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path: root/nixpkgs/pkgs/development/libraries/openssl
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Diffstat (limited to 'nixpkgs/pkgs/development/libraries/openssl')
7 files changed, 780 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/nixpkgs/pkgs/development/libraries/openssl/1.1/nix-ssl-cert-file.patch b/nixpkgs/pkgs/development/libraries/openssl/1.1/nix-ssl-cert-file.patch
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..9e871cfb1d31
--- /dev/null
+++ b/nixpkgs/pkgs/development/libraries/openssl/1.1/nix-ssl-cert-file.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
+diff --git a/crypto/x509/by_file.c b/crypto/x509/by_file.c
+index 244512c935..f0b70d7ea1 100644
+--- a/crypto/x509/by_file.c
++++ b/crypto/x509/by_file.c
+@@ -46,7 +46,9 @@ static int by_file_ctrl(X509_LOOKUP *ctx, int cmd, const char *argp,
+     switch (cmd) {
+     case X509_L_FILE_LOAD:
+         if (argl == X509_FILETYPE_DEFAULT) {
+-            file = ossl_safe_getenv(X509_get_default_cert_file_env());
++            file = ossl_safe_getenv("NIX_SSL_CERT_FILE");
++            if (!file)
++                file = ossl_safe_getenv(X509_get_default_cert_file_env());
+             if (file)
+                 ok = (X509_load_cert_crl_file(ctx, file,
+                                               X509_FILETYPE_PEM) != 0);
diff --git a/nixpkgs/pkgs/development/libraries/openssl/3.0/legacy.cnf b/nixpkgs/pkgs/development/libraries/openssl/3.0/legacy.cnf
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..a6485a8c3796
--- /dev/null
+++ b/nixpkgs/pkgs/development/libraries/openssl/3.0/legacy.cnf
@@ -0,0 +1,395 @@
+# Taken from OpenSSL 3.0.7 and modified according to: https://wiki.openssl.org/index.php/OpenSSL_3.0#Programming_in_OpenSSL_3.0
+# OpenSSL example configuration file.
+# See doc/man5/config.pod for more info.
+# This is mostly being used for generation of certificate requests,
+# but may be used for auto loading of providers
+# Note that you can include other files from the main configuration
+# file using the .include directive.
+#.include filename
+# This definition stops the following lines choking if HOME isn't
+# defined.
+HOME			= .
+ # Use this in order to automatically load providers.
+openssl_conf = openssl_init
+# Comment out the next line to ignore configuration errors
+config_diagnostics = 1
+# oid_file       = $ENV::HOME/.oid
+oid_section = new_oids
+# To use this configuration file with the "-extfile" option of the
+# "openssl x509" utility, name here the section containing the
+# X.509v3 extensions to use:
+# extensions		=
+# (Alternatively, use a configuration file that has only
+# X.509v3 extensions in its main [= default] section.)
+[ new_oids ]
+# We can add new OIDs in here for use by 'ca', 'req' and 'ts'.
+# Add a simple OID like this:
+# testoid1=
+# Or use config file substitution like this:
+# testoid2=${testoid1}.5.6
+# Policies used by the TSA examples.
+tsa_policy1 =
+tsa_policy2 =
+tsa_policy3 =
+# For FIPS
+# Optionally include a file that is generated by the OpenSSL fipsinstall
+# application. This file contains configuration data required by the OpenSSL
+# fips provider. It contains a named section e.g. [fips_sect] which is
+# referenced from the [provider_sect] below.
+# Refer to the OpenSSL security policy for more information.
+# .include fipsmodule.cnf
+providers = provider_sect
+# List of providers to load
+default = default_sect
+legacy = legacy_sect
+# The fips section name should match the section name inside the
+# included fipsmodule.cnf.
+# fips = fips_sect
+# If no providers are activated explicitly, the default one is activated implicitly.
+# See man 7 OSSL_PROVIDER-default for more details.
+# If you add a section explicitly activating any other provider(s), you most
+# probably need to explicitly activate the default provider, otherwise it
+# becomes unavailable in openssl.  As a consequence applications depending on
+# OpenSSL may not work correctly which could lead to significant system
+# problems including inability to remotely access the system.
