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path: root/nixpkgs/pkgs/build-support/rust/build-rust-crate/test/default.nix
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'nixpkgs/pkgs/build-support/rust/build-rust-crate/test/default.nix')
1 files changed, 638 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/nixpkgs/pkgs/build-support/rust/build-rust-crate/test/default.nix b/nixpkgs/pkgs/build-support/rust/build-rust-crate/test/default.nix
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..24ddc11459ec
--- /dev/null
+++ b/nixpkgs/pkgs/build-support/rust/build-rust-crate/test/default.nix
@@ -0,0 +1,638 @@
+{ lib
+, buildRustCrate
+, callPackage
+, releaseTools
+, runCommand
+, runCommandCC
+, stdenv
+, symlinkJoin
+, writeTextFile
+  mkCrate = args: let
+    p = {
+      crateName = "nixtestcrate";
+      version = "0.1.0";
+      authors = [ "Test <test@example.com>" ];
+    } // args;
+  in buildRustCrate p;
+  mkCargoToml =
+    { name, crateVersion ? "0.1.0", path ? "Cargo.toml" }:
+      mkFile path ''
+        [package]
+        name = ${builtins.toJSON name}
+        version = ${builtins.toJSON crateVersion}
+      '';
+  mkFile = destination: text: writeTextFile {
+    name = "src";
+    destination = "/${destination}";
+    inherit text;
+  };
+  mkBin = name: mkFile name ''
+    use std::env;
+    fn main() {
+      let name: String = env::args().nth(0).unwrap();
+      println!("executed {}", name);
+    }
+  '';
+  mkBinExtern = name: extern: mkFile name ''
+    extern crate ${extern};
+    fn main() {
+      assert_eq!(${extern}::test(), 23);
+    }
+  '';
+  mkTestFile = name: functionName: mkFile name ''
+    #[cfg(test)]
+    #[test]
+    fn ${functionName}() {
+      assert!(true);
+    }
+  '';
+  mkTestFileWithMain = name: functionName: mkFile name ''
+    #[cfg(test)]
+    #[test]
+    fn ${functionName}() {
+      assert!(true);
+    }
+    fn main() {}
+  '';
+  mkLib = name: mkFile name "pub fn test() -> i32 { return 23; }";
+  mkTest = crateArgs: let
+    crate = mkCrate (builtins.removeAttrs crateArgs ["expectedTestOutput"]);
+    hasTests = crateArgs.buildTests or false;
+    expectedTestOutputs = crateArgs.expectedTestOutputs or null;
+    binaries = map (v: ''"${v.name}"'') (crateArgs.crateBin or []);
+    isLib = crateArgs ? libName || crateArgs ? libPath;
+    crateName = crateArgs.crateName or "nixtestcrate";
+    libName = crateArgs.libName or crateName;
+    libTestBinary = if !isLib then null else mkCrate {
+      crateName = "run-test-${crateName}";
+      dependencies = [ crate ];
+      src = mkBinExtern "src/main.rs" libName;
+    };
+    in
+      assert expectedTestOutputs != null -> hasTests;
+      assert hasTests -> expectedTestOutputs != null;
+      runCommand "run-buildRustCrate-${crateName}-test" {
+        nativeBuildInputs = [ crate ];
+      } (if !hasTests then ''
+          ${lib.concatStringsSep "\n" binaries}
+          ${lib.optionalString isLib ''
+              test -e ${crate}/lib/*.rlib || exit 1
+              ${libTestBinary}/bin/run-test-${crateName}
+          ''}
+          touch $out
+        '' else ''
+          for file in ${crate}/tests/*; do
+            $file 2>&1 >> $out
+          done
+          set -e
+          ${lib.concatMapStringsSep "\n" (o: "grep '${o}' $out || {  echo 'output \"${o}\" not found in:'; cat $out; exit 23; }") expectedTestOutputs}
+        ''
+      );
+    /* Returns a derivation that asserts that the crate specified by `crateArgs`
+       has the specified files as output.
