about summary refs log tree commit diff
path: root/nixpkgs/pkgs/development/node-packages
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'nixpkgs/pkgs/development/node-packages')
5 files changed, 17 insertions, 2946 deletions
diff --git a/nixpkgs/pkgs/development/node-packages/aliases.nix b/nixpkgs/pkgs/development/node-packages/aliases.nix
index 03bcbc595d1d..2ebe88a96a91 100644
--- a/nixpkgs/pkgs/development/node-packages/aliases.nix
+++ b/nixpkgs/pkgs/development/node-packages/aliases.nix
@@ -46,6 +46,7 @@ mapAliases {
   "@maizzle/cli" = pkgs.maizzle; # added 2023-08-17
   "@medable/mdctl-cli" = throw "@medable/mdctl-cli was removed because it was broken"; # added 2023-08-21
   "@nestjs/cli" = pkgs.nest-cli; # Added 2023-05-06
+  alloy = pkgs.titanium-alloy; # added 2023-08-17
   antennas = pkgs.antennas; # added 2023-07-30
   inherit (pkgs) asar; # added 2023-08-26
   balanceofsatoshis = pkgs.balanceofsatoshis; # added 2023-07-31
@@ -57,9 +58,12 @@ mapAliases {
   castnow = pkgs.castnow; # added 2023-07-30
   inherit (pkgs) clean-css-cli; # added 2023-08-18
   coc-imselect = throw "coc-imselect was removed because it was broken"; # added 2023-08-21
+  coffee-script = pkgs.coffeescript; # added 2023-08-18
   inherit (pkgs) configurable-http-proxy; # added 2023-08-19
   inherit (pkgs) cordova; # added 2023-08-18
   dat = throw "dat was removed because it was broken"; # added 2023-08-21
+  inherit (pkgs) degit; # added 2023-08-18
+  inherit (pkgs) dockerfile-language-server-nodejs; # added 2023-08-18
   eask = pkgs.eask; # added 2023-08-17
   inherit (pkgs.elmPackages) elm-test;
   eslint_d = pkgs.eslint_d; # Added 2023-05-26
@@ -67,8 +71,11 @@ mapAliases {
   flood = pkgs.flood; # Added 2023-07-25
   git-ssb = throw "git-ssb was removed because it was broken"; # added 2023-08-21
   glob = pkgs.node-glob; # added 2023-08-18
+  inherit (pkgs) gqlint; # added 2023-08-19
   inherit (pkgs) graphqurl; # added 2023-08-19
   gtop = pkgs.gtop; # added 2023-07-31
+  hs-client = pkgs.hsd; # added 2023-08-20
+  inherit (pkgs) hsd; # added 2023-08-19
   inherit (pkgs) html-minifier; # added 2023-08-19
   inherit (pkgs) htmlhint; # added 2023-08-19
   hueadm = pkgs.hueadm; # added 2023-07-31
@@ -76,21 +83,29 @@ mapAliases {
   immich = pkgs.immich-cli; # added 2023-08-19
   indium = throw "indium was removed because it was broken"; # added 2023-08-19
   ionic = throw "ionic was replaced by @ionic/cli"; # added 2023-08-19
+  inherit (pkgs) jake; # added 2023-08-19
   inherit (pkgs) javascript-typescript-langserver; # added 2023-08-19
   karma = pkgs.karma-runner; # added 2023-07-29
+  leetcode-cli = vsc-leetcode-cli; # added 2023-08-31
   manta = pkgs.node-manta; # Added 2023-05-06
   markdownlint-cli = pkgs.markdownlint-cli; # added 2023-07-29
   inherit (pkgs) markdownlint-cli2; # added 2023-08-22
   mdctl-cli = self."@medable/mdctl-cli"; # added 2023-08-21
+  musescore-downloader = pkgs.dl-librescore; # added 2023-08-19
   node-inspector = throw "node-inspector was removed because it was broken"; # added 2023-08-21
   inherit (pkgs) npm-check-updates; # added 2023-08-22