+activate = 1
+activate = 1
+[ ca ]
+default_ca	= CA_default		# The default ca section
+[ CA_default ]
+dir		= ./demoCA		# Where everything is kept
+certs		= $dir/certs		# Where the issued certs are kept
+crl_dir		= $dir/crl		# Where the issued crl are kept
+database	= $dir/index.txt	# database index file.
+#unique_subject	= no			# Set to 'no' to allow creation of
+					# several certs with same subject.
+new_certs_dir	= $dir/newcerts		# default place for new certs.
+certificate	= $dir/cacert.pem 	# The CA certificate
+serial		= $dir/serial 		# The current serial number
+crlnumber	= $dir/crlnumber	# the current crl number
+					# must be commented out to leave a V1 CRL
+crl		= $dir/crl.pem 		# The current CRL
+private_key	= $dir/private/cakey.pem# The private key
+x509_extensions	= usr_cert		# The extensions to add to the cert
+# Comment out the following two lines for the "traditional"
+# (and highly broken) format.
+name_opt 	= ca_default		# Subject Name options
+cert_opt 	= ca_default		# Certificate field options
+# Extension copying option: use with caution.
+# copy_extensions = copy
+# Extensions to add to a CRL. Note: Netscape communicator chokes on V2 CRLs
+# so this is commented out by default to leave a V1 CRL.
+# crlnumber must also be commented out to leave a V1 CRL.
+# crl_extensions	= crl_ext
+default_days	= 365			# how long to certify for
+default_crl_days= 30			# how long before next CRL
+default_md	= default		# use public key default MD
+preserve	= no			# keep passed DN ordering
+# A few difference way of specifying how similar the request should look
+# For type CA, the listed attributes must be the same, and the optional
+# and supplied fields are just that :-)
+policy		= policy_match
+# For the CA policy
+[ policy_match ]
+countryName		= match
+stateOrProvinceName	= match
+organizationName	= match
+organizationalUnitName	= optional
+commonName		= supplied
+emailAddress		= optional
+# For the 'anything' policy
+# At this point in time, you must list all acceptable 'object'
+# types.
+[ policy_anything ]
+countryName		= optional
+stateOrProvinceName	= optional
+localityName		= optional
+organizationName	= optional
+organizationalUnitName	= optional
+commonName		= supplied
+emailAddress		= optional
+[ req ]
+default_bits		= 2048
+default_keyfile 	= privkey.pem
+distinguished_name	= req_distinguished_name
+attributes		= req_attributes
+x509_extensions	= v3_ca	# The extensions to add to the self signed cert
+# Passwords for private keys if not present they will be prompted for
+# input_password = secret
+# output_password = secret
+# This sets a mask for permitted string types. There are several options.
+# default: PrintableString, T61String, BMPString.
+# pkix	 : PrintableString, BMPString (PKIX recommendation before 2004)
+# utf8only: only UTF8Strings (PKIX recommendation after 2004).
+# nombstr : PrintableString, T61String (no BMPStrings or UTF8Strings).
+# MASK:XXXX a literal mask value.
+# WARNING: ancient versions of Netscape crash on BMPStrings or UTF8Strings.
+string_mask = utf8only
+# req_extensions = v3_req # The extensions to add to a certificate request
+[ req_distinguished_name ]
+countryName			= Country Name (2 letter code)
+countryName_default		= AU
+countryName_min			= 2
+countryName_max			= 2
+stateOrProvinceName		= State or Province Name (full name)
+stateOrProvinceName_default	= Some-State
+localityName			= Locality Name (eg, city)
+0.organizationName		= Organization Name (eg, company)
+0.organizationName_default	= Internet Widgits Pty Ltd
+# we can do this but it is not needed normally :-)
+#1.organizationName		= Second Organization Name (eg, company)
+#1.organizationName_default	= World Wide Web Pty Ltd
+organizationalUnitName		= Organizational Unit Name (eg, section)
+#organizationalUnitName_default	=
+commonName			= Common Name (e.g. server FQDN or YOUR name)
+commonName_max			= 64
+emailAddress			= Email Address
+emailAddress_max		= 64
+# SET-ex3			= SET extension number 3
+[ req_attributes ]
+challengePassword		= A challenge password
+challengePassword_min		= 4
+challengePassword_max		= 20
+unstructuredName		= An optional company name
+[ usr_cert ]
+# These extensions are added when 'ca' signs a request.