+       `name` is used as part of the derivation name that performs the checking.
+       `crateArgs` is passed to `mkCrate` to build the crate with `buildRustCrate`.
+       `expectedFiles` contains a list of expected file paths in the output. E.g.
+       `[ "./bin/my_binary" ]`.
+       `output` specifies the name of the output to use. By default, the default
+       output is used but e.g. `output = "lib";` will cause the lib output
+       to be checked instead. You do not need to specify any directories.
+     */
+    assertOutputs = { name, crateArgs, expectedFiles, output? null }:
+      assert (builtins.isString name);
+      assert (builtins.isAttrs crateArgs);
+      assert (builtins.isList expectedFiles);
+      let
+        crate = mkCrate (builtins.removeAttrs crateArgs ["expectedTestOutput"]);
+        crateOutput = if output == null then crate else crate."${output}";
+        expectedFilesFile = writeTextFile {
+          name = "expected-files-${name}";
+          text =
+            let sorted = builtins.sort (a: b: a<b) expectedFiles;
+                concatenated = builtins.concatStringsSep "\n" sorted;
+            in "${concatenated}\n";
+        };
+      in
+      runCommand "assert-outputs-${name}" {
+      } ''
+      local actualFiles=$(mktemp)
+      cd "${crateOutput}"
+      find . -type f | sort >$actualFiles
+      diff -q ${expectedFilesFile} $actualFiles >/dev/null || {
+        echo -e "\033[0;1;31mERROR: Difference in expected output files in ${crateOutput} \033[0m" >&2
+        echo === Got:
+        sed -e 's/^/  /' $actualFiles
+        echo === Expected:
+        sed -e 's/^/  /' ${expectedFilesFile}
+        echo === Diff:
+        diff -u ${expectedFilesFile} $actualFiles |\
+          tail -n +3 |\
+          sed -e 's/^/  /'
+        exit 1
+      }
+      touch $out
+      ''
+      ;
+  in rec {
+  tests = let
+    cases = rec {
+      libPath =  { libPath = "src/my_lib.rs"; src = mkLib "src/my_lib.rs"; };
+      srcLib =  { src = mkLib "src/lib.rs"; };
+      # This used to be supported by cargo but as of 1.40.0 I can't make it work like that with just cargo anymore.
+      # This might be a regression or deprecated thing they finally removed…
+      # customLibName =  { libName = "test_lib"; src = mkLib "src/test_lib.rs"; };
+      # rustLibTestsCustomLibName = {
+      #   libName = "test_lib";
+      #   src = mkTestFile "src/test_lib.rs" "foo";
+      #   buildTests = true;
+      #   expectedTestOutputs = [ "test foo ... ok" ];
+      # };
+      customLibNameAndLibPath =  { libName = "test_lib"; libPath = "src/best-lib.rs"; src = mkLib "src/best-lib.rs"; };
+      crateBinWithPath =  { crateBin = [{ name = "test_binary1"; path = "src/foobar.rs"; }]; src = mkBin "src/foobar.rs"; };
+      crateBinNoPath1 =  { crateBin = [{ name = "my-binary2"; }]; src = mkBin "src/my_binary2.rs"; };
+      crateBinNoPath2 =  {
+        crateBin = [{ name = "my-binary3"; } { name = "my-binary4"; }];
+        src = symlinkJoin {
+          name = "buildRustCrateMultipleBinariesCase";
+          paths = [ (mkBin "src/bin/my_binary3.rs") (mkBin "src/bin/my_binary4.rs") ];
+        };
+      };
+      crateBinNoPath3 =  { crateBin = [{ name = "my-binary5"; }]; src = mkBin "src/bin/main.rs"; };
+      crateBinNoPath4 =  { crateBin = [{ name = "my-binary6"; }]; src = mkBin "src/main.rs";};
+      crateBinRename1 = {
+        crateBin = [{ name = "my-binary-rename1"; }];
+        src = mkBinExtern "src/main.rs" "foo_renamed";
+        dependencies = [ (mkCrate { crateName = "foo"; src = mkLib "src/lib.rs"; }) ];
+        crateRenames = { "foo" = "foo_renamed"; };
+      };
+      crateBinRename2 = {
+        crateBin = [{ name = "my-binary-rename2"; }];
+        src = mkBinExtern "src/main.rs" "foo_renamed";
+        dependencies = [ (mkCrate { crateName = "foo"; libName = "foolib"; src = mkLib "src/lib.rs"; }) ];
+        crateRenames = { "foo" = "foo_renamed"; };
