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path: root/nixpkgs/pkgs/development/web
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'nixpkgs/pkgs/development/web')
97 files changed, 28531 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/nixpkgs/pkgs/development/web/bloomrpc/default.nix b/nixpkgs/pkgs/development/web/bloomrpc/default.nix
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..fc14b131be8a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/nixpkgs/pkgs/development/web/bloomrpc/default.nix
@@ -0,0 +1,47 @@
+{ lib, fetchurl, appimageTools }:
+  pname = "bloomrpc";
+  version = "1.5.3";
+  src = fetchurl {
+    url = "https://github.com/uw-labs/${pname}/releases/download/${version}/BloomRPC-${version}.AppImage";
+    name = "${pname}-${version}.AppImage";
+    hash = "sha512-PebdYDpcplPN5y3mRu1mG6CXenYfYvBXNLgIGEr7ZgKnR5pIaOfJNORSNYSdagdGDb/B1sxuKfX4+4f2cqgb6Q==";
+  };
+  appimageContents = appimageTools.extractType2 {
+    inherit pname src version;
+  };
+appimageTools.wrapType2 {
+  inherit pname src version;
+  profile = ''
+    export LC_ALL=C.UTF-8
+  '';
+  multiArch = false; # no 32bit needed
+  extraPkgs = pkgs: appimageTools.defaultFhsEnvArgs.multiPkgs pkgs ++ [ pkgs.bash ];
+  extraInstallCommands = ''
+    ln -s $out/bin/${pname}-${version} $out/bin/${pname}
+    install -m 444 -D ${appimageContents}/${pname}.desktop $out/share/applications/${pname}.desktop
+    install -m 444 -D ${appimageContents}/${pname}.png \
+      $out/share/icons/hicolor/512x512/apps/${pname}.png
+    substituteInPlace $out/share/applications/${pname}.desktop \
+      --replace 'Exec=AppRun' 'Exec=${pname}'
+  '';
+  meta = with lib; {
+    description = "GUI Client for GRPC Services";
+    longDescription = ''
+      Inspired by Postman and GraphQL Playground BloomRPC aims to provide the simplest
+      and most efficient developer experience for exploring and querying your GRPC services.
+    '';
+    homepage = "https://github.com/uw-labs/bloomrpc";
+    license = licenses.lgpl3Plus;
+    maintainers = with maintainers; [ zoedsoupe ];
+    platforms = [ "x86_64-linux" ];
+  };
diff --git a/nixpkgs/pkgs/development/web/boa/default.nix b/nixpkgs/pkgs/development/web/boa/default.nix
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..003e98290298
--- /dev/null
+++ b/nixpkgs/pkgs/development/web/boa/default.nix
@@ -0,0 +1,55 @@
+{ lib
+, rustPlatform
+, fetchFromGitHub
+, fetchpatch
+, pkg-config
+, bzip2
+, openssl
+, zstd
+, stdenv
+, darwin
+rustPlatform.buildRustPackage rec {
+  pname = "boa";
+  version = "0.17.3";
+  src = fetchFromGitHub {
+    owner = "boa-dev";
+    repo = "boa";
+    rev = "v${version}";
+    hash = "sha256-ROzdOanfHNPwHXA0SzU2fpuBonbDbgDqH+ZgOjwK/tg=";
+    fetchSubmodules = true;
+  };
+  patches = [
+    (fetchpatch {
+      name = "fix-rust-1.71-lints.patch";
+      url = "https://github.com/boa-dev/boa/commit/93d05bda6864aa6ee67682d84bd4fc2108093ef5.patch";
+      hash = "sha256-hMp4/UBN5moGBSqf8BJV2nBwgV3cry9uC2fJmdT5hkQ=";
+    })
+  ];
+  cargoHash = "sha256-UIUXayJwTrWbLm1UKnIXy1Df8a7ZoBzdNm/uZ1+H+SQ=";
+  cargoBuildFlags = [ "--package" "boa_cli" ];
+  nativeBuildInputs = [ pkg-config ];
+  buildInputs =
+    [ bzip2 openssl zstd ]
+    ++ lib.optionals stdenv.isDarwin [
+      darwin.apple_sdk.frameworks.CoreFoundation
+      darwin.apple_sdk.frameworks.Security
+    ];
+  env = { ZSTD_SYS_USE_PKG_CONFIG = true; };
+  meta = with lib; {
+    description = "An embeddable and experimental Javascript engine written in Rust";
+    homepage = "https://github.com/boa-dev/boa";
+    changelog = "https://github.com/boa-dev/boa/blob/${src.rev}/CHANGELOG.md";
+    license = with licenses; [ mit /* or */ unlicense ];
+    maintainers = with maintainers; [ dit7ya ];
+  };
diff --git a/nixpkgs/pkgs/development/web/bootstrap-studio/default.nix b/nixpkgs/pkgs/development/web/bootstrap-studio/default.nix
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..757b9e8c206c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/nixpkgs/pkgs/development/web/bootstrap-studio/default.nix
@@ -0,0 +1,34 @@
+{ lib, fetchurl, appimageTools }:
+  pname = "bootstrap-studio";
+  version = "6.6.1";
+  src = fetchurl {
+    url = "https://releases.bootstrapstudio.io/${version}/Bootstrap%20Studio.AppImage";
+    sha256 = "sha256-mMhjdAJfiDoK4b8TfawzxZHyQG2MUJHpG45MhuaCPqs=";
+  };
+  appimageContents = appimageTools.extractType2 { inherit pname version src; };
+appimageTools.wrapType2 {
+  inherit pname version src;
+  extraInstallCommands = ''
+    mv $out/bin/${pname}-${version} $out/bin/${pname}
+    install -m 444 -D ${appimageContents}/bstudio.desktop -t $out/share/applications
+    substituteInPlace $out/share/applications/bstudio.desktop \
+      --replace 'Exec=AppRun' 'Exec=${pname}'
+    install -m 444 -D ${appimageContents}/usr/share/icons/hicolor/0x0/apps/bstudio.png \
+      $out/share/icons/hicolor/512x512/apps/bstudio.png
+  '';
+  meta = with lib; {
+    description = "Drag-and-drop designer for bootstrap";
+    homepage = "https://bootstrapstudio.io/";
+    license = licenses.unfree;
+    maintainers = with maintainers; [ khushraj ];
+    platforms = [ "x86_64-linux" ];
+  };
diff --git a/nixpkgs/pkgs/development/web/bun/default.nix b/nixpkgs/pkgs/development/web/bun/default.nix
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..916f125dcc49
--- /dev/null
+++ b/nixpkgs/pkgs/development/web/bun/default.nix
@@ -0,0 +1,101 @@
+{ lib
+, stdenvNoCC
+, fetchurl
+, autoPatchelfHook
+, unzip
+, installShellFiles
+, openssl
+, writeShellScript
+, curl
+, jq
+, common-updater-scripts
+stdenvNoCC.mkDerivation rec {
+  version = "1.0.29";
+  pname = "bun";
+  src = passthru.sources.${stdenvNoCC.hostPlatform.system} or (throw "Unsupported system: ${stdenvNoCC.hostPlatform.system}");
+  strictDeps = true;
+  nativeBuildInputs = [ unzip installShellFiles ] ++ lib.optionals stdenvNoCC.isLinux [ autoPatchelfHook ];
+  buildInputs = [ openssl ];
+  dontConfigure = true;
+  dontBuild = true;
+  installPhase = ''
+    runHook preInstall
+    install -Dm 755 ./bun $out/bin/bun
+    ln -s $out/bin/bun $out/bin/bunx
+    runHook postInstall
+  '';
+  postPhases = [ "postPatchelf" ];
+  postPatchelf = lib.optionalString (stdenvNoCC.buildPlatform.canExecute stdenvNoCC.hostPlatform) ''
+    completions_dir=$(mktemp -d)
+    SHELL="bash" $out/bin/bun completions $completions_dir
+    SHELL="zsh" $out/bin/bun completions $completions_dir
+    SHELL="fish" $out/bin/bun completions $completions_dir
+    installShellCompletion --name bun \
+      --bash $completions_dir/bun.completion.bash \
+      --zsh $completions_dir/_bun \
+      --fish $completions_dir/bun.fish
+  '';
+  passthru = {
+    sources = {
+      "aarch64-darwin" = fetchurl {
+        url = "https://github.com/oven-sh/bun/releases/download/bun-v${version}/bun-darwin-aarch64.zip";
+        hash = "sha256-tcrFHzGJkpVDkrEUff6OR4i76E2+dmYIXuwJ3BiNvQc=";
+      };
+      "aarch64-linux" = fetchurl {
+        url = "https://github.com/oven-sh/bun/releases/download/bun-v${version}/bun-linux-aarch64.zip";
+        hash = "sha256-ujiVw1Pemlo+OHPj8JtazNzYVziq8a65mYdXcS5ViL4=";
+      };
+      "x86_64-darwin" = fetchurl {
+        url = "https://github.com/oven-sh/bun/releases/download/bun-v${version}/bun-darwin-x64.zip";
+        hash = "sha256-rY9VixMXgn8E2NzZpJg873eADM9ZnJnAkdAVnj91S2o=";
+      };
+      "x86_64-linux" = fetchurl {
+        url = "https://github.com/oven-sh/bun/releases/download/bun-v${version}/bun-linux-x64.zip";
+        hash = "sha256-mhDFX6Z1UFGXLqDbUAt8TP/8Ejavzu+WdFGayrtS2Ns=";
+      };
+    };
+    updateScript = writeShellScript "update-bun" ''
+      set -o errexit
+      export PATH="${lib.makeBinPath [ curl jq common-updater-scripts ]}"
+      NEW_VERSION=$(curl --silent https://api.github.com/repos/oven-sh/bun/releases/latest | jq '.tag_name | ltrimstr("bun-v")' --raw-output)
+      if [[ "${version}" = "$NEW_VERSION" ]]; then
+          echo "The new version same as the old version."
+          exit 0
+      fi
+      for platform in ${lib.escapeShellArgs meta.platforms}; do
+        update-source-version "bun" "0" "${lib.fakeHash}" --source-key="sources.$platform"
+        update-source-version "bun" "$NEW_VERSION" --source-key="sources.$platform"
+      done
+    '';
+  };
+  meta = with lib; {
+    homepage = "https://bun.sh";
+    changelog = "https://bun.sh/blog/bun-v${version}";
+    description = "Incredibly fast JavaScript runtime, bundler, transpiler and package manager – all in one";
+    sourceProvenance = with sourceTypes; [ binaryNativeCode ];
+    longDescription = ''
+      All in one fast & easy-to-use tool. Instead of 1,000 node_modules for development, you only need bun.
+    '';
+    license = with licenses; [
+      mit # bun core
+      lgpl21Only # javascriptcore and webkit
+    ];
+    maintainers = with maintainers; [ DAlperin jk thilobillerbeck cdmistman coffeeispower ];
+    platforms = builtins.attrNames passthru.sources;
+    # Broken for Musl at 2024-01-13, tracking issue:
+    # https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/issues/280716
+    broken = stdenvNoCC.hostPlatform.isMusl;
+  };
diff --git a/nixpkgs/pkgs/development/web/cog/default.nix b/nixpkgs/pkgs/development/web/cog/default.nix
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..c350149f32e2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/nixpkgs/pkgs/development/web/cog/default.nix
@@ -0,0 +1,74 @@
+{ stdenv
+, lib
+, fetchFromGitHub
+, cmake
+, pkg-config
+, wayland
+, wayland-protocols
+, libwpe
+, libwpe-fdo
+, glib-networking
+, webkitgtk
+, makeWrapper
+, wrapGAppsHook
+, gnome
+, gdk-pixbuf
+stdenv.mkDerivation rec {
+  pname = "cog";
+  version = "0.8.1";
+  src = fetchFromGitHub {
+    owner = "igalia";
+    repo = "cog";
+    rev = "v${version}";
+    sha256 = "sha256-eF7rvOjZntcMmn622342yqfp4ksZ6R/FFBT36bYCViE=";
+  };
+  buildInputs = [
+    wayland-protocols
+    wayland
+    libwpe
+    libwpe-fdo
+    webkitgtk
+    glib-networking
+    gdk-pixbuf
+    gnome.adwaita-icon-theme
+  ];
+  nativeBuildInputs = [
+    cmake
+    pkg-config
+    wayland
+    makeWrapper
+    wrapGAppsHook
+  ];
+  depsBuildsBuild = [
+    pkg-config
+  ];
+  cmakeFlags = [
+  ];
+  # https://github.com/Igalia/cog/issues/438
+  postPatch = ''
+    substituteInPlace core/cogcore.pc.in \
+  '';
+  # not ideal, see https://github.com/WebPlatformForEmbedded/libwpe/issues/59
+  preFixup = ''
+    wrapProgram $out/bin/cog \
+      --prefix LD_LIBRARY_PATH : ${libwpe-fdo}/lib
+  '';
+  meta = with lib; {
+    description = "A small single “window” launcher for the WebKit WPE port";
+    license = licenses.mit;
+    maintainers = [ maintainers.matthewbauer ];
+    platforms = platforms.linux;
+  };
diff --git a/nixpkgs/pkgs/development/web/cypress/default.nix b/nixpkgs/pkgs/development/web/cypress/default.nix
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..dedd94230b8c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/nixpkgs/pkgs/development/web/cypress/default.nix
@@ -0,0 +1,98 @@
+{ alsa-lib
+, autoPatchelfHook
+, callPackage
+, fetchzip
+, gtk2
+, gtk3
+, lib
+, mesa
+, nss
+, stdenv
+, udev
+, unzip
+, wrapGAppsHook
+, xorg
+  availableBinaries = {
+    x86_64-linux = {
+      platform = "linux-x64";
+      checksum = "sha256-9o0nprGcJhudS1LNm+T7Vf0Dwd1RBauYKI+w1FBQ3ZM=";
+    };
+    aarch64-linux = {
+      platform = "linux-arm64";
+      checksum = "sha256-aW3cUZqAdiOLzOC9BQM/bTkDVyw24Dx9nBSXgbiKe4c=";
+    };
+  };
+  inherit (stdenv.hostPlatform) system;
+  binary = availableBinaries.${system} or (throw "cypress: No binaries available for system ${system}");
+  inherit (binary) platform checksum;
+in stdenv.mkDerivation rec {
+  pname = "cypress";
+  version = "13.2.0";
+  src = fetchzip {
+    url = "https://cdn.cypress.io/desktop/${version}/${platform}/cypress.zip";
+    sha256 = checksum;
+  };
+  # don't remove runtime deps
+  dontPatchELF = true;
+  nativeBuildInputs = [ autoPatchelfHook wrapGAppsHook unzip ];
+  buildInputs = with xorg; [
+    libXScrnSaver
+    libXdamage
+    libXtst
+    libxshmfence
+  ] ++ [
+    nss
+    gtk2
+    alsa-lib
+    gtk3
+    mesa # for libgbm
+  ];
+  runtimeDependencies = [ (lib.getLib udev) ];
+  installPhase = ''
+    runHook preInstall
+    mkdir -p $out/bin $out/opt/cypress
+    cp -vr * $out/opt/cypress/
+    # Let's create the file binary_state ourselves to make the npm package happy on initial verification.
+    # Cypress now verifies version by reading bin/resources/app/package.json
+    mkdir -p $out/bin/resources/app
+    printf '{"version":"%b"}' $version > $out/bin/resources/app/package.json
+    # Cypress now looks for binary_state.json in bin
+    echo '{"verified": true}' > $out/binary_state.json
+    ln -s $out/opt/cypress/Cypress $out/bin/Cypress
+    runHook postInstall
+  '';
+  passthru = {
+    updateScript = ./update.sh;
+    tests = {
+      # We used to have a test here, but was removed because
+      #  - it broke, and ofborg didn't fail https://github.com/NixOS/ofborg/issues/629
+      #  - it had a large footprint in the repo; prefer RFC 92 or an ugly FOD fetcher?
+      #  - the author switched away from cypress.
+      # To provide a test once more, you may find useful information in
+      # https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/pull/223903
+    };
+  };
+  meta = with lib; {
+    description = "Fast, easy and reliable testing for anything that runs in a browser";
+    homepage = "https://www.cypress.io";
+    mainProgram = "Cypress";
+    sourceProvenance = with sourceTypes; [ binaryNativeCode ];
+    license = licenses.mit;
+    platforms = lib.attrNames availableBinaries;
+    maintainers = with maintainers; [ tweber mmahut Crafter ];
+  };
diff --git a/nixpkgs/pkgs/development/web/cypress/update.sh b/nixpkgs/pkgs/development/web/cypress/update.sh
new file mode 100755
index 000000000000..f8389b517c32
--- /dev/null
+++ b/nixpkgs/pkgs/development/web/cypress/update.sh
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env nix-shell
+#!nix-shell -i bash -p common-updater-scripts curl jq
+set -euo pipefail
+basedir="$(git rev-parse --show-toplevel)"
+version="$(curl -sL https://cdn.cypress.io/desktop/ | jq '.version' --raw-output)"
+cd "$basedir"
+update-source-version cypress "$version"
diff --git a/nixpkgs/pkgs/development/web/deno/default.nix b/nixpkgs/pkgs/development/web/deno/default.nix
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..557913e957dd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/nixpkgs/pkgs/development/web/deno/default.nix
@@ -0,0 +1,107 @@
+{ stdenv
+, lib
+, callPackage
+, fetchFromGitHub
+, rustPlatform
+, cmake
+, protobuf
+, installShellFiles
+, libiconv
+, darwin
+, librusty_v8 ? callPackage ./librusty_v8.nix { }
+rustPlatform.buildRustPackage rec {
+  pname = "deno";
+  version = "1.41.1";
+  src = fetchFromGitHub {
+    owner = "denoland";
+    repo = pname;
+    rev = "v${version}";
+    hash = "sha256-dbURsob4FLdTK8TiHUnmY4Gjd0bw+EDZu1R0WZJnJG8=";
+  };
+  cargoHash = "sha256-8pENTx8BG23L7m3hlv++KvFY/xOjcXAHuw5V60p4Nh8=";
+  postPatch = ''
+    # upstream uses lld on aarch64-darwin for faster builds
+    # within nix lld looks for CoreFoundation rather than CoreFoundation.tbd and fails
+    substituteInPlace .cargo/config.toml --replace "-fuse-ld=lld " ""
+  '';
+  # uses zlib-ng but can't dynamically link yet
+  # https://github.com/rust-lang/libz-sys/issues/158
+  nativeBuildInputs = [
+    # required by libz-ng-sys crate
+    cmake
+    # required by deno_kv crate
+    protobuf
+    installShellFiles
+  ];
+  buildInputs = lib.optionals stdenv.isDarwin (
+    [ libiconv darwin.libobjc ] ++
+    (with darwin.apple_sdk_11_0.frameworks; [
+      Security
+      CoreServices
+      Metal
+      MetalPerformanceShaders
+      Foundation
+      QuartzCore
+    ])
+  );
+  # work around "error: unknown warning group '-Wunused-but-set-parameter'"
+  env.NIX_CFLAGS_COMPILE = lib.optionalString stdenv.cc.isClang "-Wno-unknown-warning-option";
+  buildAndTestSubdir = "cli";
+  # The v8 package will try to download a `librusty_v8.a` release at build time to our read-only filesystem
+  # To avoid this we pre-download the file and export it via RUSTY_V8_ARCHIVE
+  RUSTY_V8_ARCHIVE = librusty_v8;
+  # Tests have some inconsistencies between runs with output integration tests
+  # Skipping until resolved
+  doCheck = false;
+  preInstall = ''
+    find ./target -name libswc_common${stdenv.hostPlatform.extensions.sharedLibrary} -delete
+  '';
+  postInstall = ''
+    installShellCompletion --cmd deno \
+      --bash <($out/bin/deno completions bash) \
+      --fish <($out/bin/deno completions fish) \
+      --zsh <($out/bin/deno completions zsh)
+  '';
+  doInstallCheck = true;
+  installCheckPhase = ''
+    runHook preInstallCheck
+    $out/bin/deno --help
+    $out/bin/deno --version | grep "deno ${version}"
+    runHook postInstallCheck
+  '';
+  passthru.updateScript = ./update/update.ts;
+  passthru.tests = callPackage ./tests { };
+  meta = with lib; {
+    homepage = "https://deno.land/";
+    changelog = "https://github.com/denoland/deno/releases/tag/v${version}";
+    description = "A secure runtime for JavaScript and TypeScript";
+    longDescription = ''
+      Deno aims to be a productive and secure scripting environment for the modern programmer.
+      Deno will always be distributed as a single executable.
+      Given a URL to a Deno program, it is runnable with nothing more than the ~15 megabyte zipped executable.
+      Deno explicitly takes on the role of both runtime and package manager.
+      It uses a standard browser-compatible protocol for loading modules: URLs.
+      Among other things, Deno is a great replacement for utility scripts that may have been historically written with
+      bash or python.
+    '';
+    license = licenses.mit;
+    mainProgram = "deno";
+    maintainers = with maintainers; [ jk ];
+    platforms = [ "x86_64-linux" "aarch64-linux" "x86_64-darwin" "aarch64-darwin" ];
+  };
diff --git a/nixpkgs/pkgs/development/web/deno/librusty_v8.nix b/nixpkgs/pkgs/development/web/deno/librusty_v8.nix
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..7e8f9eafc498
--- /dev/null
+++ b/nixpkgs/pkgs/development/web/deno/librusty_v8.nix
@@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
+# auto-generated file -- DO NOT EDIT!
+{ stdenv, fetchurl }:
+  fetch_librusty_v8 = args: fetchurl {
+    name = "librusty_v8-${args.version}";
+    url = "https://github.com/denoland/rusty_v8/releases/download/v${args.version}/librusty_v8_release_${stdenv.hostPlatform.rust.rustcTarget}.a";
+    sha256 = args.shas.${stdenv.hostPlatform.system};
+    meta = { inherit (args) version; };
+  };
+fetch_librusty_v8 {
+  version = "0.83.2";
+  shas = {
+    x86_64-linux = "sha256-RJNdy5jRZK3dTgrHsWuZZAHUyy1EogyNNuBekZ3Arrk=";
+    aarch64-linux = "sha256-mpOmuqtd7ob6xvrgH4P/6GLa/hXTS/ok0WOYo7+7ZhI=";
+    x86_64-darwin = "sha256-2o8CvJ3r5+4PLNGTySqPPDTqbU0piX4D1UtZMscMdHU=";
+    aarch64-darwin = "sha256-WHeITWSHjZxfQJndxcjsp4yIERKrKXSHFZ0UBc43p8o=";
+  };
diff --git a/nixpkgs/pkgs/development/web/deno/tests/basic.ts b/nixpkgs/pkgs/development/web/deno/tests/basic.ts
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..5959aa217b3c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/nixpkgs/pkgs/development/web/deno/tests/basic.ts
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+console.log(1 + 1)
diff --git a/nixpkgs/pkgs/development/web/deno/tests/default.nix b/nixpkgs/pkgs/development/web/deno/tests/default.nix
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..b6787c913b12
--- /dev/null
+++ b/nixpkgs/pkgs/development/web/deno/tests/default.nix
@@ -0,0 +1,68 @@
+{ deno, runCommand, lib, testers }:
+  testDenoRun =
+    name:
+    { args ? ""
+    , dir ? ./. + "/${name}"
+    , file ? "index.ts"
+    , expected ? ""
+    , expectFailure ? false
+    }:
+    let
+      command = "deno run ${args} ${dir}/${file}";
+    in
+    runCommand "deno-test-${name}" { nativeBuildInputs = [ deno ]; meta.timeout = 60; } ''
+      HOME=$(mktemp -d)
+      if output=$(${command} 2>&1); then
+        if [[ $output =~ '${expected}' ]]; then
+          echo "Test '${name}' passed"
+          touch $out
+        else
+          echo -n ${lib.escapeShellArg command} >&2
+          echo " output did not match what was expected." >&2
+          echo "The expected was:" >&2
+          echo '${expected}' >&2
+          echo "The output was:" >&2
+          echo "$output" >&2
+          exit 1
+        fi
+      else
+        if [[ "${toString expectFailure}" == "1" ]]; then
+          echo "Test '${name}' failed as expected"
+          touch $out
+          exit 0
+        fi
+        echo -n ${lib.escapeShellArg command} >&2
+        echo " returned a non-zero exit code." >&2
+        echo "$output" >&2
+        exit 1
+      fi
+    '';
+(lib.mapAttrs testDenoRun {
+  basic = {
+    dir = ./.;
+    file = "basic.ts";
+    expected = "2";
+  };
+  import-json = {
+    expected = "hello from JSON";
+  };
+  import-ts = {
+    expected = "hello from ts";
+  };
+  read-file = {
+    args = "--allow-read";
+    expected = "hello from a file";
+  };
+  fail-read-file = {
+    expectFailure = true;
+    dir = ./read-file;
+  };
+}) //
+  version = testers.testVersion {
+    package = deno;
+    command = "deno --version";
+  };
diff --git a/nixpkgs/pkgs/development/web/deno/tests/import-json/data.json b/nixpkgs/pkgs/development/web/deno/tests/import-json/data.json
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..7f0de9ebe0b9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/nixpkgs/pkgs/development/web/deno/tests/import-json/data.json
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+{ "msg": "hello from JSON" }
diff --git a/nixpkgs/pkgs/development/web/deno/tests/import-json/index.ts b/nixpkgs/pkgs/development/web/deno/tests/import-json/index.ts
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..525f25f74da2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/nixpkgs/pkgs/development/web/deno/tests/import-json/index.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
+import file from "./data.json" assert { type: "json" };
diff --git a/nixpkgs/pkgs/development/web/deno/tests/import-ts/index.ts b/nixpkgs/pkgs/development/web/deno/tests/import-ts/index.ts
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..34fec283a169
--- /dev/null
+++ b/nixpkgs/pkgs/development/web/deno/tests/import-ts/index.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
+import { sayHello } from "./lib.ts"
diff --git a/nixpkgs/pkgs/development/web/deno/tests/import-ts/lib.ts b/nixpkgs/pkgs/development/web/deno/tests/import-ts/lib.ts
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..3b5e05aaaaf3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/nixpkgs/pkgs/development/web/deno/tests/import-ts/lib.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
+export function sayHello(thing: string) {
+  console.log(`hello from ${thing}`);
diff --git a/nixpkgs/pkgs/development/web/deno/tests/read-file/data.txt b/nixpkgs/pkgs/development/web/deno/tests/read-file/data.txt
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..7eee1b0c107c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/nixpkgs/pkgs/development/web/deno/tests/read-file/data.txt
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+hello from a file
diff --git a/nixpkgs/pkgs/development/web/deno/tests/read-file/index.ts b/nixpkgs/pkgs/development/web/deno/tests/read-file/index.ts
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..be792a3d6628
--- /dev/null
+++ b/nixpkgs/pkgs/development/web/deno/tests/read-file/index.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
+// trim 'file://' prefix
+const thisDir = Deno.mainModule.substring(7, Deno.mainModule.length);
+const getParent = (path: string) => path.substring(0, path.lastIndexOf("/"))
+const text = await Deno.readTextFile(getParent(thisDir) + "/data.txt");
diff --git a/nixpkgs/pkgs/development/web/deno/update/common.ts b/nixpkgs/pkgs/development/web/deno/update/common.ts
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..a31805269cb2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/nixpkgs/pkgs/development/web/deno/update/common.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,55 @@
+interface GHRelease {
+  tag_name: string;
+const decode = (buffer: Uint8Array) => new TextDecoder("utf-8").decode(buffer);
+const decodeTrim = (b: Uint8Array) => decode(b).trimEnd();
+export const run = async (command: string, args: string[]) => {
+  const cmd = Deno.run({
+    cmd: [command, ...args],
+    stdout: "piped",
+    stderr: "piped",
+  });
+  if (!(await cmd.status()).success) {
+    const error = await cmd.stderrOutput().then(decodeTrim);
+    // Known error we can ignore
+    if (error.includes("'allow-unsafe-native-code-during-evaluation'")) {
+      // Extract the target sha256 out of the error
+      const target = "  got:    sha256:";
+      const match = error
+        .split("\n")
+        .find((l) => l.includes(target))
+        ?.split(target)[1];
+      if (typeof match !== "undefined") {
+        return match;
+      }
+    }
+    throw new Error(error);
+  }
+  return cmd.output().then(decodeTrim);
+// Exports
+export const versionRegExp = /\d+\.\d+\.\d+/;
+export const sha256RegExp = /[a-z0-9]{52}|sha256-.{44}/;
+export const getExistingVersion = async (filePath: string) =>
+  read(filePath).then(
+    (s) => s.match(genValueRegExp("version", versionRegExp))?.shift() || "",
+  );
+export const getLatestVersion = (owner: string, repo: string) =>
+  fetch(`https://api.github.com/repos/${owner}/${repo}/releases`)
+    .then((res) => res.json())
+    .then((res: GHRelease[]) => res[0].tag_name);
+// The (?<=) and (?=) allow replace to only change inside
+// Match the regex passed in or empty
+export const genValueRegExp = (key: string, regex: RegExp) =>
+  new RegExp(`(?<=${key} = ")(${regex.source}|)(?=")`);
+export const logger = (name: string) => (...a: any) =>
+  console.log(`[${name}]`, ...a);
+export const read = Deno.readTextFile;
+export const write = Deno.writeTextFile;
diff --git a/nixpkgs/pkgs/development/web/deno/update/librusty_v8.ts b/nixpkgs/pkgs/development/web/deno/update/librusty_v8.ts
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..39831f6ea279
--- /dev/null
+++ b/nixpkgs/pkgs/development/web/deno/update/librusty_v8.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,86 @@
+import * as toml from "https://deno.land/std@0.202.0/toml/mod.ts";
+import { getExistingVersion, logger, run, write } from "./common.ts";
+const log = logger("librusty_v8");
+export interface Architecture {
+  nix: string;
+  rust: string;
+interface PrefetchResult {
+  arch: Architecture;
+  sha256: string;
+const getCargoLock = async (
+  owner: string,
+  repo: string,
+  version: string,
+) =>
+  fetch(`https://github.com/${owner}/${repo}/raw/${version}/Cargo.lock`)
+    .then((res) => res.text())
+    .then((txt) => toml.parse(txt));
+const fetchArchShaTasks = (version: string, arches: Architecture[]) =>
+  arches.map(
+    async (arch: Architecture): Promise<PrefetchResult> => {
+      log("Fetching:", arch.nix);
+      const sha256 = await run("nix-prefetch", [
+        `
+{ fetchurl }:
+fetchurl {
+  url = "https://github.com/denoland/rusty_v8/releases/download/v${version}/librusty_v8_release_${arch.rust}.a";
+      ]);
+      log("Done:    ", arch.nix);
+      return { arch, sha256 };
+    },
+  );
+const templateDeps = (version: string, deps: PrefetchResult[]) =>
+  `# auto-generated file -- DO NOT EDIT!
