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path: root/nixpkgs/pkgs/development/interpreters/ruby/default.nix
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Diffstat (limited to 'nixpkgs/pkgs/development/interpreters/ruby/default.nix')
1 files changed, 313 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/nixpkgs/pkgs/development/interpreters/ruby/default.nix b/nixpkgs/pkgs/development/interpreters/ruby/default.nix
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..c14cb4648e35
--- /dev/null
+++ b/nixpkgs/pkgs/development/interpreters/ruby/default.nix
@@ -0,0 +1,313 @@
+{ stdenv, buildPackages, lib
+, fetchurl, fetchpatch, fetchFromSavannah, fetchFromGitHub
+, zlib, gdbm, ncurses, readline, groff, libyaml, libffi, jemalloc, autoreconfHook, bison
+, autoconf, libiconv, libobjc, libunwind, Foundation
+, buildEnv, bundler, bundix, cargo, rustPlatform, rustc
+, makeBinaryWrapper, buildRubyGem, defaultGemConfig, removeReferencesTo
+, openssl
+, linuxPackages, libsystemtap
+} @ args:
+  op = lib.optional;
+  ops = lib.optionals;
+  opString = lib.optionalString;
+  config = import ./config.nix { inherit fetchFromSavannah; };
+  rubygems = import ./rubygems { inherit stdenv lib fetchurl; };
+  # Contains the ruby version heuristics
+  rubyVersion = import ./ruby-version.nix { inherit lib; };
+  generic = { version, hash, cargoHash ? null }: let
+    ver = version;
+    atLeast31 = lib.versionAtLeast ver.majMin "3.1";
+    atLeast32 = lib.versionAtLeast ver.majMin "3.2";
+    # https://github.com/ruby/ruby/blob/v3_2_2/yjit.h#L21
+    yjitSupported = atLeast32 && (stdenv.hostPlatform.isx86_64 || (!stdenv.hostPlatform.isWindows && stdenv.hostPlatform.isAarch64));
+    rubyDrv = lib.makeOverridable (
+      { stdenv, buildPackages, lib
+      , fetchurl, fetchpatch, fetchFromSavannah, fetchFromGitHub
+      , rubygemsSupport ? true
+      , zlib, zlibSupport ? true
+      , openssl, opensslSupport ? true
+      , gdbm, gdbmSupport ? true
+      , ncurses, readline, cursesSupport ? true
+      , groff, docSupport ? true
+      , libyaml, yamlSupport ? true
+      , libffi, fiddleSupport ? true
+      , jemalloc, jemallocSupport ? false
+      , linuxPackages, systemtap ? linuxPackages.systemtap, libsystemtap, dtraceSupport ? false
+      # By default, ruby has 3 observed references to stdenv.cc:
+      #
+      # - If you run:
+      #     ruby -e "puts RbConfig::CONFIG['configure_args']"
+      # - In:
+      #     $out/${passthru.libPath}/${stdenv.hostPlatform.system}/rbconfig.rb
+      #   Or (usually):
+      #     $(nix-build -A ruby)/lib/ruby/2.6.0/x86_64-linux/rbconfig.rb
+      # - In $out/lib/libruby.so and/or $out/lib/libruby.dylib
+      , removeReferencesTo, jitSupport ? yjitSupport
+      , cargo, rustPlatform, rustc, yjitSupport ? yjitSupported
+      , autoreconfHook, bison, autoconf
+      , buildEnv, bundler, bundix
+      , libiconv, libobjc, libunwind, Foundation
+      , makeBinaryWrapper, buildRubyGem, defaultGemConfig
+      , baseRuby ? buildPackages.ruby.override {
+          docSupport = false;
+          rubygemsSupport = false;
+        }
+      , useBaseRuby ? stdenv.hostPlatform != stdenv.buildPlatform
+      }:
+      stdenv.mkDerivation ( finalAttrs: {
+        pname = "ruby";
+        inherit version;
+        src = fetchurl {
+          url = "https://cache.ruby-lang.org/pub/ruby/${ver.majMin}/ruby-${ver}.tar.gz";
+          inherit hash;
+        };
+        # Have `configure' avoid `/usr/bin/nroff' in non-chroot builds.
