-        '#!/bin/bash\n'
++        '#!/usr/bin/env -S steam-run bash\n'
+         'if [[ "$1" == "PICTURES" ]]; then\n'
+         '    echo "$HOME/Pictures"\n'
+         'elif [[ "$1" == "DOWNLOAD" ]]; then\n'
+diff --git a/tests/test_flatpak.py b/tests/test_flatpak.py
+index cb2b9bb..440b704 100644
+--- a/tests/test_flatpak.py
++++ b/tests/test_flatpak.py
+@@ -159,36 +159,6 @@ class TestGetInaccessiblePaths:
+         assert len(inaccessible_paths) == 0
+-    @pytest.mark.usefixtures("xdg_user_dir_bin")
+-    def test_flatpak_xdg_user_dir(self, monkeypatch, tmp_path, home_dir):
+-        """
+-        Test that XDG filesystem permissions such as 'xdg-pictures' and
+-        'xdg-download' are detected correctly
+-        """
+-        flatpak_info_path = tmp_path / "flatpak-info"
+-        flatpak_info_path.write_text(
+-            "[Application]\n"
+-            "name=fake.flatpak.Protontricks\n"
+-            "\n"
+-            "[Instance]\n"
+-            "flatpak-version=1.12.1\n"
+-            "\n"
+-            "[Context]\n"
+-            "filesystems=xdg-pictures;"
+-        )
+-        monkeypatch.setattr(
+-            "protontricks.flatpak.FLATPAK_INFO_PATH", str(flatpak_info_path)
+-        )
+-        inaccessible_paths = get_inaccessible_paths([
+-            str(home_dir / "Pictures"),
+-            str(home_dir / "Download")
+-        ])
+-        assert len(inaccessible_paths) == 1
+-        assert str(inaccessible_paths[0]) == str(home_dir / "Download")
+     def test_flatpak_unknown_permission(self, monkeypatch, tmp_path, caplog):
+         """
+         Test that unknown filesystem permissions are ignored
+diff --git a/tests/test_util.py b/tests/test_util.py
+index ec5f4f3..0b0a66c 100644
+--- a/tests/test_util.py
++++ b/tests/test_util.py
+@@ -98,44 +98,6 @@ class TestRunCommand:
+         assert command.env["WINELOADER"] == "/fake/wine"
+         assert command.env["WINESERVER"] == "/fake/wineserver"
+-    def test_unknown_steam_runtime_detected(
+-            self, home_dir, proton_factory, runtime_app_factory,
+-            steam_app_factory, caplog):
+-        """
+-        Test that Protontricks will log a warning if it encounters a Steam
+-        Runtime it does not recognize
+-        """
+-        steam_runtime_medic = runtime_app_factory(
+-            name="Steam Linux Runtime - Medic",
+-            appid=14242420,
+-            runtime_dir_name="medic"
+-        )
+-        proton_app = proton_factory(
+-            name="Proton 5.20", appid=100, compat_tool_name="proton_520",
+-            is_default_proton=True, required_tool_app=steam_runtime_medic
+-        )
+-        steam_app = steam_app_factory(name="Fake game", appid=10)
+-        run_command(
+-            winetricks_path=Path("/usr/bin/winetricks"),
+-            proton_app=proton_app,
+-            steam_app=steam_app,
+-            command=["echo", "nothing"],
+-            shell=True,
+-            use_steam_runtime=True
+-        )
+-        # Warning will be logged since Protontricks does not recognize
+-        # Steam Runtime Medic and can't ensure it's being configured correctly
+-        warning = next(
+-            record for record in caplog.records
+-            if record.levelname == "WARNING"
+-            and "not recognized" in record.getMessage()
+-        )
+-        assert warning.getMessage() == \
+-            "Current Steam Runtime not recognized by Protontricks."
+ class TestLowerDict:
+     def test_lower_nested_dict(self):
+         """