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119 files changed, 11147 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/nixpkgs/lib/asserts.nix b/nixpkgs/lib/asserts.nix
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..8a5f1fb3feb7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/nixpkgs/lib/asserts.nix
@@ -0,0 +1,44 @@
+{ lib }:
+rec {
+  /* Print a trace message if pred is false.
+     Intended to be used to augment asserts with helpful error messages.
+     Example:
+       assertMsg false "nope"
+       => false
+       stderr> trace: nope
+       assert (assertMsg ("foo" == "bar") "foo is not bar, silly"); ""
+       stderr> trace: foo is not bar, silly
+       stderr> assert failed at …
+     Type:
+       assertMsg :: Bool -> String -> Bool
+  */
+  # TODO(Profpatsch): add tests that check stderr
+  assertMsg = pred: msg:
+    if pred
+    then true
+    else builtins.trace msg false;
+  /* Specialized `assertMsg` for checking if val is one of the elements
+     of a list. Useful for checking enums.
+     Example:
+       let sslLibrary = "libressl"
+       in assertOneOf "sslLibrary" sslLibrary [ "openssl" "bearssl" ]
+       => false
+       stderr> trace: sslLibrary must be one of "openssl", "bearssl", but is: "libressl"
+     Type:
+       assertOneOf :: String -> ComparableVal -> List ComparableVal -> Bool
+  */
+  assertOneOf = name: val: xs: assertMsg
+    (lib.elem val xs)
+    "${name} must be one of ${
+      lib.generators.toPretty {} xs}, but is: ${
+        lib.generators.toPretty {} val}";
diff --git a/nixpkgs/lib/attrsets.nix b/nixpkgs/lib/attrsets.nix
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..5c787940cb0c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/nixpkgs/lib/attrsets.nix
@@ -0,0 +1,518 @@
+{ lib }:
+# Operations on attribute sets.
+  inherit (builtins) head tail length;
+  inherit (lib.trivial) and;
+  inherit (lib.strings) concatStringsSep sanitizeDerivationName;
+  inherit (lib.lists) fold concatMap concatLists;
+rec {
+  inherit (builtins) attrNames listToAttrs hasAttr isAttrs getAttr;
+  /* Return an attribute from nested attribute sets.
+     Example:
+       x = { a = { b = 3; }; }
+       attrByPath ["a" "b"] 6 x
+       => 3
+       attrByPath ["z" "z"] 6 x
+       => 6
+  */
+  attrByPath = attrPath: default: e:
+    let attr = head attrPath;
+    in
+      if attrPath == [] then e
+      else if e ? ${attr}
+      then attrByPath (tail attrPath) default e.${attr}
+      else default;
+  /* Return if an attribute from nested attribute set exists.
+     Example:
+       x = { a = { b = 3; }; }
+       hasAttrByPath ["a" "b"] x
+       => true
+       hasAttrByPath ["z" "z"] x
+       => false
+  */
+  hasAttrByPath = attrPath: e:
+    let attr = head attrPath;
+    in
+      if attrPath == [] then true
+      else if e ? ${attr}
+      then hasAttrByPath (tail attrPath) e.${attr}
+      else false;
+  /* Return nested attribute set in which an attribute is set.
+     Example:
+       setAttrByPath ["a" "b"] 3
+       => { a = { b = 3; }; }
+  */
+  setAttrByPath = attrPath: value:
+    if attrPath == [] then value
+    else listToAttrs
+      [ { name = head attrPath; value = setAttrByPath (tail attrPath) value; } ];
+  /* Like `attrByPath' without a default value. If it doesn't find the
+     path it will throw.
+     Example:
+       x = { a = { b = 3; }; }
+       getAttrFromPath ["a" "b"] x
+       => 3
+       getAttrFromPath ["z" "z"] x
+       => error: cannot find attribute `z.z'
+  */
+  getAttrFromPath = attrPath: set:
+    let errorMsg = "cannot find attribute `" + concatStringsSep "." attrPath + "'";
+    in attrByPath attrPath (abort errorMsg) set;
+  /* Return the specified attributes from a set.
+     Example:
+       attrVals ["a" "b" "c"] as
+       => [as.a as.b as.c]
+  */
+  attrVals = nameList: set: map (x: set.${x}) nameList;
+  /* Return the values of all attributes in the given set, sorted by
+     attribute name.
+     Example:
+       attrValues {c = 3; a = 1; b = 2;}
+       => [1 2 3]
+  */
+  attrValues = builtins.attrValues or (attrs: attrVals (attrNames attrs) attrs);
+  /* Given a set of attribute names, return the set of the corresponding
+     attributes from the given set.
+     Example:
+       getAttrs [ "a" "b" ] { a = 1; b = 2; c = 3; }
+       => { a = 1; b = 2; }
+  */
+  getAttrs = names: attrs: genAttrs names (name: attrs.${name});
+  /* Collect each attribute named `attr' from a list of attribute
+     sets.  Sets that don't contain the named attribute are ignored.
+     Example:
+       catAttrs "a" [{a = 1;} {b = 0;} {a = 2;}]
+       => [1 2]
+  */
+  catAttrs = builtins.catAttrs or
+    (attr: l: concatLists (map (s: if s ? ${attr} then [s.${attr}] else []) l));
+  /* Filter an attribute set by removing all attributes for which the
+     given predicate return false.
+     Example:
+       filterAttrs (n: v: n == "foo") { foo = 1; bar = 2; }
+       => { foo = 1; }
+  */
+  filterAttrs = pred: set:
+    listToAttrs (concatMap (name: let v = set.${name}; in if pred name v then [(nameValuePair name v)] else []) (attrNames set));
+  /* Filter an attribute set recursively by removing all attributes for
+     which the given predicate return false.
+     Example:
+       filterAttrsRecursive (n: v: v != null) { foo = { bar = null; }; }
+       => { foo = {}; }
+  */
+  filterAttrsRecursive = pred: set:
+    listToAttrs (
+      concatMap (name:
+        let v = set.${name}; in
+        if pred name v then [
+          (nameValuePair name (
+            if isAttrs v then filterAttrsRecursive pred v
+            else v
+          ))
+        ] else []
+      ) (attrNames set)
+    );
+  /* Apply fold functions to values grouped by key.
+     Example:
+       foldAttrs (n: a: [n] ++ a) [] [{ a = 2; } { a = 3; }]
+       => { a = [ 2 3 ]; }
+  */
+  foldAttrs = op: nul: list_of_attrs:
+    fold (n: a:
+        fold (name: o:
+          o // { ${name} = op n.${name} (a.${name} or nul); }
+        ) a (attrNames n)
+    ) {} list_of_attrs;
+  /* Recursively collect sets that verify a given predicate named `pred'
+     from the set `attrs'.  The recursion is stopped when the predicate is
+     verified.
+     Type:
+       collect ::
+         (AttrSet -> Bool) -> AttrSet -> [x]
+     Example:
+       collect isList { a = { b = ["b"]; }; c = [1]; }
+       => [["b"] [1]]
+       collect (x: x ? outPath)
+          { a = { outPath = "a/"; }; b = { outPath = "b/"; }; }
+       => [{ outPath = "a/"; } { outPath = "b/"; }]
+  */
+  collect = pred: attrs:
+    if pred attrs then
+      [ attrs ]
+    else if isAttrs attrs then
+      concatMap (collect pred) (attrValues attrs)
+    else
+      [];
+  /* Return the cartesian product of attribute set value combinations.
+    Example:
+      cartesianProductOfSets { a = [ 1 2 ]; b = [ 10 20 ]; }
+      => [
+           { a = 1; b = 10; }
+           { a = 1; b = 20; }
+           { a = 2; b = 10; }
+           { a = 2; b = 20; }
+         ]
+  */
+  cartesianProductOfSets = attrsOfLists:
+    lib.foldl' (listOfAttrs: attrName:
+      concatMap (attrs:
+        map (listValue: attrs // { ${attrName} = listValue; }) attrsOfLists.${attrName}
+      ) listOfAttrs
+    ) [{}] (attrNames attrsOfLists);
+  /* Utility function that creates a {name, value} pair as expected by
+     builtins.listToAttrs.
+     Example:
+       nameValuePair "some" 6
+       => { name = "some"; value = 6; }
+  */
+  nameValuePair = name: value: { inherit name value; };
+  /* Apply a function to each element in an attribute set.  The
+     function takes two arguments --- the attribute name and its value
+     --- and returns the new value for the attribute.  The result is a
+     new attribute set.
+     Example:
+       mapAttrs (name: value: name + "-" + value)
+          { x = "foo"; y = "bar"; }
+       => { x = "x-foo"; y = "y-bar"; }
+  */
+  mapAttrs = builtins.mapAttrs or
+    (f: set:
+      listToAttrs (map (attr: { name = attr; value = f attr set.${attr}; }) (attrNames set)));
+  /* Like `mapAttrs', but allows the name of each attribute to be
+     changed in addition to the value.  The applied function should
+     return both the new name and value as a `nameValuePair'.
+     Example:
+       mapAttrs' (name: value: nameValuePair ("foo_" + name) ("bar-" + value))
+          { x = "a"; y = "b"; }
+       => { foo_x = "bar-a"; foo_y = "bar-b"; }
+  */
+  mapAttrs' = f: set:
+    listToAttrs (map (attr: f attr set.${attr}) (attrNames set));
+  /* Call a function for each attribute in the given set and return
+     the result in a list.
+     Type:
+       mapAttrsToList ::
+         (String -> a -> b) -> AttrSet -> [b]
+     Example:
+       mapAttrsToList (name: value: name + value)
+          { x = "a"; y = "b"; }
+       => [ "xa" "yb" ]
+  */
+  mapAttrsToList = f: attrs:
+    map (name: f name attrs.${name}) (attrNames attrs);
+  /* Like `mapAttrs', except that it recursively applies itself to
+     attribute sets.  Also, the first argument of the argument
+     function is a *list* of the names of the containing attributes.
+     Type:
+       mapAttrsRecursive ::
+         ([String] -> a -> b) -> AttrSet -> AttrSet
+     Example:
+       mapAttrsRecursive (path: value: concatStringsSep "-" (path ++ [value]))
+         { n = { a = "A"; m = { b = "B"; c = "C"; }; }; d = "D"; }
+       => { n = { a = "n-a-A"; m = { b = "n-m-b-B"; c = "n-m-c-C"; }; }; d = "d-D"; }
+  */
+  mapAttrsRecursive = mapAttrsRecursiveCond (as: true);
+  /* Like `mapAttrsRecursive', but it takes an additional predicate
+     function that tells it whether to recursive into an attribute
+     set.  If it returns false, `mapAttrsRecursiveCond' does not
+     recurse, but does apply the map function.  If it returns true, it
+     does recurse, and does not apply the map function.
+     Type:
+       mapAttrsRecursiveCond ::
+         (AttrSet -> Bool) -> ([String] -> a -> b) -> AttrSet -> AttrSet
+     Example:
+       # To prevent recursing into derivations (which are attribute
+       # sets with the attribute "type" equal to "derivation"):
+       mapAttrsRecursiveCond
+         (as: !(as ? "type" && as.type == "derivation"))
+         (x: ... do something ...)
+         attrs
+  */
+  mapAttrsRecursiveCond = cond: f: set:
+    let
+      recurse = path: set:
+        let
+          g =
+            name: value:
+            if isAttrs value && cond value
+              then recurse (path ++ [name]) value
+              else f (path ++ [name]) value;
+        in mapAttrs g set;
+    in recurse [] set;
+  /* Generate an attribute set by mapping a function over a list of
+     attribute names.
+     Example:
+       genAttrs [ "foo" "bar" ] (name: "x_" + name)
+       => { foo = "x_foo"; bar = "x_bar"; }
+  */
+  genAttrs = names: f:
+    listToAttrs (map (n: nameValuePair n (f n)) names);
+  /* Check whether the argument is a derivation. Any set with
+     { type = "derivation"; } counts as a derivation.
+     Example:
+       nixpkgs = import <nixpkgs> {}
+       isDerivation nixpkgs.ruby
+       => true
+       isDerivation "foobar"
+       => false
+  */
+  isDerivation = x: isAttrs x && x ? type && x.type == "derivation";
+  /* Converts a store path to a fake derivation. */
+  toDerivation = path:
+    let
+      path' = builtins.storePath path;
+      res =
+        { type = "derivation";
+          name = sanitizeDerivationName (builtins.substring 33 (-1) (baseNameOf path'));
+          outPath = path';
+          outputs = [ "out" ];
+          out = res;
+          outputName = "out";
+        };
+    in res;
+  /* If `cond' is true, return the attribute set `as',
+     otherwise an empty attribute set.
+     Example:
+       optionalAttrs (true) { my = "set"; }
+       => { my = "set"; }
+       optionalAttrs (false) { my = "set"; }
+       => { }
+  */
+  optionalAttrs = cond: as: if cond then as else {};
+  /* Merge sets of attributes and use the function f to merge attributes
+     values.
+     Example:
+       zipAttrsWithNames ["a"] (name: vs: vs) [{a = "x";} {a = "y"; b = "z";}]
+       => { a = ["x" "y"]; }
+  */
+  zipAttrsWithNames = names: f: sets:
+    listToAttrs (map (name: {
+      inherit name;
+      value = f name (catAttrs name sets);
+    }) names);
+  /* Implementation note: Common names  appear multiple times in the list of
+     names, hopefully this does not affect the system because the maximal
+     laziness avoid computing twice the same expression and listToAttrs does
+     not care about duplicated attribute names.
+     Example:
+       zipAttrsWith (name: values: values) [{a = "x";} {a = "y"; b = "z";}]
+       => { a = ["x" "y"]; b = ["z"] }
+  */
+  zipAttrsWith = f: sets: zipAttrsWithNames (concatMap attrNames sets) f sets;
+  /* Like `zipAttrsWith' with `(name: values: values)' as the function.
+    Example:
+      zipAttrs [{a = "x";} {a = "y"; b = "z";}]
+      => { a = ["x" "y"]; b = ["z"] }
+  */
+  zipAttrs = zipAttrsWith (name: values: values);
+  /* Does the same as the update operator '//' except that attributes are
+     merged until the given predicate is verified.  The predicate should
+     accept 3 arguments which are the path to reach the attribute, a part of
+     the first attribute set and a part of the second attribute set.  When
+     the predicate is verified, the value of the first attribute set is
+     replaced by the value of the second attribute set.
+     Example:
+       recursiveUpdateUntil (path: l: r: path == ["foo"]) {
+         # first attribute set
+         foo.bar = 1;
+         foo.baz = 2;
+         bar = 3;
+       } {
+         #second attribute set
+         foo.bar = 1;
+         foo.quz = 2;
+         baz = 4;
+       }
+       returns: {
+         foo.bar = 1; # 'foo.*' from the second set
+         foo.quz = 2; #
+         bar = 3;     # 'bar' from the first set
+         baz = 4;     # 'baz' from the second set
+       }
+     */
+  recursiveUpdateUntil = pred: lhs: rhs:
+    let f = attrPath:
+      zipAttrsWith (n: values:
+        let here = attrPath ++ [n]; in
+        if tail values == []
+        || pred here (head (tail values)) (head values) then
+          head values
+        else
+          f here values
+      );
+    in f [] [rhs lhs];
+  /* A recursive variant of the update operator ‘//’.  The recursion
+     stops when one of the attribute values is not an attribute set,
+     in which case the right hand side value takes precedence over the
+     left hand side value.