+  ocaml-language-server = throw "ocaml-language-server was removed because it was abandoned upstream"; # added 2023-09-04
+  inherit (pkgs) react-static; # added 2023-08-21
   readability-cli = pkgs.readability-cli; # Added 2023-06-12
   reveal-md = pkgs.reveal-md; # added 2023-07-31
   inherit (pkgs) rtlcss; # added 2023-08-29
   s3http = throw "s3http was removed because it was abandoned upstream"; # added 2023-08-18
+  inherit (pkgs) snyk; # Added 2023-08-30
+  "@squoosh/cli" = throw "@squoosh/cli was removed because it was abandoned upstream"; # added 2023-09-02
   ssb-server = throw "ssb-server was removed because it was broken"; # added 2023-08-21
   stf = throw "stf was removed because it was broken"; # added 2023-08-21
   thelounge = pkgs.thelounge; # Added 2023-05-22
+  inherit (pkgs) titanium; # added 2023-08-17
   triton = pkgs.triton; # Added 2023-05-06
   typescript = pkgs.typescript; # Added 2023-06-21
   inherit (pkgs) ungit; # added 2023-08-20
@@ -99,6 +114,7 @@ mapAliases {
   vue-language-server = self.vls; # added 2023-08-20
   inherit (pkgs) web-ext; # added 2023-08-20
   inherit (pkgs) write-good; # added 2023-08-20
+  inherit (pkgs) yaml-language-server; # added 2023-09-05
   inherit (pkgs) yo; # added 2023-08-20
   zx = pkgs.zx; # added 2023-08-01
diff --git a/nixpkgs/pkgs/development/node-packages/main-programs.nix b/nixpkgs/pkgs/development/node-packages/main-programs.nix
index abb336280282..ed253a211345 100644
--- a/nixpkgs/pkgs/development/node-packages/main-programs.nix
+++ b/nixpkgs/pkgs/development/node-packages/main-programs.nix
@@ -4,9 +4,7 @@
   "@antfu/ni" = "ni";
   "@electron-forge/cli" = "electron-forge";
   "@microsoft/rush" = "rush";
-  "@squoosh/cli" = "squoosh-cli";
   "@webassemblyjs/cli-1.11.1" = "wasm2wast";
-  coffee-script = "coffee";
   "@withgraphite/graphite-cli" = "gt";
   # Packages that provide a single executable.
@@ -35,7 +33,6 @@
   conventional-changelog-cli = "conventional-changelog";
   cpy-cli = "cpy";
   diff2html-cli = "diff2html";
-  dockerfile-language-server-nodejs = "docker-langserver";
   fast-cli = "fast";
   fauna-shell = "fauna";
   fkill-cli = "fkill";
@@ -47,7 +44,6 @@
   grunt-cli = "grunt";
   gulp-cli = "gulp";
   kaput-cli = "kaput";
-  leetcode-cli = "leetcode";
   less = "lessc";
   localtunnel = "lt";
   lua-fmt = "luafmt";
diff --git a/nixpkgs/pkgs/development/node-packages/node-packages.json b/nixpkgs/pkgs/development/node-packages/node-packages.json
index af55cfddee18..a95b47b6104f 100644
--- a/nixpkgs/pkgs/development/node-packages/node-packages.json
+++ b/nixpkgs/pkgs/development/node-packages/node-packages.json
@@ -10,7 +10,6 @@
 , "@microsoft/rush"
 , "@nerdwallet/shepherd"
 , "@shopify/cli"
-, "@squoosh/cli"
 , "@tailwindcss/aspect-ratio"
 , "@tailwindcss/forms"
 , "@tailwindcss/language-server"
@@ -25,7 +24,6 @@
 , {"@webassemblyjs/wasm-text-gen": "1.11.1"}
 , {"@webassemblyjs/wast-refmt": "1.11.1"}
 , "alex"
-, "alloy"
 , "audiosprite"
 , "autoprefixer"
 , "auto-changelog"
@@ -91,7 +89,6 @@
 , "coc-yaml"
 , "coc-yank"
 , "code-theme-converter"
-, "coffee-script"
 , "coinmon"
 , "concurrently"
 , "conventional-changelog-cli"
@@ -101,11 +98,9 @@
