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path: root/nixpkgs/nixos/modules/services/misc/taskserver/helper-tool.py
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Diffstat (limited to 'nixpkgs/nixos/modules/services/misc/taskserver/helper-tool.py')
1 files changed, 688 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/nixpkgs/nixos/modules/services/misc/taskserver/helper-tool.py b/nixpkgs/nixos/modules/services/misc/taskserver/helper-tool.py
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..22a3d8d5311b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/nixpkgs/nixos/modules/services/misc/taskserver/helper-tool.py
@@ -0,0 +1,688 @@
+import grp
+import json
+import pwd
+import os
+import re
+import string
+import subprocess
+import sys
+from contextlib import contextmanager
+from shutil import rmtree
+from tempfile import NamedTemporaryFile
+import click
+IS_AUTO_CONFIG = @isAutoConfig@ # NOQA
+CERTTOOL_COMMAND = "@certtool@"
+CERT_BITS = "@certBits@"
+CLIENT_EXPIRATION = "@clientExpiration@"
+CRL_EXPIRATION = "@crlExpiration@"
+TASKD_COMMAND = "@taskd@"
+TASKD_DATA_DIR = "@dataDir@"
+TASKD_USER = "@user@"
+TASKD_GROUP = "@group@"
+FQDN = "@fqdn@"
+CA_KEY = os.path.join(TASKD_DATA_DIR, "keys", "ca.key")
+CA_CERT = os.path.join(TASKD_DATA_DIR, "keys", "ca.cert")
+CRL_FILE = os.path.join(TASKD_DATA_DIR, "keys", "server.crl")
+RE_CONFIGUSER = re.compile(r'^\s*user\s*=(.*)$')
+RE_USERKEY = re.compile(r'New user key: (.+)$', re.MULTILINE)
+def lazyprop(fun):
+    """
+    Decorator which only evaluates the specified function when accessed.
+    """
+    name = '_lazy_' + fun.__name__
+    @property
+    def _lazy(self):
+        val = getattr(self, name, None)
+        if val is None:
+            val = fun(self)
+            setattr(self, name, val)
+        return val
+    return _lazy
+class TaskdError(OSError):
+    pass
+def run_as_taskd_user():
+    uid = pwd.getpwnam(TASKD_USER).pw_uid
+    gid = grp.getgrnam(TASKD_GROUP).gr_gid
+    os.setgid(gid)
+    os.setuid(uid)
+def taskd_cmd(cmd, *args, **kwargs):
+    """
+    Invoke taskd with the specified command with the privileges of the 'taskd'
+    user and 'taskd' group.
+    If 'capture_stdout' is passed as a keyword argument with the value True,
+    the return value are the contents the command printed to stdout.
+    """
+    capture_stdout = kwargs.pop("capture_stdout", False)
+    fun = subprocess.check_output if capture_stdout else subprocess.check_call
+    return fun(
+        [TASKD_COMMAND, cmd, "--data", TASKD_DATA_DIR] + list(args),
+        preexec_fn=run_as_taskd_user,
+        **kwargs
+    )
+def certtool_cmd(*args, **kwargs):
+    """
+    Invoke certtool from GNUTLS and return the output of the command.
+    The provided arguments are added to the certtool command and keyword
+    arguments are added to subprocess.check_output().
+    Note that this will suppress all output of certtool and it will only be
+    printed whenever there is an unsuccessful return code.
+    """
+    return subprocess.check_output(
+        [CERTTOOL_COMMAND] + list(args),
+        preexec_fn=lambda: os.umask(0077),
+        stderr=subprocess.STDOUT,
+        **kwargs
+    )
+def label(msg):
+    if sys.stdout.isatty() or sys.stderr.isatty():
+        sys.stderr.write(msg + "\n")
+def mkpath(*args):
+    return os.path.join(TASKD_DATA_DIR, "orgs", *args)
+def mark_imperative(*path):
+    """
+    Mark the specified path as being imperatively managed by creating an empty
+    file called ".imperative", so that it doesn't interfere with the
+    declarative configuration.