+     Example:
+       recursiveUpdate {
+         boot.loader.grub.enable = true;
+         boot.loader.grub.device = "/dev/hda";
+       } {
+         boot.loader.grub.device = "";
+       }
+       returns: {
+         boot.loader.grub.enable = true;
+         boot.loader.grub.device = "";
+       }
+     */
+  recursiveUpdate = lhs: rhs:
+    recursiveUpdateUntil (path: lhs: rhs:
+      !(isAttrs lhs && isAttrs rhs)
+    ) lhs rhs;
+  /* Returns true if the pattern is contained in the set. False otherwise.
+     Example:
+       matchAttrs { cpu = {}; } { cpu = { bits = 64; }; }
+       => true
+   */
+  matchAttrs = pattern: attrs: assert isAttrs pattern;
+    fold and true (attrValues (zipAttrsWithNames (attrNames pattern) (n: values:
+      let pat = head values; val = head (tail values); in
+      if length values == 1 then false
+      else if isAttrs pat then isAttrs val && matchAttrs pat val
+      else pat == val
+    ) [pattern attrs]));
+  /* Override only the attributes that are already present in the old set
+    useful for deep-overriding.
+    Example:
+      overrideExisting {} { a = 1; }
+      => {}
+      overrideExisting { b = 2; } { a = 1; }
+      => { b = 2; }
+      overrideExisting { a = 3; b = 2; } { a = 1; }
+      => { a = 1; b = 2; }
+  */
+  overrideExisting = old: new:
+    mapAttrs (name: value: new.${name} or value) old;
+  /* Get a package output.
+     If no output is found, fallback to `.out` and then to the default.
+     Example:
+       getOutput "dev" pkgs.openssl
+       => "/nix/store/9rz8gxhzf8sw4kf2j2f1grr49w8zx5vj-openssl-1.0.1r-dev"
+  */
+  getOutput = output: pkg:
+    if pkg.outputUnspecified or false
+      then pkg.${output} or pkg.out or pkg
+      else pkg;
+  getBin = getOutput "bin";
+  getLib = getOutput "lib";
+  getDev = getOutput "dev";
+  getMan = getOutput "man";
+  /* Pick the outputs of packages to place in buildInputs */
+  chooseDevOutputs = drvs: builtins.map getDev drvs;
+  /* Make various Nix tools consider the contents of the resulting
+     attribute set when looking for what to build, find, etc.
+     This function only affects a single attribute set; it does not
+     apply itself recursively for nested attribute sets.
+   */
+  recurseIntoAttrs =
+    attrs: attrs // { recurseForDerivations = true; };
+  /* Undo the effect of recurseIntoAttrs.
+   */
+  dontRecurseIntoAttrs =
+    attrs: attrs // { recurseForDerivations = false; };
+  /*** deprecated stuff ***/
+  zipWithNames = zipAttrsWithNames;
+  zip = builtins.trace
+    "lib.zip is deprecated, use lib.zipAttrsWith instead" zipAttrsWith;
diff --git a/nixpkgs/lib/cli.nix b/nixpkgs/lib/cli.nix
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..c96d4dbb0432
--- /dev/null
+++ b/nixpkgs/lib/cli.nix
@@ -0,0 +1,83 @@
+{ lib }:
+rec {
+  /* Automatically convert an attribute set to command-line options.
+     This helps protect against malformed command lines and also to reduce
+     boilerplate related to command-line construction for simple use cases.
+     `toGNUCommandLine` returns a list of nix strings.
+     `toGNUCommandLineShell` returns an escaped shell string.
+     Example:
+       cli.toGNUCommandLine {} {
+         data = builtins.toJSON { id = 0; };
+         X = "PUT";
+         retry = 3;
+         retry-delay = null;
+         url = [ "https://example.com/foo" "https://example.com/bar" ];
+         silent = false;
+         verbose = true;
+       }
+       => [
+         "-X" "PUT"
+         "--data" "{\"id\":0}"
+         "--retry" "3"
+         "--url" "https://example.com/foo"
+         "--url" "https://example.com/bar"
+         "--verbose"
+       ]
+       cli.toGNUCommandLineShell {} {
+         data = builtins.toJSON { id = 0; };
+         X = "PUT";
+         retry = 3;
+         retry-delay = null;
+         url = [ "https://example.com/foo" "https://example.com/bar" ];
+         silent = false;
+         verbose = true;
+       }
+       => "'-X' 'PUT' '--data' '{\"id\":0}' '--retry' '3' '--url' 'https://example.com/foo' '--url' 'https://example.com/bar' '--verbose'";
+  */
+  toGNUCommandLineShell =
+    options: attrs: lib.escapeShellArgs (toGNUCommandLine options attrs);
+  toGNUCommandLine = {
+    # how to string-format the option name;
+    # by default one character is a short option (`-`),
+    # more than one characters a long option (`--`).
+    mkOptionName ?
+      k: if builtins.stringLength k == 1
+          then "-${k}"
+          else "--${k}",
+    # how to format a boolean value to a command list;
+    # by default it’s a flag option
+    # (only the option name if true, left out completely if false).
+    mkBool ? k: v: lib.optional v (mkOptionName k),
+    # how to format a list value to a command list;
+    # by default the option name is repeated for each value
+    # and `mkOption` is applied to the values themselves.
+    mkList ? k: v: lib.concatMap (mkOption k) v,
+    # how to format any remaining value to a command list;
+    # on the toplevel, booleans and lists are handled by `mkBool` and `mkList`,
+    # though they can still appear as values of a list.
+    # By default, everything is printed verbatim and complex types
+    # are forbidden (lists, attrsets, functions). `null` values are omitted.
+    mkOption ?
+      k: v: if v == null
+            then []
+            else [ (mkOptionName k) (lib.generators.mkValueStringDefault {} v) ]
+    }:
+    options:
+      let
+        render = k: v:
+          if      builtins.isBool v then mkBool k v
+          else if builtins.isList v then mkList k v
+          else mkOption k v;
+      in
+        builtins.concatLists (lib.mapAttrsToList render options);
diff --git a/nixpkgs/lib/customisation.nix b/nixpkgs/lib/customisation.nix
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..c17cb0d0f8e5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/nixpkgs/lib/customisation.nix
@@ -0,0 +1,249 @@
+{ lib }:
+rec {
+  /* `overrideDerivation drv f' takes a derivation (i.e., the result
+     of a call to the builtin function `derivation') and returns a new
+     derivation in which the attributes of the original are overridden
+     according to the function `f'.  The function `f' is called with
+     the original derivation attributes.
+     `overrideDerivation' allows certain "ad-hoc" customisation
+     scenarios (e.g. in ~/.config/nixpkgs/config.nix).  For instance,
+     if you want to "patch" the derivation returned by a package
+     function in Nixpkgs to build another version than what the
+     function itself provides, you can do something like this:
+       mySed = overrideDerivation pkgs.gnused (oldAttrs: {
+         name = "sed-4.2.2-pre";
+         src = fetchurl {
+           url = ftp://alpha.gnu.org/gnu/sed/sed-4.2.2-pre.tar.bz2;
+           sha256 = "11nq06d131y4wmf3drm0yk502d2xc6n5qy82cg88rb9nqd2lj41k";
+         };
+         patches = [];
+       });
+     For another application, see build-support/vm, where this
+     function is used to build arbitrary derivations inside a QEMU
+     virtual machine.
+  */
+  overrideDerivation = drv: f:
+    let
+      newDrv = derivation (drv.drvAttrs // (f drv));
+    in lib.flip (extendDerivation true) newDrv (
+      { meta = drv.meta or {};
+        passthru = if drv ? passthru then drv.passthru else {};
+      }
+      //
+      (drv.passthru or {})
+      //
+      (if (drv ? crossDrv && drv ? nativeDrv)
+       then {
+         crossDrv = overrideDerivation drv.crossDrv f;
+         nativeDrv = overrideDerivation drv.nativeDrv f;
+       }
+       else { }));
+  /* `makeOverridable` takes a function from attribute set to attribute set and
+     injects `override` attribute which can be used to override arguments of
+     the function.
+       nix-repl> x = {a, b}: { result = a + b; }
+       nix-repl> y = lib.makeOverridable x { a = 1; b = 2; }
+       nix-repl> y
+       { override = «lambda»; overrideDerivation = «lambda»; result = 3; }
+       nix-repl> y.override { a = 10; }
+       { override = «lambda»; overrideDerivation = «lambda»; result = 12; }
+     Please refer to "Nixpkgs Contributors Guide" section
+     "<pkg>.overrideDerivation" to learn about `overrideDerivation` and caveats
+     related to its use.
+  */
+  makeOverridable = f: origArgs:
+    let
+      result = f origArgs;
+      # Creates a functor with the same arguments as f
+      copyArgs = g: lib.setFunctionArgs g (lib.functionArgs f);
+      # Changes the original arguments with (potentially a function that returns) a set of new attributes
+      overrideWith = newArgs: origArgs // (if lib.isFunction newArgs then newArgs origArgs else newArgs);
+      # Re-call the function but with different arguments
+      overrideArgs = copyArgs (newArgs: makeOverridable f (overrideWith newArgs));
+      # Change the result of the function call by applying g to it
+      overrideResult = g: makeOverridable (copyArgs (args: g (f args))) origArgs;
+    in
+      if builtins.isAttrs result then
+        result // {
+          override = overrideArgs;
+          overrideDerivation = fdrv: overrideResult (x: overrideDerivation x fdrv);
+          ${if result ? overrideAttrs then "overrideAttrs" else null} = fdrv:
+            overrideResult (x: x.overrideAttrs fdrv);
+        }
+      else if lib.isFunction result then
+        # Transform the result into a functor while propagating its arguments
+        lib.setFunctionArgs result (lib.functionArgs result) // {
+          override = overrideArgs;
+        }
+      else result;
+  /* Call the package function in the file `fn' with the required
+    arguments automatically.  The function is called with the
+    arguments `args', but any missing arguments are obtained from
+    `autoArgs'.  This function is intended to be partially
+    parameterised, e.g.,
+      callPackage = callPackageWith pkgs;
+      pkgs = {
+        libfoo = callPackage ./foo.nix { };
+        libbar = callPackage ./bar.nix { };
+      };
+    If the `libbar' function expects an argument named `libfoo', it is
+    automatically passed as an argument.  Overrides or missing
+    arguments can be supplied in `args', e.g.
+      libbar = callPackage ./bar.nix {
+        libfoo = null;
+        enableX11 = true;
+      };
+  */
+  callPackageWith = autoArgs: fn: args:
+    let
+      f = if lib.isFunction fn then fn else import fn;
+      auto = builtins.intersectAttrs (lib.functionArgs f) autoArgs;
+    in makeOverridable f (auto // args);
+  /* Like callPackage, but for a function that returns an attribute
+     set of derivations. The override function is added to the
+     individual attributes. */
+  callPackagesWith = autoArgs: fn: args:
+    let
+      f = if lib.isFunction fn then fn else import fn;
+      auto = builtins.intersectAttrs (lib.functionArgs f) autoArgs;
+      origArgs = auto // args;
+      pkgs = f origArgs;
+      mkAttrOverridable = name: _: makeOverridable (newArgs: (f newArgs).${name}) origArgs;
+    in
+      if lib.isDerivation pkgs then throw
+        ("function `callPackages` was called on a *single* derivation "
+          + ''"${pkgs.name or "<unknown-name>"}";''
+          + " did you mean to use `callPackage` instead?")
+      else lib.mapAttrs mkAttrOverridable pkgs;
+  /* Add attributes to each output of a derivation without changing
+     the derivation itself and check a given condition when evaluating. */
+  extendDerivation = condition: passthru: drv:
+    let
+      outputs = drv.outputs or [ "out" ];
+      commonAttrs = drv // (builtins.listToAttrs outputsList) //
+        ({ all = map (x: x.value) outputsList; }) // passthru;
+      outputToAttrListElement = outputName:
+        { name = outputName;
+          value = commonAttrs // {
+            inherit (drv.${outputName}) type outputName;
+            drvPath = assert condition; drv.${outputName}.drvPath;
+            outPath = assert condition; drv.${outputName}.outPath;
+          };
+        };
+      outputsList = map outputToAttrListElement outputs;
+    in commonAttrs // {
+      outputUnspecified = true;
+      drvPath = assert condition; drv.drvPath;
+      outPath = assert condition; drv.outPath;
+    };
+  /* Strip a derivation of all non-essential attributes, returning
+     only those needed by hydra-eval-jobs. Also strictly evaluate the
+     result to ensure that there are no thunks kept alive to prevent
+     garbage collection. */
+  hydraJob = drv:
+    let
+      outputs = drv.outputs or ["out"];
+      commonAttrs =
+        { inherit (drv) name system meta; inherit outputs; }
+        // lib.optionalAttrs (drv._hydraAggregate or false) {
+          _hydraAggregate = true;
+          constituents = map hydraJob (lib.flatten drv.constituents);
+        }
+        // (lib.listToAttrs outputsList);
+      makeOutput = outputName:
+        let output = drv.${outputName}; in
+        { name = outputName;
+          value = commonAttrs // {
+            outPath = output.outPath;
+            drvPath = output.drvPath;
+            type = "derivation";
+            inherit outputName;
+          };
+        };
+      outputsList = map makeOutput outputs;
+      drv' = (lib.head outputsList).value;
+    in lib.deepSeq drv' drv';
+  /* Make a set of packages with a common scope. All packages called
+     with the provided `callPackage' will be evaluated with the same
+     arguments. Any package in the set may depend on any other. The
+     `overrideScope'` function allows subsequent modification of the package
+     set in a consistent way, i.e. all packages in the set will be
+     called with the overridden packages. The package sets may be
+     hierarchical: the packages in the set are called with the scope
+     provided by `newScope' and the set provides a `newScope' attribute
+     which can form the parent scope for later package sets. */
+  makeScope = newScope: f:
+    let self = f self // {
+          newScope = scope: newScope (self // scope);
+          callPackage = self.newScope {};
+          overrideScope = g: lib.warn
+            "`overrideScope` (from `lib.makeScope`) is deprecated. Do `overrideScope' (self: super: { … })` instead of `overrideScope (super: self: { … })`. All other overrides have the parameters in that order, including other definitions of `overrideScope`. This was the only definition violating the pattern."