+      };
+      crateBinRenameMultiVersion = let
+        crateWithVersion = version: mkCrate {
+          crateName = "my_lib";
+          inherit version;
+          src = mkFile "src/lib.rs" ''
+            pub const version: &str = "${version}";
+          '';
+        };
+        depCrate01 = crateWithVersion "0.1.2";
+        depCrate02 = crateWithVersion "0.2.1";
+      in {
+        crateName = "my_bin";
+        src = symlinkJoin {
+          name = "my_bin_src";
+          paths = [
+            (mkFile  "src/main.rs" ''
+              #[test]
+              fn my_lib_01() { assert_eq!(lib01::version, "0.1.2"); }
+              #[test]
+              fn my_lib_02() { assert_eq!(lib02::version, "0.2.1"); }
+              fn main() { }
+            '')
+          ];
+        };
+        dependencies = [ depCrate01 depCrate02 ];
+        crateRenames = {
+          "my_lib" = [
+            {
+              version = "0.1.2";
+              rename = "lib01";
+            }
+            {
+              version = "0.2.1";
+              rename = "lib02";
+            }
+          ];
+        };
+        buildTests = true;
+        expectedTestOutputs = [
+          "test my_lib_01 ... ok"
+          "test my_lib_02 ... ok"
+        ];
+      };
+      rustLibTestsDefault = {
+        src = mkTestFile "src/lib.rs" "baz";
+        buildTests = true;
+        expectedTestOutputs = [ "test baz ... ok" ];
+      };
+      rustLibTestsCustomLibPath = {
+        libPath = "src/test_path.rs";
+        src = mkTestFile "src/test_path.rs" "bar";
+        buildTests = true;
+        expectedTestOutputs = [ "test bar ... ok" ];
+      };
+      rustLibTestsCustomLibPathWithTests = {
+        libPath = "src/test_path.rs";
+        src = symlinkJoin {
+          name = "rust-lib-tests-custom-lib-path-with-tests-dir";
+          paths = [
+            (mkTestFile "src/test_path.rs" "bar")
+            (mkTestFile "tests/something.rs" "something")
+          ];
+        };
+        buildTests = true;
+        expectedTestOutputs = [
+          "test bar ... ok"
+          "test something ... ok"
+        ];
+      };
+      rustBinTestsCombined = {
+        src = symlinkJoin {
+          name = "rust-bin-tests-combined";
+          paths = [
+            (mkTestFileWithMain "src/main.rs" "src_main")
+            (mkTestFile "tests/foo.rs" "tests_foo")
+            (mkTestFile "tests/bar.rs" "tests_bar")
+          ];
+        };
+        buildTests = true;
+        expectedTestOutputs = [
+          "test src_main ... ok"
+          "test tests_foo ... ok"
+          "test tests_bar ... ok"
+        ];
+      };
+      rustBinTestsSubdirCombined = {
+        src = symlinkJoin {
+          name = "rust-bin-tests-subdir-combined";
+          paths = [
+            (mkTestFileWithMain "src/main.rs" "src_main")
+            (mkTestFile "tests/foo/main.rs" "tests_foo")
+            (mkTestFile "tests/bar/main.rs" "tests_bar")
+          ];
+        };
+        buildTests = true;
+        expectedTestOutputs = [
+          "test src_main ... ok"
+          "test tests_foo ... ok"
+          "test tests_bar ... ok"
+        ];
+      };
+      linkAgainstRlibCrate = {
+        crateName = "foo";
+        src = mkFile  "src/main.rs" ''
+          extern crate somerlib;
+          fn main() {}
+        '';
+        dependencies = [
+          (mkCrate {
+            crateName = "somerlib";
+            type = [ "rlib" ];
+            src = mkLib "src/lib.rs";
+          })
+        ];
+      };
+      buildScriptDeps = let
+        depCrate = boolVal: mkCrate {
+          crateName = "bar";
+          src = mkFile "src/lib.rs" ''
+            pub const baz: bool = ${boolVal};
+          '';
+        };
+      in {
+        crateName = "foo";
+        src = symlinkJoin {
+          name = "build-script-and-main";
+          paths = [
+            (mkFile  "src/main.rs" ''
+              extern crate bar;