+{ stdenv, fetchurl }:
+  fetch_librusty_v8 = args: fetchurl {
+    name = "librusty_v8-\${args.version}";
+    url = "https://github.com/denoland/rusty_v8/releases/download/v\${args.version}/librusty_v8_release_\${stdenv.hostPlatform.rust.rustcTarget}.a";
+    sha256 = args.shas.\${stdenv.hostPlatform.system};
+    meta = { inherit (args) version; };
+  };
+fetch_librusty_v8 {
+  version = "${version}";
+  shas = {
+${deps.map(({ arch, sha256 }) => `    ${arch.nix} = "${sha256}";`).join("\n")}
+  };
+export async function updateLibrustyV8(
+  filePath: string,
+  owner: string,
+  repo: string,
+  denoVersion: string,
+  arches: Architecture[],
+) {
+  log("Starting librusty_v8 update");
+  // 0.0.0
+  const cargoLockData = await getCargoLock(owner, repo, denoVersion);
+  console.log(cargoLockData);
+  const packageItem = cargoLockData.package.find(({ name }) => name === "v8");
+  const version = packageItem.version;
+  if (typeof version !== "string") {
+    throw "no librusty_v8 version";
+  }
+  log("librusty_v8 version:", version);
+  const existingVersion = await getExistingVersion(filePath);
+  if (version === existingVersion) {
+    log("Version already matches latest, skipping...");
+    return;
+  }
+  const archShaResults = await Promise.all(fetchArchShaTasks(version, arches));
+  await write(filePath, templateDeps(version, archShaResults));
+  log("Finished deps update");
diff --git a/nixpkgs/pkgs/development/web/deno/update/src.ts b/nixpkgs/pkgs/development/web/deno/update/src.ts
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..20793a7178fa
--- /dev/null
+++ b/nixpkgs/pkgs/development/web/deno/update/src.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,67 @@
+import {
+  genValueRegExp,
+  logger,
+  read,
+  run,
+  sha256RegExp,
+  versionRegExp,
+  write,
+} from "./common.ts";
+interface Replacer {
+  regex: RegExp;
+  value: string;
+const log = logger("src");
+const prefetchHash = (nixpkgs: string, version: string) =>
+  run("nix-prefetch", ["-f", nixpkgs, "deno.src", "--rev", version]);
+const prefetchCargoHash = (nixpkgs: string) =>
+  run(
+    "nix-prefetch",
+    [`{ sha256 }: (import ${nixpkgs} {}).deno.cargoDeps.overrideAttrs (_: { hash = sha256; })`],
+  );
+const replace = (str: string, replacers: Replacer[]) =>
+  replacers.reduce(
+    (str, r) => str.replace(r.regex, r.value),
+    str,
+  );
+const updateNix = (filePath: string, replacers: Replacer[]) =>
+  read(filePath).then((str) => write(filePath, replace(str, replacers)));
+const genVerReplacer = (k: string, value: string): Replacer => (
+  { regex: genValueRegExp(k, versionRegExp), value }
+const genShaReplacer = (k: string, value: string): Replacer => (
+  { regex: genValueRegExp(k, sha256RegExp), value }
+export async function updateSrc(
+  filePath: string,
+  nixpkgs: string,
+  denoVersion: string,
+) {
+  log("Starting src update");
+  const trimVersion = denoVersion.substring(1);
+  log("Fetching hash for:", trimVersion);
+  const sha256 = await prefetchHash(nixpkgs, denoVersion);
+  log("sha256 to update:", sha256);
+  await updateNix(
+    filePath,
+    [
+      genVerReplacer("version", trimVersion),
+      genShaReplacer("hash", sha256),
+    ],
+  );
+  log("Fetching cargoHash for:", sha256);
+  const cargoHash = await prefetchCargoHash(nixpkgs);
+  log("cargoHash to update:", cargoHash);
+  await updateNix(
+    filePath,
+    [genShaReplacer("cargoHash", cargoHash)],
+  );
+  log("Finished src update");
diff --git a/nixpkgs/pkgs/development/web/deno/update/update.ts b/nixpkgs/pkgs/development/web/deno/update/update.ts
new file mode 100755
index 000000000000..27e1d86ee861
--- /dev/null
+++ b/nixpkgs/pkgs/development/web/deno/update/update.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,43 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env nix-shell
+#!nix-shell -i "deno run --allow-net --allow-run --allow-read --allow-write" -p deno git nix-prefetch
+import { getExistingVersion, getLatestVersion, logger } from "./common.ts";
+import { Architecture, updateLibrustyV8 } from "./librusty_v8.ts";
+import { updateSrc } from "./src.ts";
+const log = logger("update");
+// TODO: Getting current file position to more-safely point to nixpkgs root
+const nixpkgs = Deno.cwd();
+// TODO: Read values from default.nix
+const owner = "denoland";
+const repo = "deno";
+const denoDir = `${nixpkgs}/pkgs/development/web/${repo}`;
+const src = `${denoDir}/default.nix`;
+const librusty_v8 = `${denoDir}/librusty_v8.nix`;
+const architectures: Architecture[] = [
+  { nix: "x86_64-linux", rust: "x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu" },
+  { nix: "aarch64-linux", rust: "aarch64-unknown-linux-gnu" },
+  { nix: "x86_64-darwin", rust: "x86_64-apple-darwin" },
+  { nix: "aarch64-darwin", rust: "aarch64-apple-darwin" },
+log("Updating deno");
+log("Getting latest deno version");
+const version = await getLatestVersion(owner, repo);
+const existingVersion = await getExistingVersion(src);
+const trimVersion = version.substr(1); // Strip v from v0.0.0
+log("Latest version:   ", trimVersion);
+log("Extracted version:", existingVersion);
+if (trimVersion === existingVersion) {
+  log("Version already matches latest, skipping...");
+  Deno.exit(0);
+const tasks = [
+  updateSrc(src, nixpkgs, version),
+  updateLibrustyV8(librusty_v8, owner, repo, version, architectures),
+await Promise.all(tasks);
+log("Updating deno complete");
diff --git a/nixpkgs/pkgs/development/web/edge-runtime/default.nix b/nixpkgs/pkgs/development/web/edge-runtime/default.nix
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..a84e232bbb4c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/nixpkgs/pkgs/development/web/edge-runtime/default.nix
@@ -0,0 +1,72 @@
+{ stdenv
+, lib
+, callPackage
+, fetchFromGitHub
+, rustPlatform
+, nix-update-script
+, darwin
+, openssl
+, pkg-config
+  pname = "edge-runtime";
+  version = "1.14.0";
+rustPlatform.buildRustPackage {
+  inherit pname version;
+  src = fetchFromGitHub {
+    owner = "supabase";
+    repo = pname;
+    rev = "v${version}";
+    hash = "sha256-63XStzO4Jt6ObWuzcBf2QwCIWsStXvhQ0XaJabELhWg=";
+    fetchSubmodules = true;
+  };
+  cargoHash = "sha256-JwwdvvpqgSbl0Xyb5pQ5hzZRrrCnDSjwV+ikdO2pXCk=";
+  nativeBuildInputs = [ pkg-config rustPlatform.bindgenHook ];
+  buildInputs = lib.optionals stdenv.isLinux [ openssl ]
+    ++ lib.optionals stdenv.isDarwin (with darwin.apple_sdk.frameworks; [ Security CoreFoundation SystemConfiguration ]);
+  # The v8 package will try to download a `librusty_v8.a` release at build time to our read-only filesystem
+  # To avoid this we pre-download the file and export it via RUSTY_V8_ARCHIVE
+  RUSTY_V8_ARCHIVE = callPackage ./librusty_v8.nix { };
+  passthru.updateScript = nix-update-script { };
+  preCheck = ''
+    export HOME=$(mktemp -d)
+  '';
+  checkFlags = [
+    # tries to make a network access
+    "--skip=deno_runtime::test::test_main_rt_fs"
+    "--skip=deno_runtime::test::test_main_runtime_creation"
+    "--skip=deno_runtime::test::test_os_env_vars"
+    "--skip=deno_runtime::test::test_os_ops"
+    "--skip=deno_runtime::test::test_user_runtime_creation"
+    "--skip=test_custom_readable_stream_response"
+    "--skip=test_import_map_file_path"
+    "--skip=test_import_map_inline"
+    "--skip=test_main_worker_options_request"
+    "--skip=test_main_worker_post_request"
+    "--skip=test_null_body_with_204_status"
+    "--skip=test_null_body_with_204_status_post"
+    "--skip=test_file_upload"
+    "--skip=test_oak_server"
+    "--skip=test_tls_throw_invalid_data"
+    "--skip=test_user_worker_json_imports"
+    "--skip=node::analyze::tests::test_esm_code_with_node_globals"
+    "--skip=node::analyze::tests::test_esm_code_with_node_globals_with_shebang"
+  ];
+  meta = with lib; {
+    description = "A server based on Deno runtime, capable of running JavaScript, TypeScript, and WASM services";
+    homepage = "https://github.com/supabase/edge-runtime";
+    license = licenses.mit;
+    maintainers = with maintainers; [ happysalada ];
+  };
diff --git a/nixpkgs/pkgs/development/web/edge-runtime/librusty_v8.nix b/nixpkgs/pkgs/development/web/edge-runtime/librusty_v8.nix
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..1e0a306c13b6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/nixpkgs/pkgs/development/web/edge-runtime/librusty_v8.nix
@@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
+# auto-generated file -- DO NOT EDIT!
+{ stdenv, fetchurl }:
+  fetch_librusty_v8 = args: fetchurl {
+    name = "librusty_v8-${args.version}";
+    url = "https://github.com/denoland/rusty_v8/releases/download/v${args.version}/librusty_v8_release_${stdenv.hostPlatform.rust.rustcTarget}.a";
+    sha256 = args.shas.${stdenv.hostPlatform.system};
+    meta = { inherit (args) version; };
+  };
+fetch_librusty_v8 {
+  version = "0.74.3";
+  shas = {
+    x86_64-linux = "sha256-8pa8nqA6rbOSBVnp2Q8/IQqh/rfYQU57hMgwU9+iz4A=";
+    aarch64-linux = "sha256-3kXOV8rlCNbNBdXgOtd3S94qO+JIKyOByA4WGX+XVP0=";
+    x86_64-darwin = "sha256-iBBVKZiSoo08YEQ8J/Rt1/5b7a+2xjtuS6QL/Wod5nQ=";
+    aarch64-darwin = "sha256-Djnuc3l/jQKvBf1aej8LG5Ot2wPT0m5Zo1B24l1UHsM=";
+  };
diff --git a/nixpkgs/pkgs/development/web/flyctl/default.nix b/nixpkgs/pkgs/development/web/flyctl/default.nix
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..2c7da6ad3569
--- /dev/null
+++ b/nixpkgs/pkgs/development/web/flyctl/default.nix
@@ -0,0 +1,63 @@
+{ lib, buildGo122Module, fetchFromGitHub, testers, flyctl, installShellFiles }:
+buildGo122Module rec {
+  pname = "flyctl";
+  version = "0.2.6";
+  src = fetchFromGitHub {
+    owner = "superfly";
+    repo = "flyctl";
+    rev = "v${version}";
+    hash = "sha256-A0mlfTeAAeMvmzIvWGALmvMGtGOgVU3X9kvSyrvtK54=";
+  };
+  vendorHash = "sha256-9l9zft37cGqVp6SBCc4bQcyNLpzSrLDbC++0ywkpDYU=";
+  subPackages = [ "." ];
+  ldflags = [
+    "-s" "-w"
+    "-X github.com/superfly/flyctl/internal/buildinfo.buildDate=1970-01-01T00:00:00Z"
+    "-X github.com/superfly/flyctl/internal/buildinfo.buildVersion=${version}"
+  ];
+  tags = ["production"];
+  nativeBuildInputs = [ installShellFiles ];
+  patches = [ ./disable-auto-update.patch ];
+  preBuild = ''
+    go generate ./...
+  '';
+  preCheck = ''
+    HOME=$(mktemp -d)
+  '';
+  postCheck = ''
+    go test ./... -ldflags="-X 'github.com/superfly/flyctl/internal/buildinfo.buildDate=1970-01-01T00:00:00Z'"
+  '';
+  postInstall = ''
+    installShellCompletion --cmd flyctl \
+      --bash <($out/bin/flyctl completion bash) \
+      --fish <($out/bin/flyctl completion fish) \
+      --zsh <($out/bin/flyctl completion zsh)
+    ln -s $out/bin/flyctl $out/bin/fly
+  '';
+  passthru.tests.version = testers.testVersion {
+    package = flyctl;
+    command = "HOME=$(mktemp -d) flyctl version";
+    version = "v${flyctl.version}";
+  };
+  meta = with lib; {
+    description = "Command line tools for fly.io services";
+    downloadPage = "https://github.com/superfly/flyctl";
+    homepage = "https://fly.io/";
+    license = licenses.asl20;
+    maintainers = with maintainers; [ adtya jsierles techknowlogick ];
+    mainProgram = "flyctl";
+  };
diff --git a/nixpkgs/pkgs/development/web/flyctl/disable-auto-update.patch b/nixpkgs/pkgs/development/web/flyctl/disable-auto-update.patch
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..d6c59755f881
--- /dev/null
+++ b/nixpkgs/pkgs/development/web/flyctl/disable-auto-update.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
+From 9c76dbff982b0fd8beaffae42a6e98bc1e67f089 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
+From: Gabriel Simmer <g@gmem.ca>
+Date: Fri, 21 Jul 2023 08:16:52 +0100
+Subject: [PATCH] Disable auto update
+ internal/config/config.go | 2 +-
+ 1 file changed, 1 insertion(+), 1 deletion(-)
+diff --git a/internal/config/config.go b/internal/config/config.go
+index 1914f8e0..958baf27 100644
+--- a/internal/config/config.go
++++ b/internal/config/config.go
+@@ -141,7 +141,7 @@ func (cfg *Config) ApplyFile(path string) (err error) {
+ 		AutoUpdate   bool   `yaml:"auto_update"`
+ 	}
+ 	w.SendMetrics = true
+-	w.AutoUpdate = true
++	w.AutoUpdate = false
+ 	if err = unmarshal(path, &w); err == nil {
+ 		cfg.AccessToken = w.AccessToken
diff --git a/nixpkgs/pkgs/development/web/function-runner/default.nix b/nixpkgs/pkgs/development/web/function-runner/default.nix
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..a3526a0c5584
--- /dev/null
+++ b/nixpkgs/pkgs/development/web/function-runner/default.nix
@@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
+{ lib, fetchFromGitHub, rustPlatform }:
+rustPlatform.buildRustPackage rec {
+  pname = "function-runner";
+  version = "4.2.0";
+  src = fetchFromGitHub {
+    owner = "Shopify";
+    repo = pname;
+    rev = "v${version}";
+    sha256 = "sha256-33UVo7mPD/o3Z/R5PFhosiSLFLLpJ0pHqUbKtX6THJE=";
+  };
+  cargoHash = "sha256-TNbGmqITCk1VKVuO46LxO+zjAG7Laguq7EAruuhJIxk=";
+  meta = with lib; {
+    description = "A CLI tool which allows you to run Wasm Functions intended for the Shopify Functions infrastructure";
+    homepage = "https://github.com/Shopify/function-runner";
+    license = licenses.asl20;
+    maintainers = with maintainers; [ nintron ];
+  };
diff --git a/nixpkgs/pkgs/development/web/grails/default.nix b/nixpkgs/pkgs/development/web/grails/default.nix
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..95660e2f3d60
--- /dev/null
+++ b/nixpkgs/pkgs/development/web/grails/default.nix
@@ -0,0 +1,53 @@
+{ lib, stdenv, fetchurl, unzip
+# If jdk is null, require JAVA_HOME in runtime environment, else store
+# JAVA_HOME=${jdk.home} into grails.
+, jdk ? null
+, coreutils, ncurses, gnused, gnugrep  # for purity
+  binpath = lib.makeBinPath
+    ([ coreutils ncurses gnused gnugrep ] ++ lib.optional (jdk != null) jdk);
+stdenv.mkDerivation rec {
+  pname = "grails";
+  version = "6.1.2";
+  src = fetchurl {
+    url = "https://github.com/grails/grails-core/releases/download/v${version}/grails-${version}.zip";
+    sha256 = "sha256-PoiXZuAJbKsyBRVaxwsKSDh1BzPYlgAwe/xC0qfeDgs=";
+  };
+  nativeBuildInputs = [ unzip ];
+  dontBuild = true;
+  installPhase = ''
+    mkdir -p "$out"
+    cp -vr . "$out"
+    # Remove (for now) uneeded Windows .bat files
+    rm -f "$out"/bin/*.bat
+    # Improve purity
+    sed -i -e '2iPATH=${binpath}:\$PATH' "$out"/bin/grails
+  '' + lib.optionalString (jdk != null) ''
+    # Inject JDK path into grails
+    sed -i -e '2iJAVA_HOME=${jdk.home}' "$out"/bin/grails
+  '';
+  preferLocalBuild = true;
+  meta = with lib; {
+    description = "Full stack, web application framework for the JVM";
+    longDescription = ''
+      Grails is an Open Source, full stack, web application framework for the
+      JVM. It takes advantage of the Groovy programming language and convention
+      over configuration to provide a productive and stream-lined development
+      experience.
+    '';
+    homepage = "https://grails.org/";
+    license = licenses.asl20;
+    sourceProvenance = with sourceTypes; [ binaryBytecode ];
+    platforms = platforms.linux;
+    maintainers = [ maintainers.bjornfor ];
+  };
diff --git a/nixpkgs/pkgs/development/web/ihp-new/default.nix b/nixpkgs/pkgs/development/web/ihp-new/default.nix
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..a11203238441
--- /dev/null
+++ b/nixpkgs/pkgs/development/web/ihp-new/default.nix
@@ -0,0 +1,32 @@
+{ lib, stdenv, fetchFromGitHub, git, makeWrapper }:
+stdenv.mkDerivation rec {
+  pname = "ihp-new";
+  version = "1.2.0";
+  src = fetchFromGitHub {
+    owner = "digitallyinduced";
+    repo = "ihp";
+    rev = "v${version}";
+    sha256 = "sha256-oQz7ZBrHe6WwYMwnxxUgnYM55CuH5Oxjz6mrLnYbB7U=";
+  };
+  dontConfigure = true;
+  sourceRoot = "${src.name}/ProjectGenerator";
+  nativeBuildInputs = [ makeWrapper ];
+  installPhase = ''
+    install -Dm755 bin/ihp-new -t $out/bin
+    wrapProgram $out/bin/ihp-new \
+      --suffix PATH ":" "${lib.makeBinPath [ git ]}";
+  '';
+  meta = with lib; {
+    description = "Project generator for the IHP (Integrated Haskell Platform) web framework";
+    homepage = "https://ihp.digitallyinduced.com";
+    license = licenses.mit;
+    maintainers = [ maintainers.mpscholten ];
+    platforms = platforms.unix;
+  };
diff --git a/nixpkgs/pkgs/development/web/insomnia/default.nix b/nixpkgs/pkgs/development/web/insomnia/default.nix
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..597ff71a6fc8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/nixpkgs/pkgs/development/web/insomnia/default.nix
@@ -0,0 +1,99 @@
+{ lib, stdenv, makeWrapper, fetchurl, dpkg, alsa-lib, atk, cairo, cups, dbus, expat
+, fontconfig, freetype, gdk-pixbuf, glib, pango, mesa, nspr, nss, gtk3
+, at-spi2-atk, gsettings-desktop-schemas, gobject-introspection, wrapGAppsHook
+, libX11, libXScrnSaver, libXcomposite, libXcursor, libXdamage, libXext
+, libXfixes, libXi, libXrandr, libXrender, libXtst, libxcb, libxshmfence, nghttp2
+, libudev0-shim, glibc, curl, openssl, autoPatchelfHook }:
+  runtimeLibs = lib.makeLibraryPath [
+    curl
+    glibc
+    libudev0-shim
+    nghttp2
+    openssl
+    stdenv.cc.cc.lib
+  ];
+in stdenv.mkDerivation rec {
+  pname = "insomnia";
+  version = "8.6.1";
+  src = fetchurl {
+    url = "https://github.com/Kong/insomnia/releases/download/core%40${version}/Insomnia.Core-${version}.deb";
+    hash = "sha256-qy2j6kdmtDgfTab8gTz7eb/uNKwtzbxcoJHNibVa35c=";
+  };
+  nativeBuildInputs = [
+    autoPatchelfHook
+    dpkg
+    makeWrapper
+    gobject-introspection
+    wrapGAppsHook
+  ];
+  buildInputs = [
+    alsa-lib
+    at-spi2-atk
+    atk
+    cairo
+    cups
+    dbus
+    expat
+    fontconfig
+    freetype
+    gdk-pixbuf
+    glib
+    pango
+    gtk3
+    gsettings-desktop-schemas
+    libX11
+    libXScrnSaver
+    libXcomposite
+    libXcursor
+    libXdamage
+    libXext
+    libXfixes
+    libXi
+    libXrandr
+    libXrender
+    libXtst
+    libxcb
+    libxshmfence
+    mesa # for libgbm
+    nspr
+    nss
+  ];
+  dontBuild = true;
+  dontConfigure = true;
+  dontWrapGApps = true;
+  unpackPhase = "dpkg-deb -x $src .";
+  installPhase = ''
+    mkdir -p $out/share/insomnia $out/lib $out/bin
+    mv usr/share/* $out/share/
+    mv opt/Insomnia/* $out/share/insomnia
+    ln -s $out/share/insomnia/insomnia $out/bin/insomnia
+    sed -i 's|\/opt\/Insomnia|'$out'/bin|g' $out/share/applications/insomnia.desktop
+  '';
+  preFixup = ''
+    wrapProgramShell "$out/bin/insomnia" \
+        "''${gappsWrapperArgs[@]}" \
+        --add-flags "\''${NIXOS_OZONE_WL:+\''${WAYLAND_DISPLAY:+--ozone-platform=wayland --enable-features=WaylandWindowDecorations}}" \
+        --prefix LD_LIBRARY_PATH : ${runtimeLibs}
+  '';
+  meta = with lib; {
+    homepage = "https://insomnia.rest/";
+    description = "The most intuitive cross-platform REST API Client";
+    sourceProvenance = with lib.sourceTypes; [ binaryNativeCode ];
+    license = licenses.mit;
+    platforms = [ "x86_64-linux" ];
+    maintainers = with maintainers; [ markus1189 babariviere kashw2 ];
+  };
diff --git a/nixpkgs/pkgs/development/web/kcgi/default.nix b/nixpkgs/pkgs/development/web/kcgi/default.nix
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..84bfc654c773
--- /dev/null
+++ b/nixpkgs/pkgs/development/web/kcgi/default.nix
@@ -0,0 +1,34 @@
+{ lib, stdenv, pkg-config, fetchFromGitHub, libbsd }:
+stdenv.mkDerivation rec {
+  pname = "kcgi";
+  version = "0.10.8";
+  underscoreVersion = lib.replaceStrings ["."] ["_"] version;
+  src = fetchFromGitHub {
+    owner = "kristapsdz";
+    repo = pname;
+    rev = "VERSION_${underscoreVersion}";
+    sha256 = "0ha6r7bcgf6pcn5gbd2sl7835givhda1jql49c232f1iair1yqyp";
+  };
+  patchPhase = ''substituteInPlace configure \
+    --replace /usr/local /
+  '';
+  nativeBuildInputs = [ pkg-config ];
+  buildInputs = [ ] ++ lib.optionals stdenv.isLinux [ libbsd ] ;
+  dontAddPrefix = true;
+  installFlags = [ "DESTDIR=$(out)" ];
+  meta = with lib; {
+    broken = (stdenv.isLinux && stdenv.isAarch64);
+    homepage = "https://kristaps.bsd.lv/kcgi";
+    description = "Minimal CGI and FastCGI library for C/C++";
+    license = licenses.isc;
+    platforms = platforms.all;
+    maintainers = [ maintainers.leenaars ];
+    mainProgram = "kfcgi";
+  };
diff --git a/nixpkgs/pkgs/development/web/kore/default.nix b/nixpkgs/pkgs/development/web/kore/default.nix
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..878737ce706f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/nixpkgs/pkgs/development/web/kore/default.nix
@@ -0,0 +1,43 @@
+{ lib, stdenv, fetchFromGitHub, openssl, curl, postgresql, yajl }:
+stdenv.mkDerivation rec {
+  pname = "kore";
+  version = "4.2.3";
+  src = fetchFromGitHub {
+    owner = "jorisvink";
+    repo = pname;
+    rev = version;
+    sha256 = "sha256-p0M2P02xwww5EnT28VnEtj5b+/jkPW3YkJMuK79vp4k=";
+  };
+  buildInputs = [ openssl curl postgresql yajl ];
+  makeFlags = [
+    "PREFIX=${placeholder "out"}"
+    "ACME=1"
+    "CURL=1"
+    "TASKS=1"
+    "PGSQL=1"
+    "JSONRPC=1"
+    "DEBUG=1"
+  ];
+  preBuild = ''
+    make platform.h
+  '';
+  # added to fix build w/gcc7 and clang5
+  env.NIX_CFLAGS_COMPILE = lib.optionalString stdenv.cc.isGNU "-Wno-error=pointer-compare"
+    + lib.optionalString stdenv.cc.isClang " -Wno-error=unknown-warning-option";
+  enableParallelBuilding = true;
+  meta = with lib; {
+    description = "An easy to use web application framework for C";
+    homepage = "https://kore.io";
+    license = licenses.isc;
+    platforms = platforms.all;
+    maintainers = with maintainers; [ johnmh ];
+  };
diff --git a/nixpkgs/pkgs/development/web/lucky-cli/default.nix b/nixpkgs/pkgs/development/web/lucky-cli/default.nix
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..3d420158caf0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/nixpkgs/pkgs/development/web/lucky-cli/default.nix
@@ -0,0 +1,44 @@
+{ lib, fetchFromGitHub, crystal, makeWrapper, openssl }:
+crystal.buildCrystalPackage rec {
+  pname = "lucky-cli";
+  version = "1.1.0";
+  src = fetchFromGitHub {
+    owner = "luckyframework";
+    repo = "lucky_cli";
+    rev = "v${version}";
+    hash = "sha256-mDUx9cQoYpU9kSAls36kzNVYZ8a4aqHEMIWfzS41NBk=";
+  };
+  # the integration tests will try to clone a remote repos
+  postPatch = ''
+    rm -rf spec/integration
+  '';
+  format = "crystal";
+  lockFile = ./shard.lock;
+  shardsFile = ./shards.nix;
+  crystalBinaries.lucky.src = "src/lucky.cr";
+  buildInputs = [ openssl ];
+  nativeBuildInputs = [ makeWrapper ];
+  postInstall = ''
+    wrapProgram $out/bin/lucky \
+      --prefix PATH : ${lib.makeBinPath [ crystal ]}
+  '';
+  meta = with lib; {
+    description = "A Crystal library for creating and running tasks. Also generates Lucky projects";
+    homepage = "https://luckyframework.org/";
+    license = licenses.mit;
+    maintainers = with maintainers; [ peterhoeg ];
+    mainProgram = "lucky";
+    platforms = platforms.unix;
+    broken = lib.versionOlder crystal.version "1.6.0";
+  };
diff --git a/nixpkgs/pkgs/development/web/lucky-cli/shard.lock b/nixpkgs/pkgs/development/web/lucky-cli/shard.lock
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..b9956fd780df
--- /dev/null
+++ b/nixpkgs/pkgs/development/web/lucky-cli/shard.lock
@@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
+version: 2.0
+  ameba:
+    git: https://github.com/crystal-ameba/ameba.git
+    version: 1.5.0
+  lucky_task:
+    git: https://github.com/luckyframework/lucky_task.git
+    version: 0.3.0
+  lucky_template:
+    git: https://github.com/luckyframework/lucky_template.git
+    version: 0.2.0
+  nox:
+    git: https://github.com/crystal-loot/nox.git
+    version: 0.2.2
diff --git a/nixpkgs/pkgs/development/web/lucky-cli/shards.nix b/nixpkgs/pkgs/development/web/lucky-cli/shards.nix
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..a06b87c5029a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/nixpkgs/pkgs/development/web/lucky-cli/shards.nix
@@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
+  ameba = {
+    url = "https://github.com/crystal-ameba/ameba.git";
+    rev = "v1.5.0";
+    sha256 = "1idivsbpmi40aqvs82fsv37nrgikirprxrj3ls9chsb876fq9p2d";
+  };
+  lucky_task = {
+    url = "https://github.com/luckyframework/lucky_task.git";
+    rev = "v0.3.0";
+    sha256 = "0lp2wv01wdcfr3h43n3dqgaymvypy0i6kbffb4mg4l30lijgpfb6";
+  };
+  lucky_template = {
+    url = "https://github.com/luckyframework/lucky_template.git";
+    rev = "v0.2.0";
+    sha256 = "1xix82d0xanq4xkcv83hm56nj5f2rsbrqhk70j5zr37d3kydfypl";
+  };
+  nox = {
+    url = "https://github.com/crystal-loot/nox.git";
+    rev = "v0.2.2";
+    sha256 = "1dfq0aknrxwp9wc0glri4w5j8pfbc6b1xrsxkahci109p6dhcna5";
+  };
diff --git a/nixpkgs/pkgs/development/web/mailcatcher/Gemfile b/nixpkgs/pkgs/development/web/mailcatcher/Gemfile
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..8cc16fad7e56
--- /dev/null
+++ b/nixpkgs/pkgs/development/web/mailcatcher/Gemfile
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
+source 'https://rubygems.org'
+gem 'mailcatcher'
diff --git a/nixpkgs/pkgs/development/web/mailcatcher/Gemfile.lock b/nixpkgs/pkgs/development/web/mailcatcher/Gemfile.lock
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..9f931928053d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/nixpkgs/pkgs/development/web/mailcatcher/Gemfile.lock
@@ -0,0 +1,149 @@
+  remote: https://rubygems.org/
+  specs:
+    addressable (2.8.4)
+      public_suffix (>= 2.0.2, < 6.0)
+    capybara (3.39.2)
+      addressable
+      matrix
+      mini_mime (>= 0.1.3)
+      nokogiri (~> 1.8)
+      rack (>= 1.6.0)
+      rack-test (>= 0.6.3)
+      regexp_parser (>= 1.5, < 3.0)
+      xpath (~> 3.2)
+    capybara-screenshot (1.0.26)
+      capybara (>= 1.0, < 4)
+      launchy
+    chunky_png (1.4.0)
+    coffee-script (2.4.1)
+      coffee-script-source
+      execjs
+    coffee-script-source (1.12.2)
+    compass (1.0.3)
+      chunky_png (~> 1.2)
+      compass-core (~> 1.0.2)
+      compass-import-once (~> 1.0.5)
+      rb-fsevent (>= 0.9.3)
+      rb-inotify (>= 0.9)
+      sass (>= 3.3.13, < 3.5)
+    compass-core (1.0.3)
+      multi_json (~> 1.0)
+      sass (>= 3.3.0, < 3.5)
+    compass-import-once (1.0.5)
+      sass (>= 3.2, < 3.5)
+    concurrent-ruby (1.2.2)
+    daemons (1.4.1)
+    date (3.3.3)
+    diff-lcs (1.5.0)
+    eventmachine (1.2.7)
+    execjs (2.8.1)
+    faye-websocket (0.11.3)
+      eventmachine (>= 0.12.0)
+      websocket-driver (>= 0.5.1)
+    ffi (1.15.5)
+    launchy (2.5.2)
+      addressable (~> 2.8)
+    mail (2.8.1)
+      mini_mime (>= 0.1.1)
+      net-imap
+      net-pop
+      net-smtp
+    mailcatcher (0.9.0)
+      eventmachine (= 1.2.7)
+      faye-websocket (~> 0.11.1)
+      mail (~> 2.3)
+      net-smtp
+      rack (~> 1.5)
+      sinatra (~> 1.2)
+      sqlite3 (~> 1.3)
+      thin (~> 1.8)
+    matrix (0.4.2)
+    mini_mime (1.1.2)
+    mini_portile2 (2.8.4)
+    multi_json (1.15.0)
+    net-imap (0.3.7)
+      date
+      net-protocol
+    net-pop (0.1.2)
+      net-protocol
+    net-protocol (0.2.1)
+      timeout
+    net-smtp (0.3.3)
+      net-protocol
+    nokogiri (1.16.0)
+      mini_portile2 (~> 2.8.2)
+      racc (~> 1.4)
+    psych (5.1.0)
+      stringio
+    public_suffix (5.0.3)
+    racc (1.7.1)
+    rack (1.6.13)
+    rack-protection (1.5.5)
+      rack
+    rack-test (2.1.0)
+      rack (>= 1.3)
+    rake (13.0.6)
+    rb-fsevent (0.11.2)
+    rb-inotify (0.10.1)
+      ffi (~> 1.0)
+    rdoc (6.5.0)
+      psych (>= 4.0.0)
+    regexp_parser (2.8.1)
+    rexml (3.2.6)
+    rspec (3.12.0)
+      rspec-core (~> 3.12.0)
+      rspec-expectations (~> 3.12.0)
+      rspec-mocks (~> 3.12.0)
+    rspec-core (3.12.2)
+      rspec-support (~> 3.12.0)
+    rspec-expectations (3.12.3)
