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path: root/nixpkgs/pkgs/build-support/setup-hooks/make-wrapper.sh
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Diffstat (limited to 'nixpkgs/pkgs/build-support/setup-hooks/make-wrapper.sh')
1 files changed, 225 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/nixpkgs/pkgs/build-support/setup-hooks/make-wrapper.sh b/nixpkgs/pkgs/build-support/setup-hooks/make-wrapper.sh
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..cba158bd31ea
--- /dev/null
+++ b/nixpkgs/pkgs/build-support/setup-hooks/make-wrapper.sh
@@ -0,0 +1,225 @@
+# Assert that FILE exists and is executable
+# assertExecutable FILE
+assertExecutable() {
+    local file="$1"
+    [[ -f "$file" && -x "$file" ]] || \
+        die "Cannot wrap '$file' because it is not an executable file"
+# construct an executable file that wraps the actual executable
+# ARGS:
+# --argv0        NAME    : set the name of the executed process to NAME
+#                          (if unset or empty, defaults to EXECUTABLE)
+# --inherit-argv0        : the executable inherits argv0 from the wrapper.
+#                          (use instead of --argv0 '$0')
+# --resolve-argv0        : if argv0 doesn't include a / character, resolve it against PATH
+# --set          VAR VAL : add VAR with value VAL to the executable's environment
+# --set-default  VAR VAL : like --set, but only adds VAR if not already set in
+#                          the environment
+# --unset        VAR     : remove VAR from the environment
+# --chdir        DIR     : change working directory (use instead of --run "cd DIR")
+# --run          COMMAND : run command before the executable
+# --add-flags    ARGS    : prepend ARGS to the invocation of the executable
+#                          (that is, *before* any arguments passed on the command line)
+# --append-flags ARGS    : append ARGS to the invocation of the executable
+#                          (that is, *after* any arguments passed on the command line)
+# --prefix          ENV SEP VAL   : suffix/prefix ENV with VAL, separated by SEP
+# --suffix
+# --prefix-each     ENV SEP VALS  : like --prefix, but VALS is a list
+# --suffix-each     ENV SEP VALS  : like --suffix, but VALS is a list
+# --prefix-contents ENV SEP FILES : like --suffix-each, but contents of FILES
+#                                   are read first and used as VALS
+# --suffix-contents
+makeWrapper() { makeShellWrapper "$@"; }
+makeShellWrapper() {
+    local original="$1"
+    local wrapper="$2"
+    local params varName value command separator n fileNames
+    local argv0 flagsBefore flagsAfter flags
+    assertExecutable "$original"
+    # Write wrapper code which adds `value` to the beginning or end of
+    # the list variable named by `varName`, depending on the `mode`
+    # specified.
+    #
+    # A value which is already part of the list will not be added
+    # again. If this is the case and the `suffix` mode is used, the
+    # list won't be touched at all. The `prefix` mode will however
+    # move the last matching instance of the value to the beginning
+    # of the list. Any remaining duplicates of the value will be left
+    # as-is.
+    addValue() {
+        local mode="$1"       # `prefix` or `suffix` to add to the beginning or end respectively
+        local varName="$2"    # name of list variable to add to
+        local separator="$3"  # character used to separate elements of list
+        local value="$4"      # one value, or multiple values separated by `separator`, to add to list
+        # Disable file globbing, since bash will otherwise try to find
+        # filenames matching the the value to be prefixed/suffixed if
+        # it contains characters considered wildcards, such as `?` and
+        # `*`. We want the value as is, except we also want to split
+        # it on on the separator; hence we can't quote it.
+        local reenableGlob=0
+        if [[ ! -o noglob ]]; then
+            reenableGlob=1
+        fi
+        set -o noglob
+        if [[ -n "$value" ]]; then
+            local old_ifs=$IFS
+            IFS=$separator
+            if [[ "$mode" == '--prefix'* ]]; then
+                # Keep the order of the components as written when
+                # prefixing; normally, they would be added in the
+                # reverse order.