+            (makeScope newScope (lib.fixedPoints.extends (lib.flip g) f));
+          overrideScope' = g: makeScope newScope (lib.fixedPoints.extends g f);
+          packages = f;
+        };
+    in self;
+  /* Like the above, but aims to support cross compilation. It's still ugly, but
+     hopefully it helps a little bit. */
+  makeScopeWithSplicing = splicePackages: newScope: otherSplices: keep: extra: f:
+    let
+      spliced0 = splicePackages {
+        pkgsBuildBuild = otherSplices.selfBuildBuild;
+        pkgsBuildHost = otherSplices.selfBuildHost;
+        pkgsBuildTarget = otherSplices.selfBuildTarget;
+        pkgsHostHost = otherSplices.selfHostHost;
+        pkgsHostTarget = self; # Not `otherSplices.selfHostTarget`;
+        pkgsTargetTarget = otherSplices.selfTargetTarget;
+      };
+      spliced = extra spliced0 // spliced0 // keep self;
+      self = f self // {
+        newScope = scope: newScope (spliced // scope);
+        callPackage = newScope spliced; # == self.newScope {};
+        # N.B. the other stages of the package set spliced in are *not*
+        # overridden.
+        overrideScope = g: makeScopeWithSplicing
+          splicePackages
+          newScope
+          otherSplices
+          keep
+          extra
+          (lib.fixedPoints.extends g f);
+        packages = f;
+      };
+    in self;
diff --git a/nixpkgs/lib/debug.nix b/nixpkgs/lib/debug.nix
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..e3ca3352397e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/nixpkgs/lib/debug.nix
@@ -0,0 +1,291 @@
+/* Collection of functions useful for debugging
+   broken nix expressions.
+   * `trace`-like functions take two values, print
+     the first to stderr and return the second.
+   * `traceVal`-like functions take one argument
+     which both printed and returned.
+   * `traceSeq`-like functions fully evaluate their
+     traced value before printing (not just to “weak
+     head normal form” like trace does by default).
+   * Functions that end in `-Fn` take an additional
+     function as their first argument, which is applied
+     to the traced value before it is printed.
+{ lib }:
+  inherit (lib)
+    isInt
+    attrNames
+    isList
+    isAttrs
+    substring
+    addErrorContext
+    attrValues
+    concatLists
+    concatStringsSep
+    const
+    elem
+    generators
+    head
+    id
+    isDerivation
+    isFunction
+    mapAttrs
+    trace;
+rec {
+  # -- TRACING --
+  /* Conditionally trace the supplied message, based on a predicate.
+     Type: traceIf :: bool -> string -> a -> a
+     Example:
+       traceIf true "hello" 3
+       trace: hello
+       => 3
+  */
+  traceIf =
+    # Predicate to check
+    pred:
+    # Message that should be traced
+    msg:
+    # Value to return
+    x: if pred then trace msg x else x;
+  /* Trace the supplied value after applying a function to it, and
+     return the original value.
+     Type: traceValFn :: (a -> b) -> a -> a
+     Example:
+       traceValFn (v: "mystring ${v}") "foo"
+       trace: mystring foo
+       => "foo"
+  */
+  traceValFn =
+    # Function to apply
+    f:
+    # Value to trace and return
+    x: trace (f x) x;
+  /* Trace the supplied value and return it.
+     Type: traceVal :: a -> a
+     Example:
+       traceVal 42
+       # trace: 42
+       => 42
+  */
+  traceVal = traceValFn id;
+  /* `builtins.trace`, but the value is `builtins.deepSeq`ed first.
+     Type: traceSeq :: a -> b -> b
+     Example:
+       trace { a.b.c = 3; } null
+       trace: { a = <CODE>; }
+       => null
+       traceSeq { a.b.c = 3; } null
+       trace: { a = { b = { c = 3; }; }; }
+       => null
+  */
+  traceSeq =
+    # The value to trace
+    x:
+    # The value to return
+    y: trace (builtins.deepSeq x x) y;
+  /* Like `traceSeq`, but only evaluate down to depth n.
+     This is very useful because lots of `traceSeq` usages
+     lead to an infinite recursion.
+     Example:
+       traceSeqN 2 { a.b.c = 3; } null
+       trace: { a = { b = {…}; }; }
+       => null
+   */
+  traceSeqN = depth: x: y:
+    let snip = v: if      isList  v then noQuotes "[…]" v
+                  else if isAttrs v then noQuotes "{…}" v
+                  else v;
+        noQuotes = str: v: { __pretty = const str; val = v; };
+        modify = n: fn: v: if (n == 0) then fn v
+                      else if isList  v then map (modify (n - 1) fn) v
+                      else if isAttrs v then mapAttrs
+                        (const (modify (n - 1) fn)) v
+                      else v;
+    in trace (generators.toPretty { allowPrettyValues = true; }
+               (modify depth snip x)) y;
+  /* A combination of `traceVal` and `traceSeq` that applies a
+     provided function to the value to be traced after `deepSeq`ing
+     it.
+  */
+  traceValSeqFn =
+    # Function to apply
+    f:
+    # Value to trace
+    v: traceValFn f (builtins.deepSeq v v);
+  /* A combination of `traceVal` and `traceSeq`. */
+  traceValSeq = traceValSeqFn id;
+  /* A combination of `traceVal` and `traceSeqN` that applies a
+  provided function to the value to be traced. */
+  traceValSeqNFn =
+    # Function to apply
+    f:
+    depth:
+    # Value to trace
+    v: traceSeqN depth (f v) v;
+  /* A combination of `traceVal` and `traceSeqN`. */
+  traceValSeqN = traceValSeqNFn id;
+  /* Trace the input and output of a function `f` named `name`,
+  both down to `depth`.
+  This is useful for adding around a function call,
+  to see the before/after of values as they are transformed.
+     Example:
+       traceFnSeqN 2 "id" (x: x) { a.b.c = 3; }
+       trace: { fn = "id"; from = { a.b = {…}; }; to = { a.b = {…}; }; }
+       => { a.b.c = 3; }
+  */
+  traceFnSeqN = depth: name: f: v:
+    let res = f v;
+    in lib.traceSeqN
+        (depth + 1)
+        {
+          fn = name;
+          from = v;
+          to = res;
+        }
+        res;
+  # -- TESTING --
+  /* Evaluate a set of tests.  A test is an attribute set `{expr,
+     expected}`, denoting an expression and its expected result.  The
+     result is a list of failed tests, each represented as `{name,
+     expected, actual}`, denoting the attribute name of the failing
+     test and its expected and actual results.
+     Used for regression testing of the functions in lib; see
+     tests.nix for an example. Only tests having names starting with
+     "test" are run.
+     Add attr { tests = ["testName"]; } to run these tests only.
+  */
+  runTests =
+    # Tests to run
+    tests: concatLists (attrValues (mapAttrs (name: test:
+    let testsToRun = if tests ? tests then tests.tests else [];
+    in if (substring 0 4 name == "test" ||  elem name testsToRun)
+       && ((testsToRun == []) || elem name tests.tests)
+       && (test.expr != test.expected)
+      then [ { inherit name; expected = test.expected; result = test.expr; } ]
+      else [] ) tests));
+  /* Create a test assuming that list elements are `true`.
+     Example:
+       { testX = allTrue [ true ]; }
+  */
+  testAllTrue = expr: { inherit expr; expected = map (x: true) expr; };
+  # -- DEPRECATED --
+  traceShowVal = x: trace (showVal x) x;
+  traceShowValMarked = str: x: trace (str + showVal x) x;
+  attrNamesToStr = a:
+    trace ( "Warning: `attrNamesToStr` is deprecated "
+          + "and will be removed in the next release. "
+          + "Please use more specific concatenation "
+          + "for your uses (`lib.concat(Map)StringsSep`)." )
+    (concatStringsSep "; " (map (x: "${x}=") (attrNames a)));
+  showVal =
+    trace ( "Warning: `showVal` is deprecated "
+          + "and will be removed in the next release, "
+          + "please use `traceSeqN`" )
+    (let
+      modify = v:
+        let pr = f: { __pretty = f; val = v; };
+        in   if isDerivation v then pr
+          (drv: "<δ:${drv.name}:${concatStringsSep ","
+                                 (attrNames drv)}>")
+        else if [] ==   v then pr (const "[]")
+        else if isList  v then pr (l: "[ ${go (head l)}, … ]")
+        else if isAttrs v then pr
+          (a: "{ ${ concatStringsSep ", " (attrNames a)} }")
+        else v;
+      go = x: generators.toPretty
+        { allowPrettyValues = true; }
+        (modify x);
+    in go);
+  traceXMLVal = x:
+    trace ( "Warning: `traceXMLVal` is deprecated "
+          + "and will be removed in the next release. "
+          + "Please use `traceValFn builtins.toXML`." )
+    (trace (builtins.toXML x) x);
+  traceXMLValMarked = str: x:
+    trace ( "Warning: `traceXMLValMarked` is deprecated "
+          + "and will be removed in the next release. "
+          + "Please use `traceValFn (x: str + builtins.toXML x)`." )
+    (trace (str + builtins.toXML x) x);
+  # trace the arguments passed to function and its result
+  # maybe rewrite these functions in a traceCallXml like style. Then one function is enough
+  traceCall  = n: f: a: let t = n2: x: traceShowValMarked "${n} ${n2}:" x; in t "result" (f (t "arg 1" a));
+  traceCall2 = n: f: a: b: let t = n2: x: traceShowValMarked "${n} ${n2}:" x; in t "result" (f (t "arg 1" a) (t "arg 2" b));
+  traceCall3 = n: f: a: b: c: let t = n2: x: traceShowValMarked "${n} ${n2}:" x; in t "result" (f (t "arg 1" a) (t "arg 2" b) (t "arg 3" c));
+  traceValIfNot = c: x:
+    trace ( "Warning: `traceValIfNot` is deprecated "
+          + "and will be removed in the next release. "
+          + "Please use `if/then/else` and `traceValSeq 1`.")
+    (if c x then true else traceSeq (showVal x) false);
+  addErrorContextToAttrs = attrs:
+    trace ( "Warning: `addErrorContextToAttrs` is deprecated "
+          + "and will be removed in the next release. "
+          + "Please use `builtins.addErrorContext` directly." )
+    (mapAttrs (a: v: addErrorContext "while evaluating ${a}" v) attrs);
+  # example: (traceCallXml "myfun" id 3) will output something like
+  # calling myfun arg 1: 3 result: 3
+  # this forces deep evaluation of all arguments and the result!
+  # note: if result doesn't evaluate you'll get no trace at all (FIXME)
+  #       args should be printed in any case
+  traceCallXml = a:
+    trace ( "Warning: `traceCallXml` is deprecated "
+          + "and will be removed in the next release. "
+          + "Please complain if you use the function regularly." )
+    (if !isInt a then
+      traceCallXml 1 "calling ${a}\n"
+    else
+      let nr = a;
+      in (str: expr:
+          if isFunction expr then
+            (arg:
+              traceCallXml (builtins.add 1 nr) "${str}\n arg ${builtins.toString nr} is \n ${builtins.toXML (builtins.seq arg arg)}" (expr arg)
+            )
+          else
+            let r = builtins.seq expr expr;
+            in trace "${str}\n result:\n${builtins.toXML r}" r
+      ));
diff --git a/nixpkgs/lib/default.nix b/nixpkgs/lib/default.nix
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..ccfee2ebe303
--- /dev/null
+++ b/nixpkgs/lib/default.nix
@@ -0,0 +1,150 @@
+/* Library of low-level helper functions for nix expressions.
+ *
+ * Please implement (mostly) exhaustive unit tests
+ * for new functions in `./tests.nix'.