+      diff-lcs (>= 1.2.0, < 2.0)
+      rspec-support (~> 3.12.0)
+    rspec-mocks (3.12.6)
+      diff-lcs (>= 1.2.0, < 2.0)
+      rspec-support (~> 3.12.0)
+    rspec-support (3.12.1)
+    rubyzip (2.3.2)
+    sass (3.4.25)
+    selenium-webdriver (4.9.0)
+      rexml (~> 3.2, >= 3.2.5)
+      rubyzip (>= 1.2.2, < 3.0)
+      websocket (~> 1.0)
+    sinatra (1.4.8)
+      rack (~> 1.5)
+      rack-protection (~> 1.4)
+      tilt (>= 1.3, < 3)
+    sprockets (3.7.2)
+      concurrent-ruby (~> 1.0)
+      rack (> 1, < 3)
+    sprockets-helpers (1.4.0)
+      sprockets (>= 2.2)
+    sprockets-sass (2.0.0.beta2)
+      sprockets (>= 2.0, < 4.0)
+    sqlite3 (1.6.3)
+      mini_portile2 (~> 2.8.0)
+    stringio (3.0.7)
+    thin (1.8.2)
+      daemons (~> 1.0, >= 1.0.9)
+      eventmachine (~> 1.0, >= 1.0.4)
+      rack (>= 1, < 3)
+    tilt (2.2.0)
+    timeout (0.4.0)
+    uglifier (4.2.0)
+      execjs (>= 0.3.0, < 3)
+    websocket (1.2.9)
+    websocket-driver (0.7.6)
+      websocket-extensions (>= 0.1.0)
+    websocket-extensions (0.1.5)
+    xpath (3.2.0)
+      nokogiri (~> 1.8)
+  ruby
+  mailcatcher
+   2.1.4
diff --git a/nixpkgs/pkgs/development/web/mailcatcher/default.nix b/nixpkgs/pkgs/development/web/mailcatcher/default.nix
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..17d25378d8cd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/nixpkgs/pkgs/development/web/mailcatcher/default.nix
@@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
+{ ruby_3_2, lib, bundlerApp, bundlerUpdateScript }:
+bundlerApp {
+  pname = "mailcatcher";
+  gemdir = ./.;
+  exes = [ "mailcatcher" "catchmail" ];
+  ruby = ruby_3_2;
+  passthru.updateScript = bundlerUpdateScript "mailcatcher";
+  meta = with lib; {
+    description = "SMTP server and web interface to locally test outbound emails";
+    homepage    = "https://mailcatcher.me/";
+    license     = licenses.mit;
+    maintainers = with maintainers; [ zarelit nicknovitski ];
+    platforms   = platforms.unix;
+  };
diff --git a/nixpkgs/pkgs/development/web/mailcatcher/gemset.nix b/nixpkgs/pkgs/development/web/mailcatcher/gemset.nix
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..7dd515a37437
--- /dev/null
+++ b/nixpkgs/pkgs/development/web/mailcatcher/gemset.nix
@@ -0,0 +1,667 @@
+  addressable = {
+    dependencies = ["public_suffix"];
+    groups = ["default" "development"];
+    platforms = [];
+    source = {
+      remotes = ["https://rubygems.org"];
+      sha256 = "15s8van7r2ad3dq6i03l3z4hqnvxcq75a3h72kxvf9an53sqma20";
+      type = "gem";
+    };
+    version = "2.8.4";
+  };
+  capybara = {
+    dependencies = ["addressable" "matrix" "mini_mime" "nokogiri" "rack" "rack-test" "regexp_parser" "xpath"];
+    groups = ["development"];
+    platforms = [];
+    source = {
+      remotes = ["https://rubygems.org"];
+      sha256 = "114qm5f5vhwaaw9rj1h2lcamh46zl13v1m18jiw68zl961gwmw6n";
+      type = "gem";
+    };
+    version = "3.39.2";
+  };
+  capybara-screenshot = {
+    dependencies = ["capybara" "launchy"];
+    groups = ["development"];
+    platforms = [];
+    source = {
+      remotes = ["https://rubygems.org"];
+      sha256 = "0xqc7hdiw1ql42mklpfvqd2pyfsxmy55cpx0h9y0jlkpl1q96sw1";
+      type = "gem";
+    };
+    version = "1.0.26";
+  };
+  chunky_png = {
+    groups = ["default" "development"];
+    platforms = [];
+    source = {
+      remotes = ["https://rubygems.org"];
+      sha256 = "1znw5x86hmm9vfhidwdsijz8m38pqgmv98l9ryilvky0aldv7mc9";
+      type = "gem";
+    };
+    version = "1.4.0";
+  };
+  coffee-script = {
+    dependencies = ["coffee-script-source" "execjs"];
+    groups = ["development"];
+    platforms = [];
+    source = {
+      remotes = ["https://rubygems.org"];
+      sha256 = "0rc7scyk7mnpfxqv5yy4y5q1hx3i7q3ahplcp4bq2g5r24g2izl2";
+      type = "gem";
+    };
+    version = "2.4.1";
+  };
+  coffee-script-source = {
+    groups = ["default" "development"];
+    platforms = [];
+    source = {
+      remotes = ["https://rubygems.org"];
+      sha256 = "1907v9q1zcqmmyqzhzych5l7qifgls2rlbnbhy5vzyr7i7yicaz1";
+      type = "gem";
+    };
+    version = "1.12.2";
+  };
+  compass = {
+    dependencies = ["chunky_png" "compass-core" "compass-import-once" "rb-fsevent" "rb-inotify" "sass"];
+    groups = ["development"];
+    platforms = [];
+    source = {
+      remotes = ["https://rubygems.org"];
+      sha256 = "0lfi83w8z75czr0pf0rmj9hda22082h3cmvczl8r1ma9agf88y2c";
+      type = "gem";
+    };
+    version = "1.0.3";
+  };
+  compass-core = {
+    dependencies = ["multi_json" "sass"];
+    groups = ["default" "development"];
+    platforms = [];
+    source = {
+      remotes = ["https://rubygems.org"];
+      sha256 = "0yaspqwdmzwdcqviclbs3blq7an16pysrfzylz8q1gxmmd6bpj3a";
+      type = "gem";
+    };
+    version = "1.0.3";
+  };
+  compass-import-once = {
+    dependencies = ["sass"];
+    groups = ["default" "development"];
+    platforms = [];
+    source = {
+      remotes = ["https://rubygems.org"];
+      sha256 = "0bn7gwbfz7jvvdd0qdfqlx67fcb83gyvxqc7dr9fhcnks3z8z5rq";
+      type = "gem";
+    };
+    version = "1.0.5";
+  };
+  concurrent-ruby = {
+    groups = ["default" "development"];
+    platforms = [];
+    source = {
+      remotes = ["https://rubygems.org"];
+      sha256 = "0krcwb6mn0iklajwngwsg850nk8k9b35dhmc2qkbdqvmifdi2y9q";
+      type = "gem";
+    };
+    version = "1.2.2";
+  };
+  daemons = {
+    groups = ["default"];
+    platforms = [];
+    source = {
+      remotes = ["https://rubygems.org"];
+      sha256 = "07cszb0zl8mqmwhc8a2yfg36vi6lbgrp4pa5bvmryrpcz9v6viwg";
+      type = "gem";
+    };
+    version = "1.4.1";
+  };
+  date = {
+    groups = ["default"];
+    platforms = [];
+    source = {
+      remotes = ["https://rubygems.org"];
+      sha256 = "03skfikihpx37rc27vr3hwrb057gxnmdzxhmzd4bf4jpkl0r55w1";
+      type = "gem";
+    };
+    version = "3.3.3";
+  };
+  diff-lcs = {
+    groups = ["default" "development"];
+    platforms = [];
+    source = {
+      remotes = ["https://rubygems.org"];
+      sha256 = "0rwvjahnp7cpmracd8x732rjgnilqv2sx7d1gfrysslc3h039fa9";
+      type = "gem";
+    };
+    version = "1.5.0";
+  };
+  eventmachine = {
+    groups = ["default"];
+    platforms = [];
+    source = {
+      remotes = ["https://rubygems.org"];
+      sha256 = "0wh9aqb0skz80fhfn66lbpr4f86ya2z5rx6gm5xlfhd05bj1ch4r";
+      type = "gem";
+    };
+    version = "1.2.7";
+  };
+  execjs = {
+    groups = ["default" "development"];
+    platforms = [];
+    source = {
+      remotes = ["https://rubygems.org"];
+      sha256 = "121h6af4i6wr3wxvv84y53jcyw2sk71j5wsncm6wq6yqrwcrk4vd";
+      type = "gem";
+    };
+    version = "2.8.1";
+  };
+  faye-websocket = {
+    dependencies = ["eventmachine" "websocket-driver"];
+    groups = ["default"];
+    platforms = [];
+    source = {
+      remotes = ["https://rubygems.org"];
+      sha256 = "01xkpv5b4fjc5n6n1fq6z1ris991av2fbadvs8r71i9r34b8g48h";
+      type = "gem";
+    };
+    version = "0.11.3";
+  };
+  ffi = {
+    groups = ["default" "development"];
+    platforms = [];
+    source = {
+      remotes = ["https://rubygems.org"];
+      sha256 = "1862ydmclzy1a0cjbvm8dz7847d9rch495ib0zb64y84d3xd4bkg";
+      type = "gem";
+    };
+    version = "1.15.5";
+  };
+  launchy = {
+    dependencies = ["addressable"];
+    groups = ["default" "development"];
+    platforms = [];
+    source = {
+      remotes = ["https://rubygems.org"];
+      sha256 = "06r43899384das2bkbrpsdxsafyyqa94il7111053idfalb4984a";
+      type = "gem";
+    };
+    version = "2.5.2";
+  };
+  mail = {
+    dependencies = ["mini_mime" "net-imap" "net-pop" "net-smtp"];
+    groups = ["default"];
+    platforms = [];
+    source = {
+      remotes = ["https://rubygems.org"];
+      sha256 = "1bf9pysw1jfgynv692hhaycfxa8ckay1gjw5hz3madrbrynryfzc";
+      type = "gem";
+    };
+    version = "2.8.1";
+  };
+  mailcatcher = {
+    dependencies = ["eventmachine" "faye-websocket" "mail" "net-smtp" "rack" "sinatra" "sqlite3" "thin"];
+    groups = ["default"];
+    platforms = [];
+    source = {
+      remotes = ["https://rubygems.org"];
+      sha256 = "003d2a6i97syw67jxrjq0p4xm19p9cfqnbmsg4b1c3mdb5c78rfz";
+      type = "gem";
+    };
+    version = "0.9.0";
+  };
+  matrix = {
+    groups = ["default" "development"];
+    platforms = [];
+    source = {
+      remotes = ["https://rubygems.org"];
+      sha256 = "1h2cgkpzkh3dd0flnnwfq6f3nl2b1zff9lvqz8xs853ssv5kq23i";
+      type = "gem";
+    };
+    version = "0.4.2";
+  };
+  mini_mime = {
+    groups = ["default" "development"];
+    platforms = [];
+    source = {
+      remotes = ["https://rubygems.org"];
+      sha256 = "0lbim375gw2dk6383qirz13hgdmxlan0vc5da2l072j3qw6fqjm5";
+      type = "gem";
+    };
+    version = "1.1.2";
+  };
+  mini_portile2 = {
+    groups = ["default" "development"];
+    platforms = [];
+    source = {
+      remotes = ["https://rubygems.org"];
+      sha256 = "02mj8mpd6ck5gpcnsimx5brzggw5h5mmmpq2djdypfq16wcw82qq";
+      type = "gem";
+    };
+    version = "2.8.4";
+  };
+  multi_json = {
+    groups = ["default" "development"];
+    platforms = [];
+    source = {
+      remotes = ["https://rubygems.org"];
+      sha256 = "0pb1g1y3dsiahavspyzkdy39j4q377009f6ix0bh1ag4nqw43l0z";
+      type = "gem";
+    };
+    version = "1.15.0";
+  };
+  net-imap = {
+    dependencies = ["date" "net-protocol"];
+    groups = ["default"];
+    platforms = [];
+    source = {
+      remotes = ["https://rubygems.org"];
+      sha256 = "0lf7wqg7czhaj51qsnmn28j7jmcxhkh3m28rl1cjrqsgjxhwj7r3";
+      type = "gem";
+    };
+    version = "0.3.7";
+  };
+  net-pop = {
+    dependencies = ["net-protocol"];
+    groups = ["default"];
+    platforms = [];
+    source = {
+      remotes = ["https://rubygems.org"];
+      sha256 = "1wyz41jd4zpjn0v1xsf9j778qx1vfrl24yc20cpmph8k42c4x2w4";
+      type = "gem";
+    };
+    version = "0.1.2";
+  };
+  net-protocol = {
+    dependencies = ["timeout"];
+    groups = ["default"];
+    platforms = [];
+    source = {
+      remotes = ["https://rubygems.org"];
+      sha256 = "0dxckrlw4q1lcn3qg4mimmjazmg9bma5gllv72f8js3p36fb3b91";
+      type = "gem";
+    };
+    version = "0.2.1";
+  };
+  net-smtp = {
+    dependencies = ["net-protocol"];
+    groups = ["default"];
+    platforms = [];
+    source = {
+      remotes = ["https://rubygems.org"];
+      sha256 = "1c6md06hm5bf6rv53sk54dl2vg038pg8kglwv3rayx0vk2mdql9x";
+      type = "gem";
+    };
+    version = "0.3.3";
+  };
+  nokogiri = {
+    dependencies = ["mini_portile2" "racc"];
+    groups = ["default" "development"];
+    platforms = [];
+    source = {
+      remotes = ["https://rubygems.org"];
+      sha256 = "1l8b0i24h4irivyhwy9xmkjbggw86cxkzkiqdqg0jpcp9qc8h4rl";
+      type = "gem";
+    };
+    version = "1.16.0";
+  };
+  psych = {
+    dependencies = ["stringio"];
+    groups = ["default" "development"];
+    platforms = [];
+    source = {
+      remotes = ["https://rubygems.org"];
+      sha256 = "1msambb54r3d1sg6smyj4k2pj9h9lz8jq4jamip7ivcyv32a85vz";
+      type = "gem";
+    };
+    version = "5.1.0";
+  };
+  public_suffix = {
+    groups = ["default" "development"];
+    platforms = [];
+    source = {
+      remotes = ["https://rubygems.org"];
+      sha256 = "0n9j7mczl15r3kwqrah09cxj8hxdfawiqxa60kga2bmxl9flfz9k";
+      type = "gem";
+    };
+    version = "5.0.3";
+  };
+  racc = {
+    groups = ["default" "development"];
+    platforms = [];
+    source = {
+      remotes = ["https://rubygems.org"];
+      sha256 = "11v3l46mwnlzlc371wr3x6yylpgafgwdf0q7hc7c1lzx6r414r5g";
+      type = "gem";
+    };
+    version = "1.7.1";
+  };
+  rack = {
+    groups = ["default" "development"];
+    platforms = [];
+    source = {
+      remotes = ["https://rubygems.org"];
+      sha256 = "0wr1f3g9rc9i8svfxa9cijajl1661d817s56b2w7rd572zwn0zi0";
+      type = "gem";
+    };
+    version = "1.6.13";
+  };
+  rack-protection = {
+    dependencies = ["rack"];
+    groups = ["default"];
+    platforms = [];
+    source = {
+      remotes = ["https://rubygems.org"];
+      sha256 = "0my0wlw4a5l3hs79jkx2xzv7djhajgf8d28k8ai1ddlnxxb0v7ss";
+      type = "gem";
+    };
+    version = "1.5.5";
+  };
+  rack-test = {
+    dependencies = ["rack"];
+    groups = ["default" "development"];
+    platforms = [];
+    source = {
+      remotes = ["https://rubygems.org"];
+      sha256 = "1ysx29gk9k14a14zsp5a8czys140wacvp91fja8xcja0j1hzqq8c";
+      type = "gem";
+    };
+    version = "2.1.0";
+  };
+  rake = {
+    groups = ["development"];
+    platforms = [];
+    source = {
+      remotes = ["https://rubygems.org"];
+      sha256 = "15whn7p9nrkxangbs9hh75q585yfn66lv0v2mhj6q6dl6x8bzr2w";
+      type = "gem";
+    };
+    version = "13.0.6";
+  };
+  rb-fsevent = {
+    groups = ["default" "development"];
+    platforms = [];
+    source = {
+      remotes = ["https://rubygems.org"];
+      sha256 = "1zmf31rnpm8553lqwibvv3kkx0v7majm1f341xbxc0bk5sbhp423";
+      type = "gem";
+    };
+    version = "0.11.2";
+  };
+  rb-inotify = {
+    dependencies = ["ffi"];
+    groups = ["default" "development"];
+    platforms = [];
+    source = {
+      remotes = ["https://rubygems.org"];
+      sha256 = "1jm76h8f8hji38z3ggf4bzi8vps6p7sagxn3ab57qc0xyga64005";
+      type = "gem";
+    };
+    version = "0.10.1";
+  };
+  rdoc = {
+    dependencies = ["psych"];
+    groups = ["development"];
+    platforms = [];
+    source = {
+      remotes = ["https://rubygems.org"];
+      sha256 = "05r2cxscapr9saqjw8dlp89as7jvc2mlz1h5kssrmkbz105qmfcm";
+      type = "gem";
+    };
+    version = "6.5.0";
+  };
+  regexp_parser = {
+    groups = ["default" "development"];
+    platforms = [];
+    source = {
+      remotes = ["https://rubygems.org"];
+      sha256 = "136br91alxdwh1s85z912dwz23qlhm212vy6i3wkinz3z8mkxxl3";
+      type = "gem";
+    };
+    version = "2.8.1";
+  };
+  rexml = {
+    groups = ["default" "development"];
+    platforms = [];
+    source = {
+      remotes = ["https://rubygems.org"];
+      sha256 = "05i8518ay14kjbma550mv0jm8a6di8yp5phzrd8rj44z9qnrlrp0";
+      type = "gem";
+    };
+    version = "3.2.6";
+  };
+  rspec = {
+    dependencies = ["rspec-core" "rspec-expectations" "rspec-mocks"];
+    groups = ["development"];
+    platforms = [];
+    source = {
+      remotes = ["https://rubygems.org"];
+      sha256 = "171rc90vcgjl8p1bdrqa92ymrj8a87qf6w20x05xq29mljcigi6c";
+      type = "gem";
+    };
+    version = "3.12.0";
+  };
+  rspec-core = {
+    dependencies = ["rspec-support"];
+    groups = ["default" "development"];
+    platforms = [];
+    source = {
+      remotes = ["https://rubygems.org"];
+      sha256 = "0l95bnjxdabrn79hwdhn2q1n7mn26pj7y1w5660v5qi81x458nqm";
+      type = "gem";
+    };
+    version = "3.12.2";
+  };
+  rspec-expectations = {
+    dependencies = ["diff-lcs" "rspec-support"];
+    groups = ["default" "development"];
+    platforms = [];
+    source = {
+      remotes = ["https://rubygems.org"];
+      sha256 = "05j44jfqlv7j2rpxb5vqzf9hfv7w8ba46wwgxwcwd8p0wzi1hg89";
+      type = "gem";
+    };
+    version = "3.12.3";
+  };
+  rspec-mocks = {
+    dependencies = ["diff-lcs" "rspec-support"];
+    groups = ["default" "development"];
+    platforms = [];
+    source = {
+      remotes = ["https://rubygems.org"];
+      sha256 = "1gq7gviwpck7fhp4y5ibljljvxgjklza18j62qf6zkm2icaa8lfy";
+      type = "gem";
+    };
+    version = "3.12.6";
+  };
+  rspec-support = {
+    groups = ["default" "development"];
+    platforms = [];
+    source = {
+      remotes = ["https://rubygems.org"];
+      sha256 = "1ky86j3ksi26ng9ybd7j0qsdf1lpr8mzrmn98yy9gzv801fvhsgr";
+      type = "gem";
+    };
+    version = "3.12.1";
+  };
+  rubyzip = {
+    groups = ["default" "development"];
+    platforms = [];
+    source = {
+      remotes = ["https://rubygems.org"];
+      sha256 = "0grps9197qyxakbpw02pda59v45lfgbgiyw48i0mq9f2bn9y6mrz";
+      type = "gem";
+    };
+    version = "2.3.2";
+  };
+  sass = {
+    groups = ["development"];
+    platforms = [];
+    source = {
+      remotes = ["https://rubygems.org"];
+      sha256 = "0kfpcwh8dgw4lc81qglkvjl73689jy3g7196zkxm4fpskg1p5lkw";
+      type = "gem";
+    };
+    version = "3.4.25";
+  };
+  selenium-webdriver = {
+    dependencies = ["rexml" "rubyzip" "websocket"];
+    groups = ["development"];
+    platforms = [];
+    source = {
+      remotes = ["https://rubygems.org"];
+      sha256 = "1kxnv3ywssagv2q453hasrrrvsv68d5f3ccm33pyacdji88w8pqg";
+      type = "gem";
+    };
+    version = "4.9.0";
+  };
+  sinatra = {
+    dependencies = ["rack" "rack-protection" "tilt"];
+    groups = ["default"];
+    platforms = [];
+    source = {
+      remotes = ["https://rubygems.org"];
+      sha256 = "0byxzl7rx3ki0xd7aiv1x8mbah7hzd8f81l65nq8857kmgzj1jqq";
+      type = "gem";
+    };
+    version = "1.4.8";
+  };
+  sprockets = {
+    dependencies = ["concurrent-ruby" "rack"];
+    groups = ["development"];
+    platforms = [];
+    source = {
+      remotes = ["https://rubygems.org"];
+      sha256 = "182jw5a0fbqah5w9jancvfmjbk88h8bxdbwnl4d3q809rpxdg8ay";
+      type = "gem";
+    };
+    version = "3.7.2";
+  };
+  sprockets-helpers = {
+    dependencies = ["sprockets"];
+    groups = ["development"];
+    platforms = [];
+    source = {
+      remotes = ["https://rubygems.org"];
+      sha256 = "0513ma356g05lsskhsb363263177h6ccmp475il0p69y18his2ij";
+      type = "gem";
+    };
+    version = "1.4.0";
+  };
+  sprockets-sass = {
+    dependencies = ["sprockets"];
+    groups = ["development"];
+    platforms = [];
+    source = {
+      remotes = ["https://rubygems.org"];
+      sha256 = "02g153dhzmrlik5dd9kyq0rvr2xjm3fwx8rm7apqfrykc47aizqr";
+      type = "gem";
+    };
+    version = "2.0.0.beta2";
+  };
+  sqlite3 = {
+    dependencies = ["mini_portile2"];
+    groups = ["default"];
+    platforms = [];
+    source = {
+      remotes = ["https://rubygems.org"];
+      sha256 = "0h95kr5529qv786mfk8r2jjdsdi6v7v3k3dpz69mrcc9i0vpdd37";
+      type = "gem";
+    };
+    version = "1.6.3";
+  };
+  stringio = {
+    groups = ["default" "development"];
+    platforms = [];
+    source = {
+      remotes = ["https://rubygems.org"];
+      sha256 = "0557v4z7996cgqw7i9197848mymv02krads93dn9lyqa5d7xd0dn";
+      type = "gem";
+    };
+    version = "3.0.7";
+  };
+  thin = {
+    dependencies = ["daemons" "eventmachine" "rack"];
+    groups = ["default"];
+    platforms = [];
+    source = {
+      remotes = ["https://rubygems.org"];
+      sha256 = "08g1yq6zzvgndj8fd98ah7pp8g2diw28p8bfjgv7rvjvp8d2am8w";
+      type = "gem";
+    };
+    version = "1.8.2";
+  };
+  tilt = {
+    groups = ["default"];
+    platforms = [];
+    source = {
+      remotes = ["https://rubygems.org"];
+      sha256 = "0bmjgbv8158klwp2r3klxjwaj93nh1sbl4xvj9wsha0ic478avz7";
+      type = "gem";
+    };
+    version = "2.2.0";
+  };
+  timeout = {
+    groups = ["default"];
+    platforms = [];
+    source = {
+      remotes = ["https://rubygems.org"];
+      sha256 = "1d9cvm0f4zdpwa795v3zv4973y5zk59j7s1x3yn90jjrhcz1yvfd";
+      type = "gem";
+    };
+    version = "0.4.0";
+  };
+  uglifier = {
+    dependencies = ["execjs"];
+    groups = ["development"];
+    platforms = [];
+    source = {
+      remotes = ["https://rubygems.org"];
+      sha256 = "0wgh7bzy68vhv9v68061519dd8samcy8sazzz0w3k8kqpy3g4s5f";
+      type = "gem";
+    };
+    version = "4.2.0";
+  };
+  websocket = {
+    groups = ["default" "development"];
+    platforms = [];
+    source = {
+      remotes = ["https://rubygems.org"];
+      sha256 = "0dib6p55sl606qb4vpwrvj5wh881kk4aqn2zpfapf8ckx7g14jw8";
+      type = "gem";
+    };
+    version = "1.2.9";
+  };
+  websocket-driver = {
+    dependencies = ["websocket-extensions"];
+    groups = ["default"];
+    platforms = [];
+    source = {
+      remotes = ["https://rubygems.org"];
+      sha256 = "1nyh873w4lvahcl8kzbjfca26656d5c6z3md4sbqg5y1gfz0157n";
+      type = "gem";
+    };
+    version = "0.7.6";
+  };
+  websocket-extensions = {
+    groups = ["default"];
+    platforms = [];
+    source = {
+      remotes = ["https://rubygems.org"];
+      sha256 = "0hc2g9qps8lmhibl5baa91b4qx8wqw872rgwagml78ydj8qacsqw";
+      type = "gem";
+    };
+    version = "0.1.5";
+  };
+  xpath = {
+    dependencies = ["nokogiri"];
+    groups = ["default" "development"];
+    platforms = [];
+    source = {
+      remotes = ["https://rubygems.org"];
+      sha256 = "0bh8lk9hvlpn7vmi6h4hkcwjzvs2y0cmkk3yjjdr8fxvj6fsgzbd";
+      type = "gem";
+    };
+    version = "3.2.0";
+  };
diff --git a/nixpkgs/pkgs/development/web/minify/default.nix b/nixpkgs/pkgs/development/web/minify/default.nix
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..232f6dffaaa6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/nixpkgs/pkgs/development/web/minify/default.nix
@@ -0,0 +1,51 @@
+{ lib
+, buildGoModule
+, fetchFromGitHub
+, installShellFiles
+, nix-update-script
+, testers
+, minify
+buildGoModule rec {
+  pname = "minify";
+  version = "2.20.16";
+  src = fetchFromGitHub {
+    owner = "tdewolff";
+    repo = pname;
+    rev = "v${version}";
+    hash = "sha256-0RiSNRoRmN7X2udwgGaArXgIRTaxaGH4fo3usiCJNbA=";
+  };
+  vendorHash = "sha256-8OEF2sAJZuGX4z/OsXCAkRR82JO3rYCEJQbidIjGOJ8=";
+  nativeBuildInputs = [ installShellFiles ];
+  ldflags = [ "-s" "-w" "-X main.Version=${version}" ];
+  subPackages = [ "cmd/minify" ];
+  passthru = {
+    updateScript = nix-update-script { };
+    tests.version = testers.testVersion {
+      inherit version;
+      package = minify;
+      command = "minify --version";
+    };
+  };
+  postInstall = ''
+    installShellCompletion --cmd minify --bash cmd/minify/bash_completion
+  '';
+  meta = with lib; {
+    description = "Go minifiers for web formats";
+    homepage = "https://go.tacodewolff.nl/minify";
+    downloadPage = "https://github.com/tdewolff/minify";
+    changelog = "https://github.com/tdewolff/minify/releases/tag/v${version}";
+    license = licenses.mit;
+    maintainers = with maintainers; [ gaelreyrol ];
+    mainProgram = "minify";
+  };
diff --git a/nixpkgs/pkgs/development/web/netlify-cli/composition.nix b/nixpkgs/pkgs/development/web/netlify-cli/composition.nix
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..d9c0daef7834
--- /dev/null
+++ b/nixpkgs/pkgs/development/web/netlify-cli/composition.nix
@@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
+# This file has been generated by node2nix 1.11.1. Do not edit!
+{pkgs ? import <nixpkgs> {
+    inherit system;
+  }, system ? builtins.currentSystem, nodejs ? pkgs."nodejs_18"}:
+  nodeEnv = import ./node-env.nix {
+    inherit (pkgs) stdenv lib python2 runCommand writeTextFile writeShellScript;
+    inherit pkgs nodejs;
+    libtool = if pkgs.stdenv.isDarwin then pkgs.darwin.cctools else null;
+  };
+import ./node-packages.nix {
+  inherit (pkgs) fetchurl nix-gitignore stdenv lib fetchgit;
+  inherit nodeEnv;
diff --git a/nixpkgs/pkgs/development/web/netlify-cli/default.nix b/nixpkgs/pkgs/development/web/netlify-cli/default.nix
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..d5b06686a88d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/nixpkgs/pkgs/development/web/netlify-cli/default.nix
@@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
+{ callPackage, fetchFromGitHub, lib, pkgs }:
+  nodePackages = import ./composition.nix { inherit pkgs; };
+  sourceInfo = (lib.importJSON ./netlify-cli.json);
+  nodePackages.package.override {
+    preRebuild = ''
+      export ESBUILD_BINARY_PATH="${pkgs.esbuild_netlify}/bin/esbuild"
+    '';
+    src = fetchFromGitHub {
+      inherit (sourceInfo) owner repo rev hash;
+    };
+    bypassCache = true;
+    reconstructLock = true;
+    passthru.tests.test = callPackage ./test.nix { };
+    meta.maintainers = with lib.maintainers; [ roberth ];
+    meta.mainProgram = "netlify";
+  }
diff --git a/nixpkgs/pkgs/development/web/netlify-cli/generate.sh b/nixpkgs/pkgs/development/web/netlify-cli/generate.sh
new file mode 100755
index 000000000000..3eaed13a85b7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/nixpkgs/pkgs/development/web/netlify-cli/generate.sh
@@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env bash
+set -eu -o pipefail
+cd "$( dirname "${BASH_SOURCE[0]}" )"
+rm -f ./node-env.nix
+src="$(nix-build --expr 'let pkgs = import ../../../.. {}; meta = (pkgs.lib.importJSON ./netlify-cli.json); in pkgs.fetchFromGitHub { inherit (meta) owner repo rev hash; }')"
+echo $src
+node2nix \
+  --input $src/package.json \
+  --lock $src/npm-shrinkwrap.json \
+  --output node-packages.nix \
+  --composition composition.nix \
+  --node-env node-env.nix \
+  --nodejs-18 \
+  ;
diff --git a/nixpkgs/pkgs/development/web/netlify-cli/netlify-cli.json b/nixpkgs/pkgs/development/web/netlify-cli/netlify-cli.json
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..1fe187bcbccc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/nixpkgs/pkgs/development/web/netlify-cli/netlify-cli.json
@@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
+    "owner": "netlify",
+    "repo": "cli",
+    "rev": "6c7e8c9a4db4e2e408f65e6098a194497944e306",
+    "hash": "sha256-YMnQrurZDJtfeHBCIzy6vToGHnqtdRGvWFPX5RcWyPg="
diff --git a/nixpkgs/pkgs/development/web/netlify-cli/node-env.nix b/nixpkgs/pkgs/development/web/netlify-cli/node-env.nix
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..bc1e36628ac8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/nixpkgs/pkgs/development/web/netlify-cli/node-env.nix
@@ -0,0 +1,689 @@
+# This file originates from node2nix
+{lib, stdenv, nodejs, python2, pkgs, libtool, runCommand, writeTextFile, writeShellScript}:
+  # Workaround to cope with utillinux in Nixpkgs 20.09 and util-linux in Nixpkgs master
+  utillinux = if pkgs ? utillinux then pkgs.utillinux else pkgs.util-linux;
+  python = if nodejs ? python then nodejs.python else python2;
+  # Create a tar wrapper that filters all the 'Ignoring unknown extended header keyword' noise
+  tarWrapper = runCommand "tarWrapper" {} ''
+    mkdir -p $out/bin
+    cat > $out/bin/tar <<EOF
+    #! ${stdenv.shell} -e
+    $(type -p tar) "\$@" --warning=no-unknown-keyword --delay-directory-restore
+    EOF
+    chmod +x $out/bin/tar
+  '';
+  # Function that generates a TGZ file from a NPM project
+  buildNodeSourceDist =
+    { name, version, src, ... }:
+    stdenv.mkDerivation {
+      name = "node-tarball-${name}-${version}";
+      inherit src;
+      buildInputs = [ nodejs ];
+      buildPhase = ''
+        export HOME=$TMPDIR
+        tgzFile=$(npm pack | tail -n 1) # Hooks to the pack command will add output (https://docs.npmjs.com/misc/scripts)
+      '';
+      installPhase = ''
+        mkdir -p $out/tarballs
+        mv $tgzFile $out/tarballs
+        mkdir -p $out/nix-support
+        echo "file source-dist $out/tarballs/$tgzFile" >> $out/nix-support/hydra-build-products
+      '';
+    };
+  # Common shell logic
+  installPackage = writeShellScript "install-package" ''
+    installPackage() {
+      local packageName=$1 src=$2
+      local strippedName
+      local DIR=$PWD
+      cd $TMPDIR
+      unpackFile $src
+      # Make the base dir in which the target dependency resides first
+      mkdir -p "$(dirname "$DIR/$packageName")"
+      if [ -f "$src" ]
+      then
+          # Figure out what directory has been unpacked
+          packageDir="$(find . -maxdepth 1 -type d | tail -1)"
+          # Restore write permissions to make building work
+          find "$packageDir" -type d -exec chmod u+x {} \;
+          chmod -R u+w "$packageDir"
+          # Move the extracted tarball into the output folder
+          mv "$packageDir" "$DIR/$packageName"
+      elif [ -d "$src" ]
+      then
+          # Get a stripped name (without hash) of the source directory.