+# This goes against PKIX guidelines but some CAs do it and some software
+# requires this to avoid interpreting an end user certificate as a CA.
+# This is typical in keyUsage for a client certificate.
+# keyUsage = nonRepudiation, digitalSignature, keyEncipherment
+# PKIX recommendations harmless if included in all certificates.
+# This stuff is for subjectAltName and issuerAltname.
+# Import the email address.
+# subjectAltName=email:copy
+# An alternative to produce certificates that aren't
+# deprecated according to PKIX.
+# subjectAltName=email:move
+# Copy subject details
+# issuerAltName=issuer:copy
+# This is required for TSA certificates.
+# extendedKeyUsage = critical,timeStamping
+[ v3_req ]
+# Extensions to add to a certificate request
+basicConstraints = CA:FALSE
+keyUsage = nonRepudiation, digitalSignature, keyEncipherment
+[ v3_ca ]
+# Extensions for a typical CA
+# PKIX recommendation.
+basicConstraints = critical,CA:true
+# Key usage: this is typical for a CA certificate. However since it will
+# prevent it being used as an test self-signed certificate it is best
+# left out by default.
+# keyUsage = cRLSign, keyCertSign
+# Include email address in subject alt name: another PKIX recommendation
+# subjectAltName=email:copy
+# Copy issuer details
+# issuerAltName=issuer:copy
+# DER hex encoding of an extension: beware experts only!
+# obj=DER:02:03
+# Where 'obj' is a standard or added object
+# You can even override a supported extension:
+# basicConstraints= critical, DER:30:03:01:01:FF
+[ crl_ext ]
+# CRL extensions.
+# Only issuerAltName and authorityKeyIdentifier make any sense in a CRL.
+# issuerAltName=issuer:copy
+[ proxy_cert_ext ]
+# These extensions should be added when creating a proxy certificate
+# This goes against PKIX guidelines but some CAs do it and some software
+# requires this to avoid interpreting an end user certificate as a CA.
+# This is typical in keyUsage for a client certificate.
+# keyUsage = nonRepudiation, digitalSignature, keyEncipherment
+# PKIX recommendations harmless if included in all certificates.
+# This stuff is for subjectAltName and issuerAltname.
+# Import the email address.
+# subjectAltName=email:copy
+# An alternative to produce certificates that aren't
+# deprecated according to PKIX.
+# subjectAltName=email:move
+# Copy subject details
+# issuerAltName=issuer:copy
+# This really needs to be in place for it to be a proxy certificate.
+[ tsa ]
+default_tsa = tsa_config1	# the default TSA section
+[ tsa_config1 ]
+# These are used by the TSA reply generation only.
+dir		= ./demoCA		# TSA root directory
+serial		= $dir/tsaserial	# The current serial number (mandatory)
+crypto_device	= builtin		# OpenSSL engine to use for signing
+signer_cert	= $dir/tsacert.pem 	# The TSA signing certificate
+					# (optional)
+certs		= $dir/cacert.pem	# Certificate chain to include in reply
+					# (optional)
+signer_key	= $dir/private/tsakey.pem # The TSA private key (optional)
+signer_digest  = sha256			# Signing digest to use. (Optional)
+default_policy	= tsa_policy1		# Policy if request did not specify it
+					# (optional)
+other_policies	= tsa_policy2, tsa_policy3	# acceptable policies (optional)
+digests     = sha1, sha256, sha384, sha512  # Acceptable message digests (mandatory)
+accuracy	= secs:1, millisecs:500, microsecs:100	# (optional)
+clock_precision_digits  = 0	# number of digits after dot. (optional)
+ordering		= yes	# Is ordering defined for timestamps?
+				# (optional, default: no)
+tsa_name		= yes	# Must the TSA name be included in the reply?
+				# (optional, default: no)
+ess_cert_id_chain	= no	# Must the ESS cert id chain be included?
