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path: root/nixpkgs/pkgs/development/libraries/mesa/default.nix
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Diffstat (limited to 'nixpkgs/pkgs/development/libraries/mesa/default.nix')
1 files changed, 379 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/nixpkgs/pkgs/development/libraries/mesa/default.nix b/nixpkgs/pkgs/development/libraries/mesa/default.nix
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..0724da8375e3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/nixpkgs/pkgs/development/libraries/mesa/default.nix
@@ -0,0 +1,379 @@
+{ stdenv, fetchurl, fetchpatch, lib
+, pkgconfig, autoreconfHook, python2, python2Packages
+, expat, zlib
+, OpenGL, Xplugin
+, enableRadv ? stdenv.isLinux
+, galliumDrivers ? null
+, driDrivers ? null
+, vulkanDrivers ? null
+, eglPlatforms ? [ "x11" ] ++ lib.optionals stdenv.isLinux [ "wayland" "drm" ]
+, xorg, wayland, wayland-protocols
+, xvmcSupport ? true
+, vdpauSupport ? true, libvdpau
+, omxBellagioSupport ? stdenv.isLinux, libomxil-bellagio
+, vaSupport ? stdenv.isLinux, libva-minimal
+, libdrmSupport ? stdenv.isLinux, libdrm
+, libelfSupport ? stdenv.isLinux, libelf
+, llvmSupport ? true, llvmPackages
+, libglvndSupport ? true, libglvnd
+, valgrindSupport ? stdenv.isLinux, valgrind-light
+with lib;
+assert elem "drm" eglPlatforms -> libdrmSupport;
+assert elem "wayland" eglPlatforms -> libdrmSupport;
+assert xvmcSupport -> elem "x11" eglPlatforms;
+assert vdpauSupport -> elem "x11" eglPlatforms;
+assert enableRadv -> libdrmSupport && llvmSupport && libelfSupport;
+/** Packaging design:
+  - The basic mesa ($out) contains headers and libraries (GLU is in libGLU now).
+    This or the mesa attribute (which also contains GLU) are small (~ 2 MB, mostly headers)
+    and are designed to be the buildInput of other packages.
+  - DRI drivers are compiled into $drivers output, which is much bigger and
+    depends on LLVM. These should be searched at runtime in
+    "/run/opengl-driver{,-32}/lib/*" and so are kind-of impure (given by NixOS).
+    (I suppose on non-NixOS one would create the appropriate symlinks from there.)
+  - libOSMesa is in $osmesa (~4 MB)
+if ! elem stdenv.hostPlatform.system platforms.mesaPlatforms then
+  throw "${stdenv.system}: unsupported platform for Mesa"
+  # platforms that have PCIe slots and thus can use most non-integrated GPUs
+  pciePlatform = !stdenv.hostPlatform.isAarch32 && !stdenv.hostPlatform.isAarch64;
+  defaultGalliumDrivers = optionals (elem "drm" eglPlatforms) ([ "virgl" ]
+    ++ optionals (pciePlatform || stdenv.hostPlatform.isAarch32 || stdenv.hostPlatform.isAarch64) [ "nouveau" ]
+    ++ optionals (stdenv.hostPlatform.isAarch32 || stdenv.hostPlatform.isAarch64) [ "vc4" ]
+    ++ optionals stdenv.hostPlatform.isAarch64 [ "freedreno" "etnaviv" "imx" ]
+    ++ optionals stdenv.hostPlatform.isx86 [ "svga" "i915" ]
+    ++ optional (pciePlatform && llvmSupport) "r300"
+    ++ optionals (pciePlatform && llvmSupport && libelfSupport) [ "r600" "radeonsi" ]);
+  defaultDriDrivers = optionals (elem "drm" eglPlatforms) ([ ]
+    ++ optionals pciePlatform [ "radeon" "r200" ]
+    ++ optionals (pciePlatform || stdenv.hostPlatform.isAarch32 || stdenv.hostPlatform.isAarch64) [ "nouveau" ]
+    ++ optionals stdenv.hostPlatform.isx86 [ "i915" "i965" ]);
+  defaultVulkanDrivers = optionals stdenv.hostPlatform.isLinux ([ ]
+    ++ optional (libdrmSupport && stdenv.hostPlatform.isx86) "intel"
+    ++ optional enableRadv "radeon");
+  gallium_ = galliumDrivers; dri_ = driDrivers; vulkan_ = vulkanDrivers;