+        NROFF = if docSupport then "${groff}/bin/nroff" else null;
+        outputs = [ "out" ] ++ lib.optional docSupport "devdoc";
+        strictDeps = true;
+        nativeBuildInputs = [ autoreconfHook bison ]
+          ++ (op docSupport groff)
+          ++ (ops (dtraceSupport && stdenv.isLinux) [ systemtap libsystemtap ])
+          ++ ops yjitSupport [ rustPlatform.cargoSetupHook cargo rustc ]
+          ++ op useBaseRuby baseRuby;
+        buildInputs = [ autoconf ]
+          ++ (op fiddleSupport libffi)
+          ++ (ops cursesSupport [ ncurses readline ])
+          ++ (op zlibSupport zlib)
+          ++ (op opensslSupport openssl)
+          ++ (op gdbmSupport gdbm)
+          ++ (op yamlSupport libyaml)
+          # Looks like ruby fails to build on darwin without readline even if curses
+          # support is not enabled, so add readline to the build inputs if curses
+          # support is disabled (if it's enabled, we already have it) and we're
+          # running on darwin
+          ++ op (!cursesSupport && stdenv.isDarwin) readline
+          ++ ops stdenv.isDarwin [ libiconv libobjc libunwind Foundation ];
+        propagatedBuildInputs = op jemallocSupport jemalloc;
+        enableParallelBuilding = true;
+        # /build/ruby-2.7.7/lib/fileutils.rb:882:in `chmod':
+        #   No such file or directory @ apply2files - ...-ruby-2.7.7-devdoc/share/ri/2.7.0/system/ARGF/inspect-i.ri (Errno::ENOENT)
+        # make: *** [uncommon.mk:373: do-install-all] Error 1
+        enableParallelInstalling = false;
+        patches = op (lib.versionOlder ver.majMin "3.1") ./do-not-regenerate-revision.h.patch
+          ++ op useBaseRuby (
+            if atLeast32 then ./do-not-update-gems-baseruby-3.2.patch
+            else ./do-not-update-gems-baseruby.patch
+          )
+          ++ ops (ver.majMin == "3.0") [
+            # Ruby 3.0 adds `-fdeclspec` to $CC instead of $CFLAGS. Fixed in later versions.
+            (fetchpatch {
+              url = "https://github.com/ruby/ruby/commit/0acc05caf7518cd0d63ab02bfa036455add02346.patch";
+              hash = "sha256-43hI9L6bXfeujgmgKFVmiWhg7OXvshPCCtQ4TxqK1zk=";
+            })
+         ]
+          ++ ops atLeast31 [
+            # When using a baseruby, ruby always sets "libdir" to the build
+            # directory, which nix rejects due to a reference in to /build/ in
+            # the final product. Removing this reference doesn't seem to break
+            # anything and fixes cross compliation.
+            ./dont-refer-to-build-dir.patch
+          ];
+        cargoRoot = opString yjitSupport "yjit";
+        cargoDeps = if yjitSupport then rustPlatform.fetchCargoTarball {
+          inherit (finalAttrs) src;
+          sourceRoot = "${finalAttrs.pname}-${version}/${finalAttrs.cargoRoot}";
+          hash = cargoHash;
+        } else null;
+        postUnpack = opString rubygemsSupport ''
+          rm -rf $sourceRoot/{lib,test}/rubygems*
+          cp -r ${rubygems}/lib/rubygems* $sourceRoot/lib
+        '';
+        postPatch = ''
+          sed -i configure.ac -e '/config.guess/d'
+          cp --remove-destination ${config}/config.guess tool/
+          cp --remove-destination ${config}/config.sub tool/
+        '';
+        configureFlags = [
+          (lib.enableFeature (!stdenv.hostPlatform.isStatic) "shared")
+          (lib.enableFeature true "pthread")
+          (lib.withFeatureAs true "soname" "ruby-${version}")
+          (lib.withFeatureAs useBaseRuby "baseruby" "${baseRuby}/bin/ruby")
+          (lib.enableFeature dtraceSupport "dtrace")
+          (lib.enableFeature jitSupport "jit-support")
+          (lib.enableFeature yjitSupport "yjit")
+          (lib.enableFeature docSupport "install-doc")
+          (lib.withFeature jemallocSupport "jemalloc")
+          (lib.withFeatureAs docSupport "ridir" "${placeholder "devdoc"}/share/ri")
+          # ruby enables -O3 for gcc, however our compiler hardening wrapper
+          # overrides that by enabling `-O2` which is the minimum optimization
+          # needed for `_FORTIFY_SOURCE`.