+          # On old nixpkgs it's already set internally.
+          if [ -z "$strippedName" ]
+          then
+              strippedName="$(stripHash $src)"
+          fi
+          # Restore write permissions to make building work
+          chmod -R u+w "$strippedName"
+          # Move the extracted directory into the output folder
+          mv "$strippedName" "$DIR/$packageName"
+      fi
+      # Change to the package directory to install dependencies
+      cd "$DIR/$packageName"
+    }
+  '';
+  # Bundle the dependencies of the package
+  #
+  # Only include dependencies if they don't exist. They may also be bundled in the package.
+  includeDependencies = {dependencies}:
+    lib.optionalString (dependencies != []) (
+      ''
+        mkdir -p node_modules
+        cd node_modules
+      ''
+      + (lib.concatMapStrings (dependency:
+        ''
+          if [ ! -e "${dependency.packageName}" ]; then
+              ${composePackage dependency}
+          fi
+        ''
+      ) dependencies)
+      + ''
+        cd ..
+      ''
+    );
+  # Recursively composes the dependencies of a package
+  composePackage = { name, packageName, src, dependencies ? [], ... }@args:
+    builtins.addErrorContext "while evaluating node package '${packageName}'" ''
+      installPackage "${packageName}" "${src}"
+      ${includeDependencies { inherit dependencies; }}
+      cd ..
+      ${lib.optionalString (builtins.substring 0 1 packageName == "@") "cd .."}
+    '';
+  pinpointDependencies = {dependencies, production}:
+    let
+      pinpointDependenciesFromPackageJSON = writeTextFile {
+        name = "pinpointDependencies.js";
+        text = ''
+          var fs = require('fs');
+          var path = require('path');
+          function resolveDependencyVersion(location, name) {
+              if(location == process.env['NIX_STORE']) {
+                  return null;
+              } else {
+                  var dependencyPackageJSON = path.join(location, "node_modules", name, "package.json");
+                  if(fs.existsSync(dependencyPackageJSON)) {
+                      var dependencyPackageObj = JSON.parse(fs.readFileSync(dependencyPackageJSON));
+                      if(dependencyPackageObj.name == name) {
+                          return dependencyPackageObj.version;
+                      }
+                  } else {
+                      return resolveDependencyVersion(path.resolve(location, ".."), name);
+                  }
+              }
+          }
+          function replaceDependencies(dependencies) {
+              if(typeof dependencies == "object" && dependencies !== null) {
+                  for(var dependency in dependencies) {
+                      var resolvedVersion = resolveDependencyVersion(process.cwd(), dependency);
+                      if(resolvedVersion === null) {
+                          process.stderr.write("WARNING: cannot pinpoint dependency: "+dependency+", context: "+process.cwd()+"\n");
+                      } else {
+                          dependencies[dependency] = resolvedVersion;
+                      }
+                  }
+              }
+          }
+          /* Read the package.json configuration */
+          var packageObj = JSON.parse(fs.readFileSync('./package.json'));
+          /* Pinpoint all dependencies */
+          replaceDependencies(packageObj.dependencies);
+          if(process.argv[2] == "development") {
+              replaceDependencies(packageObj.devDependencies);
+          }
+          else {
+              packageObj.devDependencies = {};
+          }
+          replaceDependencies(packageObj.optionalDependencies);
+          replaceDependencies(packageObj.peerDependencies);
+          /* Write the fixed package.json file */
+          fs.writeFileSync("package.json", JSON.stringify(packageObj, null, 2));
+        '';
+      };
+    in
+    ''
+      node ${pinpointDependenciesFromPackageJSON} ${if production then "production" else "development"}
+      ${lib.optionalString (dependencies != [])
+        ''
+          if [ -d node_modules ]
+          then
+              cd node_modules
+              ${lib.concatMapStrings (dependency: pinpointDependenciesOfPackage dependency) dependencies}
+              cd ..
+          fi
+        ''}
+    '';
+  # Recursively traverses all dependencies of a package and pinpoints all
+  # dependencies in the package.json file to the versions that are actually
+  # being used.
+  pinpointDependenciesOfPackage = { packageName, dependencies ? [], production ? true, ... }@args:
+    ''
+      if [ -d "${packageName}" ]
+      then
+          cd "${packageName}"
+          ${pinpointDependencies { inherit dependencies production; }}
+          cd ..
+          ${lib.optionalString (builtins.substring 0 1 packageName == "@") "cd .."}
+      fi
+    '';
+  # Extract the Node.js source code which is used to compile packages with
+  # native bindings
+  nodeSources = runCommand "node-sources" {} ''
+    tar --no-same-owner --no-same-permissions -xf ${nodejs.src}
+    mv node-* $out
+  '';
+  # Script that adds _integrity fields to all package.json files to prevent NPM from consulting the cache (that is empty)
+  addIntegrityFieldsScript = writeTextFile {
+    name = "addintegrityfields.js";
+    text = ''
+      var fs = require('fs');
+      var path = require('path');
+      function augmentDependencies(baseDir, dependencies) {
+          for(var dependencyName in dependencies) {
+              var dependency = dependencies[dependencyName];
+              // Open package.json and augment metadata fields
+              var packageJSONDir = path.join(baseDir, "node_modules", dependencyName);
+              var packageJSONPath = path.join(packageJSONDir, "package.json");
+              if(fs.existsSync(packageJSONPath)) { // Only augment packages that exist. Sometimes we may have production installs in which development dependencies can be ignored
+                  console.log("Adding metadata fields to: "+packageJSONPath);
+                  var packageObj = JSON.parse(fs.readFileSync(packageJSONPath));
+                  if(dependency.integrity) {
+                      packageObj["_integrity"] = dependency.integrity;
+                  } else {
+                      packageObj["_integrity"] = "sha1-000000000000000000000000000="; // When no _integrity string has been provided (e.g. by Git dependencies), add a dummy one. It does not seem to harm and it bypasses downloads.
+                  }
+                  if(dependency.resolved) {
+                      packageObj["_resolved"] = dependency.resolved; // Adopt the resolved property if one has been provided
+                  } else {
+                      packageObj["_resolved"] = dependency.version; // Set the resolved version to the version identifier. This prevents NPM from cloning Git repositories.
+                  }
+                  if(dependency.from !== undefined) { // Adopt from property if one has been provided
+                      packageObj["_from"] = dependency.from;
+                  }
+                  fs.writeFileSync(packageJSONPath, JSON.stringify(packageObj, null, 2));
+              }
+              // Augment transitive dependencies
+              if(dependency.dependencies !== undefined) {
+                  augmentDependencies(packageJSONDir, dependency.dependencies);
+              }
+          }
+      }
+      if(fs.existsSync("./package-lock.json")) {
+          var packageLock = JSON.parse(fs.readFileSync("./package-lock.json"));
+          if(![1, 2].includes(packageLock.lockfileVersion)) {
+            process.stderr.write("Sorry, I only understand lock file versions 1 and 2!\n");
+            process.exit(1);
+          }
+          if(packageLock.dependencies !== undefined) {
+              augmentDependencies(".", packageLock.dependencies);
+          }
+      }
+    '';
+  };
+  # Reconstructs a package-lock file from the node_modules/ folder structure and package.json files with dummy sha1 hashes
+  reconstructPackageLock = writeTextFile {
+    name = "reconstructpackagelock.js";
+    text = ''
+      var fs = require('fs');
+      var path = require('path');
+      var packageObj = JSON.parse(fs.readFileSync("package.json"));
+      var lockObj = {
+          name: packageObj.name,
+          version: packageObj.version,
+          lockfileVersion: 2,
+          requires: true,
+          packages: {
+              "": {
+                  name: packageObj.name,
+                  version: packageObj.version,
+                  license: packageObj.license,
+                  bin: packageObj.bin,
+                  dependencies: packageObj.dependencies,
+                  engines: packageObj.engines,
+                  optionalDependencies: packageObj.optionalDependencies
+              }
+          },
+          dependencies: {}
+      };
+      function augmentPackageJSON(filePath, packages, dependencies) {
+          var packageJSON = path.join(filePath, "package.json");
+          if(fs.existsSync(packageJSON)) {
+              var packageObj = JSON.parse(fs.readFileSync(packageJSON));
+              packages[filePath] = {
+                  version: packageObj.version,
+                  integrity: "sha1-000000000000000000000000000=",
+                  dependencies: packageObj.dependencies,
+                  engines: packageObj.engines,
+                  optionalDependencies: packageObj.optionalDependencies
+              };
+              dependencies[packageObj.name] = {
+                  version: packageObj.version,
+                  integrity: "sha1-000000000000000000000000000=",
+                  dependencies: {}
+              };
+              processDependencies(path.join(filePath, "node_modules"), packages, dependencies[packageObj.name].dependencies);
+          }
+      }
+      function processDependencies(dir, packages, dependencies) {
+          if(fs.existsSync(dir)) {
+              var files = fs.readdirSync(dir);
+              files.forEach(function(entry) {
+                  var filePath = path.join(dir, entry);
+                  var stats = fs.statSync(filePath);
+                  if(stats.isDirectory()) {
+                      if(entry.substr(0, 1) == "@") {
+                          // When we encounter a namespace folder, augment all packages belonging to the scope
+                          var pkgFiles = fs.readdirSync(filePath);
+                          pkgFiles.forEach(function(entry) {
+                              if(stats.isDirectory()) {
+                                  var pkgFilePath = path.join(filePath, entry);
+                                  augmentPackageJSON(pkgFilePath, packages, dependencies);
+                              }
+                          });
+                      } else {
+                          augmentPackageJSON(filePath, packages, dependencies);
+                      }
+                  }
+              });
+          }
+      }
+      processDependencies("node_modules", lockObj.packages, lockObj.dependencies);
+      fs.writeFileSync("package-lock.json", JSON.stringify(lockObj, null, 2));
+    '';
+  };
+  # Script that links bins defined in package.json to the node_modules bin directory
+  # NPM does not do this for top-level packages itself anymore as of v7
+  linkBinsScript = writeTextFile {
+    name = "linkbins.js";
+    text = ''
+      var fs = require('fs');
+      var path = require('path');
+      var packageObj = JSON.parse(fs.readFileSync("package.json"));
+      var nodeModules = Array(packageObj.name.split("/").length).fill("..").join(path.sep);
+      if(packageObj.bin !== undefined) {
+          fs.mkdirSync(path.join(nodeModules, ".bin"))
+          if(typeof packageObj.bin == "object") {
+              Object.keys(packageObj.bin).forEach(function(exe) {
+                  if(fs.existsSync(packageObj.bin[exe])) {
+                      console.log("linking bin '" + exe + "'");
+                      fs.symlinkSync(
+                          path.join("..", packageObj.name, packageObj.bin[exe]),
+                          path.join(nodeModules, ".bin", exe)
+                      );
+                  }
+                  else {
+                      console.log("skipping non-existent bin '" + exe + "'");
+                  }
+              })
+          }
+          else {
+              if(fs.existsSync(packageObj.bin)) {
+                  console.log("linking bin '" + packageObj.bin + "'");
+                  fs.symlinkSync(
+                      path.join("..", packageObj.name, packageObj.bin),
+                      path.join(nodeModules, ".bin", packageObj.name.split("/").pop())
+                  );
+              }
+              else {
+                  console.log("skipping non-existent bin '" + packageObj.bin + "'");
+              }
+          }
+      }
+      else if(packageObj.directories !== undefined && packageObj.directories.bin !== undefined) {
+          fs.mkdirSync(path.join(nodeModules, ".bin"))
+          fs.readdirSync(packageObj.directories.bin).forEach(function(exe) {
+              if(fs.existsSync(path.join(packageObj.directories.bin, exe))) {
+                  console.log("linking bin '" + exe + "'");
+                  fs.symlinkSync(
+                      path.join("..", packageObj.name, packageObj.directories.bin, exe),
+                      path.join(nodeModules, ".bin", exe)
+                  );
+              }
+              else {
+                  console.log("skipping non-existent bin '" + exe + "'");
+              }
+          })
+      }
+    '';
+  };
+  prepareAndInvokeNPM = {packageName, bypassCache, reconstructLock, npmFlags, production}:
+    let
+      forceOfflineFlag = if bypassCache then "--offline" else "--registry http://www.example.com";
+    in
+    ''
+        # Pinpoint the versions of all dependencies to the ones that are actually being used
+        echo "pinpointing versions of dependencies..."
+        source $pinpointDependenciesScriptPath
+        # Patch the shebangs of the bundled modules to prevent them from
+        # calling executables outside the Nix store as much as possible
+        patchShebangs .
+        # Deploy the Node.js package by running npm install. Since the
+        # dependencies have been provided already by ourselves, it should not
+        # attempt to install them again, which is good, because we want to make
+        # it Nix's responsibility. If it needs to install any dependencies
+        # anyway (e.g. because the dependency parameters are
+        # incomplete/incorrect), it fails.
+        #
+        # The other responsibilities of NPM are kept -- version checks, build
+        # steps, postprocessing etc.
+        export HOME=$TMPDIR
+        cd "${packageName}"
+        runHook preRebuild
+        ${lib.optionalString bypassCache ''
+          ${lib.optionalString reconstructLock ''
+            if [ -f package-lock.json ]
+            then
+                echo "WARNING: Reconstruct lock option enabled, but a lock file already exists!"
+                echo "This will most likely result in version mismatches! We will remove the lock file and regenerate it!"
+                rm package-lock.json
+            else
+                echo "No package-lock.json file found, reconstructing..."
+            fi
+            node ${reconstructPackageLock}
+          ''}
+          node ${addIntegrityFieldsScript}
+        ''}
+        npm ${forceOfflineFlag} --nodedir=${nodeSources} ${npmFlags} ${lib.optionalString production "--production"} rebuild
+        runHook postRebuild
+        if [ "''${dontNpmInstall-}" != "1" ]
+        then
+            # NPM tries to download packages even when they already exist if npm-shrinkwrap is used.
+            rm -f npm-shrinkwrap.json
+            npm ${forceOfflineFlag} --nodedir=${nodeSources} --no-bin-links --ignore-scripts ${npmFlags} ${lib.optionalString production "--production"} install
+        fi
+        # Link executables defined in package.json
+        node ${linkBinsScript}
+    '';
+  # Builds and composes an NPM package including all its dependencies
+  buildNodePackage =
+    { name
+    , packageName
+    , version ? null
+    , dependencies ? []
+    , buildInputs ? []
+    , production ? true
+    , npmFlags ? ""
+    , dontNpmInstall ? false
+    , bypassCache ? false
+    , reconstructLock ? false
+    , preRebuild ? ""
+    , dontStrip ? true
+    , unpackPhase ? "true"
+    , buildPhase ? "true"
+    , meta ? {}
+    , ... }@args:
+    let
+      extraArgs = removeAttrs args [ "name" "dependencies" "buildInputs" "dontStrip" "dontNpmInstall" "preRebuild" "unpackPhase" "buildPhase" "meta" ];
+    in
+    stdenv.mkDerivation ({
+      name = "${name}${if version == null then "" else "-${version}"}";
+      buildInputs = [ tarWrapper python nodejs ]
+        ++ lib.optional (stdenv.isLinux) utillinux
+        ++ lib.optional (stdenv.isDarwin) libtool
+        ++ buildInputs;
+      inherit nodejs;
+      inherit dontStrip; # Stripping may fail a build for some package deployments
+      inherit dontNpmInstall preRebuild unpackPhase buildPhase;
+      compositionScript = composePackage args;
+      pinpointDependenciesScript = pinpointDependenciesOfPackage args;
+      passAsFile = [ "compositionScript" "pinpointDependenciesScript" ];
+      installPhase = ''
+        source ${installPackage}
+        # Create and enter a root node_modules/ folder
+        mkdir -p $out/lib/node_modules
+        cd $out/lib/node_modules
+        # Compose the package and all its dependencies
+        source $compositionScriptPath
+        ${prepareAndInvokeNPM { inherit packageName bypassCache reconstructLock npmFlags production; }}
+        # Create symlink to the deployed executable folder, if applicable
+        if [ -d "$out/lib/node_modules/.bin" ]
+        then
+            ln -s $out/lib/node_modules/.bin $out/bin
+            # Fixup all executables
+            ls $out/bin/* | while read i
+            do
+                file="$(readlink -f "$i")"
+                chmod u+rwx "$file"
+                if isScript "$file"
+                then
+                    sed -i 's/\r$//' "$file"  # convert crlf to lf
+                fi
+            done
+        fi
+        # Create symlinks to the deployed manual page folders, if applicable
+        if [ -d "$out/lib/node_modules/${packageName}/man" ]
+        then
+            mkdir -p $out/share
+            for dir in "$out/lib/node_modules/${packageName}/man/"*
+            do
+                mkdir -p $out/share/man/$(basename "$dir")
+                for page in "$dir"/*
+                do
+                    ln -s $page $out/share/man/$(basename "$dir")
+                done
+            done
+        fi
+        # Run post install hook, if provided
+        runHook postInstall
+      '';
+      meta = {
+        # default to Node.js' platforms
+        platforms = nodejs.meta.platforms;
+      } // meta;
+    } // extraArgs);
+  # Builds a node environment (a node_modules folder and a set of binaries)
+  buildNodeDependencies =
+    { name
+    , packageName
+    , version ? null
+    , src
+    , dependencies ? []
+    , buildInputs ? []
+    , production ? true
+    , npmFlags ? ""
+    , dontNpmInstall ? false
+    , bypassCache ? false
+    , reconstructLock ? false
+    , dontStrip ? true
+    , unpackPhase ? "true"
+    , buildPhase ? "true"
+    , ... }@args:
+    let
+      extraArgs = removeAttrs args [ "name" "dependencies" "buildInputs" ];
+    in
+      stdenv.mkDerivation ({
+        name = "node-dependencies-${name}${if version == null then "" else "-${version}"}";
+        buildInputs = [ tarWrapper python nodejs ]
+          ++ lib.optional (stdenv.isLinux) utillinux
+          ++ lib.optional (stdenv.isDarwin) libtool
+          ++ buildInputs;
+        inherit dontStrip; # Stripping may fail a build for some package deployments
+        inherit dontNpmInstall unpackPhase buildPhase;
+        includeScript = includeDependencies { inherit dependencies; };
+        pinpointDependenciesScript = pinpointDependenciesOfPackage args;
+        passAsFile = [ "includeScript" "pinpointDependenciesScript" ];
+        installPhase = ''
+          source ${installPackage}
+          mkdir -p $out/${packageName}
+          cd $out/${packageName}
+          source $includeScriptPath
+          # Create fake package.json to make the npm commands work properly
+          cp ${src}/package.json .
+          chmod 644 package.json
+          ${lib.optionalString bypassCache ''
+            if [ -f ${src}/package-lock.json ]
+            then
+                cp ${src}/package-lock.json .
+                chmod 644 package-lock.json
+            fi
+          ''}
+          # Go to the parent folder to make sure that all packages are pinpointed
+          cd ..
+          ${lib.optionalString (builtins.substring 0 1 packageName == "@") "cd .."}
+          ${prepareAndInvokeNPM { inherit packageName bypassCache reconstructLock npmFlags production; }}
+          # Expose the executables that were installed
+          cd ..
+          ${lib.optionalString (builtins.substring 0 1 packageName == "@") "cd .."}
+          mv ${packageName} lib
+          ln -s $out/lib/node_modules/.bin $out/bin
+        '';
+      } // extraArgs);
+  # Builds a development shell
+  buildNodeShell =
+    { name
+    , packageName
+    , version ? null
+    , src
+    , dependencies ? []
+    , buildInputs ? []
+    , production ? true
+    , npmFlags ? ""
+    , dontNpmInstall ? false
+    , bypassCache ? false
+    , reconstructLock ? false
+    , dontStrip ? true
+    , unpackPhase ? "true"
+    , buildPhase ? "true"
+    , ... }@args:
+    let
+      nodeDependencies = buildNodeDependencies args;
+      extraArgs = removeAttrs args [ "name" "dependencies" "buildInputs" "dontStrip" "dontNpmInstall" "unpackPhase" "buildPhase" ];
+    in
+    stdenv.mkDerivation ({
+      name = "node-shell-${name}${if version == null then "" else "-${version}"}";
+      buildInputs = [ python nodejs ] ++ lib.optional (stdenv.isLinux) utillinux ++ buildInputs;
+      buildCommand = ''
+        mkdir -p $out/bin
+        cat > $out/bin/shell <<EOF
+        #! ${stdenv.shell} -e
+        $shellHook
+        exec ${stdenv.shell}
+        EOF
+        chmod +x $out/bin/shell
+      '';
+      # Provide the dependencies in a development shell through the NODE_PATH environment variable
+      inherit nodeDependencies;
+      shellHook = lib.optionalString (dependencies != []) ''
+        export NODE_PATH=${nodeDependencies}/lib/node_modules
+        export PATH="${nodeDependencies}/bin:$PATH"
+      '';
+    } // extraArgs);
+  buildNodeSourceDist = lib.makeOverridable buildNodeSourceDist;
+  buildNodePackage = lib.makeOverridable buildNodePackage;
+  buildNodeDependencies = lib.makeOverridable buildNodeDependencies;
+  buildNodeShell = lib.makeOverridable buildNodeShell;
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new file mode 100644
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--- /dev/null
+++ b/nixpkgs/pkgs/development/web/netlify-cli/node-packages.nix
@@ -0,0 +1,11931 @@
+# This file has been generated by node2nix 1.11.1. Do not edit!
+{nodeEnv, fetchurl, fetchgit, nix-gitignore, stdenv, lib, globalBuildInputs ? []}:
+  sources = {
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+      };
+    };
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+    };
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+    };
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+      sources."side-channel-1.0.4"
+      sources."signal-exit-3.0.7"
+      (sources."simple-swizzle-0.2.2" // {
+        dependencies = [
+          sources."is-arrayish-0.3.2"
+        ];
+      })
+      sources."slash-3.0.0"
+      (sources."slice-ansi-5.0.0" // {
+        dependencies = [
+          sources."ansi-styles-6.1.0"
+        ];
+      })
+      (sources."snapdragon-0.8.2" // {
+        dependencies = [
+          sources."debug-2.6.9"
+          sources."define-property-0.2.5"
+          sources."extend-shallow-2.0.1"
+          (sources."is-accessor-descriptor-0.1.6" // {
+            dependencies = [
+              sources."kind-of-3.2.2"
+            ];
+          })
+          (sources."is-data-descriptor-0.1.4" // {
+            dependencies = [
+              sources."kind-of-3.2.2"
+            ];
+          })
+          sources."is-descriptor-0.1.6"
+          sources."is-extendable-0.1.1"
+          sources."kind-of-5.1.0"
+          sources."ms-2.0.0"
+        ];
+      })
+      (sources."snapdragon-node-2.1.1" // {
+        dependencies = [
+          sources."define-property-1.0.0"
+        ];
+      })
+      (sources."snapdragon-util-3.0.1" // {
+        dependencies = [
+          sources."kind-of-3.2.2"
+        ];
+      })
+      (sources."sort-keys-1.1.2" // {
+        dependencies = [
+          sources."is-plain-obj-1.1.0"
+        ];
+      })
+      sources."sort-keys-length-1.0.1"
+      sources."source-map-0.5.7"
+      sources."source-map-js-1.0.2"
+      sources."source-map-resolve-0.5.3"
+      (sources."source-map-support-0.5.21" // {
+        dependencies = [
+          sources."source-map-0.6.1"
+        ];
+      })
+      sources."source-map-url-0.4.1"
+      sources."spdx-correct-3.1.1"
+      sources."spdx-exceptions-2.3.0"
+      sources."spdx-expression-parse-3.0.1"
+      sources."spdx-license-ids-3.0.11"
+      sources."split-string-3.1.0"
+      sources."stack-generator-2.0.5"
+      sources."stack-trace-0.0.10"
+      sources."stackframe-1.2.1"
+      (sources."static-extend-0.1.2" // {
+        dependencies = [
+          sources."define-property-0.2.5"
+          (sources."is-accessor-descriptor-0.1.6" // {
+            dependencies = [
+              sources."kind-of-3.2.2"
+            ];
+          })
+          (sources."is-data-descriptor-0.1.4" // {
+            dependencies = [
+              sources."kind-of-3.2.2"
+            ];
+          })
+          sources."is-descriptor-0.1.6"
+          sources."kind-of-5.1.0"
+        ];
+      })
+      (sources."static-server-2.2.1" // {
+        dependencies = [
+          sources."ansi-regex-0.2.1"
+          sources."ansi-styles-1.1.0"
+          sources."chalk-0.5.1"
+          sources."commander-2.20.3"
+          sources."escape-string-regexp-1.0.5"
+          sources."has-ansi-0.1.0"
+          sources."strip-ansi-0.3.0"
+          sources."supports-color-0.2.0"
+        ];
+      })
+      sources."statsd-client-0.4.7"
+      sources."statuses-2.0.1"
+      sources."strict-uri-encode-1.1.0"
+      sources."string-similarity-4.0.4"
+      (sources."string-width-4.2.3" // {
+        dependencies = [
+          sources."is-fullwidth-code-point-3.0.0"
+        ];
+      })
+      sources."string_decoder-1.1.1"
+      sources."strip-ansi-6.0.1"
+      sources."strip-ansi-control-characters-2.0.0"
+      sources."strip-dirs-2.1.0"
+      sources."strip-final-newline-2.0.0"
+      (sources."strip-outer-1.0.1" // {
+        dependencies = [
+          sources."escape-string-regexp-1.0.5"
+        ];
+      })
+      sources."supports-color-9.2.2"
+      (sources."supports-hyperlinks-2.2.0" // {
+        dependencies = [
+          sources."supports-color-7.2.0"
+        ];
+      })
+      sources."supports-preserve-symlinks-flag-1.0.0"
+      sources."symbol-observable-1.2.0"
+      sources."tabtab-3.0.2"
+      (sources."tar-6.1.11" // {
+        dependencies = [
+          sources."mkdirp-1.0.4"
+        ];
+      })
+      sources."tar-stream-2.2.0"
+      sources."temp-dir-2.0.0"
+      (sources."tempy-1.0.1" // {
+        dependencies = [
+          sources."type-fest-0.16.0"
+        ];
+      })
+      (sources."terminal-link-2.1.1" // {
+        dependencies = [
+          sources."ansi-escapes-4.3.2"
+          sources."type-fest-0.21.3"
+        ];
+      })
+      sources."text-hex-1.0.0"
+      sources."through-2.3.8"
+      (sources."through2-filter-3.0.0" // {
+        dependencies = [
+          sources."readable-stream-2.3.7"
+          sources."through2-2.0.5"
+        ];
+      })
+      (sources."through2-map-3.0.0" // {
+        dependencies = [
+          sources."readable-stream-2.3.7"
+          sources."through2-2.0.5"
+        ];
+      })
+      sources."time-zone-1.0.0"
+      sources."timed-out-4.0.1"
+      sources."tmp-0.0.33"
+      (sources."tmp-promise-3.0.3" // {
+        dependencies = [
+          sources."tmp-0.2.1"
+        ];
+      })
+      sources."to-buffer-1.1.1"
+      (sources."to-object-path-0.3.0" // {
+        dependencies = [
+          sources."kind-of-3.2.2"
+        ];
+      })
+      sources."to-readable-stream-2.1.0"
+      (sources."to-regex-3.0.2" // {
+        dependencies = [
+          sources."safe-regex-1.1.0"
+        ];
+      })
+      sources."to-regex-range-5.0.1"
+      sources."toidentifier-1.0.1"
+      sources."toml-3.0.0"
+      sources."tomlify-j0.4-3.0.0"
+      sources."tr46-0.0.3"
+      (sources."trim-repeated-1.0.0" // {
+        dependencies = [
+          sources."escape-string-regexp-1.0.5"
+        ];
+      })
+      sources."triple-beam-1.3.0"
+      (sources."ts-node-10.8.1" // {
+        dependencies = [
+          sources."diff-4.0.2"
+        ];
+      })
+      sources."tslib-1.14.1"
+      sources."tsutils-3.21.0"
+      sources."type-fest-1.4.0"
+      sources."type-is-1.6.18"
+      sources."typedarray-to-buffer-3.1.5"
+      sources."typescript-4.8.4"
+      sources."uid-safe-2.1.5"
+      sources."unbzip2-stream-1.4.3"
+      (sources."union-value-1.0.1" // {
+        dependencies = [
+          sources."is-extendable-0.1.1"
+        ];
+      })
+      sources."unique-string-2.0.0"
+      sources."universal-user-agent-6.0.0"
+      sources."universalify-2.0.0"
+      (sources."unixify-1.0.0" // {
+        dependencies = [
+          sources."normalize-path-2.1.1"
+        ];
+      })
+      sources."unpipe-1.0.0"
+      (sources."unset-value-1.0.0" // {
+        dependencies = [
+          (sources."has-value-0.3.1" // {
+            dependencies = [
+              sources."isobject-2.1.0"
+            ];
+          })
+          sources."has-values-0.1.4"
+        ];
+      })
+      sources."untildify-3.0.3"
+      (sources."update-notifier-6.0.2" // {
+        dependencies = [
+          sources."@sindresorhus/is-5.3.0"
+          sources."@szmarczak/http-timer-5.0.1"
+          sources."ansi-regex-6.0.1"
+          sources."ansi-styles-6.2.1"
+          sources."boxen-7.0.0"
+          sources."cacheable-lookup-7.0.0"
+          sources."cacheable-request-10.2.1"
+          sources."camelcase-7.0.0"
+          sources."chalk-5.1.2"
+          sources."cli-boxes-3.0.0"
+          sources."configstore-6.0.0"
+          (sources."crypto-random-string-4.0.0" // {
+            dependencies = [
+              sources."type-fest-1.4.0"
+            ];
+          })
+          sources."emoji-regex-9.2.2"
+          sources."escape-goat-4.0.0"
+          sources."got-12.5.2"
+          sources."has-yarn-3.0.0"
+          sources."http2-wrapper-2.1.11"
+          sources."import-lazy-4.0.0"
+          sources."is-npm-6.0.0"
+          sources."is-yarn-global-0.4.0"
+          sources."latest-version-7.0.0"
+          sources."lowercase-keys-3.0.0"
+          sources."mimic-response-4.0.0"
+          sources."normalize-url-7.2.0"
+          sources."p-cancelable-3.0.0"
+          sources."package-json-8.1.0"
+          sources."pupa-3.1.0"
+          sources."registry-auth-token-5.0.1"
+          sources."registry-url-6.0.1"
+          sources."responselike-3.0.0"
+          sources."semver-diff-4.0.0"
+          sources."string-width-5.1.2"
+          sources."strip-ansi-7.0.1"
+          sources."type-fest-2.19.0"
+          sources."unique-string-3.0.0"
+          sources."widest-line-4.0.1"
+          sources."wrap-ansi-8.0.1"
+          sources."write-file-atomic-3.0.3"
+          sources."xdg-basedir-5.1.0"
+        ];
+      })
+      sources."uri-js-4.4.1"
+      sources."urix-0.1.0"
+      (sources."url-0.11.0" // {
+        dependencies = [
+          sources."punycode-1.3.2"
+        ];
+      })
+      sources."url-parse-lax-3.0.0"
+      sources."url-to-options-1.0.1"
+      sources."use-3.1.1"
+      sources."util-deprecate-1.0.2"
+      sources."utils-merge-1.0.1"
+      sources."uuid-9.0.0"
+      sources."v8-compile-cache-lib-3.0.1"
+      sources."validate-npm-package-license-3.0.4"
+      sources."validate-npm-package-name-4.0.0"
+      sources."vary-1.1.2"
+      sources."wait-port-1.0.4"
+      sources."wcwidth-1.0.1"
+      sources."web-streams-polyfill-3.2.0"
+      sources."well-known-symbols-2.0.0"
+      (sources."whatwg-url-5.0.0" // {
+        dependencies = [
+          sources."webidl-conversions-3.0.1"
+        ];
+      })
+      sources."which-2.0.2"
+      sources."wide-align-1.1.5"
+      sources."widest-line-3.1.0"
+      sources."windows-release-5.0.1"
+      sources."winston-3.8.2"
+      sources."winston-transport-4.5.0"
+      sources."word-wrap-1.2.3"
+      (sources."wrap-ansi-7.0.0" // {
+        dependencies = [
+          sources."ansi-styles-4.3.0"
+          sources."color-convert-2.0.1"
+          sources."color-name-1.1.4"
+        ];
+      })
+      sources."wrappy-1.0.2"
+      sources."write-file-atomic-4.0.2"
+      sources."xdg-basedir-4.0.0"
+      sources."xtend-4.0.2"
+      sources."y18n-5.0.8"
+      sources."yallist-4.0.0"
+      (sources."yargs-17.6.0" // {
+        dependencies = [
+          sources."cliui-8.0.1"
+          sources."yargs-parser-21.1.1"
+        ];
+      })
+      sources."yauzl-2.10.0"
+      sources."yn-3.1.1"
+      sources."yocto-queue-0.1.0"
+      sources."zip-stream-4.1.0"
+    ];
+    buildInputs = globalBuildInputs;
+    meta = {
+      description = "Netlify command line tool";
+      homepage = "https://github.com/netlify/cli";
+      license = "MIT";
+    };
+    production = true;
+    bypassCache = true;
+    reconstructLock = false;
+  };
+  args = args;
+  sources = sources;
+  tarball = nodeEnv.buildNodeSourceDist args;
+  package = nodeEnv.buildNodePackage args;
+  shell = nodeEnv.buildNodeShell args;
+  nodeDependencies = nodeEnv.buildNodeDependencies (lib.overrideExisting args {
+    src = stdenv.mkDerivation {
+      name = args.name + "-package-json";
+      src = nix-gitignore.gitignoreSourcePure [
+        "*"
+        "!package.json"
+        "!package-lock.json"
+      ] args.src;
+      dontBuild = true;
+      installPhase = "mkdir -p $out; cp -r ./* $out;";
+    };
+  });
diff --git a/nixpkgs/pkgs/development/web/netlify-cli/shell.nix b/nixpkgs/pkgs/development/web/netlify-cli/shell.nix
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..3ad004c9abfa
--- /dev/null
+++ b/nixpkgs/pkgs/development/web/netlify-cli/shell.nix
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+{ pkgs ? import ../../../.. {} }:
+pkgs.mkShell {
+  nativeBuildInputs = [
+    pkgs.nodePackages.node2nix
+    pkgs.nix-prefetch-github
+  ];
diff --git a/nixpkgs/pkgs/development/web/netlify-cli/test.nix b/nixpkgs/pkgs/development/web/netlify-cli/test.nix
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..d25c6c48936b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/nixpkgs/pkgs/development/web/netlify-cli/test.nix
@@ -0,0 +1,42 @@
+  curl,
+  darwin,
+  lib,
+  netlify-cli,
+  runCommand,
+  stdenv,
+runCommand "netlify-cli-test" {
+  nativeBuildInputs = [
+    netlify-cli
+    curl
+  ] ++ lib.optionals stdenv.isDarwin [
+    darwin.ps
+  ];
+  meta.timeout = 600;
+} ''
+  mkdir home
+  export HOME=$PWD/home
+  # Create a simple site
+  echo '<h1>hi</h1>' >index.html
+  echo '/with-redirect /' >_redirects
+  # Start a local server and wait for it to respond
+  netlify dev --offline --port 8888 2>&1 | tee log &
+  sleep 0.1 || true
+  for (( i=0; i<300; i++ )); do
+    if grep --ignore-case 'Server now ready' <log; then
+      break
+    else
+      sleep 1
+    fi
+  done
+  # Test the local server
+  curl -L http://localhost:8888/with-redirect | grep '<h1>hi</h1>'
+  # Success
+  touch $out
diff --git a/nixpkgs/pkgs/development/web/netlify-cli/update.sh b/nixpkgs/pkgs/development/web/netlify-cli/update.sh
new file mode 100755
index 000000000000..616b3757db72
--- /dev/null
+++ b/nixpkgs/pkgs/development/web/netlify-cli/update.sh
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env nix-shell
+#!nix-shell -i bash
+set -euo pipefail
+mv netlify-cli.json{,.old}
+nix-prefetch-github-latest-release netlify cli >netlify-cli.json
+if ! diff -U3 netlify-cli.json{.old,}; then
+    echo New version detected\; generating expressions...