+ */
+  inherit (import ./fixed-points.nix { inherit lib; }) makeExtensible;
+  lib = makeExtensible (self: let
+    callLibs = file: import file { lib = self; };
+  in {
+    # often used, or depending on very little
+    trivial = callLibs ./trivial.nix;
+    fixedPoints = callLibs ./fixed-points.nix;
+    # datatypes
+    attrsets = callLibs ./attrsets.nix;
+    lists = callLibs ./lists.nix;
+    strings = callLibs ./strings.nix;
+    stringsWithDeps = callLibs ./strings-with-deps.nix;
+    # packaging
+    customisation = callLibs ./customisation.nix;
+    maintainers = import ../maintainers/maintainer-list.nix;
+    teams = callLibs ../maintainers/team-list.nix;
+    meta = callLibs ./meta.nix;
+    sources = callLibs ./sources.nix;
+    versions = callLibs ./versions.nix;
+    # module system
+    modules = callLibs ./modules.nix;
+    options = callLibs ./options.nix;
+    types = callLibs ./types.nix;
+    # constants
+    licenses = callLibs ./licenses.nix;
+    systems = callLibs ./systems;
+    # serialization
+    cli = callLibs ./cli.nix;
+    generators = callLibs ./generators.nix;
+    # misc
+    asserts = callLibs ./asserts.nix;
+    debug = callLibs ./debug.nix;
+    misc = callLibs ./deprecated.nix;
+    # domain-specific
+    fetchers = callLibs ./fetchers.nix;
+    # Eval-time filesystem handling
+    filesystem = callLibs ./filesystem.nix;
+    # back-compat aliases
+    platforms = self.systems.doubles;
+    # linux kernel configuration
+    kernel = callLibs ./kernel.nix;
+    inherit (builtins) add addErrorContext attrNames concatLists
+      deepSeq elem elemAt filter genericClosure genList getAttr
+      hasAttr head isAttrs isBool isInt isList isString length
+      lessThan listToAttrs pathExists readFile replaceStrings seq
+      stringLength sub substring tail trace;
+    inherit (self.trivial) id const pipe concat or and bitAnd bitOr bitXor
+      bitNot boolToString mergeAttrs flip mapNullable inNixShell isFloat min max
+      importJSON importTOML warn warnIf info showWarnings nixpkgsVersion version
+      mod compare splitByAndCompare functionArgs setFunctionArgs isFunction
+      toHexString toBaseDigits;
+    inherit (self.fixedPoints) fix fix' converge extends composeExtensions
+      composeManyExtensions makeExtensible makeExtensibleWithCustomName;
+    inherit (self.attrsets) attrByPath hasAttrByPath setAttrByPath
+      getAttrFromPath attrVals attrValues getAttrs catAttrs filterAttrs
+      filterAttrsRecursive foldAttrs collect nameValuePair mapAttrs
+      mapAttrs' mapAttrsToList mapAttrsRecursive mapAttrsRecursiveCond
+      genAttrs isDerivation toDerivation optionalAttrs
+      zipAttrsWithNames zipAttrsWith zipAttrs recursiveUpdateUntil
+      recursiveUpdate matchAttrs overrideExisting getOutput getBin
+      getLib getDev getMan chooseDevOutputs zipWithNames zip
+      recurseIntoAttrs dontRecurseIntoAttrs cartesianProductOfSets;
+    inherit (self.lists) singleton forEach foldr fold foldl foldl' imap0 imap1
+      concatMap flatten remove findSingle findFirst any all count
+      optional optionals toList range partition zipListsWith zipLists
+      reverseList listDfs toposort sort naturalSort compareLists take
+      drop sublist last init crossLists unique intersectLists
+      subtractLists mutuallyExclusive groupBy groupBy';
+    inherit (self.strings) concatStrings concatMapStrings concatImapStrings
+      intersperse concatStringsSep concatMapStringsSep
+      concatImapStringsSep makeSearchPath makeSearchPathOutput
+      makeLibraryPath makeBinPath optionalString
+      hasInfix hasPrefix hasSuffix stringToCharacters stringAsChars escape
+      escapeShellArg escapeShellArgs replaceChars lowerChars
+      upperChars toLower toUpper addContextFrom splitString
+      removePrefix removeSuffix versionOlder versionAtLeast
+      getName getVersion
+      nameFromURL enableFeature enableFeatureAs withFeature
+      withFeatureAs fixedWidthString fixedWidthNumber isStorePath
+      toInt readPathsFromFile fileContents;
+    inherit (self.stringsWithDeps) textClosureList textClosureMap
+      noDepEntry fullDepEntry packEntry stringAfter;
+    inherit (self.customisation) overrideDerivation makeOverridable
+      callPackageWith callPackagesWith extendDerivation hydraJob
+      makeScope makeScopeWithSplicing;
+    inherit (self.meta) addMetaAttrs dontDistribute setName updateName
+      appendToName mapDerivationAttrset setPrio lowPrio lowPrioSet hiPrio
+      hiPrioSet;
+    inherit (self.sources) pathType pathIsDirectory cleanSourceFilter
+      cleanSource sourceByRegex sourceFilesBySuffices
+      commitIdFromGitRepo cleanSourceWith pathHasContext
+      canCleanSource pathIsRegularFile pathIsGitRepo;
+    inherit (self.modules) evalModules unifyModuleSyntax
+      applyIfFunction mergeModules
+      mergeModules' mergeOptionDecls evalOptionValue mergeDefinitions
+      pushDownProperties dischargeProperties filterOverrides
+      sortProperties fixupOptionType mkIf mkAssert mkMerge mkOverride
+      mkOptionDefault mkDefault mkForce mkVMOverride
+      mkOrder mkBefore mkAfter mkAliasDefinitions
+      mkAliasAndWrapDefinitions fixMergeModules mkRemovedOptionModule
+      mkRenamedOptionModule mkMergedOptionModule mkChangedOptionModule
+      mkAliasOptionModule doRename;
+    inherit (self.options) isOption mkEnableOption mkSinkUndeclaredOptions
+      mergeDefaultOption mergeOneOption mergeEqualOption getValues
+      getFiles optionAttrSetToDocList optionAttrSetToDocList'
+      scrubOptionValue literalExample showOption showFiles
+      unknownModule mkOption;
+    inherit (self.types) isType setType defaultTypeMerge defaultFunctor
+      isOptionType mkOptionType;
+    inherit (self.asserts)
+      assertMsg assertOneOf;
+    inherit (self.debug) addErrorContextToAttrs traceIf traceVal traceValFn
+      traceXMLVal traceXMLValMarked traceSeq traceSeqN traceValSeq
+      traceValSeqFn traceValSeqN traceValSeqNFn traceFnSeqN traceShowVal
+      traceShowValMarked showVal traceCall traceCall2 traceCall3
+      traceValIfNot runTests testAllTrue traceCallXml attrNamesToStr;
+    inherit (self.misc) maybeEnv defaultMergeArg defaultMerge foldArgs
+      maybeAttrNullable maybeAttr ifEnable checkFlag getValue
+      checkReqs uniqList uniqListExt condConcat lazyGenericClosure
+      innerModifySumArgs modifySumArgs innerClosePropagation
+      closePropagation mapAttrsFlatten nvs setAttr setAttrMerge
+      mergeAttrsWithFunc mergeAttrsConcatenateValues
+      mergeAttrsNoOverride mergeAttrByFunc mergeAttrsByFuncDefaults
+      mergeAttrsByFuncDefaultsClean mergeAttrBy
+      fakeHash fakeSha256 fakeSha512
+      nixType imap;
+    inherit (self.versions)
+      splitVersion;
+  });
+in lib
diff --git a/nixpkgs/lib/deprecated.nix b/nixpkgs/lib/deprecated.nix
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..be0ef904c66d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/nixpkgs/lib/deprecated.nix
@@ -0,0 +1,278 @@
+{ lib }:
+    inherit (builtins) head tail isList isAttrs isInt attrNames;
+with lib.lists;
+with lib.attrsets;
+with lib.strings;
+rec {
+  # returns default if env var is not set
+  maybeEnv = name: default:
+    let value = builtins.getEnv name; in
+    if value == "" then default else value;
+  defaultMergeArg = x : y: if builtins.isAttrs y then
+    y
+  else
+    (y x);
+  defaultMerge = x: y: x // (defaultMergeArg x y);
+  foldArgs = merger: f: init: x:
+    let arg = (merger init (defaultMergeArg init x));
+        # now add the function with composed args already applied to the final attrs
+        base = (setAttrMerge "passthru" {} (f arg)
+                        ( z: z // {
+                            function = foldArgs merger f arg;
+                            args = (lib.attrByPath ["passthru" "args"] {} z) // x;
+                          } ));
+        withStdOverrides = base // {
+          override = base.passthru.function;
+        };
+        in
+          withStdOverrides;
+  # shortcut for attrByPath ["name"] default attrs
+  maybeAttrNullable = maybeAttr;
+  # shortcut for attrByPath ["name"] default attrs
+  maybeAttr = name: default: attrs: attrs.${name} or default;
+  # Return the second argument if the first one is true or the empty version
+  # of the second argument.
+  ifEnable = cond: val:
+    if cond then val
+    else if builtins.isList val then []
+    else if builtins.isAttrs val then {}
+    # else if builtins.isString val then ""
+    else if val == true || val == false then false
+    else null;
+  # Return true only if there is an attribute and it is true.
+  checkFlag = attrSet: name:
+        if name == "true" then true else
+        if name == "false" then false else
+        if (elem name (attrByPath ["flags"] [] attrSet)) then true else
+        attrByPath [name] false attrSet ;
+  # Input : attrSet, [ [name default] ... ], name
+  # Output : its value or default.
+  getValue = attrSet: argList: name:
+  ( attrByPath [name] (if checkFlag attrSet name then true else
+        if argList == [] then null else
+        let x = builtins.head argList; in
+                if (head x) == name then
+                        (head (tail x))
+                else (getValue attrSet
+                        (tail argList) name)) attrSet );
+  # Input : attrSet, [[name default] ...], [ [flagname reqs..] ... ]
+  # Output : are reqs satisfied? It's asserted.
+  checkReqs = attrSet: argList: condList:
+  (
+    fold lib.and true
+      (map (x: let name = (head x); in
+        ((checkFlag attrSet name) ->
+        (fold lib.and true
+        (map (y: let val=(getValue attrSet argList y); in
+                (val!=null) && (val!=false))
+        (tail x))))) condList));
+  # This function has O(n^2) performance.
+  uniqList = { inputList, acc ? [] }:
+    let go = xs: acc:
+             if xs == []
+             then []
+             else let x = head xs;
+                      y = if elem x acc then [] else [x];
+                  in y ++ go (tail xs) (y ++ acc);
+    in go inputList acc;
+  uniqListExt = { inputList,
+                  outputList ? [],
+                  getter ? (x: x),
+                  compare ? (x: y: x==y) }:
+        if inputList == [] then outputList else
+        let x = head inputList;
+            isX = y: (compare (getter y) (getter x));
+            newOutputList = outputList ++
+                (if any isX outputList then [] else [x]);
+        in uniqListExt { outputList = newOutputList;
+                         inputList = (tail inputList);
+                         inherit getter compare;
+                       };
+  condConcat = name: list: checker:
+        if list == [] then name else
+        if checker (head list) then
+                condConcat
+                        (name + (head (tail list)))
+                        (tail (tail list))
+                        checker
+        else condConcat
+                name (tail (tail list)) checker;
+  lazyGenericClosure = {startSet, operator}:
+    let
+      work = list: doneKeys: result:
+        if list == [] then
+          result
+        else
+          let x = head list; key = x.key; in
+          if elem key doneKeys then
+            work (tail list) doneKeys result
+          else
+            work (tail list ++ operator x) ([key] ++ doneKeys) ([x] ++ result);
+    in
+      work startSet [] [];
+  innerModifySumArgs = f: x: a: b: if b == null then (f a b) // x else
+        innerModifySumArgs f x (a // b);
+  modifySumArgs = f: x: innerModifySumArgs f x {};
+  innerClosePropagation = acc: xs:
+    if xs == []
+    then acc
+    else let y  = head xs;
+             ys = tail xs;
+         in if ! isAttrs y
+            then innerClosePropagation acc ys
+            else let acc' = [y] ++ acc;
+                 in innerClosePropagation
+                      acc'
+                      (uniqList { inputList = (maybeAttrNullable "propagatedBuildInputs" [] y)
+                                           ++ (maybeAttrNullable "propagatedNativeBuildInputs" [] y)
+                                           ++ ys;
+                                  acc = acc';
+                                }
+                      );
+  closePropagation = list: (uniqList {inputList = (innerClosePropagation [] list);});
+  # calls a function (f attr value ) for each record item. returns a list
+  mapAttrsFlatten = f: r: map (attr: f attr r.${attr}) (attrNames r);
+  # attribute set containing one attribute
+  nvs = name: value: listToAttrs [ (nameValuePair name value) ];
+  # adds / replaces an attribute of an attribute set
+  setAttr = set: name: v: set // (nvs name v);
+  # setAttrMerge (similar to mergeAttrsWithFunc but only merges the values of a particular name)
+  # setAttrMerge "a" [] { a = [2];} (x: x ++ [3]) -> { a = [2 3]; }
+  # setAttrMerge "a" [] {         } (x: x ++ [3]) -> { a = [  3]; }
+  setAttrMerge = name: default: attrs: f:
+    setAttr attrs name (f (maybeAttr name default attrs));
+  # Using f = a: b = b the result is similar to //
+  # merge attributes with custom function handling the case that the attribute
+  # exists in both sets
+  mergeAttrsWithFunc = f: set1: set2:
+    fold (n: set: if set ? ${n}
+                        then setAttr set n (f set.${n} set2.${n})
+                        else set )
+           (set2 // set1) (attrNames set2);
+  # merging two attribute set concatenating the values of same attribute names
+  # eg { a = 7; } {  a = [ 2 3 ]; } becomes { a = [ 7 2 3 ]; }
+  mergeAttrsConcatenateValues = mergeAttrsWithFunc ( a: b: (toList a) ++ (toList b) );
+  # merges attributes using //, if a name exists in both attributes
+  # an error will be triggered unless its listed in mergeLists
+  # so you can mergeAttrsNoOverride { buildInputs = [a]; } { buildInputs = [a]; } {} to get
+  # { buildInputs = [a b]; }
+  # merging buildPhase doesn't really make sense. The cases will be rare where appending /prefixing will fit your needs?
+  # in these cases the first buildPhase will override the second one
+  # ! deprecated, use mergeAttrByFunc instead
+  mergeAttrsNoOverride = { mergeLists ? ["buildInputs" "propagatedBuildInputs"],
+                           overrideSnd ? [ "buildPhase" ]
+                         }: attrs1: attrs2:
+    fold (n: set:
+        setAttr set n ( if set ? ${n}
+            then # merge
+              if elem n mergeLists # attribute contains list, merge them by concatenating
+                then attrs2.${n} ++ attrs1.${n}
+              else if elem n overrideSnd
+                then attrs1.${n}
+              else throw "error mergeAttrsNoOverride, attribute ${n} given in both attributes - no merge func defined"
+            else attrs2.${n} # add attribute not existing in attr1
+           )) attrs1 (attrNames attrs2);
+  # example usage:
+  # mergeAttrByFunc  {
+  #   inherit mergeAttrBy; # defined below
+  #   buildInputs = [ a b ];
+  # } {
+  #  buildInputs = [ c d ];
+  # };
+  # will result in
+  # { mergeAttrsBy = [...]; buildInputs = [ a b c d ]; }
+  # is used by defaultOverridableDelayableArgs and can be used when composing using
+  # foldArgs, composedArgsAndFun or applyAndFun. Example: composableDerivation in all-packages.nix
+  mergeAttrByFunc = x: y:
+    let
+          mergeAttrBy2 = { mergeAttrBy = lib.mergeAttrs; }
+                      // (maybeAttr "mergeAttrBy" {} x)
+                      // (maybeAttr "mergeAttrBy" {} y); in
+    fold lib.mergeAttrs {} [
+      x y
+      (mapAttrs ( a: v: # merge special names using given functions
+          if x ? ${a}
+             then if y ? ${a}
+               then v x.${a} y.${a} # both have attr, use merge func
+               else x.${a} # only x has attr
+             else y.${a} # only y has attr)
+          ) (removeAttrs mergeAttrBy2
+                         # don't merge attrs which are neither in x nor y
+                         (filter (a: ! x ? ${a} && ! y ? ${a})
+                                 (attrNames mergeAttrBy2))
+            )
+      )
+    ];
+  mergeAttrsByFuncDefaults = foldl mergeAttrByFunc { inherit mergeAttrBy; };
+  mergeAttrsByFuncDefaultsClean = list: removeAttrs (mergeAttrsByFuncDefaults list) ["mergeAttrBy"];
+  # sane defaults (same name as attr name so that inherit can be used)
+  mergeAttrBy = # { buildInputs = concatList; [...]; passthru = mergeAttr; [..]; }
+    listToAttrs (map (n: nameValuePair n lib.concat)
+      [ "nativeBuildInputs" "buildInputs" "propagatedBuildInputs" "configureFlags" "prePhases" "postAll" "patches" ])
+    // listToAttrs (map (n: nameValuePair n lib.mergeAttrs) [ "passthru" "meta" "cfg" "flags" ])
+    // listToAttrs (map (n: nameValuePair n (a: b: "${a}\n${b}") ) [ "preConfigure" "postInstall" ])
+  ;
+  nixType = x:
+      if isAttrs x then
+          if x ? outPath then "derivation"
+          else "attrs"
+      else if lib.isFunction x then "function"
+      else if isList x then "list"
+      else if x == true then "bool"
+      else if x == false then "bool"
+      else if x == null then "null"
+      else if isInt x then "int"
+      else "string";
+  /* deprecated:
+     For historical reasons, imap has an index starting at 1.
+     But for consistency with the rest of the library we want an index
+     starting at zero.
+  */
+  imap = imap1;
+  # Fake hashes. Can be used as hash placeholders, when computing hash ahead isn't trivial
+  fakeSha256 = "0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000";
+  fakeSha512 = "00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000";
diff --git a/nixpkgs/lib/fetchers.nix b/nixpkgs/lib/fetchers.nix
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..1107353b51dd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/nixpkgs/lib/fetchers.nix
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+# snippets that can be shared by multiple fetchers (pkgs/build-support)
+{ lib }:
+  proxyImpureEnvVars = [
+    # We borrow these environment variables from the caller to allow
+    # easy proxy configuration.  This is impure, but a fixed-output
+    # derivation like fetchurl is allowed to do so since its result is
+    # by definition pure.
+    "http_proxy" "https_proxy" "ftp_proxy" "all_proxy" "no_proxy"
+  ];
diff --git a/nixpkgs/lib/filesystem.nix b/nixpkgs/lib/filesystem.nix
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..0a1275e547cf
--- /dev/null
+++ b/nixpkgs/lib/filesystem.nix
@@ -0,0 +1,57 @@
+{ lib }:
+{ # haskellPathsInDir : Path -> Map String Path
+  # A map of all haskell packages defined in the given path,
+  # identified by having a cabal file with the same name as the
+  # directory itself.