+        ] ++ lib.optional stdenv.cc.isGNU "CFLAGS=-O3" ++ [
+        ] ++ ops stdenv.isDarwin [
+          # on darwin, we have /usr/include/tk.h -- so the configure script detects
+          # that tk is installed
+          "--with-out-ext=tk"
+          # on yosemite, "generating encdb.h" will hang for a very long time without this flag
+          "--with-setjmp-type=setjmp"
+        ];
+        preConfigure = opString docSupport ''
+          # rdoc creates XDG_DATA_DIR (defaulting to $HOME/.local/share) even if
+          # it's not going to be used.
+          export HOME=$TMPDIR
+        '';
+        # fails with "16993 tests, 2229489 assertions, 105 failures, 14 errors, 89 skips"
+        # mostly TZ- and patch-related tests
+        # TZ- failures are caused by nix sandboxing, I didn't investigate others
+        doCheck = false;
+        preInstall = ''
+          # Ruby installs gems here itself now.
+          mkdir -pv "$out/${finalAttrs.passthru.gemPath}"
+          export GEM_HOME="$out/${finalAttrs.passthru.gemPath}"
+        '';
+        installFlags = lib.optional docSupport "install-doc";
+        # Bundler tries to create this directory
+        postInstall = ''
+          rbConfig=$(find $out/lib/ruby -name rbconfig.rb)
+          # Remove references to the build environment from the closure
+          sed -i '/^  CONFIG\["\(BASERUBY\|SHELL\|GREP\|EGREP\|MKDIR_P\|MAKEDIRS\|INSTALL\)"\]/d' $rbConfig
+          # Remove unnecessary groff reference from runtime closure, since it's big
+          sed -i '/NROFF/d' $rbConfig
+          ${
+            lib.optionalString (!jitSupport) ''
+              # Get rid of the CC runtime dependency
+              ${removeReferencesTo}/bin/remove-references-to \
+                -t ${stdenv.cc} \
+                $out/lib/libruby*
+              ${removeReferencesTo}/bin/remove-references-to \
+                -t ${stdenv.cc} \
+                $rbConfig
+              sed -i '/CC_VERSION_MESSAGE/d' $rbConfig
+            ''
+          }
+          # Allow to override compiler. This is important for cross compiling as
+          # we need to set a compiler that is different from the build one.
+          sed -i 's/CONFIG\["CC"\] = "\(.*\)"/CONFIG["CC"] = if ENV["CC"].nil? || ENV["CC"].empty? then "\1" else ENV["CC"] end/'  "$rbConfig"
+          # Remove unnecessary external intermediate files created by gems
+          extMakefiles=$(find $out/${finalAttrs.passthru.gemPath} -name Makefile)
+          for makefile in $extMakefiles; do
+            make -C "$(dirname "$makefile")" distclean
+          done
+          find "$out/${finalAttrs.passthru.gemPath}" \( -name gem_make.out -o -name mkmf.log \) -delete
+          # Bundler tries to create this directory
+          mkdir -p $out/nix-support
+          cat > $out/nix-support/setup-hook <<EOF
+          addGemPath() {
+            addToSearchPath GEM_PATH \$1/${finalAttrs.passthru.gemPath}
+          }
+          addRubyLibPath() {
+            addToSearchPath RUBYLIB \$1/lib/ruby/site_ruby
+            addToSearchPath RUBYLIB \$1/lib/ruby/site_ruby/${ver.libDir}
+            addToSearchPath RUBYLIB \$1/lib/ruby/site_ruby/${ver.libDir}/${stdenv.hostPlatform.system}
+          }
+          addEnvHooks "$hostOffset" addGemPath
+          addEnvHooks "$hostOffset" addRubyLibPath
+          EOF
+        '' + opString docSupport ''
+          # Prevent the docs from being included in the closure
+          sed -i "s|\$(DESTDIR)$devdoc|\$(datarootdir)/\$(RI_BASE_NAME)|" $rbConfig
+          sed -i "s|'--with-ridir=$devdoc/share/ri'||" $rbConfig
+          # Add rbconfig shim so ri can find docs
+          mkdir -p $devdoc/lib/ruby/site_ruby
+          cp ${./rbconfig.rb} $devdoc/lib/ruby/site_ruby/rbconfig.rb
+        '' + opString useBaseRuby ''
+          # Prevent the baseruby from being included in the closure.
