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path: root/nixpkgs/nixos/tests/garage/basic.nix
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Diffstat (limited to 'nixpkgs/nixos/tests/garage/basic.nix')
1 files changed, 98 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/nixpkgs/nixos/tests/garage/basic.nix b/nixpkgs/nixos/tests/garage/basic.nix
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..88d747ea33b9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/nixpkgs/nixos/tests/garage/basic.nix
@@ -0,0 +1,98 @@
+args@{ mkNode, ver, ... }:
+(import ../make-test-python.nix ({ pkgs, ...} : {
+  name = "garage-basic";
+  meta = {
+    maintainers = with pkgs.lib.maintainers; [ raitobezarius ];
+  };
+  nodes = {
+    single_node = mkNode { replicationMode = "none"; };
+  };
+  testScript = ''
+    from typing import List
+    from dataclasses import dataclass
+    import re
+    start_all()
+    cur_version_regex = re.compile('Current cluster layout version: (?P<ver>\d*)')
+    key_creation_regex = re.compile('Key name: (?P<key_name>.*)\nKey ID: (?P<key_id>.*)\nSecret key: (?P<secret_key>.*)')
+    @dataclass
+    class S3Key:
+       key_name: str
+       key_id: str
+       secret_key: str
+    @dataclass
+    class GarageNode:
+       node_id: str
+       host: str
+    def get_node_fqn(machine: Machine) -> GarageNode:
+      node_id, host = machine.succeed("garage node id").split('@')
+      return GarageNode(node_id=node_id, host=host)
+    def get_node_id(machine: Machine) -> str:
+      return get_node_fqn(machine).node_id
+    def get_layout_version(machine: Machine) -> int:
+      version_data = machine.succeed("garage layout show")
+      m = cur_version_regex.search(version_data)
+      if m and m.group('ver') is not None:
+        return int(m.group('ver')) + 1
+      else:
+        raise ValueError('Cannot find current layout version')
+    def apply_garage_layout(machine: Machine, layouts: List[str]):
+       for layout in layouts:
+          machine.succeed(f"garage layout assign {layout}")
+       version = get_layout_version(machine)
+       machine.succeed(f"garage layout apply --version {version}")
+    def create_api_key(machine: Machine, key_name: str) -> S3Key:
+       output = machine.succeed(f"garage key ${if ver == "0_8" then "new --name" else "create"} {key_name}")
+       m = key_creation_regex.match(output)
+       if not m or not m.group('key_id') or not m.group('secret_key'):
+          raise ValueError('Cannot parse API key data')
+       return S3Key(key_name=key_name, key_id=m.group('key_id'), secret_key=m.group('secret_key'))
+    def get_api_key(machine: Machine, key_pattern: str) -> S3Key:
+       output = machine.succeed(f"garage key info {key_pattern}")
+       m = key_creation_regex.match(output)
+       if not m or not m.group('key_name') or not m.group('key_id') or not m.group('secret_key'):
+           raise ValueError('Cannot parse API key data')
+       return S3Key(key_name=m.group('key_name'), key_id=m.group('key_id'), secret_key=m.group('secret_key'))
+    def test_bucket_writes(node):
+      node.succeed("garage bucket create test-bucket")
+      s3_key = create_api_key(node, "test-api-key")
+      node.succeed("garage bucket allow --read --write test-bucket --key test-api-key")
+      other_s3_key = get_api_key(node, 'test-api-key')
+      assert other_s3_key.secret_key == other_s3_key.secret_key
+      node.succeed(
+        f"mc alias set test-garage http://[::1]:3900 {s3_key.key_id} {s3_key.secret_key} --api S3v4"
+      )
+      node.succeed("echo test | mc pipe test-garage/test-bucket/test.txt")
+      assert node.succeed("mc cat test-garage/test-bucket/test.txt").strip() == "test"
+    def test_bucket_over_http(node, bucket='test-bucket', url=None):
+      if url is None:
+         url = f"{bucket}.web.garage"
+      node.succeed(f'garage bucket website --allow {bucket}')
+      node.succeed(f'echo hello world | mc pipe test-garage/{bucket}/index.html')
+      assert (node.succeed(f"curl -H 'Host: {url}' http://localhost:3902")).strip() == 'hello world'
+    with subtest("Garage works as a single-node S3 storage"):
+      single_node.wait_for_unit("garage.service")
+      single_node.wait_for_open_port(3900)
+      # Now Garage is initialized.
+      single_node_id = get_node_id(single_node)
+      apply_garage_layout(single_node, [f'-z qemutest -c ${if ver == "0_8" then "1" else "1G"} "{single_node_id}"'])
+      # Now Garage is operational.
+      test_bucket_writes(single_node)
+      test_bucket_over_http(single_node)
+  '';
+})) args