+  galliumDrivers =
+    (if gallium_ == null
+          then defaultGalliumDrivers
+          else gallium_)
+    ++ optional stdenv.isLinux "swrast";
+  driDrivers =
+    (if dri_ == null
+      then optionals (elem "drm" eglPlatforms) defaultDriDrivers
+      else dri_) ++ optional stdenv.isLinux "swrast";
+  vulkanDrivers =
+    if vulkan_ == null
+    then defaultVulkanDrivers
+    else vulkan_;
+  version = "18.3.4";
+  branch  = head (splitString "." version);
+  self =
+    assert xvmcSupport ->
+      elem "r600" galliumDrivers || elem "nouveau" galliumDrivers;
+    assert omxBellagioSupport ->
+      intersectLists galliumDrivers [ "r600" "radeonsi" "nouveau" ] != [];
+    assert vaSupport ->
+      intersectLists galliumDrivers [ "r600" "radeonsi" "nouveau" ] != [];
+    assert vdpauSupport ->
+      intersectLists galliumDrivers [ "r300" "r600" "radeonsi" "nouveau" ] != [];
+    stdenv.mkDerivation {
+      name = "mesa-noglu-${version}";
+      src =  fetchurl {
+        urls = [
+          "ftp://ftp.freedesktop.org/pub/mesa/mesa-${version}.tar.xz"
+          "ftp://ftp.freedesktop.org/pub/mesa/${version}/mesa-${version}.tar.xz"
+          "ftp://ftp.freedesktop.org/pub/mesa/older-versions/${branch}.x/${version}/mesa-${version}.tar.xz"
+          "https://mesa.freedesktop.org/archive/mesa-${version}.tar.xz"
+        ];
+        sha256 = "01xv03ah4l5lcfx015n3fg1620dh4nbbv6gmhh6zhdsx6sj4sc9j";
+      };
+      prePatch = "patchShebangs .";
+      # TODO:
+      #  revive ./dricore-gallium.patch when it gets ported (from Ubuntu), as it saved
+      #  ~35 MB in $drivers; watch https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/mesa/+changelog
+      patches = [
+        ./symlink-drivers.patch
+        ./missing-includes.patch # dev_t needs sys/stat.h, time_t needs time.h, etc.-- fixes build w/musl
+        ./disk_cache-include-dri-driver-path-in-cache-key.patch
+        (fetchpatch {
+          url = https://cgit.freedesktop.org/mesa/mesa/patch/?id=eb44c36cf1729e7e200b77cf8ea755dff72d1639;
+          sha256 = "1izp38yja917241y7qslbkbmxv5ll9746ivgg2q5s64cwiydwrcc";
+        })
+        (fetchpatch {
+          url = https://cgit.freedesktop.org/mesa/mesa/patch/?id=bcc4bfc8e80da5dc4c6ee44f791f2112dac208d1;
+          sha256 = "0rijkx80anbb7g14cg9g11ha7lcf7sixc7xsjam6myyd68nl3n5n";
+        })
+      ];
+      outputs = [ "out" "dev" "drivers" ]
+                ++ optional (elem "swrast" galliumDrivers) "osmesa";
+      # TODO: Figure out how to enable opencl without having a runtime dependency on clang
+      configureFlags = [
+        "--sysconfdir=${libglvnd.driverLink}/etc"
+        "--localstatedir=/var"
+        "--with-dri-driverdir=$(drivers)/lib/dri"
+        "--with-dri-searchpath=${libglvnd.driverLink}/lib/dri"
+        "--with-va-libdir=$(drivers)/lib/dri"
+        "--with-platforms=${concatStringsSep "," eglPlatforms}"
+        "--with-gallium-drivers=${concatStringsSep "," galliumDrivers}"
+        "--with-dri-drivers=${concatStringsSep "," driDrivers}"
+        "--with-vulkan-drivers=${concatStringsSep "," vulkanDrivers}"
+        "--with-d3d-libdir=$(drivers)/lib"
+        "--with-xvmc-libdir=$(drivers)/lib"
+        "--with-vdpau-libdir=$(drivers)/lib"
+        "--with-omx-bellagio-libdir=$(drivers)/lib"
+        "--enable-texture-float"
+        "--enable-shared-glapi"
+        "--enable-llvm-shared-libs"
+        # XXX: I'm not sure whether x11 is actually required in theory for
+        #      dri3, but attempting to build with dri3 and without x11
