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path: root/nixpkgs/pkgs/build-support/rust
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72 files changed, 8866 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/nixpkgs/pkgs/build-support/rust/build-rust-crate/build-crate.nix b/nixpkgs/pkgs/build-support/rust/build-rust-crate/build-crate.nix
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..7484b3ad0290
--- /dev/null
+++ b/nixpkgs/pkgs/build-support/rust/build-rust-crate/build-crate.nix
@@ -0,0 +1,129 @@
+{ lib, stdenv
+, mkRustcDepArgs, mkRustcFeatureArgs, needUnstableCLI
+{ crateName,
+  dependencies,
+  crateFeatures, crateRenames, libName, release, libPath,
+  crateType, metadata, crateBin, hasCrateBin,
+  extraRustcOpts, verbose, colors,
+  buildTests,
+  codegenUnits
+  let
+    baseRustcOpts =
+      [
+        (if release then "-C opt-level=3" else "-C debuginfo=2")
+        "-C codegen-units=${toString codegenUnits}"
+        "--remap-path-prefix=$NIX_BUILD_TOP=/"
+        (mkRustcDepArgs dependencies crateRenames)
+        (mkRustcFeatureArgs crateFeatures)
+      ] ++ lib.optionals (stdenv.hostPlatform != stdenv.buildPlatform) [
+        "--target" stdenv.hostPlatform.rust.rustcTargetSpec
+      ] ++ lib.optionals (needUnstableCLI dependencies) [
+        "-Z" "unstable-options"
+      ] ++ extraRustcOpts
+      # since rustc 1.42 the "proc_macro" crate is part of the default crate prelude
+      # https://github.com/rust-lang/cargo/commit/4d64eb99a4#diff-7f98585dbf9d30aa100c8318e2c77e79R1021-R1022
+      ++ lib.optional (lib.elem "proc-macro" crateType) "--extern proc_macro"
+    ;
+    rustcMeta = "-C metadata=${metadata} -C extra-filename=-${metadata}";
+    # build the final rustc arguments that can be different between different
+    # crates
+    libRustcOpts = lib.concatStringsSep " " (
+      baseRustcOpts
+      ++ [rustcMeta]
+      ++ (map (x: "--crate-type ${x}") crateType)
+    );
+    binRustcOpts = lib.concatStringsSep " " (
+      [ "-C linker=${stdenv.cc}/bin/${stdenv.cc.targetPrefix}cc" ] ++
+      baseRustcOpts
+    );
+    build_bin = if buildTests then "build_bin_test" else "build_bin";
+  in ''
+    runHook preBuild
+    # configure & source common build functions
+    LIB_RUSTC_OPTS="${libRustcOpts}"
+    BIN_RUSTC_OPTS="${binRustcOpts}"
+    LIB_EXT="${stdenv.hostPlatform.extensions.library}"
+    LIB_PATH="${libPath}"
+    LIB_NAME="${libName}"
+    CRATE_NAME='${lib.replaceStrings ["-"] ["_"] libName}'
+    setup_link_paths
+    if [[ -e "$LIB_PATH" ]]; then
+       build_lib "$LIB_PATH"
+       ${lib.optionalString buildTests ''build_lib_test "$LIB_PATH"''}
+    elif [[ -e src/lib.rs ]]; then
+       build_lib src/lib.rs
+       ${lib.optionalString buildTests "build_lib_test src/lib.rs"}
+    fi
+    ${lib.optionalString (lib.length crateBin > 0) (lib.concatMapStringsSep "\n" (bin:
+    let
+      haveRequiredFeature = if bin ? requiredFeatures then
+        # Check that all element in requiredFeatures are also present in crateFeatures
+        lib.intersectLists bin.requiredFeatures crateFeatures == bin.requiredFeatures
+      else
+        true;
+    in
+    if haveRequiredFeature then ''
+      mkdir -p target/bin
+      BIN_NAME='${bin.name or crateName}'
+      ${if !bin ? path then ''
+        BIN_PATH=""
+        search_for_bin_path "$BIN_NAME"
+      '' else ''
+        BIN_PATH='${bin.path}'
+      ''}
+        ${build_bin} "$BIN_NAME" "$BIN_PATH"
+    '' else ''
+      echo Binary ${bin.name or crateName} not compiled due to not having all of the required features -- ${lib.escapeShellArg (builtins.toJSON bin.requiredFeatures)} -- enabled.
+    '') crateBin)}
+    ${lib.optionalString buildTests ''
+    # When tests are enabled build all the files in the `tests` directory as
+    # test binaries.
+    if [ -d tests ]; then
+      # find all the .rs files (or symlinks to those) in the tests directory, no subdirectories
+      find tests -maxdepth 1 \( -type f -o -type l \) -a -name '*.rs' -print0 | while IFS= read -r -d ''' file; do
+        mkdir -p target/bin
+        build_bin_test_file "$file"
+      done
+      # find all the subdirectories of tests/ that contain a main.rs file as
+      # that is also a test according to cargo
+      find tests/ -mindepth 1 -maxdepth 2 \( -type f -o -type l \) -a -name 'main.rs' -print0 | while IFS= read -r -d ''' file; do
+        mkdir -p target/bin
+        build_bin_test_file "$file"
+      done
+    fi
+    ''}
+    # If crateBin is empty and hasCrateBin is not set then we must try to
+    # detect some kind of bin target based on some files that might exist.
+    ${lib.optionalString (lib.length crateBin == 0 && !hasCrateBin) ''
+      if [[ -e src/main.rs ]]; then
+        mkdir -p target/bin
+        ${build_bin} ${crateName} src/main.rs
+      fi
+      for i in src/bin/*.rs; do #*/
+        mkdir -p target/bin
+        ${build_bin} "$(basename $i .rs)" "$i"
+      done
+    ''}
+    # Remove object files to avoid "wrong ELF type"
+    find target -type f -name "*.o" -print0 | xargs -0 rm -f
+    runHook postBuild
+  ''
diff --git a/nixpkgs/pkgs/build-support/rust/build-rust-crate/configure-crate.nix b/nixpkgs/pkgs/build-support/rust/build-rust-crate/configure-crate.nix
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..4077ee5ced8e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/nixpkgs/pkgs/build-support/rust/build-rust-crate/configure-crate.nix
@@ -0,0 +1,231 @@
+{ lib, stdenv, echo_colored, noisily, mkRustcDepArgs, mkRustcFeatureArgs }:
+  build
+, buildDependencies
+, codegenUnits
+, colors
+, completeBuildDeps
+, completeDeps
+, crateAuthors
+, crateDescription
+, crateFeatures
+, crateHomepage
+, crateLicense
+, crateLicenseFile
+, crateLinks
+, crateName
+, crateReadme
+, crateRenames
+, crateRepository
+, crateRustVersion
+, crateVersion
+, extraLinkFlags
+, extraRustcOptsForBuildRs
+, libName
+, libPath
+, release
+, verbose
+, workspace_member }:
+let version_ = lib.splitString "-" crateVersion;
+    versionPre = lib.optionalString (lib.tail version_ != []) (lib.elemAt version_ 1);
+    version = lib.splitVersion (lib.head version_);
+    rustcOpts = lib.foldl' (opts: opt: opts + " " + opt)
+        (if release then "-C opt-level=3" else "-C debuginfo=2")
+        (["-C codegen-units=${toString codegenUnits}"] ++ extraRustcOptsForBuildRs);
+    buildDeps = mkRustcDepArgs buildDependencies crateRenames;
+    authors = lib.concatStringsSep ":" crateAuthors;
+    optLevel = if release then 3 else 0;
+    completeDepsDir = lib.concatStringsSep " " completeDeps;
+    completeBuildDepsDir = lib.concatStringsSep " " completeBuildDeps;
+    envFeatures = lib.concatStringsSep " " (
+      map (f: lib.replaceStrings ["-"] ["_"] (lib.toUpper f)) crateFeatures
+    );
+in ''
+  ${echo_colored colors}
+  ${noisily colors verbose}
+  source ${./lib.sh}
+  ${lib.optionalString (workspace_member != null) ''
+  noisily cd "${workspace_member}"
+  ${lib.optionalString (workspace_member == null) ''
+  echo_colored "Searching for matching Cargo.toml (${crateName})"
+  local cargo_toml_dir=$(matching_cargo_toml_dir "${crateName}")
+  if [ -z "$cargo_toml_dir" ]; then
+    echo_error "ERROR configuring ${crateName}: No matching Cargo.toml in $(pwd) found." >&2
+    exit 23
+  fi
+  noisily cd "$cargo_toml_dir"
+  runHook preConfigure
+  symlink_dependency() {
+    # $1 is the nix-store path of a dependency
+    # $2 is the target path
+    i=$1
+    ln -s -f $i/lib/*.rlib $2 #*/
+    ln -s -f $i/lib/*.so $i/lib/*.dylib $2 #*/
+    if [ -e $i/env ]; then
+        source $i/env
+    fi
+  }
+  # The following steps set up the dependencies of the crate. Two
+  # kinds of dependencies are distinguished: build dependencies
+  # (used by the build script) and crate dependencies. For each
+  # dependency we have to:
+  #
+  # - Make its Rust library available to rustc. This is done by
+  #   symlinking all library dependencies into a directory that
+  #   can be provided to rustc.
+  # - Accumulate linking flags. These flags are largely used for
+  #   linking native libraries.
+  #
+  # The crate link flags are added to the `link` and `link.final`
+  # files. The `link` file is used for linkage in the current
+  # crate. The `link.final` file will be copied to the output and can
+  # be used by downstream crates to get the linker flags of this
+  # crate.
+  mkdir -p target/{deps,lib,build,buildDeps}
+  chmod uga+w target -R
+  echo ${extraLinkFlags} > target/link
+  echo ${extraLinkFlags} > target/link.final
+  # Prepare crate dependencies
+  for i in ${completeDepsDir}; do
+    symlink_dependency $i target/deps
+    if [ -e "$i/lib/link" ]; then
+      cat $i/lib/link >> target/link
+      cat $i/lib/link >> target/link.final
+    fi
+  done
+  # Prepare crate build dependencies that are used for the build script.
+  for i in ${completeBuildDepsDir}; do
+    symlink_dependency $i target/buildDeps
+    if [ -e "$i/lib/link" ]; then
+      cat $i/lib/link >> target/link.build
+    fi
+  done
+  # Remove duplicate linker flags from the build dependencies.
+  if [[ -e target/link.build ]]; then
+    sort -uo target/link.build target/link.build
+  fi
+  # Remove duplicate linker flags from the dependencies.
+  sort -uo target/link target/link
+  tr '\n' ' ' < target/link > target/link_
+  # Remove duplicate linker flags from the that are written
+  # to the derivation's output.
+  sort -uo target/link.final target/link.final
+  # Set up Cargo Environment variables: https://doc.rust-lang.org/cargo/reference/environment-variables.html
+  export CARGO_PKG_NAME=${crateName}
+  export CARGO_PKG_VERSION=${crateVersion}
+  export CARGO_PKG_AUTHORS="${authors}"
+  export CARGO_PKG_DESCRIPTION="${crateDescription}"
+  export CARGO_CFG_TARGET_ARCH=${stdenv.hostPlatform.rust.platform.arch}
+  export CARGO_CFG_TARGET_OS=${stdenv.hostPlatform.rust.platform.os}
+  export CARGO_CFG_TARGET_FAMILY="unix"
+  export CARGO_CFG_UNIX=1
+  export CARGO_CFG_TARGET_ENV="gnu"
+  export CARGO_CFG_TARGET_ENDIAN=${if stdenv.hostPlatform.parsed.cpu.significantByte.name == "littleEndian" then "little" else "big"}
+  export CARGO_CFG_TARGET_POINTER_WIDTH=${with stdenv.hostPlatform; toString (if isILP32 then 32 else parsed.cpu.bits)}
+  export CARGO_CFG_TARGET_VENDOR=${stdenv.hostPlatform.parsed.vendor.name}
+  export CARGO_MANIFEST_DIR=$(pwd)
+  export CARGO_MANIFEST_LINKS=${crateLinks}
+  export DEBUG="${toString (!release)}"
+  export OPT_LEVEL="${toString optLevel}"
+  export TARGET="${stdenv.hostPlatform.rust.rustcTargetSpec}"
+  export HOST="${stdenv.buildPlatform.rust.rustcTargetSpec}"
+  export PROFILE=${if release then "release" else "debug"}
+  export OUT_DIR=$(pwd)/target/build/${crateName}.out
+  export CARGO_PKG_VERSION_MAJOR=${lib.elemAt version 0}
+  export CARGO_PKG_VERSION_MINOR=${lib.elemAt version 1}
+  export CARGO_PKG_VERSION_PATCH=${lib.elemAt version 2}
+  export CARGO_PKG_VERSION_PRE="${versionPre}"
+  export CARGO_PKG_HOMEPAGE="${crateHomepage}"
+  export CARGO_PKG_LICENSE="${crateLicense}"
+  export CARGO_PKG_LICENSE_FILE="${crateLicenseFile}"
+  export CARGO_PKG_README="${crateReadme}"
+  export CARGO_PKG_REPOSITORY="${crateRepository}"
+  export CARGO_PKG_RUST_VERSION="${crateRustVersion}"
+  export RUSTC="rustc"
+  export RUSTDOC="rustdoc"
+  BUILD=""
+  if [[ ! -z "${build}" ]] ; then
+     BUILD=${build}
+  elif [[ -e "build.rs" ]]; then
+     BUILD="build.rs"
+  fi
+  # Compile and run the build script, when available.
+  if [[ ! -z "$BUILD" ]] ; then
+     echo_build_heading "$BUILD" ${libName}
+     mkdir -p target/build/${crateName}
+     if [ -e target/link.build ]; then
+       EXTRA_BUILD_FLAGS="$EXTRA_BUILD_FLAGS $(tr '\n' ' ' < target/link.build)"
+     fi
+     noisily rustc --crate-name build_script_build $BUILD --crate-type bin ${rustcOpts} \
+       ${mkRustcFeatureArgs crateFeatures} --out-dir target/build/${crateName} --emit=dep-info,link \
+       -L dependency=target/buildDeps ${buildDeps} --cap-lints allow $EXTRA_BUILD_FLAGS --color ${colors}
+     mkdir -p target/build/${crateName}.out
+     export RUST_BACKTRACE=1
+     mkdir -p $OUT_DIR
+     (
+       # Features should be set as environment variable for build scripts:
+       # https://doc.rust-lang.org/cargo/reference/environment-variables.html#environment-variables-cargo-sets-for-build-scripts
+       for feature in ${envFeatures}; do
+         export CARGO_FEATURE_$feature=1
+       done
+       target/build/${crateName}/build_script_build > target/build/${crateName}.opt
+     )
+     set +e
+     EXTRA_BUILD=$(sed -n "s/^cargo:rustc-flags=\(.*\)/\1/p" target/build/${crateName}.opt | tr '\n' ' ' | sort -u)
+     EXTRA_FEATURES=$(sed -n "s/^cargo:rustc-cfg=\(.*\)/--cfg \1/p" target/build/${crateName}.opt | tr '\n' ' ')
+     EXTRA_LINK_ARGS=$(sed -n "s/^cargo:rustc-link-arg=\(.*\)/-C link-arg=\1/p" target/build/${crateName}.opt | tr '\n' ' ')
+     EXTRA_LINK_ARGS_BINS=$(sed -n "s/^cargo:rustc-link-arg-bins=\(.*\)/-C link-arg=\1/p" target/build/${crateName}.opt | tr '\n' ' ')
+     EXTRA_LINK_ARGS_LIB=$(sed -n "s/^cargo:rustc-link-arg-lib=\(.*\)/-C link-arg=\1/p" target/build/${crateName}.opt | tr '\n' ' ')
+     EXTRA_LINK_LIBS=$(sed -n "s/^cargo:rustc-link-lib=\(.*\)/\1/p" target/build/${crateName}.opt | tr '\n' ' ')
+     EXTRA_LINK_SEARCH=$(sed -n "s/^cargo:rustc-link-search=\(.*\)/\1/p" target/build/${crateName}.opt | tr '\n' ' ' | sort -u)
+     # We want to read part of every line that has cargo:rustc-env= prefix and
+     # export it as environment variables. This turns out tricky if the lines
+     # have spaces: we can't wrap the command in double quotes as that captures
+     # all the lines in single output. We can't use while read loop because
+     # exporting from inside of it doesn't make it to the outside scope. We
+     # can't use xargs as export is a built-in and does not work from it. As a
+     # last resort then, we change the IFS so that the for loop does not split
+     # on spaces and reset it after we are done. See ticket #199298.
+     #
+     _OLDIFS="$IFS"
+     IFS=$'\n'
+     for env in $(sed -n "s/^cargo:rustc-env=\(.*\)/\1/p" target/build/${crateName}.opt); do
+       export "$env"
+     done
+     IFS="$_OLDIFS"
+     CRATENAME=$(echo ${crateName} | sed -e "s/\(.*\)-sys$/\U\1/" -e "s/-/_/g")
+     grep -P "^cargo:(?!(rustc-|warning=|rerun-if-changed=|rerun-if-env-changed))" target/build/${crateName}.opt \
+       | awk -F= "/^cargo:/ { sub(/^cargo:/, \"\", \$1); gsub(/-/, \"_\", \$1); print \"export \" toupper(\"DEP_$(echo $CRATENAME)_\" \$1) \"=\" \"\\\"\"\$2\"\\\"\" }" > target/env
+     set -e
+  fi
+  runHook postConfigure
diff --git a/nixpkgs/pkgs/build-support/rust/build-rust-crate/default.nix b/nixpkgs/pkgs/build-support/rust/build-rust-crate/default.nix
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..dfe28cc334b5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/nixpkgs/pkgs/build-support/rust/build-rust-crate/default.nix
@@ -0,0 +1,407 @@
+# Code for buildRustCrate, a Nix function that builds Rust code, just
+# like Cargo, but using Nix instead.
+# This can be useful for deploying packages with NixOps, and to share
+# binary dependencies between projects.
+{ lib
+, stdenv
+, defaultCrateOverrides
+, fetchCrate
+, pkgsBuildBuild
+, rustc
+, cargo
+, jq
+, libiconv
+  # Create rustc arguments to link against the given list of dependencies
+  # and renames.
+  #
+  # See docs for crateRenames below.
+  mkRustcDepArgs = dependencies: crateRenames:
+    lib.concatMapStringsSep " "
+      (dep:
+        let
+          normalizeName = lib.replaceStrings [ "-" ] [ "_" ];
+          extern = normalizeName dep.libName;
+          # Find a choice that matches in name and optionally version.
+          findMatchOrUseExtern = choices:
+            lib.findFirst
+              (choice:
+                (!(choice ? version)
+                  || choice.version == dep.version or ""))
+              { rename = extern; }
+              choices;
+          name =
+            if lib.hasAttr dep.crateName crateRenames then
+              let choices = crateRenames.${dep.crateName};
+              in
+              normalizeName (
+                if builtins.isList choices
+                then (findMatchOrUseExtern choices).rename
+                else choices
+              )
+            else
+              extern;
+          opts = lib.optionalString (dep.stdlib or false) "noprelude:";
+          filename =
+            if lib.any (x: x == "lib" || x == "rlib") dep.crateType
+            then "${dep.metadata}.rlib"
+            # Adjust lib filename for crates of type proc-macro. Proc macros are compiled/run on the build platform architecture.
+            else if (lib.attrByPath [ "procMacro" ] false dep) then "${dep.metadata}${stdenv.buildPlatform.extensions.library}"
+            else "${dep.metadata}${stdenv.hostPlatform.extensions.library}";
+        in
+        " --extern ${opts}${name}=${dep.lib}/lib/lib${extern}-${filename}"
+      )
+      dependencies;
+  # Create feature arguments for rustc.
+  mkRustcFeatureArgs = lib.concatMapStringsSep " " (f: ''--cfg feature=\"${f}\"'');
+  # Whether we need to use unstable command line flags
+  #
+  # Currently just needed for standard library dependencies, which have a
+  # special "noprelude:" modifier. If in later versions of Rust this is
+  # stabilized we can account for that here, too, so we don't opt into
+  # instability unnecessarily.
+  needUnstableCLI = dependencies:
+    lib.any (dep: dep.stdlib or false) dependencies;
+  inherit (import ./log.nix { inherit lib; }) noisily echo_colored;
+  configureCrate = import ./configure-crate.nix {
+    inherit lib stdenv echo_colored noisily mkRustcDepArgs mkRustcFeatureArgs;
+  };
+  buildCrate = import ./build-crate.nix {
+    inherit lib stdenv mkRustcDepArgs mkRustcFeatureArgs needUnstableCLI;
+  };
+  installCrate = import ./install-crate.nix { inherit stdenv; };
+  /* The overridable pkgs.buildRustCrate function.
+    *
+    * Any unrecognized parameters will be passed as to
+    * the underlying stdenv.mkDerivation.
+  */
+crate_: lib.makeOverridable
+  (
+    # The rust compiler to use.
+    #
+    # Default: pkgs.rustc
+    { rust
+      # Whether to build a release version (`true`) or a debug
+      # version (`false`). Debug versions are faster to build
+      # but might be much slower at runtime.
+    , release
+      # Whether to print rustc invocations etc.
+      #
+      # Example: false
+      # Default: true
+    , verbose
+      # A list of rust/cargo features to enable while building the crate.
+      # Example: [ "std" "async" ]
+    , features
+      # Additional native build inputs for building this crate.
+    , nativeBuildInputs
+      # Additional build inputs for building this crate.
+      #
+      # Example: [ pkgs.openssl ]
+    , buildInputs
+      # Allows to override the parameters to buildRustCrate
+      # for any rust dependency in the transitive build tree.
+      #
+      # Default: pkgs.defaultCrateOverrides
+      #
+      # Example:
+      #
+      # pkgs.defaultCrateOverrides // {
+      #   hello = attrs: { buildInputs = [ openssl ]; };
+      # }
+    , crateOverrides
+      # Rust library dependencies, i.e. other libraries that were built
+      # with buildRustCrate.
+    , dependencies
+      # Rust build dependencies, i.e. other libraries that were built
+      # with buildRustCrate and are used by a build script.
+    , buildDependencies
+      # Specify the "extern" name of a library if it differs from the library target.
+      # See above for an extended explanation.
+      #
+      # Default: no renames.
+      #
+      # Example:
+      #
+      # `crateRenames` supports two formats.
+      #
+      # The simple version is an attrset that maps the
+      # `crateName`s of the dependencies to their alternative
+      # names.
+      #
+      # ```nix
+      # {
+      #   my_crate_name = "my_alternative_name";
+      #   # ...
+      # }
+      # ```
+      #
+      # The extended version is also keyed by the `crateName`s but allows
+      # different names for different crate versions:
+      #
+      # ```nix
+      # {
+      #   my_crate_name = [
+      #       { version = "1.2.3"; rename = "my_alternative_name01"; }
+      #       { version = "3.2.3"; rename = "my_alternative_name03"; }
+      #   ]
+      #   # ...
+      # }
+      # ```
+      #
+      # This roughly corresponds to the following snippet in Cargo.toml:
+      #
+      # ```toml
+      # [dependencies]
+      # my_alternative_name01 = { package = "my_crate_name", version = "0.1" }
+      # my_alternative_name03 = { package = "my_crate_name", version = "0.3" }
+      # ```
+      #
+      # Dependencies which use the lib target name as extern name, do not need
+      # to be specified in the crateRenames, even if their crate name differs.
+      #
+      # Including multiple versions of a crate is very popular during
+      # ecosystem transitions, e.g. from futures 0.1 to futures 0.3.
+    , crateRenames
+      # A list of extra options to pass to rustc.
+      #
+      # Example: [ "-Z debuginfo=2" ]
+      # Default: []
+    , extraRustcOpts
+      # A list of extra options to pass to rustc when building a build.rs.
+      #
+      # Example: [ "-Z debuginfo=2" ]
+      # Default: []
+    , extraRustcOptsForBuildRs
+      # Whether to enable building tests.
+      # Use true to enable.
+      # Default: false
+    , buildTests
+      # Passed to stdenv.mkDerivation.
+    , preUnpack
+      # Passed to stdenv.mkDerivation.
+    , postUnpack
+      # Passed to stdenv.mkDerivation.
+    , prePatch
+      # Passed to stdenv.mkDerivation.
+    , patches
+      # Passed to stdenv.mkDerivation.
+    , postPatch
+      # Passed to stdenv.mkDerivation.
+    , preConfigure
+      # Passed to stdenv.mkDerivation.
+    , postConfigure
+      # Passed to stdenv.mkDerivation.
+    , preBuild
+      # Passed to stdenv.mkDerivation.
+    , postBuild
+      # Passed to stdenv.mkDerivation.
+    , preInstall
+      # Passed to stdenv.mkDerivation.
+    , postInstall
+    }:
+    let
+      crate = crate_ // (lib.attrByPath [ crate_.crateName ] (attr: { }) crateOverrides crate_);
+      dependencies_ = dependencies;
+      buildDependencies_ = buildDependencies;
+      processedAttrs = [
+        "src"
+        "nativeBuildInputs"
+        "buildInputs"
+        "crateBin"
+        "crateLib"
+        "libName"
+        "libPath"
+        "buildDependencies"
+        "dependencies"
+        "features"
+        "crateRenames"
+        "crateName"
+        "version"
+        "build"
+        "authors"
+        "colors"
+        "edition"
+        "buildTests"
+        "codegenUnits"
+        "links"
+      ];
+      extraDerivationAttrs = builtins.removeAttrs crate processedAttrs;
+      nativeBuildInputs_ = nativeBuildInputs;
+      buildInputs_ = buildInputs;
+      extraRustcOpts_ = extraRustcOpts;
+      extraRustcOptsForBuildRs_ = extraRustcOptsForBuildRs;
+      buildTests_ = buildTests;
+      # crate2nix has a hack for the old bash based build script that did split
+      # entries at `,`. No we have to work around that hack.
+      # https://github.com/kolloch/crate2nix/blame/5b19c1b14e1b0e5522c3e44e300d0b332dc939e7/crate2nix/templates/build.nix.tera#L89
+      crateBin = lib.filter (bin: !(bin ? name && bin.name == ",")) (crate.crateBin or [ ]);
+      hasCrateBin = crate ? crateBin;
+    in
+    stdenv.mkDerivation (rec {
+      inherit (crate) crateName;
+      inherit
+        preUnpack
+        postUnpack
+        prePatch
+        patches
+        postPatch
+        preConfigure
+        postConfigure
+        preBuild
+        postBuild
+        preInstall
+        postInstall
+        buildTests
+        ;
+      src = crate.src or (fetchCrate { inherit (crate) crateName version sha256; });
+      name = "rust_${crate.crateName}-${crate.version}${lib.optionalString buildTests_ "-test"}";
+      version = crate.version;
+      depsBuildBuild = [ pkgsBuildBuild.stdenv.cc ];
+      nativeBuildInputs = [ rust stdenv.cc cargo jq ]
+        ++ lib.optionals stdenv.buildPlatform.isDarwin [ libiconv ]
+        ++ (crate.nativeBuildInputs or [ ]) ++ nativeBuildInputs_;
+      buildInputs = lib.optionals stdenv.isDarwin [ libiconv ] ++ (crate.buildInputs or [ ]) ++ buildInputs_;
+      dependencies = map lib.getLib dependencies_;
+      buildDependencies = map lib.getLib buildDependencies_;
+      completeDeps = lib.unique (dependencies ++ lib.concatMap (dep: dep.completeDeps) dependencies);
+      completeBuildDeps = lib.unique (
+        buildDependencies
+          ++ lib.concatMap (dep: dep.completeBuildDeps ++ dep.completeDeps) buildDependencies
+      );
+      # Create a list of features that are enabled by the crate itself and
+      # through the features argument of buildRustCrate. Exclude features
+      # with a forward slash, since they are passed through to dependencies,
+      # and dep: features, since they're internal-only and do nothing except
+      # enable optional dependencies.
+      crateFeatures = lib.optionals (crate ? features)
+        (builtins.filter
+          (f: !(lib.hasInfix "/" f || lib.hasPrefix "dep:" f))
+          (crate.features ++ features)
+        );
+      libName = if crate ? libName then crate.libName else crate.crateName;
+      libPath = lib.optionalString (crate ? libPath) crate.libPath;
+      # Seed the symbol hashes with something unique every time.
+      # https://doc.rust-lang.org/1.0.0/rustc/metadata/loader/index.html#frobbing-symbols
+      metadata =
+        let
+          depsMetadata = lib.foldl' (str: dep: str + dep.metadata) "" (dependencies ++ buildDependencies);
+          hashedMetadata = builtins.hashString "sha256"
+            (crateName + "-" + crateVersion + "___" + toString (mkRustcFeatureArgs crateFeatures) +
+              "___" + depsMetadata + "___" + stdenv.hostPlatform.rust.rustcTarget);
+        in
+        lib.substring 0 10 hashedMetadata;
+      build = crate.build or "";
+      # Either set to a concrete sub path to the crate root
+      # or use `null` for auto-detect.
+      workspace_member = crate.workspace_member or ".";
+      crateAuthors = if crate ? authors && lib.isList crate.authors then crate.authors else [ ];
+      crateDescription = crate.description or "";
+      crateHomepage = crate.homepage or "";
+      crateLicense = crate.license or "";
+      crateLicenseFile = crate.license-file or "";
+      crateLinks = crate.links or "";
+      crateReadme = crate.readme or "";
+      crateRepository = crate.repository or "";
+      crateRustVersion = crate.rust-version or "";
+      crateVersion = crate.version;
+      crateType =
+        if lib.attrByPath [ "procMacro" ] false crate then [ "proc-macro" ] else
+        if lib.attrByPath [ "plugin" ] false crate then [ "dylib" ] else
+        (crate.type or [ "lib" ]);
+      colors = lib.attrByPath [ "colors" ] "always" crate;
+      extraLinkFlags = lib.concatStringsSep " " (crate.extraLinkFlags or [ ]);
+      edition = crate.edition or null;
+      codegenUnits = if crate ? codegenUnits then crate.codegenUnits else 1;
+      extraRustcOpts =
+        lib.optionals (crate ? extraRustcOpts) crate.extraRustcOpts
+          ++ extraRustcOpts_
+          ++ (lib.optional (edition != null) "--edition ${edition}");
+      extraRustcOptsForBuildRs =
+        lib.optionals (crate ? extraRustcOptsForBuildRs) crate.extraRustcOptsForBuildRs
+        ++ extraRustcOptsForBuildRs_
+        ++ (lib.optional (edition != null) "--edition ${edition}");
+      configurePhase = configureCrate {
+        inherit crateName buildDependencies completeDeps completeBuildDeps crateDescription
+          crateFeatures crateRenames libName build workspace_member release libPath crateVersion crateLinks
+          extraLinkFlags extraRustcOptsForBuildRs
+          crateLicense crateLicenseFile crateReadme crateRepository crateRustVersion
+          crateAuthors crateHomepage verbose colors codegenUnits;
+      };
+      buildPhase = buildCrate {
+        inherit crateName dependencies
+          crateFeatures crateRenames libName release libPath crateType
+          metadata hasCrateBin crateBin verbose colors
+          extraRustcOpts buildTests codegenUnits;
+      };
+      dontStrip = !release;
+      # We need to preserve metadata in .rlib, which might get stripped on macOS. See https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/issues/218712
+      stripExclude = [ "*.rlib" ];
+      installPhase = installCrate crateName metadata buildTests;
+      # depending on the test setting we are either producing something with bins
+      # and libs or just test binaries
+      outputs = if buildTests then [ "out" ] else [ "out" "lib" ];
+      outputDev = if buildTests then [ "out" ] else [ "lib" ];
+      meta = {
+        mainProgram = crateName;
+        badPlatforms = [
+          # Rust is currently unable to target the n32 ABI
+          lib.systems.inspect.patterns.isMips64n32
+        ];
+      };
+    } // extraDerivationAttrs
+    )
+  )
+  rust = rustc;
+  release = crate_.release or true;
+  verbose = crate_.verbose or true;
+  extraRustcOpts = [ ];
+  extraRustcOptsForBuildRs = [ ];
+  features = [ ];
+  nativeBuildInputs = [ ];
+  buildInputs = [ ];
+  crateOverrides = defaultCrateOverrides;
+  preUnpack = crate_.preUnpack or "";
+  postUnpack = crate_.postUnpack or "";
+  prePatch = crate_.prePatch or "";
+  patches = crate_.patches or [ ];
+  postPatch = crate_.postPatch or "";
+  preConfigure = crate_.preConfigure or "";
+  postConfigure = crate_.postConfigure or "";
+  preBuild = crate_.preBuild or "";
+  postBuild = crate_.postBuild or "";
+  preInstall = crate_.preInstall or "";
+  postInstall = crate_.postInstall or "";
+  dependencies = crate_.dependencies or [ ];
+  buildDependencies = crate_.buildDependencies or [ ];
+  crateRenames = crate_.crateRenames or { };
+  buildTests = crate_.buildTests or false;
diff --git a/nixpkgs/pkgs/build-support/rust/build-rust-crate/helpers.nix b/nixpkgs/pkgs/build-support/rust/build-rust-crate/helpers.nix
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..386d0ce7084f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/nixpkgs/pkgs/build-support/rust/build-rust-crate/helpers.nix
@@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
+{stdenv, lib}:
+  kernel = stdenv.hostPlatform.parsed.kernel.name;
+  abi = stdenv.hostPlatform.parsed.abi.name;
+  cpu = stdenv.hostPlatform.parsed.cpu.name;
+   updateFeatures = f: up: functions: lib.deepSeq f (lib.foldl' (features: fun: fun features) (lib.attrsets.recursiveUpdate f up) functions);
+   mapFeatures = features: map (fun: fun { features = features; });
+   mkFeatures = feat: lib.foldl (features: featureName:
+     if feat.${featureName} or false then
+       [ featureName ] ++ features
+     else
+       features
+   ) [] (lib.attrNames feat);
+  include = includedFiles: src: builtins.filterSource (path: type:
+     lib.any (f:
+       let p = toString (src + ("/" + f));
+       in
+       p == path || (lib.strings.hasPrefix (p + "/") path)
+     ) includedFiles
+  ) src;
+  exclude = excludedFiles: src: builtins.filterSource (path: type:
+    lib.all (f:
+       !lib.strings.hasPrefix (toString (src + ("/" + f))) path
+    ) excludedFiles
+  ) src;
diff --git a/nixpkgs/pkgs/build-support/rust/build-rust-crate/install-crate.nix b/nixpkgs/pkgs/build-support/rust/build-rust-crate/install-crate.nix
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..7c7c102833d8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/nixpkgs/pkgs/build-support/rust/build-rust-crate/install-crate.nix
@@ -0,0 +1,51 @@
+{ stdenv }:
+crateName: metadata: buildTests:
+if !buildTests then ''
+  runHook preInstall
+  # always create $out even if we do not have binaries. We are detecting binary targets during compilation, if those are missing there is no way to only have $lib
+  mkdir $out
+  if [[ -s target/env ]]; then
+    mkdir -p $lib
+    cp target/env $lib/env
+  fi
+  if [[ -s target/link.final ]]; then
+    mkdir -p $lib/lib
+    cp target/link.final $lib/lib/link
+  fi
+  if [[ "$(ls -A target/lib)" ]]; then
+    mkdir -p $lib/lib
+    cp -r target/lib/* $lib/lib #*/
+    for library in $lib/lib/*.so $lib/lib/*.dylib; do #*/
+      ln -s $library $(echo $library | sed -e "s/-${metadata}//")
+    done
+  fi
+  if [[ "$(ls -A target/build)" ]]; then # */
+    mkdir -p $lib/lib
+    cp -r target/build/* $lib/lib # */
+  fi
+  if [[ -d target/bin ]]; then
+    if [[ "$(ls -A target/bin)" ]]; then
+      mkdir -p $out/bin
+      cp -rP target/bin/* $out/bin # */
+    fi
+  fi
+  runHook postInstall
+'' else
+# for tests we just put them all in the output. No execution.
+  runHook preInstall
+  mkdir -p $out/tests
+  if [ -e target/bin ]; then
+    find target/bin/ -type f -executable -exec cp {} $out/tests \;
+  fi
+  if [ -e target/lib ]; then
+    find target/lib/ -type f \! -name '*.rlib' \
+      -a \! -name '*${stdenv.hostPlatform.extensions.library}' \
+      -a \! -name '*.d' \
+      -executable \
+      -print0 | xargs --no-run-if-empty --null install --target $out/tests;
+  fi
+  runHook postInstall
diff --git a/nixpkgs/pkgs/build-support/rust/build-rust-crate/lib.sh b/nixpkgs/pkgs/build-support/rust/build-rust-crate/lib.sh
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..0181ae432c85
--- /dev/null
+++ b/nixpkgs/pkgs/build-support/rust/build-rust-crate/lib.sh
@@ -0,0 +1,182 @@
+echo_build_heading() {
+  if (( $# == 1 )); then
+    echo_colored "Building $1"
+  else
+    echo_colored "Building $1 ($2)"
+  fi
+build_lib() {
+  lib_src=$1
+  echo_build_heading $lib_src ${libName}
+  noisily rustc \
+    --crate-name $CRATE_NAME \
+    $lib_src \
+    --out-dir target/lib \
+    -L dependency=target/deps \
+    --cap-lints allow \
+    $LINK \
+    --color $colors
+  EXTRA_LIB=" --extern $CRATE_NAME=target/lib/lib$CRATE_NAME-$metadata.rlib"
+  if [ -e target/deps/lib$CRATE_NAME-$metadata$LIB_EXT ]; then
+     EXTRA_LIB="$EXTRA_LIB --extern $CRATE_NAME=target/lib/lib$CRATE_NAME-$metadata$LIB_EXT"
+  fi
+build_bin() {
+  local crate_name=$1
+  local crate_name_=$(echo $crate_name | tr '-' '_')
+  local main_file=""
+  if [[ ! -z $2 ]]; then
+    main_file=$2
+  fi
+  echo_build_heading $@
+  noisily rustc \
+    --crate-name $crate_name_ \
+    $main_file \
+    --crate-type bin \
+    --out-dir target/bin \
+    -L dependency=target/deps \
+    $LINK \
+    $EXTRA_LIB \
+    --cap-lints allow \
+    --color ${colors} \
+  if [ "$crate_name_" != "$crate_name" ]; then
+    mv target/bin/$crate_name_ target/bin/$crate_name
+  fi
+build_lib_test() {
+    local file="$1"
+    EXTRA_RUSTC_FLAGS="--test $EXTRA_RUSTC_FLAGS" build_lib "$1" "$2"
+build_bin_test() {
+    local crate="$1"
+    local file="$2"
+    EXTRA_RUSTC_FLAGS="--test $EXTRA_RUSTC_FLAGS" build_bin "$1" "$2"
+build_bin_test_file() {
+    local file="$1"
+    local derived_crate_name="${file//\//_}"
+    # Make sure to strip the top level `tests` directory: see #204051. Note that
+    # a forward slash has now become an underscore due to the substitution
+    # above.