+          ${removeReferencesTo}/bin/remove-references-to \
+            -t ${baseRuby} \
+            $rbConfig $out/lib/libruby*
+        '';
+        installCheckPhase = ''
+          overriden_cc=$(CC=foo $out/bin/ruby -rrbconfig -e 'puts RbConfig::CONFIG["CC"]')
+          if [[ "$overriden_cc" != "foo" ]]; then
+             echo "CC cannot be overwritten: $overriden_cc != foo" >&2
+             false
+          fi
+          fallback_cc=$(unset CC; $out/bin/ruby -rrbconfig -e 'puts RbConfig::CONFIG["CC"]')
+          if [[ "$fallback_cc" != "$CC" ]]; then
+             echo "CC='$fallback_cc' should be '$CC' by default" >&2
+             false
+          fi
+        '';
+        doInstallCheck = true;
+        disallowedRequisites = op (!jitSupport) stdenv.cc.cc
+          ++ op useBaseRuby baseRuby;
+        meta = with lib; {
+          description = "An object-oriented language for quick and easy programming";
+          homepage    = "https://www.ruby-lang.org/";
+          license     = licenses.ruby;
+          maintainers = with maintainers; [ vrthra manveru marsam ];
+          platforms   = platforms.all;
+          knownVulnerabilities = op (lib.versionOlder ver.majMin "3.0") "This Ruby release has reached its end of life. See https://www.ruby-lang.org/en/downloads/branches/.";
+        };
+        passthru = rec {
+          version = ver;
+          rubyEngine = "ruby";
+          libPath = "lib/${rubyEngine}/${ver.libDir}";
+          gemPath = "lib/${rubyEngine}/gems/${ver.libDir}";
+          devEnv = import ./dev.nix {
+            inherit buildEnv bundler bundix;
+            ruby = finalAttrs.finalPackage;
+          };
+          inherit rubygems;
+          inherit (import ../../ruby-modules/with-packages {
+            inherit lib stdenv makeBinaryWrapper buildRubyGem buildEnv;
+            gemConfig = defaultGemConfig;
+            ruby = finalAttrs.finalPackage;
+          }) withPackages buildGems gems;
+        } // lib.optionalAttrs useBaseRuby {
+          inherit baseRuby;
+        };
+      } )
+    ) args; in rubyDrv;
+in {
+  mkRubyVersion = rubyVersion;
+  mkRuby = generic;
+  ruby_3_1 = generic {
+    version = rubyVersion "3" "1" "4" "";
+    hash = "sha256-o9VYeaDfqx1xQf3xDSKgfb+OXNxEFdob3gYSfVzDx7Y=";
+  };
+  ruby_3_2 = generic {
+    version = rubyVersion "3" "2" "3" "";
+    hash = "sha256-r38XV9ndtjA0WYgTkhHx/VcP9bqDDe8cx8Rorptlybo=";
+    cargoHash = "sha256-6du7RJo0DH+eYMOoh3L31F3aqfR5+iG1iKauSV1uNcQ=";
+  };
+  ruby_3_3 = generic {
+    version = rubyVersion "3" "3" "0" "";
+    hash = "sha256-llGIFNmDK+zpKoVBWoGdSJOzB9tZIa4fD3Uamomla30=";
+    cargoHash = "sha256-GeelTMRFIyvz1QS2L+Q3KAnyQy7jc0ejhx3TdEFVEbk=";
+  };