+				# (optional, default: no)
+ess_cert_id_alg		= sha1	# algorithm to compute certificate
+				# identifier (optional, default: sha1)
+[insta] # CMP using Insta Demo CA
+# Message transfer
+server = pki.certificate.fi:8700
+# proxy = # set this as far as needed, e.g.,
+# tls_use = 0
+path = pkix/
+# Server authentication
+recipient = "/C=FI/O=Insta Demo/CN=Insta Demo CA" # or set srvcert or issuer
+ignore_keyusage = 1 # potentially needed quirk
+unprotected_errors = 1 # potentially needed quirk
+extracertsout = insta.extracerts.pem
+# Client authentication
+ref = 3078 # user identification
+secret = pass:insta # can be used for both client and server side
+# Generic message options
+cmd = ir # default operation, can be overridden on cmd line with, e.g., kur
+# Certificate enrollment
+subject = "/CN=openssl-cmp-test"
+newkey = insta.priv.pem
+out_trusted = insta.ca.crt
+certout = insta.cert.pem
+[pbm] # Password-based protection for Insta CA
+# Server and client authentication
+ref = $insta::ref # 3078
+secret = $insta::secret # pass:insta
+[signature] # Signature-based protection for Insta CA
+# Server authentication
+trusted = insta.ca.crt # does not include keyUsage digitalSignature
+# Client authentication
+secret = # disable PBM
+key = $insta::newkey # insta.priv.pem
+cert = $insta::certout # insta.cert.pem
+cmd = ir
+cmd = cr
+# Certificate update
+cmd = kur
+oldcert = $insta::certout # insta.cert.pem
+# Certificate revocation
+cmd = rr
+oldcert = $insta::certout # insta.cert.pem
diff --git a/nixpkgs/pkgs/development/libraries/openssl/3.0/nix-ssl-cert-file.patch b/nixpkgs/pkgs/development/libraries/openssl/3.0/nix-ssl-cert-file.patch
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..e7090f49db6a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/nixpkgs/pkgs/development/libraries/openssl/3.0/nix-ssl-cert-file.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
+diff --git a/crypto/x509/by_file.c b/crypto/x509/by_file.c
+index 37d73ca84c..e328896234 100644
+--- a/crypto/x509/by_file.c
++++ b/crypto/x509/by_file.c
+@@ -54,7 +54,9 @@ static int by_file_ctrl_ex(X509_LOOKUP *ctx, int cmd, const char *argp,
+     switch (cmd) {
+     case X509_L_FILE_LOAD:
+         if (argl == X509_FILETYPE_DEFAULT) {
+-            file = ossl_safe_getenv(X509_get_default_cert_file_env());
++            file = ossl_safe_getenv("NIX_SSL_CERT_FILE");
++            if (!file)
++                file = ossl_safe_getenv(X509_get_default_cert_file_env());
+             if (file)
+                 ok = (X509_load_cert_crl_file_ex(ctx, file, X509_FILETYPE_PEM,
+                                                  libctx, propq) != 0);
diff --git a/nixpkgs/pkgs/development/libraries/openssl/3.0/openssl-disable-kernel-detection.patch b/nixpkgs/pkgs/development/libraries/openssl/3.0/openssl-disable-kernel-detection.patch
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..04585565a331
--- /dev/null
+++ b/nixpkgs/pkgs/development/libraries/openssl/3.0/openssl-disable-kernel-detection.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
+diff --git a/Configure b/Configure
+index a558e5ab1a..9a884f0b0f 100755
+--- a/Configure
++++ b/Configure
+@@ -1714,20 +1714,6 @@ unless ($disabled{devcryptoeng}) {
+ unless ($disabled{ktls}) {
+     $config{ktls}="";
+-    my $cc = $config{CROSS_COMPILE}.$config{CC};
+-    if ($target =~ m/^linux/) {