+              #[cfg(test)]
+              #[test]
+              fn baz_false() { assert!(!bar::baz); }
+              fn main() { }
+            '')
+            (mkFile  "build.rs" ''
+              extern crate bar;
+              fn main() { assert!(bar::baz); }
+            '')
+          ];
+        };
+        buildDependencies = [ (depCrate "true") ];
+        dependencies = [ (depCrate "false") ];
+        buildTests = true;
+        expectedTestOutputs = [ "test baz_false ... ok" ];
+      };
+      buildScriptFeatureEnv = {
+        crateName = "build-script-feature-env";
+        features = [ "some-feature" "crate/another_feature" ];
+        src = symlinkJoin {
+          name = "build-script-feature-env";
+          paths = [
+            (mkFile  "src/main.rs" ''
+              #[cfg(test)]
+              #[test]
+              fn feature_not_visible() {
+                assert!(std::env::var("CARGO_FEATURE_SOME_FEATURE").is_err());
+                assert!(option_env!("CARGO_FEATURE_SOME_FEATURE").is_none());
+              }
+              fn main() {}
+            '')
+            (mkFile  "build.rs" ''
+              fn main() {
+                assert!(std::env::var("CARGO_FEATURE_SOME_FEATURE").is_ok());
+                assert!(option_env!("CARGO_FEATURE_SOME_FEATURE").is_none());
+              }
+            '')
+          ];
+        };
+        buildTests = true;
+        expectedTestOutputs = [ "test feature_not_visible ... ok" ];
+      };
+      # Regression test for https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/pull/88054
+      # Build script output should be rewritten as valid env vars.
+      buildScriptIncludeDirDeps = let
+        depCrate = mkCrate {
+          crateName = "bar";
+          src = symlinkJoin {
+            name = "build-script-and-include-dir-bar";
+            paths = [
+              (mkFile  "src/lib.rs" ''
+                fn main() { }
+              '')
+              (mkFile  "build.rs" ''
+                use std::path::PathBuf;
+                fn main() { println!("cargo:include-dir={}/src", std::env::current_dir().unwrap_or(PathBuf::from(".")).to_str().unwrap()); }
+              '')
+            ];
+          };
+        };
+      in {
+        crateName = "foo";
+        src = symlinkJoin {
+          name = "build-script-and-include-dir-foo";
+          paths = [
+            (mkFile  "src/main.rs" ''
+              fn main() { }
+            '')
+            (mkFile  "build.rs" ''
+              fn main() { assert!(std::env::var_os("DEP_BAR_INCLUDE_DIR").is_some()); }
+            '')
+          ];
+        };
+        buildDependencies = [ depCrate ];
+        dependencies = [ depCrate ];
+      };
+      # Regression test for https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/issues/74071
+      # Whenevever a build.rs file is generating files those should not be overlayed onto the actual source dir
+      buildRsOutDirOverlay = {
+        src = symlinkJoin {
+          name = "buildrs-out-dir-overlay";
+          paths = [
+            (mkLib "src/lib.rs")
+            (mkFile "build.rs" ''
+              use std::env;
+              use std::ffi::OsString;
+              use std::fs;
+              use std::path::Path;
+              fn main() {
+                let out_dir = env::var_os("OUT_DIR").expect("OUT_DIR not set");
+                let out_file = Path::new(&out_dir).join("lib.rs");
+                fs::write(out_file, "invalid rust code!").expect("failed to write lib.rs");
+              }
+            '')
+          ];
+        };
+      };
+      # Regression test for https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/pull/83379
+      # link flag order should be preserved
+      linkOrder = {
+        src = symlinkJoin {
+          name = "buildrs-out-dir-overlay";
+          paths = [
+            (mkFile "build.rs" ''
+              fn main() {
+                // in the other order, linkage will fail