+  haskellPathsInDir = root:
+    let # Files in the root
+        root-files = builtins.attrNames (builtins.readDir root);
+        # Files with their full paths
+        root-files-with-paths =
+          map (file:
+            { name = file; value = root + "/${file}"; }
+          ) root-files;
+        # Subdirectories of the root with a cabal file.
+        cabal-subdirs =
+          builtins.filter ({ name, value }:
+            builtins.pathExists (value + "/${name}.cabal")
+          ) root-files-with-paths;
+    in builtins.listToAttrs cabal-subdirs;
+  # locateDominatingFile :  RegExp
+  #                      -> Path
+  #                      -> Nullable { path : Path;
+  #                                    matches : [ MatchResults ];
+  #                                  }
+  # Find the first directory containing a file matching 'pattern'
+  # upward from a given 'file'.
+  # Returns 'null' if no directories contain a file matching 'pattern'.
+  locateDominatingFile = pattern: file:
+    let go = path:
+          let files = builtins.attrNames (builtins.readDir path);
+              matches = builtins.filter (match: match != null)
+                          (map (builtins.match pattern) files);
+          in
+            if builtins.length matches != 0
+              then { inherit path matches; }
+              else if path == /.
+                then null
+                else go (dirOf path);
+        parent = dirOf file;
+        isDir =
+          let base = baseNameOf file;
+              type = (builtins.readDir parent).${base} or null;
+          in file == /. || type == "directory";
+    in go (if isDir then file else parent);
+  # listFilesRecursive: Path -> [ Path ]
+  #
+  # Given a directory, return a flattened list of all files within it recursively.
+  listFilesRecursive = dir: lib.flatten (lib.mapAttrsToList (name: type:
+    if type == "directory" then
+      lib.filesystem.listFilesRecursive (dir + "/${name}")
+    else
+      dir + "/${name}"
+  ) (builtins.readDir dir));
diff --git a/nixpkgs/lib/fixed-points.nix b/nixpkgs/lib/fixed-points.nix
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..f998bc74e1db
--- /dev/null
+++ b/nixpkgs/lib/fixed-points.nix
@@ -0,0 +1,113 @@
+{ lib, ... }:
+rec {
+  # Compute the fixed point of the given function `f`, which is usually an
+  # attribute set that expects its final, non-recursive representation as an
+  # argument:
+  #
+  #     f = self: { foo = "foo"; bar = "bar"; foobar = self.foo + self.bar; }
+  #
+  # Nix evaluates this recursion until all references to `self` have been
+  # resolved. At that point, the final result is returned and `f x = x` holds:
+  #
+  #     nix-repl> fix f
+  #     { bar = "bar"; foo = "foo"; foobar = "foobar"; }
+  #
+  #  Type: fix :: (a -> a) -> a
+  #
+  # See https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fixed-point_combinator for further
+  # details.
+  fix = f: let x = f x; in x;
+  # A variant of `fix` that records the original recursive attribute set in the
+  # result. This is useful in combination with the `extends` function to
+  # implement deep overriding. See pkgs/development/haskell-modules/default.nix
+  # for a concrete example.
+  fix' = f: let x = f x // { __unfix__ = f; }; in x;
+  # Return the fixpoint that `f` converges to when called recursively, starting
+  # with the input `x`.
+  #
+  #     nix-repl> converge (x: x / 2) 16
+  #     0
+  converge = f: x:
+    let
+      x' = f x;
+    in
+      if x' == x
+      then x
+      else converge f x';
+  # Modify the contents of an explicitly recursive attribute set in a way that
+  # honors `self`-references. This is accomplished with a function
+  #
+  #     g = self: super: { foo = super.foo + " + "; }
+  #
+  # that has access to the unmodified input (`super`) as well as the final
+  # non-recursive representation of the attribute set (`self`). `extends`
+  # differs from the native `//` operator insofar as that it's applied *before*
+  # references to `self` are resolved:
+  #
+  #     nix-repl> fix (extends g f)
+  #     { bar = "bar"; foo = "foo + "; foobar = "foo + bar"; }
+  #
+  # The name of the function is inspired by object-oriented inheritance, i.e.
+  # think of it as an infix operator `g extends f` that mimics the syntax from
+  # Java. It may seem counter-intuitive to have the "base class" as the second
+  # argument, but it's nice this way if several uses of `extends` are cascaded.
+  #
+  # To get a better understanding how `extends` turns a function with a fix
+  # point (the package set we start with) into a new function with a different fix
+  # point (the desired packages set) lets just see, how `extends g f`
+  # unfolds with `g` and `f` defined above:
+  #
+  # extends g f = self: let super = f self; in super // g self super;
+  #             = self: let super = { foo = "foo"; bar = "bar"; foobar = self.foo + self.bar; }; in super // g self super
+  #             = self: { foo = "foo"; bar = "bar"; foobar = self.foo + self.bar; } // g self { foo = "foo"; bar = "bar"; foobar = self.foo + self.bar; }
+  #             = self: { foo = "foo"; bar = "bar"; foobar = self.foo + self.bar; } // { foo = "foo" + " + "; }
+  #             = self: { foo = "foo + "; bar = "bar"; foobar = self.foo + self.bar; }
+  #
+  extends = f: rattrs: self: let super = rattrs self; in super // f self super;
+  # Compose two extending functions of the type expected by 'extends'
+  # into one where changes made in the first are available in the
+  # 'super' of the second
+  composeExtensions =
+    f: g: self: super:
+      let fApplied = f self super;
+          super' = super // fApplied;
+      in fApplied // g self super';
+  # Compose several extending functions of the type expected by 'extends' into
+  # one where changes made in preceding functions are made available to
+  # subsequent ones.
+  #
+  # composeManyExtensions : [packageSet -> packageSet -> packageSet] -> packageSet -> packageSet -> packageSet
+  #                          ^final        ^prev         ^overrides     ^final        ^prev         ^overrides
+  composeManyExtensions =
+    lib.foldr (x: y: composeExtensions x y) (self: super: {});
+  # Create an overridable, recursive attribute set. For example:
+  #
+  #     nix-repl> obj = makeExtensible (self: { })
+  #
+  #     nix-repl> obj
+  #     { __unfix__ = «lambda»; extend = «lambda»; }
+  #
+  #     nix-repl> obj = obj.extend (self: super: { foo = "foo"; })
+  #
+  #     nix-repl> obj
+  #     { __unfix__ = «lambda»; extend = «lambda»; foo = "foo"; }
+  #
+  #     nix-repl> obj = obj.extend (self: super: { foo = super.foo + " + "; bar = "bar"; foobar = self.foo + self.bar; })
+  #
+  #     nix-repl> obj
+  #     { __unfix__ = «lambda»; bar = "bar"; extend = «lambda»; foo = "foo + "; foobar = "foo + bar"; }
+  makeExtensible = makeExtensibleWithCustomName "extend";
+  # Same as `makeExtensible` but the name of the extending attribute is
+  # customized.
+  makeExtensibleWithCustomName = extenderName: rattrs:
+    fix' rattrs // {
+      ${extenderName} = f: makeExtensibleWithCustomName extenderName (extends f rattrs);
+   };
diff --git a/nixpkgs/lib/flake.nix b/nixpkgs/lib/flake.nix
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..f05bd40960a8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/nixpkgs/lib/flake.nix
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
+  description = "Library of low-level helper functions for nix expressions.";
+  outputs = { self }: { lib = import ./lib; };
diff --git a/nixpkgs/lib/generators.nix b/nixpkgs/lib/generators.nix
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..c8144db50ac8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/nixpkgs/lib/generators.nix
@@ -0,0 +1,334 @@
+/* Functions that generate widespread file
+ * formats from nix data structures.
+ *
+ * They all follow a similar interface:
+ * generator { config-attrs } data
+ *
+ * `config-attrs` are “holes” in the generators
+ * with sensible default implementations that
+ * can be overwritten. The default implementations
+ * are mostly generators themselves, called with
+ * their respective default values; they can be reused.
+ *
+ * Tests can be found in ./tests.nix
+ * Documentation in the manual, #sec-generators
+ */
+{ lib }:
+with (lib).trivial;
+  libStr = lib.strings;
+  libAttr = lib.attrsets;
+  inherit (lib) isFunction;
+rec {
+  /* Convert a value to a sensible default string representation.
+   * The builtin `toString` function has some strange defaults,
+   * suitable for bash scripts but not much else.
+   */
+  mkValueStringDefault = {}: v: with builtins;
+    let err = t: v: abort
+          ("generators.mkValueStringDefault: " +
+           "${t} not supported: ${toPretty {} v}");
+    in   if isInt      v then toString v
+    # we default to not quoting strings
+    else if isString   v then v
+    # isString returns "1", which is not a good default
+    else if true  ==   v then "true"
+    # here it returns to "", which is even less of a good default
+    else if false ==   v then "false"
+    else if null  ==   v then "null"
+    # if you have lists you probably want to replace this
+    else if isList     v then err "lists" v
+    # same as for lists, might want to replace
+    else if isAttrs    v then err "attrsets" v
+    # functions can’t be printed of course
+    else if isFunction v then err "functions" v
+    # Floats currently can't be converted to precise strings,
+    # condition warning on nix version once this isn't a problem anymore
+    # See https://github.com/NixOS/nix/pull/3480
+    else if isFloat    v then libStr.floatToString v
+    else err "this value is" (toString v);
+  /* Generate a line of key k and value v, separated by
+   * character sep. If sep appears in k, it is escaped.
+   * Helper for synaxes with different separators.
+   *
+   * mkValueString specifies how values should be formatted.
+   *
+   * mkKeyValueDefault {} ":" "f:oo" "bar"
+   * > "f\:oo:bar"
+   */
+  mkKeyValueDefault = {
+    mkValueString ? mkValueStringDefault {}
+  }: sep: k: v:
+    "${libStr.escape [sep] k}${sep}${mkValueString v}";
+  /* Generate a key-value-style config file from an attrset.
+   *
+   * mkKeyValue is the same as in toINI.
+   */
+  toKeyValue = {
+    mkKeyValue ? mkKeyValueDefault {} "=",
+    listsAsDuplicateKeys ? false
+  }:
+  let mkLine = k: v: mkKeyValue k v + "\n";
+      mkLines = if listsAsDuplicateKeys
+        then k: v: map (mkLine k) (if lib.isList v then v else [v])
+        else k: v: [ (mkLine k v) ];
+  in attrs: libStr.concatStrings (lib.concatLists (libAttr.mapAttrsToList mkLines attrs));
+  /* Generate an INI-style config file from an
+   * attrset of sections to an attrset of key-value pairs.
+   *
+   * generators.toINI {} {
+   *   foo = { hi = "${pkgs.hello}"; ciao = "bar"; };
+   *   baz = { "also, integers" = 42; };
+   * }
+   *
+   *> [baz]
+   *> also, integers=42
+   *>
+   *> [foo]
+   *> ciao=bar
+   *> hi=/nix/store/y93qql1p5ggfnaqjjqhxcw0vqw95rlz0-hello-2.10
+   *
+   * The mk* configuration attributes can generically change
+   * the way sections and key-value strings are generated.
+   *
+   * For more examples see the test cases in ./tests.nix.
+   */
+  toINI = {
+    # apply transformations (e.g. escapes) to section names
+    mkSectionName ? (name: libStr.escape [ "[" "]" ] name),
+    # format a setting line from key and value
+    mkKeyValue    ? mkKeyValueDefault {} "=",
+    # allow lists as values for duplicate keys
+    listsAsDuplicateKeys ? false
+  }: attrsOfAttrs:
+    let
+        # map function to string for each key val
+        mapAttrsToStringsSep = sep: mapFn: attrs:
+          libStr.concatStringsSep sep
+            (libAttr.mapAttrsToList mapFn attrs);
+        mkSection = sectName: sectValues: ''
+          [${mkSectionName sectName}]
+        '' + toKeyValue { inherit mkKeyValue listsAsDuplicateKeys; } sectValues;
+    in
+      # map input to ini sections
+      mapAttrsToStringsSep "\n" mkSection attrsOfAttrs;
+  /* Generate a git-config file from an attrset.
+   *
+   * It has two major differences from the regular INI format:
+   *
+   * 1. values are indented with tabs
+   * 2. sections can have sub-sections
+   *
+   * generators.toGitINI {
+   *   url."ssh://git@github.com/".insteadOf = "https://github.com";
+   *   user.name = "edolstra";
+   * }
+   *
+   *> [url "ssh://git@github.com/"]
+   *>   insteadOf = https://github.com/
+   *>
+   *> [user]
+   *>   name = edolstra
+   */
+  toGitINI = attrs:
+    with builtins;
+    let
+      mkSectionName = name:
+        let
+          containsQuote = libStr.hasInfix ''"'' name;
+          sections = libStr.splitString "." name;
+          section = head sections;
+          subsections = tail sections;
+          subsection = concatStringsSep "." subsections;
+        in if containsQuote || subsections == [ ] then
+          name
+        else
+          ''${section} "${subsection}"'';
+      # generation for multiple ini values
+      mkKeyValue = k: v:
+        let mkKeyValue = mkKeyValueDefault { } " = " k;
+        in concatStringsSep "\n" (map (kv: "\t" + mkKeyValue kv) (lib.toList v));
+      # converts { a.b.c = 5; } to { "a.b".c = 5; } for toINI
+      gitFlattenAttrs = let
+        recurse = path: value:
+          if isAttrs value then
+            lib.mapAttrsToList (name: value: recurse ([ name ] ++ path) value) value
+          else if length path > 1 then {
+            ${concatStringsSep "." (lib.reverseList (tail path))}.${head path} = value;
+          } else {
+            ${head path} = value;
+          };
+      in attrs: lib.foldl lib.recursiveUpdate { } (lib.flatten (recurse [ ] attrs));
+      toINI_ = toINI { inherit mkKeyValue mkSectionName; };
+    in
+      toINI_ (gitFlattenAttrs attrs);
+  /* Generates JSON from an arbitrary (non-function) value.
+    * For more information see the documentation of the builtin.
+    */
+  toJSON = {}: builtins.toJSON;
+  /* YAML has been a strict superset of JSON since 1.2, so we
+    * use toJSON. Before it only had a few differences referring
+    * to implicit typing rules, so it should work with older
+    * parsers as well.
+    */
+  toYAML = {}@args: toJSON args;
+  /* Pretty print a value, akin to `builtins.trace`.
+    * Should probably be a builtin as well.
+    */
+  toPretty = {
+    /* If this option is true, attrsets like { __pretty = fn; val = …; }
+       will use fn to convert val to a pretty printed representation.