+    """
+    open(os.path.join(mkpath(*path), ".imperative"), 'a').close()
+def is_imperative(*path):
+    """
+    Check whether the given path is marked as imperative, see mark_imperative()
+    for more information.
+    """
+    full_path = []
+    for component in path:
+        full_path.append(component)
+        if os.path.exists(os.path.join(mkpath(*full_path), ".imperative")):
+            return True
+    return False
+def fetch_username(org, key):
+    for line in open(mkpath(org, "users", key, "config"), "r"):
+        match = RE_CONFIGUSER.match(line)
+        if match is None:
+            continue
+        return match.group(1).strip()
+    return None
+def create_template(contents):
+    """
+    Generate a temporary file with the specified contents as a list of strings
+    and yield its path as the context.
+    """
+    template = NamedTemporaryFile(mode="w", prefix="certtool-template")
+    template.writelines(map(lambda l: l + "\n", contents))
+    template.flush()
+    yield template.name
+    template.close()
+def generate_key(org, user):
+    if not IS_AUTO_CONFIG:
+        msg = "Automatic PKI handling is disabled, you need to " \
+              "manually issue a client certificate for user {}.\n"
+        sys.stderr.write(msg.format(user))
+        return
+    basedir = os.path.join(TASKD_DATA_DIR, "keys", org, user)
+    if os.path.exists(basedir):
+        raise OSError("Keyfile directory for {} already exists.".format(user))
+    privkey = os.path.join(basedir, "private.key")
+    pubcert = os.path.join(basedir, "public.cert")
+    try:
+        os.makedirs(basedir, mode=0700)
+        certtool_cmd("-p", "--bits", CERT_BITS, "--outfile", privkey)
+        template_data = [
+            "organization = {0}".format(org),
+            "cn = {}".format(FQDN),
+            "expiration_days = {}".format(CLIENT_EXPIRATION),
+            "tls_www_client",
+            "encryption_key",
+            "signing_key"
+        ]
+        with create_template(template_data) as template:
+            certtool_cmd(
+                "-c",
+                "--load-privkey", privkey,
+                "--load-ca-privkey", CA_KEY,
+                "--load-ca-certificate", CA_CERT,
+                "--template", template,
+                "--outfile", pubcert
+            )
+    except:
+        rmtree(basedir)
+        raise
+def revoke_key(org, user):
+    basedir = os.path.join(TASKD_DATA_DIR, "keys", org, user)
+    if not os.path.exists(basedir):
+        raise OSError("Keyfile directory for {} doesn't exist.".format(user))
+    pubcert = os.path.join(basedir, "public.cert")
+    expiration = "expiration_days = {}".format(CRL_EXPIRATION)
+    with create_template([expiration]) as template:
+        oldcrl = NamedTemporaryFile(mode="wb", prefix="old-crl")
+        oldcrl.write(open(CRL_FILE, "rb").read())
+        oldcrl.flush()
+        certtool_cmd(
+            "--generate-crl",
+            "--load-crl", oldcrl.name,
+            "--load-ca-privkey", CA_KEY,
+            "--load-ca-certificate", CA_CERT,
+            "--load-certificate", pubcert,
+            "--template", template,
+            "--outfile", CRL_FILE
+        )
+        oldcrl.close()
+    rmtree(basedir)
+def is_key_line(line, match):
+    return line.startswith("---") and line.lstrip("- ").startswith(match)
+def getkey(*args):
+    path = os.path.join(TASKD_DATA_DIR, "keys", *args)
+    buf = []
+    for line in open(path, "r"):
+        if len(buf) == 0:
+            if is_key_line(line, "BEGIN"):
+                buf.append(line)
+            continue
+        buf.append(line)
+        if is_key_line(line, "END"):
+            return ''.join(buf)
+    raise IOError("Unable to get key from {}.".format(path))
+def mktaskkey(cfg, path, keydata):
+    heredoc = 'cat > "{}" <<EOF\n{}EOF'.format(path, keydata)
+    cmd = 'task config taskd.{} -- "{}"'.format(cfg, path)
+    return heredoc + "\n" + cmd
+class User(object):
+    def __init__(self, org, name, key):
+        self.__org = org
+        self.name = name
+        self.key = key
+    def export(self):
+        credentials = '/'.join([self.__org, self.name, self.key])
+        allow_unquoted = string.ascii_letters + string.digits + "/-_."
