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path: root/nixpkgs/maintainers/scripts/sha-to-sri.py
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Diffstat (limited to 'nixpkgs/maintainers/scripts/sha-to-sri.py')
1 files changed, 228 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/nixpkgs/maintainers/scripts/sha-to-sri.py b/nixpkgs/maintainers/scripts/sha-to-sri.py
new file mode 100755
index 000000000000..1af7ff215ad3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/nixpkgs/maintainers/scripts/sha-to-sri.py
@@ -0,0 +1,228 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env nix-shell
+#! nix-shell -i "python3 -I" -p "python3.withPackages(p: with p; [ rich structlog ])"
+from abc import ABC, abstractclassmethod, abstractmethod
+from contextlib import contextmanager
+from pathlib import Path
+from structlog.contextvars import bound_contextvars as log_context
+from typing import ClassVar, List, Tuple
+import hashlib, re, structlog
+logger = structlog.getLogger("sha-to-SRI")
+class Encoding(ABC):
+    alphabet: ClassVar[str]
+    @classmethod
+    @property
+    def name(cls) -> str:
+        return cls.__name__.lower()
+    def toSRI(self, s: str) -> str:
+        digest = self.decode(s)
+        assert len(digest) == self.n
+        from base64 import b64encode
+        return f"{self.hashName}-{b64encode(digest).decode()}"
+    @classmethod
+    def all(cls, h) -> 'List[Encoding]':
+        return [ c(h) for c in cls.__subclasses__() ]
+    def __init__(self, h):
+        self.n = h.digest_size
+        self.hashName = h.name
+    @property
+    @abstractmethod
+    def length(self) -> int:
+        ...
+    @property
+    def regex(self) -> str:
+        return f"[{self.alphabet}]{{{self.length}}}"
+    @abstractmethod
+    def decode(self, s: str) -> bytes:
+        ...
+class Nix32(Encoding):
+    alphabet = "0123456789abcdfghijklmnpqrsvwxyz"
+    inverted  = { c: i for i, c in enumerate(alphabet) }
+    @property
+    def length(self):
+        return 1 + (8 * self.n) // 5
+    def decode(self, s: str):
+        assert len(s) == self.length
+        out = [ 0 for _ in range(self.n) ]
+        # TODO: Do better than a list of byte-sized ints
+        for n, c in enumerate(reversed(s)):
+            digit = self.inverted[c]
+            i, j = divmod(5 * n, 8)
+            out[i] = out[i] | (digit << j) & 0xff
+            rem = digit >> (8 - j)
+            if rem == 0:
+                continue
+            elif i < self.n:
+                out[i+1] = rem
+            else:
+                raise ValueError(f"Invalid nix32 hash: '{s}'")
+        return bytes(out)
+class Hex(Encoding):
+    alphabet = "0-9A-Fa-f"
+    @property
+    def length(self):
+        return 2 * self.n
+    def decode(self, s: str):
+        from binascii import unhexlify
+        return unhexlify(s)
+class Base64(Encoding):
+    alphabet = "A-Za-z0-9+/"
+    @property
+    def format(self) -> Tuple[int, int]:
+        """Number of characters in data and padding."""
+        i, k = divmod(self.n, 3)
+        return 4 * i + (0 if k == 0 else k + 1), (3 - k) % 3
+    @property
+    def length(self):
+        return sum(self.format)
+    @property
+    def regex(self):
+        data, padding = self.format
+        return f"[{self.alphabet}]{{{data}}}={{{padding}}}"
+    def decode(self, s):
+        from base64 import b64decode
+        return b64decode(s, validate = True)
+_HASHES = (hashlib.new(n) for n in ('SHA-256', 'SHA-512'))
+    h.name: Encoding.all(h)
+    for h in _HASHES
+RE = {
+    h: "|".join(
+        (f"({h}-)?" if e.name == 'base64' else '') +
+        f"(?P<{h}_{e.name}>{e.regex})"
+        for e in encodings
+    ) for h, encodings in ENCODINGS.items()
+_DEF_RE = re.compile("|".join(
+    f"(?P<{h}>{h} = (?P<{h}_quote>['\"])({re})(?P={h}_quote);)"
+    for h, re in RE.items()
+def defToSRI(s: str) -> str:
+    def f(m: re.Match[str]) -> str:
+        try:
+            for h, encodings in ENCODINGS.items():
+                if m.group(h) is None:
+                    continue
+                for e in encodings:
+                    s = m.group(f"{h}_{e.name}")
+                    if s is not None:
+                        return f'hash = "{e.toSRI(s)}";'
+                raise ValueError(f"Match with '{h}' but no subgroup")
+            raise ValueError("Match with no hash")
+        except ValueError as exn:
+            logger.error(
+                "Skipping",
+                exc_info = exn,
+            )
+            return m.group()
+    return _DEF_RE.sub(f, s)
+def atomicFileUpdate(target: Path):
+    '''Atomically replace the contents of a file.
+    Guarantees that no temporary files are left behind, and `target` is either
+    left untouched, or overwritten with new content if no exception was raised.
+    Yields a pair `(original, new)` of open files.
+    `original` is the pre-existing file at `target`, open for reading;
+    `new` is an empty, temporary file in the same filder, open for writing.
+    Upon exiting the context, the files are closed; if no exception was
+    raised, `new` (atomically) replaces the `target`, otherwise it is deleted.
+    '''
+    # That's mostly copied from noto-emoji.py, should DRY it out
+    from tempfile import mkstemp
+    fd, _p = mkstemp(
+        dir = target.parent,
+        prefix = target.name,
+    )
+    tmpPath = Path(_p)
+    try:
+        with target.open() as original:
+            with tmpPath.open('w') as new:
+                yield (original, new)
+        tmpPath.replace(target)
+    except Exception:
+        tmpPath.unlink(missing_ok = True)
+        raise
+def fileToSRI(p: Path):
+    with atomicFileUpdate(p) as (og, new):
+        for i, line in enumerate(og):
+            with log_context(line=i):
+                new.write(defToSRI(line))
+_SKIP_RE = re.compile(
+    "(generated by)|(do not edit)",
+if __name__ == "__main__":
+    from sys import argv, stderr
+    logger.info("Starting!")
+    for arg in argv[1:]:
+        p = Path(arg)
+        with log_context(path=str(p)):
+            try:
+                if p.name == "yarn.nix" or p.name.find("generated") != -1:
+                    logger.warning("File looks autogenerated, skipping!")
+                    continue
+                with p.open() as f:
+                    for line in f:
+                        if line.strip():
+                            break
+                    if _SKIP_RE.search(line):
+                        logger.warning("File looks autogenerated, skipping!")
+                        continue
+                fileToSRI(p)
+            except Exception as exn:
+                logger.error(
+                    "Unhandled exception, skipping file!",
+                    exc_info = exn,
+                )
+            else:
+                logger.info("Finished processing file")