 , "create-react-native-app"
 , "cspell"
 , "csslint"
-, "degit"
 , "dhcp"
 , "diagnostic-languageserver"
 , "diff2html-cli"
-, "dockerfile-language-server-nodejs"
 , "dotenv-cli"
 , "dotenv-vault"
 , "elasticdump"
@@ -141,20 +136,16 @@
 , "grunt-cli"
 , "makam"
 , "meshcommander"
-, "gqlint"
 , "gulp"
 , "gulp-cli"
 , "he"
 , "http-server"
-, "hsd"
 , "hs-airdrop"
-, "hs-client"
 , "ijavascript"
 , "inliner"
 , "imapnotify"
 , "insect"
 , "intelephense"
-, "jake"
 , "joplin"
 , "js-beautify"
 , "js-yaml"
@@ -170,7 +161,6 @@
 , "katex"
 , "keyoxide"
 , "lcov-result-merger"
-, "leetcode-cli"
 , "vsc-leetcode-cli"
 , "lerna"
 , "less"
@@ -189,7 +179,6 @@
 , "meat"
 , "mocha"
 , "multi-file-swagger"
-, "musescore-downloader"
 , "near-cli"
 , "neovim"
 , "nijs"
@@ -203,7 +192,6 @@
 , "npm"
 , "npm-merge-driver"
 , "nrm"
-, "ocaml-language-server"
 , "orval"
 , "parcel-bundler"
 , "parcel"
@@ -233,7 +221,6 @@
 , "pyright"
 , "quicktype"
 , "react-native-cli"
-, "react-static"
 , "react-tools"
 , "redoc-cli"
 , "remod-cli"
@@ -248,7 +235,6 @@
 , "shout"
 , "sloc"
 , "smartdc"
-, "snyk"
 , "socket.io"
 , "speed-test"
 , "sql-formatter"
@@ -319,7 +305,6 @@
 , "thelounge-theme-zenburn-sourcecodepro"
 , "three"
 , "tiddlywiki"
-, "titanium"
 , "tsun"
 , "ts-node"
 , "ttf2eot"
@@ -346,7 +331,6 @@
 , "wrangler"
 , "wring"
 , "@yaegassy/coc-nginx"
-, "yaml-language-server"
 , "yalc"
 , "yarn"
 , "@zwave-js/server"
diff --git a/nixpkgs/pkgs/development/node-packages/node-packages.nix b/nixpkgs/pkgs/development/node-packages/node-packages.nix
index 35bbb65656a1..89a0652689a6 100644
--- a/nixpkgs/pkgs/development/node-packages/node-packages.nix
+++ b/nixpkgs/pkgs/development/node-packages/node-packages.nix
@@ -72272,62 +72272,6 @@ in
     bypassCache = true;
     reconstructLock = true;
-  "@squoosh/cli" = nodeEnv.buildNodePackage {
-    name = "_at_squoosh_slash_cli";
-    packageName = "@squoosh/cli";
-    version = "0.7.3";
-    src = fetchurl {
-      url = "https://registry.npmjs.org/@squoosh/cli/-/cli-0.7.3.tgz";
-      sha512 = "mU/iWbVWqLXX+gJJa4RBl5U4LdKYaiD9cmxW7bjyw8EEFAuMXFDGAQcq7hEvUZwoP5Em5s7sjimBPirSBJQ87g==";
-    };
-    dependencies = [
-      sources."@squoosh/lib-0.4.1"
-      sources."ansi-regex-5.0.1"
-      sources."ansi-styles-4.3.0"
-      sources."base64-js-1.5.1"
-      sources."bl-4.1.0"
-      sources."buffer-5.7.1"
-      sources."chalk-4.1.2"
-      sources."cli-cursor-3.1.0"
-      sources."cli-spinners-2.9.0"
-      sources."clone-1.0.4"
-      sources."color-convert-2.0.1"
-      sources."color-name-1.1.4"
-      sources."commander-7.2.0"
-      sources."defaults-1.0.4"
-      sources."has-flag-4.0.0"
-      sources."ieee754-1.2.1"
-      sources."inherits-2.0.4"
-      sources."is-interactive-1.0.0"
-      sources."is-unicode-supported-0.1.0"
-      sources."json5-2.2.3"
-      sources."kleur-4.1.5"
-      sources."log-symbols-4.1.0"
-      sources."mimic-fn-2.1.0"
-      sources."onetime-5.1.2"
-      sources."ora-5.4.1"
-      sources."readable-stream-3.6.2"
-      sources."restore-cursor-3.1.0"
-      sources."safe-buffer-5.2.1"
-      sources."signal-exit-3.0.7"
-      sources."string_decoder-1.3.0"