+    derived_crate_name=${derived_crate_name#"tests_"}
+    derived_crate_name="${derived_crate_name%.rs}"
+    build_bin_test "$derived_crate_name" "$file"
+# Add additional link options that were provided by the build script.
+setup_link_paths() {
+  if [[ -e target/link_ ]]; then
+    EXTRA_BUILD="$(cat target/link_) $EXTRA_BUILD"
+  fi
+  echo "$EXTRA_LINK_SEARCH" | while read i; do
+     if [[ ! -z "$i" ]]; then
+       for library in $i; do
+         echo "-L $library" >> target/link
+         L=$(echo $library | sed -e "s#$(pwd)/target/build#$lib/lib#")
+         echo "-L $L" >> target/link.final
+       done
+     fi
+  done
+  echo "$EXTRA_LINK_LIBS" | while read i; do
+     if [[ ! -z "$i" ]]; then
+       for library in $i; do
+         echo "-l $library" >> target/link
+       done
+     fi
+  done
+  if [[ -e target/link ]]; then
+     tr '\n' ' ' < target/link > target/link_
+     LINK=$(cat target/link_)
+  fi
+search_for_bin_path() {
+  # heuristic to "guess" the correct source file as found in cargo:
+  # https://github.com/rust-lang/cargo/blob/90fc9f620190d5fa3c80b0c8c65a1e1361e6b8ae/src/cargo/util/toml/targets.rs#L308-L325
+  BIN_NAME=$1
+  BIN_NAME_=$(echo $BIN_NAME | tr '-' '_')
+  # the first two cases are the "new" default IIRC
+  FILES=( "src/bin/$BIN_NAME.rs" "src/bin/$BIN_NAME/main.rs" "src/bin/$BIN_NAME_.rs" "src/bin/$BIN_NAME_/main.rs" "src/bin/main.rs" "src/main.rs" )
+  if ! [ -e "$LIB_PATH" -o -e src/lib.rs -o -e "src/$LIB_NAME.rs" ]; then
+    # if this is not a library the following path is also valid
+    FILES=( "src/$BIN_NAME.rs" "src/$BIN_NAME_.rs" "${FILES[@]}" )
+  fi
+  for file in "${FILES[@]}";
+  do
+    echo "checking file $file"
+    # first file that exists wins
+    if [[ -e "$file" ]]; then
+            BIN_PATH="$file"
+            break
+    fi
+  done
+  if [[ -z "$BIN_PATH" ]]; then
+    echo_error "ERROR: failed to find file for binary target: $BIN_NAME" >&2
+    exit 1
+  fi
+# Extracts cargo_toml_path of the matching crate.
+matching_cargo_toml_path() {
+  local manifest_path="$1"
+  local expected_crate_name="$2"
+  # If the Cargo.toml is not a workspace root,
+  # it will only contain one package in ".packages"
+  # because "--no-deps" suppressed dependency resolution.
+  #
+  # But to make it more general, we search for a matching
+  # crate in all packages and use the manifest path that
+  # is referenced there.
+  cargo metadata --no-deps --format-version 1 \
+    --manifest-path "$manifest_path" \
+    | jq -r '.packages[]
+            | select( .name == "'$expected_crate_name'")
+            | .manifest_path'
+# Find a Cargo.toml in the current or any sub directory
+# with a matching crate name.
+matching_cargo_toml_dir() {
+  local expected_crate_name="$1"
+  find -L -name Cargo.toml | sort | while read manifest_path; do
+    echo "...checking manifest_path $manifest_path" >&2
+    local matching_path="$(matching_cargo_toml_path "$manifest_path" "$expected_crate_name")"
+    if [ -n "${matching_path}" ]; then
+      echo "$(dirname $matching_path)"
+      break
+    fi
+  done
diff --git a/nixpkgs/pkgs/build-support/rust/build-rust-crate/log.nix b/nixpkgs/pkgs/build-support/rust/build-rust-crate/log.nix
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..9054815f4a1b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/nixpkgs/pkgs/build-support/rust/build-rust-crate/log.nix
@@ -0,0 +1,59 @@
+{ lib }:
+let echo_colored_body = start_escape:
+      # Body of a function that behaves like "echo" but
+      # has the output colored by the given start_escape
+      # sequence. E.g.
+      #
+      # * echo_x "Building ..."
+      # * echo_x -n "Running "
+      #
+      # This is more complicated than apparent at first sight
+      # because:
+      #   * The color markers and the text must be print
+      #     in the same echo statement. Otherise, other
+      #     intermingled text from concurrent builds will
+      #     be colored as well.
+      #   * We need to preserve the trailing newline of the
+      #     echo if and only if it is present. Bash likes
+      #     to strip those if we capture the output of echo
+      #     in a variable.
+      #   * Leading "-" will be interpreted by test as an
+      #     option for itself. Therefore, we prefix it with
+      #     an x in `[[ "x$1" =~ ^x- ]]`.
+      ''
+      local echo_args="";
+      while [[ "x$1" =~ ^x- ]]; do
+        echo_args+=" $1"
+        shift
+      done
+      local start_escape="$(printf '${start_escape}')"
+      local reset="$(printf '\033[0m')"
+      echo $echo_args $start_escape"$@"$reset
+      '';
+  echo_conditional_colored_body = colors: start_escape:
+      if colors == "always"
+      then (echo_colored_body start_escape)
+      else ''echo "$@"'';
+in {
+  echo_colored = colors: ''
+    echo_colored() {
+      ${echo_conditional_colored_body colors ''\033[0;1;32m''}
+    }
+    echo_error() {
+      ${echo_conditional_colored_body colors ''\033[0;1;31m''}
+    }
+   '';
+  noisily = colors: verbose: ''
+    noisily() {
+  	  ${lib.optionalString verbose ''
+        echo_colored -n "Running "
+        echo $@
+  	  ''}
+  	  $@
+    }
+  '';
diff --git a/nixpkgs/pkgs/build-support/rust/build-rust-crate/test/brotli-crates.nix b/nixpkgs/pkgs/build-support/rust/build-rust-crate/test/brotli-crates.nix
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..4831c1062715
--- /dev/null
+++ b/nixpkgs/pkgs/build-support/rust/build-rust-crate/test/brotli-crates.nix
@@ -0,0 +1,95 @@
+{ lib, stdenv, buildRustCrate, fetchgit }:
+let kernel = stdenv.buildPlatform.parsed.kernel.name;
+    abi = stdenv.buildPlatform.parsed.abi.name;
+    include = includedFiles: src: builtins.filterSource (path: type:
+      lib.lists.any (f:
+        let p = toString (src + ("/" + f)); in
+        (path == p) || (type == "directory" && lib.strings.hasPrefix path p)
+      ) includedFiles
+    ) src;
+    updateFeatures = f: up: functions: builtins.deepSeq f (lib.lists.foldl' (features: fun: fun features) (lib.attrsets.recursiveUpdate f up) functions);
+    mapFeatures = features: map (fun: fun { features = features; });
+    mkFeatures = feat: lib.lists.foldl (features: featureName:
+      if feat.${featureName} or false then
+        [ featureName ] ++ features
+      else
+        features
+    ) [] (builtins.attrNames feat);
+rec {
+    alloc_no_stdlib_1_3_0_ = { dependencies?[], buildDependencies?[], features?[] }: buildRustCrate {
+    crateName = "alloc-no-stdlib";
+    version = "1.3.0";
+    authors = [ "Daniel Reiter Horn <danielrh@dropbox.com>" ];
+    sha256 = "1jcp27pzmqdszgp80y484g4kwbjbg7x8a589drcwbxg0i8xwkir9";
+    crateBin = [ {  name = "example"; } ];
+    inherit dependencies buildDependencies features;
+  };
+  brotli_2_5_0_ = { dependencies?[], buildDependencies?[], features?[] }: buildRustCrate {
+    crateName = "brotli";
+    version = "2.5.0";
+    authors = [ "Daniel Reiter Horn <danielrh@dropbox.com>" "The Brotli Authors" ];
+    sha256 = "1ynw4hkdwnp0kj30p86ls44ahv4s99258s019bqrq4mya8hlsb5b";
+    crateBin = [ {  name = "brotli"; } ];
+    inherit dependencies buildDependencies features;
+  };
+  brotli_decompressor_1_3_1_ = { dependencies?[], buildDependencies?[], features?[] }: buildRustCrate {
+    crateName = "brotli-decompressor";
+    version = "1.3.1";
+    authors = [ "Daniel Reiter Horn <danielrh@dropbox.com>" "The Brotli Authors" ];
+    sha256 = "022g69q1xzwdj0130qm3fa4qwpn4q1jx3lc8yz0v0v201p7bm8fb";
+    crateBin = [ {  name = "brotli-decompressor"; } ];
+    inherit dependencies buildDependencies features;
+  };
+  alloc_no_stdlib_1_3_0 = { features?(alloc_no_stdlib_1_3_0_features {}) }: alloc_no_stdlib_1_3_0_ {
+    features = mkFeatures (features.alloc_no_stdlib_1_3_0 or {});
+  };
+  alloc_no_stdlib_1_3_0_features = f: updateFeatures f ({
+    alloc_no_stdlib_1_3_0.default = (f.alloc_no_stdlib_1_3_0.default or true);
+  }) [];
+  brotli_2_5_0 = { features?(brotli_2_5_0_features {}) }: brotli_2_5_0_ {
+    dependencies = mapFeatures features ([ alloc_no_stdlib_1_3_0 brotli_decompressor_1_3_1 ]);
+    features = mkFeatures (features.brotli_2_5_0 or {});
+  };
+  brotli_2_5_0_features = f: updateFeatures f (rec {
+    alloc_no_stdlib_1_3_0.no-stdlib =
+      (f.alloc_no_stdlib_1_3_0.no-stdlib or false) ||
+      (brotli_2_5_0.no-stdlib or false) ||
+      (f.brotli_2_5_0.no-stdlib or false);
+    alloc_no_stdlib_1_3_0.default = true;
+    brotli_2_5_0.default = (f.brotli_2_5_0.default or true);
+    brotli_decompressor_1_3_1.disable-timer =
+      (f.brotli_decompressor_1_3_1.disable-timer or false) ||
+      (brotli_2_5_0.disable-timer or false) ||
+      (f.brotli_2_5_0.disable-timer or false);
+    brotli_decompressor_1_3_1.no-stdlib =
+      (f.brotli_decompressor_1_3_1.no-stdlib or false) ||
+      (brotli_2_5_0.no-stdlib or false) ||
+      (f.brotli_2_5_0.no-stdlib or false);
+    brotli_decompressor_1_3_1.benchmark =
+      (f.brotli_decompressor_1_3_1.benchmark or false) ||
+      (brotli_2_5_0.benchmark or false) ||
+      (f.brotli_2_5_0.benchmark or false);
+    brotli_decompressor_1_3_1.default = true;
+    brotli_decompressor_1_3_1.seccomp =
+      (f.brotli_decompressor_1_3_1.seccomp or false) ||
+      (brotli_2_5_0.seccomp or false) ||
+      (f.brotli_2_5_0.seccomp or false);
+  }) [ alloc_no_stdlib_1_3_0_features brotli_decompressor_1_3_1_features ];
+  brotli_decompressor_1_3_1 = { features?(brotli_decompressor_1_3_1_features {}) }: brotli_decompressor_1_3_1_ {
+    dependencies = mapFeatures features ([ alloc_no_stdlib_1_3_0 ]);
+    features = mkFeatures (features.brotli_decompressor_1_3_1 or {});
+  };
+  brotli_decompressor_1_3_1_features = f: updateFeatures f (rec {
+    alloc_no_stdlib_1_3_0.no-stdlib =
+      (f.alloc_no_stdlib_1_3_0.no-stdlib or false) ||
+      (brotli_decompressor_1_3_1.no-stdlib or false) ||
+      (f.brotli_decompressor_1_3_1.no-stdlib or false);
+    alloc_no_stdlib_1_3_0.default = true;
+    alloc_no_stdlib_1_3_0.unsafe =
+      (f.alloc_no_stdlib_1_3_0.unsafe or false) ||
+      (brotli_decompressor_1_3_1.unsafe or false) ||
+      (f.brotli_decompressor_1_3_1.unsafe or false);
+    brotli_decompressor_1_3_1.default = (f.brotli_decompressor_1_3_1.default or true);
+  }) [ alloc_no_stdlib_1_3_0_features ];
diff --git a/nixpkgs/pkgs/build-support/rust/build-rust-crate/test/default.nix b/nixpkgs/pkgs/build-support/rust/build-rust-crate/test/default.nix
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..522eedfede7f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/nixpkgs/pkgs/build-support/rust/build-rust-crate/test/default.nix
@@ -0,0 +1,671 @@
+{ lib
+, buildPackages
+, buildRustCrate
+, callPackage
+, releaseTools
+, runCommand
+, runCommandCC
+, stdenv
+, symlinkJoin
+, writeTextFile
+  mkCrate = buildRustCrate: args: let
+    p = {
+      crateName = "nixtestcrate";
+      version = "0.1.0";
+      authors = [ "Test <test@example.com>" ];
+    } // args;
+  in buildRustCrate p;
+  mkHostCrate = mkCrate buildRustCrate;
+  mkCargoToml =
+    { name, crateVersion ? "0.1.0", path ? "Cargo.toml" }:
+      mkFile path ''
+        [package]
+        name = ${builtins.toJSON name}
+        version = ${builtins.toJSON crateVersion}
+      '';
+  mkFile = destination: text: writeTextFile {
+    name = "src";
+    destination = "/${destination}";
+    inherit text;
+  };
+  mkBin = name: mkFile name ''
+    use std::env;
+    fn main() {
+      let name: String = env::args().nth(0).unwrap();
+      println!("executed {}", name);
+    }
+  '';
+  mkBinExtern = name: extern: mkFile name ''
+    extern crate ${extern};
+    fn main() {
+      assert_eq!(${extern}::test(), 23);
+    }
+  '';
+  mkTestFile = name: functionName: mkFile name ''
+    #[cfg(test)]
+    #[test]
+    fn ${functionName}() {
+      assert!(true);
+    }
+  '';
+  mkTestFileWithMain = name: functionName: mkFile name ''
+    #[cfg(test)]
+    #[test]
+    fn ${functionName}() {
+      assert!(true);
+    }
+    fn main() {}
+  '';
+  mkLib = name: mkFile name "pub fn test() -> i32 { return 23; }";
+  mkTest = crateArgs: let
+    crate = mkHostCrate (builtins.removeAttrs crateArgs ["expectedTestOutput"]);
+    hasTests = crateArgs.buildTests or false;
+    expectedTestOutputs = crateArgs.expectedTestOutputs or null;
+    binaries = map (v: lib.escapeShellArg v.name) (crateArgs.crateBin or []);
+    isLib = crateArgs ? libName || crateArgs ? libPath;
+    crateName = crateArgs.crateName or "nixtestcrate";
+    libName = crateArgs.libName or crateName;
+    libTestBinary = if !isLib then null else mkHostCrate {
+      crateName = "run-test-${crateName}";
+      dependencies = [ crate ];
+      src = mkBinExtern "src/main.rs" libName;
+    };
+    in
+      assert expectedTestOutputs != null -> hasTests;
+      assert hasTests -> expectedTestOutputs != null;
+      runCommand "run-buildRustCrate-${crateName}-test" {
+        nativeBuildInputs = [ crate ];
+      } (if !hasTests then ''
+          ${lib.concatMapStringsSep "\n" (binary:
+            # Can't actually run the binary when cross-compiling
+            (lib.optionalString (stdenv.hostPlatform != stdenv.buildPlatform) "type ") + binary
+          ) binaries}
+          ${lib.optionalString isLib ''
+              test -e ${crate}/lib/*.rlib || exit 1
+              ${lib.optionalString (stdenv.hostPlatform != stdenv.buildPlatform) "test -x "} \
+                ${libTestBinary}/bin/run-test-${crateName}
+          ''}
+          touch $out
+        '' else if stdenv.hostPlatform == stdenv.buildPlatform then ''
+          for file in ${crate}/tests/*; do
+            $file 2>&1 >> $out
+          done
+          set -e
+          ${lib.concatMapStringsSep "\n" (o: "grep '${o}' $out || {  echo 'output \"${o}\" not found in:'; cat $out; exit 23; }") expectedTestOutputs}
+        '' else ''
+          for file in ${crate}/tests/*; do
+            test -x "$file"
+          done
+          touch "$out"
+        ''
+      );
+    /* Returns a derivation that asserts that the crate specified by `crateArgs`
+       has the specified files as output.
+       `name` is used as part of the derivation name that performs the checking.
+       `crateArgs` is passed to `mkHostCrate` to build the crate with `buildRustCrate`.
+       `expectedFiles` contains a list of expected file paths in the output. E.g.
+       `[ "./bin/my_binary" ]`.
+       `output` specifies the name of the output to use. By default, the default
+       output is used but e.g. `output = "lib";` will cause the lib output
+       to be checked instead. You do not need to specify any directories.
+     */
+    assertOutputs = { name, crateArgs, expectedFiles, output? null }:
+      assert (builtins.isString name);
+      assert (builtins.isAttrs crateArgs);
+      assert (builtins.isList expectedFiles);
+      let
+        crate = mkHostCrate (builtins.removeAttrs crateArgs ["expectedTestOutput"]);
+        crateOutput = if output == null then crate else crate."${output}";
+        expectedFilesFile = writeTextFile {
+          name = "expected-files-${name}";
+          text =
+            let sorted = builtins.sort (a: b: a<b) expectedFiles;
+                concatenated = builtins.concatStringsSep "\n" sorted;
+            in "${concatenated}\n";
+        };
+      in
+      runCommand "assert-outputs-${name}" {
+      } (''
+      local actualFiles=$(mktemp)
+      cd "${crateOutput}"
+      find . -type f \
+        | sort \
+      ''
+      # sed out the hash because it differs per platform
+      + ''
+        | sed -E -e 's/-[0-9a-fA-F]{10}\.rlib/-HASH.rlib/g' \
+        > "$actualFiles"
+      diff -q ${expectedFilesFile} "$actualFiles" > /dev/null || {
+        echo -e "\033[0;1;31mERROR: Difference in expected output files in ${crateOutput} \033[0m" >&2
+        echo === Got:
+        sed -e 's/^/  /' $actualFiles
+        echo === Expected:
+        sed -e 's/^/  /' ${expectedFilesFile}
+        echo === Diff:
+        diff -u ${expectedFilesFile} $actualFiles |\
+          tail -n +3 |\
+          sed -e 's/^/  /'
+        exit 1
+      }
+      touch $out
+      '')
+      ;
+  in rec {
+  tests = let
+    cases = rec {
+      libPath =  { libPath = "src/my_lib.rs"; src = mkLib "src/my_lib.rs"; };
+      srcLib =  { src = mkLib "src/lib.rs"; };
+      # This used to be supported by cargo but as of 1.40.0 I can't make it work like that with just cargo anymore.
+      # This might be a regression or deprecated thing they finally removed…
+      # customLibName =  { libName = "test_lib"; src = mkLib "src/test_lib.rs"; };
+      # rustLibTestsCustomLibName = {
+      #   libName = "test_lib";
+      #   src = mkTestFile "src/test_lib.rs" "foo";
+      #   buildTests = true;
+      #   expectedTestOutputs = [ "test foo ... ok" ];
+      # };
+      customLibNameAndLibPath =  { libName = "test_lib"; libPath = "src/best-lib.rs"; src = mkLib "src/best-lib.rs"; };
+      crateBinWithPath =  { crateBin = [{ name = "test_binary1"; path = "src/foobar.rs"; }]; src = mkBin "src/foobar.rs"; };
+      crateBinNoPath1 =  { crateBin = [{ name = "my-binary2"; }]; src = mkBin "src/my_binary2.rs"; };
+      crateBinNoPath2 =  {
+        crateBin = [{ name = "my-binary3"; } { name = "my-binary4"; }];
+        src = symlinkJoin {
+          name = "buildRustCrateMultipleBinariesCase";
+          paths = [ (mkBin "src/bin/my_binary3.rs") (mkBin "src/bin/my_binary4.rs") ];
+        };
+      };
+      crateBinNoPath3 =  { crateBin = [{ name = "my-binary5"; }]; src = mkBin "src/bin/main.rs"; };
+      crateBinNoPath4 =  { crateBin = [{ name = "my-binary6"; }]; src = mkBin "src/main.rs";};
+      crateBinRename1 = {
+        crateBin = [{ name = "my-binary-rename1"; }];
+        src = mkBinExtern "src/main.rs" "foo_renamed";
+        dependencies = [ (mkHostCrate { crateName = "foo"; src = mkLib "src/lib.rs"; }) ];
+        crateRenames = { "foo" = "foo_renamed"; };
+      };
+      crateBinRename2 = {
+        crateBin = [{ name = "my-binary-rename2"; }];
+        src = mkBinExtern "src/main.rs" "foo_renamed";
+        dependencies = [ (mkHostCrate { crateName = "foo"; libName = "foolib"; src = mkLib "src/lib.rs"; }) ];
+        crateRenames = { "foo" = "foo_renamed"; };
+      };
+      crateBinRenameMultiVersion = let
+        crateWithVersion = version: mkHostCrate {
+          crateName = "my_lib";
+          inherit version;
+          src = mkFile "src/lib.rs" ''
+            pub const version: &str = "${version}";
+          '';
+        };
+        depCrate01 = crateWithVersion "0.1.2";
+        depCrate02 = crateWithVersion "0.2.1";
+      in {
+        crateName = "my_bin";
+        src = symlinkJoin {
+          name = "my_bin_src";
+          paths = [
+            (mkFile  "src/main.rs" ''
+              #[test]
+              fn my_lib_01() { assert_eq!(lib01::version, "0.1.2"); }
+              #[test]
+              fn my_lib_02() { assert_eq!(lib02::version, "0.2.1"); }
+              fn main() { }
+            '')
+          ];
+        };
+        dependencies = [ depCrate01 depCrate02 ];
+        crateRenames = {
+          "my_lib" = [
+            {
+              version = "0.1.2";
+              rename = "lib01";
+            }
+            {
+              version = "0.2.1";
+              rename = "lib02";
+            }
+          ];
+        };
+        buildTests = true;
+        expectedTestOutputs = [
+          "test my_lib_01 ... ok"
+          "test my_lib_02 ... ok"
+        ];
+      };
+      rustLibTestsDefault = {
+        src = mkTestFile "src/lib.rs" "baz";
+        buildTests = true;
+        expectedTestOutputs = [ "test baz ... ok" ];
+      };
+      rustLibTestsCustomLibPath = {
+        libPath = "src/test_path.rs";
+        src = mkTestFile "src/test_path.rs" "bar";
+        buildTests = true;
+        expectedTestOutputs = [ "test bar ... ok" ];
+      };
+      rustLibTestsCustomLibPathWithTests = {
+        libPath = "src/test_path.rs";
+        src = symlinkJoin {
+          name = "rust-lib-tests-custom-lib-path-with-tests-dir";
+          paths = [
+            (mkTestFile "src/test_path.rs" "bar")
+            (mkTestFile "tests/something.rs" "something")
+          ];
+        };
+        buildTests = true;
+        expectedTestOutputs = [
+          "test bar ... ok"
+          "test something ... ok"
+        ];
+      };
+      rustBinTestsCombined = {
+        src = symlinkJoin {
+          name = "rust-bin-tests-combined";
+          paths = [
+            (mkTestFileWithMain "src/main.rs" "src_main")
+            (mkTestFile "tests/foo.rs" "tests_foo")
+            (mkTestFile "tests/bar.rs" "tests_bar")
+          ];
+        };
+        buildTests = true;
+        expectedTestOutputs = [
+          "test src_main ... ok"
+          "test tests_foo ... ok"
+          "test tests_bar ... ok"
+        ];
+      };
+      rustBinTestsSubdirCombined = {
+        src = symlinkJoin {
+          name = "rust-bin-tests-subdir-combined";
+          paths = [
+            (mkTestFileWithMain "src/main.rs" "src_main")
+            (mkTestFile "tests/foo/main.rs" "tests_foo")
+            (mkTestFile "tests/bar/main.rs" "tests_bar")
+          ];
+        };
+        buildTests = true;
+        expectedTestOutputs = [
+          "test src_main ... ok"
+          "test tests_foo ... ok"
+          "test tests_bar ... ok"
+        ];
+      };
+      linkAgainstRlibCrate = {
+        crateName = "foo";
+        src = mkFile  "src/main.rs" ''
+          extern crate somerlib;
+          fn main() {}
+        '';
+        dependencies = [
+          (mkHostCrate {
+            crateName = "somerlib";
+            type = [ "rlib" ];
+            src = mkLib "src/lib.rs";
+          })
+        ];
+      };
+      buildScriptDeps = let
+        depCrate = buildRustCrate: boolVal: mkCrate buildRustCrate {
+          crateName = "bar";
+          src = mkFile "src/lib.rs" ''
+            pub const baz: bool = ${boolVal};
+          '';
+        };
+      in {
+        crateName = "foo";
+        src = symlinkJoin {
+          name = "build-script-and-main";
+          paths = [
+            (mkFile  "src/main.rs" ''
+              extern crate bar;
+              #[cfg(test)]
+              #[test]
+              fn baz_false() { assert!(!bar::baz); }
+              fn main() { }
+            '')
+            (mkFile  "build.rs" ''
+              extern crate bar;
+              fn main() { assert!(bar::baz); }
+            '')
+          ];
+        };
+        buildDependencies = [ (depCrate buildPackages.buildRustCrate "true") ];
+        dependencies = [ (depCrate buildRustCrate "false") ];
+        buildTests = true;
+        expectedTestOutputs = [ "test baz_false ... ok" ];
+      };
+      buildScriptFeatureEnv = {
+        crateName = "build-script-feature-env";
+        features = [ "some-feature" "crate/another_feature" ];
+        src = symlinkJoin {
+          name = "build-script-feature-env";
+          paths = [
+            (mkFile  "src/main.rs" ''
+              #[cfg(test)]
+              #[test]
+              fn feature_not_visible() {
+                assert!(std::env::var("CARGO_FEATURE_SOME_FEATURE").is_err());
+                assert!(option_env!("CARGO_FEATURE_SOME_FEATURE").is_none());
+              }
+              fn main() {}
+            '')
+            (mkFile  "build.rs" ''
+              fn main() {
+                assert!(std::env::var("CARGO_FEATURE_SOME_FEATURE").is_ok());
+                assert!(option_env!("CARGO_FEATURE_SOME_FEATURE").is_none());
+              }
+            '')
+          ];
+        };
+        buildTests = true;
+        expectedTestOutputs = [ "test feature_not_visible ... ok" ];
+      };
+      # Regression test for https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/pull/88054
+      # Build script output should be rewritten as valid env vars.
+      buildScriptIncludeDirDeps = let
+        depCrate = mkHostCrate {
+          crateName = "bar";
+          src = symlinkJoin {
+            name = "build-script-and-include-dir-bar";
+            paths = [
+              (mkFile  "src/lib.rs" ''
+                fn main() { }
+              '')
+              (mkFile  "build.rs" ''
+                use std::path::PathBuf;
+                fn main() { println!("cargo:include-dir={}/src", std::env::current_dir().unwrap_or(PathBuf::from(".")).to_str().unwrap()); }
+              '')
+            ];
+          };
+        };
+      in {
+        crateName = "foo";
+        src = symlinkJoin {
+          name = "build-script-and-include-dir-foo";
+          paths = [
+            (mkFile  "src/main.rs" ''
+              fn main() { }
+            '')
+            (mkFile  "build.rs" ''
+              fn main() { assert!(std::env::var_os("DEP_BAR_INCLUDE_DIR").is_some()); }
+            '')
+          ];
+        };
+        buildDependencies = [ depCrate ];
+        dependencies = [ depCrate ];
+      };
+      # Regression test for https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/issues/74071
+      # Whenevever a build.rs file is generating files those should not be overlayed onto the actual source dir
+      buildRsOutDirOverlay = {
+        src = symlinkJoin {
+          name = "buildrs-out-dir-overlay";
+          paths = [
+            (mkLib "src/lib.rs")
+            (mkFile "build.rs" ''
+              use std::env;
+              use std::ffi::OsString;
+              use std::fs;
+              use std::path::Path;
+              fn main() {
+                let out_dir = env::var_os("OUT_DIR").expect("OUT_DIR not set");
+                let out_file = Path::new(&out_dir).join("lib.rs");
+                fs::write(out_file, "invalid rust code!").expect("failed to write lib.rs");
+              }
+            '')
+          ];
+        };
+      };
+      # Regression test for https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/pull/83379
+      # link flag order should be preserved
+      linkOrder = {
+        src = symlinkJoin {
+          name = "buildrs-out-dir-overlay";
+          paths = [
+            (mkFile "build.rs" ''
+              fn main() {
+                // in the other order, linkage will fail
+                println!("cargo:rustc-link-lib=b");
+                println!("cargo:rustc-link-lib=a");
+              }
+            '')
+            (mkFile "src/main.rs" ''
+              extern "C" {
+                fn hello_world();
+              }
+              fn main() {
+                unsafe {
+                  hello_world();
+                }
+              }
+            '')
+          ];
+        };
+        buildInputs = let
+          compile = name: text: let
+            src = writeTextFile {
+              name = "${name}-src.c";
+              inherit text;
+            };
+          in runCommandCC name {} ''
+            mkdir -p $out/lib
+            # Note: On darwin (which defaults to clang) we have to add
+            # `-undefined dynamic_lookup` as otherwise the compilation fails.
+            $CC -shared \
+              ${lib.optionalString stdenv.isDarwin "-undefined dynamic_lookup"} \
+              -o $out/lib/${name}${stdenv.hostPlatform.extensions.library} ${src}
+          '';
+          b = compile "libb" ''
+            #include <stdio.h>
+            void hello();
+            void hello_world() {
+              hello();
+              printf(" world!\n");
+            }
+          '';
+          a = compile "liba" ''
+            #include <stdio.h>
+            void hello() {
+              printf("hello");
+            }
+          '';
+        in [ a b ];
+      };
+      rustCargoTomlInSubDir = {
+        # The "workspace_member" can be set to the sub directory with the crate to build.
+        # By default ".", meaning the top level directory is assumed.
+        # Using null will trigger a search.
+        workspace_member = null;
+        src = symlinkJoin rec {
+          name = "find-cargo-toml";
+          paths = [
+            (mkCargoToml { name = "ignoreMe"; })
+            (mkTestFileWithMain "src/main.rs" "ignore_main")
+            (mkCargoToml { name = "rustCargoTomlInSubDir"; path = "subdir/Cargo.toml"; })
+            (mkTestFileWithMain "subdir/src/main.rs" "src_main")
+            (mkTestFile "subdir/tests/foo/main.rs" "tests_foo")
+            (mkTestFile "subdir/tests/bar/main.rs" "tests_bar")
+          ];
+        };
+        buildTests = true;
+        expectedTestOutputs = [
+          "test src_main ... ok"
+          "test tests_foo ... ok"
+          "test tests_bar ... ok"
+        ];
+      };
+      rustCargoTomlInTopDir =
+        let
+          withoutCargoTomlSearch = builtins.removeAttrs rustCargoTomlInSubDir [ "workspace_member" ];
+        in
+          withoutCargoTomlSearch // {
+            expectedTestOutputs = [
+              "test ignore_main ... ok"
+            ];
+          };
+      procMacroInPrelude = {
+        procMacro = true;
+        edition = "2018";
+        src = symlinkJoin {
+          name = "proc-macro-in-prelude";
+          paths = [
+            (mkFile "src/lib.rs" ''
+              use proc_macro::TokenTree;
+            '')
+          ];
+        };
+      };
+    };
+    brotliCrates = (callPackage ./brotli-crates.nix {});
+    rcgenCrates = callPackage ./rcgen-crates.nix {
+      # Suppress deprecation warning
+      buildRustCrate = null;
+    };
+    tests = lib.mapAttrs (key: value: mkTest (value // lib.optionalAttrs (!value?crateName) { crateName = key; })) cases;
+  in tests // rec {
+    crateBinWithPathOutputs = assertOutputs {
+      name="crateBinWithPath";
+      crateArgs = {
+        crateBin = [{ name = "test_binary1"; path = "src/foobar.rs"; }];
+        src = mkBin "src/foobar.rs";
+      };
+      expectedFiles = [
+        "./bin/test_binary1"
+      ];
+    };
+    crateBinWithPathOutputsDebug = assertOutputs {
+      name="crateBinWithPath";
+      crateArgs = {
+        release = false;
+        crateBin = [{ name = "test_binary1"; path = "src/foobar.rs"; }];
+        src = mkBin "src/foobar.rs";
+      };
+      expectedFiles = [
+        "./bin/test_binary1"
+      ] ++ lib.optionals stdenv.isDarwin [
+        # On Darwin, the debug symbols are in a separate directory.
+        "./bin/test_binary1.dSYM/Contents/Info.plist"
+        "./bin/test_binary1.dSYM/Contents/Resources/DWARF/test_binary1"
+      ];
+    };
+    crateBinNoPath1Outputs = assertOutputs {
+      name="crateBinNoPath1";
+      crateArgs = {
+        crateBin = [{ name = "my-binary2"; }];
+        src = mkBin "src/my_binary2.rs";
+      };
+      expectedFiles = [
+        "./bin/my-binary2"
+      ];
+    };
+    crateLibOutputs = assertOutputs {
+      name="crateLib";
+      output="lib";
+      crateArgs = {
+        libName = "test_lib";
+        type = [ "rlib" ];
+        libPath = "src/lib.rs";
+        src = mkLib "src/lib.rs";
+      };
+      expectedFiles = [
+        "./nix-support/propagated-build-inputs"
+        "./lib/libtest_lib-HASH.rlib"
+        "./lib/link"
+      ];
+    };
+    crateLibOutputsDebug = assertOutputs {
+      name="crateLib";
+      output="lib";
+      crateArgs = {
+        release = false;
+        libName = "test_lib";
+        type = [ "rlib" ];
+        libPath = "src/lib.rs";
+        src = mkLib "src/lib.rs";
+      };
+      expectedFiles = [
+        "./nix-support/propagated-build-inputs"
+        "./lib/libtest_lib-HASH.rlib"
+        "./lib/link"
+      ];
+    };
+    brotliTest = let
+      pkg = brotliCrates.brotli_2_5_0 {};
+    in runCommand "run-brotli-test-cmd" {
+      nativeBuildInputs = [ pkg ];
+    } (if stdenv.hostPlatform == stdenv.buildPlatform then ''
+      ${pkg}/bin/brotli -c ${pkg}/bin/brotli > /dev/null && touch $out
+    '' else ''
+      test -x '${pkg}/bin/brotli' && touch $out
+    '');
+    allocNoStdLibTest = let
+      pkg = brotliCrates.alloc_no_stdlib_1_3_0 {};
+    in runCommand "run-alloc-no-stdlib-test-cmd" {
+      nativeBuildInputs = [ pkg ];
+    } ''
+      test -e ${pkg}/bin/example && touch $out
+    '';
+    brotliDecompressorTest = let
+      pkg = brotliCrates.brotli_decompressor_1_3_1 {};
+    in runCommand "run-brotli-decompressor-test-cmd" {
+      nativeBuildInputs = [ pkg ];
+    } ''
+      test -e ${pkg}/bin/brotli-decompressor && touch $out
+    '';
+    rcgenTest = let
+      pkg = rcgenCrates.rootCrate.build;
+    in runCommand "run-rcgen-test-cmd" {
+      nativeBuildInputs = [ pkg ];
+    } (if stdenv.hostPlatform == stdenv.buildPlatform then ''
+      ${pkg}/bin/rcgen && touch $out
+    '' else ''
+      test -x '${pkg}/bin/rcgen' && touch $out
+    '');
+  };
+  test = releaseTools.aggregate {
+    name = "buildRustCrate-tests";
+    meta = {
+      description = "Test cases for buildRustCrate";
+      maintainers = [ ];
+    };
+    constituents = builtins.attrValues tests;
+  };
diff --git a/nixpkgs/pkgs/build-support/rust/build-rust-crate/test/rcgen-crates.nix b/nixpkgs/pkgs/build-support/rust/build-rust-crate/test/rcgen-crates.nix
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..ed273c01d26d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/nixpkgs/pkgs/build-support/rust/build-rust-crate/test/rcgen-crates.nix
@@ -0,0 +1,3494 @@
+# This file was @generated by crate2nix 0.10.0 with the command:
+#   "generate"
+# See https://github.com/kolloch/crate2nix for more info.