+        if not all((c in allow_unquoted) for c in credentials):
+            credentials = "'" + credentials.replace("'", r"'\''") + "'"
+        script = []
+        if IS_AUTO_CONFIG:
+            pubcert = getkey(self.__org, self.name, "public.cert")
+            privkey = getkey(self.__org, self.name, "private.key")
+            cacert = getkey("ca.cert")
+            keydir = "${TASKDATA:-$HOME/.task}/keys"
+            script += [
+                "umask 0077",
+                'mkdir -p "{}"'.format(keydir),
+                mktaskkey("certificate", os.path.join(keydir, "public.cert"),
+                          pubcert),
+                mktaskkey("key", os.path.join(keydir, "private.key"), privkey),
+                mktaskkey("ca", os.path.join(keydir, "ca.cert"), cacert)
+            ]
+        script.append(
+            "task config taskd.credentials -- {}".format(credentials)
+        )
+        return "\n".join(script) + "\n"
+class Group(object):
+    def __init__(self, org, name):
+        self.__org = org
+        self.name = name
+class Organisation(object):
+    def __init__(self, name, ignore_imperative):
+        self.name = name
+        self.ignore_imperative = ignore_imperative
+    def add_user(self, name):
+        """
+        Create a new user along with a certificate and key.
+        Returns a 'User' object or None if the user already exists.
+        """
+        if self.ignore_imperative and is_imperative(self.name):
+            return None
+        if name not in self.users.keys():
+            output = taskd_cmd("add", "user", self.name, name,
+                               capture_stdout=True)
+            key = RE_USERKEY.search(output)
+            if key is None:
+                msg = "Unable to find key while creating user {}."
+                raise TaskdError(msg.format(name))
+            generate_key(self.name, name)
+            newuser = User(self.name, name, key.group(1))
+            self._lazy_users[name] = newuser
+            return newuser
+        return None
+    def del_user(self, name):
+        """
+        Delete a user and revoke its keys.
+        """
+        if name in self.users.keys():
+            user = self.get_user(name)
+            if self.ignore_imperative and \
+               is_imperative(self.name, "users", user.key):
+                return
+            # Work around https://bug.tasktools.org/browse/TD-40:
+            rmtree(mkpath(self.name, "users", user.key))
+            revoke_key(self.name, name)
+            del self._lazy_users[name]
+    def add_group(self, name):
+        """
+        Create a new group.
+        Returns a 'Group' object or None if the group already exists.
+        """
+        if self.ignore_imperative and is_imperative(self.name):
+            return None
+        if name not in self.groups.keys():
+            taskd_cmd("add", "group", self.name, name)
+            newgroup = Group(self.name, name)
+            self._lazy_groups[name] = newgroup
+            return newgroup
+        return None
+    def del_group(self, name):
+        """
+        Delete a group.
+        """
+        if name in self.users.keys():
+            if self.ignore_imperative and \
+               is_imperative(self.name, "groups", name):
+                return
+            taskd_cmd("remove", "group", self.name, name)
+            del self._lazy_groups[name]
+    def get_user(self, name):
+        return self.users.get(name)
+    @lazyprop
+    def users(self):
+        result = {}
+        for key in os.listdir(mkpath(self.name, "users")):
+            user = fetch_username(self.name, key)
+            if user is not None:
+                result[user] = User(self.name, user, key)
+        return result
+    def get_group(self, name):
+        return self.groups.get(name)
+    @lazyprop
+    def groups(self):
+        result = {}
+        for group in os.listdir(mkpath(self.name, "groups")):
+            result[group] = Group(self.name, group)
+        return result
+class Manager(object):
+    def __init__(self, ignore_imperative=False):
+        """
+        Instantiates an organisations manager.