+-        system("printf '#include <sys/types.h>\n#include <linux/tls.h>' | $cc -E - >/dev/null 2>&1");
+-        if ($? != 0) {
+-            disable('too-old-kernel', 'ktls');
+-        }
+-    } elsif ($target =~ m/^BSD/) {
+-        system("printf '#include <sys/types.h>\n#include <sys/ktls.h>' | $cc -E - >/dev/null 2>&1");
+-        if ($? != 0) {
+-            disable('too-old-freebsd', 'ktls');
+-        }
+-    } else {
+-        disable('not-linux-or-freebsd', 'ktls');
+-    }
+ }
+ push @{$config{openssl_other_defines}}, "OPENSSL_NO_KTLS" if ($disabled{ktls});
diff --git a/nixpkgs/pkgs/development/libraries/openssl/default.nix b/nixpkgs/pkgs/development/libraries/openssl/default.nix
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..3aeafccb1edb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/nixpkgs/pkgs/development/libraries/openssl/default.nix
@@ -0,0 +1,304 @@
+{ lib, stdenv, fetchurl, buildPackages, perl, coreutils, writeShellScript
+, makeWrapper
+, withCryptodev ? false, cryptodev
+, withZlib ? false, zlib
+, enableSSL2 ? false
+, enableSSL3 ? false
+, enableKTLS ? stdenv.isLinux
+, static ? stdenv.hostPlatform.isStatic
+# path to openssl.cnf file. will be placed in $etc/etc/ssl/openssl.cnf to replace the default
+, conf ? null
+, removeReferencesTo
+, testers
+# Note: this package is used for bootstrapping fetchurl, and thus
+# cannot use fetchpatch! All mutable patches (generated by GitHub or
+# cgit) that are needed here should be included directly in Nixpkgs as
+# files.
+  common = { version, hash, patches ? [], withDocs ? false, extraMeta ? {} }:
+   stdenv.mkDerivation (finalAttrs: {
+    pname = "openssl";
+    inherit version;
+    src = fetchurl {
+      url = "https://www.openssl.org/source/${finalAttrs.pname}-${version}.tar.gz";
+      inherit hash;
+    };
+    inherit patches;
+    postPatch = ''
+      patchShebangs Configure
+    '' + lib.optionalString (lib.versionOlder version "1.1.1") ''
+      patchShebangs test/*
+      for a in test/t* ; do
+        substituteInPlace "$a" \
+          --replace /bin/rm rm
+      done
+    ''
+    # config is a configure script which is not installed.
+    + lib.optionalString (lib.versionAtLeast version "1.1.1") ''
+      substituteInPlace config --replace '/usr/bin/env' '${buildPackages.coreutils}/bin/env'
+    '' + lib.optionalString (lib.versionAtLeast version "1.1.1" && stdenv.hostPlatform.isMusl) ''
+      substituteInPlace crypto/async/arch/async_posix.h \
+        --replace '!defined(__ANDROID__) && !defined(__OpenBSD__)' \
+                  '!defined(__ANDROID__) && !defined(__OpenBSD__) && 0'
+    ''
+    # Move ENGINESDIR into OPENSSLDIR for static builds, in order to move
+    # it to the separate etc output.
+    + lib.optionalString static ''
+      substituteInPlace Configurations/unix-Makefile.tmpl \
+        --replace 'ENGINESDIR=$(libdir)/engines-{- $sover_dirname -}' \
+                  'ENGINESDIR=$(OPENSSLDIR)/engines-{- $sover_dirname -}'
+    '';
+    outputs = [ "bin" "dev" "out" "man" ]
+      ++ lib.optional withDocs "doc"
+      # Separate output for the runtime dependencies of the static build.
+      # Specifically, move OPENSSLDIR into this output, as its path will be
+      # compiled into 'libcrypto.a'. This makes it a runtime dependency of
+      # any package that statically links openssl, so we want to keep that
+      # output minimal.
