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path: root/nixpkgs/nixos/tests/mosquitto.nix
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Diffstat (limited to 'nixpkgs/nixos/tests/mosquitto.nix')
1 files changed, 213 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/nixpkgs/nixos/tests/mosquitto.nix b/nixpkgs/nixos/tests/mosquitto.nix
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..c0980b23e78f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/nixpkgs/nixos/tests/mosquitto.nix
@@ -0,0 +1,213 @@
+import ./make-test-python.nix ({ pkgs, lib, ... }:
+  port = 1888;
+  tlsPort = 1889;
+  anonPort = 1890;
+  password = "VERY_secret";
+  hashedPassword = "$7$101$/WJc4Mp+I+uYE9sR$o7z9rD1EYXHPwEP5GqQj6A7k4W1yVbePlb8TqNcuOLV9WNCiDgwHOB0JHC1WCtdkssqTBduBNUnUGd6kmZvDSw==";
+  topic = "test/foo";
+  snakeOil = pkgs.runCommand "snakeoil-certs" {
+    buildInputs = [ pkgs.gnutls.bin ];
+    caTemplate = pkgs.writeText "snakeoil-ca.template" ''
+      cn = server
+      expiration_days = -1
+      cert_signing_key
+      ca
+    '';
+    certTemplate = pkgs.writeText "snakeoil-cert.template" ''
+      cn = server
+      expiration_days = -1
+      tls_www_server
+      encryption_key
+      signing_key
+    '';
+    userCertTemplate = pkgs.writeText "snakeoil-user-cert.template" ''
+      organization = snakeoil
+      cn = client1
+      expiration_days = -1
+      tls_www_client
+      encryption_key
+      signing_key
+    '';
+  } ''
+    mkdir "$out"
+    certtool -p --bits 2048 --outfile "$out/ca.key"
+    certtool -s --template "$caTemplate" --load-privkey "$out/ca.key" \
+                --outfile "$out/ca.crt"
+    certtool -p --bits 2048 --outfile "$out/server.key"
+    certtool -c --template "$certTemplate" \
+                --load-ca-privkey "$out/ca.key" \
+                --load-ca-certificate "$out/ca.crt" \
+                --load-privkey "$out/server.key" \
+                --outfile "$out/server.crt"
+    certtool -p --bits 2048 --outfile "$out/client1.key"
+    certtool -c --template "$userCertTemplate" \
+                --load-privkey "$out/client1.key" \
+                --load-ca-privkey "$out/ca.key" \
+                --load-ca-certificate "$out/ca.crt" \
+                --outfile "$out/client1.crt"
+  '';
+in {
+  name = "mosquitto";
+  meta = with pkgs.lib; {
+    maintainers = with maintainers; [ pennae peterhoeg ];
+  };
+  nodes = let
+    client = { pkgs, ... }: {
+      environment.systemPackages = with pkgs; [ mosquitto ];
+    };
+  in {
+    server = { pkgs, ... }: {
+      networking.firewall.allowedTCPPorts = [ port tlsPort anonPort ];
+      networking.useNetworkd = true;
+      services.mosquitto = {
+        enable = true;
+        settings = {
+          sys_interval = 1;
+        };
+        listeners = [
+          {
+            inherit port;
+            users = {
+              password_store = {
+                inherit password;
+              };
+              password_file = {
+                passwordFile = pkgs.writeText "mqtt-password" password;
+              };
+              hashed_store = {
+                inherit hashedPassword;
+              };
+              hashed_file = {
+                hashedPasswordFile = pkgs.writeText "mqtt-hashed-password" hashedPassword;
+              };
+              reader = {
+                inherit password;
+                acl = [
+                  "read ${topic}"
+                  "read $SYS/#" # so we always have something to read
+                ];
+              };
+              writer = {
+                inherit password;
+                acl = [ "write ${topic}" ];
+              };
+            };
+          }
+          {
+            port = tlsPort;
+            users.client1 = {
+              acl = [ "read $SYS/#" ];
+            };
+            settings = {
+              cafile = "${snakeOil}/ca.crt";
+              certfile = "${snakeOil}/server.crt";
+              keyfile = "${snakeOil}/server.key";
+              require_certificate = true;
+              use_identity_as_username = true;
+            };
+          }
+          {
+            port = anonPort;
+            omitPasswordAuth = true;
+            settings.allow_anonymous = true;
+            acl = [ "pattern read #" ];
+            users = {
+              anonWriter = {
+                password = "<ignored>" + password;
+                acl = [ "write ${topic}" ];
+              };
+            };
+          }
+        ];
+      };
+    };
+    client1 = client;
+    client2 = client;
+  };
+  testScript = ''
+    def mosquitto_cmd(binary, user, topic, port):
+        return (
+            "mosquitto_{} "
+            "-V mqttv311 "
+            "-h server "
+            "-p {} "
+            "-u {} "
+            "-P '${password}' "
+            "-t '{}'"
+        ).format(binary, port, user, topic)
+    def publish(args, user, topic="${topic}", port=${toString port}):
+        return "{} {}".format(mosquitto_cmd("pub", user, topic, port), args)
+    def subscribe(args, user, topic="${topic}", port=${toString port}):
+        return "{} -W 5 -C 1 {}".format(mosquitto_cmd("sub", user, topic, port), args)
+    def parallel(*fns):
+        from threading import Thread
+        threads = [ Thread(target=fn) for fn in fns ]
+        for t in threads: t.start()
+        for t in threads: t.join()
+    def wait_uuid(uuid):
+        server.wait_for_console_text(uuid)
+        return None
+    start_all()
+    server.wait_for_unit("mosquitto.service")
+    with subtest("check passwords"):
+        client1.succeed(publish("-m test", "password_store"))
+        client1.succeed(publish("-m test", "password_file"))
+        client1.succeed(publish("-m test", "hashed_store"))
+        client1.succeed(publish("-m test", "hashed_file"))
+    with subtest("check acl"):
+        client1.succeed(subscribe("", "reader", topic="$SYS/#"))
+        client1.fail(subscribe("", "writer", topic="$SYS/#"))
+        parallel(
+            lambda: client1.succeed(subscribe("-i 3688cdd7-aa07-42a4-be22-cb9352917e40", "reader")),
+            lambda: [
+                wait_uuid("3688cdd7-aa07-42a4-be22-cb9352917e40"),
+                client2.succeed(publish("-m test", "writer"))
+            ])
+        parallel(
+            lambda: client1.fail(subscribe("-i 24ff16a2-ae33-4a51-9098-1b417153c712", "reader")),
+            lambda: [
+                wait_uuid("24ff16a2-ae33-4a51-9098-1b417153c712"),
+                client2.succeed(publish("-m test", "reader"))
+            ])
+    with subtest("check tls"):
+        client1.succeed(
+            subscribe(
+                "--cafile ${snakeOil}/ca.crt "
+                "--cert ${snakeOil}/client1.crt "
+                "--key ${snakeOil}/client1.key",
+                topic="$SYS/#",
+                port=${toString tlsPort},
+                user="no_such_user"))
+    with subtest("check omitPasswordAuth"):
+        parallel(
+            lambda: client1.succeed(subscribe("-i fd56032c-d9cb-4813-a3b4-6be0e04c8fc3",
+                "anonReader", port=${toString anonPort})),
+            lambda: [
+                wait_uuid("fd56032c-d9cb-4813-a3b4-6be0e04c8fc3"),
+                client2.succeed(publish("-m test", "anonWriter", port=${toString anonPort}))
+            ])
+  '';