+{ nixpkgs ? <nixpkgs>
+, pkgs ? import nixpkgs { config = {}; }
+, lib ? pkgs.lib
+, stdenv ? pkgs.stdenv
+, buildRustCrateForPkgs ? if buildRustCrate != null
+    then lib.warn "crate2nix: Passing `buildRustCrate` as argument to Cargo.nix is deprecated. If you don't customize `buildRustCrate`, replace `callPackage ./Cargo.nix {}` by `import ./Cargo.nix { inherit pkgs; }`, and if you need to customize `buildRustCrate`, use `buildRustCrateForPkgs` instead." (_: buildRustCrate)
+    else pkgs: pkgs.buildRustCrate
+  # Deprecated
+, buildRustCrate ? null
+  # This is used as the `crateOverrides` argument for `buildRustCrate`.
+, defaultCrateOverrides ? pkgs.defaultCrateOverrides
+  # The features to enable for the root_crate or the workspace_members.
+, rootFeatures ? [ "default" ]
+  # If true, throw errors instead of issueing deprecation warnings.
+, strictDeprecation ? false
+  # Used for conditional compilation based on CPU feature detection.
+, targetFeatures ? []
+  # Whether to perform release builds: longer compile times, faster binaries.
+, release ? true
+  # Additional crate2nix configuration if it exists.
+, crateConfig
+  ? lib.optionalAttrs (builtins.pathExists ./crate-config.nix) (pkgs.callPackage ./crate-config.nix {})
+rec {
+  #
+  # "public" attributes that we attempt to keep stable with new versions of crate2nix.
+  #
+  rootCrate = rec {
+    packageId = "rcgen";
+    # Use this attribute to refer to the derivation building your root crate package.
+    # You can override the features with rootCrate.build.override { features = [ "default" "feature1" ... ]; }.
+    build = internal.buildRustCrateWithFeatures {
+      inherit packageId;
+    };
+    # Debug support which might change between releases.
+    # File a bug if you depend on any for non-debug work!
+    debug = internal.debugCrate { inherit packageId; };
+  };
+  # Refer your crate build derivation by name here.
+  # You can override the features with
+  # workspaceMembers."${crateName}".build.override { features = [ "default" "feature1" ... ]; }.
+  workspaceMembers = {
+    "rcgen" = rec {
+      packageId = "rcgen";
+      build = internal.buildRustCrateWithFeatures {
+        packageId = "rcgen";
+      };
+      # Debug support which might change between releases.
+      # File a bug if you depend on any for non-debug work!
+      debug = internal.debugCrate { inherit packageId; };
+    };
+  };
+  # A derivation that joins the outputs of all workspace members together.
+  allWorkspaceMembers = pkgs.symlinkJoin {
+      name = "all-workspace-members";
+      paths =
+        let members = builtins.attrValues workspaceMembers;
+        in builtins.map (m: m.build) members;
+  };
+  #
+  # "internal" ("private") attributes that may change in every new version of crate2nix.
+  #
+  internal = rec {
+    # Build and dependency information for crates.
+    # Many of the fields are passed one-to-one to buildRustCrate.
+    #
+    # Noteworthy:
+    # * `dependencies`/`buildDependencies`: similar to the corresponding fields for buildRustCrate.
+    #   but with additional information which is used during dependency/feature resolution.
+    # * `resolvedDependencies`: the selected default features reported by cargo - only included for debugging.
+    # * `devDependencies` as of now not used by `buildRustCrate` but used to
+    #   inject test dependencies into the build
+    crates = {
+      "asn1-rs" = rec {
+        crateName = "asn1-rs";
+        version = "0.3.1";
+        edition = "2018";
+        sha256 = "0czsk1nd4dx2k83f7jzkn8klx05wbmblkx1jh51i4c170akhbzrh";
+        authors = [
+          "Pierre Chifflier <chifflier@wzdftpd.net>"
+        ];
+        dependencies = [
+          {
+            name = "asn1-rs-derive";
+            packageId = "asn1-rs-derive";
+          }
+          {
+            name = "asn1-rs-impl";
+            packageId = "asn1-rs-impl";
+          }
+          {
+            name = "displaydoc";
+            packageId = "displaydoc";
+          }
+          {
+            name = "nom";
+            packageId = "nom";
+            usesDefaultFeatures = false;
+            features = [ "std" ];
+          }
+          {
+            name = "num-traits";
+            packageId = "num-traits";
+          }
+          {
+            name = "rusticata-macros";
+            packageId = "rusticata-macros";
+          }
+          {
+            name = "thiserror";
+            packageId = "thiserror";
+          }
+          {
+            name = "time";
+            packageId = "time";
+            optional = true;
+            features = [ "macros" "parsing" "formatting" ];
+          }
+        ];
+        features = {
+          "bigint" = [ "num-bigint" ];
+          "bits" = [ "bitvec" ];
+          "bitvec" = [ "dep:bitvec" ];
+          "cookie-factory" = [ "dep:cookie-factory" ];
+          "datetime" = [ "time" ];
+          "default" = [ "std" ];
+          "num-bigint" = [ "dep:num-bigint" ];
+          "serialize" = [ "cookie-factory" ];
+          "time" = [ "dep:time" ];
+        };
+        resolvedDefaultFeatures = [ "datetime" "default" "std" "time" ];
+      };
+      "asn1-rs-derive" = rec {
+        crateName = "asn1-rs-derive";
+        version = "0.1.0";
+        edition = "2018";
+        sha256 = "1gzf9vab06lk0zjvbr07axx64fndkng2s28bnj27fnwd548pb2yv";
+        procMacro = true;
+        authors = [
+          "Pierre Chifflier <chifflier@wzdftpd.net>"
+        ];
+        dependencies = [
+          {
+            name = "proc-macro2";
+            packageId = "proc-macro2";
+          }
+          {
+            name = "quote";
+            packageId = "quote";
+          }
+          {
+            name = "syn";
+            packageId = "syn";
+          }
+          {
+            name = "synstructure";
+            packageId = "synstructure";
+          }
+        ];
+      };
+      "asn1-rs-impl" = rec {
+        crateName = "asn1-rs-impl";
+        version = "0.1.0";
+        edition = "2018";
+        sha256 = "1va27bn7qxqp4wanzjlkagnynv6jnrhnwmcky2ahzb1r405p6xr7";
+        procMacro = true;
+        authors = [
+          "Pierre Chifflier <chifflier@wzdftpd.net>"
+        ];
+        dependencies = [
+          {
+            name = "proc-macro2";
+            packageId = "proc-macro2";
+          }
+          {
+            name = "quote";
+            packageId = "quote";
+          }
+          {
+            name = "syn";
+            packageId = "syn";
+          }
+        ];
+      };
+      "autocfg 0.1.7" = rec {
+        crateName = "autocfg";
+        version = "0.1.7";
+        edition = "2015";
+        sha256 = "1chwgimpx5z7xbag7krr9d8asxfqbh683qhgl9kn3hxk2l0djj8x";
+        authors = [
+          "Josh Stone <cuviper@gmail.com>"
+        ];
+      };
+      "autocfg 1.0.1" = rec {
+        crateName = "autocfg";
+        version = "1.0.1";
+        edition = "2015";
+        sha256 = "0jj6i9zn4gjl03kjvziqdji6rwx8ykz8zk2ngpc331z2g3fk3c6d";
+        authors = [
+          "Josh Stone <cuviper@gmail.com>"
+        ];
+      };
+      "base64" = rec {
+        crateName = "base64";
+        version = "0.13.0";
+        edition = "2018";
+        sha256 = "1z82g23mbzjgijkpcrilc7nljpxpvpf7zxf6iyiapkgka2ngwkch";
+        authors = [
+          "Alice Maz <alice@alicemaz.com>"
+          "Marshall Pierce <marshall@mpierce.org>"
+        ];
+        features = {
+          "default" = [ "std" ];
+        };
+        resolvedDefaultFeatures = [ "default" "std" ];
+      };
+      "base64ct" = rec {
+        crateName = "base64ct";
+        version = "1.1.1";
+        edition = "2018";
+        sha256 = "0p4was874qc90q2chm2i14m9mn8zmxjis8vaxihd6a2x4aqxkd76";
+        authors = [
+          "RustCrypto Developers"
+        ];
+        features = {
+          "std" = [ "alloc" ];
+        };
+      };
+      "bitflags" = rec {
+        crateName = "bitflags";
+        version = "1.3.2";
+        edition = "2018";
+        sha256 = "12ki6w8gn1ldq7yz9y680llwk5gmrhrzszaa17g1sbrw2r2qvwxy";
+        authors = [
+          "The Rust Project Developers"
+        ];
+        features = {
+          "compiler_builtins" = [ "dep:compiler_builtins" ];
+          "core" = [ "dep:core" ];
+          "rustc-dep-of-std" = [ "core" "compiler_builtins" ];
+        };
+        resolvedDefaultFeatures = [ "default" ];
+      };
+      "botan" = rec {
+        crateName = "botan";
+        version = "0.8.1";
+        edition = "2018";
+        sha256 = "08bmiyn7c3b0dgx20w6hr28d9jcq7cj78cchr84pc686sb2s41ik";
+        authors = [
+          "Jack Lloyd <jack@randombit.net>"
+        ];
+        dependencies = [
+          {
+            name = "botan-sys";
+            packageId = "botan-sys";
+          }
+          {
+            name = "cty";
+            packageId = "cty";
+          }
+        ];
+        features = {
+          "cstr_core" = [ "dep:cstr_core" ];
+          "no-std" = [ "cstr_core/alloc" ];
+          "vendored" = [ "botan-sys/vendored" ];
+        };
+        resolvedDefaultFeatures = [ "default" "vendored" ];
+      };
+      "botan-src" = rec {
+        crateName = "botan-src";
+        version = "0.21703.0";
+        edition = "2018";
+        sha256 = "0s2ad9q84qsrllfsbj7hjhn7gr3hab9ng6lwzwqmimia6yvja8y8";
+        authors = [
+          "Rodolphe Breard <rodolphe@what.tf>"
+          "Jack Lloyd <jack@randombit.net>"
+        ];
+      };
+      "botan-sys" = rec {
+        crateName = "botan-sys";
+        version = "0.8.1";
+        edition = "2015";
+        sha256 = "1m11zblxfanrhl97j7z3ap7n17rr8j0rg91sr7f9j6y2bsniaz1x";
+        authors = [
+          "Jack Lloyd <jack@randombit.net>"
+        ];
+        dependencies = [
+          {
+            name = "cty";
+            packageId = "cty";
+          }
+        ];
+        buildDependencies = [
+          {
+            name = "botan-src";
+            packageId = "botan-src";
+            optional = true;
+          }
+        ];
+        features = {
+          "botan-src" = [ "dep:botan-src" ];
+          "vendored" = [ "botan-src" ];
+        };
+        resolvedDefaultFeatures = [ "botan-src" "default" "vendored" ];
+      };
+      "bumpalo" = rec {
+        crateName = "bumpalo";
+        version = "3.9.1";
+        edition = "2018";
+        sha256 = "1688dv6s0cbj72p9lmll8a02a85dzxvdw2is7pji490zmd35m954";
+        authors = [
+          "Nick Fitzgerald <fitzgen@gmail.com>"
+        ];
+        features = {
+        };
+        resolvedDefaultFeatures = [ "default" ];
+      };
+      "byteorder" = rec {
+        crateName = "byteorder";
+        version = "1.4.3";
+        edition = "2018";
+        sha256 = "0456lv9xi1a5bcm32arknf33ikv76p3fr9yzki4lb2897p2qkh8l";
+        authors = [
+          "Andrew Gallant <jamslam@gmail.com>"
+        ];
+        features = {
+          "default" = [ "std" ];
+        };
+      };
+      "cc" = rec {
+        crateName = "cc";
+        version = "1.0.72";
+        edition = "2018";
+        crateBin = [];
+        sha256 = "1vl50h2qh0nh0iddzj6gd1pnxnxpvwmbfxc30578c1pajmxi7a92";
+        authors = [
+          "Alex Crichton <alex@alexcrichton.com>"
+        ];
+        features = {
+          "jobserver" = [ "dep:jobserver" ];
+          "parallel" = [ "jobserver" ];
+        };
+      };
+      "cfg-if" = rec {
+        crateName = "cfg-if";
+        version = "1.0.0";
+        edition = "2018";
+        sha256 = "1za0vb97n4brpzpv8lsbnzmq5r8f2b0cpqqr0sy8h5bn751xxwds";
+        authors = [
+          "Alex Crichton <alex@alexcrichton.com>"
+        ];
+        features = {
+          "compiler_builtins" = [ "dep:compiler_builtins" ];
+          "core" = [ "dep:core" ];
+          "rustc-dep-of-std" = [ "core" "compiler_builtins" ];
+        };
+      };
+      "const-oid" = rec {
+        crateName = "const-oid";
+        version = "0.6.2";
+        edition = "2018";
+        sha256 = "12vv7csqqjj0x1l5mf51lgqiw76k5c3mb1yzfhfcqysks2j2lvwx";
+        authors = [
+          "RustCrypto Developers"
+        ];
+        features = {
+        };
+      };
+      "crypto-bigint" = rec {
+        crateName = "crypto-bigint";
+        version = "0.2.11";
+        edition = "2018";
+        sha256 = "00qckh65nzb7s7vd60wylw6alxf9g37xh31lirb1qw0l8fxx6fzq";
+        authors = [
+          "RustCrypto Developers"
+        ];
+        dependencies = [
+          {
+            name = "generic-array";
+            packageId = "generic-array";
+            optional = true;
+          }
+          {
+            name = "rand_core";
+            packageId = "rand_core";
+            optional = true;
+          }
+          {
+            name = "subtle";
+            packageId = "subtle";
+            usesDefaultFeatures = false;
+          }
+        ];
+        features = {
+          "default" = [ "rand" ];
+          "generic-array" = [ "dep:generic-array" ];
+          "rand" = [ "rand_core" ];
+          "rand_core" = [ "dep:rand_core" ];
+          "rlp" = [ "dep:rlp" ];
+          "zeroize" = [ "dep:zeroize" ];
+        };
+        resolvedDefaultFeatures = [ "default" "generic-array" "rand" "rand_core" ];
+      };
+      "cty" = rec {
+        crateName = "cty";
+        version = "0.2.2";
+        edition = "2015";
+        sha256 = "0d8z0pbr87wgzqqb2jk5pvj0afzc6d3rb772ach6fijhg6yglrdk";
+        authors = [
+          "Jorge Aparicio <jorge@japaric.io>"
+        ];
+      };
+      "data-encoding" = rec {
+        crateName = "data-encoding";
+        version = "2.3.2";
+        edition = "2018";
+        sha256 = "0mvd8bjq5mq50fcf931cff57vwmbsvs1kpxynkzrshli98y3kqiy";
+        authors = [
+          "Julien Cretin <git@ia0.eu>"
+        ];
+        features = {
+          "default" = [ "std" ];
+          "std" = [ "alloc" ];
+        };
+        resolvedDefaultFeatures = [ "alloc" "default" "std" ];
+      };
+      "der" = rec {
+        crateName = "der";
+        version = "0.4.5";
+        edition = "2018";
+        sha256 = "1x4k0jln8va1657cghl40l6p7hyvr1ixz71v9cd6imwmgp51rdvr";
+        authors = [
+          "RustCrypto Developers"
+        ];
+        dependencies = [
+          {
+            name = "const-oid";
+            packageId = "const-oid";
+            optional = true;
+          }
+          {
+            name = "crypto-bigint";
+            packageId = "crypto-bigint";
+            optional = true;
+            features = [ "generic-array" ];
+          }
+        ];
+        features = {
+          "bigint" = [ "crypto-bigint" ];
+          "const-oid" = [ "dep:const-oid" ];
+          "crypto-bigint" = [ "dep:crypto-bigint" ];
+          "der_derive" = [ "dep:der_derive" ];
+          "derive" = [ "der_derive" ];
+          "oid" = [ "const-oid" ];
+          "std" = [ "alloc" ];
+        };
+        resolvedDefaultFeatures = [ "alloc" "bigint" "const-oid" "crypto-bigint" "oid" "std" ];
+      };
+      "der-parser" = rec {
+        crateName = "der-parser";
+        version = "7.0.0";
+        edition = "2018";
+        sha256 = "10kfa2gzl3x20mwgrd43cyi79xgkqxyzcyrh0xylv4apa33qlfgy";
+        authors = [
+          "Pierre Chifflier <chifflier@wzdftpd.net>"
+        ];
+        dependencies = [
+          {
+            name = "asn1-rs";
+            packageId = "asn1-rs";
+          }
+          {
+            name = "displaydoc";
+            packageId = "displaydoc";
+            usesDefaultFeatures = false;
+          }
+          {
+            name = "nom";
+            packageId = "nom";
+          }
+          {
+            name = "num-bigint";
+            packageId = "num-bigint";
+            optional = true;
+          }
+          {
+            name = "num-traits";
+            packageId = "num-traits";
+          }
+          {
+            name = "rusticata-macros";
+            packageId = "rusticata-macros";
+          }
+        ];
+        features = {
+          "bigint" = [ "num-bigint" ];
+          "cookie-factory" = [ "dep:cookie-factory" ];
+          "default" = [ "std" ];
+          "num-bigint" = [ "dep:num-bigint" ];
+          "serialize" = [ "std" "cookie-factory" ];
+        };
+        resolvedDefaultFeatures = [ "bigint" "default" "num-bigint" "std" ];
+      };
+      "digest" = rec {
+        crateName = "digest";
+        version = "0.9.0";
+        edition = "2018";
+        sha256 = "0rmhvk33rgvd6ll71z8sng91a52rw14p0drjn1da0mqa138n1pfk";
+        authors = [
+          "RustCrypto Developers"
+        ];
+        dependencies = [
+          {
+            name = "generic-array";
+            packageId = "generic-array";
+          }
+        ];
+        features = {
+          "blobby" = [ "dep:blobby" ];
+          "dev" = [ "blobby" ];
+          "std" = [ "alloc" ];
+        };
+        resolvedDefaultFeatures = [ "alloc" "std" ];
+      };
+      "displaydoc" = rec {
+        crateName = "displaydoc";
+        version = "0.2.3";
+        edition = "2018";
+        sha256 = "11i8p5snlc1hs4g5q3wiyr75dn276l6kr0si5m7xmfa6y31mvy9v";
+        procMacro = true;
+        authors = [
+          "Jane Lusby <jlusby@yaah.dev>"
+        ];
+        dependencies = [
+          {
+            name = "proc-macro2";
+            packageId = "proc-macro2";
+          }
+          {
+            name = "quote";
+            packageId = "quote";
+          }
+          {
+            name = "syn";
+            packageId = "syn";
+          }
+        ];
+        features = {
+          "default" = [ "std" ];
+        };
+        resolvedDefaultFeatures = [ "default" "std" ];
+      };
+      "foreign-types" = rec {
+        crateName = "foreign-types";
+        version = "0.3.2";
+        edition = "2015";
+        sha256 = "1cgk0vyd7r45cj769jym4a6s7vwshvd0z4bqrb92q1fwibmkkwzn";
+        authors = [
+          "Steven Fackler <sfackler@gmail.com>"
+        ];
+        dependencies = [
+          {
+            name = "foreign-types-shared";
+            packageId = "foreign-types-shared";
+          }
+        ];
+      };
+      "foreign-types-shared" = rec {
+        crateName = "foreign-types-shared";
+        version = "0.1.1";
+        edition = "2015";
+        sha256 = "0jxgzd04ra4imjv8jgkmdq59kj8fsz6w4zxsbmlai34h26225c00";
+        authors = [
+          "Steven Fackler <sfackler@gmail.com>"
+        ];
+      };
+      "generic-array" = rec {
+        crateName = "generic-array";
+        version = "0.14.5";
+        edition = "2015";
+        sha256 = "00qqhls43bzvyb7s26iw6knvsz3mckbxl3rhaahvypzhqwzd6j7x";
+        libName = "generic_array";
+        authors = [
+          "Bartłomiej Kamiński <fizyk20@gmail.com>"
+          "Aaron Trent <novacrazy@gmail.com>"
+        ];
+        dependencies = [
+          {
+            name = "typenum";
+            packageId = "typenum";
+          }
+        ];
+        buildDependencies = [
+          {
+            name = "version_check";
+            packageId = "version_check";
+          }
+        ];
+        features = {
+          "serde" = [ "dep:serde" ];
+        };
+      };
+      "getrandom" = rec {
+        crateName = "getrandom";
+        version = "0.2.4";
+        edition = "2018";
+        sha256 = "0k0bdr1dyf4n9fvnkx4fmwxhv4hgnyf55gj86v4m69fln743g3a1";
+        authors = [
+          "The Rand Project Developers"
+        ];
+        dependencies = [
+          {
+            name = "cfg-if";
+            packageId = "cfg-if";
+          }
+          {
+            name = "libc";
+            packageId = "libc";
+            usesDefaultFeatures = false;
+            target = { target, features }: (target."unix" or false);
+          }
+          {
+            name = "wasi";
+            packageId = "wasi";
+            target = { target, features }: (target."os" == "wasi");
+          }
+        ];
+        features = {
+          "compiler_builtins" = [ "dep:compiler_builtins" ];
+          "core" = [ "dep:core" ];
+          "js" = [ "wasm-bindgen" "js-sys" ];
+          "js-sys" = [ "dep:js-sys" ];
+          "rustc-dep-of-std" = [ "compiler_builtins" "core" "libc/rustc-dep-of-std" "wasi/rustc-dep-of-std" ];
+          "wasm-bindgen" = [ "dep:wasm-bindgen" ];
+        };
+        resolvedDefaultFeatures = [ "std" ];
+      };
+      "itoa" = rec {
+        crateName = "itoa";
+        version = "1.0.1";
+        edition = "2018";
+        sha256 = "0d8wr2qf5b25a04xf10rz9r0pdbjdgb0zaw3xvf8k2sqcz1qzaqs";
+        authors = [
+          "David Tolnay <dtolnay@gmail.com>"
+        ];
+      };
+      "js-sys" = rec {
+        crateName = "js-sys";
+        version = "0.3.56";
+        edition = "2018";
+        sha256 = "010g8jkj5avy3xd77i3cprjzzpfa6z9z2ay0fkllqmpx617c53x3";
+        authors = [
+          "The wasm-bindgen Developers"
+        ];
+        dependencies = [
+          {
+            name = "wasm-bindgen";
+            packageId = "wasm-bindgen";
+          }
+        ];
+      };
+      "lazy_static" = rec {
+        crateName = "lazy_static";
+        version = "1.4.0";
+        edition = "2015";
+        sha256 = "0in6ikhw8mgl33wjv6q6xfrb5b9jr16q8ygjy803fay4zcisvaz2";
+        authors = [
+          "Marvin Löbel <loebel.marvin@gmail.com>"
+        ];
+        dependencies = [
+          {
+            name = "spin";
+            packageId = "spin";
+            optional = true;
+          }
+        ];
+        features = {
+          "spin" = [ "dep:spin" ];
+          "spin_no_std" = [ "spin" ];
+        };
+        resolvedDefaultFeatures = [ "spin" "spin_no_std" ];
+      };
+      "libc" = rec {
+        crateName = "libc";
+        version = "0.2.116";
+        edition = "2015";
+        sha256 = "0x6sk17kv2fdsqxlm23bz9x1y79w90k7ylkflk44rgidhy4bspan";
+        authors = [
+          "The Rust Project Developers"
+        ];
+        features = {
+          "default" = [ "std" ];
+          "rustc-dep-of-std" = [ "align" "rustc-std-workspace-core" ];
+          "rustc-std-workspace-core" = [ "dep:rustc-std-workspace-core" ];
+          "use_std" = [ "std" ];
+        };
+        resolvedDefaultFeatures = [ "default" "std" ];
+      };
+      "libm" = rec {
+        crateName = "libm";
+        version = "0.2.1";
+        edition = "2018";
+        sha256 = "0akh56sh51adhagmk9l84dyrlz60gv8ri05xhr13i1b18czkpmy7";
+        authors = [
+          "Jorge Aparicio <jorge@japaric.io>"
+        ];
+        features = {
+          "musl-reference-tests" = [ "rand" ];
+          "rand" = [ "dep:rand" ];
+        };
+        resolvedDefaultFeatures = [ "default" ];
+      };
+      "log" = rec {
+        crateName = "log";
+        version = "0.4.14";
+        edition = "2015";
+        sha256 = "04175hv0v62shd82qydq58a48k3bjijmk54v38zgqlbxqkkbpfai";
+        authors = [
+          "The Rust Project Developers"
+        ];
+        dependencies = [
+          {
+            name = "cfg-if";
+            packageId = "cfg-if";
+          }
+        ];
+        features = {
+          "kv_unstable" = [ "value-bag" ];
+          "kv_unstable_serde" = [ "kv_unstable_std" "value-bag/serde" "serde" ];
+          "kv_unstable_std" = [ "std" "kv_unstable" "value-bag/error" ];
+          "kv_unstable_sval" = [ "kv_unstable" "value-bag/sval" "sval" ];
+          "serde" = [ "dep:serde" ];
+          "sval" = [ "dep:sval" ];
+          "value-bag" = [ "dep:value-bag" ];
+        };
+      };
+      "memchr" = rec {
+        crateName = "memchr";
+        version = "2.4.1";
+        edition = "2018";
+        sha256 = "0smq8xzd40njqpfzv5mghigj91fzlfrfg842iz8x0wqvw2dw731h";
+        authors = [
+          "Andrew Gallant <jamslam@gmail.com>"
+          "bluss"
+        ];
+        features = {
+          "compiler_builtins" = [ "dep:compiler_builtins" ];
+          "core" = [ "dep:core" ];
+          "default" = [ "std" ];
+          "libc" = [ "dep:libc" ];
+          "rustc-dep-of-std" = [ "core" "compiler_builtins" ];
+          "use_std" = [ "std" ];
+        };
+        resolvedDefaultFeatures = [ "std" ];
+      };
+      "minimal-lexical" = rec {
+        crateName = "minimal-lexical";
+        version = "0.2.1";
+        edition = "2018";
+        sha256 = "16ppc5g84aijpri4jzv14rvcnslvlpphbszc7zzp6vfkddf4qdb8";
+        authors = [
+          "Alex Huszagh <ahuszagh@gmail.com>"
+        ];
+        features = {
+          "default" = [ "std" ];
+        };
+        resolvedDefaultFeatures = [ "std" ];
+      };
+      "nom" = rec {
+        crateName = "nom";
+        version = "7.1.0";
+        edition = "2018";
+        sha256 = "0281jdx0xcyhjgs1jkj9pii8py1clcpazg41bgz7d71qxzhi278v";
+        authors = [
+          "contact@geoffroycouprie.com"
+        ];
+        dependencies = [
+          {
+            name = "memchr";
+            packageId = "memchr";
+            usesDefaultFeatures = false;
+          }
+          {
+            name = "minimal-lexical";
+            packageId = "minimal-lexical";
+            usesDefaultFeatures = false;
+          }
+        ];
+        buildDependencies = [
+          {
+            name = "version_check";
+            packageId = "version_check";
+          }
+        ];
+        features = {
+          "default" = [ "std" ];
+          "std" = [ "alloc" "memchr/std" "minimal-lexical/std" ];
+        };
+        resolvedDefaultFeatures = [ "alloc" "default" "std" ];
+      };
+      "num-bigint" = rec {
+        crateName = "num-bigint";
+        version = "0.4.3";
+        edition = "2018";
+        sha256 = "0py73wsa5j4izhd39nkqzqv260r0ma08vy30ky54ld3vkhlbcfpr";
+        authors = [
+          "The Rust Project Developers"
+        ];
+        dependencies = [
+          {
+            name = "num-integer";
+            packageId = "num-integer";
+            usesDefaultFeatures = false;
+            features = [ "i128" ];
+          }
+          {
+            name = "num-traits";
+            packageId = "num-traits";
+            usesDefaultFeatures = false;
+            features = [ "i128" ];
+          }
+        ];
+        buildDependencies = [
+          {
+            name = "autocfg";
+            packageId = "autocfg 1.0.1";
+          }
+        ];
+        features = {
+          "arbitrary" = [ "dep:arbitrary" ];
+          "default" = [ "std" ];
+          "quickcheck" = [ "dep:quickcheck" ];
+          "rand" = [ "dep:rand" ];
+          "serde" = [ "dep:serde" ];
+          "std" = [ "num-integer/std" "num-traits/std" ];
+        };
+        resolvedDefaultFeatures = [ "default" "std" ];
+      };
+      "num-bigint-dig" = rec {
+        crateName = "num-bigint-dig";
+        version = "0.7.0";
+        edition = "2015";
+        sha256 = "1004mmipvc7pvaf3kf13i1nqh3vxf789bj72d8wl51y185aywis5";
+        authors = [
+          "dignifiedquire <dignifiedquire@gmail.com>"
+          "The Rust Project Developers"
+        ];
+        dependencies = [
+          {
+            name = "byteorder";
+            packageId = "byteorder";
+            usesDefaultFeatures = false;
+          }
+          {
+            name = "lazy_static";
+            packageId = "lazy_static";
+            usesDefaultFeatures = false;
+            features = [ "spin_no_std" ];
+          }
+          {
+            name = "libm";
+            packageId = "libm";
+          }
+          {
+            name = "num-integer";
+            packageId = "num-integer";
+            usesDefaultFeatures = false;
+          }
+          {
+            name = "num-iter";
+            packageId = "num-iter";
+            usesDefaultFeatures = false;
+          }
+          {
+            name = "num-traits";
+            packageId = "num-traits";
+            usesDefaultFeatures = false;
+          }
+          {
+            name = "rand";
+            packageId = "rand";
+            optional = true;
+            usesDefaultFeatures = false;
+          }
+          {
+            name = "smallvec";
+            packageId = "smallvec";
+            usesDefaultFeatures = false;
+          }
+          {
+            name = "zeroize";
+            packageId = "zeroize";
+            optional = true;
+            usesDefaultFeatures = false;
+            features = [ "zeroize_derive" ];
+          }
+        ];
+        buildDependencies = [
+          {
+            name = "autocfg";
+            packageId = "autocfg 0.1.7";
+          }
+        ];
+        devDependencies = [
+          {
+            name = "rand";
+            packageId = "rand";
+            features = [ "small_rng" ];
+          }
+        ];
+        features = {
+          "default" = [ "std" "i128" "u64_digit" ];
+          "i128" = [ "num-integer/i128" "num-traits/i128" ];
+          "prime" = [ "rand/std_rng" ];
+          "rand" = [ "dep:rand" ];
+          "serde" = [ "dep:serde" ];
+          "std" = [ "num-integer/std" "num-traits/std" "smallvec/write" "rand/std" "serde/std" ];
+          "zeroize" = [ "dep:zeroize" ];
+        };
+        resolvedDefaultFeatures = [ "i128" "prime" "rand" "u64_digit" "zeroize" ];
+      };
+      "num-integer" = rec {
+        crateName = "num-integer";
+        version = "0.1.44";
+        edition = "2015";
+        sha256 = "1nq152y3304as1iai95hqz8prqnc94lks1s7q05sfjdmcf56kk6j";
+        authors = [
+          "The Rust Project Developers"
+        ];
+        dependencies = [
+          {
+            name = "num-traits";
+            packageId = "num-traits";
+            usesDefaultFeatures = false;
+          }
+        ];
+        buildDependencies = [
+          {
+            name = "autocfg";
+            packageId = "autocfg 1.0.1";
+          }
+        ];
+        features = {
+          "default" = [ "std" ];
+          "i128" = [ "num-traits/i128" ];
+          "std" = [ "num-traits/std" ];
+        };
+        resolvedDefaultFeatures = [ "i128" "std" ];
+      };
+      "num-iter" = rec {
+        crateName = "num-iter";
+        version = "0.1.42";
+        edition = "2015";
+        sha256 = "0ndd9wb9qar50fdr16xm3i1zk6h2g9br56nml2n22kd56y1iq0mj";
+        authors = [
+          "The Rust Project Developers"
+        ];
+        dependencies = [
+          {
+            name = "num-integer";
+            packageId = "num-integer";
+            usesDefaultFeatures = false;
+          }
+          {
+            name = "num-traits";
+            packageId = "num-traits";
+            usesDefaultFeatures = false;
+          }
+        ];
+        buildDependencies = [
+          {
+            name = "autocfg";
+            packageId = "autocfg 1.0.1";
+          }
+        ];
+        features = {
+          "default" = [ "std" ];
+          "i128" = [ "num-integer/i128" "num-traits/i128" ];
+          "std" = [ "num-integer/std" "num-traits/std" ];
+        };
+      };
+      "num-traits" = rec {
+        crateName = "num-traits";
+        version = "0.2.14";
+        edition = "2015";
+        sha256 = "144j176s2p76azy2ngk2vkdzgwdc0bc8c93jhki8c9fsbknb2r4s";
+        authors = [
+          "The Rust Project Developers"
+        ];
+        dependencies = [
+          {
+            name = "libm";
+            packageId = "libm";
+            optional = true;
+          }
+        ];
+        buildDependencies = [
+          {
+            name = "autocfg";
+            packageId = "autocfg 1.0.1";
+          }
+        ];
+        features = {
+          "default" = [ "std" ];
+          "libm" = [ "dep:libm" ];
+        };
+        resolvedDefaultFeatures = [ "default" "i128" "libm" "std" ];
+      };
+      "num_threads" = rec {
+        crateName = "num_threads";
+        version = "0.1.3";
+        edition = "2015";
+        sha256 = "05gvsnv4k6d69iksz47i7fq1r61dj1k1nh4i8xrw7qlkcfx9kflp";
+        authors = [
+          "Jacob Pratt <open-source@jhpratt.dev>"
+        ];
+        dependencies = [
+          {
+            name = "libc";
+            packageId = "libc";
+            target = { target, features }: ((target."os" == "macos") || (target."os" == "freebsd"));
+          }
+        ];
+      };
+      "oid-registry" = rec {
+        crateName = "oid-registry";
+        version = "0.4.0";
+        edition = "2018";
+        sha256 = "0akbah3j8231ayrp2l1y5d9zmvbvqcsj0sa6s6dz6h85z8bhgqiq";
+        authors = [
+          "Pierre Chifflier <chifflier@wzdftpd.net>"
+        ];
+        dependencies = [
+          {
+            name = "asn1-rs";
+            packageId = "asn1-rs";
+          }
+        ];
+        features = {
+          "crypto" = [ "kdf" "pkcs1" "pkcs7" "pkcs9" "pkcs12" "nist_algs" "x962" ];
+          "default" = [ "registry" ];
+        };
+        resolvedDefaultFeatures = [ "crypto" "default" "kdf" "nist_algs" "pkcs1" "pkcs12" "pkcs7" "pkcs9" "registry" "x509" "x962" ];
+      };
+      "once_cell" = rec {
+        crateName = "once_cell";
+        version = "1.9.0";
+        edition = "2018";
+        sha256 = "1mfqhrsgi368x92bwnq3vi3p5nv0n1qlrn69gfflhvkfkxfm2cns";
+        authors = [
+          "Aleksey Kladov <aleksey.kladov@gmail.com>"
+        ];
+        features = {
+          "alloc" = [ "race" ];
+          "atomic-polyfill" = [ "dep:atomic-polyfill" ];
+          "default" = [ "std" ];
+          "parking_lot" = [ "dep:parking_lot" ];
+          "std" = [ "alloc" ];
+        };
+        resolvedDefaultFeatures = [ "alloc" "default" "race" "std" ];
+      };
+      "openssl" = rec {
+        crateName = "openssl";
+        version = "0.10.38";
+        edition = "2018";
+        sha256 = "15baqlphisr1f7ddq11jnrrzz4shdh35kwal24adyc2c4cif4yhc";
+        authors = [
+          "Steven Fackler <sfackler@gmail.com>"
+        ];
+        dependencies = [
+          {
+            name = "bitflags";
+            packageId = "bitflags";
+          }
+          {
+            name = "cfg-if";
+            packageId = "cfg-if";
+          }
+          {
+            name = "foreign-types";
+            packageId = "foreign-types";
+          }
+          {
+            name = "libc";
+            packageId = "libc";
+          }
+          {
+            name = "once_cell";
+            packageId = "once_cell";
+          }
+          {
+            name = "openssl-sys";
+            packageId = "openssl-sys";
+            rename = "ffi";
+          }
+        ];
+        features = {
+          "vendored" = [ "ffi/vendored" ];