+    ./generate.sh
+rm -f netlify-cli.json.old
diff --git a/nixpkgs/pkgs/development/web/newman/default.nix b/nixpkgs/pkgs/development/web/newman/default.nix
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..020db1ac5b03
--- /dev/null
+++ b/nixpkgs/pkgs/development/web/newman/default.nix
@@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
+{ lib
+, buildNpmPackage
+, fetchFromGitHub
+buildNpmPackage rec {
+  pname = "newman";
+  version = "6.1.1";
+  src = fetchFromGitHub {
+    owner = "postmanlabs";
+    repo = "newman";
+    rev = "refs/tags/v${version}";
+    hash = "sha256-CHlch4FoaW42oWxlaAEuNBLTM1hSwLK+nvBfE17GNHU=";
+  };
+  npmDepsHash = "sha256-ez6FXuu1gMBfJvgmOKs+zoUVMWwBPgJH33BbbLNL0Vk=";
+  dontNpmBuild = true;
+  meta = with lib; {
+    homepage = "https://www.getpostman.com";
+    description = "A command-line collection runner for Postman";
+    changelog = "https://github.com/postmanlabs/newman/releases/tag/v${version}";
+    maintainers = with maintainers; [ freezeboy ];
+    license = licenses.asl20;
+  };
diff --git a/nixpkgs/pkgs/development/web/nodejs/bypass-darwin-xcrun-node16.patch b/nixpkgs/pkgs/development/web/nodejs/bypass-darwin-xcrun-node16.patch
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..e86fcc4d2973
--- /dev/null
+++ b/nixpkgs/pkgs/development/web/nodejs/bypass-darwin-xcrun-node16.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,41 @@
+Avoids needing xcrun or xcodebuild in PATH for native package builds
+diff --git a/deps/npm/node_modules/node-gyp/gyp/pylib/gyp/xcode_emulation.py b/deps/npm/node_modules/node-gyp/gyp/pylib/gyp/xcode_emulation.py
+index a75d8ee..476440d 100644
+--- a/deps/npm/node_modules/node-gyp/gyp/pylib/gyp/xcode_emulation.py
++++ b/deps/npm/node_modules/node-gyp/gyp/pylib/gyp/xcode_emulation.py
+@@ -522,7 +522,13 @@ class XcodeSettings:
+         # Since the CLT has no SDK paths anyway, returning None is the
+         # most sensible route and should still do the right thing.
+         try:
+-            return GetStdoutQuiet(["xcrun", "--sdk", sdk, infoitem])
++            #return GetStdoutQuiet(["xcrun", "--sdk", sdk, infoitem])
++            return {
++                "--show-sdk-platform-path": "/Applications/Xcode.app/Contents/Developer/Platforms/MacOSX.platform",
++                "--show-sdk-path": "/Applications/Xcode.app/Contents/Developer/Platforms/MacOSX.platform/Developer/SDKs/MacOSX10.15.sdk",
++                "--show-sdk-build-version": "19A547",
++                "--show-sdk-version": "10.15"
++            }[infoitem]
+         except GypError:
+             pass
+@@ -1499,7 +1505,8 @@ def XcodeVersion():
+     version = ""
+     build = ""
+     try:
+-        version_list = GetStdoutQuiet(["xcodebuild", "-version"]).splitlines()
++        #version_list = GetStdoutQuiet(["xcodebuild", "-version"]).splitlines()
++        version_list = []
+         # In some circumstances xcodebuild exits 0 but doesn't return
+         # the right results; for example, a user on 10.7 or 10.8 with
+         # a bogus path set via xcode-select
+@@ -1510,7 +1517,8 @@ def XcodeVersion():
+         version = version_list[0].split()[-1]  # Last word on first line
+         build = version_list[-1].split()[-1]  # Last word on last line
+     except GypError:  # Xcode not installed so look for XCode Command Line Tools
+-        version = CLTVersion()  # macOS Catalina returns
++        #version = CLTVersion()  # macOS Catalina returns
++        version = ""
+         if not version:
+             raise GypError("No Xcode or CLT version detected!")
+     # Be careful to convert "4.2.3" to "0423" and "11.0.0" to "1100":
diff --git a/nixpkgs/pkgs/development/web/nodejs/bypass-xcodebuild.diff b/nixpkgs/pkgs/development/web/nodejs/bypass-xcodebuild.diff
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..5c900dd2143f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/nixpkgs/pkgs/development/web/nodejs/bypass-xcodebuild.diff
@@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
+diff -Naur node-v12.18.4/deps/npm/node_modules/node-gyp/gyp/pylib/gyp/xcode_emulation.py node-v12.18.4-new/deps/npm/node_modules/node-gyp/gyp/pylib/gyp/xcode_emulation.py
+--- node-v12.18.4/deps/npm/node_modules/node-gyp/gyp/pylib/gyp/xcode_emulation.py	2020-09-15 09:08:46.000000000 +0200
++++ node-v12.18.4-new/deps/npm/node_modules/node-gyp/gyp/pylib/gyp/xcode_emulation.py	2020-12-03 16:55:43.781860687 +0100
+@@ -436,7 +436,14 @@
+     # Since the CLT has no SDK paths anyway, returning None is the
+     # most sensible route and should still do the right thing.
+     try:
+-      return GetStdoutQuiet(['xcodebuild', '-version', '-sdk', sdk, infoitem])
++      # Return fake data that xcodebuild would normally return
++      xcodedata = {
++        "Path": "/Applications/Xcode.app/Contents/Developer/Platforms/MacOSX.platform/Developer/SDKs/MacOSX10.15.sdk",
++        "ProductBuildVersion": "19A547",
++        "ProductVersion": "10.15"
++      }
++      return xcodedata[infoitem]
+     except GypError:
+       pass
+@@ -1271,7 +1278,7 @@
+   version = ""
+   build = ""
+   try:
+-    version_list = GetStdoutQuiet(['xcodebuild', '-version']).splitlines()
++    version_list = []
+     # In some circumstances xcodebuild exits 0 but doesn't return
+     # the right results; for example, a user on 10.7 or 10.8 with
+     # a bogus path set via xcode-select
diff --git a/nixpkgs/pkgs/development/web/nodejs/corepack.nix b/nixpkgs/pkgs/development/web/nodejs/corepack.nix
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..c83d3f1645fc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/nixpkgs/pkgs/development/web/nodejs/corepack.nix
@@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
+{ lib, stdenv, nodejs }:
+stdenv.mkDerivation {
+  pname = "corepack-nodejs";
+  inherit (nodejs) version;
+  nativeBuildInputs = [ nodejs ];
+  dontUnpack = true;
+  installPhase = ''
+    mkdir -p $out/bin
+    corepack enable --install-directory $out/bin
+    # Enabling npm caused some crashes - leaving out for now
+    # corepack enable --install-directory $out/bin npm
+  '';
+  meta = {
+    description = "Wrappers for npm, pnpm and Yarn via Node.js Corepack";
+    homepage = "https://nodejs.org/api/corepack.html";
+    changelog = "https://github.com/nodejs/node/releases/tag/v${nodejs.version}";
+    license = lib.licenses.mit;
+    maintainers = with lib.maintainers; [ wmertens ];
+    platforms = lib.platforms.linux ++ lib.platforms.darwin;
+  };
diff --git a/nixpkgs/pkgs/development/web/nodejs/disable-darwin-v8-system-instrumentation-node19.patch b/nixpkgs/pkgs/development/web/nodejs/disable-darwin-v8-system-instrumentation-node19.patch
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..5d56af784973
--- /dev/null
+++ b/nixpkgs/pkgs/development/web/nodejs/disable-darwin-v8-system-instrumentation-node19.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
+Disable v8 system instrumentation on Darwin
+On Darwin, the v8 system instrumentation requires the header "os/signpost.h"
+which is available since apple_sdk 11+. See: https://github.com/nodejs/node/issues/39584
+--- old/tools/v8_gypfiles/features.gypi
++++ new/tools/v8_gypfiles/features.gypi
+@@ -62,7 +62,7 @@
+       }, {
+         'is_component_build': 0,
+       }],
+-      ['OS == "win" or OS == "mac"', {
++      ['OS == "win"', {
+         # Sets -DENABLE_SYSTEM_INSTRUMENTATION. Enables OS-dependent event tracing
+         'v8_enable_system_instrumentation': 1,
+       }, {
diff --git a/nixpkgs/pkgs/development/web/nodejs/disable-darwin-v8-system-instrumentation.patch b/nixpkgs/pkgs/development/web/nodejs/disable-darwin-v8-system-instrumentation.patch
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..63e9107b33d0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/nixpkgs/pkgs/development/web/nodejs/disable-darwin-v8-system-instrumentation.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
+Disable v8 system instrumentation on Darwin
+On Darwin, the v8 system instrumentation requires the header "os/signpost.h"
+which is available since apple_sdk 11+. See: https://github.com/nodejs/node/issues/39584
+--- old/tools/v8_gypfiles/features.gypi
++++ new/tools/v8_gypfiles/features.gypi
+@@ -62,7 +62,7 @@
+       }, {
+         'is_component_build': 0,
+       }],
+-      ['OS == "win" or OS == "mac"', {
++      ['OS == "win"', {
+         # Sets -DSYSTEM_INSTRUMENTATION. Enables OS-dependent event tracing
+         'v8_enable_system_instrumentation': 1,
+       }, {
diff --git a/nixpkgs/pkgs/development/web/nodejs/fix-npm-patch-paths.sh b/nixpkgs/pkgs/development/web/nodejs/fix-npm-patch-paths.sh
new file mode 100755
index 000000000000..5f57032807c7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/nixpkgs/pkgs/development/web/nodejs/fix-npm-patch-paths.sh
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env nix-shell
+#!nix-shell -i bash -p gnused
+sed -i "s| a/node_modules| a/deps/npm/node_modules|" node-npm-build-npm-package-logic.patch
+sed -i "s| b/node_modules| b/deps/npm/node_modules|" node-npm-build-npm-package-logic.patch
+sed -i "s| a/workspaces| a/deps/npm/node_modules/@npmcli|" node-npm-build-npm-package-logic.patch
+sed -i "s| b/workspaces| b/deps/npm/node_modules/@npmcli|" node-npm-build-npm-package-logic.patch
diff --git a/nixpkgs/pkgs/development/web/nodejs/node-npm-build-npm-package-logic.patch b/nixpkgs/pkgs/development/web/nodejs/node-npm-build-npm-package-logic.patch
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..a9ac6b0589ef
--- /dev/null
+++ b/nixpkgs/pkgs/development/web/nodejs/node-npm-build-npm-package-logic.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,95 @@
+This patch is based off of npm tag v9.1.5.
+This introduces fixes for 4 issues:
+1. When node-gyp is included as a dependency in a project, any scripts that run it will not use the copy included in Node. This is problematic because we patch node-gyp to work without xcbuild on Darwin, leading to these packages failing to build with a sandbox on Darwin.
+2. When a Git dependency contains install scripts, it has to be built just like any other package. Thus, we need to patch shebangs appropriately, just like in npmConfigHook.
+3. We get useless warnings that clog up logs when using a v1 lockfile, so we silence them.
+4. npm looks at a hidden lockfile to determine if files have binaries to link into `node_modules/.bin`. When using a v1 lockfile offline, this lockfile does not contain enough info, leading to binaries for packages such as Webpack not being available to scripts. We used to work around this by making npm ignore the hidden lockfile by creating a file, but now we just disable the code path entirely.
+To update:
+1. Run `git diff` from an npm checkout
+2. Run `fix-npm-patch-paths.sh`
+3. Include/update this frontmatter, please!
+diff --git a/deps/npm/node_modules/@npmcli/run-script/lib/set-path.js b/deps/npm/node_modules/@npmcli/run-script/lib/set-path.js
+index c59c270d9..98785192f 100644
+--- a/deps/npm/node_modules/@npmcli/run-script/lib/set-path.js
++++ b/deps/npm/node_modules/@npmcli/run-script/lib/set-path.js
+@@ -12,7 +12,10 @@ const setPATH = (projectPath, binPaths, env) => {
+     .reduce((set, p) => set.concat(p.filter(concatted => !set.includes(concatted))), [])
+     .join(delimiter)
+-  const pathArr = []
++  // Ensure when using buildNpmPackage hooks that Node.js'
++  // bundled copy of node-gyp is used, instead of any copy
++  // pulled in as a dependency.
++  const pathArr = process.env['NIX_NODEJS_BUILDNPMPACKAGE'] ? [nodeGypPath, PATH] : [];
+   if (binPaths) {
+     pathArr.push(...binPaths)
+   }
+@@ -26,7 +29,8 @@ const setPATH = (projectPath, binPaths, env) => {
+     pp = p
+     p = dirname(p)
+   } while (p !== pp)
+-  pathArr.push(nodeGypPath, PATH)
++  if (!process.env['NIX_NODEJS_BUILDNPMPACKAGE']) { pathArr.push(nodeGypPath, PATH) }
+   const pathVal = pathArr.join(delimiter)
+diff --git a/deps/npm/node_modules/pacote/lib/git.js b/deps/npm/node_modules/pacote/lib/git.js
+index 1fa8b1f96..a026bb50d 100644
+--- a/deps/npm/node_modules/pacote/lib/git.js
++++ b/deps/npm/node_modules/pacote/lib/git.js
+@@ -188,6 +188,24 @@ class GitFetcher extends Fetcher {
+       }
+       noPrepare.push(this.resolved)
++      if (process.env['NIX_NODEJS_BUILDNPMPACKAGE']) {
++        const spawn = require('@npmcli/promise-spawn')
++        const npmWithNixFlags = (args, cmd) => spawn('bash', ['-c', 'npm ' + args + ` $npm${cmd}Flags "$\{npm${cmd}FlagsArray[@]}" $npmFlags "$\{npmFlagsArray[@]}"`], { cwd: dir, env: { ...process.env, _PACOTE_NO_PREPARE_: noPrepare.join('\n') } }, { message: `\`npm ${args}\` failed` })
++        const patchShebangs = () => spawn('bash', ['-c', 'source $stdenv/setup; patchShebangs node_modules'], { cwd: dir })
++        // the DirFetcher will do its own preparation to run the prepare scripts
++        // All we have to do is put the deps in place so that it can succeed.
++        //
++        // We ignore this.npmConfig to maintain an environment that's as close
++        // to the rest of the build as possible.
++        return spawn('bash', ['-c', '$prefetchNpmDeps --fixup-lockfile package-lock.json'], { cwd: dir })
++        .then(() => npmWithNixFlags('ci --ignore-scripts', 'Install'))
++        .then(patchShebangs)
++        .then(() => npmWithNixFlags('rebuild', 'Rebuild'))
++        .then(patchShebangs)
++      }
+       // the DirFetcher will do its own preparation to run the prepare scripts
+       // All we have to do is put the deps in place so that it can succeed.
+       return npm(
+diff --git a/deps/npm/node_modules/@npmcli/arborist/lib/arborist/build-ideal-tree.js b/deps/npm/node_modules/@npmcli/arborist/lib/arborist/build-ideal-tree.js
+index 2ea66ac33..25e671318 100644
+--- a/deps/npm/node_modules/@npmcli/arborist/lib/arborist/build-ideal-tree.js
++++ b/deps/npm/node_modules/@npmcli/arborist/lib/arborist/build-ideal-tree.js
+@@ -740,7 +740,7 @@ This is a one-time fix-up, please be patient...
+           node.package = { ...mani, _id: `${mani.name}@${mani.version}` }
+         } catch (er) {
+           const warning = `Could not fetch metadata for ${name}@${id}`
+-          log.warn(heading, warning, er)
++          if (!process.env['NIX_NODEJS_BUILDNPMPACKAGE']) { log.warn(heading, warning, er) }
+         }
+         this.finishTracker(t)
+       })
+diff --git a/deps/npm/node_modules/@npmcli/arborist/lib/arborist/load-actual.js b/deps/npm/node_modules/@npmcli/arborist/lib/arborist/load-actual.js
+index 6c3f917c6..ec21d2cc4 100644
+--- a/deps/npm/node_modules/@npmcli/arborist/lib/arborist/load-actual.js
++++ b/deps/npm/node_modules/@npmcli/arborist/lib/arborist/load-actual.js
+@@ -147,7 +147,7 @@ module.exports = cls => class ActualLoader extends cls {
+       this[_actualTree].assertRootOverrides()
+       // if forceActual is set, don't even try the hidden lockfile
+-      if (!forceActual) {
++      if (!forceActual && !process.env['NIX_NODEJS_BUILDNPMPACKAGE']) {
+         // Note: hidden lockfile will be rejected if it's not the latest thing
+         // in the folder, or if any of the entries in the hidden lockfile are
+         // missing.
diff --git a/nixpkgs/pkgs/development/web/nodejs/nodejs-release-keys.asc b/nixpkgs/pkgs/development/web/nodejs/nodejs-release-keys.asc
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..c89b3b37f876
--- /dev/null
+++ b/nixpkgs/pkgs/development/web/nodejs/nodejs-release-keys.asc
@@ -0,0 +1,776 @@
diff --git a/nixpkgs/pkgs/development/web/nodejs/nodejs.nix b/nixpkgs/pkgs/development/web/nodejs/nodejs.nix
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..b1bd0ae912d9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/nixpkgs/pkgs/development/web/nodejs/nodejs.nix
@@ -0,0 +1,225 @@
+{ lib, stdenv, fetchurl, openssl, python, zlib, libuv, util-linux, http-parser, bash
+, pkg-config, which, buildPackages
+# for `.pkgs` attribute
+, callPackage
+# Updater dependencies
+, writeScript, coreutils, gnugrep, jq, curl, common-updater-scripts, nix, runtimeShell
+, gnupg
+, darwin, xcbuild
+, procps, icu
+{ enableNpm ? true, version, sha256, patches ? [] } @args:
+  inherit (darwin.apple_sdk.frameworks) CoreServices ApplicationServices;
+  isCross = stdenv.hostPlatform != stdenv.buildPlatform;
+  majorVersion = lib.versions.major version;
+  minorVersion = lib.versions.minor version;
+  pname = if enableNpm then "nodejs" else "nodejs-slim";
+  useSharedHttpParser = !stdenv.isDarwin && lib.versionOlder "${majorVersion}.${minorVersion}" "11.4";
+  sharedLibDeps = { inherit openssl zlib libuv; } // (lib.optionalAttrs useSharedHttpParser { inherit http-parser; });
+  sharedConfigureFlags = lib.concatMap (name: [
+    "--shared-${name}"
+    "--shared-${name}-libpath=${lib.getLib sharedLibDeps.${name}}/lib"
+    /** Closure notes: we explicitly avoid specifying --shared-*-includes,
+     *  as that would put the paths into bin/nodejs.
+     *  Including pkg-config in build inputs would also have the same effect!
+     */
+  ]) (builtins.attrNames sharedLibDeps) ++ [
+    "--with-intl=system-icu"
+    "--openssl-use-def-ca-store"
+  ];
+  copyLibHeaders =
+    map
+      (name: "${lib.getDev sharedLibDeps.${name}}/include/*")
+      (builtins.attrNames sharedLibDeps);
+  extraConfigFlags = lib.optionals (!enableNpm) [ "--without-npm" ];
+  self = stdenv.mkDerivation {
+    inherit pname version;
+    src = fetchurl {
+      url = "https://nodejs.org/dist/v${version}/node-v${version}.tar.xz";
+      inherit sha256;
+    };
+    strictDeps = true;
+    env = lib.optionalAttrs (stdenv.isDarwin && stdenv.isx86_64) {
+      # Make sure libc++ uses `posix_memalign` instead of `aligned_alloc` on x86_64-darwin.
+      # Otherwise, nodejs would require the 11.0 SDK and macOS 10.15+.
+    };
+    CC_host = "cc";
+    CXX_host = "c++";
+    depsBuildBuild = [ buildPackages.stdenv.cc openssl libuv zlib icu ];
+    # NB: technically, we do not need bash in build inputs since all scripts are
+    # wrappers over the corresponding JS scripts. There are some packages though
+    # that use bash wrappers, e.g. polaris-web.
+    buildInputs = lib.optionals stdenv.isDarwin [ CoreServices ApplicationServices ]
+      ++ [ zlib libuv openssl http-parser icu bash ];
+    nativeBuildInputs = [ which pkg-config python ]
+      ++ lib.optionals stdenv.isDarwin [ xcbuild ];
+    outputs = [ "out" "libv8" ];
+    setOutputFlags = false;
+    moveToDev = false;
+    configureFlags = let
+      inherit (stdenv.hostPlatform) gcc isAarch32;
+    in sharedConfigureFlags ++ lib.optionals (lib.versionOlder version "19") [
+      "--without-dtrace"
+    ] ++ (lib.optionals isCross [
+      "--cross-compiling"
+      "--dest-cpu=${let platform = stdenv.hostPlatform; in
+                    if      platform.isAarch32 then "arm"
+                    else if platform.isAarch64 then "arm64"
+                    else if platform.isMips32 && platform.isLittleEndian then "mipsel"
+                    else if platform.isMips32 && !platform.isLittleEndian then "mips"
+                    else if platform.isMips64 && platform.isLittleEndian then "mips64el"
+                    else if platform.isPower && platform.is32bit then "ppc"
+                    else if platform.isPower && platform.is64bit then "ppc64"
+                    else if platform.isx86_64 then "x86_64"
+                    else if platform.isx86_32 then "x86"
+                    else if platform.isS390 && platform.is64bit then "s390x"
+                    else if platform.isRiscV && platform.is64bit then "riscv64"
+                    else throw "unsupported cpu ${stdenv.hostPlatform.uname.processor}"}"
+    ]) ++ (lib.optionals (isCross && isAarch32 && lib.hasAttr "fpu" gcc) [
+      "--with-arm-fpu=${gcc.fpu}"
+    ]) ++ (lib.optionals (isCross && isAarch32 && lib.hasAttr "float-abi" gcc) [
+      "--with-arm-float-abi=${gcc.float-abi}"
+    ]) ++ extraConfigFlags;
+    configurePlatforms = [];
+    dontDisableStatic = true;
+    enableParallelBuilding = true;
+    # Don't allow enabling content addressed conversion as `nodejs`
+    # checksums it's image before conversion happens and image loading
+    # breaks:
+    #   $ nix build -f. nodejs --arg config '{ contentAddressedByDefault = true; }'
+    #   $ ./result/bin/node
+    #   Check failed: VerifyChecksum(blob).
+    __contentAddressed = false;
+    passthru.interpreterName = "nodejs";
+    passthru.pkgs = callPackage ../../node-packages/default.nix {
+      nodejs = self;
+    };
+    setupHook = ./setup-hook.sh;
+    pos = builtins.unsafeGetAttrPos "version" args;
+    inherit patches;
+    doCheck = lib.versionAtLeast version "16"; # some tests fail on v14
+    # Some dependencies required for tools/doc/node_modules (and therefore
+    # test-addons, jstest and others) target are not included in the tarball.
+    # Run test targets that do not require network access.
+    checkTarget = lib.concatStringsSep " " [
+      "build-js-native-api-tests"
+      "build-node-api-tests"
+      "tooltest"
+      "cctest"
+    ];
+    # Do not create __pycache__ when running tests.
+    checkFlags = [ "PYTHONDONTWRITEBYTECODE=1" ];
+    postInstall = ''
+      HOST_PATH=$out/bin patchShebangs --host $out
+      ${lib.optionalString (enableNpm) ''
+        mkdir -p $out/share/bash-completion/completions
+        ln -s $out/lib/node_modules/npm/lib/utils/completion.sh \
+          $out/share/bash-completion/completions/npm
+        for dir in "$out/lib/node_modules/npm/man/"*; do
+          mkdir -p $out/share/man/$(basename "$dir")
+          for page in "$dir"/*; do
+            ln -rs $page $out/share/man/$(basename "$dir")
+          done
+        done
+      ''}
+      # install the missing headers for node-gyp
+      cp -r ${lib.concatStringsSep " " copyLibHeaders} $out/include/node
+      # assemble a static v8 library and put it in the 'libv8' output
+      mkdir -p $libv8/lib
+      pushd out/Release/obj.target
+      find . -path "./torque_*/**/*.o" -or -path "./v8*/**/*.o" | sort -u >files
+      ${if stdenv.buildPlatform.isGnu then ''
+        ar -cqs $libv8/lib/libv8.a @files
+      '' else ''
+        # llvm-ar supports response files, so take advantage of it if it’s available.