+                println!("cargo:rustc-link-lib=b");
+                println!("cargo:rustc-link-lib=a");
+              }
+            '')
+            (mkFile "src/main.rs" ''
+              extern "C" {
+                fn hello_world();
+              }
+              fn main() {
+                unsafe {
+                  hello_world();
+                }
+              }
+            '')
+          ];
+        };
+        buildInputs = let
+          compile = name: text: let
+            src = writeTextFile {
+              name = "${name}-src.c";
+              inherit text;
+            };
+          in runCommandCC name {} ''
+            mkdir -p $out/lib
+            # Note: On darwin (which defaults to clang) we have to add
+            # `-undefined dynamic_lookup` as otherwise the compilation fails.
+            cc -shared \
+              ${lib.optionalString stdenv.isDarwin "-undefined dynamic_lookup"} \
+              -o $out/lib/${name}${stdenv.hostPlatform.extensions.sharedLibrary} ${src}
+          '';
+          b = compile "libb" ''
+            #include <stdio.h>
+            void hello();
+            void hello_world() {
+              hello();
+              printf(" world!\n");
+            }
+          '';
+          a = compile "liba" ''
+            #include <stdio.h>
+            void hello() {
+              printf("hello");
+            }
+          '';
+        in [ a b ];
+      };
+      rustCargoTomlInSubDir = {
+        # The "workspace_member" can be set to the sub directory with the crate to build.
+        # By default ".", meaning the top level directory is assumed.
+        # Using null will trigger a search.
+        workspace_member = null;
+        src = symlinkJoin rec {
+          name = "find-cargo-toml";
+          paths = [
+            (mkCargoToml { name = "ignoreMe"; })
+            (mkTestFileWithMain "src/main.rs" "ignore_main")
+            (mkCargoToml { name = "rustCargoTomlInSubDir"; path = "subdir/Cargo.toml"; })
+            (mkTestFileWithMain "subdir/src/main.rs" "src_main")
+            (mkTestFile "subdir/tests/foo/main.rs" "tests_foo")
+            (mkTestFile "subdir/tests/bar/main.rs" "tests_bar")
+          ];
+        };
+        buildTests = true;
+        expectedTestOutputs = [
+          "test src_main ... ok"
+          "test tests_foo ... ok"
+          "test tests_bar ... ok"
+        ];
+      };
+      rustCargoTomlInTopDir =
+        let
+          withoutCargoTomlSearch = builtins.removeAttrs rustCargoTomlInSubDir [ "workspace_member" ];
+        in
+          withoutCargoTomlSearch // {
+            expectedTestOutputs = [
+              "test ignore_main ... ok"
+            ];
+          };
+      procMacroInPrelude = {
+        procMacro = true;
+        edition = "2018";
+        src = symlinkJoin {
+          name = "proc-macro-in-prelude";
+          paths = [
+            (mkFile "src/lib.rs" ''
+              use proc_macro::TokenTree;
+            '')
+          ];
+        };
+      };
+    };
+    brotliCrates = (callPackage ./brotli-crates.nix {});
+    tests = lib.mapAttrs (key: value: mkTest (value // lib.optionalAttrs (!value?crateName) { crateName = key; })) cases;
+  in tests // rec {
+    crateBinWithPathOutputs = assertOutputs {
+      name="crateBinWithPath";
+      crateArgs = {
+        crateBin = [{ name = "test_binary1"; path = "src/foobar.rs"; }];
+        src = mkBin "src/foobar.rs";
+      };
+      expectedFiles = [
+        "./bin/test_binary1"
+      ];
+    };
+    crateBinWithPathOutputsDebug = assertOutputs {
+      name="crateBinWithPath";
+      crateArgs = {
+        release = false;
+        crateBin = [{ name = "test_binary1"; path = "src/foobar.rs"; }];
+        src = mkBin "src/foobar.rs";
+      };
+      expectedFiles = [
+        "./bin/test_binary1"
+      ] ++ lib.optionals stdenv.isDarwin [
+        # On Darwin, the debug symbols are in a seperate directory.