+       (This means fn is type Val -> String.) */
+    allowPrettyValues ? false,
+    /* If this option is true, the output is indented with newlines for attribute sets and lists */
+    multiline ? true
+  }@args: let
+    go = indent: v: with builtins;
+    let     isPath   = v: typeOf v == "path";
+            introSpace = if multiline then "\n${indent}  " else " ";
+            outroSpace = if multiline then "\n${indent}" else " ";
+    in if   isInt      v then toString v
+    else if isFloat    v then "~${toString v}"
+    else if isString   v then
+      let
+        # Separate a string into its lines
+        newlineSplits = filter (v: ! isList v) (builtins.split "\n" v);
+        # For a '' string terminated by a \n, which happens when the closing '' is on a new line
+        multilineResult = "''" + introSpace + concatStringsSep introSpace (lib.init newlineSplits) + outroSpace + "''";
+        # For a '' string not terminated by a \n, which happens when the closing '' is not on a new line
+        multilineResult' = "''" + introSpace + concatStringsSep introSpace newlineSplits + "''";
+        # For single lines, replace all newlines with their escaped representation
+        singlelineResult = "\"" + libStr.escape [ "\"" ] (concatStringsSep "\\n" newlineSplits) + "\"";
+      in if multiline && length newlineSplits > 1 then
+        if lib.last newlineSplits == "" then multilineResult else multilineResult'
+      else singlelineResult
+    else if true  ==   v then "true"
+    else if false ==   v then "false"
+    else if null  ==   v then "null"
+    else if isPath     v then toString v
+    else if isList     v then
+      if v == [] then "[ ]"
+      else "[" + introSpace
+        + libStr.concatMapStringsSep introSpace (go (indent + "  ")) v
+        + outroSpace + "]"
+    else if isFunction v then
+      let fna = lib.functionArgs v;
+          showFnas = concatStringsSep ", " (libAttr.mapAttrsToList
+                       (name: hasDefVal: if hasDefVal then name + "?" else name)
+                       fna);
+      in if fna == {}    then "<function>"
+                         else "<function, args: {${showFnas}}>"
+    else if isAttrs    v then
+      # apply pretty values if allowed
+      if attrNames v == [ "__pretty" "val" ] && allowPrettyValues
+         then v.__pretty v.val
+      else if v == {} then "{ }"
+      else if v ? type && v.type == "derivation" then
+        "<derivation ${v.drvPath}>"
+      else "{" + introSpace
+          + libStr.concatStringsSep introSpace (libAttr.mapAttrsToList
+              (name: value:
+                "${libStr.escapeNixIdentifier name} = ${go (indent + "  ") value};") v)
+        + outroSpace + "}"
+    else abort "generators.toPretty: should never happen (v = ${v})";
+  in go "";
+  # PLIST handling
+  toPlist = {}: v: let
+    isFloat = builtins.isFloat or (x: false);
+    expr = ind: x:  with builtins;
+      if x == null  then "" else
+      if isBool x   then bool ind x else
+      if isInt x    then int ind x else
+      if isString x then str ind x else
+      if isList x   then list ind x else
+      if isAttrs x  then attrs ind x else
+      if isFloat x  then float ind x else
+      abort "generators.toPlist: should never happen (v = ${v})";
+    literal = ind: x: ind + x;
+    bool = ind: x: literal ind  (if x then "<true/>" else "<false/>");
+    int = ind: x: literal ind "<integer>${toString x}</integer>";
+    str = ind: x: literal ind "<string>${x}</string>";
+    key = ind: x: literal ind "<key>${x}</key>";
+    float = ind: x: literal ind "<real>${toString x}</real>";
+    indent = ind: expr "\t${ind}";
+    item = ind: libStr.concatMapStringsSep "\n" (indent ind);
+    list = ind: x: libStr.concatStringsSep "\n" [
+      (literal ind "<array>")
+      (item ind x)
+      (literal ind "</array>")
+    ];
+    attrs = ind: x: libStr.concatStringsSep "\n" [
+      (literal ind "<dict>")
+      (attr ind x)
+      (literal ind "</dict>")
+    ];
+    attr = let attrFilter = name: value: name != "_module" && value != null;
+    in ind: x: libStr.concatStringsSep "\n" (lib.flatten (lib.mapAttrsToList
+      (name: value: lib.optional (attrFilter name value) [
+      (key "\t${ind}" name)
+      (expr "\t${ind}" value)
+    ]) x));
+  in ''<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
+<!DOCTYPE plist PUBLIC "-//Apple Computer//DTD PLIST 1.0//EN" "http://www.apple.com/DTDs/PropertyList-1.0.dtd">
+<plist version="1.0">
+${expr "" v}
+  /* Translate a simple Nix expression to Dhall notation.
+   * Note that integers are translated to Integer and never
+   * the Natural type.
+  */
+  toDhall = { }@args: v:
+    with builtins;
+    let concatItems = lib.strings.concatStringsSep ", ";
+    in if isAttrs v then
+      "{ ${
+        concatItems (lib.attrsets.mapAttrsToList
+          (key: value: "${key} = ${toDhall args value}") v)
+      } }"
+    else if isList v then
+      "[ ${concatItems (map (toDhall args) v)} ]"
+    else if isInt v then
+      "${if v < 0 then "" else "+"}${toString v}"
+    else if isBool v then
+      (if v then "True" else "False")
+    else if isFunction v then
+      abort "generators.toDhall: cannot convert a function to Dhall"
+    else if isNull v then
+      abort "generators.toDhall: cannot convert a null to Dhall"
+    else
+      builtins.toJSON v;
diff --git a/nixpkgs/lib/kernel.nix b/nixpkgs/lib/kernel.nix
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..ffcbc268b76c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/nixpkgs/lib/kernel.nix
@@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
+{ lib }:
+with lib;
+  # Keeping these around in case we decide to change this horrible implementation :)
+  option = x:
+      x // { optional = true; };
+  yes      = { tristate    = "y"; optional = false; };
+  no       = { tristate    = "n"; optional = false; };
+  module   = { tristate    = "m"; optional = false; };
+  freeform = x: { freeform = x; optional = false; };
+  /*
+    Common patterns/legacy used in common-config/hardened/config.nix
+   */
+  whenHelpers = version: {
+    whenAtLeast = ver: mkIf (versionAtLeast version ver);
+    whenOlder   = ver: mkIf (versionOlder version ver);
+    # range is (inclusive, exclusive)
+    whenBetween = verLow: verHigh: mkIf (versionAtLeast version verLow && versionOlder version verHigh);
+  };
diff --git a/nixpkgs/lib/licenses.nix b/nixpkgs/lib/licenses.nix
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..4792f1cb5925
--- /dev/null
+++ b/nixpkgs/lib/licenses.nix
@@ -0,0 +1,906 @@
+{ lib }:
+  spdx = lic: lic // {
+    url = "https://spdx.org/licenses/${lic.spdxId}.html";
+  };
+lib.mapAttrs (n: v: v // { shortName = n; }) ({
+  /* License identifiers from spdx.org where possible.
+   * If you cannot find your license here, then look for a similar license or
+   * add it to this list. The URL mentioned above is a good source for inspiration.
+   */
+  abstyles = spdx {
+    spdxId = "Abstyles";
+    fullName = "Abstyles License";
+  };
+  afl20 = spdx {
+    spdxId = "AFL-2.0";
+    fullName = "Academic Free License v2.0";
+  };
+  afl21 = spdx {
+    spdxId = "AFL-2.1";
+    fullName = "Academic Free License v2.1";
+  };
+  afl3 = spdx {
+    spdxId = "AFL-3.0";
+    fullName = "Academic Free License v3.0";
+  };
+  agpl3Only = spdx {
+    spdxId = "AGPL-3.0-only";
+    fullName = "GNU Affero General Public License v3.0 only";
+  };
+  agpl3Plus = spdx {
+    spdxId = "AGPL-3.0-or-later";
+    fullName = "GNU Affero General Public License v3.0 or later";
+  };
+  amazonsl = {
+    fullName = "Amazon Software License";
+    url = "https://aws.amazon.com/asl/";
+    free = false;
+  };
+  amd = {
+    fullName = "AMD License Agreement";
+    url = "https://developer.amd.com/amd-license-agreement/";
+    free = false;
+  };
+  apsl20 = spdx {
+    spdxId = "APSL-2.0";
+    fullName = "Apple Public Source License 2.0";
+  };
+  arphicpl = {
+    fullName = "Arphic Public License";
+    url = "https://www.freedesktop.org/wiki/Arphic_Public_License/";
+  };
+  artistic1 = spdx {
+    spdxId = "Artistic-1.0";
+    fullName = "Artistic License 1.0";
+  };
+  artistic2 = spdx {
+    spdxId = "Artistic-2.0";
+    fullName = "Artistic License 2.0";
+  };
+  asl20 = spdx {
+    spdxId = "Apache-2.0";
+    fullName = "Apache License 2.0";
+  };
+  boost = spdx {
+    spdxId = "BSL-1.0";
+    fullName = "Boost Software License 1.0";
+  };
+  beerware = spdx {
+    spdxId = "Beerware";
+    fullName = "Beerware License";
+  };
+  blueOak100 = spdx {
+    spdxId = "BlueOak-1.0.0";
+    fullName = "Blue Oak Model License 1.0.0";
+  };
+  bsd0 = spdx {
+    spdxId = "0BSD";
+    fullName = "BSD Zero Clause License";
+  };
+  bsd1 = spdx {
+    spdxId = "BSD-1-Clause";
+    fullName = "BSD 1-Clause License";
+  };
+  bsd2 = spdx {
+    spdxId = "BSD-2-Clause";
+    fullName = ''BSD 2-clause "Simplified" License'';
+  };
+  bsd2Patent = spdx {
+    spdxId = "BSD-2-Clause-Patent";
+    fullName = "BSD-2-Clause Plus Patent License";
+  };
+  bsd3 = spdx {
+    spdxId = "BSD-3-Clause";
+    fullName = ''BSD 3-clause "New" or "Revised" License'';
+  };
+  bsdOriginal = spdx {
+    spdxId = "BSD-4-Clause";
+    fullName = ''BSD 4-clause "Original" or "Old" License'';
+  };
+  bsdOriginalUC = spdx {
+    spdxId = "BSD-4-Clause-UC";
+    fullName = "BSD 4-Clause University of California-Specific";
+  };
+  bsdProtection = spdx {
+    spdxId = "BSD-Protection";
+    fullName = "BSD Protection License";
+  };
+  bsl11 = {
+    fullName = "Business Source License 1.1";
+    url = "https://mariadb.com/bsl11";
+    free = false;
+  };
+  clArtistic = spdx {
+    spdxId = "ClArtistic";
+    fullName = "Clarified Artistic License";
+  };
+  cc0 = spdx {
+    spdxId = "CC0-1.0";
+    fullName = "Creative Commons Zero v1.0 Universal";
+  };
+  cc-by-nc-sa-20 = spdx {
+    spdxId = "CC-BY-NC-SA-2.0";
+    fullName = "Creative Commons Attribution Non Commercial Share Alike 2.0";
+    free = false;
+  };
+  cc-by-nc-sa-25 = spdx {
+    spdxId = "CC-BY-NC-SA-2.5";
+    fullName = "Creative Commons Attribution Non Commercial Share Alike 2.5";
+    free = false;
+  };
+  cc-by-nc-sa-30 = spdx {
+    spdxId = "CC-BY-NC-SA-3.0";
+    fullName = "Creative Commons Attribution Non Commercial Share Alike 3.0";
+    free = false;
+  };
+  cc-by-nc-sa-40 = spdx {
+    spdxId = "CC-BY-NC-SA-4.0";
+    fullName = "Creative Commons Attribution Non Commercial Share Alike 4.0";
+    free = false;
+  };
+  cc-by-nc-30 = spdx {
+    spdxId = "CC-BY-NC-3.0";
+    fullName = "Creative Commons Attribution Non Commercial 3.0 Unported";
+    free = false;
+  };
+  cc-by-nc-40 = spdx {
+    spdxId = "CC-BY-NC-4.0";
+    fullName = "Creative Commons Attribution Non Commercial 4.0 International";
+    free = false;
+  };
+  cc-by-nd-30 = spdx {
+    spdxId = "CC-BY-ND-3.0";
+    fullName = "Creative Commons Attribution-No Derivative Works v3.00";
+    free = false;
+  };
+  cc-by-sa-25 = spdx {
+    spdxId = "CC-BY-SA-2.5";
+    fullName = "Creative Commons Attribution Share Alike 2.5";
+  };
+  cc-by-30 = spdx {
+    spdxId = "CC-BY-3.0";
+    fullName = "Creative Commons Attribution 3.0";
+  };
+  cc-by-sa-30 = spdx {
+    spdxId = "CC-BY-SA-3.0";
+    fullName = "Creative Commons Attribution Share Alike 3.0";
+  };
+  cc-by-40 = spdx {
+    spdxId = "CC-BY-4.0";
+    fullName = "Creative Commons Attribution 4.0";
+  };
+  cc-by-sa-40 = spdx {
+    spdxId = "CC-BY-SA-4.0";
+    fullName = "Creative Commons Attribution Share Alike 4.0";
+  };
+  cddl = spdx {
+    spdxId = "CDDL-1.0";
+    fullName = "Common Development and Distribution License 1.0";
+  };
+  cecill20 = spdx {
+    spdxId = "CECILL-2.0";
+    fullName = "CeCILL Free Software License Agreement v2.0";
+  };
+  cecill-b = spdx {
+    spdxId = "CECILL-B";
+    fullName  = "CeCILL-B Free Software License Agreement";
+  };
+  cecill-c = spdx {
+    spdxId = "CECILL-C";
+    fullName  = "CeCILL-C Free Software License Agreement";
+  };
+  cpal10 = spdx {
+    spdxId = "CPAL-1.0";
+    fullName = "Common Public Attribution License 1.0";
+  };
+  cpl10 = spdx {
+    spdxId = "CPL-1.0";
+    fullName = "Common Public License 1.0";
+  };
+  curl = spdx {
+    spdxId = "curl";
+    fullName = "curl License";