+      ++ lib.optional static "etc";
+    setOutputFlags = false;
+    separateDebugInfo =
+      !stdenv.hostPlatform.isDarwin &&
+      !(stdenv.hostPlatform.useLLVM or false) &&
+      stdenv.cc.isGNU;
+    nativeBuildInputs =
+         lib.optional (!stdenv.hostPlatform.isWindows) makeWrapper
+      ++ [ perl ]
+      ++ lib.optionals static [ removeReferencesTo ];
+    buildInputs = lib.optional withCryptodev cryptodev
+      ++ lib.optional withZlib zlib;
+    # TODO(@Ericson2314): Improve with mass rebuild
+    configurePlatforms = [];
+    configureScript = {
+        armv5tel-linux = "./Configure linux-armv4 -march=armv5te";
+        armv6l-linux = "./Configure linux-armv4 -march=armv6";
+        armv7l-linux = "./Configure linux-armv4 -march=armv7-a";
+        x86_64-darwin  = "./Configure darwin64-x86_64-cc";
+        aarch64-darwin = "./Configure darwin64-arm64-cc";
+        x86_64-linux = "./Configure linux-x86_64";
+        x86_64-solaris = "./Configure solaris64-x86_64-gcc";
+        riscv64-linux = "./Configure linux64-riscv64";
+      }.${stdenv.hostPlatform.system} or (
+        if stdenv.hostPlatform == stdenv.buildPlatform
+          then "./config"
+        else if stdenv.hostPlatform.isBSD
+          then if stdenv.hostPlatform.isx86_64 then "./Configure BSD-x86_64"
+          else if stdenv.hostPlatform.isx86_32
+            then "./Configure BSD-x86" + lib.optionalString (stdenv.hostPlatform.parsed.kernel.execFormat.name == "elf") "-elf"
+          else "./Configure BSD-generic${toString stdenv.hostPlatform.parsed.cpu.bits}"
+        else if stdenv.hostPlatform.isMinGW
+          then "./Configure mingw${lib.optionalString
+                                     (stdenv.hostPlatform.parsed.cpu.bits != 32)
+                                     (toString stdenv.hostPlatform.parsed.cpu.bits)}"
+        else if stdenv.hostPlatform.isLinux
+          then if stdenv.hostPlatform.isx86_64 then "./Configure linux-x86_64"
+          else if stdenv.hostPlatform.isMips32 then "./Configure linux-mips32"
+          else if stdenv.hostPlatform.isMips64n32 then "./Configure linux-mips64"
+          else if stdenv.hostPlatform.isMips64n64 then "./Configure linux64-mips64"
+          else "./Configure linux-generic${toString stdenv.hostPlatform.parsed.cpu.bits}"
+        else if stdenv.hostPlatform.isiOS
+          then "./Configure ios${toString stdenv.hostPlatform.parsed.cpu.bits}-cross"
+        else
+          throw "Not sure what configuration to use for ${stdenv.hostPlatform.config}"
+      );
+    # OpenSSL doesn't like the `--enable-static` / `--disable-shared` flags.
+    dontAddStaticConfigureFlags = true;
+    configureFlags = [
+      "shared" # "shared" builds both shared and static libraries
+      "--libdir=lib"
+      (if !static then
+         "--openssldir=etc/ssl"
+       else
+         # Move OPENSSLDIR to the 'etc' output for static builds. Prepend '/.'
+         # to the path to make it appear absolute before variable expansion,
+         # else the 'prefix' would be prepended to it.
+         "--openssldir=/.$(etc)/etc/ssl"
+      )
+    ] ++ lib.optionals withCryptodev [
+    ] ++ lib.optional enableSSL2 "enable-ssl2"
+      ++ lib.optional enableSSL3 "enable-ssl3"
+      # We select KTLS here instead of the configure-time detection (which we patch out).
+      # KTLS should work on FreeBSD 13+ as well, so we could enable it if someone tests it.
+      ++ lib.optional (lib.versionAtLeast version "3.0.0" && enableKTLS) "enable-ktls"
+      ++ lib.optional (lib.versionAtLeast version "1.1.1" && stdenv.hostPlatform.isAarch64) "no-afalgeng"
+      # OpenSSL needs a specific `no-shared` configure flag.
+      # See https://wiki.openssl.org/index.php/Compilation_and_Installation#Configure_Options
+      # for a comprehensive list of configuration options.
+      ++ lib.optional (lib.versionAtLeast version "1.1.1" && static) "no-shared"
+      ++ lib.optional (lib.versionAtLeast version "3.0.0" && static) "no-module"
+      # This introduces a reference to the CTLOG_FILE which is undesired when
+      # trying to build binaries statically.