+        };
+      };
+      "openssl-sys" = rec {
+        crateName = "openssl-sys";
+        version = "0.9.72";
+        edition = "2015";
+        sha256 = "1jq3qbcvf16qn71yasdzw54b14n8nz98vr52l1gp60in72f10iky";
+        build = "build/main.rs";
+        authors = [
+          "Alex Crichton <alex@alexcrichton.com>"
+          "Steven Fackler <sfackler@gmail.com>"
+        ];
+        dependencies = [
+          {
+            name = "libc";
+            packageId = "libc";
+          }
+        ];
+        buildDependencies = [
+          {
+            name = "autocfg";
+            packageId = "autocfg 1.0.1";
+          }
+          {
+            name = "cc";
+            packageId = "cc";
+          }
+          {
+            name = "pkg-config";
+            packageId = "pkg-config";
+          }
+          {
+            name = "vcpkg";
+            packageId = "vcpkg";
+            target = {target, features}: (target."env" == "msvc");
+          }
+        ];
+        features = {
+          "openssl-src" = [ "dep:openssl-src" ];
+          "vendored" = [ "openssl-src" ];
+        };
+      };
+      "pem" = rec {
+        crateName = "pem";
+        version = "1.0.2";
+        edition = "2018";
+        sha256 = "0iqrvfnm71x9pvff39d5ajwn3gc9glxlv4d4h22max7342db18z9";
+        authors = [
+          "Jonathan Creekmore <jonathan@thecreekmores.org>"
+        ];
+        dependencies = [
+          {
+            name = "base64";
+            packageId = "base64";
+          }
+        ];
+      };
+      "pem-rfc7468" = rec {
+        crateName = "pem-rfc7468";
+        version = "0.2.4";
+        edition = "2018";
+        sha256 = "1m1c9jypydzabg4yscplmvff7pdcc8gg4cqg081hnlf03hxkmsc4";
+        authors = [
+          "RustCrypto Developers"
+        ];
+        dependencies = [
+          {
+            name = "base64ct";
+            packageId = "base64ct";
+          }
+        ];
+        features = {
+          "std" = [ "alloc" ];
+        };
+        resolvedDefaultFeatures = [ "alloc" ];
+      };
+      "pkcs1" = rec {
+        crateName = "pkcs1";
+        version = "0.2.4";
+        edition = "2018";
+        sha256 = "0b2f1a0lf5h53zrjvcqbxzjhh89gcfa1myhf6z7w10ypg61fwsqi";
+        authors = [
+          "RustCrypto Developers"
+        ];
+        dependencies = [
+          {
+            name = "der";
+            packageId = "der";
+            features = [ "bigint" "oid" ];
+          }
+          {
+            name = "pem-rfc7468";
+            packageId = "pem-rfc7468";
+            optional = true;
+          }
+          {
+            name = "zeroize";
+            packageId = "zeroize";
+            optional = true;
+            usesDefaultFeatures = false;
+            features = [ "alloc" ];
+          }
+        ];
+        features = {
+          "alloc" = [ "der/alloc" "zeroize" ];
+          "pem" = [ "alloc" "pem-rfc7468/alloc" ];
+          "pem-rfc7468" = [ "dep:pem-rfc7468" ];
+          "zeroize" = [ "dep:zeroize" ];
+        };
+        resolvedDefaultFeatures = [ "alloc" "pem" "pem-rfc7468" "std" "zeroize" ];
+      };
+      "pkcs8" = rec {
+        crateName = "pkcs8";
+        version = "0.7.6";
+        edition = "2018";
+        sha256 = "0iq46p6fa2b8xy6pj52zpmdy8ya3fg31dj4rc19x1fi69nvgjgpf";
+        authors = [
+          "RustCrypto Developers"
+        ];
+        dependencies = [
+          {
+            name = "der";
+            packageId = "der";
+            features = [ "oid" ];
+          }
+          {
+            name = "pem-rfc7468";
+            packageId = "pem-rfc7468";
+            optional = true;
+          }
+          {
+            name = "pkcs1";
+            packageId = "pkcs1";
+            optional = true;
+            features = [ "alloc" ];
+          }
+          {
+            name = "spki";
+            packageId = "spki";
+          }
+          {
+            name = "zeroize";
+            packageId = "zeroize";
+            optional = true;
+            usesDefaultFeatures = false;
+            features = [ "alloc" ];
+          }
+        ];
+        features = {
+          "3des" = [ "encryption" "pkcs5/3des" ];
+          "alloc" = [ "der/alloc" "zeroize" ];
+          "des-insecure" = [ "encryption" "pkcs5/des-insecure" ];
+          "encryption" = [ "alloc" "pkcs5/alloc" "pkcs5/pbes2" "rand_core" ];
+          "pem" = [ "alloc" "pem-rfc7468/alloc" ];
+          "pem-rfc7468" = [ "dep:pem-rfc7468" ];
+          "pkcs1" = [ "dep:pkcs1" ];
+          "pkcs5" = [ "dep:pkcs5" ];
+          "rand_core" = [ "dep:rand_core" ];
+          "sha1" = [ "encryption" "pkcs5/sha1" ];
+          "std" = [ "alloc" "der/std" ];
+          "zeroize" = [ "dep:zeroize" ];
+        };
+        resolvedDefaultFeatures = [ "alloc" "pem" "pem-rfc7468" "pkcs1" "std" "zeroize" ];
+      };
+      "pkg-config" = rec {
+        crateName = "pkg-config";
+        version = "0.3.24";
+        edition = "2015";
+        sha256 = "1ghcyjp5537r7qigmgl3dj62j01arlpddaq93a3i414v3iskz2aq";
+        authors = [
+          "Alex Crichton <alex@alexcrichton.com>"
+        ];
+      };
+      "ppv-lite86" = rec {
+        crateName = "ppv-lite86";
+        version = "0.2.16";
+        edition = "2018";
+        sha256 = "0wkqwnvnfcgqlrahphl45vdlgi2f1bs7nqcsalsllp1y4dp9x7zb";
+        authors = [
+          "The CryptoCorrosion Contributors"
+        ];
+        features = {
+          "default" = [ "std" ];
+        };
+        resolvedDefaultFeatures = [ "simd" "std" ];
+      };
+      "proc-macro2" = rec {
+        crateName = "proc-macro2";
+        version = "1.0.36";
+        edition = "2018";
+        sha256 = "0adh6gvs31x6pfwmygypmzrv1jc7kjq568vsqcfaxk7vhdc2sd67";
+        authors = [
+          "David Tolnay <dtolnay@gmail.com>"
+          "Alex Crichton <alex@alexcrichton.com>"
+        ];
+        dependencies = [
+          {
+            name = "unicode-xid";
+            packageId = "unicode-xid";
+          }
+        ];
+        features = {
+          "default" = [ "proc-macro" ];
+        };
+        resolvedDefaultFeatures = [ "default" "proc-macro" ];
+      };
+      "quote" = rec {
+        crateName = "quote";
+        version = "1.0.15";
+        edition = "2018";
+        sha256 = "0id1q0875pvhkg0mlb5z8gzdm2g2rbbz76bfzhv331lrm2b3wkc6";
+        authors = [
+          "David Tolnay <dtolnay@gmail.com>"
+        ];
+        dependencies = [
+          {
+            name = "proc-macro2";
+            packageId = "proc-macro2";
+            usesDefaultFeatures = false;
+          }
+        ];
+        features = {
+          "default" = [ "proc-macro" ];
+          "proc-macro" = [ "proc-macro2/proc-macro" ];
+        };
+        resolvedDefaultFeatures = [ "default" "proc-macro" ];
+      };
+      "rand" = rec {
+        crateName = "rand";
+        version = "0.8.4";
+        edition = "2018";
+        sha256 = "1n5wska2fbfj4dsfz8mc0pd0dgjlrb6c9anpk5mwym345rip6x9f";
+        authors = [
+          "The Rand Project Developers"
+          "The Rust Project Developers"
+        ];
+        dependencies = [
+          {
+            name = "libc";
+            packageId = "libc";
+            optional = true;
+            usesDefaultFeatures = false;
+            target = { target, features }: (target."unix" or false);
+          }
+          {
+            name = "rand_chacha";
+            packageId = "rand_chacha";
+            optional = true;
+            usesDefaultFeatures = false;
+            target = { target, features }: (!(target."os" == "emscripten"));
+          }
+          {
+            name = "rand_core";
+            packageId = "rand_core";
+          }
+          {
+            name = "rand_hc";
+            packageId = "rand_hc";
+            optional = true;
+            target = { target, features }: (target."os" == "emscripten");
+          }
+        ];
+        devDependencies = [
+          {
+            name = "rand_hc";
+            packageId = "rand_hc";
+          }
+        ];
+        features = {
+          "alloc" = [ "rand_core/alloc" ];
+          "default" = [ "std" "std_rng" ];
+          "getrandom" = [ "rand_core/getrandom" ];
+          "libc" = [ "dep:libc" ];
+          "log" = [ "dep:log" ];
+          "packed_simd" = [ "dep:packed_simd" ];
+          "rand_chacha" = [ "dep:rand_chacha" ];
+          "rand_hc" = [ "dep:rand_hc" ];
+          "serde" = [ "dep:serde" ];
+          "serde1" = [ "serde" "rand_core/serde1" ];
+          "simd_support" = [ "packed_simd" ];
+          "std" = [ "rand_core/std" "rand_chacha/std" "alloc" "getrandom" "libc" ];
+          "std_rng" = [ "rand_chacha" "rand_hc" ];
+        };
+        resolvedDefaultFeatures = [ "alloc" "default" "getrandom" "libc" "rand_chacha" "rand_hc" "std" "std_rng" ];
+      };
+      "rand_chacha" = rec {
+        crateName = "rand_chacha";
+        version = "0.3.1";
+        edition = "2018";
+        sha256 = "123x2adin558xbhvqb8w4f6syjsdkmqff8cxwhmjacpsl1ihmhg6";
+        authors = [
+          "The Rand Project Developers"
+          "The Rust Project Developers"
+          "The CryptoCorrosion Contributors"
+        ];
+        dependencies = [
+          {
+            name = "ppv-lite86";
+            packageId = "ppv-lite86";
+            usesDefaultFeatures = false;
+            features = [ "simd" ];
+          }
+          {
+            name = "rand_core";
+            packageId = "rand_core";
+          }
+        ];
+        features = {
+          "default" = [ "std" ];
+          "serde" = [ "dep:serde" ];
+          "serde1" = [ "serde" ];
+          "std" = [ "ppv-lite86/std" ];
+        };
+        resolvedDefaultFeatures = [ "std" ];
+      };
+      "rand_core" = rec {
+        crateName = "rand_core";
+        version = "0.6.3";
+        edition = "2018";
+        sha256 = "1rxlxc3bpzgwphcg9c9yasvv9idipcg2z2y4j0vlb52jyl418kyk";
+        authors = [
+          "The Rand Project Developers"
+          "The Rust Project Developers"
+        ];
+        dependencies = [
+          {
+            name = "getrandom";
+            packageId = "getrandom";
+            optional = true;
+          }
+        ];
+        features = {
+          "getrandom" = [ "dep:getrandom" ];
+          "serde" = [ "dep:serde" ];
+          "serde1" = [ "serde" ];
+          "std" = [ "alloc" "getrandom" "getrandom/std" ];
+        };
+        resolvedDefaultFeatures = [ "alloc" "getrandom" "std" ];
+      };
+      "rand_hc" = rec {
+        crateName = "rand_hc";
+        version = "0.3.1";
+        edition = "2018";
+        sha256 = "1rwpykyvhkxs4jvqdja3mzp9dqaqamzn113cxaigs9z2dmcry7nm";
+        authors = [
+          "The Rand Project Developers"
+        ];
+        dependencies = [
+          {
+            name = "rand_core";
+            packageId = "rand_core";
+          }
+        ];
+      };
+      "rcgen" = rec {
+        crateName = "rcgen";
+        version = "0.9.2";
+        edition = "2018";
+        crateBin = [
+          { name = "rcgen"; path = "src/main.rs"; }
+        ];
+        sha256 = "0ppwfl9g504x2qwk7m7mag8c3l70w9mcfha93013nlzqdlw2vynp";
+        authors = [
+          "est31 <MTest31@outlook.com>"
+        ];
+        dependencies = [
+          {
+            name = "pem";
+            packageId = "pem";
+            optional = true;
+          }
+          {
+            name = "ring";
+            packageId = "ring";
+          }
+          {
+            name = "time";
+            packageId = "time";
+            usesDefaultFeatures = false;
+          }
+          {
+            name = "x509-parser";
+            packageId = "x509-parser";
+            optional = true;
+            features = [ "verify" ];
+          }
+          {
+            name = "yasna";
+            packageId = "yasna";
+            features = [ "time" "std" ];
+          }
+          {
+            name = "zeroize";
+            packageId = "zeroize";
+            optional = true;
+          }
+        ];
+        devDependencies = [
+          {
+            name = "botan";
+            packageId = "botan";
+            features = [ "vendored" ];
+          }
+          {
+            name = "openssl";
+            packageId = "openssl";
+          }
+          {
+            name = "rand";
+            packageId = "rand";
+          }
+          {
+            name = "rsa";
+            packageId = "rsa";
+          }
+          {
+            name = "webpki";
+            packageId = "webpki";
+            features = [ "std" ];
+          }
+          {
+            name = "x509-parser";
+            packageId = "x509-parser";
+            features = [ "verify" ];
+          }
+        ];
+        features = {
+          "default" = [ "pem" ];
+          "pem" = [ "dep:pem" ];
+          "x509-parser" = [ "dep:x509-parser" ];
+          "zeroize" = [ "dep:zeroize" ];
+        };
+        resolvedDefaultFeatures = [ "default" "pem" "x509-parser" "zeroize" ];
+      };
+      "ring" = rec {
+        crateName = "ring";
+        version = "0.16.20";
+        edition = "2018";
+        sha256 = "1z682xp7v38ayq9g9nkbhhfpj6ygralmlx7wdmsfv8rnw99cylrh";
+        authors = [
+          "Brian Smith <brian@briansmith.org>"
+        ];
+        dependencies = [
+          {
+            name = "libc";
+            packageId = "libc";
+            usesDefaultFeatures = false;
+            target = { target, features }: ((target."os" == "android") || (target."os" == "linux"));
+          }
+          {
+            name = "once_cell";
+            packageId = "once_cell";
+            optional = true;
+            usesDefaultFeatures = false;
+            target = { target, features }: ((target."os" == "android") || (target."os" == "linux"));
+            features = [ "std" ];
+          }
+          {
+            name = "once_cell";
+            packageId = "once_cell";
+            usesDefaultFeatures = false;
+            target = { target, features }: ((target."os" == "dragonfly") || (target."os" == "freebsd") || (target."os" == "illumos") || (target."os" == "netbsd") || (target."os" == "openbsd") || (target."os" == "solaris"));
+            features = [ "std" ];
+          }
+          {
+            name = "spin";
+            packageId = "spin";
+            usesDefaultFeatures = false;
+            target = { target, features }: ((target."arch" == "x86") || (target."arch" == "x86_64") || (((target."arch" == "aarch64") || (target."arch" == "arm")) && ((target."os" == "android") || (target."os" == "fuchsia") || (target."os" == "linux"))));
+          }
+          {
+            name = "untrusted";
+            packageId = "untrusted";
+          }
+          {
+            name = "web-sys";
+            packageId = "web-sys";
+            usesDefaultFeatures = false;
+            target = { target, features }: ((target."arch" == "wasm32") && (target."vendor" == "unknown") && (target."os" == "unknown") && (target."env" == ""));
+            features = [ "Crypto" "Window" ];
+          }
+          {
+            name = "winapi";
+            packageId = "winapi";
+            usesDefaultFeatures = false;
+            target = { target, features }: (target."os" == "windows");
+            features = [ "ntsecapi" "wtypesbase" ];
+          }
+        ];
+        buildDependencies = [
+          {
+            name = "cc";
+            packageId = "cc";
+            usesDefaultFeatures = false;
+          }
+        ];
+        devDependencies = [
+          {
+            name = "libc";
+            packageId = "libc";
+            usesDefaultFeatures = false;
+            target = {target, features}: ((target."unix" or false) || (target."windows" or false));
+          }
+        ];
+        features = {
+          "default" = [ "alloc" "dev_urandom_fallback" ];
+          "dev_urandom_fallback" = [ "once_cell" ];
+          "once_cell" = [ "dep:once_cell" ];
+          "std" = [ "alloc" ];
+        };
+        resolvedDefaultFeatures = [ "alloc" "default" "dev_urandom_fallback" "once_cell" ];
+      };
+      "rsa" = rec {
+        crateName = "rsa";
+        version = "0.5.0";
+        edition = "2018";
+        sha256 = "039676a4mj0875phdi7vc0bd37hv84dh0dql6fmk8dl2w81jcp70";
+        authors = [
+          "RustCrypto Developers"
+          "dignifiedquire <dignifiedquire@gmail.com>"
+        ];
+        dependencies = [
+          {
+            name = "byteorder";
+            packageId = "byteorder";
+            usesDefaultFeatures = false;
+          }
+          {
+            name = "digest";
+            packageId = "digest";
+            usesDefaultFeatures = false;
+          }
+          {
+            name = "lazy_static";
+            packageId = "lazy_static";
+            features = [ "spin_no_std" ];
+          }
+          {
+            name = "num-bigint-dig";
+            packageId = "num-bigint-dig";
+            rename = "num-bigint";
+            usesDefaultFeatures = false;
+            features = [ "i128" "u64_digit" "prime" "zeroize" ];
+          }
+          {
+            name = "num-integer";
+            packageId = "num-integer";
+            usesDefaultFeatures = false;
+          }
+          {
+            name = "num-iter";
+            packageId = "num-iter";
+            usesDefaultFeatures = false;
+          }
+          {
+            name = "num-traits";
+            packageId = "num-traits";
+            usesDefaultFeatures = false;
+            features = [ "libm" ];
+          }
+          {
+            name = "pkcs1";
+            packageId = "pkcs1";
+            usesDefaultFeatures = false;
+          }
+          {
+            name = "pkcs8";
+            packageId = "pkcs8";
+            usesDefaultFeatures = false;
+          }
+          {
+            name = "rand";
+            packageId = "rand";
+            usesDefaultFeatures = false;
+            features = [ "std_rng" ];
+          }
+          {
+            name = "subtle";
+            packageId = "subtle";
+            usesDefaultFeatures = false;
+          }
+          {
+            name = "zeroize";
+            packageId = "zeroize";
+            features = [ "alloc" "zeroize_derive" ];
+          }
+        ];
+        features = {
+          "alloc" = [ "digest/alloc" "pkcs1/alloc" "pkcs8/alloc" "pkcs8/pkcs1" ];
+          "default" = [ "std" "pem" ];
+          "nightly" = [ "subtle/nightly" "num-bigint/nightly" ];
+          "pem" = [ "alloc" "pkcs1/pem" "pkcs8/pem" ];
+          "pkcs5" = [ "pkcs8/encryption" ];
+          "serde" = [ "num-bigint/serde" "serde_crate" ];
+          "serde_crate" = [ "dep:serde_crate" ];
+          "std" = [ "alloc" "digest/std" "pkcs1/std" "pkcs8/std" "rand/std" ];
+        };
+        resolvedDefaultFeatures = [ "alloc" "default" "pem" "std" ];
+      };
+      "rusticata-macros" = rec {
+        crateName = "rusticata-macros";
+        version = "4.0.0";
+        edition = "2018";
+        sha256 = "03dmfxhgwzpm1360iwcpcg3y18ddgya0i0hc599am212pdvj7ib5";
+        authors = [
+          "Pierre Chifflier <chifflier@wzdftpd.net>"
+        ];
+        dependencies = [
+          {
+            name = "nom";
+            packageId = "nom";
+            usesDefaultFeatures = false;
+            features = [ "std" ];
+          }
+        ];
+      };
+      "smallvec" = rec {
+        crateName = "smallvec";
+        version = "1.8.0";
+        edition = "2018";
+        sha256 = "10zf4fn63p2d6sx8qap3jvyarcfw563308x3431hd4c34r35gpgj";
+        authors = [
+          "The Servo Project Developers"
+        ];
+        features = {
+          "arbitrary" = [ "dep:arbitrary" ];
+          "const_new" = [ "const_generics" ];
+          "serde" = [ "dep:serde" ];
+        };
+      };
+      "spin" = rec {
+        crateName = "spin";
+        version = "0.5.2";
+        edition = "2015";
+        sha256 = "0b84m6dbzrwf2kxylnw82d3dr8w06av7rfkr8s85fb5f43rwyqvf";
+        authors = [
+          "Mathijs van de Nes <git@mathijs.vd-nes.nl>"
+          "John Ericson <git@JohnEricson.me>"
+        ];
+      };
+      "spki" = rec {
+        crateName = "spki";
+        version = "0.4.1";
+        edition = "2018";
+        sha256 = "0ckgkcg6db5y94dqhmyikgn8yrsah6pyf4j197hv1c51bp0s00aw";
+        authors = [
+          "RustCrypto Developers"
+        ];
+        dependencies = [
+          {
+            name = "der";
+            packageId = "der";
+            features = [ "oid" ];
+          }
+        ];
+        features = {
+          "std" = [ "der/std" ];
+        };
+      };
+      "subtle" = rec {
+        crateName = "subtle";
+        version = "2.4.1";
+        edition = "2015";
+        sha256 = "00b6jzh9gzb0h9n25g06nqr90z3xzqppfhhb260s1hjhh4pg7pkb";
+        authors = [
+          "Isis Lovecruft <isis@patternsinthevoid.net>"
+          "Henry de Valence <hdevalence@hdevalence.ca>"
+        ];
+        features = {
+          "default" = [ "std" "i128" ];
+        };
+      };
+      "syn" = rec {
+        crateName = "syn";
+        version = "1.0.86";
+        edition = "2018";
+        sha256 = "0sqwa4nqxzm89nj8xd8sk4iz0hbrw3mb17b6hyc2w2d0zzsb6rca";
+        authors = [
+          "David Tolnay <dtolnay@gmail.com>"
+        ];
+        dependencies = [
+          {
+            name = "proc-macro2";
+            packageId = "proc-macro2";
+            usesDefaultFeatures = false;
+          }
+          {
+            name = "quote";
+            packageId = "quote";
+            optional = true;
+            usesDefaultFeatures = false;
+          }
+          {
+            name = "unicode-xid";
+            packageId = "unicode-xid";
+          }
+        ];
+        features = {
+          "default" = [ "derive" "parsing" "printing" "clone-impls" "proc-macro" ];
+          "printing" = [ "quote" ];
+          "proc-macro" = [ "proc-macro2/proc-macro" "quote/proc-macro" ];
+          "quote" = [ "dep:quote" ];
+          "test" = [ "syn-test-suite/all-features" ];
+        };
+        resolvedDefaultFeatures = [ "clone-impls" "default" "derive" "extra-traits" "full" "parsing" "printing" "proc-macro" "quote" "visit" ];
+      };
+      "synstructure" = rec {
+        crateName = "synstructure";
+        version = "0.12.6";
+        edition = "2018";
+        sha256 = "03r1lydbf3japnlpc4wka7y90pmz1i0danaj3f9a7b431akdlszk";
+        authors = [
+          "Nika Layzell <nika@thelayzells.com>"
+        ];
+        dependencies = [
+          {
+            name = "proc-macro2";
+            packageId = "proc-macro2";
+            usesDefaultFeatures = false;
+          }
+          {
+            name = "quote";
+            packageId = "quote";
+            usesDefaultFeatures = false;
+          }
+          {
+            name = "syn";
+            packageId = "syn";
+            usesDefaultFeatures = false;
+            features = [ "derive" "parsing" "printing" "clone-impls" "visit" "extra-traits" ];
+          }
+          {
+            name = "unicode-xid";
+            packageId = "unicode-xid";
+          }
+        ];
+        features = {
+          "default" = [ "proc-macro" ];
+          "proc-macro" = [ "proc-macro2/proc-macro" "syn/proc-macro" "quote/proc-macro" ];
+        };
+        resolvedDefaultFeatures = [ "default" "proc-macro" ];
+      };
+      "thiserror" = rec {
+        crateName = "thiserror";
+        version = "1.0.30";
+        edition = "2018";
+        sha256 = "05y4wm29ck8flwq5k1q6nhwh00a3b30cz3xr0qvnbwad5vjsnjw5";
+        authors = [
+          "David Tolnay <dtolnay@gmail.com>"
+        ];
+        dependencies = [
+          {
+            name = "thiserror-impl";
+            packageId = "thiserror-impl";
+          }
+        ];
+      };
+      "thiserror-impl" = rec {
+        crateName = "thiserror-impl";
+        version = "1.0.30";
+        edition = "2018";
+        sha256 = "0jviwmvx6wzawsj6c9msic7h419wmsbjagl9dzhpydkzc8zzscma";
+        procMacro = true;
+        authors = [
+          "David Tolnay <dtolnay@gmail.com>"
+        ];
+        dependencies = [
+          {
+            name = "proc-macro2";
+            packageId = "proc-macro2";
+          }
+          {
+            name = "quote";
+            packageId = "quote";
+          }
+          {
+            name = "syn";
+            packageId = "syn";
+          }
+        ];
+      };
+      "time" = rec {
+        crateName = "time";
+        version = "0.3.7";
+        edition = "2018";
+        sha256 = "0gbmwlkj15dfhbqvxlzji1ffc1lidblpgg1q3b3378hgyfcbqk00";
+        authors = [
+          "Jacob Pratt <open-source@jhpratt.dev>"
+          "Time contributors"
+        ];
+        dependencies = [
+          {
+            name = "itoa";
+            packageId = "itoa";
+            optional = true;
+          }
+          {
+            name = "libc";
+            packageId = "libc";
+            target = { target, features }: (target."family" == "unix");
+          }
+          {
+            name = "num_threads";
+            packageId = "num_threads";
+            target = { target, features }: (target."family" == "unix");
+          }
+          {
+            name = "time-macros";
+            packageId = "time-macros";
+            optional = true;
+          }
+        ];
+        features = {
+          "default" = [ "std" ];
+          "formatting" = [ "itoa" "std" ];
+          "itoa" = [ "dep:itoa" ];
+          "large-dates" = [ "time-macros/large-dates" ];
+          "local-offset" = [ "std" ];
+          "macros" = [ "time-macros" ];
+          "quickcheck" = [ "quickcheck-dep" "alloc" ];
+          "quickcheck-dep" = [ "dep:quickcheck-dep" ];
+          "rand" = [ "dep:rand" ];
+          "serde" = [ "dep:serde" ];
+          "serde-human-readable" = [ "serde" "formatting" "parsing" ];
+          "serde-well-known" = [ "serde/alloc" "formatting" "parsing" ];
+          "std" = [ "alloc" ];
+          "time-macros" = [ "dep:time-macros" ];
+        };
+        resolvedDefaultFeatures = [ "alloc" "default" "formatting" "itoa" "macros" "parsing" "std" "time-macros" ];
+      };
+      "time-macros" = rec {
+        crateName = "time-macros";
+        version = "0.2.3";
+        edition = "2018";
+        sha256 = "1mj7pv8y9j2csrh1l8aabras36pgysbnfy18330srh4g8sihrsr5";
+        procMacro = true;
+        authors = [
+          "Jacob Pratt <open-source@jhpratt.dev>"
+          "Time contributors"
+        ];
+        features = {
+        };
+      };
+      "typenum" = rec {
+        crateName = "typenum";
+        version = "1.15.0";
+        edition = "2018";
+        sha256 = "11yrvz1vd43gqv738yw1v75rzngjbs7iwcgzjy3cq5ywkv2imy6w";
+        build = "build/main.rs";
+        authors = [
+          "Paho Lurie-Gregg <paho@paholg.com>"
+          "Andre Bogus <bogusandre@gmail.com>"
+        ];
+        features = {
+          "scale-info" = [ "dep:scale-info" ];
+          "scale_info" = [ "scale-info/derive" ];
+        };
+      };
+      "unicode-xid" = rec {
+        crateName = "unicode-xid";
+        version = "0.2.2";
+        edition = "2015";
+        sha256 = "1wrkgcw557v311dkdb6n2hrix9dm2qdsb1zpw7pn79l03zb85jwc";
+        authors = [
+          "erick.tryzelaar <erick.tryzelaar@gmail.com>"
+          "kwantam <kwantam@gmail.com>"
+          "Manish Goregaokar <manishsmail@gmail.com>"
+        ];
+        features = {
+        };
+        resolvedDefaultFeatures = [ "default" ];
+      };
+      "untrusted" = rec {
+        crateName = "untrusted";
+        version = "0.7.1";
+        edition = "2018";
+        sha256 = "0jkbqaj9d3v5a91pp3wp9mffvng1nhycx6sh4qkdd9qyr62ccmm1";
+        libPath = "src/untrusted.rs";
+        authors = [
+          "Brian Smith <brian@briansmith.org>"
+        ];
+      };
+      "vcpkg" = rec {
+        crateName = "vcpkg";
+        version = "0.2.15";
+        edition = "2015";
+        sha256 = "09i4nf5y8lig6xgj3f7fyrvzd3nlaw4znrihw8psidvv5yk4xkdc";
+        authors = [
+          "Jim McGrath <jimmc2@gmail.com>"
+        ];
+      };
+      "version_check" = rec {
+        crateName = "version_check";
+        version = "0.9.4";
+        edition = "2015";
+        sha256 = "0gs8grwdlgh0xq660d7wr80x14vxbizmd8dbp29p2pdncx8lp1s9";
+        authors = [
+          "Sergio Benitez <sb@sergio.bz>"
+        ];
+      };
+      "wasi" = rec {
+        crateName = "wasi";
+        version = "0.10.2+wasi-snapshot-preview1";
+        edition = "2018";
+        sha256 = "1ii7nff4y1mpcrxzzvbpgxm7a1nn3szjf1n21jnx37c2g6dbsvzx";
+        authors = [
+          "The Cranelift Project Developers"
+        ];
+        features = {
+          "compiler_builtins" = [ "dep:compiler_builtins" ];
+          "core" = [ "dep:core" ];
+          "default" = [ "std" ];
+          "rustc-dep-of-std" = [ "compiler_builtins" "core" "rustc-std-workspace-alloc" ];
+          "rustc-std-workspace-alloc" = [ "dep:rustc-std-workspace-alloc" ];
+        };
+        resolvedDefaultFeatures = [ "default" "std" ];
+      };
+      "wasm-bindgen" = rec {
+        crateName = "wasm-bindgen";
+        version = "0.2.79";
+        edition = "2018";
+        sha256 = "01kc4lj2vlf0ra2w63izrgdlv8p6f8p15086hhyqln6q4dsazw95";
+        authors = [
+          "The wasm-bindgen Developers"
+        ];
+        dependencies = [
+          {
+            name = "cfg-if";
+            packageId = "cfg-if";
+          }
+          {
+            name = "wasm-bindgen-macro";
+            packageId = "wasm-bindgen-macro";
+          }
+        ];
+        features = {
+          "default" = [ "spans" "std" ];
+          "enable-interning" = [ "std" ];
+          "serde" = [ "dep:serde" ];
+          "serde-serialize" = [ "serde" "serde_json" "std" ];
+          "serde_json" = [ "dep:serde_json" ];
+          "spans" = [ "wasm-bindgen-macro/spans" ];
+          "strict-macro" = [ "wasm-bindgen-macro/strict-macro" ];
+          "xxx_debug_only_print_generated_code" = [ "wasm-bindgen-macro/xxx_debug_only_print_generated_code" ];
+        };
+        resolvedDefaultFeatures = [ "default" "spans" "std" ];
+      };
+      "wasm-bindgen-backend" = rec {
+        crateName = "wasm-bindgen-backend";
+        version = "0.2.79";
+        edition = "2018";
+        sha256 = "1jpdrl5jj01961jxhmvj7v25ws928fyfj8ms7izifnhg0ggw08cb";
+        authors = [
+          "The wasm-bindgen Developers"
+        ];
+        dependencies = [
+          {
+            name = "bumpalo";
+            packageId = "bumpalo";
+          }
+          {
+            name = "lazy_static";
+            packageId = "lazy_static";
+          }
+          {
+            name = "log";
+            packageId = "log";
+          }
+          {
+            name = "proc-macro2";
+            packageId = "proc-macro2";
+          }
+          {
+            name = "quote";
+            packageId = "quote";
+          }
+          {
+            name = "syn";
+            packageId = "syn";
+            features = [ "full" ];
+          }
+          {
+            name = "wasm-bindgen-shared";
+            packageId = "wasm-bindgen-shared";
+          }
+        ];
+        features = {
+          "extra-traits" = [ "syn/extra-traits" ];
+        };
+        resolvedDefaultFeatures = [ "spans" ];
+      };
+      "wasm-bindgen-macro" = rec {
+        crateName = "wasm-bindgen-macro";
+        version = "0.2.79";
+        edition = "2018";
+        sha256 = "00gdh0dlf2r77mxwh08q0z01vz2z7mvrllmj4gjjx9a0kvb06hig";
+        procMacro = true;
+        authors = [
+          "The wasm-bindgen Developers"
+        ];
+        dependencies = [
+          {
+            name = "quote";
+            packageId = "quote";
+          }
+          {
+            name = "wasm-bindgen-macro-support";
+            packageId = "wasm-bindgen-macro-support";
+          }
+        ];
+        features = {
+          "spans" = [ "wasm-bindgen-macro-support/spans" ];
+          "strict-macro" = [ "wasm-bindgen-macro-support/strict-macro" ];
+        };
+        resolvedDefaultFeatures = [ "spans" ];
+      };
+      "wasm-bindgen-macro-support" = rec {
+        crateName = "wasm-bindgen-macro-support";
+        version = "0.2.79";
+        edition = "2018";
+        sha256 = "1g1fjqvrkrf3j20z8nxsf60cypxg9dfvpbachl2b53908q6s7a5z";
+        authors = [
+          "The wasm-bindgen Developers"
+        ];
+        dependencies = [
+          {
+            name = "proc-macro2";
+            packageId = "proc-macro2";
+          }
+          {
+            name = "quote";
+            packageId = "quote";
+          }
+          {
+            name = "syn";
+            packageId = "syn";
+            features = [ "visit" "full" ];
+          }
+          {
+            name = "wasm-bindgen-backend";
+            packageId = "wasm-bindgen-backend";
+          }
+          {
+            name = "wasm-bindgen-shared";
+            packageId = "wasm-bindgen-shared";
+          }
+        ];
+        features = {
+          "extra-traits" = [ "syn/extra-traits" ];
+          "spans" = [ "wasm-bindgen-backend/spans" ];
+        };
+        resolvedDefaultFeatures = [ "spans" ];
+      };
+      "wasm-bindgen-shared" = rec {
+        crateName = "wasm-bindgen-shared";
+        version = "0.2.79";
+        edition = "2018";
+        sha256 = "18h67l9b9jn06iw9r2p7bh9i0brh24lilcp4f26f4f24bh1qv59x";
+        authors = [
+          "The wasm-bindgen Developers"
+        ];
+      };
+      "web-sys" = rec {
+        crateName = "web-sys";
+        version = "0.3.56";
+        edition = "2018";
+        sha256 = "1sxqmwq773ss5m6vz7z95fdm6bqlix0s2awsy0j5gllxy8cv6q60";
+        authors = [
+          "The wasm-bindgen Developers"
+        ];
+        dependencies = [
+          {
+            name = "js-sys";
+            packageId = "js-sys";
+          }
+          {
+            name = "wasm-bindgen";
+            packageId = "wasm-bindgen";
+          }
+        ];
+        features = {
+          "AbortSignal" = [ "EventTarget" ];
+          "AnalyserNode" = [ "AudioNode" "EventTarget" ];
+          "Animation" = [ "EventTarget" ];
+          "AnimationEvent" = [ "Event" ];
+          "AnimationPlaybackEvent" = [ "Event" ];
+          "Attr" = [ "EventTarget" "Node" ];