+        #      results in a compile error. For future versions, check
+        #      whether this is still the case and remove the check if not:
+        #
+        #      Last checked: v18.3.4
+        (enableFeature (stdenv.isLinux && elem "x11" eglPlatforms && libdrmSupport) "dri3")
+        # Direct3D in Wine
+        (enableFeature (any (d: d != "swrast") galliumDrivers) "nine")
+        (enableFeature libglvndSupport "libglvnd")
+        "--enable-dri"
+        "--enable-driglx-direct"
+        "--enable-gles1"
+        "--enable-gles2"
+        (enableFeature (elem "x11" eglPlatforms && libdrmSupport) "glx")
+        # https://bugs.freedesktop.org/show_bug.cgi?id=35268
+        (enableFeature (!stdenv.hostPlatform.isMusl) "glx-tls")
+        # used by wine
+        (enableFeature (elem "swrast" galliumDrivers) "gallium-osmesa")
+        (enableFeature llvmSupport "llvm")
+        (enableFeature stdenv.isLinux "egl")
+        # used in vmware driver
+        (enableFeature (any (d: d != "swrast") galliumDrivers) "xa")
+        (enableFeature libdrmSupport "gbm")
+        (enableFeature xvmcSupport "xvmc")
+        (enableFeature vdpauSupport "vdpau")
+        (enableFeature omxBellagioSupport "omx-bellagio")
+        (enableFeature vaSupport "va")
+        "--disable-opencl"
+      ];
+      nativeBuildInputs = [ autoreconfHook pkgconfig python2 ]
+        ++ optionals enableRadv [ python2Packages.Mako ];
+      propagatedBuildInputs =
+        optionals (elem "x11" eglPlatforms) (with xorg; [ libXdamage libXxf86vm ])
+        ++ optional libdrmSupport libdrm
+        ++ optionals stdenv.isDarwin [ OpenGL Xplugin ];
+      buildInputs = [ expat zlib ]
+        ++ optional libglvndSupport libglvnd
+        ++ optional llvmSupport llvmPackages.llvm
+        ++ optional libelfSupport libelf
+        ++ optionals (elem "wayland" eglPlatforms) [ wayland wayland-protocols ]
+        ++ optional xvmcSupport xorg.libXvMC
+        ++ optional vdpauSupport libvdpau
+        ++ optional vaSupport libva-minimal
+        ++ optional omxBellagioSupport libomxil-bellagio
+        ++ optional valgrindSupport valgrind-light
+        ++ optionals (elem "x11" eglPlatforms)
+          ((with xorg; [ xorgproto libX11 ]))
+        ++ optionals (elem "x11" eglPlatforms && libdrmSupport)
+          (with xorg; [ libXext libxcb libxshmfence ])
+        ++ optional (elem "x11" eglPlatforms && elem "drm" eglPlatforms)
+          xorg.libXrandr;
+      enableParallelBuilding = true;
+      doCheck = false;
+      installFlags = [
+        "sysconfdir=\${drivers}/etc"
+        "localstatedir=\${TMPDIR}"
+        "vendorjsondir=\${out}/share/glvnd/egl_vendor.d"
+      ];
+      # TODO: probably not all .la files are completely fixed, but it shouldn't matter;
+      postInstall = ''
+        # Some installs don't have any drivers so this directory is never created.
+        mkdir -p $drivers
+      '' + optionalString (galliumDrivers != []) ''
+        # move libOSMesa to $osmesa, as it's relatively big
+        mkdir -p {$osmesa,$drivers}/lib/
+        mv -t $osmesa/lib/ $out/lib/libOSMesa*
+        # now fix references in .la files
+        sed "/^libdir=/s,$out,$osmesa," -i $osmesa/lib/libOSMesa*.la
+        # set the default search path for DRI drivers; used e.g. by X server
+        substituteInPlace "$dev/lib/pkgconfig/dri.pc" --replace '$(drivers)' "${libglvnd.driverLink}"
+        # remove GLES libraries; they are provided by libglvnd
+        rm $out/lib/lib{GLESv1_CM,GLESv2}.*
+        # remove pkgconfig files for GL/GLES/EGL; they are provided by libGL.