+      ++ lib.optional static "no-ct"
+      ++ lib.optional withZlib "zlib"
+      ++ lib.optionals (stdenv.hostPlatform.isMips && stdenv.hostPlatform ? gcc.arch) [
+      # This is necessary in order to avoid openssl adding -march
+      # flags which ultimately conflict with those added by
+      # cc-wrapper.  Openssl assumes that it can scan CFLAGS to
+      # detect any -march flags, using this perl code:
+      #
+      #   && !grep { $_ =~ /-m(ips|arch=)/ } (@{$config{CFLAGS}})
+      #
+      # The following bogus CFLAGS environment variable triggers the
+      # the code above, inhibiting `./Configure` from adding the
+      # conflicting flags.
+      "CFLAGS=-march=${stdenv.hostPlatform.gcc.arch}"
+    ];
+    makeFlags = [
+      "MANDIR=$(man)/share/man"
+      # This avoids conflicts between man pages of openssl subcommands (for
+      # example 'ts' and 'err') man pages and their equivalent top-level
+      # command in other packages (respectively man-pages and moreutils).
+      # This is done in ubuntu and archlinux, and possiibly many other distros.
+      "MANSUFFIX=ssl"
+    ];
+    enableParallelBuilding = true;
+    postInstall =
+    (if static then ''
+      # OPENSSLDIR has a reference to self
+      remove-references-to -t $out $out/lib/*.a
+    '' else ''
+      # If we're building dynamic libraries, then don't install static
+      # libraries.
+      if [ -n "$(echo $out/lib/*.so $out/lib/*.dylib $out/lib/*.dll)" ]; then
+          rm "$out/lib/"*.a
+      fi
+      # 'etc' is a separate output on static builds only.
+      etc=$out
+    '') + ''
+      mkdir -p $bin
+      mv $out/bin $bin/bin
+    '' + lib.optionalString (!stdenv.hostPlatform.isWindows)
+      # makeWrapper is broken for windows cross (https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/issues/120726)
+    ''
+      # c_rehash is a legacy perl script with the same functionality
+      # as `openssl rehash`
+      # this wrapper script is created to maintain backwards compatibility without
+      # depending on perl
+      makeWrapper $bin/bin/openssl $bin/bin/c_rehash \
+        --add-flags "rehash"
+    '' + ''
+      mkdir $dev
+      mv $out/include $dev/
+      # remove dependency on Perl at runtime
+      rm -r $etc/etc/ssl/misc
+      rmdir $etc/etc/ssl/{certs,private}
+      ${lib.optionalString (conf != null) "cat ${conf} > $etc/etc/ssl/openssl.cnf"}
+    '';
+    postFixup = lib.optionalString (!stdenv.hostPlatform.isWindows) ''
+      # Check to make sure the main output and the static runtime dependencies
+      # don't depend on perl
+      if grep -r '${buildPackages.perl}' $out $etc; then
+        echo "Found an erroneous dependency on perl ^^^" >&2
+        exit 1
+      fi
+    '';
+    passthru.tests.pkg-config = testers.testMetaPkgConfig finalAttrs.finalPackage;
+    meta = with lib; {
+      homepage = "https://www.openssl.org/";
+      changelog = "https://github.com/openssl/openssl/blob/openssl-${version}/CHANGES.md";
+      description = "A cryptographic library that implements the SSL and TLS protocols";
+      license = licenses.openssl;
+      mainProgram = "openssl";
+      maintainers = with maintainers; [ thillux ];
+      pkgConfigModules = [
+        "libcrypto"
+        "libssl"
+        "openssl"
+      ];
+      platforms = platforms.all;
+    } // extraMeta;
+  });
+in {
+  # If you do upgrade here, please update in pkgs/top-level/release.nix
+  # the permitted insecure version to ensure it gets cached for our users
+  # and backport this to stable release (23.05).
+  openssl_1_1 = common {
+    version = "1.1.1w";
+    hash = "sha256-zzCYlQy02FOtlcCEHx+cbT3BAtzPys1SHZOSUgi3asg=";
+    patches = [
+      ./1.1/nix-ssl-cert-file.patch
+      (if stdenv.hostPlatform.isDarwin
+       then ./use-etc-ssl-certs-darwin.patch
+       else ./use-etc-ssl-certs.patch)
+    ];
+    withDocs = true;
+    extraMeta = {
+      knownVulnerabilities = [
+        "OpenSSL 1.1 is reaching its end of life on 2023/09/11 and cannot be supported through the NixOS 23.05 release cycle. https://www.openssl.org/blog/blog/2023/03/28/1.1.1-EOL/"
+      ];
+    };
+  };
+  openssl_3 = common {
+    version = "3.0.12";
+    hash = "sha256-+Tyejt3l6RZhGd4xdV/Ie0qjSGNmL2fd/LoU0La2m2E=";
+    patches = [
+      ./3.0/nix-ssl-cert-file.patch
+      # openssl will only compile in KTLS if the current kernel supports it.