+  };
+  doc = spdx {
+    spdxId = "DOC";
+    fullName = "DOC License";
+  };
+  eapl = {
+    url = "https://avasys.jp/hp/menu000000700/hpg000000603.htm";
+    free = false;
+  };
+  efl10 = spdx {
+    spdxId = "EFL-1.0";
+    fullName = "Eiffel Forum License v1.0";
+  };
+  efl20 = spdx {
+    spdxId = "EFL-2.0";
+    fullName = "Eiffel Forum License v2.0";
+  };
+  elastic = {
+    fullName = "ELASTIC LICENSE";
+    url = "https://github.com/elastic/elasticsearch/blob/master/licenses/ELASTIC-LICENSE.txt";
+    free = false;
+  };
+  epl10 = spdx {
+    spdxId = "EPL-1.0";
+    fullName = "Eclipse Public License 1.0";
+  };
+  epl20 = spdx {
+    spdxId = "EPL-2.0";
+    fullName = "Eclipse Public License 2.0";
+  };
+  epson = {
+    fullName = "Seiko Epson Corporation Software License Agreement for Linux";
+    url = "https://download.ebz.epson.net/dsc/du/02/eula/global/LINUX_EN.html";
+    free = false;
+  };
+  eupl11 = spdx {
+    spdxId = "EUPL-1.1";
+    fullName = "European Union Public License 1.1";
+  };
+  eupl12 = spdx {
+    spdxId = "EUPL-1.2";
+    fullName = "European Union Public License 1.2";
+  };
+  fdl11Only = spdx {
+    spdxId = "GFDL-1.1-only";
+    fullName = "GNU Free Documentation License v1.1 only";
+  };
+  fdl11Plus = spdx {
+    spdxId = "GFDL-1.1-or-later";
+    fullName = "GNU Free Documentation License v1.1 or later";
+  };
+  fdl12Only = spdx {
+    spdxId = "GFDL-1.2-only";
+    fullName = "GNU Free Documentation License v1.2 only";
+  };
+  fdl12Plus = spdx {
+    spdxId = "GFDL-1.2-or-later";
+    fullName = "GNU Free Documentation License v1.2 or later";
+  };
+  fdl13Only = spdx {
+    spdxId = "GFDL-1.3-only";
+    fullName = "GNU Free Documentation License v1.3 only";
+  };
+  fdl13Plus = spdx {
+    spdxId = "GFDL-1.3-or-later";
+    fullName = "GNU Free Documentation License v1.3 or later";
+  };
+  ffsl = {
+    fullName = "Floodgap Free Software License";
+    url = "https://www.floodgap.com/software/ffsl/license.html";
+    free = false;
+  };
+  free = {
+    fullName = "Unspecified free software license";
+  };
+  ftl = spdx {
+    spdxId = "FTL";
+    fullName = "Freetype Project License";
+  };
+  g4sl = {
+    fullName = "Geant4 Software License";
+    url = "https://geant4.web.cern.ch/geant4/license/LICENSE.html";
+  };
+  geogebra = {
+    fullName = "GeoGebra Non-Commercial License Agreement";
+    url = "https://www.geogebra.org/license";
+    free = false;
+  };
+  gpl1Only = spdx {
+    spdxId = "GPL-1.0-only";
+    fullName = "GNU General Public License v1.0 only";
+  };
+  gpl1Plus = spdx {
+    spdxId = "GPL-1.0-or-later";
+    fullName = "GNU General Public License v1.0 or later";
+  };
+  gpl2Only = spdx {
+    spdxId = "GPL-2.0-only";
+    fullName = "GNU General Public License v2.0 only";
+  };
+  gpl2Classpath = spdx {
+    spdxId = "GPL-2.0-with-classpath-exception";
+    fullName = "GNU General Public License v2.0 only (with Classpath exception)";
+  };
+  gpl2ClasspathPlus = {
+    fullName = "GNU General Public License v2.0 or later (with Classpath exception)";
+    url = "https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Licensing/GPL_Classpath_Exception";
+  };
+  gpl2Oss = {
+    fullName = "GNU General Public License version 2 only (with OSI approved licenses linking exception)";
+    url = "https://www.mysql.com/about/legal/licensing/foss-exception";
+  };
+  gpl2Plus = spdx {
+    spdxId = "GPL-2.0-or-later";
+    fullName = "GNU General Public License v2.0 or later";
+  };
+  gpl3Only = spdx {
+    spdxId = "GPL-3.0-only";
+    fullName = "GNU General Public License v3.0 only";
+  };
+  gpl3Plus = spdx {
+    spdxId = "GPL-3.0-or-later";
+    fullName = "GNU General Public License v3.0 or later";
+  };
+  gpl3ClasspathPlus = {
+    fullName = "GNU General Public License v3.0 or later (with Classpath exception)";
+    url = "https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Licensing/GPL_Classpath_Exception";
+  };
+  hpnd = spdx {
+    spdxId = "HPND";
+    fullName = "Historic Permission Notice and Disclaimer";
+  };
+  hpndSellVariant = spdx {
+    fullName = "Historical Permission Notice and Disclaimer - sell variant";
+    spdxId = "HPND-sell-variant";
+  };
+  # Intel's license, seems free
+  iasl = {
+    fullName = "iASL";
+    url = "https://old.calculate-linux.org/packages/licenses/iASL";
+  };
+  ijg = spdx {
+    spdxId = "IJG";
+    fullName = "Independent JPEG Group License";
+  };
+  imagemagick = spdx {
+    fullName = "ImageMagick License";
+    spdxId = "imagemagick";
+  };
+  inria-compcert = {
+    fullName  = "INRIA Non-Commercial License Agreement for the CompCert verified compiler";
+    url       = "http://compcert.inria.fr/doc/LICENSE"; # https is broken
+    free      = false;
+  };
+  inria-icesl = {
+    fullName = "INRIA Non-Commercial License Agreement for IceSL";
+    url      = "http://shapeforge.loria.fr/icesl/EULA_IceSL_binary.pdf"; # https is broken
+    free     = false;
+  };
+  ipa = spdx {
+    spdxId = "IPA";
+    fullName = "IPA Font License";
+  };
+  ipl10 = spdx {
+    spdxId = "IPL-1.0";
+    fullName = "IBM Public License v1.0";
+  };
+  isc = spdx {
+    spdxId = "ISC";
+    fullName = "ISC License";
+  };
+  # Proprietary binaries; free to redistribute without modification.
+  databricks = {
+    fullName = "Databricks Proprietary License";
+    url = "https://pypi.org/project/databricks-connect";
+    free = false;
+  };
+  issl = {
+    fullName = "Intel Simplified Software License";
+    url = "https://software.intel.com/en-us/license/intel-simplified-software-license";
+    free = false;
+  };
+  lgpl2Only = spdx {
+    spdxId = "LGPL-2.0-only";
+    fullName = "GNU Library General Public License v2 only";
+  };
+  lgpl2Plus = spdx {
+    spdxId = "LGPL-2.0-or-later";
+    fullName = "GNU Library General Public License v2 or later";
+  };
+  lgpl21Only = spdx {
+    spdxId = "LGPL-2.1-only";
+    fullName = "GNU Lesser General Public License v2.1 only";
+  };
+  lgpl21Plus = spdx {
+    spdxId = "LGPL-2.1-or-later";
+    fullName = "GNU Lesser General Public License v2.1 or later";
+  };
+  lgpl3Only = spdx {
+    spdxId = "LGPL-3.0-only";
+    fullName = "GNU Lesser General Public License v3.0 only";
+  };
+  lgpl3Plus = spdx {
+    spdxId = "LGPL-3.0-or-later";
+    fullName = "GNU Lesser General Public License v3.0 or later";
+  };
+  lgpllr = spdx {
+    spdxId = "LGPLLR";
+    fullName = "Lesser General Public License For Linguistic Resources";
+  };
+  libpng = spdx {
+    spdxId = "Libpng";
+    fullName = "libpng License";
+  };
+  libpng2 = spdx {
+    spdxId = "libpng-2.0"; # Used since libpng 1.6.36.
+    fullName = "PNG Reference Library version 2";
+  };
+  libtiff = spdx {
+    spdxId = "libtiff";
+    fullName = "libtiff License";
+  };
+  llgpl21 = {
+    fullName = "Lisp LGPL; GNU Lesser General Public License version 2.1 with Franz Inc. preamble for clarification of LGPL terms in context of Lisp";
+    url = "https://opensource.franz.com/preamble.html";
+  };
+  llvm-exception = spdx {
+    spdxId = "LLVM-exception";
+    fullName = "LLVM Exception"; # LLVM exceptions to the Apache 2.0 License
+  };
+  lppl12 = spdx {
+    spdxId = "LPPL-1.2";
+    fullName = "LaTeX Project Public License v1.2";
+  };
+  lppl13c = spdx {
+    spdxId = "LPPL-1.3c";
+    fullName = "LaTeX Project Public License v1.3c";
+  };
+  lpl-102 = spdx {
+    spdxId = "LPL-1.02";
+    fullName = "Lucent Public License v1.02";
+  };
+  miros = {
+    fullName = "MirOS License";
+    url = "https://opensource.org/licenses/MirOS";
+  };
+  # spdx.org does not (yet) differentiate between the X11 and Expat versions
+  # for details see https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/MIT_License#Various_versions
+  mit = spdx {
+    spdxId = "MIT";
+    fullName = "MIT License";
+  };
+  mpl10 = spdx {
+    spdxId = "MPL-1.0";
+    fullName = "Mozilla Public License 1.0";
+  };
+  mpl11 = spdx {
+    spdxId = "MPL-1.1";
+    fullName = "Mozilla Public License 1.1";
+  };
+  mpl20 = spdx {
+    spdxId = "MPL-2.0";
+    fullName = "Mozilla Public License 2.0";
+  };
+  mspl = spdx {
+    spdxId = "MS-PL";
+    fullName = "Microsoft Public License";
+  };
+  nasa13 = spdx {
+    spdxId = "NASA-1.3";
+    fullName = "NASA Open Source Agreement 1.3";
+    free = false;
+  };
+  ncsa = spdx {
+    spdxId = "NCSA";
+    fullName  = "University of Illinois/NCSA Open Source License";
+  };
+  nposl3 = spdx {
+    spdxId = "NPOSL-3.0";
+    fullName = "Non-Profit Open Software License 3.0";
+  };
+  obsidian = {
+    fullName = "Obsidian End User Agreement";
+    url = "https://obsidian.md/eula";
+    free = false;
+  };
+  ocamlpro_nc = {
+    fullName = "OCamlPro Non Commercial license version 1";
+    url = "https://alt-ergo.ocamlpro.com/http/alt-ergo-2.2.0/OCamlPro-Non-Commercial-License.pdf";
+    free = false;
+  };
+  odbl = spdx {
+    spdxId = "ODbL-1.0";
+    fullName = "Open Data Commons Open Database License v1.0";
+  };
+  ofl = spdx {
+    spdxId = "OFL-1.1";
+    fullName = "SIL Open Font License 1.1";
+  };
+  openldap = spdx {
+    spdxId = "OLDAP-2.8";
+    fullName = "Open LDAP Public License v2.8";
+  };
+  openssl = spdx {
+    spdxId = "OpenSSL";
+    fullName = "OpenSSL License";
+  };
+  osl2 = spdx {
+    spdxId = "OSL-2.0";
+    fullName = "Open Software License 2.0";
+  };
+  osl21 = spdx {
+    spdxId = "OSL-2.1";
+    fullName = "Open Software License 2.1";
+  };
+  osl3 = spdx {
+    spdxId = "OSL-3.0";
+    fullName = "Open Software License 3.0";
+  };
+  parity70 = spdx {
+    spdxId = "Parity-7.0.0";
+    fullName = "Parity Public License 7.0.0";
+    url = "https://paritylicense.com/versions/7.0.0.html";
+  };
+  php301 = spdx {
+    spdxId = "PHP-3.01";
+    fullName = "PHP License v3.01";
+  };
+  postgresql = spdx {
+    spdxId = "PostgreSQL";
+    fullName = "PostgreSQL License";
+  };
+  postman = {
+    fullName = "Postman EULA";
+    url = "https://www.getpostman.com/licenses/postman_base_app";
+    free = false;
+  };
+  psfl = spdx {
+    spdxId = "Python-2.0";
+    fullName = "Python Software Foundation License version 2";
+    url = "https://docs.python.org/license.html";
+  };
+  publicDomain = {
+    fullName = "Public Domain";
+  };
+  purdueBsd = {
+    fullName = " Purdue BSD-Style License"; # also know as lsof license
+    url = "https://enterprise.dejacode.com/licenses/public/purdue-bsd";
+  };
+  prosperity30 = {
+    fullName = "Prosperity-3.0.0";
+    free = false;
+    url = "https://prosperitylicense.com/versions/3.0.0.html";
+  };
+  qhull = spdx {
+    spdxId = "Qhull";
+    fullName = "Qhull License";
+  };
+  qpl = spdx {
+    spdxId = "QPL-1.0";
+    fullName = "Q Public License 1.0";
+  };
+  qwt = {
+    fullName = "Qwt License, Version 1.0";
+    url = "https://qwt.sourceforge.io/qwtlicense.html";
+  };
+  ruby = spdx {
+    spdxId = "Ruby";
+    fullName = "Ruby License";
+  };
+  sendmail = spdx {
+    spdxId = "Sendmail";
+    fullName = "Sendmail License";
+  };
+  sgi-b-20 = spdx {
+    spdxId = "SGI-B-2.0";
+    fullName = "SGI Free Software License B v2.0";
+  };
+  sleepycat = spdx {
+    spdxId = "Sleepycat";
+    fullName = "Sleepycat License";
+  };
+  smail = {
+    shortName = "smail";
+    fullName = "SMAIL General Public License";
+    url = "https://sources.debian.org/copyright/license/debianutils/4.9.1/";
+  };
+  sspl = {
+    shortName = "SSPL";
+    fullName = "Server Side Public License";
+    url = "https://www.mongodb.com/licensing/server-side-public-license";
+    free = false;
+  };
+  stk = {
+    shortName = "stk";
+    fullName = "Synthesis Tool Kit 4.3";
+    url = "https://github.com/thestk/stk/blob/master/LICENSE";
+  };
+  tcltk = spdx {
+    spdxId = "TCL";
+    fullName = "TCL/TK License";
+  };
+  ufl = {
+    fullName = "Ubuntu Font License 1.0";
+    url = "https://ubuntu.com/legal/font-licence";
+  };
+  unfree = {
+    fullName = "Unfree";
+    free = false;
+  };
+  unfreeRedistributable = {
+    fullName = "Unfree redistributable";
+    free = false;
+  };
+  unfreeRedistributableFirmware = {
+    fullName = "Unfree redistributable firmware";
+    # Note: we currently consider these "free" for inclusion in the
+    # channel and NixOS images.