+        rm -f $dev/lib/pkgconfig/{gl,egl,glesv1_cm,glesv2}.pc
+        # move vendor files
+        mv $out/share/ $drivers/
+        # Update search path used by glvnd
+        for js in $drivers/share/glvnd/egl_vendor.d/*.json; do
+          substituteInPlace "$js" --replace '"libEGL_' '"'"$drivers/lib/libEGL_"
+        done
+        # Update search path used by pkg-config
+        substituteInPlace $dev/lib/pkgconfig/dri.pc --replace $out $drivers
+      '' + optionalString (vulkanDrivers != []) ''
+        # Update search path used by Vulkan (it's pointing to $out but
+        # drivers are in $drivers)
+        for js in $drivers/share/vulkan/icd.d/*.json; do
+          substituteInPlace "$js" --replace "$out" "$drivers"
+        done
+      '' + optionalString (any (d: d != "swrast") galliumDrivers) ''
+        # Update search path used by pkg-config
+        for pc in $dev/lib/pkgconfig/{d3d,xatracker}.pc; do
+          substituteInPlace "$pc" --replace $out $drivers
+        done
+        # move gallium-related stuff to $drivers, so $out doesn't depend on LLVM
+        mv $out/lib/libxatracker* $drivers/lib
+      '' + optionalString (vulkanDrivers != []) ''
+        # move gallium-related stuff to $drivers, so $out doesn't depend on LLVM
+        mv $out/lib/libvulkan_* $drivers/lib
+      '' + optionalString libglvndSupport ''
+        # Move other drivers to a separate output
+        mv $out/lib/lib*_mesa* $drivers/lib
+      '';
+      # TODO:
+      #  check $out doesn't depend on llvm: builder failures are ignored
+      #  for some reason grep -qv '${llvmPackages.llvm}' -R "$out";
+      postFixup = optionalString (galliumDrivers != []) ''
+        # add RPATH so the drivers can find the moved libgallium and libdricore9
+        # moved here to avoid problems with stripping patchelfed files
+        for lib in $drivers/lib/*.so* $drivers/lib/*/*.so*; do
+          if [[ ! -L "$lib" ]]; then
+            patchelf --set-rpath "$(patchelf --print-rpath $lib):$drivers/lib" "$lib"
+          fi
+        done
+      '';
+      passthru = {
+        inherit libdrm version;
+        inherit (libglvnd) driverLink;
+        # Use stub libraries from libglvnd and headers from Mesa.
+        stubs = stdenv.mkDerivation {
+          name = "libGL-${libglvnd.version}";
+          outputs = [ "out" "dev" ];
+          # On macOS, libglvnd is not supported, so we just use what mesa
+          # build. We need to also include OpenGL.framework, and some
+          # extra tricks to go along with. We add mesa’s libGLX to support
+          # the X extensions to OpenGL.
+          buildCommand = if stdenv.hostPlatform.isDarwin then ''
+            mkdir -p $out/nix-support $dev
+            echo ${OpenGL} >> $out/nix-support/propagated-build-inputs
+            ln -s ${self.out}/lib $out/lib
+            mkdir -p $dev/lib/pkgconfig $dev/nix-support
+            echo "$out" > $dev/nix-support/propagated-build-inputs
+            ln -s ${self.dev}/include $dev/include
+            cat <<EOF >$dev/lib/pkgconfig/gl.pc
+          Name: gl
+          Description: gl library
+          Version: ${self.version}
+          Libs: -L${self.out}/lib -lGL
+          Cflags: -I${self.dev}/include
+          EOF
+            cat <<EOF >$dev/lib/pkgconfig/glesv1_cm.pc
+          Name: glesv1_cm
+          Description: glesv1_cm library
+          Version: ${self.version}
+          Libs: -L${self.out}/lib -lGLESv1_CM
+          Cflags: -I${self.dev}/include
+          EOF
+            cat <<EOF >$dev/lib/pkgconfig/glesv2.pc
+          Name: glesv2
+          Description: glesv2 library
+          Version: ${self.version}
+          Libs: -L${self.out}/lib -lGLESv2
+          Cflags: -I${self.dev}/include
+          EOF
+          ''
+          # Otherwise, setup gl stubs to use libglvnd.
+          else ''
+            mkdir -p $out/nix-support
+            ln -s ${libglvnd.out}/lib $out/lib
+            mkdir -p $dev/{,lib/pkgconfig,nix-support}
+            echo "$out" > $dev/nix-support/propagated-build-inputs
+            ln -s ${self.dev}/include $dev/include
+            genPkgConfig() {
+              local name="$1"
+              local lib="$2"
+              cat <<EOF >$dev/lib/pkgconfig/$name.pc
+            Name: $name
+            Description: $lib library
+            Version: ${self.version}
+            Libs: -L${libglvnd.out}/lib -l$lib
+            Cflags: -I${self.dev}/include
+            EOF
+            }
+            genPkgConfig gl GL
+            genPkgConfig egl EGL
+            genPkgConfig glesv1_cm GLESv1_CM
+            genPkgConfig glesv2 GLESv2
+          '';
+        };
+      };
+      meta = {
+        description = "An open source implementation of OpenGL";
+        homepage = https://www.mesa3d.org/;
+        license = licenses.mit; # X11 variant, in most files
+        platforms = platforms.linux ++ platforms.darwin;
+        maintainers = with maintainers; [ vcunat ];
+      };
+    };
+in self