+        if [ "$(basename $(readlink -f $(command -v ar)))" = "llvm-ar" ]; then
+          ar -cqs $libv8/lib/libv8.a @files
+        else
+          cat files | while read -r file; do
+            ar -cqS $libv8/lib/libv8.a $file
+          done
+        fi
+      ''}
+      popd
+      # copy v8 headers
+      cp -r deps/v8/include $libv8/
+      # create a pkgconfig file for v8
+      major=$(grep V8_MAJOR_VERSION deps/v8/include/v8-version.h | cut -d ' ' -f 3)
+      minor=$(grep V8_MINOR_VERSION deps/v8/include/v8-version.h | cut -d ' ' -f 3)
+      patch=$(grep V8_PATCH_LEVEL deps/v8/include/v8-version.h | cut -d ' ' -f 3)
+      mkdir -p $libv8/lib/pkgconfig
+      cat > $libv8/lib/pkgconfig/v8.pc << EOF
+      Name: v8
+      Description: V8 JavaScript Engine
+      Version: $major.$minor.$patch
+      Libs: -L$libv8/lib -lv8 -pthread -licui18n -licuuc
+      Cflags: -I$libv8/include
+      EOF
+    '';
+    passthru.updateScript = import ./update.nix {
+      inherit writeScript coreutils gnugrep jq curl common-updater-scripts gnupg nix runtimeShell;
+      inherit lib;
+      inherit majorVersion;
+    };
+    meta = with lib; {
+      description = "Event-driven I/O framework for the V8 JavaScript engine";
+      homepage = "https://nodejs.org";
+      changelog = "https://github.com/nodejs/node/releases/tag/v${version}";
+      license = licenses.mit;
+      maintainers = with maintainers; [ goibhniu gilligan cko marsam ];
+      platforms = platforms.linux ++ platforms.darwin;
+      mainProgram = "node";
+      knownVulnerabilities = optional (versionOlder version "18") "This NodeJS release has reached its end of life. See https://nodejs.org/en/about/releases/.";
+      # Node.js build system does not have separate host and target OS
+      # configurations (architectures are defined as host_arch and target_arch,
+      # but there is no such thing as host_os and target_os).
+      #
+      # We may be missing something here, but it doesn’t look like it is
+      # possible to cross-compile between different operating systems.
+      broken = stdenv.buildPlatform.parsed.kernel.name != stdenv.hostPlatform.parsed.kernel.name;
+    };
+    passthru.python = python; # to ensure nodeEnv uses the same version
+  };
+in self
diff --git a/nixpkgs/pkgs/development/web/nodejs/npm-patches.nix b/nixpkgs/pkgs/development/web/nodejs/npm-patches.nix
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..28432f806dc6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/nixpkgs/pkgs/development/web/nodejs/npm-patches.nix
@@ -0,0 +1,23 @@
+{ fetchpatch }:
+  # Makes `npm pack` obey `--foreground-scripts`
+  (fetchpatch {
+    name = "libnpmpack-obey-foreground-scripts.patch";
+    url = "https://github.com/npm/cli/commit/e4e8ae20aef9e27e57282e87e8757d5b364abb39.patch";
+    hash = "sha256-NQ8CZBfRqAOMe0Ysg3cq1FiferWKTzXC1QXgzX+f8OU=";
+    stripLen = 2;
+    extraPrefix = "deps/npm/node_modules/";
+    includes = [ "deps/npm/node_modules/libnpmpack/lib/index.js" ];
+  })
+  # Makes `npm pack` obey `--ignore-scripts`
+  (fetchpatch {
+    name = "libnpmpack-obey-ignore-scripts.patch";
+    url = "https://github.com/npm/cli/commit/a990c3c9a0e67f0a8b6454213675e159fe49432d.patch";
+    hash = "sha256-eA5YST9RxMMjk5FCwEbl1HQUpXZuwWZkx5WC4yJium8=";
+    stripLen = 2;
+    extraPrefix = "deps/npm/node_modules/";
+    includes = [ "deps/npm/node_modules/libnpmpack/lib/index.js" ];
+  })
diff --git a/nixpkgs/pkgs/development/web/nodejs/revert-arm64-pointer-auth.patch b/nixpkgs/pkgs/development/web/nodejs/revert-arm64-pointer-auth.patch
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..f5827983d7f2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/nixpkgs/pkgs/development/web/nodejs/revert-arm64-pointer-auth.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+Fixes cross compilation to aarch64-linux by reverting
+--- old/configure.py
++++ new/configure.py
+@@ -1236,7 +1236,6 @@
+   # Enable branch protection for arm64
+   if target_arch == 'arm64':
+-    o['cflags']+=['-msign-return-address=all']
+     o['variables']['arm_fpu'] = options.arm_fpu or 'neon'
+   if options.node_snapshot_main is not None:
diff --git a/nixpkgs/pkgs/development/web/nodejs/setup-hook.sh b/nixpkgs/pkgs/development/web/nodejs/setup-hook.sh
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..878e0693a1e6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/nixpkgs/pkgs/development/web/nodejs/setup-hook.sh
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
+addNodePath () {
+    addToSearchPath NODE_PATH "$1/lib/node_modules"
+addEnvHooks "$hostOffset" addNodePath
diff --git a/nixpkgs/pkgs/development/web/nodejs/trap-handler-backport.patch b/nixpkgs/pkgs/development/web/nodejs/trap-handler-backport.patch
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..c562aea3a6e2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/nixpkgs/pkgs/development/web/nodejs/trap-handler-backport.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,76 @@
+Backport V8_TRAP_HANDLER_SUPPORTED conditional compilation for trap
+handler implementation.
+See https://github.com/v8/v8/commit/e7bef8d4cc4f38cc3d5a532fbcc445dc62adc08f
+E.g. when cross-compiling from aarch64-linux for x86_64-linux target,
+handler-inside-posix.cc is built on aarch64-linux even though it is not
+supported; see src/trap-handler/trap-handler.h in v8 for (host, target)
+combinations where trap handler is supported.
+Note that handler-inside-posix.cc fails to build in the case above.
+diff --git a/deps/v8/src/trap-handler/handler-inside-posix.cc b/deps/v8/src/trap-handler/handler-inside-posix.cc
+index e4454c378f..17af3d75dc 100644
+--- a/deps/v8/src/trap-handler/handler-inside-posix.cc
++++ b/deps/v8/src/trap-handler/handler-inside-posix.cc
+@@ -47,6 +47,8 @@ namespace v8 {
+ namespace internal {
+ namespace trap_handler {
+ #if V8_OS_LINUX
+ #define CONTEXT_REG(reg, REG) &uc->uc_mcontext.gregs[REG_##REG]
+ #elif V8_OS_DARWIN
+@@ -181,6 +183,8 @@ void HandleSignal(int signum, siginfo_t* info, void* context) {
+   // TryHandleSignal modifies context to change where we return to.
+ }
+ }  // namespace trap_handler
+ }  // namespace internal
+ }  // namespace v8
+diff --git a/deps/v8/src/trap-handler/handler-inside-win.cc b/deps/v8/src/trap-handler/handler-inside-win.cc
+index fcccc78ee5..3d7a2c416a 100644
+--- a/deps/v8/src/trap-handler/handler-inside-win.cc
++++ b/deps/v8/src/trap-handler/handler-inside-win.cc
+@@ -38,6 +38,8 @@ namespace v8 {
+ namespace internal {
+ namespace trap_handler {
+ // The below struct needed to access the offset in the Thread Environment Block
+ // to see if the thread local storage for the thread has been allocated yet.
+ //
+@@ -129,6 +131,8 @@ LONG HandleWasmTrap(EXCEPTION_POINTERS* exception) {
+ }
+ }  // namespace trap_handler
+ }  // namespace internal
+ }  // namespace v8
+diff --git a/deps/v8/src/trap-handler/handler-outside-simulator.cc b/deps/v8/src/trap-handler/handler-outside-simulator.cc
+index 179eab0659..5e58719e7f 100644
+--- a/deps/v8/src/trap-handler/handler-outside-simulator.cc
++++ b/deps/v8/src/trap-handler/handler-outside-simulator.cc
+@@ -4,6 +4,9 @@
+ #include "include/v8config.h"
+ #include "src/trap-handler/trap-handler-simulator.h"
++#include "src/trap-handler/trap-handler.h"
+ #if V8_OS_DARWIN
+ #define SYMBOL(name) "_" #name
+@@ -35,3 +38,5 @@ asm(
+     SYMBOL(v8_probe_memory_continuation) ":         \n"
+     // If the trap handler continues here, it wrote the landing pad in %rax.
+     "  ret                                          \n");
diff --git a/nixpkgs/pkgs/development/web/nodejs/update-keyring b/nixpkgs/pkgs/development/web/nodejs/update-keyring
new file mode 100755
index 000000000000..39737758e765
--- /dev/null
+++ b/nixpkgs/pkgs/development/web/nodejs/update-keyring
@@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env nix-shell
+#! nix-shell --pure -i bash -p coreutils findutils gnupg curl
+# https://github.com/nodejs/node#release-team
+HOME=`mktemp -d`
+cat << EOF | xargs -P 4 -n 1 gpg --keyserver $keyserver --recv-keys
+gpg -a --export > nodejs-release-keys.asc
diff --git a/nixpkgs/pkgs/development/web/nodejs/update.nix b/nixpkgs/pkgs/development/web/nodejs/update.nix
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..ebe6a74c2696
--- /dev/null
+++ b/nixpkgs/pkgs/development/web/nodejs/update.nix
@@ -0,0 +1,29 @@
+{ lib
+, writeScript
+, coreutils
+, curl
+, gnugrep
+, jq
+, gnupg
+, common-updater-scripts
+, majorVersion
+, nix
+, runtimeShell
+writeScript "update-nodejs" ''
+  #!${runtimeShell}
+  PATH=${lib.makeBinPath [ common-updater-scripts coreutils curl gnugrep jq gnupg nix ]}
+  HOME=`mktemp -d`
+  cat ${./nodejs-release-keys.asc} | gpg --import
+  tags=`curl --silent https://api.github.com/repos/nodejs/node/git/refs/tags`
+  version=`echo $tags | jq -r '.[] | select(.ref | startswith("refs/tags/v${majorVersion}")) | .ref' | sort --version-sort  | tail -1 | grep -oP "^refs/tags/v\K.*"`
+  curl --silent -o $HOME/SHASUMS256.txt.asc https://nodejs.org/dist/v''${version}/SHASUMS256.txt.asc
+  hash_hex=`gpgv --keyring=$HOME/.gnupg/pubring.kbx --output - $HOME/SHASUMS256.txt.asc | grep -oP "^([0-9a-f]{64})(?=\s+node-v''${version}.tar.xz$)"`
+  hash=`nix-hash --type sha256 --to-base32 ''${hash_hex}`
+  update-source-version nodejs_${majorVersion} "''${version}" "''${hash}"
diff --git a/nixpkgs/pkgs/development/web/nodejs/v18.nix b/nixpkgs/pkgs/development/web/nodejs/v18.nix
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..e5551dc29c55
--- /dev/null
+++ b/nixpkgs/pkgs/development/web/nodejs/v18.nix
@@ -0,0 +1,32 @@
+{ callPackage, lib, overrideCC, pkgs, buildPackages, fetchpatch, openssl, python3, enableNpm ? true }:
+  # Clang 16+ cannot build Node v18 due to -Wenum-constexpr-conversion errors.
+  # Use an older version of clang with the current libc++ for compatibility (e.g., with icu).
+  ensureCompatibleCC = packages:
+    if packages.stdenv.cc.isClang && lib.versionAtLeast (lib.getVersion packages.stdenv.cc.cc) "16"
+      then overrideCC packages.llvmPackages_15.stdenv (packages.llvmPackages_15.stdenv.cc.override {
+        inherit (packages.llvmPackages) libcxx;
+        extraPackages = [ packages.llvmPackages.libcxxabi ];
+      })
+      else packages.stdenv;
+  buildNodejs = callPackage ./nodejs.nix {
+    inherit openssl;
+    stdenv = ensureCompatibleCC pkgs;
+    buildPackages = buildPackages // { stdenv = ensureCompatibleCC buildPackages; };
+    python = python3;
+  };
+buildNodejs {
+  inherit enableNpm;
+  version = "18.19.1";
+  sha256 = "sha256-CQ+WouzeCAtrOCxtZCvKXQvkcCp4y1Vb578CsgvRbe0=";
+  patches = [
+    ./disable-darwin-v8-system-instrumentation.patch
+    ./bypass-darwin-xcrun-node16.patch
+    ./revert-arm64-pointer-auth.patch
+    ./node-npm-build-npm-package-logic.patch
+    ./trap-handler-backport.patch
+  ];
diff --git a/nixpkgs/pkgs/development/web/nodejs/v20.nix b/nixpkgs/pkgs/development/web/nodejs/v20.nix
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..5b75793e8f69
--- /dev/null
+++ b/nixpkgs/pkgs/development/web/nodejs/v20.nix
@@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
+{ callPackage, openssl, python3, enableNpm ? true }:
+  buildNodejs = callPackage ./nodejs.nix {
+    inherit openssl;
+    python = python3;
+  };
+buildNodejs {
+  inherit enableNpm;
+  version = "20.11.1";
+  sha256 = "sha256-d4E+2/P38W0tNdM1NEPe5OYdXuhNnjE4x1OKPAylIJ4=";
+  patches = [
+    ./revert-arm64-pointer-auth.patch
+    ./disable-darwin-v8-system-instrumentation-node19.patch
+    ./bypass-darwin-xcrun-node16.patch
+    ./node-npm-build-npm-package-logic.patch
+  ];
diff --git a/nixpkgs/pkgs/development/web/nodejs/v21.nix b/nixpkgs/pkgs/development/web/nodejs/v21.nix
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..51460f6ce786
--- /dev/null
+++ b/nixpkgs/pkgs/development/web/nodejs/v21.nix
@@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
+{ callPackage, openssl, python3, enableNpm ? true }:
+  buildNodejs = callPackage ./nodejs.nix {
+    inherit openssl;
+    python = python3;
+  };
+buildNodejs {
+  inherit enableNpm;
+  version = "21.7.0";
+  sha256 = "sha256-5B7v4eWWJO5/MSw4+PffwRWVZBrLIpPSEXbwPSdj6dQ=";
+  patches = [
+    ./disable-darwin-v8-system-instrumentation-node19.patch
+    ./bypass-darwin-xcrun-node16.patch
+    ./node-npm-build-npm-package-logic.patch
+  ];
diff --git a/nixpkgs/pkgs/development/web/playwright-test/default.nix b/nixpkgs/pkgs/development/web/playwright-test/default.nix
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..d9c0daef7834
--- /dev/null
+++ b/nixpkgs/pkgs/development/web/playwright-test/default.nix
@@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
+# This file has been generated by node2nix 1.11.1. Do not edit!
+{pkgs ? import <nixpkgs> {
+    inherit system;
+  }, system ? builtins.currentSystem, nodejs ? pkgs."nodejs_18"}:
+  nodeEnv = import ./node-env.nix {
+    inherit (pkgs) stdenv lib python2 runCommand writeTextFile writeShellScript;
+    inherit pkgs nodejs;
+    libtool = if pkgs.stdenv.isDarwin then pkgs.darwin.cctools else null;
+  };
+import ./node-packages.nix {
+  inherit (pkgs) fetchurl nix-gitignore stdenv lib fetchgit;
+  inherit nodeEnv;
diff --git a/nixpkgs/pkgs/development/web/playwright-test/node-env.nix b/nixpkgs/pkgs/development/web/playwright-test/node-env.nix
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..bc1e36628ac8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/nixpkgs/pkgs/development/web/playwright-test/node-env.nix
@@ -0,0 +1,689 @@
+# This file originates from node2nix
+{lib, stdenv, nodejs, python2, pkgs, libtool, runCommand, writeTextFile, writeShellScript}:
+  # Workaround to cope with utillinux in Nixpkgs 20.09 and util-linux in Nixpkgs master
+  utillinux = if pkgs ? utillinux then pkgs.utillinux else pkgs.util-linux;
+  python = if nodejs ? python then nodejs.python else python2;
+  # Create a tar wrapper that filters all the 'Ignoring unknown extended header keyword' noise
+  tarWrapper = runCommand "tarWrapper" {} ''
+    mkdir -p $out/bin
+    cat > $out/bin/tar <<EOF
+    #! ${stdenv.shell} -e
+    $(type -p tar) "\$@" --warning=no-unknown-keyword --delay-directory-restore
+    EOF
+    chmod +x $out/bin/tar
+  '';
+  # Function that generates a TGZ file from a NPM project
+  buildNodeSourceDist =
+    { name, version, src, ... }:
+    stdenv.mkDerivation {
+      name = "node-tarball-${name}-${version}";
+      inherit src;
+      buildInputs = [ nodejs ];
+      buildPhase = ''
+        export HOME=$TMPDIR
+        tgzFile=$(npm pack | tail -n 1) # Hooks to the pack command will add output (https://docs.npmjs.com/misc/scripts)
+      '';
+      installPhase = ''
+        mkdir -p $out/tarballs
+        mv $tgzFile $out/tarballs
+        mkdir -p $out/nix-support
+        echo "file source-dist $out/tarballs/$tgzFile" >> $out/nix-support/hydra-build-products
+      '';
+    };
+  # Common shell logic
+  installPackage = writeShellScript "install-package" ''
+    installPackage() {
+      local packageName=$1 src=$2
+      local strippedName
+      local DIR=$PWD
+      cd $TMPDIR
+      unpackFile $src
+      # Make the base dir in which the target dependency resides first
+      mkdir -p "$(dirname "$DIR/$packageName")"
+      if [ -f "$src" ]
+      then
+          # Figure out what directory has been unpacked
+          packageDir="$(find . -maxdepth 1 -type d | tail -1)"
+          # Restore write permissions to make building work
+          find "$packageDir" -type d -exec chmod u+x {} \;
+          chmod -R u+w "$packageDir"
+          # Move the extracted tarball into the output folder
+          mv "$packageDir" "$DIR/$packageName"
+      elif [ -d "$src" ]
+      then
+          # Get a stripped name (without hash) of the source directory.
+          # On old nixpkgs it's already set internally.
+          if [ -z "$strippedName" ]
+          then
+              strippedName="$(stripHash $src)"
+          fi
+          # Restore write permissions to make building work
+          chmod -R u+w "$strippedName"
+          # Move the extracted directory into the output folder
+          mv "$strippedName" "$DIR/$packageName"
+      fi
+      # Change to the package directory to install dependencies
+      cd "$DIR/$packageName"
+    }
+  '';
+  # Bundle the dependencies of the package
+  #
+  # Only include dependencies if they don't exist. They may also be bundled in the package.
+  includeDependencies = {dependencies}:
+    lib.optionalString (dependencies != []) (
+      ''
+        mkdir -p node_modules
+        cd node_modules
+      ''
+      + (lib.concatMapStrings (dependency:
+        ''
+          if [ ! -e "${dependency.packageName}" ]; then
+              ${composePackage dependency}
+          fi
+        ''
+      ) dependencies)
+      + ''
+        cd ..
+      ''
+    );
+  # Recursively composes the dependencies of a package
+  composePackage = { name, packageName, src, dependencies ? [], ... }@args:
+    builtins.addErrorContext "while evaluating node package '${packageName}'" ''
+      installPackage "${packageName}" "${src}"
+      ${includeDependencies { inherit dependencies; }}
+      cd ..
+      ${lib.optionalString (builtins.substring 0 1 packageName == "@") "cd .."}
+    '';
+  pinpointDependencies = {dependencies, production}:
+    let
+      pinpointDependenciesFromPackageJSON = writeTextFile {
+        name = "pinpointDependencies.js";
+        text = ''
+          var fs = require('fs');
+          var path = require('path');
+          function resolveDependencyVersion(location, name) {
+              if(location == process.env['NIX_STORE']) {
+                  return null;
+              } else {
+                  var dependencyPackageJSON = path.join(location, "node_modules", name, "package.json");
+                  if(fs.existsSync(dependencyPackageJSON)) {
+                      var dependencyPackageObj = JSON.parse(fs.readFileSync(dependencyPackageJSON));
+                      if(dependencyPackageObj.name == name) {
+                          return dependencyPackageObj.version;
+                      }
+                  } else {
+                      return resolveDependencyVersion(path.resolve(location, ".."), name);
+                  }
+              }
+          }
+          function replaceDependencies(dependencies) {
+              if(typeof dependencies == "object" && dependencies !== null) {
+                  for(var dependency in dependencies) {
+                      var resolvedVersion = resolveDependencyVersion(process.cwd(), dependency);
+                      if(resolvedVersion === null) {
+                          process.stderr.write("WARNING: cannot pinpoint dependency: "+dependency+", context: "+process.cwd()+"\n");
+                      } else {
+                          dependencies[dependency] = resolvedVersion;
+                      }
+                  }
+              }
+          }
+          /* Read the package.json configuration */
+          var packageObj = JSON.parse(fs.readFileSync('./package.json'));
+          /* Pinpoint all dependencies */
+          replaceDependencies(packageObj.dependencies);
+          if(process.argv[2] == "development") {
+              replaceDependencies(packageObj.devDependencies);
+          }
+          else {
+              packageObj.devDependencies = {};
+          }
+          replaceDependencies(packageObj.optionalDependencies);
+          replaceDependencies(packageObj.peerDependencies);
+          /* Write the fixed package.json file */
+          fs.writeFileSync("package.json", JSON.stringify(packageObj, null, 2));
+        '';
+      };
+    in
+    ''
+      node ${pinpointDependenciesFromPackageJSON} ${if production then "production" else "development"}
+      ${lib.optionalString (dependencies != [])
+        ''
+          if [ -d node_modules ]
+          then
+              cd node_modules
+              ${lib.concatMapStrings (dependency: pinpointDependenciesOfPackage dependency) dependencies}
+              cd ..
+          fi
+        ''}
+    '';
+  # Recursively traverses all dependencies of a package and pinpoints all
+  # dependencies in the package.json file to the versions that are actually
+  # being used.
+  pinpointDependenciesOfPackage = { packageName, dependencies ? [], production ? true, ... }@args:
+    ''
+      if [ -d "${packageName}" ]
+      then
+          cd "${packageName}"
+          ${pinpointDependencies { inherit dependencies production; }}
+          cd ..
+          ${lib.optionalString (builtins.substring 0 1 packageName == "@") "cd .."}
+      fi
+    '';
+  # Extract the Node.js source code which is used to compile packages with
+  # native bindings
+  nodeSources = runCommand "node-sources" {} ''
+    tar --no-same-owner --no-same-permissions -xf ${nodejs.src}
+    mv node-* $out
+  '';
+  # Script that adds _integrity fields to all package.json files to prevent NPM from consulting the cache (that is empty)
+  addIntegrityFieldsScript = writeTextFile {
+    name = "addintegrityfields.js";
+    text = ''
+      var fs = require('fs');
+      var path = require('path');
+      function augmentDependencies(baseDir, dependencies) {
+          for(var dependencyName in dependencies) {
+              var dependency = dependencies[dependencyName];
+              // Open package.json and augment metadata fields
+              var packageJSONDir = path.join(baseDir, "node_modules", dependencyName);
+              var packageJSONPath = path.join(packageJSONDir, "package.json");
+              if(fs.existsSync(packageJSONPath)) { // Only augment packages that exist. Sometimes we may have production installs in which development dependencies can be ignored
+                  console.log("Adding metadata fields to: "+packageJSONPath);
+                  var packageObj = JSON.parse(fs.readFileSync(packageJSONPath));
+                  if(dependency.integrity) {
+                      packageObj["_integrity"] = dependency.integrity;
+                  } else {
+                      packageObj["_integrity"] = "sha1-000000000000000000000000000="; // When no _integrity string has been provided (e.g. by Git dependencies), add a dummy one. It does not seem to harm and it bypasses downloads.
+                  }
+                  if(dependency.resolved) {
+                      packageObj["_resolved"] = dependency.resolved; // Adopt the resolved property if one has been provided
+                  } else {
+                      packageObj["_resolved"] = dependency.version; // Set the resolved version to the version identifier. This prevents NPM from cloning Git repositories.
+                  }
+                  if(dependency.from !== undefined) { // Adopt from property if one has been provided
+                      packageObj["_from"] = dependency.from;
+                  }
+                  fs.writeFileSync(packageJSONPath, JSON.stringify(packageObj, null, 2));
+              }
+              // Augment transitive dependencies
+              if(dependency.dependencies !== undefined) {
+                  augmentDependencies(packageJSONDir, dependency.dependencies);
+              }
+          }
+      }
+      if(fs.existsSync("./package-lock.json")) {
+          var packageLock = JSON.parse(fs.readFileSync("./package-lock.json"));
+          if(![1, 2].includes(packageLock.lockfileVersion)) {
+            process.stderr.write("Sorry, I only understand lock file versions 1 and 2!\n");
+            process.exit(1);
+          }
+          if(packageLock.dependencies !== undefined) {
+              augmentDependencies(".", packageLock.dependencies);
+          }
+      }
+    '';
+  };
+  # Reconstructs a package-lock file from the node_modules/ folder structure and package.json files with dummy sha1 hashes
+  reconstructPackageLock = writeTextFile {
+    name = "reconstructpackagelock.js";
+    text = ''
+      var fs = require('fs');
+      var path = require('path');
+      var packageObj = JSON.parse(fs.readFileSync("package.json"));
+      var lockObj = {
+          name: packageObj.name,
+          version: packageObj.version,
+          lockfileVersion: 2,
+          requires: true,
+          packages: {
+              "": {
+                  name: packageObj.name,
+                  version: packageObj.version,
+                  license: packageObj.license,
+                  bin: packageObj.bin,
+                  dependencies: packageObj.dependencies,
+                  engines: packageObj.engines,
+                  optionalDependencies: packageObj.optionalDependencies
+              }
+          },
+          dependencies: {}
+      };
+      function augmentPackageJSON(filePath, packages, dependencies) {
+          var packageJSON = path.join(filePath, "package.json");
+          if(fs.existsSync(packageJSON)) {
+              var packageObj = JSON.parse(fs.readFileSync(packageJSON));
+              packages[filePath] = {
+                  version: packageObj.version,
+                  integrity: "sha1-000000000000000000000000000=",
+                  dependencies: packageObj.dependencies,
+                  engines: packageObj.engines,
+                  optionalDependencies: packageObj.optionalDependencies
+              };
+              dependencies[packageObj.name] = {
+                  version: packageObj.version,
+                  integrity: "sha1-000000000000000000000000000=",
+                  dependencies: {}
+              };
+              processDependencies(path.join(filePath, "node_modules"), packages, dependencies[packageObj.name].dependencies);
+          }
+      }
+      function processDependencies(dir, packages, dependencies) {
+          if(fs.existsSync(dir)) {
+              var files = fs.readdirSync(dir);
+              files.forEach(function(entry) {
+                  var filePath = path.join(dir, entry);
+                  var stats = fs.statSync(filePath);
+                  if(stats.isDirectory()) {
+                      if(entry.substr(0, 1) == "@") {
+                          // When we encounter a namespace folder, augment all packages belonging to the scope
+                          var pkgFiles = fs.readdirSync(filePath);
+                          pkgFiles.forEach(function(entry) {
+                              if(stats.isDirectory()) {
+                                  var pkgFilePath = path.join(filePath, entry);
+                                  augmentPackageJSON(pkgFilePath, packages, dependencies);
+                              }
+                          });
+                      } else {
+                          augmentPackageJSON(filePath, packages, dependencies);
+                      }
+                  }
+              });
+          }
+      }
+      processDependencies("node_modules", lockObj.packages, lockObj.dependencies);
+      fs.writeFileSync("package-lock.json", JSON.stringify(lockObj, null, 2));
+    '';
+  };
+  # Script that links bins defined in package.json to the node_modules bin directory
+  # NPM does not do this for top-level packages itself anymore as of v7
+  linkBinsScript = writeTextFile {
+    name = "linkbins.js";
+    text = ''
+      var fs = require('fs');
+      var path = require('path');
+      var packageObj = JSON.parse(fs.readFileSync("package.json"));
+      var nodeModules = Array(packageObj.name.split("/").length).fill("..").join(path.sep);
+      if(packageObj.bin !== undefined) {
+          fs.mkdirSync(path.join(nodeModules, ".bin"))
+          if(typeof packageObj.bin == "object") {
+              Object.keys(packageObj.bin).forEach(function(exe) {
+                  if(fs.existsSync(packageObj.bin[exe])) {
+                      console.log("linking bin '" + exe + "'");
+                      fs.symlinkSync(
+                          path.join("..", packageObj.name, packageObj.bin[exe]),
+                          path.join(nodeModules, ".bin", exe)
+                      );
+                  }
+                  else {
+                      console.log("skipping non-existent bin '" + exe + "'");
+                  }
+              })
+          }
+          else {
+              if(fs.existsSync(packageObj.bin)) {
+                  console.log("linking bin '" + packageObj.bin + "'");
+                  fs.symlinkSync(
+                      path.join("..", packageObj.name, packageObj.bin),
+                      path.join(nodeModules, ".bin", packageObj.name.split("/").pop())
+                  );
+              }
+              else {
+                  console.log("skipping non-existent bin '" + packageObj.bin + "'");
+              }
+          }
+      }
+      else if(packageObj.directories !== undefined && packageObj.directories.bin !== undefined) {
+          fs.mkdirSync(path.join(nodeModules, ".bin"))
+          fs.readdirSync(packageObj.directories.bin).forEach(function(exe) {
+              if(fs.existsSync(path.join(packageObj.directories.bin, exe))) {
+                  console.log("linking bin '" + exe + "'");
+                  fs.symlinkSync(
+                      path.join("..", packageObj.name, packageObj.directories.bin, exe),
+                      path.join(nodeModules, ".bin", exe)
+                  );
+              }
+              else {
+                  console.log("skipping non-existent bin '" + exe + "'");
+              }
+          })
+      }
+    '';
+  };
+  prepareAndInvokeNPM = {packageName, bypassCache, reconstructLock, npmFlags, production}:
+    let
+      forceOfflineFlag = if bypassCache then "--offline" else "--registry http://www.example.com";
+    in
+    ''
+        # Pinpoint the versions of all dependencies to the ones that are actually being used
+        echo "pinpointing versions of dependencies..."
+        source $pinpointDependenciesScriptPath
+        # Patch the shebangs of the bundled modules to prevent them from
+        # calling executables outside the Nix store as much as possible
+        patchShebangs .
+        # Deploy the Node.js package by running npm install. Since the
+        # dependencies have been provided already by ourselves, it should not
+        # attempt to install them again, which is good, because we want to make
+        # it Nix's responsibility. If it needs to install any dependencies
+        # anyway (e.g. because the dependency parameters are
+        # incomplete/incorrect), it fails.
+        #
+        # The other responsibilities of NPM are kept -- version checks, build
+        # steps, postprocessing etc.
+        export HOME=$TMPDIR
+        cd "${packageName}"
+        runHook preRebuild
+        ${lib.optionalString bypassCache ''
+          ${lib.optionalString reconstructLock ''
+            if [ -f package-lock.json ]
+            then
+                echo "WARNING: Reconstruct lock option enabled, but a lock file already exists!"
+                echo "This will most likely result in version mismatches! We will remove the lock file and regenerate it!"
+                rm package-lock.json
+            else
+                echo "No package-lock.json file found, reconstructing..."
+            fi
+            node ${reconstructPackageLock}
+          ''}
+          node ${addIntegrityFieldsScript}
+        ''}
+        npm ${forceOfflineFlag} --nodedir=${nodeSources} ${npmFlags} ${lib.optionalString production "--production"} rebuild
+        runHook postRebuild
+        if [ "''${dontNpmInstall-}" != "1" ]
+        then
+            # NPM tries to download packages even when they already exist if npm-shrinkwrap is used.