-      sources."strip-ansi-6.0.1"
-      sources."supports-color-7.2.0"
-      sources."util-deprecate-1.0.2"
-      sources."wasm-feature-detect-1.5.1"
-      sources."wcwidth-1.0.1"
-      sources."web-streams-polyfill-3.2.1"
-    ];
-    buildInputs = globalBuildInputs;
-    meta = {
-      description = "A CLI for Squoosh";
-      homepage = "https://github.com/GoogleChromeLabs/squoosh";
-      license = "Apache-2.0";
-    };
-    production = true;
-    bypassCache = true;
-    reconstructLock = true;
-  };
   "@tailwindcss/aspect-ratio" = nodeEnv.buildNodePackage {
     name = "_at_tailwindcss_slash_aspect-ratio";
     packageName = "@tailwindcss/aspect-ratio";
@@ -75436,158 +75380,6 @@ in
     bypassCache = true;
     reconstructLock = true;
-  alloy = nodeEnv.buildNodePackage {
-    name = "alloy";
-    packageName = "alloy";
-    version = "2.0.2";
-    src = fetchurl {
-      url = "https://registry.npmjs.org/alloy/-/alloy-2.0.2.tgz";
-      sha512 = "FhZLGIKAewqzsJ50H44NU/PTAW2vt00M8dMkO6BFgCH7Z925+8bfcQ9PCBAufynDQXrAR6h7Kd9Im4YXyizbIA==";
-    };
-    dependencies = [
-      sources."@ampproject/remapping-2.2.1"
-      sources."@babel/code-frame-7.22.10"
-      sources."@babel/compat-data-7.22.9"
-      sources."@babel/core-7.22.10"
-      sources."@babel/generator-7.22.10"
-      sources."@babel/helper-compilation-targets-7.22.10"
-      sources."@babel/helper-environment-visitor-7.22.5"
-      sources."@babel/helper-function-name-7.22.5"
-      sources."@babel/helper-hoist-variables-7.22.5"
-      sources."@babel/helper-module-imports-7.22.5"
-      sources."@babel/helper-module-transforms-7.22.9"
-      sources."@babel/helper-simple-access-7.22.5"
-      sources."@babel/helper-split-export-declaration-7.22.6"
-      sources."@babel/helper-string-parser-7.22.5"
-      sources."@babel/helper-validator-identifier-7.22.5"
-      sources."@babel/helper-validator-option-7.22.5"
-      sources."@babel/helpers-7.22.10"
-      sources."@babel/highlight-7.22.10"
-      sources."@babel/parser-7.22.10"
-      sources."@babel/template-7.22.5"
-      sources."@babel/traverse-7.22.10"
-      sources."@babel/types-7.22.10"
-      sources."@jridgewell/gen-mapping-0.3.3"
-      sources."@jridgewell/resolve-uri-3.1.1"
-      sources."@jridgewell/set-array-1.1.2"
-      sources."@jridgewell/sourcemap-codec-1.4.15"
-      sources."@jridgewell/trace-mapping-0.3.19"
-      sources."@xmldom/xmldom-0.8.10"
-      sources."JSV-4.0.2"
-      sources."ansi-styles-3.2.1"
-      sources."array-unique-0.3.2"
-      sources."async-3.2.4"
-      sources."balanced-match-1.0.2"
-      sources."brace-expansion-2.0.1"
-      sources."browserslist-4.21.10"
-      sources."caniuse-lite-1.0.30001522"
-      sources."chalk-2.4.2"
-      sources."color-convert-1.9.3"
-      sources."color-name-1.1.3"
-      sources."colors-1.4.0"
-      sources."commander-8.3.0"
-      sources."concat-map-0.0.1"
-      sources."convert-source-map-1.9.0"
-      sources."debug-4.3.4"
-      sources."ejs-3.1.6"
-      sources."electron-to-chromium-1.4.499"
-      sources."ensure-posix-path-1.1.1"
-      sources."escalade-3.1.1"