+                local tmp=
+                for v in $value; do
+                    tmp=$v${tmp:+$separator}$tmp
+                done
+                value="$tmp"
+            fi
+            for v in $value; do
+                {
+                    echo "$varName=\${$varName:+${separator@Q}\$$varName${separator@Q}}"               # add separators on both ends unless empty
+                    if [[ "$mode" == '--prefix'* ]]; then                                              # -- in prefix mode --
+                        echo "$varName=\${$varName/${separator@Q}${v@Q}${separator@Q}/${separator@Q}}" # remove the first instance of the value (if any)
+                        echo "$varName=${v@Q}\$$varName"                                               # prepend the value
+                    elif [[ "$mode" == '--suffix'* ]]; then                                            # -- in suffix mode --
+                        echo "if [[ \$$varName != *${separator@Q}${v@Q}${separator@Q}* ]]; then"       # if the value isn't already in the list
+                        echo "    $varName=\$$varName${v@Q}"                                           # append the value
+                        echo "fi"
+                    else
+                        echo "unknown mode $mode!" 1>&2
+                        exit 1
+                    fi
+                    echo "$varName=\${$varName#${separator@Q}}"                                        # remove leading separator
+                    echo "$varName=\${$varName%${separator@Q}}"                                        # remove trailing separator
+                    echo "export $varName"
+                } >> "$wrapper"
+            done
+            IFS=$old_ifs
+        fi
+        if (( reenableGlob )); then
+            set +o noglob
+        fi
+    }
+    mkdir -p "$(dirname "$wrapper")"
+    echo "#! @shell@ -e" > "$wrapper"
+    params=("$@")
+    for ((n = 2; n < ${#params[*]}; n += 1)); do
+        p="${params[$n]}"
+        if [[ "$p" == "--set" ]]; then
+            varName="${params[$((n + 1))]}"
+            value="${params[$((n + 2))]}"
+            n=$((n + 2))
+            echo "export $varName=${value@Q}" >> "$wrapper"
+        elif [[ "$p" == "--set-default" ]]; then
+            varName="${params[$((n + 1))]}"
+            value="${params[$((n + 2))]}"
+            n=$((n + 2))
+            echo "export $varName=\${$varName-${value@Q}}" >> "$wrapper"
+        elif [[ "$p" == "--unset" ]]; then
+            varName="${params[$((n + 1))]}"
+            n=$((n + 1))
+            echo "unset $varName" >> "$wrapper"
+        elif [[ "$p" == "--chdir" ]]; then
+            dir="${params[$((n + 1))]}"
+            n=$((n + 1))
+            echo "cd ${dir@Q}" >> "$wrapper"
+        elif [[ "$p" == "--run" ]]; then
+            command="${params[$((n + 1))]}"
+            n=$((n + 1))
+            echo "$command" >> "$wrapper"
+        elif [[ ("$p" == "--suffix") || ("$p" == "--prefix") ]]; then
+            varName="${params[$((n + 1))]}"
+            separator="${params[$((n + 2))]}"
+            value="${params[$((n + 3))]}"
+            n=$((n + 3))
+            addValue "$p" "$varName" "$separator" "$value"
+        elif [[ ("$p" == "--suffix-each") || ("$p" == "--prefix-each") ]]; then
+            varName="${params[$((n + 1))]}"
+            separator="${params[$((n + 2))]}"
+            values="${params[$((n + 3))]}"
+            n=$((n + 3))
+            for value in $values; do
+                addValue "$p" "$varName" "$separator" "$value"
+            done
+        elif [[ ("$p" == "--suffix-contents") || ("$p" == "--prefix-contents") ]]; then
+            varName="${params[$((n + 1))]}"
+            separator="${params[$((n + 2))]}"
+            fileNames="${params[$((n + 3))]}"
+            n=$((n + 3))
+            for fileName in $fileNames; do
+                contents="$(cat "$fileName")"
+                addValue "$p" "$varName" "$separator" "$contents"
+            done
+        elif [[ "$p" == "--add-flags" ]]; then
+            flags="${params[$((n + 1))]}"
+            n=$((n + 1))
+            flagsBefore="${flagsBefore-} $flags"
+        elif [[ "$p" == "--append-flags" ]]; then
+            flags="${params[$((n + 1))]}"
+            n=$((n + 1))
+            flagsAfter="${flagsAfter-} $flags"
+        elif [[ "$p" == "--argv0" ]]; then
+            argv0="${params[$((n + 1))]}"
+            n=$((n + 1))
+        elif [[ "$p" == "--inherit-argv0" ]]; then
+            # Whichever comes last of --argv0 and --inherit-argv0 wins
+            argv0='$0'
+        elif [[ "$p" == "--resolve-argv0" ]]; then
+            # this is noop in shell wrappers, since bash will always resolve $0
+            resolve_argv0=1
+        else
+            die "makeWrapper doesn't understand the arg $p"
+        fi
+    done
+    echo exec ${argv0:+-a \"$argv0\"} \""$original"\" \
+         "${flagsBefore-}" '"$@"' "${flagsAfter-}" >> "$wrapper"
+    chmod +x "$wrapper"
+addSuffix() {
+    suffix="$1"
+    shift
+    for name in "$@"; do
+        echo "$name$suffix"
+    done
+filterExisting() {
+    for fn in "$@"; do
+        if test -e "$fn"; then
+            echo "$fn"
+        fi
+    done
+# Syntax: wrapProgram <PROGRAM> <MAKE-WRAPPER FLAGS...>
+wrapProgram() { wrapProgramShell "$@"; }
+wrapProgramShell() {
+    local prog="$1"
+    local hidden
+    assertExecutable "$prog"
+    hidden="$(dirname "$prog")/.$(basename "$prog")"-wrapped
+    while [ -e "$hidden" ]; do
+      hidden="${hidden}_"
+    done
+    mv "$prog" "$hidden"
+    makeShellWrapper "$hidden" "$prog" --inherit-argv0 "${@:2}"