+          "AudioBufferSourceNode" = [ "AudioNode" "AudioScheduledSourceNode" "EventTarget" ];
+          "AudioContext" = [ "BaseAudioContext" "EventTarget" ];
+          "AudioDestinationNode" = [ "AudioNode" "EventTarget" ];
+          "AudioNode" = [ "EventTarget" ];
+          "AudioProcessingEvent" = [ "Event" ];
+          "AudioScheduledSourceNode" = [ "AudioNode" "EventTarget" ];
+          "AudioStreamTrack" = [ "EventTarget" "MediaStreamTrack" ];
+          "AudioTrackList" = [ "EventTarget" ];
+          "AudioWorklet" = [ "Worklet" ];
+          "AudioWorkletGlobalScope" = [ "WorkletGlobalScope" ];
+          "AudioWorkletNode" = [ "AudioNode" "EventTarget" ];
+          "AuthenticatorAssertionResponse" = [ "AuthenticatorResponse" ];
+          "AuthenticatorAttestationResponse" = [ "AuthenticatorResponse" ];
+          "BaseAudioContext" = [ "EventTarget" ];
+          "BatteryManager" = [ "EventTarget" ];
+          "BeforeUnloadEvent" = [ "Event" ];
+          "BiquadFilterNode" = [ "AudioNode" "EventTarget" ];
+          "BlobEvent" = [ "Event" ];
+          "Bluetooth" = [ "EventTarget" ];
+          "BluetoothAdvertisingEvent" = [ "Event" ];
+          "BluetoothDevice" = [ "EventTarget" ];
+          "BluetoothPermissionResult" = [ "EventTarget" "PermissionStatus" ];
+          "BluetoothRemoteGattCharacteristic" = [ "EventTarget" ];
+          "BluetoothRemoteGattService" = [ "EventTarget" ];
+          "BroadcastChannel" = [ "EventTarget" ];
+          "CanvasCaptureMediaStream" = [ "EventTarget" "MediaStream" ];
+          "CdataSection" = [ "CharacterData" "EventTarget" "Node" "Text" ];
+          "ChannelMergerNode" = [ "AudioNode" "EventTarget" ];
+          "ChannelSplitterNode" = [ "AudioNode" "EventTarget" ];
+          "CharacterData" = [ "EventTarget" "Node" ];
+          "ChromeWorker" = [ "EventTarget" "Worker" ];
+          "Clipboard" = [ "EventTarget" ];
+          "ClipboardEvent" = [ "Event" ];
+          "CloseEvent" = [ "Event" ];
+          "Comment" = [ "CharacterData" "EventTarget" "Node" ];
+          "CompositionEvent" = [ "Event" "UiEvent" ];
+          "ConstantSourceNode" = [ "AudioNode" "AudioScheduledSourceNode" "EventTarget" ];
+          "ConvolverNode" = [ "AudioNode" "EventTarget" ];
+          "CssAnimation" = [ "Animation" "EventTarget" ];
+          "CssConditionRule" = [ "CssGroupingRule" "CssRule" ];
+          "CssCounterStyleRule" = [ "CssRule" ];
+          "CssFontFaceRule" = [ "CssRule" ];
+          "CssFontFeatureValuesRule" = [ "CssRule" ];
+          "CssGroupingRule" = [ "CssRule" ];
+          "CssImportRule" = [ "CssRule" ];
+          "CssKeyframeRule" = [ "CssRule" ];
+          "CssKeyframesRule" = [ "CssRule" ];
+          "CssMediaRule" = [ "CssConditionRule" "CssGroupingRule" "CssRule" ];
+          "CssNamespaceRule" = [ "CssRule" ];
+          "CssPageRule" = [ "CssRule" ];
+          "CssStyleRule" = [ "CssRule" ];
+          "CssStyleSheet" = [ "StyleSheet" ];
+          "CssSupportsRule" = [ "CssConditionRule" "CssGroupingRule" "CssRule" ];
+          "CssTransition" = [ "Animation" "EventTarget" ];
+          "CustomEvent" = [ "Event" ];
+          "DedicatedWorkerGlobalScope" = [ "EventTarget" "WorkerGlobalScope" ];
+          "DelayNode" = [ "AudioNode" "EventTarget" ];
+          "DeviceLightEvent" = [ "Event" ];
+          "DeviceMotionEvent" = [ "Event" ];
+          "DeviceOrientationEvent" = [ "Event" ];
+          "DeviceProximityEvent" = [ "Event" ];
+          "Document" = [ "EventTarget" "Node" ];
+          "DocumentFragment" = [ "EventTarget" "Node" ];
+          "DocumentTimeline" = [ "AnimationTimeline" ];
+          "DocumentType" = [ "EventTarget" "Node" ];
+          "DomMatrix" = [ "DomMatrixReadOnly" ];
+          "DomPoint" = [ "DomPointReadOnly" ];
+          "DomRect" = [ "DomRectReadOnly" ];
+          "DomRequest" = [ "EventTarget" ];
+          "DragEvent" = [ "Event" "MouseEvent" "UiEvent" ];
+          "DynamicsCompressorNode" = [ "AudioNode" "EventTarget" ];
+          "Element" = [ "EventTarget" "Node" ];
+          "ErrorEvent" = [ "Event" ];
+          "EventSource" = [ "EventTarget" ];
+          "ExtendableEvent" = [ "Event" ];
+          "ExtendableMessageEvent" = [ "Event" "ExtendableEvent" ];
+          "FetchEvent" = [ "Event" "ExtendableEvent" ];
+          "FetchObserver" = [ "EventTarget" ];
+          "File" = [ "Blob" ];
+          "FileReader" = [ "EventTarget" ];
+          "FileSystemDirectoryEntry" = [ "FileSystemEntry" ];
+          "FileSystemFileEntry" = [ "FileSystemEntry" ];
+          "FocusEvent" = [ "Event" "UiEvent" ];
+          "FontFaceSet" = [ "EventTarget" ];
+          "FontFaceSetLoadEvent" = [ "Event" ];
+          "GainNode" = [ "AudioNode" "EventTarget" ];
+          "GamepadAxisMoveEvent" = [ "Event" "GamepadEvent" ];
+          "GamepadButtonEvent" = [ "Event" "GamepadEvent" ];
+          "GamepadEvent" = [ "Event" ];
+          "GpuDevice" = [ "EventTarget" ];
+          "GpuUncapturedErrorEvent" = [ "Event" ];
+          "HashChangeEvent" = [ "Event" ];
+          "Hid" = [ "EventTarget" ];
+          "HidConnectionEvent" = [ "Event" ];
+          "HidDevice" = [ "EventTarget" ];
+          "HidInputReportEvent" = [ "Event" ];
+          "HtmlAnchorElement" = [ "Element" "EventTarget" "HtmlElement" "Node" ];
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+          "HtmlBaseElement" = [ "Element" "EventTarget" "HtmlElement" "Node" ];
+          "HtmlBodyElement" = [ "Element" "EventTarget" "HtmlElement" "Node" ];
+          "HtmlBrElement" = [ "Element" "EventTarget" "HtmlElement" "Node" ];
+          "HtmlButtonElement" = [ "Element" "EventTarget" "HtmlElement" "Node" ];
+          "HtmlCanvasElement" = [ "Element" "EventTarget" "HtmlElement" "Node" ];
+          "HtmlDListElement" = [ "Element" "EventTarget" "HtmlElement" "Node" ];
+          "HtmlDataElement" = [ "Element" "EventTarget" "HtmlElement" "Node" ];
+          "HtmlDataListElement" = [ "Element" "EventTarget" "HtmlElement" "Node" ];
+          "HtmlDetailsElement" = [ "Element" "EventTarget" "HtmlElement" "Node" ];
+          "HtmlDialogElement" = [ "Element" "EventTarget" "HtmlElement" "Node" ];
+          "HtmlDirectoryElement" = [ "Element" "EventTarget" "HtmlElement" "Node" ];
+          "HtmlDivElement" = [ "Element" "EventTarget" "HtmlElement" "Node" ];
+          "HtmlDocument" = [ "Document" "EventTarget" "Node" ];
+          "HtmlElement" = [ "Element" "EventTarget" "Node" ];
+          "HtmlEmbedElement" = [ "Element" "EventTarget" "HtmlElement" "Node" ];
+          "HtmlFieldSetElement" = [ "Element" "EventTarget" "HtmlElement" "Node" ];
+          "HtmlFontElement" = [ "Element" "EventTarget" "HtmlElement" "Node" ];
+          "HtmlFormControlsCollection" = [ "HtmlCollection" ];
+          "HtmlFormElement" = [ "Element" "EventTarget" "HtmlElement" "Node" ];
+          "HtmlFrameElement" = [ "Element" "EventTarget" "HtmlElement" "Node" ];
+          "HtmlFrameSetElement" = [ "Element" "EventTarget" "HtmlElement" "Node" ];
+          "HtmlHeadElement" = [ "Element" "EventTarget" "HtmlElement" "Node" ];
+          "HtmlHeadingElement" = [ "Element" "EventTarget" "HtmlElement" "Node" ];
+          "HtmlHrElement" = [ "Element" "EventTarget" "HtmlElement" "Node" ];
+          "HtmlHtmlElement" = [ "Element" "EventTarget" "HtmlElement" "Node" ];
+          "HtmlIFrameElement" = [ "Element" "EventTarget" "HtmlElement" "Node" ];
+          "HtmlImageElement" = [ "Element" "EventTarget" "HtmlElement" "Node" ];
+          "HtmlInputElement" = [ "Element" "EventTarget" "HtmlElement" "Node" ];
+          "HtmlLabelElement" = [ "Element" "EventTarget" "HtmlElement" "Node" ];
+          "HtmlLegendElement" = [ "Element" "EventTarget" "HtmlElement" "Node" ];
+          "HtmlLiElement" = [ "Element" "EventTarget" "HtmlElement" "Node" ];
+          "HtmlLinkElement" = [ "Element" "EventTarget" "HtmlElement" "Node" ];
+          "HtmlMapElement" = [ "Element" "EventTarget" "HtmlElement" "Node" ];
+          "HtmlMediaElement" = [ "Element" "EventTarget" "HtmlElement" "Node" ];
+          "HtmlMenuElement" = [ "Element" "EventTarget" "HtmlElement" "Node" ];
+          "HtmlMenuItemElement" = [ "Element" "EventTarget" "HtmlElement" "Node" ];
+          "HtmlMetaElement" = [ "Element" "EventTarget" "HtmlElement" "Node" ];
+          "HtmlMeterElement" = [ "Element" "EventTarget" "HtmlElement" "Node" ];
+          "HtmlModElement" = [ "Element" "EventTarget" "HtmlElement" "Node" ];
+          "HtmlOListElement" = [ "Element" "EventTarget" "HtmlElement" "Node" ];
+          "HtmlObjectElement" = [ "Element" "EventTarget" "HtmlElement" "Node" ];
+          "HtmlOptGroupElement" = [ "Element" "EventTarget" "HtmlElement" "Node" ];
+          "HtmlOptionElement" = [ "Element" "EventTarget" "HtmlElement" "Node" ];
+          "HtmlOptionsCollection" = [ "HtmlCollection" ];
+          "HtmlOutputElement" = [ "Element" "EventTarget" "HtmlElement" "Node" ];
+          "HtmlParagraphElement" = [ "Element" "EventTarget" "HtmlElement" "Node" ];
+          "HtmlParamElement" = [ "Element" "EventTarget" "HtmlElement" "Node" ];
+          "HtmlPictureElement" = [ "Element" "EventTarget" "HtmlElement" "Node" ];
+          "HtmlPreElement" = [ "Element" "EventTarget" "HtmlElement" "Node" ];
+          "HtmlProgressElement" = [ "Element" "EventTarget" "HtmlElement" "Node" ];
+          "HtmlQuoteElement" = [ "Element" "EventTarget" "HtmlElement" "Node" ];
+          "HtmlScriptElement" = [ "Element" "EventTarget" "HtmlElement" "Node" ];
+          "HtmlSelectElement" = [ "Element" "EventTarget" "HtmlElement" "Node" ];
+          "HtmlSlotElement" = [ "Element" "EventTarget" "HtmlElement" "Node" ];
+          "HtmlSourceElement" = [ "Element" "EventTarget" "HtmlElement" "Node" ];
+          "HtmlSpanElement" = [ "Element" "EventTarget" "HtmlElement" "Node" ];
+          "HtmlStyleElement" = [ "Element" "EventTarget" "HtmlElement" "Node" ];
+          "HtmlTableCaptionElement" = [ "Element" "EventTarget" "HtmlElement" "Node" ];
+          "HtmlTableCellElement" = [ "Element" "EventTarget" "HtmlElement" "Node" ];
+          "HtmlTableColElement" = [ "Element" "EventTarget" "HtmlElement" "Node" ];
+          "HtmlTableElement" = [ "Element" "EventTarget" "HtmlElement" "Node" ];
+          "HtmlTableRowElement" = [ "Element" "EventTarget" "HtmlElement" "Node" ];
+          "HtmlTableSectionElement" = [ "Element" "EventTarget" "HtmlElement" "Node" ];
+          "HtmlTemplateElement" = [ "Element" "EventTarget" "HtmlElement" "Node" ];
+          "HtmlTextAreaElement" = [ "Element" "EventTarget" "HtmlElement" "Node" ];
+          "HtmlTimeElement" = [ "Element" "EventTarget" "HtmlElement" "Node" ];
+          "HtmlTitleElement" = [ "Element" "EventTarget" "HtmlElement" "Node" ];
+          "HtmlTrackElement" = [ "Element" "EventTarget" "HtmlElement" "Node" ];
+          "HtmlUListElement" = [ "Element" "EventTarget" "HtmlElement" "Node" ];
+          "HtmlUnknownElement" = [ "Element" "EventTarget" "HtmlElement" "Node" ];
+          "HtmlVideoElement" = [ "Element" "EventTarget" "HtmlElement" "HtmlMediaElement" "Node" ];
+          "IdbCursorWithValue" = [ "IdbCursor" ];
+          "IdbDatabase" = [ "EventTarget" ];
+          "IdbFileHandle" = [ "EventTarget" ];
+          "IdbFileRequest" = [ "DomRequest" "EventTarget" ];
+          "IdbLocaleAwareKeyRange" = [ "IdbKeyRange" ];
+          "IdbMutableFile" = [ "EventTarget" ];
+          "IdbOpenDbRequest" = [ "EventTarget" "IdbRequest" ];
+          "IdbRequest" = [ "EventTarget" ];
+          "IdbTransaction" = [ "EventTarget" ];
+          "IdbVersionChangeEvent" = [ "Event" ];
+          "IirFilterNode" = [ "AudioNode" "EventTarget" ];
+          "ImageCaptureErrorEvent" = [ "Event" ];
+          "InputEvent" = [ "Event" "UiEvent" ];
+          "KeyboardEvent" = [ "Event" "UiEvent" ];
+          "KeyframeEffect" = [ "AnimationEffect" ];
+          "LocalMediaStream" = [ "EventTarget" "MediaStream" ];
+          "MediaDevices" = [ "EventTarget" ];
+          "MediaElementAudioSourceNode" = [ "AudioNode" "EventTarget" ];
+          "MediaEncryptedEvent" = [ "Event" ];
+          "MediaKeyError" = [ "Event" ];
+          "MediaKeyMessageEvent" = [ "Event" ];
+          "MediaKeySession" = [ "EventTarget" ];
+          "MediaQueryList" = [ "EventTarget" ];
+          "MediaQueryListEvent" = [ "Event" ];
+          "MediaRecorder" = [ "EventTarget" ];
+          "MediaRecorderErrorEvent" = [ "Event" ];
+          "MediaSource" = [ "EventTarget" ];
+          "MediaStream" = [ "EventTarget" ];
+          "MediaStreamAudioDestinationNode" = [ "AudioNode" "EventTarget" ];
+          "MediaStreamAudioSourceNode" = [ "AudioNode" "EventTarget" ];
+          "MediaStreamEvent" = [ "Event" ];
+          "MediaStreamTrack" = [ "EventTarget" ];
+          "MediaStreamTrackEvent" = [ "Event" ];
+          "MessageEvent" = [ "Event" ];
+          "MessagePort" = [ "EventTarget" ];
+          "MidiAccess" = [ "EventTarget" ];
+          "MidiConnectionEvent" = [ "Event" ];
+          "MidiInput" = [ "EventTarget" "MidiPort" ];
+          "MidiMessageEvent" = [ "Event" ];
+          "MidiOutput" = [ "EventTarget" "MidiPort" ];
+          "MidiPort" = [ "EventTarget" ];
+          "MouseEvent" = [ "Event" "UiEvent" ];
+          "MouseScrollEvent" = [ "Event" "MouseEvent" "UiEvent" ];
+          "MutationEvent" = [ "Event" ];
+          "NetworkInformation" = [ "EventTarget" ];
+          "Node" = [ "EventTarget" ];
+          "Notification" = [ "EventTarget" ];
+          "NotificationEvent" = [ "Event" "ExtendableEvent" ];
+          "OfflineAudioCompletionEvent" = [ "Event" ];
+          "OfflineAudioContext" = [ "BaseAudioContext" "EventTarget" ];
+          "OfflineResourceList" = [ "EventTarget" ];
+          "OffscreenCanvas" = [ "EventTarget" ];
+          "OscillatorNode" = [ "AudioNode" "AudioScheduledSourceNode" "EventTarget" ];
+          "PageTransitionEvent" = [ "Event" ];
+          "PaintWorkletGlobalScope" = [ "WorkletGlobalScope" ];
+          "PannerNode" = [ "AudioNode" "EventTarget" ];
+          "PaymentMethodChangeEvent" = [ "Event" "PaymentRequestUpdateEvent" ];
+          "PaymentRequestUpdateEvent" = [ "Event" ];
+          "Performance" = [ "EventTarget" ];
+          "PerformanceMark" = [ "PerformanceEntry" ];
+          "PerformanceMeasure" = [ "PerformanceEntry" ];
+          "PerformanceNavigationTiming" = [ "PerformanceEntry" "PerformanceResourceTiming" ];
+          "PerformanceResourceTiming" = [ "PerformanceEntry" ];
+          "PermissionStatus" = [ "EventTarget" ];
+          "PointerEvent" = [ "Event" "MouseEvent" "UiEvent" ];
+          "PopStateEvent" = [ "Event" ];
+          "PopupBlockedEvent" = [ "Event" ];
+          "PresentationAvailability" = [ "EventTarget" ];
+          "PresentationConnection" = [ "EventTarget" ];
+          "PresentationConnectionAvailableEvent" = [ "Event" ];
+          "PresentationConnectionCloseEvent" = [ "Event" ];
+          "PresentationConnectionList" = [ "EventTarget" ];
+          "PresentationRequest" = [ "EventTarget" ];
+          "ProcessingInstruction" = [ "CharacterData" "EventTarget" "Node" ];
+          "ProgressEvent" = [ "Event" ];
+          "PromiseRejectionEvent" = [ "Event" ];
+          "PublicKeyCredential" = [ "Credential" ];
+          "PushEvent" = [ "Event" "ExtendableEvent" ];
+          "RadioNodeList" = [ "NodeList" ];
+          "RtcDataChannel" = [ "EventTarget" ];
+          "RtcDataChannelEvent" = [ "Event" ];
+          "RtcPeerConnection" = [ "EventTarget" ];
+          "RtcPeerConnectionIceEvent" = [ "Event" ];
+          "RtcTrackEvent" = [ "Event" ];
+          "RtcdtmfSender" = [ "EventTarget" ];
+          "RtcdtmfToneChangeEvent" = [ "Event" ];
+          "Screen" = [ "EventTarget" ];
+          "ScreenOrientation" = [ "EventTarget" ];
+          "ScriptProcessorNode" = [ "AudioNode" "EventTarget" ];
+          "ScrollAreaEvent" = [ "Event" "UiEvent" ];
+          "SecurityPolicyViolationEvent" = [ "Event" ];
+          "ServiceWorker" = [ "EventTarget" ];
+          "ServiceWorkerContainer" = [ "EventTarget" ];
+          "ServiceWorkerGlobalScope" = [ "EventTarget" "WorkerGlobalScope" ];
+          "ServiceWorkerRegistration" = [ "EventTarget" ];
+          "ShadowRoot" = [ "DocumentFragment" "EventTarget" "Node" ];
+          "SharedWorker" = [ "EventTarget" ];
+          "SharedWorkerGlobalScope" = [ "EventTarget" "WorkerGlobalScope" ];
+          "SourceBuffer" = [ "EventTarget" ];
+          "SourceBufferList" = [ "EventTarget" ];
+          "SpeechRecognition" = [ "EventTarget" ];
+          "SpeechRecognitionError" = [ "Event" ];
+          "SpeechRecognitionEvent" = [ "Event" ];
+          "SpeechSynthesis" = [ "EventTarget" ];
+          "SpeechSynthesisErrorEvent" = [ "Event" "SpeechSynthesisEvent" ];
+          "SpeechSynthesisEvent" = [ "Event" ];
+          "SpeechSynthesisUtterance" = [ "EventTarget" ];
+          "StereoPannerNode" = [ "AudioNode" "EventTarget" ];
+          "StorageEvent" = [ "Event" ];
+          "SvgAnimateElement" = [ "Element" "EventTarget" "Node" "SvgAnimationElement" "SvgElement" ];
+          "SvgAnimateMotionElement" = [ "Element" "EventTarget" "Node" "SvgAnimationElement" "SvgElement" ];
+          "SvgAnimateTransformElement" = [ "Element" "EventTarget" "Node" "SvgAnimationElement" "SvgElement" ];
+          "SvgAnimationElement" = [ "Element" "EventTarget" "Node" "SvgElement" ];
+          "SvgCircleElement" = [ "Element" "EventTarget" "Node" "SvgElement" "SvgGeometryElement" "SvgGraphicsElement" ];
+          "SvgClipPathElement" = [ "Element" "EventTarget" "Node" "SvgElement" ];
+          "SvgComponentTransferFunctionElement" = [ "Element" "EventTarget" "Node" "SvgElement" ];
+          "SvgDefsElement" = [ "Element" "EventTarget" "Node" "SvgElement" "SvgGraphicsElement" ];
+          "SvgDescElement" = [ "Element" "EventTarget" "Node" "SvgElement" ];
+          "SvgElement" = [ "Element" "EventTarget" "Node" ];
+          "SvgEllipseElement" = [ "Element" "EventTarget" "Node" "SvgElement" "SvgGeometryElement" "SvgGraphicsElement" ];
+          "SvgFilterElement" = [ "Element" "EventTarget" "Node" "SvgElement" ];
+          "SvgForeignObjectElement" = [ "Element" "EventTarget" "Node" "SvgElement" "SvgGraphicsElement" ];
+          "SvgGeometryElement" = [ "Element" "EventTarget" "Node" "SvgElement" "SvgGraphicsElement" ];
+          "SvgGradientElement" = [ "Element" "EventTarget" "Node" "SvgElement" ];
+          "SvgGraphicsElement" = [ "Element" "EventTarget" "Node" "SvgElement" ];
+          "SvgImageElement" = [ "Element" "EventTarget" "Node" "SvgElement" "SvgGraphicsElement" ];
+          "SvgLineElement" = [ "Element" "EventTarget" "Node" "SvgElement" "SvgGeometryElement" "SvgGraphicsElement" ];
+          "SvgLinearGradientElement" = [ "Element" "EventTarget" "Node" "SvgElement" "SvgGradientElement" ];
+          "SvgMarkerElement" = [ "Element" "EventTarget" "Node" "SvgElement" ];
+          "SvgMaskElement" = [ "Element" "EventTarget" "Node" "SvgElement" ];
+          "SvgMetadataElement" = [ "Element" "EventTarget" "Node" "SvgElement" ];
+          "SvgPathElement" = [ "Element" "EventTarget" "Node" "SvgElement" "SvgGeometryElement" "SvgGraphicsElement" ];
+          "SvgPathSegArcAbs" = [ "SvgPathSeg" ];
+          "SvgPathSegArcRel" = [ "SvgPathSeg" ];
+          "SvgPathSegClosePath" = [ "SvgPathSeg" ];
+          "SvgPathSegCurvetoCubicAbs" = [ "SvgPathSeg" ];
+          "SvgPathSegCurvetoCubicRel" = [ "SvgPathSeg" ];
+          "SvgPathSegCurvetoCubicSmoothAbs" = [ "SvgPathSeg" ];
+          "SvgPathSegCurvetoCubicSmoothRel" = [ "SvgPathSeg" ];
+          "SvgPathSegCurvetoQuadraticAbs" = [ "SvgPathSeg" ];
+          "SvgPathSegCurvetoQuadraticRel" = [ "SvgPathSeg" ];
+          "SvgPathSegCurvetoQuadraticSmoothAbs" = [ "SvgPathSeg" ];
+          "SvgPathSegCurvetoQuadraticSmoothRel" = [ "SvgPathSeg" ];
+          "SvgPathSegLinetoAbs" = [ "SvgPathSeg" ];
+          "SvgPathSegLinetoHorizontalAbs" = [ "SvgPathSeg" ];
+          "SvgPathSegLinetoHorizontalRel" = [ "SvgPathSeg" ];
+          "SvgPathSegLinetoRel" = [ "SvgPathSeg" ];
+          "SvgPathSegLinetoVerticalAbs" = [ "SvgPathSeg" ];
+          "SvgPathSegLinetoVerticalRel" = [ "SvgPathSeg" ];
+          "SvgPathSegMovetoAbs" = [ "SvgPathSeg" ];
+          "SvgPathSegMovetoRel" = [ "SvgPathSeg" ];
+          "SvgPatternElement" = [ "Element" "EventTarget" "Node" "SvgElement" ];
+          "SvgPolygonElement" = [ "Element" "EventTarget" "Node" "SvgElement" "SvgGeometryElement" "SvgGraphicsElement" ];
+          "SvgPolylineElement" = [ "Element" "EventTarget" "Node" "SvgElement" "SvgGeometryElement" "SvgGraphicsElement" ];
+          "SvgRadialGradientElement" = [ "Element" "EventTarget" "Node" "SvgElement" "SvgGradientElement" ];
+          "SvgRectElement" = [ "Element" "EventTarget" "Node" "SvgElement" "SvgGeometryElement" "SvgGraphicsElement" ];
+          "SvgScriptElement" = [ "Element" "EventTarget" "Node" "SvgElement" ];
+          "SvgSetElement" = [ "Element" "EventTarget" "Node" "SvgAnimationElement" "SvgElement" ];
+          "SvgStopElement" = [ "Element" "EventTarget" "Node" "SvgElement" ];
+          "SvgStyleElement" = [ "Element" "EventTarget" "Node" "SvgElement" ];
+          "SvgSwitchElement" = [ "Element" "EventTarget" "Node" "SvgElement" "SvgGraphicsElement" ];
+          "SvgSymbolElement" = [ "Element" "EventTarget" "Node" "SvgElement" ];
+          "SvgTextContentElement" = [ "Element" "EventTarget" "Node" "SvgElement" "SvgGraphicsElement" ];
+          "SvgTextElement" = [ "Element" "EventTarget" "Node" "SvgElement" "SvgGraphicsElement" "SvgTextContentElement" "SvgTextPositioningElement" ];
+          "SvgTextPathElement" = [ "Element" "EventTarget" "Node" "SvgElement" "SvgGraphicsElement" "SvgTextContentElement" ];
+          "SvgTextPositioningElement" = [ "Element" "EventTarget" "Node" "SvgElement" "SvgGraphicsElement" "SvgTextContentElement" ];
+          "SvgTitleElement" = [ "Element" "EventTarget" "Node" "SvgElement" ];
+          "SvgUseElement" = [ "Element" "EventTarget" "Node" "SvgElement" "SvgGraphicsElement" ];
+          "SvgViewElement" = [ "Element" "EventTarget" "Node" "SvgElement" ];
+          "SvgaElement" = [ "Element" "EventTarget" "Node" "SvgElement" "SvgGraphicsElement" ];
+          "SvgfeBlendElement" = [ "Element" "EventTarget" "Node" "SvgElement" ];
+          "SvgfeColorMatrixElement" = [ "Element" "EventTarget" "Node" "SvgElement" ];
+          "SvgfeComponentTransferElement" = [ "Element" "EventTarget" "Node" "SvgElement" ];
+          "SvgfeCompositeElement" = [ "Element" "EventTarget" "Node" "SvgElement" ];
+          "SvgfeConvolveMatrixElement" = [ "Element" "EventTarget" "Node" "SvgElement" ];
+          "SvgfeDiffuseLightingElement" = [ "Element" "EventTarget" "Node" "SvgElement" ];
+          "SvgfeDisplacementMapElement" = [ "Element" "EventTarget" "Node" "SvgElement" ];
+          "SvgfeDistantLightElement" = [ "Element" "EventTarget" "Node" "SvgElement" ];
+          "SvgfeDropShadowElement" = [ "Element" "EventTarget" "Node" "SvgElement" ];
+          "SvgfeFloodElement" = [ "Element" "EventTarget" "Node" "SvgElement" ];
+          "SvgfeFuncAElement" = [ "Element" "EventTarget" "Node" "SvgComponentTransferFunctionElement" "SvgElement" ];
+          "SvgfeFuncBElement" = [ "Element" "EventTarget" "Node" "SvgComponentTransferFunctionElement" "SvgElement" ];
+          "SvgfeFuncGElement" = [ "Element" "EventTarget" "Node" "SvgComponentTransferFunctionElement" "SvgElement" ];
+          "SvgfeFuncRElement" = [ "Element" "EventTarget" "Node" "SvgComponentTransferFunctionElement" "SvgElement" ];
+          "SvgfeGaussianBlurElement" = [ "Element" "EventTarget" "Node" "SvgElement" ];
+          "SvgfeImageElement" = [ "Element" "EventTarget" "Node" "SvgElement" ];
+          "SvgfeMergeElement" = [ "Element" "EventTarget" "Node" "SvgElement" ];
+          "SvgfeMergeNodeElement" = [ "Element" "EventTarget" "Node" "SvgElement" ];
+          "SvgfeMorphologyElement" = [ "Element" "EventTarget" "Node" "SvgElement" ];
+          "SvgfeOffsetElement" = [ "Element" "EventTarget" "Node" "SvgElement" ];
+          "SvgfePointLightElement" = [ "Element" "EventTarget" "Node" "SvgElement" ];
+          "SvgfeSpecularLightingElement" = [ "Element" "EventTarget" "Node" "SvgElement" ];
+          "SvgfeSpotLightElement" = [ "Element" "EventTarget" "Node" "SvgElement" ];
+          "SvgfeTileElement" = [ "Element" "EventTarget" "Node" "SvgElement" ];
+          "SvgfeTurbulenceElement" = [ "Element" "EventTarget" "Node" "SvgElement" ];
+          "SvggElement" = [ "Element" "EventTarget" "Node" "SvgElement" "SvgGraphicsElement" ];
+          "SvgmPathElement" = [ "Element" "EventTarget" "Node" "SvgElement" ];
+          "SvgsvgElement" = [ "Element" "EventTarget" "Node" "SvgElement" "SvgGraphicsElement" ];
+          "SvgtSpanElement" = [ "Element" "EventTarget" "Node" "SvgElement" "SvgGraphicsElement" "SvgTextContentElement" "SvgTextPositioningElement" ];
+          "TcpServerSocket" = [ "EventTarget" ];
+          "TcpServerSocketEvent" = [ "Event" ];
+          "TcpSocket" = [ "EventTarget" ];
+          "TcpSocketErrorEvent" = [ "Event" ];
+          "TcpSocketEvent" = [ "Event" ];
+          "Text" = [ "CharacterData" "EventTarget" "Node" ];
+          "TextTrack" = [ "EventTarget" ];
+          "TextTrackCue" = [ "EventTarget" ];
+          "TextTrackList" = [ "EventTarget" ];
+          "TimeEvent" = [ "Event" ];
+          "TouchEvent" = [ "Event" "UiEvent" ];
+          "TrackEvent" = [ "Event" ];
+          "TransitionEvent" = [ "Event" ];
+          "UiEvent" = [ "Event" ];
+          "Usb" = [ "EventTarget" ];
+          "UsbConnectionEvent" = [ "Event" ];
+          "UsbPermissionResult" = [ "EventTarget" "PermissionStatus" ];
+          "UserProximityEvent" = [ "Event" ];
+          "ValueEvent" = [ "Event" ];
+          "VideoStreamTrack" = [ "EventTarget" "MediaStreamTrack" ];
+          "VideoTrackList" = [ "EventTarget" ];
+          "VrDisplay" = [ "EventTarget" ];
+          "VttCue" = [ "EventTarget" "TextTrackCue" ];
+          "WakeLockSentinel" = [ "EventTarget" ];
+          "WaveShaperNode" = [ "AudioNode" "EventTarget" ];
+          "WebGlContextEvent" = [ "Event" ];
+          "WebKitCssMatrix" = [ "DomMatrix" "DomMatrixReadOnly" ];
+          "WebSocket" = [ "EventTarget" ];
+          "WheelEvent" = [ "Event" "MouseEvent" "UiEvent" ];
+          "Window" = [ "EventTarget" ];
+          "WindowClient" = [ "Client" ];
+          "Worker" = [ "EventTarget" ];
+          "WorkerDebuggerGlobalScope" = [ "EventTarget" ];
+          "WorkerGlobalScope" = [ "EventTarget" ];
+          "XmlDocument" = [ "Document" "EventTarget" "Node" ];
+          "XmlHttpRequest" = [ "EventTarget" "XmlHttpRequestEventTarget" ];
+          "XmlHttpRequestEventTarget" = [ "EventTarget" ];
+          "XmlHttpRequestUpload" = [ "EventTarget" "XmlHttpRequestEventTarget" ];
+          "Xr" = [ "EventTarget" ];
+          "XrBoundedReferenceSpace" = [ "EventTarget" "XrReferenceSpace" "XrSpace" ];
+          "XrInputSourceEvent" = [ "Event" ];
+          "XrInputSourcesChangeEvent" = [ "Event" ];
+          "XrReferenceSpace" = [ "EventTarget" "XrSpace" ];
+          "XrReferenceSpaceEvent" = [ "Event" ];
+          "XrSession" = [ "EventTarget" ];
+          "XrSessionEvent" = [ "Event" ];
+          "XrSpace" = [ "EventTarget" ];
+          "XrViewerPose" = [ "XrPose" ];
+        };
+        resolvedDefaultFeatures = [ "Crypto" "EventTarget" "Window" ];
+      };
+      "webpki" = rec {
+        crateName = "webpki";
+        version = "0.22.0";
+        edition = "2018";
+        sha256 = "1gd1gxip5kgdwmrvhj5gjxij2mgg2mavq1ych4q1h272ja0xg5gh";
+        authors = [
+          "Brian Smith <brian@briansmith.org>"
+        ];
+        dependencies = [
+          {
+            name = "ring";
+            packageId = "ring";
+            usesDefaultFeatures = false;
+          }
+          {
+            name = "untrusted";
+            packageId = "untrusted";
+          }
+        ];
+        features = {
+          "alloc" = [ "ring/alloc" ];
+          "std" = [ "alloc" ];
+        };
+        resolvedDefaultFeatures = [ "alloc" "std" ];
+      };
+      "winapi" = rec {
+        crateName = "winapi";
+        version = "0.3.9";
+        edition = "2015";
+        sha256 = "06gl025x418lchw1wxj64ycr7gha83m44cjr5sarhynd9xkrm0sw";
+        authors = [
+          "Peter Atashian <retep998@gmail.com>"
+        ];
+        dependencies = [
+          {
+            name = "winapi-i686-pc-windows-gnu";
+            packageId = "winapi-i686-pc-windows-gnu";
+            target = { target, features }: (stdenv.hostPlatform.config == "i686-pc-windows-gnu");
+          }
+          {
+            name = "winapi-x86_64-pc-windows-gnu";
+            packageId = "winapi-x86_64-pc-windows-gnu";
+            target = { target, features }: (stdenv.hostPlatform.config == "x86_64-pc-windows-gnu");
+          }
+        ];
+        features = {
+          "debug" = [ "impl-debug" ];
+        };
+        resolvedDefaultFeatures = [ "ntsecapi" "wtypesbase" ];
+      };
+      "winapi-i686-pc-windows-gnu" = rec {
+        crateName = "winapi-i686-pc-windows-gnu";
+        version = "0.4.0";
+        edition = "2015";
+        sha256 = "1dmpa6mvcvzz16zg6d5vrfy4bxgg541wxrcip7cnshi06v38ffxc";
+        authors = [
+          "Peter Atashian <retep998@gmail.com>"
+        ];
+      };
+      "winapi-x86_64-pc-windows-gnu" = rec {
+        crateName = "winapi-x86_64-pc-windows-gnu";
+        version = "0.4.0";
+        edition = "2015";
+        sha256 = "0gqq64czqb64kskjryj8isp62m2sgvx25yyj3kpc2myh85w24bki";
+        authors = [
+          "Peter Atashian <retep998@gmail.com>"
+        ];
+      };
+      "x509-parser" = rec {
+        crateName = "x509-parser";
+        version = "0.13.0";
+        edition = "2018";
+        sha256 = "0f3fqbv92q3a3s51md94sw3vgzs934agl4ii5a6ym364mkdlpwg5";
+        authors = [
+          "Pierre Chifflier <chifflier@wzdftpd.net>"
+        ];
+        dependencies = [
+          {
+            name = "asn1-rs";
+            packageId = "asn1-rs";
+            features = [ "datetime" ];
+          }
+          {
+            name = "base64";
+            packageId = "base64";
+          }
+          {
+            name = "data-encoding";
+            packageId = "data-encoding";
+          }
+          {
+            name = "der-parser";
+            packageId = "der-parser";
+            features = [ "bigint" ];
+          }
+          {
+            name = "lazy_static";
+            packageId = "lazy_static";
+          }
+          {
+            name = "nom";
+            packageId = "nom";
+          }
+          {
+            name = "oid-registry";
+            packageId = "oid-registry";
+            features = [ "crypto" "x509" ];
+          }
+          {
+            name = "ring";
+            packageId = "ring";
+            optional = true;
+          }
+          {
+            name = "rusticata-macros";
+            packageId = "rusticata-macros";
+          }
+          {
+            name = "thiserror";
+            packageId = "thiserror";
+          }
+          {
+            name = "time";
+            packageId = "time";
+            features = [ "formatting" ];
+          }
+        ];
+        features = {
+          "ring" = [ "dep:ring" ];
+          "verify" = [ "ring" ];
+        };
+        resolvedDefaultFeatures = [ "default" "ring" "verify" ];
+      };
+      "yasna" = rec {
+        crateName = "yasna";
+        version = "0.5.0";
+        edition = "2018";
+        sha256 = "0k1gk11hq4rwlppv9f50bz8bnmgr73r66idpp7rybly96si38v9l";
+        authors = [
+          "Masaki Hara <ackie.h.gmai@gmail.com>"
+        ];
+        dependencies = [
+          {
+            name = "time";
+            packageId = "time";
+            optional = true;
+            usesDefaultFeatures = false;
+            features = [ "std" ];
+          }
+        ];
+        features = {
+          "bit-vec" = [ "dep:bit-vec" ];
+          "num-bigint" = [ "dep:num-bigint" ];
+          "time" = [ "dep:time" ];
+        };
+        resolvedDefaultFeatures = [ "default" "std" "time" ];
+      };
+      "zeroize" = rec {
+        crateName = "zeroize";
+        version = "1.4.3";
+        edition = "2018";
+        sha256 = "068nvl3n5hk6lfn5y24grf2c7anzzqfzjjccscq3md7rqp79v3fn";
+        authors = [
+          "The RustCrypto Project Developers"
+        ];
+        dependencies = [
+          {
+            name = "zeroize_derive";
+            packageId = "zeroize_derive";
+            optional = true;
+          }
+        ];
+        features = {
+          "default" = [ "alloc" ];
+          "zeroize_derive" = [ "dep:zeroize_derive" ];
+        };
+        resolvedDefaultFeatures = [ "alloc" "default" "zeroize_derive" ];
+      };
+      "zeroize_derive" = rec {
+        crateName = "zeroize_derive";
+        version = "1.3.1";
+        edition = "2018";
+        sha256 = "1nzdqyryjnqcrqz0vhddpkd8sybhn0bd8rbd6l33rdhhxwzz3s41";
+        procMacro = true;
+        authors = [
+          "The RustCrypto Project Developers"
+        ];
+        dependencies = [
+          {
+            name = "proc-macro2";
+            packageId = "proc-macro2";
+          }
+          {
+            name = "quote";
+            packageId = "quote";
+          }
+          {
+            name = "syn";
+            packageId = "syn";
+          }
+          {
+            name = "synstructure";
+            packageId = "synstructure";
+          }
+        ];
+      };
+    };
+    #
+# crate2nix/default.nix (excerpt start)
+  /* Target (platform) data for conditional dependencies.
+    This corresponds roughly to what buildRustCrate is setting.
+  */
+  defaultTarget = {
+    unix = true;
+    windows = false;
+    fuchsia = true;
+    test = false;
+    # This doesn't appear to be officially documented anywhere yet.
+    # See https://github.com/rust-lang-nursery/rust-forge/issues/101.