-      sources."escape-string-regexp-1.0.5"
-      (sources."filelist-1.0.4" // {
-        dependencies = [
-          sources."minimatch-5.1.6"
-        ];
-      })
-      sources."fs-extra-5.0.0"
-      sources."function-bind-1.1.1"
-      sources."gensync-1.0.0-beta.2"
-      (sources."global-modules-0.2.3" // {
-        dependencies = [
-          sources."is-windows-0.2.0"
-        ];
-      })
-      sources."global-paths-1.0.0"
-      (sources."global-prefix-0.1.5" // {
-        dependencies = [
-          sources."is-windows-0.2.0"
-        ];
-      })
-      sources."globals-11.12.0"
-      sources."graceful-fs-4.2.11"
-      sources."has-1.0.3"
-      sources."has-color-0.1.7"
-      sources."has-flag-3.0.0"
-      sources."homedir-polyfill-1.0.3"
-      sources."ini-1.3.8"
-      sources."is-3.3.0"
-      sources."is-core-module-2.13.0"
-      sources."is-windows-1.0.2"
-      sources."isexe-2.0.0"
-      (sources."jake-10.8.7" // {
-        dependencies = [
-          sources."ansi-styles-4.3.0"
-          sources."chalk-4.1.2"
-          sources."color-convert-2.0.1"
-          sources."color-name-1.1.4"
-          sources."has-flag-4.0.0"
-          sources."supports-color-7.2.0"
-        ];
-      })
-      sources."js-tokens-4.0.0"
-      sources."jsesc-2.5.2"
-      sources."json5-2.2.3"
-      sources."jsonfile-4.0.0"
-      sources."jsonlint-1.6.3"
-      sources."lodash-4.17.21"
-      sources."lru-cache-5.1.1"
-      sources."matcher-collection-1.1.2"
-      (sources."minimatch-3.1.2" // {
-        dependencies = [
-          sources."brace-expansion-1.1.11"
-        ];
-      })
-      sources."moment-2.29.1"
-      sources."ms-2.1.2"
-      sources."node-releases-2.0.13"
-      sources."node.extend-2.0.2"
-      (sources."nomnom-1.8.1" // {
-        dependencies = [
-          sources."ansi-styles-1.0.0"
-          sources."chalk-0.4.0"
-        ];
-      })
-      sources."parse-passwd-1.0.0"
-      sources."path-parse-1.0.7"
-      sources."picocolors-1.0.0"
-      sources."pkginfo-0.4.1"
-      sources."resolve-1.22.4"
-      sources."sax-0.5.8"
-      sources."semver-6.3.1"
-      sources."source-map-0.7.4"
-      sources."strip-ansi-0.1.1"
-      sources."supports-color-5.5.0"
-      sources."supports-preserve-symlinks-flag-1.0.0"
-      sources."to-fast-properties-2.0.0"
-      sources."underscore-1.6.0"
-      sources."universalify-0.1.2"
-      sources."update-browserslist-db-1.0.11"
-      sources."walk-sync-0.3.4"
-      sources."which-1.3.1"
-      sources."xml2js-0.2.8"
-      sources."xml2tss-0.0.5"
-      sources."yallist-3.1.1"
-    ];
-    buildInputs = globalBuildInputs;
-    meta = {
-      description = "TiDev Titanium MVC Framework";
-      homepage = "https://github.com/tidev/alloy#readme";
-      license = "Apache-2.0";
-    };
-    production = true;
-    bypassCache = true;
-    reconstructLock = true;
-  };
   audiosprite = nodeEnv.buildNodePackage {
     name = "audiosprite";
     packageName = "audiosprite";
@@ -80311,24 +80103,6 @@ in
     bypassCache = true;
     reconstructLock = true;
-  coffee-script = nodeEnv.buildNodePackage {
-    name = "coffee-script";