+        "./bin/test_binary1.dSYM/Contents/Info.plist"
+        "./bin/test_binary1.dSYM/Contents/Resources/DWARF/test_binary1"
+      ];
+    };
+    crateBinNoPath1Outputs = assertOutputs {
+      name="crateBinNoPath1";
+      crateArgs = {
+        crateBin = [{ name = "my-binary2"; }];
+        src = mkBin "src/my_binary2.rs";
+      };
+      expectedFiles = [
+        "./bin/my-binary2"
+      ];
+    };
+    crateLibOutputs = assertOutputs {
+      name="crateLib";
+      output="lib";
+      crateArgs = {
+        libName = "test_lib";
+        type = [ "rlib" ];
+        libPath = "src/lib.rs";
+        src = mkLib "src/lib.rs";
+      };
+      expectedFiles = [
+        "./nix-support/propagated-build-inputs"
+        "./lib/libtest_lib-042a1fdbef.rlib"
+        "./lib/link"
+      ];
+    };
+    crateLibOutputsDebug = assertOutputs {
+      name="crateLib";
+      output="lib";
+      crateArgs = {
+        release = false;
+        libName = "test_lib";
+        type = [ "rlib" ];
+        libPath = "src/lib.rs";
+        src = mkLib "src/lib.rs";
+      };
+      expectedFiles = [
+        "./nix-support/propagated-build-inputs"
+        "./lib/libtest_lib-042a1fdbef.rlib"
+        "./lib/link"
+      ];
+    };
+    brotliTest = let
+      pkg = brotliCrates.brotli_2_5_0 {};
+    in runCommand "run-brotli-test-cmd" {
+      nativeBuildInputs = [ pkg ];
+    } ''
+      ${pkg}/bin/brotli -c ${pkg}/bin/brotli > /dev/null && touch $out
+    '';
+    allocNoStdLibTest = let
+      pkg = brotliCrates.alloc_no_stdlib_1_3_0 {};
+    in runCommand "run-alloc-no-stdlib-test-cmd" {
+      nativeBuildInputs = [ pkg ];
+    } ''
+      test -e ${pkg}/bin/example && touch $out
+    '';
+    brotliDecompressorTest = let
+      pkg = brotliCrates.brotli_decompressor_1_3_1 {};
+    in runCommand "run-brotli-decompressor-test-cmd" {
+      nativeBuildInputs = [ pkg ];
+    } ''
+      test -e ${pkg}/bin/brotli-decompressor && touch $out
+    '';
+  };
+  test = releaseTools.aggregate {
+    name = "buildRustCrate-tests";
+    meta = {
+      description = "Test cases for buildRustCrate";
+      maintainers = [ lib.maintainers.andir ];
+    };
+    constituents = builtins.attrValues tests;
+  };