+      # This patch disables build-time detection.
+      ./3.0/openssl-disable-kernel-detection.patch
+      (if stdenv.hostPlatform.isDarwin
+       then ./use-etc-ssl-certs-darwin.patch
+       else ./use-etc-ssl-certs.patch)
+    ];
+    withDocs = true;
+    extraMeta = with lib; {
+      license = licenses.asl20;
+    };
+  };
+  openssl_3_1 = common {
+    version = "3.1.4";
+    hash = "sha256-hAr1Nmq5tSK95SWCa+PvD7Cvgcap69hMqmAP6hcx7uM=";
+    patches = [
+      ./3.0/nix-ssl-cert-file.patch
+      # openssl will only compile in KTLS if the current kernel supports it.
+      # This patch disables build-time detection.
+      ./3.0/openssl-disable-kernel-detection.patch
+      (if stdenv.hostPlatform.isDarwin
+       then ./use-etc-ssl-certs-darwin.patch
+       else ./use-etc-ssl-certs.patch)
+    ];
+    withDocs = true;
+    extraMeta = with lib; {
+      license = licenses.asl20;
+    };
+  };
diff --git a/nixpkgs/pkgs/development/libraries/openssl/use-etc-ssl-certs-darwin.patch b/nixpkgs/pkgs/development/libraries/openssl/use-etc-ssl-certs-darwin.patch
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..2c98ccfa7ed0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/nixpkgs/pkgs/development/libraries/openssl/use-etc-ssl-certs-darwin.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+diff --git a/include/internal/cryptlib.h b/include/internal/cryptlib.h
+index 329ef62..9a8df64 100644
+--- a/include/internal/cryptlib.h
++++ b/include/internal/cryptlib.h
+@@ -56,7 +56,7 @@ DEFINE_LHASH_OF(MEM);
+ # ifndef OPENSSL_SYS_VMS
+ #  define X509_CERT_AREA          OPENSSLDIR
+ #  define X509_CERT_DIR           OPENSSLDIR "/certs"
+-#  define X509_CERT_FILE          OPENSSLDIR "/cert.pem"
++#  define X509_CERT_FILE          "/nix/var/nix/profiles/default/etc/ssl/certs/ca-bundle.crt"
+ #  define X509_PRIVATE_DIR        OPENSSLDIR "/private"
+ #  define CTLOG_FILE              OPENSSLDIR "/ct_log_list.cnf"
+ # else
diff --git a/nixpkgs/pkgs/development/libraries/openssl/use-etc-ssl-certs.patch b/nixpkgs/pkgs/development/libraries/openssl/use-etc-ssl-certs.patch
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..67d199681f96
--- /dev/null
+++ b/nixpkgs/pkgs/development/libraries/openssl/use-etc-ssl-certs.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+diff --git a/include/internal/cryptlib.h b/include/internal/cryptlib.h
+index 329ef62..9a8df64 100644
+--- a/include/internal/cryptlib.h
++++ b/include/internal/cryptlib.h
+@@ -56,7 +56,7 @@ DEFINE_LHASH_OF(MEM);
+ # ifndef OPENSSL_SYS_VMS
+ #  define X509_CERT_AREA          OPENSSLDIR
+ #  define X509_CERT_DIR           OPENSSLDIR "/certs"
+-#  define X509_CERT_FILE          OPENSSLDIR "/cert.pem"
++#  define X509_CERT_FILE          "/etc/ssl/certs/ca-certificates.crt"
+ #  define X509_PRIVATE_DIR        OPENSSLDIR "/private"
+ #  define CTLOG_FILE              OPENSSLDIR "/ct_log_list.cnf"
+ # else