+    os =
+      if stdenv.hostPlatform.isDarwin
+      then "macos"
+      else stdenv.hostPlatform.parsed.kernel.name;
+    arch = stdenv.hostPlatform.parsed.cpu.name;
+    family = "unix";
+    env = "gnu";
+    endian =
+      if stdenv.hostPlatform.parsed.cpu.significantByte.name == "littleEndian"
+      then "little" else "big";
+    pointer_width = toString stdenv.hostPlatform.parsed.cpu.bits;
+    vendor = stdenv.hostPlatform.parsed.vendor.name;
+    debug_assertions = false;
+  };
+  /* Filters common temp files and build files. */
+  # TODO(pkolloch): Substitute with gitignore filter
+  sourceFilter = name: type:
+    let
+      baseName = builtins.baseNameOf (builtins.toString name);
+    in
+      ! (
+        # Filter out git
+        baseName == ".gitignore"
+        || (type == "directory" && baseName == ".git")
+        # Filter out build results
+        || (
+          type == "directory" && (
+            baseName == "target"
+            || baseName == "_site"
+            || baseName == ".sass-cache"
+            || baseName == ".jekyll-metadata"
+            || baseName == "build-artifacts"
+          )
+        )
+        # Filter out nix-build result symlinks
+        || (
+          type == "symlink" && lib.hasPrefix "result" baseName
+        )
+        # Filter out IDE config
+        || (
+          type == "directory" && (
+            baseName == ".idea" || baseName == ".vscode"
+          )
+        ) || lib.hasSuffix ".iml" baseName
+        # Filter out nix build files
+        || baseName == "Cargo.nix"
+        # Filter out editor backup / swap files.
+        || lib.hasSuffix "~" baseName
+        || builtins.match "^\\.sw[a-z]$$" baseName != null
+        || builtins.match "^\\..*\\.sw[a-z]$$" baseName != null
+        || lib.hasSuffix ".tmp" baseName
+        || lib.hasSuffix ".bak" baseName
+        || baseName == "tests.nix"
+      );
+  /* Returns a crate which depends on successful test execution
+    of crate given as the second argument.
+    testCrateFlags: list of flags to pass to the test executable
+    testInputs: list of packages that should be available during test execution
+  */
+  crateWithTest = { crate, testCrate, testCrateFlags, testInputs, testPreRun, testPostRun }:
+    assert builtins.typeOf testCrateFlags == "list";
+    assert builtins.typeOf testInputs == "list";
+    assert builtins.typeOf testPreRun == "string";
+    assert builtins.typeOf testPostRun == "string";
+    let
+      # override the `crate` so that it will build and execute tests instead of
+      # building the actual lib and bin targets We just have to pass `--test`
+      # to rustc and it will do the right thing.  We execute the tests and copy
+      # their log and the test executables to $out for later inspection.
+      test =
+        let
+          drv = testCrate.override
+            (
+              _: {
+                buildTests = true;
+              }
+            );
+          # If the user hasn't set any pre/post commands, we don't want to
+          # insert empty lines. This means that any existing users of crate2nix
+          # don't get a spurious rebuild unless they set these explicitly.
+          testCommand = pkgs.lib.concatStringsSep "\n"
+            (pkgs.lib.filter (s: s != "") [
+              testPreRun
+              "$f $testCrateFlags 2>&1 | tee -a $out"
+              testPostRun
+            ]);
+        in
+        pkgs.runCommand "run-tests-${testCrate.name}"
+          {
+            inherit testCrateFlags;
+            buildInputs = testInputs;
+          } ''
+          set -ex
+          export RUST_BACKTRACE=1
+          # recreate a file hierarchy as when running tests with cargo
+          # the source for test data
+          ${pkgs.xorg.lndir}/bin/lndir ${crate.src}
+          # build outputs
+          testRoot=target/debug
+          mkdir -p $testRoot
+          # executables of the crate
+          # we copy to prevent std::env::current_exe() to resolve to a store location
+          for i in ${crate}/bin/*; do
+            cp "$i" "$testRoot"
+          done
+          chmod +w -R .
+          # test harness executables are suffixed with a hash, like cargo does
+          # this allows to prevent name collision with the main
+          # executables of the crate
+          hash=$(basename $out)
+          for file in ${drv}/tests/*; do
+            f=$testRoot/$(basename $file)-$hash
+            cp $file $f
+            ${testCommand}
+          done
+        '';
+    in
+    pkgs.runCommand "${crate.name}-linked"
+      {
+        inherit (crate) outputs crateName;
+        passthru = (crate.passthru or { }) // {
+          inherit test;
+        };
+      } ''
+      echo tested by ${test}
+      ${lib.concatMapStringsSep "\n" (output: "ln -s ${crate.${output}} ${"$"}${output}") crate.outputs}
+    '';
+  /* A restricted overridable version of builtRustCratesWithFeatures. */
+  buildRustCrateWithFeatures =
+    { packageId
+    , features ? rootFeatures
+    , crateOverrides ? defaultCrateOverrides
+    , buildRustCrateForPkgsFunc ? null
+    , runTests ? false
+    , testCrateFlags ? [ ]
+    , testInputs ? [ ]
+      # Any command to run immediatelly before a test is executed.
+    , testPreRun ? ""
+      # Any command run immediatelly after a test is executed.
+    , testPostRun ? ""
+    }:
+    lib.makeOverridable
+      (
+        { features
+        , crateOverrides
+        , runTests
+        , testCrateFlags
+        , testInputs
+        , testPreRun
+        , testPostRun
+        }:
+        let
+          buildRustCrateForPkgsFuncOverriden =
+            if buildRustCrateForPkgsFunc != null
+            then buildRustCrateForPkgsFunc
+            else
+              (
+                if crateOverrides == pkgs.defaultCrateOverrides
+                then buildRustCrateForPkgs
+                else
+                  pkgs: (buildRustCrateForPkgs pkgs).override {
+                    defaultCrateOverrides = crateOverrides;
+                  }
+              );
+          builtRustCrates = builtRustCratesWithFeatures {
+            inherit packageId features;
+            buildRustCrateForPkgsFunc = buildRustCrateForPkgsFuncOverriden;
+            runTests = false;
+          };
+          builtTestRustCrates = builtRustCratesWithFeatures {
+            inherit packageId features;
+            buildRustCrateForPkgsFunc = buildRustCrateForPkgsFuncOverriden;
+            runTests = true;
+          };
+          drv = builtRustCrates.crates.${packageId};
+          testDrv = builtTestRustCrates.crates.${packageId};
+          derivation =
+            if runTests then
+              crateWithTest
+                {
+                  crate = drv;
+                  testCrate = testDrv;
+                  inherit testCrateFlags testInputs testPreRun testPostRun;
+                }
+            else drv;
+        in
+        derivation
+      )
+      { inherit features crateOverrides runTests testCrateFlags testInputs testPreRun testPostRun; };
+  /* Returns an attr set with packageId mapped to the result of buildRustCrateForPkgsFunc
+    for the corresponding crate.
+  */
+  builtRustCratesWithFeatures =
+    { packageId
+    , features
+    , crateConfigs ? crates
+    , buildRustCrateForPkgsFunc
+    , runTests
+    , target ? defaultTarget
+    } @ args:
+      assert (builtins.isAttrs crateConfigs);
+      assert (builtins.isString packageId);
+      assert (builtins.isList features);
+      assert (builtins.isAttrs target);
+      assert (builtins.isBool runTests);
+      let
+        rootPackageId = packageId;
+        mergedFeatures = mergePackageFeatures
+          (
+            args // {
+              inherit rootPackageId;
+              target = target // { test = runTests; };
+            }
+          );
+        # Memoize built packages so that reappearing packages are only built once.
+        builtByPackageIdByPkgs = mkBuiltByPackageIdByPkgs pkgs;
+        mkBuiltByPackageIdByPkgs = pkgs:
+          let
+            self = {
+              crates = lib.mapAttrs (packageId: value: buildByPackageIdForPkgsImpl self pkgs packageId) crateConfigs;
+              build = mkBuiltByPackageIdByPkgs pkgs.buildPackages;
+            };
+          in
+          self;
+        buildByPackageIdForPkgsImpl = self: pkgs: packageId:
+          let
+            features = mergedFeatures."${packageId}" or [ ];
+            crateConfig' = crateConfigs."${packageId}";
+            crateConfig =
+              builtins.removeAttrs crateConfig' [ "resolvedDefaultFeatures" "devDependencies" ];
+            devDependencies =
+              lib.optionals
+                (runTests && packageId == rootPackageId)
+                (crateConfig'.devDependencies or [ ]);
+            dependencies =
+              dependencyDerivations {
+                inherit features target;
+                buildByPackageId = depPackageId:
+                  # proc_macro crates must be compiled for the build architecture
+                  if crateConfigs.${depPackageId}.procMacro or false
+                  then self.build.crates.${depPackageId}
+                  else self.crates.${depPackageId};
+                dependencies =
+                  (crateConfig.dependencies or [ ])
+                  ++ devDependencies;
+              };
+            buildDependencies =
+              dependencyDerivations {
+                inherit features target;
+                buildByPackageId = depPackageId:
+                  self.build.crates.${depPackageId};
+                dependencies = crateConfig.buildDependencies or [ ];
+              };
+            filterEnabledDependenciesForThis = dependencies: filterEnabledDependencies {
+              inherit dependencies features target;
+            };
+            dependenciesWithRenames =
+              lib.filter (d: d ? "rename")
+                (
+                  filterEnabledDependenciesForThis
+                    (
+                      (crateConfig.buildDependencies or [ ])
+                      ++ (crateConfig.dependencies or [ ])
+                      ++ devDependencies
+                    )
+                );
+            # Crate renames have the form:
+            #
+            # {
+            #    crate_name = [
+            #       { version = "1.2.3"; rename = "crate_name01"; }
+            #    ];
+            #    # ...
+            # }
+            crateRenames =
+              let
+                grouped =
+                  lib.groupBy
+                    (dependency: dependency.name)
+                    dependenciesWithRenames;
+                versionAndRename = dep:
+                  let
+                    package = crateConfigs."${dep.packageId}";
+                  in
+                  { inherit (dep) rename; version = package.version; };
+              in
+              lib.mapAttrs (name: choices: builtins.map versionAndRename choices) grouped;
+          in
+          buildRustCrateForPkgsFunc pkgs
+            (
+              crateConfig // {
+                src = crateConfig.src or (
+                  pkgs.fetchurl rec {
+                    name = "${crateConfig.crateName}-${crateConfig.version}.tar.gz";
+                    # https://www.pietroalbini.org/blog/downloading-crates-io/
+                    # Not rate-limited, CDN URL.
+                    url = "https://static.crates.io/crates/${crateConfig.crateName}/${crateConfig.crateName}-${crateConfig.version}.crate";
+                    sha256 =
+                      assert (lib.assertMsg (crateConfig ? sha256) "Missing sha256 for ${name}");
+                      crateConfig.sha256;
+                  }
+                );
+                extraRustcOpts = lib.lists.optional (targetFeatures != [ ]) "-C target-feature=${lib.concatMapStringsSep "," (x: "+${x}") targetFeatures}";
+                inherit features dependencies buildDependencies crateRenames release;
+              }
+            );
+      in
+      builtByPackageIdByPkgs;
+  /* Returns the actual derivations for the given dependencies. */
+  dependencyDerivations =
+    { buildByPackageId
+    , features
+    , dependencies
+    , target
+    }:
+      assert (builtins.isList features);
+      assert (builtins.isList dependencies);
+      assert (builtins.isAttrs target);
+      let
+        enabledDependencies = filterEnabledDependencies {
+          inherit dependencies features target;
+        };
+        depDerivation = dependency: buildByPackageId dependency.packageId;
+      in
+      map depDerivation enabledDependencies;
+  /* Returns a sanitized version of val with all values substituted that cannot
+    be serialized as JSON.
+  */
+  sanitizeForJson = val:
+    if builtins.isAttrs val
+    then lib.mapAttrs (n: v: sanitizeForJson v) val
+    else if builtins.isList val
+    then builtins.map sanitizeForJson val
+    else if builtins.isFunction val
+    then "function"
+    else val;
+  /* Returns various tools to debug a crate. */
+  debugCrate = { packageId, target ? defaultTarget }:
+    assert (builtins.isString packageId);
+    let
+      debug = rec {
+        # The built tree as passed to buildRustCrate.
+        buildTree = buildRustCrateWithFeatures {
+          buildRustCrateForPkgsFunc = _: lib.id;
+          inherit packageId;
+        };
+        sanitizedBuildTree = sanitizeForJson buildTree;
+        dependencyTree = sanitizeForJson
+          (
+            buildRustCrateWithFeatures {
+              buildRustCrateForPkgsFunc = _: crate: {
+                "01_crateName" = crate.crateName or false;
+                "02_features" = crate.features or [ ];
+                "03_dependencies" = crate.dependencies or [ ];
+              };
+              inherit packageId;
+            }
+          );
+        mergedPackageFeatures = mergePackageFeatures {
+          features = rootFeatures;
+          inherit packageId target;
+        };
+        diffedDefaultPackageFeatures = diffDefaultPackageFeatures {
+          inherit packageId target;
+        };
+      };
+    in
+    { internal = debug; };
+  /* Returns differences between cargo default features and crate2nix default
+    features.
+    This is useful for verifying the feature resolution in crate2nix.
+  */
+  diffDefaultPackageFeatures =
+    { crateConfigs ? crates
+    , packageId
+    , target
+    }:
+      assert (builtins.isAttrs crateConfigs);
+      let
+        prefixValues = prefix: lib.mapAttrs (n: v: { "${prefix}" = v; });
+        mergedFeatures =
+          prefixValues
+            "crate2nix"
+            (mergePackageFeatures { inherit crateConfigs packageId target; features = [ "default" ]; });
+        configs = prefixValues "cargo" crateConfigs;
+        combined = lib.foldAttrs (a: b: a // b) { } [ mergedFeatures configs ];
+        onlyInCargo =
+          builtins.attrNames
+            (lib.filterAttrs (n: v: !(v ? "crate2nix") && (v ? "cargo")) combined);
+        onlyInCrate2Nix =
+          builtins.attrNames
+            (lib.filterAttrs (n: v: (v ? "crate2nix") && !(v ? "cargo")) combined);
+        differentFeatures = lib.filterAttrs
+          (
+            n: v:
+              (v ? "crate2nix")
+              && (v ? "cargo")
+              && (v.crate2nix.features or [ ]) != (v."cargo".resolved_default_features or [ ])
+          )
+          combined;
+      in
+      builtins.toJSON {
+        inherit onlyInCargo onlyInCrate2Nix differentFeatures;
+      };
+  /* Returns an attrset mapping packageId to the list of enabled features.
+    If multiple paths to a dependency enable different features, the
+    corresponding feature sets are merged. Features in rust are additive.
+  */
+  mergePackageFeatures =
+    { crateConfigs ? crates
+    , packageId
+    , rootPackageId ? packageId
+    , features ? rootFeatures
+    , dependencyPath ? [ crates.${packageId}.crateName ]
+    , featuresByPackageId ? { }
+    , target
+      # Adds devDependencies to the crate with rootPackageId.
+    , runTests ? false
+    , ...
+    } @ args:
+      assert (builtins.isAttrs crateConfigs);
+      assert (builtins.isString packageId);
+      assert (builtins.isString rootPackageId);
+      assert (builtins.isList features);
+      assert (builtins.isList dependencyPath);
+      assert (builtins.isAttrs featuresByPackageId);
+      assert (builtins.isAttrs target);
+      assert (builtins.isBool runTests);
+      let
+        crateConfig = crateConfigs."${packageId}" or (builtins.throw "Package not found: ${packageId}");
+        expandedFeatures = expandFeatures (crateConfig.features or { }) features;
+        enabledFeatures = enableFeatures (crateConfig.dependencies or [ ]) expandedFeatures;
+        depWithResolvedFeatures = dependency:
+          let
+            packageId = dependency.packageId;
+            features = dependencyFeatures enabledFeatures dependency;
+          in
+          { inherit packageId features; };
+        resolveDependencies = cache: path: dependencies:
+          assert (builtins.isAttrs cache);
+          assert (builtins.isList dependencies);
+          let
+            enabledDependencies = filterEnabledDependencies {
+              inherit dependencies target;
+              features = enabledFeatures;
+            };
+            directDependencies = map depWithResolvedFeatures enabledDependencies;
+            foldOverCache = op: lib.foldl op cache directDependencies;
+          in
+          foldOverCache
+            (
+              cache: { packageId, features }:
+                let
+                  cacheFeatures = cache.${packageId} or [ ];
+                  combinedFeatures = sortedUnique (cacheFeatures ++ features);
+                in
+                if cache ? ${packageId} && cache.${packageId} == combinedFeatures
+                then cache
+                else
+                  mergePackageFeatures {
+                    features = combinedFeatures;
+                    featuresByPackageId = cache;
+                    inherit crateConfigs packageId target runTests rootPackageId;
+                  }
+            );
+        cacheWithSelf =
+          let
+            cacheFeatures = featuresByPackageId.${packageId} or [ ];
+            combinedFeatures = sortedUnique (cacheFeatures ++ enabledFeatures);
+          in
+          featuresByPackageId // {
+            "${packageId}" = combinedFeatures;
+          };
+        cacheWithDependencies =
+          resolveDependencies cacheWithSelf "dep"
+            (
+              crateConfig.dependencies or [ ]
+              ++ lib.optionals
+                (runTests && packageId == rootPackageId)
+                (crateConfig.devDependencies or [ ])
+            );
+        cacheWithAll =
+          resolveDependencies
+            cacheWithDependencies "build"
+            (crateConfig.buildDependencies or [ ]);
+      in
+      cacheWithAll;
+  /* Returns the enabled dependencies given the enabled features. */
+  filterEnabledDependencies = { dependencies, features, target }:
+    assert (builtins.isList dependencies);
+    assert (builtins.isList features);
+    assert (builtins.isAttrs target);
+    lib.filter
+      (
+        dep:
+        let
+          targetFunc = dep.target or (features: true);
+        in
+        targetFunc { inherit features target; }
+        && (
+          !(dep.optional or false)
+          || builtins.any (doesFeatureEnableDependency dep) features
+        )
+      )
+      dependencies;
+  /* Returns whether the given feature should enable the given dependency. */
+  doesFeatureEnableDependency = dependency: feature:
+    let
+      name = dependency.rename or dependency.name;
+      prefix = "${name}/";
+      len = builtins.stringLength prefix;
+      startsWithPrefix = builtins.substring 0 len feature == prefix;
+    in
+    feature == name || startsWithPrefix;
+  /* Returns the expanded features for the given inputFeatures by applying the
+    rules in featureMap.
+    featureMap is an attribute set which maps feature names to lists of further
+    feature names to enable in case this feature is selected.
+  */
+  expandFeatures = featureMap: inputFeatures:
+    assert (builtins.isAttrs featureMap);
+    assert (builtins.isList inputFeatures);
+    let
+      expandFeature = feature:
+        assert (builtins.isString feature);
+        [ feature ] ++ (expandFeatures featureMap (featureMap."${feature}" or [ ]));
+      outFeatures = lib.concatMap expandFeature inputFeatures;
+    in
+    sortedUnique outFeatures;
+  /* This function adds optional dependencies as features if they are enabled
+    indirectly by dependency features. This function mimics Cargo's behavior
+    described in a note at:
+    https://doc.rust-lang.org/nightly/cargo/reference/features.html#dependency-features
+  */
+  enableFeatures = dependencies: features:
+    assert (builtins.isList features);
+    assert (builtins.isList dependencies);
+    let
+      additionalFeatures = lib.concatMap
+        (
+          dependency:
+            assert (builtins.isAttrs dependency);
+            let
+              enabled = builtins.any (doesFeatureEnableDependency dependency) features;
+            in
+            if (dependency.optional or false) && enabled
+            then [ (dependency.rename or dependency.name) ]
+            else [ ]
+        )
+        dependencies;
+    in
+    sortedUnique (features ++ additionalFeatures);
+  /*
+    Returns the actual features for the given dependency.
+    features: The features of the crate that refers this dependency.
+  */
+  dependencyFeatures = features: dependency:
+    assert (builtins.isList features);
+    assert (builtins.isAttrs dependency);
+    let
+      defaultOrNil =
+        if dependency.usesDefaultFeatures or true
+        then [ "default" ]
+        else [ ];
+      explicitFeatures = dependency.features or [ ];
+      additionalDependencyFeatures =
+        let
+          dependencyPrefix = (dependency.rename or dependency.name) + "/";
+          dependencyFeatures =
+            builtins.filter (f: lib.hasPrefix dependencyPrefix f) features;
+        in
+        builtins.map (lib.removePrefix dependencyPrefix) dependencyFeatures;
+    in
+    defaultOrNil ++ explicitFeatures ++ additionalDependencyFeatures;
+  /* Sorts and removes duplicates from a list of strings. */
+  sortedUnique = features:
+    assert (builtins.isList features);
+    assert (builtins.all builtins.isString features);
+    let
+      outFeaturesSet = lib.foldl (set: feature: set // { "${feature}" = 1; }) { } features;
+      outFeaturesUnique = builtins.attrNames outFeaturesSet;
+    in
+    builtins.sort (a: b: a < b) outFeaturesUnique;
+  deprecationWarning = message: value:
+    if strictDeprecation
+    then builtins.throw "strictDeprecation enabled, aborting: ${message}"
+    else builtins.trace message value;
+  #
+  # crate2nix/default.nix (excerpt end)
+  #
+  };
diff --git a/nixpkgs/pkgs/build-support/rust/build-rust-package/default.nix b/nixpkgs/pkgs/build-support/rust/build-rust-package/default.nix
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..847e3580575b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/nixpkgs/pkgs/build-support/rust/build-rust-package/default.nix
@@ -0,0 +1,175 @@
+{ lib
+, importCargoLock
+, fetchCargoTarball
+, stdenv
+, callPackage
+, cargoBuildHook
+, cargoCheckHook
+, cargoInstallHook
+, cargoNextestHook
+, cargoSetupHook
+, cargo
+, cargo-auditable
+, buildPackages
+, rustc
+, libiconv
+, windows
+  buildRustPackage =
+    { name ? "${args.pname}-${args.version}"
+      # Name for the vendored dependencies tarball
+    , cargoDepsName ? name
+    , src ? null
+    , srcs ? null
+    , preUnpack ? null
+    , unpackPhase ? null
+    , postUnpack ? null
+    , cargoPatches ? []
+    , patches ? []
+    , sourceRoot ? null
+    , logLevel ? ""
+    , buildInputs ? []
+    , nativeBuildInputs ? []
+    , cargoUpdateHook ? ""
+    , cargoDepsHook ? ""
+    , buildType ? "release"
+    , meta ? {}
+    , cargoLock ? null
+    , cargoVendorDir ? null
+    , checkType ? buildType
+    , buildNoDefaultFeatures ? false
+    , checkNoDefaultFeatures ? buildNoDefaultFeatures
+    , buildFeatures ? [ ]
+    , checkFeatures ? buildFeatures
+    , useNextest ? false
+    # Enable except on aarch64 pkgsStatic, where we use lld for reasons
+    , auditable ? !cargo-auditable.meta.broken && !(stdenv.hostPlatform.isStatic && stdenv.hostPlatform.isAarch64 && !stdenv.hostPlatform.isDarwin)
+    , depsExtraArgs ? {}
+    # Toggles whether a custom sysroot is created when the target is a .json file.
+    , __internal_dontAddSysroot ? false
+    # Needed to `pushd`/`popd` into a subdir of a tarball if this subdir
+    # contains a Cargo.toml, but isn't part of a workspace (which is e.g. the
+    # case for `rustfmt`/etc from the `rust-sources).
+    # Otherwise, everything from the tarball would've been built/tested.
+    , buildAndTestSubdir ? null
+    , ... } @ args:
+    assert cargoVendorDir == null && cargoLock == null
+        -> !(args ? cargoSha256 && args.cargoSha256 != null) && !(args ? cargoHash && args.cargoHash != null)
+        -> throw "cargoSha256, cargoHash, cargoVendorDir, or cargoLock must be set";
+    let
+      cargoDeps =
+        if cargoVendorDir != null then null
+        else if cargoLock != null then importCargoLock cargoLock
+        else fetchCargoTarball ({
+          inherit src srcs sourceRoot preUnpack unpackPhase postUnpack cargoUpdateHook;
+          name = cargoDepsName;
+          patches = cargoPatches;
+        } // lib.optionalAttrs (args ? cargoHash) {
+          hash = args.cargoHash;
+        } // lib.optionalAttrs (args ? cargoSha256) {
+          sha256 = args.cargoSha256;
+        } // depsExtraArgs);
+      target = stdenv.hostPlatform.rust.rustcTargetSpec;
+      targetIsJSON = lib.hasSuffix ".json" target;
+      useSysroot = targetIsJSON && !__internal_dontAddSysroot;
+      sysroot = callPackage ./sysroot { } {
+        inherit target;
+        shortTarget = stdenv.hostPlatform.rust.cargoShortTarget;
+        RUSTFLAGS = args.RUSTFLAGS or "";
+        originalCargoToml = src + /Cargo.toml; # profile info is later extracted
+      };
+    in
+    # Tests don't currently work for `no_std`, and all custom sysroots are currently built without `std`.
+    # See https://os.phil-opp.com/testing/ for more information.
+    assert useSysroot -> !(args.doCheck or true);
+    stdenv.mkDerivation ((removeAttrs args [ "depsExtraArgs" "cargoUpdateHook" "cargoLock" ]) // lib.optionalAttrs useSysroot {
+      RUSTFLAGS = "--sysroot ${sysroot} " + (args.RUSTFLAGS or "");
+    } // {
+      inherit buildAndTestSubdir cargoDeps;
+      cargoBuildType = buildType;
+      cargoCheckType = checkType;
+      cargoBuildNoDefaultFeatures = buildNoDefaultFeatures;
+      cargoCheckNoDefaultFeatures = checkNoDefaultFeatures;
+      cargoBuildFeatures = buildFeatures;
+      cargoCheckFeatures = checkFeatures;
+      patchRegistryDeps = ./patch-registry-deps;
+      nativeBuildInputs = nativeBuildInputs ++ lib.optionals auditable [
+        (buildPackages.cargo-auditable-cargo-wrapper.override {
+          inherit cargo cargo-auditable;
+        })
+      ] ++ [
+        cargoBuildHook
+        (if useNextest then cargoNextestHook else cargoCheckHook)
+        cargoInstallHook
+        cargoSetupHook
+        rustc
+      ];
+      buildInputs = buildInputs
+        ++ lib.optionals stdenv.hostPlatform.isDarwin [ libiconv ]
+        ++ lib.optionals stdenv.hostPlatform.isMinGW [ windows.pthreads ];
+      patches = cargoPatches ++ patches;
+        if stdenv.buildPlatform != stdenv.hostPlatform then 1 else 0;
+      postUnpack = ''
+        eval "$cargoDepsHook"
+        export RUST_LOG=${logLevel}
+      '' + (args.postUnpack or "");
+      configurePhase = args.configurePhase or ''
+        runHook preConfigure
+        runHook postConfigure
+      '';
+      doCheck = args.doCheck or true;
+      strictDeps = true;
+      meta = {
+        # default to Rust's platforms
+        platforms = rustc.meta.platforms ++ [
+          # Platforms without host tools from
+          # https://doc.rust-lang.org/nightly/rustc/platform-support.html
+          "armv7a-darwin"
+          "armv5tel-linux" "armv7a-linux" "m68k-linux" "mips-linux"
+          "mips64-linux" "mipsel-linux" "mips64el-linux" "riscv32-linux"
+          "armv6l-netbsd" "mipsel-netbsd" "riscv64-netbsd"
+          "x86_64-redox"
+          "wasm32-wasi"
+        ];
+        badPlatforms = [
+          # Rust is currently unable to target the n32 ABI
+          lib.systems.inspect.patterns.isMips64n32
+        ];
+      } // meta;
+    }) // {
+      overrideRustAttrs = f: buildRustPackage (args // (f args));
+    };
+in buildRustPackage
diff --git a/nixpkgs/pkgs/build-support/rust/build-rust-package/patch-registry-deps/pkg-config b/nixpkgs/pkgs/build-support/rust/build-rust-package/patch-registry-deps/pkg-config
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..fbb094304587
--- /dev/null
+++ b/nixpkgs/pkgs/build-support/rust/build-rust-package/patch-registry-deps/pkg-config
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+for dir in pkg-config-*; do
+    [ -d "$dir" ] || continue
+    echo "Patching pkg-config registry dep"
+    substituteInPlace "$dir/src/lib.rs" \
+        --replace '"/usr"' '"'"$NIX_STORE"'/"'
diff --git a/nixpkgs/pkgs/build-support/rust/build-rust-package/sysroot/default.nix b/nixpkgs/pkgs/build-support/rust/build-rust-package/sysroot/default.nix
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..bb95b7bdc35c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/nixpkgs/pkgs/build-support/rust/build-rust-package/sysroot/default.nix
@@ -0,0 +1,35 @@
+{ lib, stdenv, rustPlatform, buildPackages }:
+{ shortTarget, originalCargoToml, target, RUSTFLAGS }:
+  cargoSrc = import ../../sysroot/src.nix {
+    inherit lib stdenv rustPlatform buildPackages originalCargoToml;
+  };
+in rustPlatform.buildRustPackage {
+  inherit target RUSTFLAGS;
+  name = "custom-sysroot";
+  src =  cargoSrc;
+  __internal_dontAddSysroot = true;
+  cargoSha256 = "sha256-zgkwevitxsu1C4OgGTsqNSc0gDxaNXYK1WPbfER48d0=";
+  doCheck = false;
+  installPhase = ''
+    export LIBS_DIR=$out/lib/rustlib/${shortTarget}/lib
+    mkdir -p $LIBS_DIR
+    for f in target/${shortTarget}/release/deps/*.{rlib,rmeta}; do
+      cp $f $LIBS_DIR
+    done
+    export RUST_SYSROOT=$(rustc --print=sysroot)
+    host=${stdenv.buildPlatform.rust.rustcTarget}
+    cp -r $RUST_SYSROOT/lib/rustlib/$host $out
+  '';
+  # allows support for cross-compilation
+  meta.platforms = lib.platforms.all;
diff --git a/nixpkgs/pkgs/build-support/rust/default-crate-overrides.nix b/nixpkgs/pkgs/build-support/rust/default-crate-overrides.nix
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..92c71dfc059c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/nixpkgs/pkgs/build-support/rust/default-crate-overrides.nix
@@ -0,0 +1,311 @@
+{ lib
+, stdenv
+, atk
+, pkg-config
+, curl
+, darwin
+, libgit2
+, gtk3
+, libssh2
+, openssl
+, sqlite
+, zlib
+, dbus
+, dbus-glib
+, gdk-pixbuf
+, cairo
+, python3
+, libsodium
+, postgresql
+, gmp
+, gobject-introspection
+, foundationdb
+, capnproto
+, nettle
+, gtk4
+, clang
+, llvmPackages
+, linux-pam
+, pango
+, cmake
+, glib
+, freetype
+, fontconfig
+, rdkafka
+, udev
+, libevdev
+, alsa-lib
+, graphene
+, protobuf
+, autoconf
+, automake
+, libtool
+, seatd # =libseat
+, ...
+  inherit (darwin.apple_sdk.frameworks) CoreFoundation Security;
+  alsa-sys = attrs: {
+    nativeBuildInputs = [ pkg-config ];
+    buildInputs = [ alsa-lib ];
+  };
+  cairo-rs = attrs: {
+    buildInputs = [ cairo ];
+  };
+  cairo-sys-rs = attrs: {
+    nativeBuildInputs = [ pkg-config ];
+    buildInputs = [ cairo ];
+  };
+  capnp-rpc = attrs: {
+    nativeBuildInputs = [ capnproto ];
+  };
+  cargo = attrs: {
+    buildInputs = [ openssl zlib curl ]
+      ++ lib.optionals stdenv.isDarwin [ CoreFoundation Security ];
+  };
+  libz-sys = attrs: {
+    nativeBuildInputs = [ pkg-config ];
+    buildInputs = [ zlib ];
+    extraLinkFlags = [ "-L${zlib.out}/lib" ];
+  };
+  curl-sys = attrs: {
+    nativeBuildInputs = [ pkg-config ];
+    buildInputs = [ zlib curl ];
+    propagatedBuildInputs = [ curl zlib ];
+    extraLinkFlags = [ "-L${zlib.out}/lib" ];
+  };
+  dbus = attrs: {
+    nativeBuildInputs = [ pkg-config ];
+    buildInputs = [ dbus ];
+  };
+  evdev-sys = attrs: {
+    nativeBuildInputs = [
+      pkg-config
+    ] ++ lib.optionals (stdenv.buildPlatform.config != stdenv.hostPlatform.config) [
+      python3 autoconf automake libtool
+    ];
+    buildInputs = [ libevdev ];
+    # This prevents libevdev's build.rs from trying to `git fetch` when HOST!=TARGET
+    prePatch = ''
+      touch libevdev/.git
+    '';
+  };
+  expat-sys = attrs: {
+    nativeBuildInputs = [ cmake ];
+  };
+  foundationdb-sys = attrs: {
+    buildInputs = [ foundationdb ];
+    # needed for 0.4+ release, when the FFI bindings are auto-generated
+    #
+    # patchPhase = ''
+    #   substituteInPlace ./foundationdb-sys/build.rs \
+    #     --replace /usr/local/include ${foundationdb.dev}/include
+    # '';
+  };
+  foundationdb = attrs: {
+    buildInputs = [ foundationdb ];
+  };
+  freetype-sys = attrs: {
+    nativeBuildInputs = [ cmake ];
+    buildInputs = [ freetype ];
+  };
+  glib-sys = attrs: {
+    nativeBuildInputs = [ pkg-config ];
+    buildInputs = [ glib ];
+  };
+  gobject-sys = attrs: {
+    buildInputs = [ dbus-glib ];
+  };
+  gio-sys = attrs: {
+    buildInputs = [ dbus-glib ];
+  };
+  gdk-pixbuf-sys = attrs: {
+    buildInputs = [ dbus-glib ];
+  };
+  gdk-pixbuf = attrs: {
+    buildInputs = [ gdk-pixbuf ];
+  };
+  gtk-sys = attrs: {
+    buildInputs = [ gtk3 ];
+    nativeBuildInputs = [ pkg-config ];
+  };
+  gtk4-sys = attrs: {
+    buildInputs = [ gtk4 ];
+    nativeBuildInputs = [ pkg-config ];
+  };
+  gdk4-sys = attrs: {
+    buildInputs = [ gtk4 ];
+    nativeBuildInputs = [ pkg-config ];
+  };
+  gsk4-sys = attrs: {
+    buildInputs = [ gtk4 ];
+    nativeBuildInputs = [ pkg-config ];
+  };
+  libgit2-sys = attrs: {
+    nativeBuildInputs = [ pkg-config ];
+    buildInputs = [ openssl zlib libgit2 ];
+  };
+  libseat-sys = attrs: {
+    nativeBuildInputs = [ pkg-config ];
+    buildInputs = [ seatd ];
+  };
+  libsqlite3-sys = attrs: {
+    nativeBuildInputs = [ pkg-config ];
+    buildInputs = [ sqlite ];
+  };
+  libssh2-sys = attrs: {
+    nativeBuildInputs = [ pkg-config ];
+    buildInputs = [ openssl zlib libssh2 ];
+  };
+  libdbus-sys = attrs: {
+    nativeBuildInputs = [ pkg-config ];
+    buildInputs = [ dbus ];
+  };
+  libudev-sys = attrs: {
+    nativeBuildInputs = [ pkg-config ];
+    buildInputs = [ udev ];
+  };
+  graphene-sys = attrs: {
+    nativeBuildInputs = [ pkg-config gobject-introspection ];
+    buildInputs = [ graphene ];
+  };
+  nettle-sys = attrs: {
+    nativeBuildInputs = [ pkg-config ];
+    buildInputs = [ nettle clang ];
+    LIBCLANG_PATH = "${llvmPackages.libclang.lib}/lib";
+  };
+  openssl = attrs: {
+    buildInputs = [ openssl ];
+  };
+  openssl-sys = attrs: {
+    nativeBuildInputs = [ pkg-config ];
+    buildInputs = [ openssl ];
+  };
+  pam-sys = attr: {
+    buildInputs = [ linux-pam ];
+  };
+  pango-sys = attr: {
+    nativeBuildInputs = [ pkg-config ];
+    buildInputs = [ pango ];
+  };
+  pq-sys = attr: {
+    nativeBuildInputs = [ pkg-config ];
+    buildInputs = [ postgresql ];
+  };
+  prost-build = attr: {
+    nativeBuildInputs = [ protobuf ];
+  };
+  rdkafka-sys = attr: {
+    nativeBuildInputs = [ pkg-config ];
+    buildInputs = [ rdkafka ];
+  };
+  rink = attrs: {
+    buildInputs = [ gmp ];
+    crateBin = [{ name = "rink"; path = "src/bin/rink.rs"; }];
+  };
+  security-framework-sys = attr: {
+    propagatedBuildInputs = lib.optional stdenv.isDarwin Security;
+  };
+  sequoia-openpgp = attrs: {
+    buildInputs = [ gmp ];
+  };
+  sequoia-openpgp-ffi = attrs: {
+    buildInputs = [ gmp ];
+  };
+  sequoia-ipc = attrs: {
+    buildInputs = [ gmp ];
+  };
+  sequoia-guide = attrs: {
+    buildInputs = [ gmp ];
+  };
+  pangocairo-sys = attr: {
+    nativeBuildInputs = [ pkg-config ];
+    buildInputs = [ pango ];
+  };
+  sequoia-store = attrs: {
+    nativeBuildInputs = [ capnproto ];
+    buildInputs = [ sqlite gmp ];
+  };
+  sequoia-sq = attrs: {
+    buildInputs = [ sqlite gmp ];
+  };
+  sequoia-tool = attrs: {
+    nativeBuildInputs = [ capnproto ];
+    buildInputs = [ sqlite gmp ];
+  };
+  serde_derive = attrs: {
+    buildInputs = lib.optional stdenv.isDarwin Security;
+  };
+  servo-fontconfig-sys = attrs: {
+    nativeBuildInputs = [ pkg-config ];
+    buildInputs = [ freetype fontconfig ];
+  };
+  thrussh-libsodium = attrs: {
+    nativeBuildInputs = [ pkg-config ];
+    buildInputs = [ libsodium ];
+  };
+  xcb = attrs: {
+    buildInputs = [ python3 ];
+  };
+  atk-sys = attrs: {
+    nativeBuildInputs = [ pkg-config ];
+    buildInputs = [ atk ];
+  };
diff --git a/nixpkgs/pkgs/build-support/rust/fetch-cargo-tarball/cargo-vendor-normalise.py b/nixpkgs/pkgs/build-support/rust/fetch-cargo-tarball/cargo-vendor-normalise.py
new file mode 100755
index 000000000000..90933b089c92
--- /dev/null
+++ b/nixpkgs/pkgs/build-support/rust/fetch-cargo-tarball/cargo-vendor-normalise.py
@@ -0,0 +1,43 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python
+import sys
+import toml
+def quote(s: str) -> str:
+    escaped = s.replace('"', r"\"").replace("\n", r"\n").replace("\\", "\\\\")
+    return '"{}"'.format(escaped)
+def main() -> None:
+    data = toml.load(sys.stdin)
+    # There is no dependency to vendor in this project.