+            rm -f npm-shrinkwrap.json
+            npm ${forceOfflineFlag} --nodedir=${nodeSources} --no-bin-links --ignore-scripts ${npmFlags} ${lib.optionalString production "--production"} install
+        fi
+        # Link executables defined in package.json
+        node ${linkBinsScript}
+    '';
+  # Builds and composes an NPM package including all its dependencies
+  buildNodePackage =
+    { name
+    , packageName
+    , version ? null
+    , dependencies ? []
+    , buildInputs ? []
+    , production ? true
+    , npmFlags ? ""
+    , dontNpmInstall ? false
+    , bypassCache ? false
+    , reconstructLock ? false
+    , preRebuild ? ""
+    , dontStrip ? true
+    , unpackPhase ? "true"
+    , buildPhase ? "true"
+    , meta ? {}
+    , ... }@args:
+    let
+      extraArgs = removeAttrs args [ "name" "dependencies" "buildInputs" "dontStrip" "dontNpmInstall" "preRebuild" "unpackPhase" "buildPhase" "meta" ];
+    in
+    stdenv.mkDerivation ({
+      name = "${name}${if version == null then "" else "-${version}"}";
+      buildInputs = [ tarWrapper python nodejs ]
+        ++ lib.optional (stdenv.isLinux) utillinux
+        ++ lib.optional (stdenv.isDarwin) libtool
+        ++ buildInputs;
+      inherit nodejs;
+      inherit dontStrip; # Stripping may fail a build for some package deployments
+      inherit dontNpmInstall preRebuild unpackPhase buildPhase;
+      compositionScript = composePackage args;
+      pinpointDependenciesScript = pinpointDependenciesOfPackage args;
+      passAsFile = [ "compositionScript" "pinpointDependenciesScript" ];
+      installPhase = ''
+        source ${installPackage}
+        # Create and enter a root node_modules/ folder
+        mkdir -p $out/lib/node_modules
+        cd $out/lib/node_modules
+        # Compose the package and all its dependencies
+        source $compositionScriptPath
+        ${prepareAndInvokeNPM { inherit packageName bypassCache reconstructLock npmFlags production; }}
+        # Create symlink to the deployed executable folder, if applicable
+        if [ -d "$out/lib/node_modules/.bin" ]
+        then
+            ln -s $out/lib/node_modules/.bin $out/bin
+            # Fixup all executables
+            ls $out/bin/* | while read i
+            do
+                file="$(readlink -f "$i")"
+                chmod u+rwx "$file"
+                if isScript "$file"
+                then
+                    sed -i 's/\r$//' "$file"  # convert crlf to lf
+                fi
+            done
+        fi
+        # Create symlinks to the deployed manual page folders, if applicable
+        if [ -d "$out/lib/node_modules/${packageName}/man" ]
+        then
+            mkdir -p $out/share
+            for dir in "$out/lib/node_modules/${packageName}/man/"*
+            do
+                mkdir -p $out/share/man/$(basename "$dir")
+                for page in "$dir"/*
+                do
+                    ln -s $page $out/share/man/$(basename "$dir")
+                done
+            done
+        fi
+        # Run post install hook, if provided
+        runHook postInstall
+      '';
+      meta = {
+        # default to Node.js' platforms
+        platforms = nodejs.meta.platforms;
+      } // meta;
+    } // extraArgs);
+  # Builds a node environment (a node_modules folder and a set of binaries)
+  buildNodeDependencies =
+    { name
+    , packageName
+    , version ? null
+    , src
+    , dependencies ? []
+    , buildInputs ? []
+    , production ? true
+    , npmFlags ? ""
+    , dontNpmInstall ? false
+    , bypassCache ? false
+    , reconstructLock ? false
+    , dontStrip ? true
+    , unpackPhase ? "true"
+    , buildPhase ? "true"
+    , ... }@args:
+    let
+      extraArgs = removeAttrs args [ "name" "dependencies" "buildInputs" ];
+    in
+      stdenv.mkDerivation ({
+        name = "node-dependencies-${name}${if version == null then "" else "-${version}"}";
+        buildInputs = [ tarWrapper python nodejs ]
+          ++ lib.optional (stdenv.isLinux) utillinux
+          ++ lib.optional (stdenv.isDarwin) libtool
+          ++ buildInputs;
+        inherit dontStrip; # Stripping may fail a build for some package deployments
+        inherit dontNpmInstall unpackPhase buildPhase;
+        includeScript = includeDependencies { inherit dependencies; };
+        pinpointDependenciesScript = pinpointDependenciesOfPackage args;
+        passAsFile = [ "includeScript" "pinpointDependenciesScript" ];
+        installPhase = ''
+          source ${installPackage}
+          mkdir -p $out/${packageName}
+          cd $out/${packageName}
+          source $includeScriptPath
+          # Create fake package.json to make the npm commands work properly
+          cp ${src}/package.json .
+          chmod 644 package.json
+          ${lib.optionalString bypassCache ''
+            if [ -f ${src}/package-lock.json ]
+            then
+                cp ${src}/package-lock.json .
+                chmod 644 package-lock.json
+            fi
+          ''}
+          # Go to the parent folder to make sure that all packages are pinpointed
+          cd ..
+          ${lib.optionalString (builtins.substring 0 1 packageName == "@") "cd .."}
+          ${prepareAndInvokeNPM { inherit packageName bypassCache reconstructLock npmFlags production; }}
+          # Expose the executables that were installed
+          cd ..
+          ${lib.optionalString (builtins.substring 0 1 packageName == "@") "cd .."}
+          mv ${packageName} lib
+          ln -s $out/lib/node_modules/.bin $out/bin
+        '';
+      } // extraArgs);
+  # Builds a development shell
+  buildNodeShell =
+    { name
+    , packageName
+    , version ? null
+    , src
+    , dependencies ? []
+    , buildInputs ? []
+    , production ? true
+    , npmFlags ? ""
+    , dontNpmInstall ? false
+    , bypassCache ? false
+    , reconstructLock ? false
+    , dontStrip ? true
+    , unpackPhase ? "true"
+    , buildPhase ? "true"
+    , ... }@args:
+    let
+      nodeDependencies = buildNodeDependencies args;
+      extraArgs = removeAttrs args [ "name" "dependencies" "buildInputs" "dontStrip" "dontNpmInstall" "unpackPhase" "buildPhase" ];
+    in
+    stdenv.mkDerivation ({
+      name = "node-shell-${name}${if version == null then "" else "-${version}"}";
+      buildInputs = [ python nodejs ] ++ lib.optional (stdenv.isLinux) utillinux ++ buildInputs;
+      buildCommand = ''
+        mkdir -p $out/bin
+        cat > $out/bin/shell <<EOF
+        #! ${stdenv.shell} -e
+        $shellHook
+        exec ${stdenv.shell}
+        EOF
+        chmod +x $out/bin/shell
+      '';
+      # Provide the dependencies in a development shell through the NODE_PATH environment variable
+      inherit nodeDependencies;
+      shellHook = lib.optionalString (dependencies != []) ''
+        export NODE_PATH=${nodeDependencies}/lib/node_modules
+        export PATH="${nodeDependencies}/bin:$PATH"
+      '';
+    } // extraArgs);
+  buildNodeSourceDist = lib.makeOverridable buildNodeSourceDist;
+  buildNodePackage = lib.makeOverridable buildNodePackage;
+  buildNodeDependencies = lib.makeOverridable buildNodeDependencies;
+  buildNodeShell = lib.makeOverridable buildNodeShell;
diff --git a/nixpkgs/pkgs/development/web/playwright-test/node-packages.json b/nixpkgs/pkgs/development/web/playwright-test/node-packages.json
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..1da87aa5b4ef
--- /dev/null
+++ b/nixpkgs/pkgs/development/web/playwright-test/node-packages.json
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
+  {"@playwright/test": "1.40.0"}
diff --git a/nixpkgs/pkgs/development/web/playwright-test/node-packages.nix b/nixpkgs/pkgs/development/web/playwright-test/node-packages.nix
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..70c51050f597
--- /dev/null
+++ b/nixpkgs/pkgs/development/web/playwright-test/node-packages.nix
@@ -0,0 +1,50 @@
+# This file has been generated by node2nix 1.11.1. Do not edit!
+{nodeEnv, fetchurl, fetchgit, nix-gitignore, stdenv, lib, globalBuildInputs ? []}:
+  sources = {
+    "playwright-1.40.0" = {
+      name = "playwright";
+      packageName = "playwright";
+      version = "1.40.0";
+      src = fetchurl {
+        url = "https://registry.npmjs.org/playwright/-/playwright-1.40.0.tgz";
+        sha512 = "gyHAgQjiDf1m34Xpwzaqb76KgfzYrhK7iih+2IzcOCoZWr/8ZqmdBw+t0RU85ZmfJMgtgAiNtBQ/KS2325INXw==";
+      };
+    };
+    "playwright-core-1.40.0" = {
+      name = "playwright-core";
+      packageName = "playwright-core";
+      version = "1.40.0";
+      src = fetchurl {
+        url = "https://registry.npmjs.org/playwright-core/-/playwright-core-1.40.0.tgz";
+        sha512 = "fvKewVJpGeca8t0ipM56jkVSU6Eo0RmFvQ/MaCQNDYm+sdvKkMBBWTE1FdeMqIdumRaXXjZChWHvIzCGM/tA/Q==";
+      };
+    };
+  };
+  "@playwright/test-1.40.0" = nodeEnv.buildNodePackage {
+    name = "_at_playwright_slash_test";
+    packageName = "@playwright/test";
+    version = "1.40.0";
+    src = fetchurl {
+      url = "https://registry.npmjs.org/@playwright/test/-/test-1.40.0.tgz";
+      sha512 = "PdW+kn4eV99iP5gxWNSDQCbhMaDVej+RXL5xr6t04nbKLCBwYtA046t7ofoczHOm8u6c+45hpDKQVZqtqwkeQg==";
+    };
+    dependencies = [
+      sources."playwright-1.40.0"
+      sources."playwright-core-1.40.0"
+    ];
+    buildInputs = globalBuildInputs;
+    meta = {
+      description = "A high-level API to automate web browsers";
+      homepage = "https://playwright.dev";
+      license = "Apache-2.0";
+    };
+    production = true;
+    bypassCache = true;
+    reconstructLock = true;
+  };
diff --git a/nixpkgs/pkgs/development/web/playwright-test/wrapped.nix b/nixpkgs/pkgs/development/web/playwright-test/wrapped.nix
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..1557b80765f7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/nixpkgs/pkgs/development/web/playwright-test/wrapped.nix
@@ -0,0 +1,29 @@
+{ lib
+, callPackage
+, buildNpmPackage
+, fetchurl
+, python3
+, playwright-driver
+, makeWrapper
+  driver = playwright-driver;
+  browsers = playwright-driver.browsers;
+  # nodeDependencies / package / shell
+  playwright-test-raw = (callPackage ./default.nix { })."@playwright/test-${driver.version}";
+  playwright-test = playwright-test-raw.overrideAttrs (oa: {
+    nativeBuildInputs = oa.nativeBuildInputs or [ ] ++ [
+      makeWrapper
+    ];
+    postInstall = ''
+      # you need to set both the path and version else playwright looks into the wrong one
+      wrapProgram $out/bin/playwright \
+          --set-default PLAYWRIGHT_BROWSERS_PATH "${browsers}" \
+          --prefix NODE_PATH : ${placeholder "out"}/lib/node_modules
+    '';
+  });
+  playwright-test
diff --git a/nixpkgs/pkgs/development/web/playwright/driver.nix b/nixpkgs/pkgs/development/web/playwright/driver.nix
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..7f755eda21ce
--- /dev/null
+++ b/nixpkgs/pkgs/development/web/playwright/driver.nix
@@ -0,0 +1,136 @@
+{ lib
+, stdenv
+, chromium
+, ffmpeg
+, git
+, jq
+, nodejs
+, fetchFromGitHub
+, fetchurl
+, makeFontsConf
+, makeWrapper
+, runCommand
+, unzip
+, cacert
+  inherit (stdenv.hostPlatform) system;
+  throwSystem = throw "Unsupported system: ${system}";
+  driver = stdenv.mkDerivation (finalAttrs:
+    let
+      suffix = {
+        x86_64-linux = "linux";
+        aarch64-linux = "linux-arm64";
+        x86_64-darwin = "mac";
+        aarch64-darwin = "mac-arm64";
+      }.${system} or throwSystem;
+      filename = "playwright-${finalAttrs.version}-${suffix}.zip";
+    in
+    {
+    pname = "playwright-driver";
+    # run ./pkgs/development/python-modules/playwright/update.sh to update
+    version = "1.40.0";
+    src = fetchurl {
+      url = "https://playwright.azureedge.net/builds/driver/${filename}";
+      sha256 = {
+        x86_64-linux = "0y9n23r4yfcgm4a50rfgicl91vrllak0d8h26yagh6h8hl0r3nhh";
+        aarch64-linux = "0zd456klidi4sg7wahfrdbs2bwiq3q6ngxd4iv3vi9f9w9nq2p2k";
+        x86_64-darwin = "0yaiwg9821w9nszzkrp5skzf5792nahvfqnr4axk84dcngslxvmk";
+        aarch64-darwin = "1b1jmv6l97ss8c4sc3n1xckn05fpq3fihjbjxr2qz6i9dsy3xj57";
+      }.${system} or throwSystem;
+    };
+    sourceRoot = ".";
+    nativeBuildInputs = [ unzip ];
+    postPatch = ''
+      # Use Nix's NodeJS instead of the bundled one.
+      substituteInPlace playwright.sh --replace '"$SCRIPT_PATH/node"' '"${nodejs}/bin/node"'
+      rm node
+      # Hard-code the script path to $out directory to avoid a dependency on coreutils
+      substituteInPlace playwright.sh \
+        --replace 'SCRIPT_PATH="$(cd "$(dirname "$0")" ; pwd -P)"' "SCRIPT_PATH=$out"
+      patchShebangs playwright.sh package/bin/*.sh
+    '';
+    installPhase = ''
+      runHook preInstall
+      mkdir -p $out/bin
+      mv playwright.sh $out/bin/playwright
+      mv package $out/
+      runHook postInstall
+    '';
+    passthru = {
+      inherit filename;
+      browsers = {
+        x86_64-linux = browsers-linux { };
+        aarch64-linux = browsers-linux { };
+        x86_64-darwin = browsers-mac;
+        aarch64-darwin = browsers-mac;
+      }.${system} or throwSystem;
+      browsers-chromium = browsers-linux {};
+    };
+  });
+  browsers-mac = stdenv.mkDerivation {
+    pname = "playwright-browsers";
+    inherit (driver) version;
+    dontUnpack = true;
+    nativeBuildInputs = [
+      cacert
+    ];
+    installPhase = ''
+      runHook preInstall
+      ${driver}/bin/playwright install
+      rm -r $out/.links
+      runHook postInstall
+    '';
+    meta.platforms = lib.platforms.darwin;
+  };
+  browsers-linux = { withChromium ? true }: let
+    fontconfig = makeFontsConf {
+      fontDirectories = [];
+    };
+  in
+    runCommand ("playwright-browsers"
+    + lib.optionalString withChromium "-chromium")
+  {
+    nativeBuildInputs = [
+      makeWrapper
+      jq
+    ];
+  } (''
+    BROWSERS_JSON=${driver}/package/browsers.json
+  '' + lib.optionalString withChromium ''
+    CHROMIUM_REVISION=$(jq -r '.browsers[] | select(.name == "chromium").revision' $BROWSERS_JSON)
+    mkdir -p $out/chromium-$CHROMIUM_REVISION/chrome-linux
+    # See here for the Chrome options:
+    # https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/issues/136207#issuecomment-908637738
+    makeWrapper ${chromium}/bin/chromium $out/chromium-$CHROMIUM_REVISION/chrome-linux/chrome \
+      --set SSL_CERT_FILE /etc/ssl/certs/ca-bundle.crt \
+      --set FONTCONFIG_FILE ${fontconfig}
+  '' + ''
+    FFMPEG_REVISION=$(jq -r '.browsers[] | select(.name == "ffmpeg").revision' $BROWSERS_JSON)
+    mkdir -p $out/ffmpeg-$FFMPEG_REVISION
+    ln -s ${ffmpeg}/bin/ffmpeg $out/ffmpeg-$FFMPEG_REVISION/ffmpeg-linux
+  '');
+  driver
diff --git a/nixpkgs/pkgs/development/web/pnpm-lock-export/default.nix b/nixpkgs/pkgs/development/web/pnpm-lock-export/default.nix
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..4c39eab90fef
--- /dev/null
+++ b/nixpkgs/pkgs/development/web/pnpm-lock-export/default.nix
@@ -0,0 +1,31 @@
+{ lib, buildNpmPackage, fetchFromGitHub }:
+buildNpmPackage rec {
+  pname = "pnpm-lock-export";
+  version = "unstable-2023-07-31";
+  src = fetchFromGitHub {
+    owner = "adamcstephens";
+    repo = "pnpm-lock-export";
+    rev = "a7ede6d96f9d273b6b495718b85ed40f432c34ba";
+    hash = "sha256-RQGyUQOyFZW7UbIPRRlZu8FKcZN2kO0DcPfB8uLFFg4=";
+  };
+  npmDepsHash = "sha256-1VTXzlafuI+dU4k1JyZPVI5/5h0gt/eggPPXKYxKsbs=";
+  postPatch = ''
+    cp ${./package-lock.json} package-lock.json
+    # Make the executable get installed to `bin/` instead of `bin/@cvent`
+    substituteInPlace package.json --replace "@cvent/pnpm-lock-export" "pnpm-lock-export"
+  '';
+  passthru = {
+    updateScript = ./update.sh;
+  };
+  meta = with lib; {
+    description = "A utility for converting pnpm-lock.yaml to other lockfile formats";
+    homepage = "https://github.com/cvent/pnpm-lock-export";
+    license = licenses.mit;
+    maintainers = with maintainers; [ ambroisie ];
+  };
diff --git a/nixpkgs/pkgs/development/web/pnpm-lock-export/package-lock.json b/nixpkgs/pkgs/development/web/pnpm-lock-export/package-lock.json
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..6618d656f353
--- /dev/null
+++ b/nixpkgs/pkgs/development/web/pnpm-lock-export/package-lock.json
@@ -0,0 +1,10001 @@
+  "name": "pnpm-lock-export",
+  "version": "0.4.0",
+  "lockfileVersion": 3,
+  "requires": true,
+  "packages": {
+    "": {
+      "name": "pnpm-lock-export",
+      "version": "0.4.0",
+      "license": "MIT",
+      "dependencies": {
+        "@manypkg/get-packages": "^1.1.3",
+        "@pnpm/lockfile-file": "^8.1.2",
+        "@pnpm/lockfile-utils": "^8.0.3",
+        "@pnpm/logger": "^5.0.0",
+        "@pnpm/prune-lockfile": "^5.0.5",
+        "@pnpm/read-project-manifest": "^5.0.4",
+        "@pnpm/types": "^9.2.0",
+        "argparse": "^2.0.1",
+        "dependency-path": "^9.2.8",
+        "semver": "^7.5.4"
+      },
+      "bin": {
+        "pnpm-lock-export": "dist/src/bin/pnpm-lock-export.js"
+      },
+      "devDependencies": {
+        "@pnpm/lockfile-types": "^5.1.1",
+        "@pnpm/registry-mock": "^3.10.2",
+        "@swc/core": "^1.3.70",
+        "@swc/jest": "^0.2.26",
+        "@tsconfig/node16-strictest": "^1.0.4",
+        "@types/argparse": "^2.0.10",
+        "@types/jest": "^29.5.3",
+        "@types/node": "^18.16.19",
+        "@types/semver": "^7.5.0",
+        "@typescript-eslint/eslint-plugin": "^6.1.0",
+        "@typescript-eslint/parser": "^6.1.0",
+        "eslint": "^8.45.0",
+        "jest": "^29.5.3",
+        "prettier": "^3.0.0",
+        "tmp-promise": "^3.0.3",
+        "typescript": "^4.9.5"
+      }
+    },
+    "node_modules/@aashutoshrathi/word-wrap": {
+      "version": "1.2.6",
+      "resolved": "https://registry.npmjs.org/@aashutoshrathi/word-wrap/-/word-wrap-1.2.6.tgz",
+      "integrity": "sha512-1Yjs2SvM8TflER/OD3cOjhWWOZb58A2t7wpE2S9XfBYTiIl+XFhQG2bjy4Pu1I+EAlCNUzRDYDdFwFYUKvXcIA==",
+      "dev": true,
+      "engines": {
+        "node": ">=0.10.0"
+      }
+    },
+    "node_modules/@ampproject/remapping": {
+      "version": "2.2.1",
+      "resolved": "https://registry.npmjs.org/@ampproject/remapping/-/remapping-2.2.1.tgz",
+      "integrity": "sha512-lFMjJTrFL3j7L9yBxwYfCq2k6qqwHyzuUl/XBnif78PWTJYyL/dfowQHWE3sp6U6ZzqWiiIZnpTMO96zhkjwtg==",
+      "dev": true,
+      "dependencies": {
+        "@jridgewell/gen-mapping": "^0.3.0",
+        "@jridgewell/trace-mapping": "^0.3.9"
+      },
+      "engines": {
+        "node": ">=6.0.0"
+      }
+    },
+    "node_modules/@babel/code-frame": {
+      "version": "7.22.13",
+      "resolved": "https://registry.npmjs.org/@babel/code-frame/-/code-frame-7.22.13.tgz",
+      "integrity": "sha512-XktuhWlJ5g+3TJXc5upd9Ks1HutSArik6jf2eAjYFyIOf4ej3RN+184cZbzDvbPnuTJIUhPKKJE3cIsYTiAT3w==",
+      "dependencies": {
+        "@babel/highlight": "^7.22.13",
+        "chalk": "^2.4.2"
+      },
+      "engines": {
+        "node": ">=6.9.0"
+      }
+    },
+    "node_modules/@babel/code-frame/node_modules/ansi-styles": {
+      "version": "3.2.1",
+      "resolved": "https://registry.npmjs.org/ansi-styles/-/ansi-styles-3.2.1.tgz",
+      "integrity": "sha512-VT0ZI6kZRdTh8YyJw3SMbYm/u+NqfsAxEpWO0Pf9sq8/e94WxxOpPKx9FR1FlyCtOVDNOQ+8ntlqFxiRc+r5qA==",
+      "dependencies": {
+        "color-convert": "^1.9.0"
+      },
+      "engines": {
+        "node": ">=4"
+      }
+    },
+    "node_modules/@babel/code-frame/node_modules/chalk": {
+      "version": "2.4.2",
+      "resolved": "https://registry.npmjs.org/chalk/-/chalk-2.4.2.tgz",
+      "integrity": "sha512-Mti+f9lpJNcwF4tWV8/OrTTtF1gZi+f8FqlyAdouralcFWFQWF2+NgCHShjkCb+IFBLq9buZwE1xckQU4peSuQ==",
+      "dependencies": {
+        "ansi-styles": "^3.2.1",
+        "escape-string-regexp": "^1.0.5",
+        "supports-color": "^5.3.0"
+      },
+      "engines": {
+        "node": ">=4"
+      }
+    },
+    "node_modules/@babel/code-frame/node_modules/color-convert": {
+      "version": "1.9.3",
+      "resolved": "https://registry.npmjs.org/color-convert/-/color-convert-1.9.3.tgz",
+      "integrity": "sha512-QfAUtd+vFdAtFQcC8CCyYt1fYWxSqAiK2cSD6zDB8N3cpsEBAvRxp9zOGg6G/SHHJYAT88/az/IuDGALsNVbGg==",
+      "dependencies": {
+        "color-name": "1.1.3"
+      }
+    },
+    "node_modules/@babel/code-frame/node_modules/color-name": {
+      "version": "1.1.3",
+      "resolved": "https://registry.npmjs.org/color-name/-/color-name-1.1.3.tgz",
+      "integrity": "sha512-72fSenhMw2HZMTVHeCA9KCmpEIbzWiQsjN+BHcBbS9vr1mtt+vJjPdksIBNUmKAW8TFUDPJK5SUU3QhE9NEXDw=="
+    },
+    "node_modules/@babel/code-frame/node_modules/escape-string-regexp": {
+      "version": "1.0.5",
+      "resolved": "https://registry.npmjs.org/escape-string-regexp/-/escape-string-regexp-1.0.5.tgz",
+      "integrity": "sha512-vbRorB5FUQWvla16U8R/qgaFIya2qGzwDrNmCZuYKrbdSUMG6I1ZCGQRefkRVhuOkIGVne7BQ35DSfo1qvJqFg==",
+      "engines": {
+        "node": ">=0.8.0"
+      }
+    },
+    "node_modules/@babel/code-frame/node_modules/has-flag": {
+      "version": "3.0.0",
+      "resolved": "https://registry.npmjs.org/has-flag/-/has-flag-3.0.0.tgz",
+      "integrity": "sha512-sKJf1+ceQBr4SMkvQnBDNDtf4TXpVhVGateu0t918bl30FnbE2m4vNLX+VWe/dpjlb+HugGYzW7uQXH98HPEYw==",
+      "engines": {
+        "node": ">=4"
+      }
+    },
+    "node_modules/@babel/code-frame/node_modules/supports-color": {
+      "version": "5.5.0",
+      "resolved": "https://registry.npmjs.org/supports-color/-/supports-color-5.5.0.tgz",
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+if [[ $# -gt 1 || $1 == -* ]]; then
+    echo "Regenerates packaging data for the pnpm-lock-export packages."
+    echo "Usage: $0 [git release tag]"
+    exit 1
+set -x
+cd "$(dirname "$0")"
+set -euo pipefail
+if [ -z "$rev" ]; then
+    rev="$(wget -O- "${TOKEN_ARGS[@]}" "https://api.github.com/repos/adamcstephens/pnpm-lock-export/commits?per_page=1" | jq -r '.[0].sha')"
+# pnpm-lock-export repository
+src_hash=$(nix-prefetch-github adamcstephens pnpm-lock-export --rev "${rev}" | jq -r .hash)
+# Front-end dependencies
+trap 'rm -rf package.json' EXIT
+wget "${TOKEN_ARGS[@]}" "$upstream_src/package.json"
+npm install --package-lock-only
+deps_hash=$(prefetch-npm-deps package-lock.json)
+# Use friendlier hashes
+deps_hash=$(nix hash to-sri --type sha256 "$deps_hash")
+sed -i -E -e "s#rev = \".*\"#rev = \"$rev\"#" default.nix
+sed -i -E -e "s#hash = \".*\"#hash = \"$src_hash\"#" default.nix
+sed -i -E -e "s#npmDepsHash = \".*\"#npmDepsHash = \"$deps_hash\"#" default.nix
diff --git a/nixpkgs/pkgs/development/web/postman/darwin.nix b/nixpkgs/pkgs/development/web/postman/darwin.nix
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..4e47a153fab3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/nixpkgs/pkgs/development/web/postman/darwin.nix
@@ -0,0 +1,54 @@
+{ stdenvNoCC
+, fetchurl
+, unzip
+, pname
+, version
+, meta
+  appName = "Postman.app";
+  dist = {
+    aarch64-darwin = {
+      arch = "arm64";
+      sha256 = "sha256-P7x06KKH0e1Yro93SCEJyiWS/Uv25tWU8A85vxv85hI=";
+    };
+    x86_64-darwin = {
+      arch = "64";
+      sha256 = "sha256-/jlLU5NKF8sNZ49n90219b/oiVFT8EkFx2oYhIk8Tgw=";
+    };
+  }.${stdenvNoCC.hostPlatform.system} or (throw "Unsupported system: ${stdenvNoCC.hostPlatform.system}");
+stdenvNoCC.mkDerivation {
+  inherit pname version meta;
+  src = fetchurl {
+    url = "https://dl.pstmn.io/download/version/${version}/osx_${dist.arch}";
+    inherit (dist) sha256;
+    name = "${pname}-${version}.zip";
+  };
+  nativeBuildInputs = [ unzip ];
+  # Postman is notarized on macOS. Running the fixup phase will change the shell scripts embedded
+  # in the bundle, which causes the notarization check to fail on macOS 13+.
+  # See https://eclecticlight.co/2022/06/17/app-security-changes-coming-in-ventura/ for more information.
+  dontFixup = true;
+  sourceRoot = appName;
+  installPhase = ''
+    runHook preInstall
+    mkdir -p $out/{Applications/${appName},bin}
+    cp -R . $out/Applications/${appName}
+    cat > $out/bin/${pname} << EOF
+    #!${stdenvNoCC.shell}
+    open -na $out/Applications/${appName} --args "$@"
+    EOF
+    chmod +x $out/bin/${pname}
+    runHook postInstall
+  '';
diff --git a/nixpkgs/pkgs/development/web/postman/default.nix b/nixpkgs/pkgs/development/web/postman/default.nix
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..0765c711e4f8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/nixpkgs/pkgs/development/web/postman/default.nix
@@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
+{ stdenvNoCC, callPackage, lib }:
+  pname = "postman";
+  version = "10.23.5";
+  meta = with lib; {
+    homepage = "https://www.getpostman.com";
+    description = "API Development Environment";
+    sourceProvenance = with sourceTypes; [ binaryNativeCode ];
+    license = licenses.postman;
+    platforms = [ "x86_64-linux" "aarch64-linux" "aarch64-darwin" "x86_64-darwin" ];
+    maintainers = with maintainers; [ johnrichardrinehart evanjs tricktron Crafter ];
+  };
+if stdenvNoCC.isDarwin
+then callPackage ./darwin.nix { inherit pname version meta; }
+else callPackage ./linux.nix { inherit pname version meta; }
diff --git a/nixpkgs/pkgs/development/web/postman/linux.nix b/nixpkgs/pkgs/development/web/postman/linux.nix
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..763337fd2538
--- /dev/null
+++ b/nixpkgs/pkgs/development/web/postman/linux.nix
@@ -0,0 +1,161 @@
+{ lib
+, stdenv
+, fetchurl
+, makeDesktopItem
+, wrapGAppsHook
+, atk
+, at-spi2-atk
+, at-spi2-core
+, alsa-lib
+, cairo
+, cups
+, dbus
+, expat
+, gdk-pixbuf
+, glib
+, gtk3
+, freetype
+, fontconfig
+, nss
+, nspr
+, pango
+, udev
+, libsecret
+, libuuid
+, libX11
+, libxcb
+, libXi
+, libXcursor
+, libXdamage
+, libXrandr
+, libXcomposite
+, libXext
+, libXfixes
+, libXrender
+, libXtst
+, libXScrnSaver
+, libxkbcommon
+, libdrm
+, mesa
+# It's unknown which version of openssl that postman expects but it seems that
+# OpenSSL 3+ seems to work fine (cf.
+# https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/issues/254325). If postman breaks apparently
+# around OpenSSL stuff then try changing this dependency version.