-    packageName = "coffee-script";
-    version = "1.12.7";
-    src = fetchurl {
-      url = "https://registry.npmjs.org/coffee-script/-/coffee-script-1.12.7.tgz";
-      sha512 = "fLeEhqwymYat/MpTPUjSKHVYYl0ec2mOyALEMLmzr5i1isuG+6jfI2j2d5oBO3VIzgUXgBVIcOT9uH1TFxBckw==";
-    };
-    buildInputs = globalBuildInputs;
-    meta = {
-      description = "Unfancy JavaScript";
-      homepage = "http://coffeescript.org";
-      license = "MIT";
-    };
-    production = true;
-    bypassCache = true;
-    reconstructLock = true;
-  };
   coinmon = nodeEnv.buildNodePackage {
     name = "coinmon";
     packageName = "coinmon";
@@ -81217,24 +80991,6 @@ in
     bypassCache = true;
     reconstructLock = true;
-  degit = nodeEnv.buildNodePackage {
-    name = "degit";
-    packageName = "degit";
-    version = "2.8.4";
-    src = fetchurl {
-      url = "https://registry.npmjs.org/degit/-/degit-2.8.4.tgz";
-      sha512 = "vqYuzmSA5I50J882jd+AbAhQtgK6bdKUJIex1JNfEUPENCgYsxugzKVZlFyMwV4i06MmnV47/Iqi5Io86zf3Ng==";
-    };
-    buildInputs = globalBuildInputs;
-    meta = {
-      description = "Straightforward project scaffolding";
-      homepage = "https://github.com/Rich-Harris/degit#readme";
-      license = "MIT";
-    };
-    production = true;
-    bypassCache = true;
-    reconstructLock = true;
-  };
   dhcp = nodeEnv.buildNodePackage {
     name = "dhcp";
     packageName = "dhcp";
@@ -81436,38 +81192,6 @@ in
     bypassCache = true;
     reconstructLock = true;
-  dockerfile-language-server-nodejs = nodeEnv.buildNodePackage {
-    name = "dockerfile-language-server-nodejs";
-    packageName = "dockerfile-language-server-nodejs";
-    version = "0.10.2";
-    src = fetchurl {
-      url = "https://registry.npmjs.org/dockerfile-language-server-nodejs/-/dockerfile-language-server-nodejs-0.10.2.tgz";
-      sha512 = "vLbaeYv4h3XEzrZ9JOhP6bD1eLzbzGzFFF03F3Ofd6kh9PU2aGBS/LVjd/w1omCyNV2LHviFX0ZGHINmWsZYyw==";
-    };
-    dependencies = [
-      sources."dockerfile-ast-0.5.0"
-      sources."dockerfile-language-service-0.10.2"
-      sources."dockerfile-utils-0.11.0"
-      sources."vscode-jsonrpc-8.1.0"
-      sources."vscode-languageserver-8.1.0"
-      (sources."vscode-languageserver-protocol-3.17.3" // {
-        dependencies = [
-          sources."vscode-languageserver-types-3.17.3"
-        ];
-      })
-      sources."vscode-languageserver-textdocument-1.0.10"
-      sources."vscode-languageserver-types-3.17.0-next.3"
-    ];
-    buildInputs = globalBuildInputs;
-    meta = {
-      description = "A language server for Dockerfiles powered by NodeJS, TypeScript, and VSCode technologies.";
-      homepage = "https://github.com/rcjsuen/dockerfile-language-server-nodejs#readme";
-      license = "MIT";
-    };
-    production = true;
-    bypassCache = true;
-    reconstructLock = true;
-  };
   dotenv-cli = nodeEnv.buildNodePackage {
     name = "dotenv-cli";
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+      hash = "sha256-HiZtNHXkoSl3Q4cAerUs8c138AiDJJxzYNQT3I4+ea8=";
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-      --prefix NODE_PATH : ${final.prettier}/lib/node_modules
-    '';
-  };