+    if not list(data.keys()) == ["source"]:
+        return
+    # this value is non deterministic
+    data["source"]["vendored-sources"]["directory"] = "@vendor@"
+    lines = []
+    inner = data["source"]
+    for source, attrs in sorted(inner.items()):
+        lines.append("[source.{}]".format(quote(source)))
+        if source == "vendored-sources":
+            lines.append('"directory" = "@vendor@"\n')
+        else:
+            for key, value in sorted(attrs.items()):
+                attr = "{} = {}".format(quote(key), quote(value))
+                lines.append(attr)
+        lines.append("")
+    result = "\n".join(lines)
+    real = toml.loads(result)
+    assert real == data, "output = {} while input = {}".format(real, data)
+    print(result)
+if __name__ == "__main__":
+    main()
diff --git a/nixpkgs/pkgs/build-support/rust/fetch-cargo-tarball/default.nix b/nixpkgs/pkgs/build-support/rust/fetch-cargo-tarball/default.nix
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..adbfe98d8103
--- /dev/null
+++ b/nixpkgs/pkgs/build-support/rust/fetch-cargo-tarball/default.nix
@@ -0,0 +1,116 @@
+{ lib, stdenv, cacert, git, cargo, python3 }:
+let cargo-vendor-normalise = stdenv.mkDerivation {
+  name = "cargo-vendor-normalise";
+  src = ./cargo-vendor-normalise.py;
+  nativeBuildInputs = [ python3.pkgs.wrapPython ];
+  dontUnpack = true;
+  installPhase = "install -D $src $out/bin/cargo-vendor-normalise";
+  pythonPath = [ python3.pkgs.toml ];
+  postFixup = "wrapPythonPrograms";
+  doInstallCheck = true;
+  installCheckPhase = ''
+    # check that ../fetchcargo-default-config.toml is a fix point
+    reference=${../fetchcargo-default-config.toml}
+    < $reference $out/bin/cargo-vendor-normalise > test;
+    cmp test $reference
+  '';
+  preferLocalBuild = true;
+{ name ? "cargo-deps"
+, src ? null
+, srcs ? []
+, patches ? []
+, sourceRoot ? ""
+, cargoUpdateHook ? ""
+, nativeBuildInputs ? []
+, ...
+} @ args:
+let hash_ =
+  if args ? hash then
+    {
+      outputHashAlgo = if args.hash == "" then "sha256" else null;
+      outputHash = args.hash;
+    }
+  else if args ? sha256 then { outputHashAlgo = "sha256"; outputHash = args.sha256; }
+  else throw "fetchCargoTarball requires a hash for ${name}";
+in stdenv.mkDerivation ({
+  name = "${name}-vendor.tar.gz";
+  nativeBuildInputs = [ cacert git cargo-vendor-normalise cargo ] ++ nativeBuildInputs;
+  buildPhase = ''
+    runHook preBuild
+    # Ensure deterministic Cargo vendor builds
+    export SOURCE_DATE_EPOCH=1
+    if [[ ! -f Cargo.lock ]]; then
+        echo
+        echo "ERROR: The Cargo.lock file doesn't exist"
+        echo
+        echo "Cargo.lock is needed to make sure that cargoHash/cargoSha256 doesn't change"
+        echo "when the registry is updated."
+        echo
+        exit 1
+    fi
+    # Keep the original around for copyLockfile
+    cp Cargo.lock Cargo.lock.orig
+    export CARGO_HOME=$(mktemp -d cargo-home.XXX)
+    CARGO_CONFIG=$(mktemp cargo-config.XXXX)
+    if [[ -n "$NIX_CRATES_INDEX" ]]; then
+    cat >$CARGO_HOME/config.toml <<EOF
+    [source.crates-io]
+    replace-with = 'mirror'
+    [source.mirror]
+    registry = "$NIX_CRATES_INDEX"
+    EOF
+    fi
+    ${cargoUpdateHook}
+    # Override the `http.cainfo` option usually specified in `.cargo/config`.
+    export CARGO_HTTP_CAINFO=${cacert}/etc/ssl/certs/ca-bundle.crt
+    if grep '^source = "git' Cargo.lock; then
+        echo
+        echo "ERROR: The Cargo.lock contains git dependencies"
+        echo
+        echo "This is currently not supported in the fixed-output derivation fetcher."
+        echo "Use cargoLock.lockFile / importCargoLock instead."
+        echo
+        exit 1
+    fi
+    cargo vendor $name --respect-source-config | cargo-vendor-normalise > $CARGO_CONFIG
+    # Create an empty vendor directory when there is no dependency to vendor
+    mkdir -p $name
+    # Add the Cargo.lock to allow hash invalidation
+    cp Cargo.lock.orig $name/Cargo.lock
+    # Packages with git dependencies generate non-default cargo configs, so
+    # always install it rather than trying to write a standard default template.
+    install -D $CARGO_CONFIG $name/.cargo/config;
+    runHook postBuild
+  '';
+  # Build a reproducible tar, per instructions at https://reproducible-builds.org/docs/archives/
+  installPhase = ''
+    tar --owner=0 --group=0 --numeric-owner --format=gnu \
+        --sort=name --mtime="@$SOURCE_DATE_EPOCH" \
+        -czf $out $name
+  '';
+  inherit (hash_) outputHashAlgo outputHash;
+  impureEnvVars = lib.fetchers.proxyImpureEnvVars ++ [ "NIX_CRATES_INDEX" ];
+} // (builtins.removeAttrs args [
+  "name" "sha256" "cargoUpdateHook" "nativeBuildInputs"
diff --git a/nixpkgs/pkgs/build-support/rust/fetchcargo-default-config.toml b/nixpkgs/pkgs/build-support/rust/fetchcargo-default-config.toml
new file mode 100755
index 000000000000..dd8ebbc32d31
--- /dev/null
+++ b/nixpkgs/pkgs/build-support/rust/fetchcargo-default-config.toml
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+"replace-with" = "vendored-sources"
+"directory" = "@vendor@"
diff --git a/nixpkgs/pkgs/build-support/rust/fetchcrate.nix b/nixpkgs/pkgs/build-support/rust/fetchcrate.nix
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..423f4d786fde
--- /dev/null
+++ b/nixpkgs/pkgs/build-support/rust/fetchcrate.nix
@@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
+{ lib, fetchzip, fetchurl }:
+{ crateName ? args.pname
+, pname ? null
+  # The `dl` field of the registry's index configuration
+  # https://doc.rust-lang.org/cargo/reference/registry-index.html#index-configuration
+, registryDl ? "https://crates.io/api/v1/crates"
+, version
+, unpack ? true
+, ...
+} @ args:
+assert pname == null || pname == crateName;
+(if unpack then fetchzip else fetchurl) ({
+  name = "${crateName}-${version}.tar.gz";
+  url = "${registryDl}/${crateName}/${version}/download";
+} // lib.optionalAttrs unpack {
+  extension = "tar.gz";
+} // removeAttrs args [ "crateName" "pname" "registryDl" "version" "unpack" ])
diff --git a/nixpkgs/pkgs/build-support/rust/hooks/cargo-build-hook.sh b/nixpkgs/pkgs/build-support/rust/hooks/cargo-build-hook.sh
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..26dde914f22a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/nixpkgs/pkgs/build-support/rust/hooks/cargo-build-hook.sh
@@ -0,0 +1,60 @@
+declare -a cargoBuildFlags
+cargoBuildHook() {
+    echo "Executing cargoBuildHook"
+    runHook preBuild
+    # Let stdenv handle stripping, for consistency and to not break
+    # separateDebugInfo.
+    export "CARGO_PROFILE_${cargoBuildType@U}_STRIP"=false
+    if [ ! -z "${buildAndTestSubdir-}" ]; then
+        # ensure the output doesn't end up in the subdirectory
+        export CARGO_TARGET_DIR="$(pwd)/target"
+        pushd "${buildAndTestSubdir}"
+    fi
+    if [ "${cargoBuildType}" != "debug" ]; then
+        cargoBuildProfileFlag="--profile ${cargoBuildType}"
+    fi
+    if [ -n "${cargoBuildNoDefaultFeatures-}" ]; then
+        cargoBuildNoDefaultFeaturesFlag=--no-default-features
+    fi
+    if [ -n "${cargoBuildFeatures-}" ]; then
+        if [ -n "$__structuredAttrs" ]; then
+            OLDIFS="$IFS"
+            IFS=','; cargoBuildFeaturesFlag="--features=${cargoBuildFeatures[*]}"
+            IFS="$OLDIFS"
+            unset OLDIFS
+        else
+            cargoBuildFeaturesFlag="--features=${cargoBuildFeatures// /,}"
+        fi
+    fi
+    (
+    set -x
+    @setEnv@ cargo build -j $NIX_BUILD_CORES \
+        --target @rustHostPlatformSpec@ \
+        --offline \
+        ${cargoBuildProfileFlag} \
+        ${cargoBuildNoDefaultFeaturesFlag} \
+        ${cargoBuildFeaturesFlag} \
+        ${cargoBuildFlags}
+    )
+    if [ ! -z "${buildAndTestSubdir-}" ]; then
+        popd
+    fi
+    runHook postBuild
+    echo "Finished cargoBuildHook"
+if [ -z "${dontCargoBuild-}" ] && [ -z "${buildPhase-}" ]; then
+  buildPhase=cargoBuildHook
diff --git a/nixpkgs/pkgs/build-support/rust/hooks/cargo-check-hook.sh b/nixpkgs/pkgs/build-support/rust/hooks/cargo-check-hook.sh
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..96b87dbf15b4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/nixpkgs/pkgs/build-support/rust/hooks/cargo-check-hook.sh
@@ -0,0 +1,55 @@
+declare -a checkFlags
+declare -a cargoTestFlags
+cargoCheckHook() {
+    echo "Executing cargoCheckHook"
+    runHook preCheck
+    if [[ -n "${buildAndTestSubdir-}" ]]; then
+        pushd "${buildAndTestSubdir}"
+    fi
+    if [[ -z ${dontUseCargoParallelTests-} ]]; then
+        threads=$NIX_BUILD_CORES
+    else
+        threads=1
+    fi
+    if [ "${cargoCheckType}" != "debug" ]; then
+        cargoCheckProfileFlag="--profile ${cargoCheckType}"
+    fi
+    if [ -n "${cargoCheckNoDefaultFeatures-}" ]; then
+        cargoCheckNoDefaultFeaturesFlag=--no-default-features
+    fi
+    if [ -n "${cargoCheckFeatures-}" ]; then
+        cargoCheckFeaturesFlag="--features=${cargoCheckFeatures// /,}"
+    fi
+    argstr="${cargoCheckProfileFlag} ${cargoCheckNoDefaultFeaturesFlag} ${cargoCheckFeaturesFlag}
+        --target @rustHostPlatformSpec@ --offline ${cargoTestFlags}"
+    (
+        set -x
+        cargo test \
+              -j $NIX_BUILD_CORES \
+              ${argstr} -- \
+              --test-threads=${threads} \
+              ${checkFlags} \
+              ${checkFlagsArray+"${checkFlagsArray[@]}"}
+    )
+    if [[ -n "${buildAndTestSubdir-}" ]]; then
+        popd
+    fi
+    echo "Finished cargoCheckHook"
+    runHook postCheck
+if [ -z "${dontCargoCheck-}" ] && [ -z "${checkPhase-}" ]; then
+  checkPhase=cargoCheckHook
diff --git a/nixpkgs/pkgs/build-support/rust/hooks/cargo-install-hook.sh b/nixpkgs/pkgs/build-support/rust/hooks/cargo-install-hook.sh
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..24a6e6fa9eb3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/nixpkgs/pkgs/build-support/rust/hooks/cargo-install-hook.sh
@@ -0,0 +1,49 @@
+cargoInstallPostBuildHook() {
+    echo "Executing cargoInstallPostBuildHook"
+    releaseDir=target/@targetSubdirectory@/$cargoBuildType
+    tmpDir="${releaseDir}-tmp";
+    mkdir -p $tmpDir
+    cp -r ${releaseDir}/* $tmpDir/
+    bins=$(find $tmpDir \
+      -maxdepth 1 \
+      -type f \
+      -executable ! \( -regex ".*\.\(so.[0-9.]+\|so\|a\|dylib\)" \))
+    echo "Finished cargoInstallPostBuildHook"
+cargoInstallHook() {
+    echo "Executing cargoInstallHook"
+    runHook preInstall
+    # rename the output dir to a architecture independent one
+    releaseDir=target/@targetSubdirectory@/$cargoBuildType
+    tmpDir="${releaseDir}-tmp";
+    mapfile -t targets < <(find "$NIX_BUILD_TOP" -type d | grep "${tmpDir}$")
+    for target in "${targets[@]}"; do
+      rm -rf "$target/../../${cargoBuildType}"
+      ln -srf "$target" "$target/../../"
+    done
+    mkdir -p $out/bin $out/lib
+    xargs -r cp -t $out/bin <<< $bins
+    find $tmpDir \
+      -maxdepth 1 \
+      -regex ".*\.\(so.[0-9.]+\|so\|a\|dylib\)" \
+      -print0 | xargs -r -0 cp -t $out/lib
+    rmdir --ignore-fail-on-non-empty $out/lib $out/bin
+    runHook postInstall
+    echo "Finished cargoInstallHook"
+if [ -z "${dontCargoInstall-}" ] && [ -z "${installPhase-}" ]; then
+  installPhase=cargoInstallHook
+  postBuildHooks+=(cargoInstallPostBuildHook)
diff --git a/nixpkgs/pkgs/build-support/rust/hooks/cargo-nextest-hook.sh b/nixpkgs/pkgs/build-support/rust/hooks/cargo-nextest-hook.sh
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..16d32513a0d0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/nixpkgs/pkgs/build-support/rust/hooks/cargo-nextest-hook.sh
@@ -0,0 +1,54 @@
+declare -a checkFlags
+declare -a cargoTestFlags
+cargoNextestHook() {
+    echo "Executing cargoNextestHook"
+    runHook preCheck
+    if [[ -n "${buildAndTestSubdir-}" ]]; then
+        pushd "${buildAndTestSubdir}"
+    fi
+    if [[ -z ${dontUseCargoParallelTests-} ]]; then
+        threads=$NIX_BUILD_CORES
+    else
+        threads=1
+    fi
+    if [ "${cargoCheckType}" != "debug" ]; then
+        cargoCheckProfileFlag="--cargo-profile ${cargoCheckType}"
+    fi
+    if [ -n "${cargoCheckNoDefaultFeatures-}" ]; then
+        cargoCheckNoDefaultFeaturesFlag=--no-default-features
+    fi
+    if [ -n "${cargoCheckFeatures-}" ]; then
+        cargoCheckFeaturesFlag="--features=${cargoCheckFeatures// /,}"
+    fi
+    argstr="${cargoCheckProfileFlag} ${cargoCheckNoDefaultFeaturesFlag} ${cargoCheckFeaturesFlag}
+        --target @rustHostPlatformSpec@ --offline ${cargoTestFlags}"
+    (
+        set -x
+        cargo nextest run \
+              -j ${threads} \
+              ${argstr} -- \
+              ${checkFlags} \
+              ${checkFlagsArray+"${checkFlagsArray[@]}"}
+    )
+    if [[ -n "${buildAndTestSubdir-}" ]]; then
+        popd
+    fi
+    echo "Finished cargoNextestHook"
+    runHook postCheck
+if [ -z "${dontCargoCheck-}" ] && [ -z "${checkPhase-}" ]; then
+  checkPhase=cargoNextestHook
diff --git a/nixpkgs/pkgs/build-support/rust/hooks/cargo-setup-hook.sh b/nixpkgs/pkgs/build-support/rust/hooks/cargo-setup-hook.sh
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..693c0b08759e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/nixpkgs/pkgs/build-support/rust/hooks/cargo-setup-hook.sh
@@ -0,0 +1,93 @@
+cargoSetupPostUnpackHook() {
+    echo "Executing cargoSetupPostUnpackHook"
+    # Some cargo builds include build hooks that modify their own vendor
+    # dependencies. This copies the vendor directory into the build tree and makes
+    # it writable. If we're using a tarball, the unpackFile hook already handles
+    # this for us automatically.
+    if [ -z $cargoVendorDir ]; then
+        if [ -d "$cargoDeps" ]; then
+            local dest=$(stripHash "$cargoDeps")
+            cp -Lr --reflink=auto -- "$cargoDeps" "$dest"
+            chmod -R +644 -- "$dest"
+        else
+            unpackFile "$cargoDeps"
+        fi
+        export cargoDepsCopy="$(realpath "$(stripHash $cargoDeps)")"
+    else
+        cargoDepsCopy="$(realpath "$(pwd)/$sourceRoot/${cargoRoot:+$cargoRoot/}${cargoVendorDir}")"
+    fi
+    if [ ! -d .cargo ]; then
+        mkdir .cargo
+    fi
+    config="$cargoDepsCopy/.cargo/config";
+    if [[ ! -e $config ]]; then
+      config=@defaultConfig@
+    fi;
+    tmp_config=$(mktemp)
+    substitute $config $tmp_config \
+      --subst-var-by vendor "$cargoDepsCopy"
+    cat ${tmp_config} >> .cargo/config
+    cat >> .cargo/config <<'EOF'
+    @cargoConfig@
+    echo "Finished cargoSetupPostUnpackHook"
+# After unpacking and applying patches, check that the Cargo.lock matches our
+# src package. Note that we do this after the patchPhase, because the
+# patchPhase may create the Cargo.lock if upstream has not shipped one.
+cargoSetupPostPatchHook() {
+    echo "Executing cargoSetupPostPatchHook"
+    cargoDepsLockfile="$cargoDepsCopy/Cargo.lock"
+    srcLockfile="$(pwd)/${cargoRoot:+$cargoRoot/}Cargo.lock"
+    echo "Validating consistency between $srcLockfile and $cargoDepsLockfile"
+    if ! @diff@ $srcLockfile $cargoDepsLockfile; then
+      # If the diff failed, first double-check that the file exists, so we can
+      # give a friendlier error msg.
+      if ! [ -e $srcLockfile ]; then
+        echo "ERROR: Missing Cargo.lock from src. Expected to find it at: $srcLockfile"
+        echo "Hint: You can use the cargoPatches attribute to add a Cargo.lock manually to the build."
+        exit 1
+      fi
+      if ! [ -e $cargoDepsLockfile ]; then
+        echo "ERROR: Missing lockfile from cargo vendor. Expected to find it at: $cargoDepsLockfile"
+        exit 1
+      fi
+      echo
+      echo "ERROR: cargoHash or cargoSha256 is out of date"
+      echo
+      echo "Cargo.lock is not the same in $cargoDepsCopy"
+      echo
+      echo "To fix the issue:"
+      echo '1. Set cargoHash/cargoSha256 to an empty string: `cargoHash = "";`'
+      echo '2. Build the derivation and wait for it to fail with a hash mismatch'
+      echo '3. Copy the "got: sha256-..." value back into the cargoHash field'
+      echo '   You should have: cargoHash = "sha256-XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX=";'
+      echo
+      exit 1
+    fi
+    unset cargoDepsCopy
+    echo "Finished cargoSetupPostPatchHook"
+if [ -z "${dontCargoSetupPostUnpack-}" ]; then
+  postUnpackHooks+=(cargoSetupPostUnpackHook)
+if [ -z ${cargoVendorDir-} ]; then
+  postPatchHooks+=(cargoSetupPostPatchHook)
diff --git a/nixpkgs/pkgs/build-support/rust/hooks/default.nix b/nixpkgs/pkgs/build-support/rust/hooks/default.nix
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..874f23fe7ed3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/nixpkgs/pkgs/build-support/rust/hooks/default.nix
@@ -0,0 +1,100 @@
+{ buildPackages
+, callPackage
+, cargo
+, cargo-nextest
+, clang
+, lib
+, makeSetupHook
+, maturin
+, rust
+, rustc
+, stdenv
+# This confusingly-named parameter indicates the *subdirectory of
+# `target/` from which to copy the build artifacts.  It is derived
+# from a stdenv platform (or a JSON file).
+, target ? stdenv.hostPlatform.rust.cargoShortTarget
+  cargoBuildHook = callPackage ({ }:
+    makeSetupHook {
+      name = "cargo-build-hook.sh";
+      propagatedBuildInputs = [ cargo ];
+      substitutions = {
+        inherit (rust.envVars) rustHostPlatformSpec setEnv;
+      };
+    } ./cargo-build-hook.sh) {};
+  cargoCheckHook = callPackage ({ }:
+    makeSetupHook {
+      name = "cargo-check-hook.sh";
+      propagatedBuildInputs = [ cargo ];
+      substitutions = {
+        inherit (rust.envVars) rustHostPlatformSpec;
+      };
+    } ./cargo-check-hook.sh) {};
+  cargoInstallHook = callPackage ({ }:
+    makeSetupHook {
+      name = "cargo-install-hook.sh";
+      propagatedBuildInputs = [ ];
+      substitutions = {
+        targetSubdirectory = target;
+      };
+    } ./cargo-install-hook.sh) {};
+  cargoNextestHook = callPackage ({ }:
+    makeSetupHook {
+      name = "cargo-nextest-hook.sh";
+      propagatedBuildInputs = [ cargo cargo-nextest ];
+      substitutions = {
+        inherit (rust.envVars) rustHostPlatformSpec;
+      };
+    } ./cargo-nextest-hook.sh) {};
+  cargoSetupHook = callPackage ({ }:
+    makeSetupHook {
+      name = "cargo-setup-hook.sh";
+      propagatedBuildInputs = [ ];
+      substitutions = {
+        defaultConfig = ../fetchcargo-default-config.toml;
+        # Specify the stdenv's `diff` by abspath to ensure that the user's build
+        # inputs do not cause us to find the wrong `diff`.
+        diff = "${lib.getBin buildPackages.diffutils}/bin/diff";
+        cargoConfig = ''
+          [target."${stdenv.buildPlatform.rust.rustcTarget}"]
+          "linker" = "${rust.envVars.linkerForBuild}"
+          ${lib.optionalString (stdenv.buildPlatform.config != stdenv.hostPlatform.config) ''
+            [target."${stdenv.hostPlatform.rust.rustcTarget}"]
+            "linker" = "${rust.envVars.linkerForHost}"
+          ''}
+          "rustflags" = [ "-C", "target-feature=${if stdenv.hostPlatform.isStatic then "+" else "-"}crt-static" ]
+        '';
+      };
+    } ./cargo-setup-hook.sh) {};
+  maturinBuildHook = callPackage ({ pkgsHostTarget }:
+    makeSetupHook {
+      name = "maturin-build-hook.sh";
+      propagatedBuildInputs = [
+        pkgsHostTarget.maturin
+        pkgsHostTarget.cargo
+        pkgsHostTarget.rustc
+      ];
+      substitutions = {
+        inherit (rust.envVars) rustTargetPlatformSpec setEnv;
+      };
+    } ./maturin-build-hook.sh) {};
+    bindgenHook = callPackage ({}: makeSetupHook {
+      name = "rust-bindgen-hook";
+      substitutions = {
+        libclang = clang.cc.lib;
+        inherit clang;
+      };
+    }
+    ./rust-bindgen-hook.sh) {};
diff --git a/nixpkgs/pkgs/build-support/rust/hooks/maturin-build-hook.sh b/nixpkgs/pkgs/build-support/rust/hooks/maturin-build-hook.sh
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..b3cc1ced7964
--- /dev/null
+++ b/nixpkgs/pkgs/build-support/rust/hooks/maturin-build-hook.sh
@@ -0,0 +1,36 @@
+maturinBuildHook() {
+    echo "Executing maturinBuildHook"
+    runHook preBuild
+    if [ ! -z "${buildAndTestSubdir-}" ]; then
+        pushd "${buildAndTestSubdir}"
+    fi
+    (
+    set -x
+    @setEnv@ maturin build \
+        --jobs=$NIX_BUILD_CORES \
+        --offline \
+        --target @rustTargetPlatformSpec@ \
+        --manylinux off \
+        --strip \
+        --release \
+        ${maturinBuildFlags-}
+    )
+    if [ ! -z "${buildAndTestSubdir-}" ]; then
+        popd
+    fi
+    # Move the wheel to dist/ so that regular Python tooling can find it.
+    mkdir -p dist
+    mv ${cargoRoot:+$cargoRoot/}target/wheels/*.whl dist/
+    # These are python build hooks and may depend on ./dist
+    runHook postBuild
+    echo "Finished maturinBuildHook"
diff --git a/nixpkgs/pkgs/build-support/rust/hooks/rust-bindgen-hook.sh b/nixpkgs/pkgs/build-support/rust/hooks/rust-bindgen-hook.sh
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..53624b124f2b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/nixpkgs/pkgs/build-support/rust/hooks/rust-bindgen-hook.sh
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+# populates LIBCLANG_PATH and BINDGEN_EXTRA_CLANG_ARGS for rust projects that
+# depend on the bindgen crate
+# if you modify this, you probably also need to modify the wrapper for the cli
+# of bindgen in pkgs/development/tools/rust/bindgen/wrapper.sh
+populateBindgenEnv () {
+    export LIBCLANG_PATH=@libclang@/lib
+    BINDGEN_EXTRA_CLANG_ARGS="$(< @clang@/nix-support/cc-cflags) $(< @clang@/nix-support/libc-cflags) $(< @clang@/nix-support/libcxx-cxxflags) $NIX_CFLAGS_COMPILE"
diff --git a/nixpkgs/pkgs/build-support/rust/import-cargo-lock.nix b/nixpkgs/pkgs/build-support/rust/import-cargo-lock.nix
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..e3fe57ef06da
--- /dev/null
+++ b/nixpkgs/pkgs/build-support/rust/import-cargo-lock.nix
@@ -0,0 +1,262 @@
+{ fetchgit, fetchurl, lib, writers, python3Packages, runCommand, cargo, jq }:
+  # Cargo lock file
+  lockFile ? null
+  # Cargo lock file contents as string
+, lockFileContents ? null
+  # Allow `builtins.fetchGit` to be used to not require hashes for git dependencies
+, allowBuiltinFetchGit ? false
+  # Additional registries to pull sources from
+  #   { "https://<registry index URL>" = "https://<registry download URL>"; }
+  # where:
+  # - "index URL" is the "index" value of the configuration entry for that registry
+  #   https://doc.rust-lang.org/cargo/reference/registries.html#using-an-alternate-registry
+  # - "download URL" is the "dl" value of its associated index configuration
+  #   https://doc.rust-lang.org/cargo/reference/registry-index.html#index-configuration
+, extraRegistries ? {}
+  # Hashes for git dependencies.
+, outputHashes ? {}
+} @ args:
+assert (lockFile == null) != (lockFileContents == null);
+  # Parse a git source into different components.
+  parseGit = src:
+    let
+      parts = builtins.match ''git\+([^?]+)(\?(rev|tag|branch)=(.*))?#(.*)'' src;
+      type = builtins.elemAt parts 2; # rev, tag or branch
+      value = builtins.elemAt parts 3;
+    in
+      if parts == null then null
+      else {
+        url = builtins.elemAt parts 0;
+        sha = builtins.elemAt parts 4;
+      } // lib.optionalAttrs (type != null) { inherit type value; };
+  # shadows args.lockFileContents
+  lockFileContents =
+    if lockFile != null
+    then builtins.readFile lockFile
+    else args.lockFileContents;
+  parsedLockFile = builtins.fromTOML lockFileContents;
+  packages = parsedLockFile.package;
+  # There is no source attribute for the source package itself. But
+  # since we do not want to vendor the source package anyway, we can
+  # safely skip it.
+  depPackages = builtins.filter (p: p ? "source") packages;
+  # Create dependent crates from packages.
+  #
+  # Force evaluation of the git SHA -> hash mapping, so that an error is
+  # thrown if there are stale hashes. We cannot rely on gitShaOutputHash
+  # being evaluated otherwise, since there could be no git dependencies.
+  depCrates = builtins.deepSeq gitShaOutputHash (builtins.map mkCrate depPackages);
+  # Map package name + version to git commit SHA for packages with a git source.
+  namesGitShas = builtins.listToAttrs (
+    builtins.map nameGitSha (builtins.filter (pkg: lib.hasPrefix "git+" pkg.source) depPackages)
+  );
+  nameGitSha = pkg: let gitParts = parseGit pkg.source; in {
+    name = "${pkg.name}-${pkg.version}";
+    value = gitParts.sha;
+  };
+  # Convert the attrset provided through the `outputHashes` argument to a
+  # a mapping from git commit SHA -> output hash.
+  #
+  # There may be multiple different packages with different names
+  # originating from the same git repository (typically a Cargo
+  # workspace). By using the git commit SHA as a universal identifier,
+  # the user does not have to specify the output hash for every package
+  # individually.
+  gitShaOutputHash = lib.mapAttrs' (nameVer: hash:
+    let
+      unusedHash = throw "A hash was specified for ${nameVer}, but there is no corresponding git dependency.";
+      rev = namesGitShas.${nameVer} or unusedHash; in {
+      name = rev;
+      value = hash;
+    }) outputHashes;
+  # We can't use the existing fetchCrate function, since it uses a
+  # recursive hash of the unpacked crate.
+  fetchCrate = pkg: downloadUrl:
+    let
+      checksum = pkg.checksum or parsedLockFile.metadata."checksum ${pkg.name} ${pkg.version} (${pkg.source})";
+    in
+    assert lib.assertMsg (checksum != null) ''
+      Package ${pkg.name} does not have a checksum.
+    '';
+    fetchurl {
+      name = "crate-${pkg.name}-${pkg.version}.tar.gz";
+      url = "${downloadUrl}/${pkg.name}/${pkg.version}/download";
+      sha256 = checksum;
+    };
+  registries = {
+    "https://github.com/rust-lang/crates.io-index" = "https://crates.io/api/v1/crates";
+  } // extraRegistries;
+  # Replaces values inherited by workspace members.
+  replaceWorkspaceValues = writers.writePython3 "replace-workspace-values"
+    { libraries = with python3Packages; [ tomli tomli-w ]; flakeIgnore = [ "E501" "W503" ]; }
+    (builtins.readFile ./replace-workspace-values.py);
+  # Fetch and unpack a crate.
+  mkCrate = pkg:
+    let
+      gitParts = parseGit pkg.source;
+      registryIndexUrl = lib.removePrefix "registry+" pkg.source;
+    in
+      if lib.hasPrefix "registry+" pkg.source && builtins.hasAttr registryIndexUrl registries then
+      let
+        crateTarball = fetchCrate pkg registries.${registryIndexUrl};
+      in runCommand "${pkg.name}-${pkg.version}" {} ''
+        mkdir $out
+        tar xf "${crateTarball}" -C $out --strip-components=1
+        # Cargo is happy with largely empty metadata.
+        printf '{"files":{},"package":"${crateTarball.outputHash}"}' > "$out/.cargo-checksum.json"
+      ''
+      else if gitParts != null then
+      let
+        missingHash = throw ''
+          No hash was found while vendoring the git dependency ${pkg.name}-${pkg.version}. You can add
+          a hash through the `outputHashes` argument of `importCargoLock`:
+          outputHashes = {
+            "${pkg.name}-${pkg.version}" = "<hash>";
+          };
+          If you use `buildRustPackage`, you can add this attribute to the `cargoLock`
+          attribute set.
+        '';
+        tree =
+          if gitShaOutputHash ? ${gitParts.sha} then
+            fetchgit {
+              inherit (gitParts) url;
+              rev = gitParts.sha; # The commit SHA is always available.
+              sha256 = gitShaOutputHash.${gitParts.sha};
+            }
+          else if allowBuiltinFetchGit then
+            builtins.fetchGit {
+              inherit (gitParts) url;
+              rev = gitParts.sha;
+              allRefs = true;
+              submodules = true;
+            }
+          else
+            missingHash;
+      in runCommand "${pkg.name}-${pkg.version}" {} ''
+        tree=${tree}
+        # If the target package is in a workspace, or if it's the top-level
+        # crate, we should find the crate path using `cargo metadata`.
+        # Some packages do not have a Cargo.toml at the top-level,
+        # but only in nested directories.
+        # Only check the top-level Cargo.toml, if it actually exists
+        if [[ -f $tree/Cargo.toml ]]; then
+          crateCargoTOML=$(${cargo}/bin/cargo metadata --format-version 1 --no-deps --manifest-path $tree/Cargo.toml | \
+          ${jq}/bin/jq -r '.packages[] | select(.name == "${pkg.name}") | .manifest_path')
+        fi
+        # If the repository is not a workspace the package might be in a subdirectory.
+        if [[ -z $crateCargoTOML ]]; then
+          for manifest in $(find $tree -name "Cargo.toml"); do
+            echo Looking at $manifest
+            crateCargoTOML=$(${cargo}/bin/cargo metadata --format-version 1 --no-deps --manifest-path "$manifest" | ${jq}/bin/jq -r '.packages[] | select(.name == "${pkg.name}") | .manifest_path' || :)
+            if [[ ! -z $crateCargoTOML ]]; then
+              break
+            fi
+          done
+          if [[ -z $crateCargoTOML ]]; then
+            >&2 echo "Cannot find path for crate '${pkg.name}-${pkg.version}' in the tree in: $tree"
+            exit 1
+          fi
+        fi
+        echo Found crate ${pkg.name} at $crateCargoTOML
+        tree=$(dirname $crateCargoTOML)
+        cp -prvL "$tree/" $out
+        chmod u+w $out
+        if grep -q workspace "$out/Cargo.toml"; then
+          chmod u+w "$out/Cargo.toml"
+          ${replaceWorkspaceValues} "$out/Cargo.toml" "$(${cargo}/bin/cargo metadata --format-version 1 --no-deps --manifest-path $crateCargoTOML | ${jq}/bin/jq -r .workspace_root)/Cargo.toml"
+        fi
+        # Cargo is happy with empty metadata.
+        printf '{"files":{},"package":null}' > "$out/.cargo-checksum.json"
+        # Set up configuration for the vendor directory.
+        cat > $out/.cargo-config <<EOF
+        [source."${gitParts.url}${lib.optionalString (gitParts ? type) "?${gitParts.type}=${gitParts.value}"}"]
+        git = "${gitParts.url}"
+        ${lib.optionalString (gitParts ? type) "${gitParts.type} = \"${gitParts.value}\""}
+        replace-with = "vendored-sources"
+        EOF
+      ''
+      else throw "Cannot handle crate source: ${pkg.source}";
+  vendorDir = runCommand "cargo-vendor-dir"
+    (if lockFile == null then {
+      inherit lockFileContents;
+      passAsFile = [ "lockFileContents" ];
+    } else {
+      passthru = {
+        inherit lockFile;
+      };
+    }) ''
+    mkdir -p $out/.cargo
+    ${
+      if lockFile != null
+      then "ln -s ${lockFile} $out/Cargo.lock"
+      else "cp $lockFileContentsPath $out/Cargo.lock"
+    }
+    cat > $out/.cargo/config <<EOF
+replace-with = "vendored-sources"
+directory = "cargo-vendor-dir"
+    declare -A keysSeen
+    for registry in ${toString (builtins.attrNames extraRegistries)}; do
+      cat >> $out/.cargo/config <<EOF
+registry = "$registry"
+replace-with = "vendored-sources"
+    done
+    for crate in ${toString depCrates}; do
+      # Link the crate directory, removing the output path hash from the destination.
+      ln -s "$crate" $out/$(basename "$crate" | cut -c 34-)
+      if [ -e "$crate/.cargo-config" ]; then
+        key=$(sed 's/\[source\."\(.*\)"\]/\1/; t; d' < "$crate/.cargo-config")
+        if [[ -z ''${keysSeen[$key]} ]]; then
+          keysSeen[$key]=1
+          cat "$crate/.cargo-config" >> $out/.cargo/config
+        fi
+      fi
+    done
+  '';
+  vendorDir
diff --git a/nixpkgs/pkgs/build-support/rust/lib/default.nix b/nixpkgs/pkgs/build-support/rust/lib/default.nix
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..e09f913bfbd3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/nixpkgs/pkgs/build-support/rust/lib/default.nix
@@ -0,0 +1,96 @@
+{ lib
+, stdenv
+, pkgsBuildHost
+, pkgsBuildTarget
+, pkgsTargetTarget
+rec {
+  # These environment variables must be set when using `cargo-c` and
+  # several other tools which do not deal well with cross
+  # compilation.  The symptom of the problem they fix is errors due
+  # to buildPlatform CFLAGS being passed to the
+  # hostPlatform-targeted compiler -- for example, `-m64` being
+  # passed on a build=x86_64/host=aarch64 compilation.