+        If ignore_imperative is True, all actions that modify data are checked
+        whether they're created imperatively and if so, they will result in no
+        operation.
+        """
+        self.ignore_imperative = ignore_imperative
+    def add_org(self, name):
+        """
+        Create a new organisation.
+        Returns an 'Organisation' object or None if the organisation already
+        exists.
+        """
+        if name not in self.orgs.keys():
+            taskd_cmd("add", "org", name)
+            neworg = Organisation(name, self.ignore_imperative)
+            self._lazy_orgs[name] = neworg
+            return neworg
+        return None
+    def del_org(self, name):
+        """
+        Delete and revoke keys of an organisation with all its users and
+        groups.
+        """
+        org = self.get_org(name)
+        if org is not None:
+            if self.ignore_imperative and is_imperative(name):
+                return
+            for user in org.users.keys():
+                org.del_user(user)
+            for group in org.groups.keys():
+                org.del_group(group)
+            taskd_cmd("remove", "org", name)
+            del self._lazy_orgs[name]
+    def get_org(self, name):
+        return self.orgs.get(name)
+    @lazyprop
+    def orgs(self):
+        result = {}
+        for org in os.listdir(mkpath()):
+            result[org] = Organisation(org, self.ignore_imperative)
+        return result
+class OrganisationType(click.ParamType):
+    name = 'organisation'
+    def convert(self, value, param, ctx):
+        org = Manager().get_org(value)
+        if org is None:
+            self.fail("Organisation {} does not exist.".format(value))
+        return org
+ORGANISATION = OrganisationType()
+def cli(ctx):
+    """
+    Manage Taskserver users and certificates
+    """
+    if not IS_AUTO_CONFIG:
+        return
+    for path in (CA_KEY, CA_CERT, CRL_FILE):
+        if not os.path.exists(path):
+            msg = "CA setup not done or incomplete, missing file {}."
+            ctx.fail(msg.format(path))
+def org_cli():
+    """
+    Manage organisations
+    """
+    pass
+def user_cli():
+    """
+    Manage users
+    """
+    pass
+def group_cli():
+    """
+    Manage groups
+    """
+    pass
+@click.argument("organisation", type=ORGANISATION)
+def list_users(organisation):
+    """
+    List all users belonging to the specified organisation.
+    """
+    label("The following users exists for {}:".format(organisation.name))
+    for user in organisation.users.values():
+        sys.stdout.write(user.name + "\n")
+@click.argument("organisation", type=ORGANISATION)
+def list_groups(organisation):
+    """
+    List all users belonging to the specified organisation.
+    """
+    label("The following users exists for {}:".format(organisation.name))
+    for group in organisation.groups.values():
+        sys.stdout.write(group.name + "\n")
+def list_orgs():
+    """
+    List available organisations
+    """
+    label("The following organisations exist:")
+    for org in Manager().orgs:
+        sys.stdout.write(org.name + "\n")
+@click.argument("organisation", type=ORGANISATION)
+def get_uuid(organisation, user):
+    """
+    Get the UUID of the specified user belonging to the specified organisation.
+    """
+    userobj = organisation.get_user(user)
+    if userobj is None:
+        msg = "User {} doesn't exist in organisation {}."
+        sys.exit(msg.format(userobj.name, organisation.name))
+    label("User {} has the following UUID:".format(userobj.name))
+    sys.stdout.write(user.key + "\n")
+@click.argument("organisation", type=ORGANISATION)
+def export_user(organisation, user):
+    """
+    Export user of the specified organisation as a series of shell commands
+    that can be used on the client side to easily import the certificates.
+    Note that the private key will be exported as well, so use this with care!
+    """
+    userobj = organisation.get_user(user)
+    if userobj is None:
+        msg = "User {} doesn't exist in organisation {}."