+, openssl
+, xorg
+, pname
+, version
+, meta
+, copyDesktopItems
+, makeWrapper
+  dist = {
+    aarch64-linux = {
+      arch = "arm64";
+      sha256 = "sha256-esboLFqCziTlCFHyK6GxFq9Rik9jHiqX6ED0D53P1K4=";
+    };
+    x86_64-linux = {
+      arch = "64";
+      sha256 = "sha256-NH5bfz74/WIXbNdYs6Hoh/FF54v2+b4Ci5T7Y095Akw=";
+    };
+  }.${stdenv.hostPlatform.system} or (throw "Unsupported system: ${stdenv.hostPlatform.system}");
+stdenv.mkDerivation rec {
+  inherit pname version meta;
+  src = fetchurl {
+    url = "https://dl.pstmn.io/download/version/${version}/linux${dist.arch}";
+    inherit (dist) sha256;
+    name = "${pname}-${version}.tar.gz";
+  };
+  dontConfigure = true;
+  desktopItems = [
+      (makeDesktopItem {
+      name = "postman";
+      exec = "postman";
+      icon = "postman";
+      comment = "API Development Environment";
+      desktopName = "Postman";
+      genericName = "Postman";
+      categories = [ "Development" ];
+    })
+  ];
+  buildInputs = [
+    stdenv.cc.cc.lib
+    atk
+    at-spi2-atk
+    at-spi2-core
+    alsa-lib
+    cairo
+    cups
+    dbus
+    expat
+    gdk-pixbuf
+    glib
+    gtk3
+    freetype
+    fontconfig
+    mesa
+    nss
+    nspr
+    pango
+    udev
+    libdrm
+    libsecret
+    libuuid
+    libX11
+    libxcb
+    libXi
+    libXcursor
+    libXdamage
+    libXrandr
+    libXcomposite
+    libXext
+    libXfixes
+    libXrender
+    libXtst
+    libXScrnSaver
+    libxkbcommon
+    xorg.libxshmfence
+  ];
+  nativeBuildInputs = [ wrapGAppsHook copyDesktopItems ];
+  installPhase = ''
+    runHook preInstall
+    mkdir -p $out/share/postman
+    cp -R app/* $out/share/postman
+    rm $out/share/postman/Postman
+    mkdir -p $out/bin
+    ln -s $out/share/postman/postman $out/bin/postman
+    source "${makeWrapper}/nix-support/setup-hook"
+    wrapProgram $out/bin/${pname} \
+        --add-flags "\''${NIXOS_OZONE_WL:+\''${WAYLAND_DISPLAY:+--enable-features=UseOzonePlatform --ozone-platform=wayland}}"
+    mkdir -p $out/share/icons/hicolor/128x128/apps
+    ln -s $out/share/postman/resources/app/assets/icon.png $out/share/icons/postman.png
+    ln -s $out/share/postman/resources/app/assets/icon.png $out/share/icons/hicolor/128x128/apps/postman.png
+    runHook postInstall
+  '';
+  postFixup = ''
+    pushd $out/share/postman
+    patchelf --set-interpreter "$(cat $NIX_CC/nix-support/dynamic-linker)" postman
+    patchelf --set-interpreter "$(cat $NIX_CC/nix-support/dynamic-linker)" chrome_crashpad_handler
+    for file in $(find . -type f \( -name \*.node -o -name postman -o -name \*.so\* \) ); do
+      ORIGIN=$(patchelf --print-rpath $file); \
+      patchelf --set-rpath "${lib.makeLibraryPath buildInputs}:$ORIGIN" $file
+    done
+    popd
+    wrapProgram $out/bin/postman --set PATH ${lib.makeBinPath [ openssl ]}
+  '';
diff --git a/nixpkgs/pkgs/development/web/protege-distribution/default.nix b/nixpkgs/pkgs/development/web/protege-distribution/default.nix
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..b82f45692ee1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/nixpkgs/pkgs/development/web/protege-distribution/default.nix
@@ -0,0 +1,83 @@
+{ lib
+, stdenv
+, fetchurl
+, unzip
+, jdk11
+, copyDesktopItems
+, iconConvTools
+, makeDesktopItem
+, makeWrapper
+stdenv.mkDerivation rec {
+  pname = "protege-distribution";
+  version = "5.6.3";
+  src = fetchurl {
+    url = "https://github.com/protegeproject/protege-distribution/releases/download/protege-${version}/Protege-${version}-platform-independent.zip";
+    sha256 = "08pr0rn76wcc9bczdf93nlshxbid4z4nyvmaz198hhlq96aqpc3i";
+  };
+  nativeBuildInputs = [
+    copyDesktopItems
+    iconConvTools
+    jdk11
+    makeWrapper
+    unzip
+  ];
+  patches = [
+    # Replace logic for searching the install directory with a static cd into $out
+    ./static-path.patch
+    # Disable console logging, maintaining only file-based logging
+    ./disable-console-log.patch
+  ];
+  postPatch = ''
+    # Resolve @out@ (introduced by "static-path.patch") to $out
+    substituteInPlace run.sh --subst-var-by out $out
+  '';
+  dontConfigure = true;
+  dontBuild = true;
+  installPhase = ''
+    runHook preInstall
+    mkdir -p $out/bin
+    # Wrap launch script to set $JAVA_HOME correctly
+    mv run.sh $out/bin/run-protege
+    wrapProgram  $out/bin/run-protege --set JAVA_HOME ${jdk11.home}
+    # Generate and copy icons to where they can be found
+    icoFileToHiColorTheme app/Protege.ico protege $out
+    # Move everything else under protege/
+    mkdir $out/protege
+    mv {bundles,conf,plugins} $out/protege
+    runHook postInstall
+  '';
+  desktopItems = [
+    (makeDesktopItem {
+      name = "Protege";
+      desktopName = "Protege Desktop";
+      icon = "protege";
+      comment = "OWL2 ontology editor";
+      categories = [ "Development" ];
+      exec = "run-protege";
+    })
+  ];
+  meta = with lib; {
+    description = "The OWL2 ontology editor from Stanford, with third-party plugins included";
+    homepage = "https://protege.stanford.edu/";
+    downloadPage = "https://protege.stanford.edu/products.php#desktop-protege";
+    maintainers = with maintainers; [ nessdoor ];
+    license = with licenses; [ asl20 bsd2 epl10 lgpl3 ];
+    platforms = platforms.linux;
+    mainProgram = "run-protege";
+  };
diff --git a/nixpkgs/pkgs/development/web/protege-distribution/disable-console-log.patch b/nixpkgs/pkgs/development/web/protege-distribution/disable-console-log.patch
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..edd6277ffa3a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/nixpkgs/pkgs/development/web/protege-distribution/disable-console-log.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
+--- a/conf/logback.xml	2021-06-25 00:49:10.446416341 +0900
++++ b/conf/logback.xml	2021-06-25 00:50:32.889120465 +0900
+@@ -1,13 +1,6 @@
+ <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
+ <configuration scan="true" scanPeriod="10 seconds">
+-    <appender name="stdout" class="ch.qos.logback.core.ConsoleAppender">
+-        <encoder class="ch.qos.logback.classic.encoder.PatternLayoutEncoder">
+-            <Pattern>%highlight(%msg) %n</Pattern>
+-        </encoder>
+-    </appender>
+     <appender name="files" class="ch.qos.logback.core.FileAppender">
+         <file>${user.home}/.Protege/logs/protege.log</file>
+         <append>true</append>
+@@ -18,9 +11,8 @@
+     <root level="info">
+-        <appender-ref ref="stdout" />
+         <appender-ref ref="files"/>
+     </root>
+\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/nixpkgs/pkgs/development/web/protege-distribution/static-path.patch b/nixpkgs/pkgs/development/web/protege-distribution/static-path.patch
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..66762f70ca9f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/nixpkgs/pkgs/development/web/protege-distribution/static-path.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
+--- a/run.sh	2021-06-24 22:30:20.764897745 +0900
++++ b/run.sh	2021-06-24 22:29:47.211210142 +0900
+@@ -1,12 +1,6 @@
+ #!/usr/bin/env bash
+-while [ -h "$SOURCE" ]; do # resolve $SOURCE until the file is no longer a symlink
+-  DIR="$( cd -P "$( dirname "$SOURCE" )" && pwd )"
+-  SOURCE="$(readlink "$SOURCE")"
+-  [[ $SOURCE != /* ]] && SOURCE="$DIR/$SOURCE" # if $SOURCE was a relative symlink, we need to resolve it relative to the path where the symlink file was located
+-cd "$( cd -P "$( dirname "$SOURCE" )" && pwd )"
++cd @out@/protege
+ java -Xmx500M -Xms200M \
+      -Xss16M \
diff --git a/nixpkgs/pkgs/development/web/publii/default.nix b/nixpkgs/pkgs/development/web/publii/default.nix
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..e6dbca0e71df
--- /dev/null
+++ b/nixpkgs/pkgs/development/web/publii/default.nix
@@ -0,0 +1,102 @@
+{ stdenv
+, lib
+, fetchurl
+, autoPatchelfHook
+, makeShellWrapper
+, wrapGAppsHook
+, alsa-lib
+, at-spi2-atk
+, at-spi2-core
+, atk
+, cairo
+, cups
+, dbus
+, expat
+, glib
+, gtk3
+, libsecret
+, mesa
+, nss
+, pango
+, udev
+, xdg-utils
+, xorg
+stdenv.mkDerivation rec {
+  pname = "publii";
+  version = "0.45.1";
+  src = fetchurl {
+    url = "https://getpublii.com/download/Publii-${version}.deb";
+    hash = "sha256-R+TlxF6j5qv7wOr4lxCqd1pulyiEXPUe4B2HFMhD020=";
+  };
+  dontConfigure = true;
+  dontBuild = true;
+  dontWrapGApps = true;
+  nativeBuildInputs = [
+    autoPatchelfHook
+    makeShellWrapper
+    wrapGAppsHook
+  ];
+  buildInputs = [
+    alsa-lib
+    at-spi2-atk
+    at-spi2-core
+    atk
+    cairo
+    cups
+    dbus
+    expat
+    glib
+    gtk3
+    libsecret
+    mesa
+    nss
+    pango
+    xorg.libX11
+    xorg.libxcb
+  ];
+  unpackPhase = ''
+    ar p $src data.tar.xz | tar xJ
+  '';
+  installPhase = ''
+    runHook preInstall
+    mkdir -p $out/bin
+    mv usr/share $out
+    substituteInPlace $out/share/applications/Publii.desktop \
+      --replace 'Exec=/opt/Publii/Publii' 'Exec=Publii'
+    mv opt $out
+    runHook postInstall
+  '';
+  preFixup = ''
+    makeWrapper $out/opt/Publii/Publii $out/bin/Publii \
+      "''${gappsWrapperArgs[@]}" \
+      --suffix PATH : ${lib.makeBinPath [ xdg-utils ]} \
+      --prefix LD_LIBRARY_PATH : ${lib.makeLibraryPath [ udev ]}
+  '';
+  meta = with lib; {
+    description = "Static Site CMS with GUI to build privacy-focused SEO-friendly website.";
+    longDescription = ''
+      Creating a website doesn't have to be complicated or expensive. With Publii, the most
+      intuitive static site CMS, you can create a beautiful, safe, and privacy-friendly website
+      quickly and easily; perfect for anyone who wants a fast, secure website in a flash.
+    '';
+    homepage = "https://getpublii.com";
+    changelog = "https://github.com/getpublii/publii/releases/tag/v${version}";
+    license = licenses.gpl3Only;
+    maintainers = with lib.maintainers; [ urandom sebtm ];
+    platforms = [ "x86_64-linux" ];
+  };
diff --git a/nixpkgs/pkgs/development/web/shopify-cli/Gemfile b/nixpkgs/pkgs/development/web/shopify-cli/Gemfile
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..ec10d4a03468
--- /dev/null
+++ b/nixpkgs/pkgs/development/web/shopify-cli/Gemfile
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
+source 'https://rubygems.org'
+gem 'shopify-cli'
diff --git a/nixpkgs/pkgs/development/web/shopify-cli/Gemfile.lock b/nixpkgs/pkgs/development/web/shopify-cli/Gemfile.lock
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..79a4220d4ac2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/nixpkgs/pkgs/development/web/shopify-cli/Gemfile.lock
@@ -0,0 +1,39 @@
+  remote: https://rubygems.org/
+  specs:
+    ast (2.4.2)
+    bugsnag (6.25.1)
+      concurrent-ruby (~> 1.0)
+    concurrent-ruby (1.1.10)
+    ffi (1.15.5)
+    liquid (5.4.0)
+    listen (3.7.1)
+      rb-fsevent (~> 0.10, >= 0.10.3)
+      rb-inotify (~> 0.9, >= 0.9.10)
+    mini_portile2 (2.8.1)
+    nokogiri (1.14.0)
+      mini_portile2 (~> 2.8.0)
+      racc (~> 1.4)
+    parser (
+      ast (~> 2.4.1)
+    racc (1.6.2)
+    rb-fsevent (0.11.2)
+    rb-inotify (0.10.1)
+      ffi (~> 1.0)
+    shopify-cli (2.34.0)
+      bugsnag (~> 6.22)
+      listen (~> 3.7.0)
+      theme-check (~> 1.14.0)
+    theme-check (1.14.0)
+      liquid (>= 5.4.0)
+      nokogiri (>= 1.12)
+      parser (~> 3)
+  ruby
+  shopify-cli
+   2.4.3
diff --git a/nixpkgs/pkgs/development/web/shopify-cli/default.nix b/nixpkgs/pkgs/development/web/shopify-cli/default.nix
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..ae6e6b82df9b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/nixpkgs/pkgs/development/web/shopify-cli/default.nix
@@ -0,0 +1,36 @@
+{ stdenv, lib, bundlerEnv, bundlerUpdateScript, makeWrapper, ruby }:
+  rubyEnv = bundlerEnv {
+    name = "shopify-cli";
+    gemdir = ./.;
+    ruby = ruby;
+  };
+stdenv.mkDerivation rec {
+  pname = "shopify-cli";
+  version = (import ./gemset.nix).shopify-cli.version;
+  nativeBuildInputs = [ makeWrapper ];
+  dontUnpack = true;
+  installPhase = ''
+    mkdir -p $out/bin
+    makeWrapper ${rubyEnv}/bin/shopify $out/bin/shopify
+    wrapProgram $out/bin/shopify \
+      --prefix PATH : ${lib.makeBinPath [ ruby ]}
+  '';
+  passthru.updateScript = bundlerUpdateScript "shopify-cli";
+  meta = with lib; {
+    description = "CLI which helps you build against the Shopify platform faster";
+    homepage    = "https://github.com/Shopify/shopify-cli";
+    license     = licenses.mit;
+    maintainers = with maintainers; [ onny ];
+    mainProgram = "shopify";
+    platforms = ruby.meta.platforms;
+  };
diff --git a/nixpkgs/pkgs/development/web/shopify-cli/gemset.nix b/nixpkgs/pkgs/development/web/shopify-cli/gemset.nix
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..3bc3e2edef4b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/nixpkgs/pkgs/development/web/shopify-cli/gemset.nix
@@ -0,0 +1,149 @@
+  ast = {
+    groups = ["default"];
+    platforms = [];
+    source = {
+      remotes = ["https://rubygems.org"];
+      sha256 = "04nc8x27hlzlrr5c2gn7mar4vdr0apw5xg22wp6m8dx3wqr04a0y";
+      type = "gem";
+    };
+    version = "2.4.2";
+  };
+  bugsnag = {
+    dependencies = ["concurrent-ruby"];
+    groups = ["default"];
+    platforms = [];
+    source = {
+      remotes = ["https://rubygems.org"];
+      sha256 = "108q00vcx3vkr85mpayns3ini6ids807bmhl8nfham9900ric27y";
+      type = "gem";
+    };
+    version = "6.25.1";
+  };
+  concurrent-ruby = {
+    groups = ["default"];
+    platforms = [];
+    source = {
+      remotes = ["https://rubygems.org"];
+      sha256 = "0s4fpn3mqiizpmpy2a24k4v365pv75y50292r8ajrv4i1p5b2k14";
+      type = "gem";
+    };
+    version = "1.1.10";
+  };
+  ffi = {
+    groups = ["default"];
+    platforms = [];
+    source = {
+      remotes = ["https://rubygems.org"];
+      sha256 = "1862ydmclzy1a0cjbvm8dz7847d9rch495ib0zb64y84d3xd4bkg";
+      type = "gem";
+    };
+    version = "1.15.5";
+  };
+  liquid = {
+    groups = ["default"];
+    platforms = [];
+    source = {
+      remotes = ["https://rubygems.org"];
+      sha256 = "0h0d0ghdf01lkv4x0mzp6zdkrnj7gsfq3widkhyni26bf6648qp3";
+      type = "gem";
+    };
+    version = "5.4.0";
+  };
+  listen = {
+    dependencies = ["rb-fsevent" "rb-inotify"];
+    groups = ["default"];
+    platforms = [];
+    source = {
+      remotes = ["https://rubygems.org"];
+      sha256 = "0agybr37wpjv3xy4ipcmsvsibgdgphzrwbvcj4vfiykpmakwm01v";
+      type = "gem";
+    };
+    version = "3.7.1";
+  };
+  mini_portile2 = {
+    groups = ["default"];
+    platforms = [];
+    source = {
+      remotes = ["https://rubygems.org"];
+      sha256 = "1af4yarhbbx62f7qsmgg5fynrik0s36wjy3difkawy536xg343mp";
+      type = "gem";
+    };
+    version = "2.8.1";
+  };
+  nokogiri = {
+    dependencies = ["mini_portile2" "racc"];
+    groups = ["default"];
+    platforms = [];
+    source = {
+      remotes = ["https://rubygems.org"];
+      sha256 = "1fqld4wnamj7awdr1lwdifpylqdrrg5adm8xj2jl9sc5ms3nxjjm";
+      type = "gem";
+    };
+    version = "1.14.0";
+  };
+  parser = {
+    dependencies = ["ast"];
+    groups = ["default"];
+    platforms = [];
+    source = {
+      remotes = ["https://rubygems.org"];
+      sha256 = "0zk8mdyr0322r11d63rcp5jhz4lakxilhvyvdv0ql5dw4lb83623";
+      type = "gem";
+    };
+    version = "";
+  };
+  racc = {
+    groups = ["default"];
+    platforms = [];
+    source = {
+      remotes = ["https://rubygems.org"];
+      sha256 = "09jgz6r0f7v84a7jz9an85q8vvmp743dqcsdm3z9c8rqcqv6pljq";
+      type = "gem";
+    };
+    version = "1.6.2";
+  };
+  rb-fsevent = {
+    groups = ["default"];
+    platforms = [];
+    source = {
+      remotes = ["https://rubygems.org"];
+      sha256 = "1zmf31rnpm8553lqwibvv3kkx0v7majm1f341xbxc0bk5sbhp423";
+      type = "gem";
+    };
+    version = "0.11.2";
+  };
+  rb-inotify = {
+    dependencies = ["ffi"];
+    groups = ["default"];
+    platforms = [];
+    source = {
+      remotes = ["https://rubygems.org"];
+      sha256 = "1jm76h8f8hji38z3ggf4bzi8vps6p7sagxn3ab57qc0xyga64005";
+      type = "gem";
+    };
+    version = "0.10.1";
+  };
+  shopify-cli = {
+    dependencies = ["bugsnag" "listen" "theme-check"];
+    groups = ["default"];
+    platforms = [];
+    source = {
+      remotes = ["https://rubygems.org"];
+      sha256 = "0zzg2vv58s7ylbk35vfb3gj9q6wr59m18gb8sw9f2rnsgsmkivbr";
+      type = "gem";
+    };
+    version = "2.34.0";
+  };
+  theme-check = {
+    dependencies = ["liquid" "nokogiri" "parser"];
+    groups = ["default"];
+    platforms = [];
+    source = {
+      remotes = ["https://rubygems.org"];
+      sha256 = "1w5mmxnyc0h612c04x6h3xb8jjcq5l6mh2vql4138h2r2z98vdwq";
+      type = "gem";
+    };
+    version = "1.14.0";
+  };
diff --git a/nixpkgs/pkgs/development/web/shopify-themekit/default.nix b/nixpkgs/pkgs/development/web/shopify-themekit/default.nix
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..5d20a9102475
--- /dev/null
+++ b/nixpkgs/pkgs/development/web/shopify-themekit/default.nix
@@ -0,0 +1,29 @@
+{ lib, buildGoModule, fetchFromGitHub }:
+buildGoModule rec {
+  pname = "shopify-themekit";
+  version = "1.3.1";
+  src = fetchFromGitHub {
+    owner = "Shopify";
+    repo = "themekit";
+    rev = "v${version}";
+    sha256 = "sha256-HtgA+R6THZ49WYtGlHS1EzekjuuGgPe657Y6ewraD4o=";
+  };
+  vendorHash = "sha256-8QpkYj0fQb4plzvk6yCrZho8rq9VBiLft/EO3cczciI=";
+  ldflags = [ "-s" "-w" ];
+  postInstall = ''
+    # Keep `theme` only
+    rm -f $out/bin/{cmd,tkrelease}
+  '';
+  meta = with lib; {
+    description = "A command line tool for shopify themes";
+    homepage = "https://shopify.github.io/themekit/";
+    license = licenses.mit;
+    maintainers = with maintainers; [ _1000101 ];
+  };
diff --git a/nixpkgs/pkgs/development/web/twitter-bootstrap/default.nix b/nixpkgs/pkgs/development/web/twitter-bootstrap/default.nix
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..328154ef810f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/nixpkgs/pkgs/development/web/twitter-bootstrap/default.nix
@@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
+{ lib
+, stdenv
+, fetchurl
+, unzip
+stdenv.mkDerivation (finalAttrs: {
+  pname = "bootstrap";
+  version = "5.3.3";
+  src = fetchurl {
+    url = "https://github.com/twbs/bootstrap/releases/download/v${finalAttrs.version}/bootstrap-${finalAttrs.version}-dist.zip";
+    hash = "sha256-WwokWrhFiVFmjSn9FJ/GyOY8Z2l378I4IqIjwIJF3ho=";
+  };
+  nativeBuildInputs = [ unzip ];
+  dontBuild = true;
+  installPhase = ''
+    runHook preInstall
+    mkdir $out
+    cp -r * $out/
+    runHook postInstall
+  '';
+  meta = {
+    description = "Front-end framework for faster and easier web development";
+    homepage = "https://getbootstrap.com/";
+    license = lib.licenses.mit;
+  };
diff --git a/nixpkgs/pkgs/development/web/valum/default.nix b/nixpkgs/pkgs/development/web/valum/default.nix
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..caf29a2cc027
--- /dev/null
+++ b/nixpkgs/pkgs/development/web/valum/default.nix
@@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
+{ lib, stdenv, meson, ninja, pkg-config, fetchFromGitHub, glib, vala, ctpl
+, libgee, libsoup, fcgi }:
+stdenv.mkDerivation rec {
+  pname = "valum";
+  version = "0.3.18";
+  src = fetchFromGitHub {
+    owner = "valum-framework";
+    repo = "valum";
+    rev = "v${version}";
+    sha256 = "sha256-baAv83YiX8HdBm/t++ktB7pmTVlt4aWZ5xnsAs/NrTI=";
+  };
+  nativeBuildInputs = [ meson ninja pkg-config ];
+  buildInputs = [ glib vala ctpl libgee libsoup fcgi ];
+  meta = with lib; {
+    homepage = "https://github.com/valum-framework/valum";
+    description = "Web micro-framework written in Vala";
+    license = licenses.lgpl3;
+    platforms = platforms.linux;
+    maintainers = [ ];
+    # Likely broken by GLib 2.74 switch to PCRE 2.
+    # https://github.com/valum-framework/valum/issues/238
+    broken = true;
+  };
diff --git a/nixpkgs/pkgs/development/web/wml/default.nix b/nixpkgs/pkgs/development/web/wml/default.nix
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..13295edd310a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/nixpkgs/pkgs/development/web/wml/default.nix
@@ -0,0 +1,69 @@
+{ lib, fetchurl, perlPackages, ncurses, lynx, makeWrapper }:
+perlPackages.buildPerlPackage {
+  pname = "wml";
+  version = "2.0.11";
+  src = fetchurl {
+    url = "http://thewml.org/distrib/wml-2.0.11.tar.gz";
+    sha256 = "0jjxpq91x7y2mgixz7ghqp01m24qa37wl3zz515rrzv7x8cyy4cf";
+  };
+  setOutputFlags = false;
+  # Getting lots of Non-ASCII character errors from pod2man.
+  # Inserting =encoding utf8 before the first =head occurrence.
+  # Wasn't able to fix mp4h.
+  preConfigure = ''
+    touch Makefile.PL
+    for i in wml_backend/p6_asubst/asubst.src wml_aux/freetable/freetable.src wml_docs/*.pod wml_include/des/*.src wml_include/fmt/*.src; do
+      sed -i '0,/^=head/{s/^=head/=encoding utf8\n=head/}' $i
+    done
+    sed -i 's/ doc / /g' wml_backend/p2_mp4h/Makefile.in
+    sed -i '/p2_mp4h\/doc/d' Makefile.in
+  '';
+  nativeBuildInputs = [ makeWrapper ];
+  buildInputs = with perlPackages;
+    [ perl TermReadKey GD BitVector ncurses lynx ImageSize ];
+  patches = [ ./redhat-with-thr.patch ./dynaloader.patch ./no_bitvector.patch ];
+  # Workaround build failure on -fno-common toolchains:
+  #   ld: iselect_browse.o:(.bss+0x2020): multiple definition of `Line'; iselect_main.o:(.bss+0x100000): first defined here
+  env.NIX_CFLAGS_COMPILE = "-fcommon";
+  hardeningDisable = [ "format" ];
+  postPatch = ''
+    substituteInPlace wml_frontend/wml.src \
+      --replace "File::PathConvert::realpath" "Cwd::realpath" \
+      --replace "File::PathConvert::abs2rel" "File::Spec->abs2rel" \
+      --replace "File::PathConvert" "File::Spec"
+    for i in wml_include/des/imgbg.src wml_include/des/imgdot.src; do
+      substituteInPlace $i \
+        --replace "WML::GD" "GD"
+    done
+    rm wml_test/t/11-wmk.t
+  '';
+  preFixup = ''
+    wrapProgram $out/bin/wml \
+      --set PERL5LIB ${with perlPackages; makePerlPath [
+        BitVector TermReadKey ImageSize
+      ]}
+  '';
+  enableParallelBuilding = false;
+  installTargets = [ "install" ];
+  meta = with lib; {
+    homepage = "https://www.shlomifish.org/open-source/projects/website-meta-language/";
+    description = "Off-line HTML generation toolkit for Unix";
+    license = licenses.gpl2;
+    platforms = platforms.linux;
+  };
diff --git a/nixpkgs/pkgs/development/web/wml/dynaloader.patch b/nixpkgs/pkgs/development/web/wml/dynaloader.patch
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..89b9f0427f9b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/nixpkgs/pkgs/development/web/wml/dynaloader.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+--- a/wml_backend/p3_eperl/configure	2009-10-03 19:12:29.000000000 -0500
++++ b/wml_backend/p3_eperl/configure	2009-10-03 19:12:45.000000000 -0500
+@@ -678,7 +678,7 @@
+-        perl_dla=$perl_archlib/auto/DynaLoader/DynaLoader.a
++        perl_dla=$perl_archlib/CORE/libperl.so
+         ;;
+     * )
+         rc=no
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/nixpkgs/pkgs/development/web/wml/no_bitvector.patch b/nixpkgs/pkgs/development/web/wml/no_bitvector.patch
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..d5fe926c4c7d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/nixpkgs/pkgs/development/web/wml/no_bitvector.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
+--- a/wml_common/Makefile.in	2014-12-17 00:28:25.156736048 +0100
++++ b/wml_common/Makefile.in	2014-12-17 00:28:30.501817958 +0100
+@@ -45,7 +45,6 @@
+      have_gd=0
+-     bitvector \
+      filepathconvert \
+      gd \
+      getoptlong \
diff --git a/nixpkgs/pkgs/development/web/wml/redhat-with-thr.patch b/nixpkgs/pkgs/development/web/wml/redhat-with-thr.patch
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..4b06ccb3f56a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/nixpkgs/pkgs/development/web/wml/redhat-with-thr.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
+Description: Fix FTBFS with Perl 5.16
+ Patch taken from Fedora
+Debian-Bug: 676263
+Fedora-Bug: 839609
+Author: Jitka Plesnikova
+Origin: https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=839609
+--- a/wml_backend/p3_eperl/eperl_perl5.h 2012-07-27 10:49:27.048508799 +0200
++++ b/wml_backend/p3_eperl/eperl_perl5.h 2012-07-27 10:50:16.288714291 +0200
+@@ -72,9 +72,6 @@ 
+ #  define PL_curstash curstash
+ #endif
+-#ifndef WITH_THR
+-#  define PL_defoutgv defoutgv
+ /*  
+   Initialization of locales when building a new Perl interpreter.
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/nixpkgs/pkgs/development/web/woff2/brotli-static.patch b/nixpkgs/pkgs/development/web/woff2/brotli-static.patch
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..4ed6d7e741a8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/nixpkgs/pkgs/development/web/woff2/brotli-static.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,36 @@
+diff a/cmake/FindBrotliDec.cmake b/cmake/FindBrotliDec.cmake
+--- a/cmake/FindBrotliDec.cmake
++++ b/cmake/FindBrotliDec.cmake
+@@ -18,10 +18,10 @@ find_path(BROTLIDEC_INCLUDE_DIRS
+ )
+-    NAMES brotlidec
++  set(_S "STATIC_")
+ include(FindPackageHandleStandardArgs)
+ find_package_handle_standard_args(BrotliDec
+diff a/cmake/FindBrotliEnc.cmake b/cmake/FindBrotliEnc.cmake
+--- a/cmake/FindBrotliEnc.cmake
++++ b/cmake/FindBrotliEnc.cmake
+@@ -18,10 +18,10 @@ find_path(BROTLIENC_INCLUDE_DIRS
+ )
+-    NAMES brotlienc
++  set(_S "STATIC_")
+ include(FindPackageHandleStandardArgs)
+ find_package_handle_standard_args(BrotliEnc
diff --git a/nixpkgs/pkgs/development/web/woff2/default.nix b/nixpkgs/pkgs/development/web/woff2/default.nix
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..2f1863444980
--- /dev/null
+++ b/nixpkgs/pkgs/development/web/woff2/default.nix
@@ -0,0 +1,42 @@
+{ brotli, cmake, pkg-config, fetchFromGitHub, lib, stdenv
+, static ? stdenv.hostPlatform.isStatic
+stdenv.mkDerivation rec {
+  pname = "woff2";
+  version = "1.0.2";
+  src = fetchFromGitHub {
+    owner = "google";
+    repo = "woff2";
+    rev = "v${version}";
+    sha256 = "13l4g536h0pr84ww4wxs2za439s0xp1va55g6l478rfbb1spp44y";
+  };
+  outputs = [ "out" "dev" "lib" ];
+  # Need to explicitly link to brotlicommon
+  patches = lib.optional static ./brotli-static.patch;
+  nativeBuildInputs = [ cmake pkg-config ];
+  cmakeFlags = [
+    "-DBUILD_SHARED_LIBS=${if static then "OFF" else "ON"}"
+  ] ++ lib.optional static "-DCMAKE_SKIP_RPATH:BOOL=TRUE";
+  propagatedBuildInputs = [ brotli ];
+  postPatch = ''
+    # without this binaries only get built if shared libs are disable
+    sed 's@^if (NOT BUILD_SHARED_LIBS)$@if (TRUE)@g' -i CMakeLists.txt
+  '';
+  meta = with lib; {
+    description = "Webfont compression reference code";
+    homepage = "https://github.com/google/woff2";
+    license = licenses.mit;
+    maintainers = [ maintainers.hrdinka ];
+    platforms = platforms.unix;
+  };
diff --git a/nixpkgs/pkgs/development/web/xmlindent/default.nix b/nixpkgs/pkgs/development/web/xmlindent/default.nix
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..0edbf41e2af2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/nixpkgs/pkgs/development/web/xmlindent/default.nix
@@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
+{ lib, stdenv, fetchurl, flex }:
+stdenv.mkDerivation rec {
+  pname = "xmlindent";
+  version = "0.2.17";
+  src = fetchurl {
+    url = "mirror://sourceforge/project/xmlindent/xmlindent/${version}/${pname}-${version}.tar.gz";
+    sha256 = "0k15rxh51a5r4bvfm6c4syxls8al96cx60a9mn6pn24nns3nh3rs";
+  };
+  buildInputs = [ flex ];
+  preConfigure = ''
+    substituteInPlace Makefile --replace "PREFIX=/usr/local" "PREFIX=$out"
+  '';
+  meta = {
+    description = "XML stream reformatter";
+    homepage = "https://xmlindent.sourceforge.net/";
+    license = lib.licenses.gpl3;
+    platforms = lib.platforms.linux;
+    maintainers = [ ];
+  };