+  envVars = let
+    # As a workaround for https://github.com/rust-lang/rust/issues/89626 use lld on pkgsStatic aarch64
+    shouldUseLLD = platform: platform.isAarch64 && platform.isStatic && !stdenv.isDarwin;
+    ccForBuild = "${pkgsBuildHost.stdenv.cc}/bin/${pkgsBuildHost.stdenv.cc.targetPrefix}cc";
+    cxxForBuild = "${pkgsBuildHost.stdenv.cc}/bin/${pkgsBuildHost.stdenv.cc.targetPrefix}c++";
+    linkerForBuild = ccForBuild;
+    ccForHost = "${stdenv.cc}/bin/${stdenv.cc.targetPrefix}cc";
+    cxxForHost = "${stdenv.cc}/bin/${stdenv.cc.targetPrefix}c++";
+    linkerForHost = if shouldUseLLD stdenv.targetPlatform
+      && !stdenv.cc.bintools.isLLVM
+      then "${pkgsBuildHost.llvmPackages.bintools}/bin/${stdenv.cc.targetPrefix}ld.lld"
+      else ccForHost;
+    # Unfortunately we must use the dangerous `pkgsTargetTarget` here
+    # because hooks are artificially phase-shifted one slot earlier
+    # (they go in nativeBuildInputs, so the hostPlatform looks like
+    # a targetPlatform to them).
+    ccForTarget = "${pkgsTargetTarget.stdenv.cc}/bin/${pkgsTargetTarget.stdenv.cc.targetPrefix}cc";
+    cxxForTarget = "${pkgsTargetTarget.stdenv.cc}/bin/${pkgsTargetTarget.stdenv.cc.targetPrefix}c++";
+    linkerForTarget = if shouldUseLLD pkgsTargetTarget.stdenv.targetPlatform
+      && !pkgsTargetTarget.stdenv.cc.bintools.isLLVM # whether stdenv's linker is lld already
+      then "${pkgsBuildTarget.llvmPackages.bintools}/bin/${pkgsTargetTarget.stdenv.cc.targetPrefix}ld.lld"
+      else ccForTarget;
+    rustBuildPlatform = stdenv.buildPlatform.rust.rustcTarget;
+    rustBuildPlatformSpec = stdenv.buildPlatform.rust.rustcTargetSpec;
+    rustHostPlatform = stdenv.hostPlatform.rust.rustcTarget;
+    rustHostPlatformSpec = stdenv.hostPlatform.rust.rustcTargetSpec;
+    rustTargetPlatform = stdenv.targetPlatform.rust.rustcTarget;
+    rustTargetPlatformSpec = stdenv.targetPlatform.rust.rustcTargetSpec;
+  in {
+    inherit
+      ccForBuild  cxxForBuild  linkerForBuild  rustBuildPlatform   rustBuildPlatformSpec
+      ccForHost   cxxForHost   linkerForHost   rustHostPlatform    rustHostPlatformSpec
+      ccForTarget cxxForTarget linkerForTarget rustTargetPlatform  rustTargetPlatformSpec;
+    # Prefix this onto a command invocation in order to set the
+    # variables needed by cargo.
+    #
+    setEnv = ''
+    env \
+    ''
+    # Due to a bug in how splicing and pkgsTargetTarget works, in
+    # situations where pkgsTargetTarget is irrelevant
+    # pkgsTargetTarget.stdenv.cc is often simply wrong.  We must omit
+    # the following lines when rustTargetPlatform collides with
+    # rustHostPlatform.
+    + lib.optionalString (rustTargetPlatform != rustHostPlatform) ''
+      "CC_${stdenv.targetPlatform.rust.cargoEnvVarTarget}=${ccForTarget}" \
+      "CXX_${stdenv.targetPlatform.rust.cargoEnvVarTarget}=${cxxForTarget}" \
+      "CARGO_TARGET_${stdenv.targetPlatform.rust.cargoEnvVarTarget}_LINKER=${linkerForTarget}" \
+    '' + ''
+      "CC_${stdenv.hostPlatform.rust.cargoEnvVarTarget}=${ccForHost}" \
+      "CXX_${stdenv.hostPlatform.rust.cargoEnvVarTarget}=${cxxForHost}" \
+      "CARGO_TARGET_${stdenv.hostPlatform.rust.cargoEnvVarTarget}_LINKER=${linkerForHost}" \
+    '' + ''
+      "CC_${stdenv.buildPlatform.rust.cargoEnvVarTarget}=${ccForBuild}" \
+      "CXX_${stdenv.buildPlatform.rust.cargoEnvVarTarget}=${cxxForBuild}" \
+      "CARGO_TARGET_${stdenv.buildPlatform.rust.cargoEnvVarTarget}_LINKER=${linkerForBuild}" \
+      "CARGO_BUILD_TARGET=${rustBuildPlatform}" \
+      "HOST_CC=${pkgsBuildHost.stdenv.cc}/bin/cc" \
+      "HOST_CXX=${pkgsBuildHost.stdenv.cc}/bin/c++" \
+    '';
+  };
+} // lib.mapAttrs (old: new: platform:
+  # TODO: enable warning after 23.05 is EOL.
+  # lib.warn "`rust.${old} platform` is deprecated. Use `platform.rust.${new}` instead."
+    lib.getAttrFromPath new platform.rust)
+  toTargetArch = [ "platform" "arch" ];
+  toTargetOs = [ "platform" "os" ];
+  toTargetFamily = [ "platform" "target-family" ];
+  toTargetVendor = [ "platform" "vendor" ];
+  toRustTarget = [ "rustcTarget" ];
+  toRustTargetSpec = [ "rustcTargetSpec" ];
+  toRustTargetSpecShort = [ "cargoShortTarget" ];
+  toRustTargetForUseInEnvVars = [ "cargoEnvVarTarget" ];
+  IsNoStdTarget = [ "isNoStdTarget" ];
diff --git a/nixpkgs/pkgs/build-support/rust/replace-workspace-values.py b/nixpkgs/pkgs/build-support/rust/replace-workspace-values.py
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..003023ff2560
--- /dev/null
+++ b/nixpkgs/pkgs/build-support/rust/replace-workspace-values.py
@@ -0,0 +1,126 @@
+# This script implements the workspace inheritance mechanism described
+# here: https://doc.rust-lang.org/cargo/reference/workspaces.html#the-package-table
+# Please run `mypy --strict`, `black`, and `isort --profile black` on this after editing, thanks!
+import sys
+from typing import Any
+import tomli
+import tomli_w
+def load_file(path: str) -> dict[str, Any]:
+    with open(path, "rb") as f:
+        return tomli.load(f)
+# This replicates the dependency merging logic from Cargo.
+# See `inner_dependency_inherit_with`:
+# https://github.com/rust-lang/cargo/blob/4de0094ac78743d2c8ff682489e35c8a7cafe8e4/src/cargo/util/toml/mod.rs#L982
+def replace_key(
+    workspace_manifest: dict[str, Any], table: dict[str, Any], section: str, key: str
+) -> bool:
+    if (
+        isinstance(table[key], dict)
+        and "workspace" in table[key]
+        and table[key]["workspace"] is True
+    ):
+        print("replacing " + key)
+        local_dep = table[key]
+        del local_dep["workspace"]
+        workspace_dep = workspace_manifest[section][key]
+        if section == "dependencies":
+            if isinstance(workspace_dep, str):
+                workspace_dep = {"version": workspace_dep}
+            final: dict[str, Any] = workspace_dep.copy()
+            merged_features = local_dep.pop("features", []) + workspace_dep.get("features", [])
+            if merged_features:
+                final["features"] = merged_features
+            local_default_features = local_dep.pop("default-features", None)
+            workspace_default_features = workspace_dep.get("default-features")
+            if not workspace_default_features and local_default_features:
+                final["default-features"] = True
+            optional = local_dep.pop("optional", False)
+            if optional:
+                final["optional"] = True
+            if local_dep:
+                raise Exception(f"Unhandled keys in inherited dependency {key}: {local_dep}")
+            table[key] = final
+        elif section == "package":
+            table[key] = workspace_dep
+        return True
+    return False
+def replace_dependencies(
+    workspace_manifest: dict[str, Any], root: dict[str, Any]
+) -> bool:
+    changed = False
+    for key in ["dependencies", "dev-dependencies", "build-dependencies"]:
+        if key in root:
+            for k in root[key].keys():
+                changed |= replace_key(workspace_manifest, root[key], "dependencies", k)
+    return changed
+def main() -> None:
+    top_cargo_toml = load_file(sys.argv[2])
+    if "workspace" not in top_cargo_toml:
+        # If top_cargo_toml is not a workspace manifest, then this script was probably
+        # ran on something that does not actually use workspace dependencies
+        print(f"{sys.argv[2]} is not a workspace manifest, doing nothing.")
+        return
+    crate_manifest = load_file(sys.argv[1])
+    workspace_manifest = top_cargo_toml["workspace"]
+    if "workspace" in crate_manifest:
+        return
+    changed = False
+    for key in crate_manifest["package"].keys():
+        changed |= replace_key(
+            workspace_manifest, crate_manifest["package"], "package", key
+        )
+    changed |= replace_dependencies(workspace_manifest, crate_manifest)
+    if "target" in crate_manifest:
+        for key in crate_manifest["target"].keys():
+            changed |= replace_dependencies(
+                workspace_manifest, crate_manifest["target"][key]
+            )
+    if (
+        "lints" in crate_manifest
+        and "workspace" in crate_manifest["lints"]
+        and crate_manifest["lints"]["workspace"] is True
+    ):
+        crate_manifest["lints"] = workspace_manifest["lints"]
+    if not changed:
+        return
+    with open(sys.argv[1], "wb") as f:
+        tomli_w.dump(crate_manifest, f)
+if __name__ == "__main__":
+    main()
diff --git a/nixpkgs/pkgs/build-support/rust/rustc-wrapper/default.nix b/nixpkgs/pkgs/build-support/rust/rustc-wrapper/default.nix
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..0defa6355029
--- /dev/null
+++ b/nixpkgs/pkgs/build-support/rust/rustc-wrapper/default.nix
@@ -0,0 +1,52 @@
+{ lib, runCommand, rustc-unwrapped, sysroot ? null }:
+runCommand "${rustc-unwrapped.pname}-wrapper-${rustc-unwrapped.version}" {
+  preferLocalBuild = true;
+  strictDeps = true;
+  inherit (rustc-unwrapped) outputs;
+  env = {
+    sysroot = lib.optionalString (sysroot != null) "--sysroot ${sysroot}";
+    # Upstream rustc still assumes that musl = static[1].  The fix for
+    # this is to disable crt-static by default for non-static musl
+    # targets.
+    #
+    # Even though Cargo will build build.rs files for the build platform,
+    # cross-compiling _from_ musl appears to work fine, so we only need
+    # to do this when rustc's target platform is dynamically linked musl.
+    #
+    # [1]: https://github.com/rust-lang/compiler-team/issues/422
+    #
+    # WARNING: using defaultArgs is dangerous, as it will apply to all
+    # targets used by this compiler (host and target).  This means
+    # that it can't be used to set arguments that should only be
+    # applied to the target.  It's fine to do this for -crt-static,
+    # because rustc does not support +crt-static host platforms
+    # anyway.
+    defaultArgs = lib.optionalString
+      (with rustc-unwrapped.stdenv.targetPlatform; isMusl && !isStatic)
+      "-C target-feature=-crt-static";
+  };
+  passthru = {
+    inherit (rustc-unwrapped) pname version src llvm llvmPackages;
+    unwrapped = rustc-unwrapped;
+  };
+  meta = rustc-unwrapped.meta // {
+    description = "${rustc-unwrapped.meta.description} (wrapper script)";
+    priority = 10;
+  };
+} ''
+  mkdir -p $out/bin
+  ln -s ${rustc-unwrapped}/bin/* $out/bin
+  rm $out/bin/{rustc,rustdoc}
+  prog=${rustc-unwrapped}/bin/rustc extraFlagsVar=NIX_RUSTFLAGS \
+      substituteAll ${./rustc-wrapper.sh} $out/bin/rustc
+  prog=${rustc-unwrapped}/bin/rustdoc extraFlagsVar=NIX_RUSTDOCFLAGS \
+      substituteAll ${./rustc-wrapper.sh} $out/bin/rustdoc
+  chmod +x $out/bin/{rustc,rustdoc}
+  ${lib.concatMapStrings (output: "ln -s ${rustc-unwrapped.${output}} \$${output}\n")
+    (lib.remove "out" rustc-unwrapped.outputs)}
diff --git a/nixpkgs/pkgs/build-support/rust/rustc-wrapper/rustc-wrapper.sh b/nixpkgs/pkgs/build-support/rust/rustc-wrapper/rustc-wrapper.sh
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..e33cc3e2a025
--- /dev/null
+++ b/nixpkgs/pkgs/build-support/rust/rustc-wrapper/rustc-wrapper.sh
@@ -0,0 +1,29 @@
+for arg; do
+    case "$arg" in
+        --sysroot|--sysroot=*)
+            defaultSysroot=()
+            ;;
+        --)
+            break
+            ;;
+    esac
+extraBefore=(@defaultArgs@ "${defaultSysroot[@]}")
+# Optionally print debug info.
+if (( "${NIX_DEBUG:-0}" >= 1 )); then
+    echo "extra flags before to @prog@:" >&2
+    printf "  %q\n" "${extraBefore[@]}" >&2
+    echo "original flags to @prog@:" >&2
+    printf "  %q\n" "$@" >&2
+    echo "extra flags after to @prog@:" >&2
+    printf "  %q\n" "${extraAfter[@]}" >&2
+exec @prog@ "${extraBefore[@]}" "$@" "${extraAfter[@]}"
diff --git a/nixpkgs/pkgs/build-support/rust/sysroot/Cargo.lock b/nixpkgs/pkgs/build-support/rust/sysroot/Cargo.lock
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..d9b0c25d02f2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/nixpkgs/pkgs/build-support/rust/sysroot/Cargo.lock
@@ -0,0 +1,44 @@
+# This file is automatically @generated by Cargo.
+# It is not intended for manual editing.
+version = 3
+name = "alloc"
+version = "0.0.0"
+dependencies = [
+ "compiler_builtins",
+ "core",
+name = "compiler_builtins"
+version = "0.1.87"
+source = "registry+https://github.com/rust-lang/crates.io-index"
+checksum = "f867ce54c09855ccd135ad4a50c777182a0c7af5ff20a8f537617bd648b10d50"
+dependencies = [
+ "rustc-std-workspace-core",
+name = "core"
+version = "0.0.0"
+name = "nixpkgs-sysroot-stub-crate"
+version = "0.0.0"
+dependencies = [
+ "alloc",
+ "compiler_builtins",
+ "core",
+name = "rustc-std-workspace-core"
+version = "1.99.0"
+dependencies = [
+ "core",
+name = "rustc-std-workspace-alloc"
+version = "1.99.0"
diff --git a/nixpkgs/pkgs/build-support/rust/sysroot/cargo.py b/nixpkgs/pkgs/build-support/rust/sysroot/cargo.py
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..9d970eff79e8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/nixpkgs/pkgs/build-support/rust/sysroot/cargo.py
@@ -0,0 +1,47 @@
+import os
+import toml
+rust_src = os.environ['RUSTC_SRC']
+orig_cargo = os.environ['ORIG_CARGO'] if 'ORIG_CARGO' in os.environ else None
+base = {
+  'package': {
+    'name': 'nixpkgs-sysroot-stub-crate',
+    'version': '0.0.0',
+    'authors': ['The Rust Project Developers'],
+    'edition': '2018',
+  },
+  'dependencies': {
+    'compiler_builtins': {
+      'version': '0.1.0',
+      'features': ['rustc-dep-of-std', 'mem'],
+    },
+    'core': {
+      'path': os.path.join(rust_src, 'core'),
+    },
+    'alloc': {
+      'path': os.path.join(rust_src, 'alloc'),
+    },
+  },
+  'patch': {
+    'crates-io': {
+      'rustc-std-workspace-core': {
+        'path': os.path.join(rust_src, 'rustc-std-workspace-core'),
+      },
+      'rustc-std-workspace-alloc': {
+        'path': os.path.join(rust_src, 'rustc-std-workspace-alloc'),
+      },
+    },
+  },
+if orig_cargo is not None:
+  with open(orig_cargo, 'r') as f:
+    src = toml.loads(f.read())
+    if 'profile' in src:
+      base['profile'] = src['profile']
+out = toml.dumps(base)
+with open('Cargo.toml', 'x') as f:
+  f.write(out)
diff --git a/nixpkgs/pkgs/build-support/rust/sysroot/src.nix b/nixpkgs/pkgs/build-support/rust/sysroot/src.nix
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..664702e82c31
--- /dev/null
+++ b/nixpkgs/pkgs/build-support/rust/sysroot/src.nix
@@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
+{ lib, stdenv, rustPlatform, buildPackages
+, originalCargoToml ? null
+stdenv.mkDerivation {
+  name = "cargo-src";
+  preferLocalBuild = true;
+  unpackPhase = "true";
+  dontConfigure = true;
+  dontBuild = true;
+  installPhase = ''
+    export RUSTC_SRC=${rustPlatform.rustLibSrc.override { }}
+  ''
+  + lib.optionalString (originalCargoToml != null) ''
+    export ORIG_CARGO=${originalCargoToml}
+  ''
+  + ''
+    ${buildPackages.python3.withPackages (ps: with ps; [ toml ])}/bin/python3 ${./cargo.py}
+    mkdir -p $out/src
+    echo '#![no_std]' > $out/src/lib.rs
+    cp Cargo.toml $out/Cargo.toml
+    cp ${./Cargo.lock} $out/Cargo.lock
+  '';
diff --git a/nixpkgs/pkgs/build-support/rust/sysroot/update-lockfile.sh b/nixpkgs/pkgs/build-support/rust/sysroot/update-lockfile.sh
new file mode 100755
index 000000000000..d0596d1e5a62
--- /dev/null
+++ b/nixpkgs/pkgs/build-support/rust/sysroot/update-lockfile.sh
@@ -0,0 +1,27 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env nix-shell
+#!nix-shell -i bash -p python3 python3.pkgs.toml cargo
+set -eu pipefile
+HERE=$(readlink -e $(dirname "${BASH_SOURCE[0]}"))
+# https://unix.stackexchange.com/a/84980/390173
+tempdir=$(mktemp -d 2>/dev/null || mktemp -d -t 'update-lockfile')
+cd "$tempdir"
+mkdir -p src
+touch src/lib.rs
+RUSTC_SRC=$(nix-build "${NIXPKGS_ROOT}" -A pkgs.rustPlatform.rustLibSrc --no-out-link)
+ln -s $RUSTC_SRC/{core,alloc} ./
+export RUSTC_SRC
+python3 "$HERE/cargo.py"
+cargo generate-lockfile
+cp Cargo.lock "$HERE"
+rm -rf "$tempdir"
diff --git a/nixpkgs/pkgs/build-support/rust/test/import-cargo-lock/basic-dynamic/Cargo.lock b/nixpkgs/pkgs/build-support/rust/test/import-cargo-lock/basic-dynamic/Cargo.lock
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..522f9c260fa3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/nixpkgs/pkgs/build-support/rust/test/import-cargo-lock/basic-dynamic/Cargo.lock
@@ -0,0 +1,83 @@
+# This file is automatically @generated by Cargo.
+# It is not intended for manual editing.
+name = "basic-dynamic"
+version = "0.1.0"
+dependencies = [
+ "rand",
+name = "cfg-if"
+version = "1.0.0"
+source = "registry+https://github.com/rust-lang/crates.io-index"
+checksum = "baf1de4339761588bc0619e3cbc0120ee582ebb74b53b4efbf79117bd2da40fd"
+name = "getrandom"
+version = "0.2.3"
+source = "registry+https://github.com/rust-lang/crates.io-index"
+checksum = "7fcd999463524c52659517fe2cea98493cfe485d10565e7b0fb07dbba7ad2753"
+dependencies = [
+ "cfg-if",
+ "libc",
+ "wasi",
+name = "libc"
+version = "0.2.102"
+source = "registry+https://github.com/rust-lang/crates.io-index"
+checksum = "a2a5ac8f984bfcf3a823267e5fde638acc3325f6496633a5da6bb6eb2171e103"
+name = "ppv-lite86"
+version = "0.2.10"
+source = "registry+https://github.com/rust-lang/crates.io-index"
+checksum = "ac74c624d6b2d21f425f752262f42188365d7b8ff1aff74c82e45136510a4857"
+name = "rand"
+version = "0.8.4"
+source = "registry+https://github.com/rust-lang/crates.io-index"
+checksum = "2e7573632e6454cf6b99d7aac4ccca54be06da05aca2ef7423d22d27d4d4bcd8"
+dependencies = [
+ "libc",
+ "rand_chacha",
+ "rand_core",
+ "rand_hc",
+name = "rand_chacha"
+version = "0.3.1"
+source = "registry+https://github.com/rust-lang/crates.io-index"
+checksum = "e6c10a63a0fa32252be49d21e7709d4d4baf8d231c2dbce1eaa8141b9b127d88"
+dependencies = [
+ "ppv-lite86",
+ "rand_core",
+name = "rand_core"
+version = "0.6.3"
+source = "registry+https://github.com/rust-lang/crates.io-index"
+checksum = "d34f1408f55294453790c48b2f1ebbb1c5b4b7563eb1f418bcfcfdbb06ebb4e7"
+dependencies = [
+ "getrandom",
+name = "rand_hc"
+version = "0.3.1"
+source = "registry+https://github.com/rust-lang/crates.io-index"
+checksum = "d51e9f596de227fda2ea6c84607f5558e196eeaf43c986b724ba4fb8fdf497e7"
+dependencies = [
+ "rand_core",
+name = "wasi"
+version = "0.10.2+wasi-snapshot-preview1"
+source = "registry+https://github.com/rust-lang/crates.io-index"
+checksum = "fd6fbd9a79829dd1ad0cc20627bf1ed606756a7f77edff7b66b7064f9cb327c6"
diff --git a/nixpkgs/pkgs/build-support/rust/test/import-cargo-lock/basic-dynamic/Cargo.toml b/nixpkgs/pkgs/build-support/rust/test/import-cargo-lock/basic-dynamic/Cargo.toml
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..851024c82e94
--- /dev/null
+++ b/nixpkgs/pkgs/build-support/rust/test/import-cargo-lock/basic-dynamic/Cargo.toml
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+name = "basic-dynamic"
+version = "0.1.0"
+authors = ["Daniël de Kok <me@danieldk.eu>"]
+edition = "2018"
+rand = "0.8"
diff --git a/nixpkgs/pkgs/build-support/rust/test/import-cargo-lock/basic-dynamic/default.nix b/nixpkgs/pkgs/build-support/rust/test/import-cargo-lock/basic-dynamic/default.nix
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..105303201617
--- /dev/null
+++ b/nixpkgs/pkgs/build-support/rust/test/import-cargo-lock/basic-dynamic/default.nix
@@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
+{ lib, rustPlatform }:
+  fs = lib.fileset;
+rustPlatform.buildRustPackage {
+  pname = "basic-dynamic";
+  version = "0.1.0";
+  src = fs.toSource {
+    root = ./.;
+    fileset = fs.unions [
+      ./Cargo.toml
+      ./Cargo.lock
+      ./src
+    ];
+  };
+  cargoLock.lockFileContents = builtins.readFile ./Cargo.lock;
+  doInstallCheck = true;
+  installCheckPhase = ''
+    $out/bin/basic-dynamic
+  '';
diff --git a/nixpkgs/pkgs/build-support/rust/test/import-cargo-lock/basic-dynamic/src/main.rs b/nixpkgs/pkgs/build-support/rust/test/import-cargo-lock/basic-dynamic/src/main.rs
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..50b4ed799e43
--- /dev/null
+++ b/nixpkgs/pkgs/build-support/rust/test/import-cargo-lock/basic-dynamic/src/main.rs
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
+use rand::Rng;
+fn main() {
+    let mut rng = rand::thread_rng();
+    // Always draw zero :).
+    let roll: u8 = rng.gen_range(0..1);
+    assert_eq!(roll, 0);
diff --git a/nixpkgs/pkgs/build-support/rust/test/import-cargo-lock/basic/Cargo.lock b/nixpkgs/pkgs/build-support/rust/test/import-cargo-lock/basic/Cargo.lock
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..fd1b5e42ad30
--- /dev/null
+++ b/nixpkgs/pkgs/build-support/rust/test/import-cargo-lock/basic/Cargo.lock
@@ -0,0 +1,83 @@
+# This file is automatically @generated by Cargo.
+# It is not intended for manual editing.
+name = "basic"
+version = "0.1.0"
+dependencies = [
+ "rand",
+name = "cfg-if"
+version = "1.0.0"
+source = "registry+https://github.com/rust-lang/crates.io-index"
+checksum = "baf1de4339761588bc0619e3cbc0120ee582ebb74b53b4efbf79117bd2da40fd"
+name = "getrandom"
+version = "0.2.2"
+source = "registry+https://github.com/rust-lang/crates.io-index"
+checksum = "c9495705279e7140bf035dde1f6e750c162df8b625267cd52cc44e0b156732c8"
+dependencies = [
+ "cfg-if",
+ "libc",
+ "wasi",
+name = "libc"
+version = "0.2.94"
+source = "registry+https://github.com/rust-lang/crates.io-index"
+checksum = "18794a8ad5b29321f790b55d93dfba91e125cb1a9edbd4f8e3150acc771c1a5e"
+name = "ppv-lite86"
+version = "0.2.10"
+source = "registry+https://github.com/rust-lang/crates.io-index"
+checksum = "ac74c624d6b2d21f425f752262f42188365d7b8ff1aff74c82e45136510a4857"
+name = "rand"
+version = "0.8.3"
+source = "registry+https://github.com/rust-lang/crates.io-index"
+checksum = "0ef9e7e66b4468674bfcb0c81af8b7fa0bb154fa9f28eb840da5c447baeb8d7e"
+dependencies = [
+ "libc",
+ "rand_chacha",
+ "rand_core",
+ "rand_hc",
+name = "rand_chacha"
+version = "0.3.0"
+source = "registry+https://github.com/rust-lang/crates.io-index"
+checksum = "e12735cf05c9e10bf21534da50a147b924d555dc7a547c42e6bb2d5b6017ae0d"
+dependencies = [
+ "ppv-lite86",
+ "rand_core",
+name = "rand_core"
+version = "0.6.2"
+source = "registry+https://github.com/rust-lang/crates.io-index"
+checksum = "34cf66eb183df1c5876e2dcf6b13d57340741e8dc255b48e40a26de954d06ae7"
+dependencies = [
+ "getrandom",
+name = "rand_hc"
+version = "0.3.0"
+source = "registry+https://github.com/rust-lang/crates.io-index"
+checksum = "3190ef7066a446f2e7f42e239d161e905420ccab01eb967c9eb27d21b2322a73"
+dependencies = [
+ "rand_core",
+name = "wasi"
+version = "0.10.2+wasi-snapshot-preview1"
+source = "registry+https://github.com/rust-lang/crates.io-index"
+checksum = "fd6fbd9a79829dd1ad0cc20627bf1ed606756a7f77edff7b66b7064f9cb327c6"
diff --git a/nixpkgs/pkgs/build-support/rust/test/import-cargo-lock/basic/Cargo.toml b/nixpkgs/pkgs/build-support/rust/test/import-cargo-lock/basic/Cargo.toml
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..f555bb0de62e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/nixpkgs/pkgs/build-support/rust/test/import-cargo-lock/basic/Cargo.toml
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+name = "basic"
+version = "0.1.0"
+authors = ["Daniël de Kok <me@danieldk.eu>"]
+edition = "2018"
+rand = "0.8"
diff --git a/nixpkgs/pkgs/build-support/rust/test/import-cargo-lock/basic/default.nix b/nixpkgs/pkgs/build-support/rust/test/import-cargo-lock/basic/default.nix
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..325380977b88
--- /dev/null
+++ b/nixpkgs/pkgs/build-support/rust/test/import-cargo-lock/basic/default.nix
@@ -0,0 +1,27 @@
+{ lib, rustPlatform }:
+  fs = lib.fileset;
+rustPlatform.buildRustPackage {
+  pname = "basic";
+  version = "0.1.0";
+  src = fs.toSource {
+    root = ./.;
+    fileset = fs.unions [
+      ./Cargo.toml
+      ./Cargo.lock
+      ./src
+    ];
+  };
+  cargoLock = {
+    lockFile = ./Cargo.lock;
+  };
+  doInstallCheck = true;
+  installCheckPhase = ''
+    $out/bin/basic
+  '';
diff --git a/nixpkgs/pkgs/build-support/rust/test/import-cargo-lock/basic/src/main.rs b/nixpkgs/pkgs/build-support/rust/test/import-cargo-lock/basic/src/main.rs
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..50b4ed799e43
--- /dev/null
+++ b/nixpkgs/pkgs/build-support/rust/test/import-cargo-lock/basic/src/main.rs
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
+use rand::Rng;
+fn main() {
+    let mut rng = rand::thread_rng();
+    // Always draw zero :).
+    let roll: u8 = rng.gen_range(0..1);
+    assert_eq!(roll, 0);
diff --git a/nixpkgs/pkgs/build-support/rust/test/import-cargo-lock/default.nix b/nixpkgs/pkgs/build-support/rust/test/import-cargo-lock/default.nix
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..26e6487989c4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/nixpkgs/pkgs/build-support/rust/test/import-cargo-lock/default.nix
@@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
+{ callPackage, maturin, writers, python3Packages }:
+# Build like this from nixpkgs root:
+# $ nix-build -A tests.importCargoLock
+  basic = callPackage ./basic { };
+  basicDynamic = callPackage ./basic-dynamic { };
+  gitDependency = callPackage ./git-dependency { };
+  gitDependencyRev = callPackage ./git-dependency-rev { };
+  gitDependencyRevNonWorkspaceNestedCrate = callPackage ./git-dependency-rev-non-workspace-nested-crate { };
+  gitDependencyTag = callPackage ./git-dependency-tag { };
+  gitDependencyBranch = callPackage ./git-dependency-branch { };
+  maturin = maturin.tests.pyo3;
+  v1 = callPackage ./v1 { };
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+fn main() {
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+    // Always draw zero :).
+    let roll: u8 = rng.gen_range(0..1);
+    assert_eq!(roll, 0);
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@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
+fn main() {
+    println!("{}", cargo_test_support::t!(Result::<&str, &str>::Ok("msg")));
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+    root = ./.;
+    fileset = fs.unions [
+      ./Cargo.toml
+      ./Cargo.lock
+      ./src
+    ];
+  };
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@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
+use rand::Rng;
+fn main() {
+    let mut rng = rand::thread_rng();
+    // Always draw zero :).
+    let roll: u8 = rng.gen_range(0..1);
+    assert_eq!(roll, 0);
diff --git a/nixpkgs/pkgs/build-support/rust/test/import-cargo-lock/git-dependency-tag/Cargo.lock b/nixpkgs/pkgs/build-support/rust/test/import-cargo-lock/git-dependency-tag/Cargo.lock
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+  pname = "git-dependency-tag";
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+  src = fs.toSource {
+    root = ./.;
+    fileset = fs.unions [
+      ./Cargo.toml
+      ./Cargo.lock
+      ./src
+    ];
+  };
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+    lockFile = ./Cargo.lock;
+    outputHashes = {
+      "rand-0.8.3" = "0l3p174bpwia61vcvxz5mw65a13ri3wy94z04xrnyy5lzciykz4f";
+    };
+  };
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+  installCheckPhase = ''
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+  '';
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--- /dev/null
+++ b/nixpkgs/pkgs/build-support/rust/test/import-cargo-lock/git-dependency-tag/src/main.rs
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
+use rand::Rng;
+fn main() {
+    let mut rng = rand::thread_rng();
+    // Always draw zero :).
+    let roll: u8 = rng.gen_range(0..1);
+    assert_eq!(roll, 0);
diff --git a/nixpkgs/pkgs/build-support/rust/test/import-cargo-lock/git-dependency-workspace-inheritance/crate.toml b/nixpkgs/pkgs/build-support/rust/test/import-cargo-lock/git-dependency-workspace-inheritance/crate.toml
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+  ${replaceWorkspaceValues} "$out" ${./workspace.toml}
+  diff -u "$out" ${./want.toml}
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+# It is not intended for manual editing.
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+source = "git+https://github.com/rust-random/rand.git#f0e01ee0a7257753cc51b291f62666f4765923ef"
+dependencies = [
+ "libc",
+ "rand_chacha",
+ "rand_core",
+ "rand_hc",
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+version = "0.3.0"
+source = "git+https://github.com/rust-random/rand.git#f0e01ee0a7257753cc51b291f62666f4765923ef"
+dependencies = [
+ "ppv-lite86",
+ "rand_core",
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+source = "git+https://github.com/rust-random/rand.git#f0e01ee0a7257753cc51b291f62666f4765923ef"
+dependencies = [
+ "getrandom",
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+source = "git+https://github.com/rust-random/rand.git#f0e01ee0a7257753cc51b291f62666f4765923ef"
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+ "rand_core",
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--- /dev/null
+++ b/nixpkgs/pkgs/build-support/rust/test/import-cargo-lock/git-dependency/Cargo.toml
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+name = "git-dependency"
+version = "0.1.0"
+authors = ["Daniël de Kok <me@danieldk.eu>"]
+edition = "2018"
+rand = { git = "https://github.com/rust-random/rand.git" }
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--- /dev/null
+++ b/nixpkgs/pkgs/build-support/rust/test/import-cargo-lock/git-dependency/default.nix
@@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
+{ lib, rustPlatform }:
+  fs = lib.fileset;
+rustPlatform.buildRustPackage {
+  pname = "git-dependency";
+  version = "0.1.0";
+  src = fs.toSource {
+    root = ./.;
+    fileset = fs.unions [
+      ./Cargo.toml
+      ./Cargo.lock
+      ./src
+    ];
+  };
+  cargoLock = {
+    lockFile = ./Cargo.lock;
+    outputHashes = {
+      "rand-0.8.3" = "0ya2hia3cn31qa8894s3av2s8j5bjwb6yq92k0jsnlx7jid0jwqa";
+    };
+  };
+  doInstallCheck = true;
+  installCheckPhase = ''
+    $out/bin/git-dependency
+  '';
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new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..50b4ed799e43
--- /dev/null
+++ b/nixpkgs/pkgs/build-support/rust/test/import-cargo-lock/git-dependency/src/main.rs
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
+use rand::Rng;
+fn main() {
+    let mut rng = rand::thread_rng();
+    // Always draw zero :).
+    let roll: u8 = rng.gen_range(0..1);
+    assert_eq!(roll, 0);
diff --git a/nixpkgs/pkgs/build-support/rust/test/import-cargo-lock/v1/Cargo.lock b/nixpkgs/pkgs/build-support/rust/test/import-cargo-lock/v1/Cargo.lock
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+++ b/nixpkgs/pkgs/build-support/rust/test/import-cargo-lock/v1/Cargo.lock
@@ -0,0 +1,85 @@
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+# It is not intended for manual editing.
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+ "rand_chacha 0.3.0 (registry+https://github.com/rust-lang/crates.io-index)",
+ "rand_core 0.6.2 (registry+https://github.com/rust-lang/crates.io-index)",
+ "rand_hc 0.3.0 (registry+https://github.com/rust-lang/crates.io-index)",
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+ "rand_core 0.6.2 (registry+https://github.com/rust-lang/crates.io-index)",
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+ "getrandom 0.2.2 (registry+https://github.com/rust-lang/crates.io-index)",
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+ "rand_core 0.6.2 (registry+https://github.com/rust-lang/crates.io-index)",
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index 000000000000..4b825c45cadc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/nixpkgs/pkgs/build-support/rust/test/import-cargo-lock/v1/Cargo.toml
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+name = "v1"
+version = "0.1.0"
+authors = ["Daniël de Kok <me@danieldk.eu>"]
+edition = "2018"
+rand = "0.8"
diff --git a/nixpkgs/pkgs/build-support/rust/test/import-cargo-lock/v1/default.nix b/nixpkgs/pkgs/build-support/rust/test/import-cargo-lock/v1/default.nix
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--- /dev/null
+++ b/nixpkgs/pkgs/build-support/rust/test/import-cargo-lock/v1/default.nix
@@ -0,0 +1,27 @@
+{ lib, rustPlatform }:
+  fs = lib.fileset;
+rustPlatform.buildRustPackage {
+  pname = "v1";
+  version = "0.1.0";
+  src = fs.toSource {
+    root = ./.;
+    fileset = fs.unions [
+      ./Cargo.toml
+      ./Cargo.lock
+      ./src
+    ];
+  };
+  cargoLock = {
+    lockFile = ./Cargo.lock;
+  };
+  doInstallCheck = true;
+  installCheckPhase = ''
+    $out/bin/v1
+  '';
diff --git a/nixpkgs/pkgs/build-support/rust/test/import-cargo-lock/v1/src/main.rs b/nixpkgs/pkgs/build-support/rust/test/import-cargo-lock/v1/src/main.rs
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..50b4ed799e43
--- /dev/null
+++ b/nixpkgs/pkgs/build-support/rust/test/import-cargo-lock/v1/src/main.rs
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
+use rand::Rng;
+fn main() {
+    let mut rng = rand::thread_rng();
+    // Always draw zero :).
+    let roll: u8 = rng.gen_range(0..1);
+    assert_eq!(roll, 0);