+        sys.exit(msg.format(user, organisation.name))
+    sys.stdout.write(userobj.export())
+def add_org(name):
+    """
+    Create an organisation with the specified name.
+    """
+    if os.path.exists(mkpath(name)):
+        msg = "Organisation with name {} already exists."
+        sys.exit(msg.format(name))
+    taskd_cmd("add", "org", name)
+    mark_imperative(name)
+def del_org(name):
+    """
+    Delete the organisation with the specified name.
+    All of the users and groups will be deleted as well and client certificates
+    will be revoked.
+    """
+    Manager().del_org(name)
+    msg = ("Organisation {} deleted. Be sure to restart the Taskserver"
+           " using 'systemctl restart taskserver.service' in order for"
+           " the certificate revocation to apply.")
+    click.echo(msg.format(name), err=True)
+@click.argument("organisation", type=ORGANISATION)
+def add_user(organisation, user):
+    """
+    Create a user for the given organisation along with a client certificate
+    and print the key of the new user.
+    The client certificate along with it's public key can be shown via the
+    'user export' subcommand.
+    """
+    userobj = organisation.add_user(user)
+    if userobj is None:
+        msg = "User {} already exists in organisation {}."
+        sys.exit(msg.format(user, organisation))
+    else:
+        mark_imperative(organisation.name, "users", userobj.key)
+@click.argument("organisation", type=ORGANISATION)
+def del_user(organisation, user):
+    """
+    Delete a user from the given organisation.
+    This will also revoke the client certificate of the given user.
+    """
+    organisation.del_user(user)
+    msg = ("User {} deleted. Be sure to restart the Taskserver using"
+           " 'systemctl restart taskserver.service' in order for the"
+           " certificate revocation to apply.")
+    click.echo(msg.format(user), err=True)
+@click.argument("organisation", type=ORGANISATION)
+def add_group(organisation, group):
+    """
+    Create a group for the given organisation.
+    """
+    groupobj = organisation.add_group(group)
+    if groupobj is None:
+        msg = "Group {} already exists in organisation {}."
+        sys.exit(msg.format(group, organisation))
+    else:
+        mark_imperative(organisation.name, "groups", groupobj.name)
+@click.argument("organisation", type=ORGANISATION)
+def del_group(organisation, group):
+    """
+    Delete a group from the given organisation.
+    """
+    organisation.del_group(group)
+    click("Group {} deleted.".format(group), err=True)
+def add_or_delete(old, new, add_fun, del_fun):
+    """
+    Given an 'old' and 'new' list, figure out the intersections and invoke
+    'add_fun' against every element that is not in the 'old' list and 'del_fun'
+    against every element that is not in the 'new' list.
+    Returns a tuple where the first element is the list of elements that were
+    added and the second element consisting of elements that were deleted.
+    """
+    old_set = set(old)
+    new_set = set(new)
+    to_delete = old_set - new_set
+    to_add = new_set - old_set
+    for elem in to_delete:
+        del_fun(elem)
+    for elem in to_add:
+        add_fun(elem)
+    return to_add, to_delete
+@click.argument('json-file', type=click.File('rb'))
+def process_json(json_file):
+    """
+    Create and delete users, groups and organisations based on a JSON file.
+    The structure of this file is exactly the same as the
+    'services.taskserver.organisations' option of the NixOS module and is used
+    for declaratively adding and deleting users.
+    Hence this subcommand is not recommended outside of the scope of the NixOS
+    module.
+    """
+    data = json.load(json_file)
+    mgr = Manager(ignore_imperative=True)
+    add_or_delete(mgr.orgs.keys(), data.keys(), mgr.add_org, mgr.del_org)
+    for org in mgr.orgs.values():
+        if is_imperative(org.name):
+            continue
+        add_or_delete(org.users.keys(), data[org.name]['users'],
+                      org.add_user, org.del_user)
+        add_or_delete(org.groups.keys(), data[org.name]['groups'],
+                      org.add_group, org.del_group)
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+    cli()