+  };
+  unicode-dfs-2015 = spdx {
+    spdxId = "Unicode-DFS-2015";
+    fullName = "Unicode License Agreement - Data Files and Software (2015)";
+  };
+  unicode-dfs-2016 = spdx {
+    spdxId = "Unicode-DFS-2016";
+    fullName = "Unicode License Agreement - Data Files and Software (2016)";
+  };
+  unlicense = spdx {
+    spdxId = "Unlicense";
+    fullName = "The Unlicense";
+  };
+  upl = {
+    fullName = "Universal Permissive License";
+    url = "https://oss.oracle.com/licenses/upl/";
+  };
+  vim = spdx {
+    spdxId = "Vim";
+    fullName = "Vim License";
+  };
+  virtualbox-puel = {
+    fullName = "Oracle VM VirtualBox Extension Pack Personal Use and Evaluation License (PUEL)";
+    url = "https://www.virtualbox.org/wiki/VirtualBox_PUEL";
+    free = false;
+  };
+  vsl10 = spdx {
+    spdxId = "VSL-1.0";
+    fullName = "Vovida Software License v1.0";
+  };
+  watcom = spdx {
+    spdxId = "Watcom-1.0";
+    fullName = "Sybase Open Watcom Public License 1.0";
+  };
+  w3c = spdx {
+    spdxId = "W3C";
+    fullName = "W3C Software Notice and License";
+  };
+  wadalab = {
+    fullName = "Wadalab Font License";
+    url = "https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Licensing:Wadalab?rd=Licensing/Wadalab";
+  };
+  wtfpl = spdx {
+    spdxId = "WTFPL";
+    fullName = "Do What The F*ck You Want To Public License";
+  };
+  wxWindows = spdx {
+    spdxId = "wxWindows";
+    fullName = "wxWindows Library Licence, Version 3.1";
+  };
+  xfig = {
+    fullName = "xfig";
+    url = "http://mcj.sourceforge.net/authors.html#xfig"; # https is broken
+  };
+  zlib = spdx {
+    spdxId = "Zlib";
+    fullName = "zlib License";
+  };
+  zpl20 = spdx {
+    spdxId = "ZPL-2.0";
+    fullName = "Zope Public License 2.0";
+  };
+  zpl21 = spdx {
+    spdxId = "ZPL-2.1";
+    fullName = "Zope Public License 2.1";
+  };
+} // {
+  # TODO: remove legacy aliases
+  agpl3 = spdx {
+    spdxId = "AGPL-3.0";
+    fullName = "GNU Affero General Public License v3.0";
+    deprecated = true;
+  };
+  fdl11 = spdx {
+    spdxId = "GFDL-1.1";
+    fullName = "GNU Free Documentation License v1.1";
+    deprecated = true;
+  };
+  fdl12 = spdx {
+    spdxId = "GFDL-1.2";
+    fullName = "GNU Free Documentation License v1.2";
+    deprecated = true;
+  };
+  fdl13 = spdx {
+    spdxId = "GFDL-1.3";
+    fullName = "GNU Free Documentation License v1.3";
+    deprecated = true;
+  };
+  gpl1 = spdx {
+    spdxId = "GPL-1.0";
+    fullName = "GNU General Public License v1.0";
+    deprecated = true;
+  };
+  gpl2 = spdx {
+    spdxId = "GPL-2.0";
+    fullName = "GNU General Public License v2.0";
+    deprecated = true;
+  };
+  gpl3 = spdx {
+    spdxId = "GPL-3.0";
+    fullName = "GNU General Public License v3.0";
+    deprecated = true;
+  };
+  lgpl2 = spdx {
+    spdxId = "LGPL-2.0";
+    fullName = "GNU Library General Public License v2";
+    deprecated = true;
+  };
+  lgpl21 = spdx {
+    spdxId = "LGPL-2.1";
+    fullName = "GNU Lesser General Public License v2.1";
+    deprecated = true;
+  };
+  lgpl3 = spdx {
+    spdxId = "LGPL-3.0";
+    fullName = "GNU Lesser General Public License v3.0";
+    deprecated = true;
+  };
diff --git a/nixpkgs/lib/lists.nix b/nixpkgs/lib/lists.nix
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..e469f3ef2652
--- /dev/null
+++ b/nixpkgs/lib/lists.nix
@@ -0,0 +1,671 @@
+# General list operations.
+{ lib }:
+  inherit (lib.strings) toInt;
+  inherit (lib.trivial) compare min;
+rec {
+  inherit (builtins) head tail length isList elemAt concatLists filter elem genList map;
+  /*  Create a list consisting of a single element.  `singleton x` is
+      sometimes more convenient with respect to indentation than `[x]`
+      when x spans multiple lines.
+      Type: singleton :: a -> [a]
+      Example:
+        singleton "foo"
+        => [ "foo" ]
+  */
+  singleton = x: [x];
+  /*  Apply the function to each element in the list. Same as `map`, but arguments
+      flipped.
+      Type: forEach :: [a] -> (a -> b) -> [b]
+      Example:
+        forEach [ 1 2 ] (x:
+          toString x
+        )
+        => [ "1" "2" ]
+  */
+  forEach = xs: f: map f xs;
+  /* “right fold” a binary function `op` between successive elements of
+     `list` with `nul' as the starting value, i.e.,
+     `foldr op nul [x_1 x_2 ... x_n] == op x_1 (op x_2 ... (op x_n nul))`.
+     Type: foldr :: (a -> b -> b) -> b -> [a] -> b
+     Example:
+       concat = foldr (a: b: a + b) "z"
+       concat [ "a" "b" "c" ]
+       => "abcz"
+       # different types
+       strange = foldr (int: str: toString (int + 1) + str) "a"
+       strange [ 1 2 3 4 ]
+       => "2345a"
+  */
+  foldr = op: nul: list:
+    let
+      len = length list;
+      fold' = n:
+        if n == len
+        then nul
+        else op (elemAt list n) (fold' (n + 1));
+    in fold' 0;
+  /* `fold` is an alias of `foldr` for historic reasons */
+  # FIXME(Profpatsch): deprecate?
+  fold = foldr;
+  /* “left fold”, like `foldr`, but from the left:
+     `foldl op nul [x_1 x_2 ... x_n] == op (... (op (op nul x_1) x_2) ... x_n)`.
+     Type: foldl :: (b -> a -> b) -> b -> [a] -> b
+     Example:
+       lconcat = foldl (a: b: a + b) "z"
+       lconcat [ "a" "b" "c" ]
+       => "zabc"
+       # different types
+       lstrange = foldl (str: int: str + toString (int + 1)) "a"
+       lstrange [ 1 2 3 4 ]
+       => "a2345"
+  */
+  foldl = op: nul: list:
+    let
+      foldl' = n:
+        if n == -1
+        then nul
+        else op (foldl' (n - 1)) (elemAt list n);
+    in foldl' (length list - 1);
+  /* Strict version of `foldl`.
+     The difference is that evaluation is forced upon access. Usually used
+     with small whole results (in contrast with lazily-generated list or large
+     lists where only a part is consumed.)
+     Type: foldl' :: (b -> a -> b) -> b -> [a] -> b
+  */
+  foldl' = builtins.foldl' or foldl;
+  /* Map with index starting from 0
+     Type: imap0 :: (int -> a -> b) -> [a] -> [b]
+     Example:
+       imap0 (i: v: "${v}-${toString i}") ["a" "b"]
+       => [ "a-0" "b-1" ]
+  */
+  imap0 = f: list: genList (n: f n (elemAt list n)) (length list);
+  /* Map with index starting from 1
+     Type: imap1 :: (int -> a -> b) -> [a] -> [b]
+     Example:
+       imap1 (i: v: "${v}-${toString i}") ["a" "b"]
+       => [ "a-1" "b-2" ]
+  */
+  imap1 = f: list: genList (n: f (n + 1) (elemAt list n)) (length list);
+  /* Map and concatenate the result.
+     Type: concatMap :: (a -> [b]) -> [a] -> [b]
+     Example:
+       concatMap (x: [x] ++ ["z"]) ["a" "b"]
+       => [ "a" "z" "b" "z" ]
+  */
+  concatMap = builtins.concatMap or (f: list: concatLists (map f list));
+  /* Flatten the argument into a single list; that is, nested lists are
+     spliced into the top-level lists.
+     Example:
+       flatten [1 [2 [3] 4] 5]
+       => [1 2 3 4 5]
+       flatten 1
+       => [1]
+  */
+  flatten = x:
+    if isList x
+    then concatMap (y: flatten y) x
+    else [x];
+  /* Remove elements equal to 'e' from a list.  Useful for buildInputs.
+     Type: remove :: a -> [a] -> [a]
+     Example:
+       remove 3 [ 1 3 4 3 ]
+       => [ 1 4 ]
+  */
+  remove =
+    # Element to remove from the list
+    e: filter (x: x != e);
+  /* Find the sole element in the list matching the specified
+     predicate, returns `default` if no such element exists, or
+     `multiple` if there are multiple matching elements.
+     Type: findSingle :: (a -> bool) -> a -> a -> [a] -> a
+     Example:
+       findSingle (x: x == 3) "none" "multiple" [ 1 3 3 ]
+       => "multiple"
+       findSingle (x: x == 3) "none" "multiple" [ 1 3 ]
+       => 3
+       findSingle (x: x == 3) "none" "multiple" [ 1 9 ]
+       => "none"
+  */
+  findSingle =
+    # Predicate
+    pred:
+    # Default value to return if element was not found.
+    default:
+    # Default value to return if more than one element was found
+    multiple:
+    # Input list
+    list:
+    let found = filter pred list; len = length found;
+    in if len == 0 then default
+      else if len != 1 then multiple
+      else head found;
+  /* Find the first element in the list matching the specified
+     predicate or return `default` if no such element exists.
+     Type: findFirst :: (a -> bool) -> a -> [a] -> a
+     Example:
+       findFirst (x: x > 3) 7 [ 1 6 4 ]
+       => 6
+       findFirst (x: x > 9) 7 [ 1 6 4 ]
+       => 7
+  */
+  findFirst =
+    # Predicate
+    pred:
+    # Default value to return
+    default:
+    # Input list
+    list:
+    let found = filter pred list;
+    in if found == [] then default else head found;
+  /* Return true if function `pred` returns true for at least one
+     element of `list`.
+     Type: any :: (a -> bool) -> [a] -> bool
+     Example:
+       any isString [ 1 "a" { } ]
+       => true
+       any isString [ 1 { } ]
+       => false
+  */
+  any = builtins.any or (pred: foldr (x: y: if pred x then true else y) false);
+  /* Return true if function `pred` returns true for all elements of
+     `list`.
+     Type: all :: (a -> bool) -> [a] -> bool
+     Example:
+       all (x: x < 3) [ 1 2 ]
+       => true
+       all (x: x < 3) [ 1 2 3 ]
+       => false
+  */
+  all = builtins.all or (pred: foldr (x: y: if pred x then y else false) true);
+  /* Count how many elements of `list` match the supplied predicate
+     function.
+     Type: count :: (a -> bool) -> [a] -> int
+     Example:
+       count (x: x == 3) [ 3 2 3 4 6 ]
+       => 2
+  */
+  count =
+    # Predicate
+    pred: foldl' (c: x: if pred x then c + 1 else c) 0;
+  /* Return a singleton list or an empty list, depending on a boolean
+     value.  Useful when building lists with optional elements
+     (e.g. `++ optional (system == "i686-linux") firefox').
+     Type: optional :: bool -> a -> [a]
+     Example:
+       optional true "foo"
+       => [ "foo" ]
+       optional false "foo"
+       => [ ]
+  */
+  optional = cond: elem: if cond then [elem] else [];
+  /* Return a list or an empty list, depending on a boolean value.
+     Type: optionals :: bool -> [a] -> [a]
+     Example:
+       optionals true [ 2 3 ]
+       => [ 2 3 ]
+       optionals false [ 2 3 ]
+       => [ ]
+  */
+  optionals =
+    # Condition
+    cond:
+    # List to return if condition is true
+    elems: if cond then elems else [];
+  /* If argument is a list, return it; else, wrap it in a singleton
+     list.  If you're using this, you should almost certainly
+     reconsider if there isn't a more "well-typed" approach.
+     Example:
+       toList [ 1 2 ]
+       => [ 1 2 ]
+       toList "hi"
+       => [ "hi "]
+  */
+  toList = x: if isList x then x else [x];
+  /* Return a list of integers from `first' up to and including `last'.
+     Type: range :: int -> int -> [int]
+     Example:
+       range 2 4
+       => [ 2 3 4 ]
+       range 3 2
+       => [ ]
+  */
+  range =
+    # First integer in the range
+    first:
+    # Last integer in the range
+    last:
+    if first > last then
+      []
+    else
+      genList (n: first + n) (last - first + 1);
+  /* Splits the elements of a list in two lists, `right` and
+     `wrong`, depending on the evaluation of a predicate.
+     Type: (a -> bool) -> [a] -> { right :: [a], wrong :: [a] }
+     Example:
+       partition (x: x > 2) [ 5 1 2 3 4 ]
+       => { right = [ 5 3 4 ]; wrong = [ 1 2 ]; }
+  */
+  partition = builtins.partition or (pred:
+    foldr (h: t:
+      if pred h
+      then { right = [h] ++ t.right; wrong = t.wrong; }
+      else { right = t.right; wrong = [h] ++ t.wrong; }
+    ) { right = []; wrong = []; });
+  /* Splits the elements of a list into many lists, using the return value of a predicate.
+     Predicate should return a string which becomes keys of attrset `groupBy' returns.
+     `groupBy'` allows to customise the combining function and initial value
+     Example:
+       groupBy (x: boolToString (x > 2)) [ 5 1 2 3 4 ]
+       => { true = [ 5 3 4 ]; false = [ 1 2 ]; }
+       groupBy (x: x.name) [ {name = "icewm"; script = "icewm &";}
+                             {name = "xfce";  script = "xfce4-session &";}
+                             {name = "icewm"; script = "icewmbg &";}
+                             {name = "mate";  script = "gnome-session &";}
+                           ]
+       => { icewm = [ { name = "icewm"; script = "icewm &"; }
+                      { name = "icewm"; script = "icewmbg &"; } ];
+            mate  = [ { name = "mate";  script = "gnome-session &"; } ];
+            xfce  = [ { name = "xfce";  script = "xfce4-session &"; } ];
+          }
+       groupBy' builtins.add 0 (x: boolToString (x > 2)) [ 5 1 2 3 4 ]
+       => { true = 12; false = 3; }
+  */
+  groupBy' = op: nul: pred: lst:
+    foldl' (r: e:
+              let
+                key = pred e;
+              in
+                r // { ${key} = op (r.${key} or nul) e; }
+           ) {} lst;
+  groupBy = groupBy' (sum: e: sum ++ [e]) [];
+  /* Merges two lists of the same size together. If the sizes aren't the same
+     the merging stops at the shortest. How both lists are merged is defined
+     by the first argument.
+     Type: zipListsWith :: (a -> b -> c) -> [a] -> [b] -> [c]
+     Example:
+       zipListsWith (a: b: a + b) ["h" "l"] ["e" "o"]
+       => ["he" "lo"]
+  */
+  zipListsWith =
+    # Function to zip elements of both lists
+    f:
+    # First list
+    fst:
+    # Second list
+    snd:
+    genList
+      (n: f (elemAt fst n) (elemAt snd n)) (min (length fst) (length snd));
+  /* Merges two lists of the same size together. If the sizes aren't the same
+     the merging stops at the shortest.
+     Type: zipLists :: [a] -> [b] -> [{ fst :: a, snd :: b}]
+     Example:
+       zipLists [ 1 2 ] [ "a" "b" ]
+       => [ { fst = 1; snd = "a"; } { fst = 2; snd = "b"; } ]
+  */
+  zipLists = zipListsWith (fst: snd: { inherit fst snd; });
+  /* Reverse the order of the elements of a list.
+     Type: reverseList :: [a] -> [a]
+     Example:
+       reverseList [ "b" "o" "j" ]
+       => [ "j" "o" "b" ]
+  */
+  reverseList = xs:
+    let l = length xs; in genList (n: elemAt xs (l - n - 1)) l;
+  /* Depth-First Search (DFS) for lists `list != []`.
+     `before a b == true` means that `b` depends on `a` (there's an
+     edge from `b` to `a`).
+     Example:
+         listDfs true hasPrefix [ "/home/user" "other" "/" "/home" ]
+           == { minimal = "/";                  # minimal element
+                visited = [ "/home/user" ];     # seen elements (in reverse order)
+                rest    = [ "/home" "other" ];  # everything else
+              }
+         listDfs true hasPrefix [ "/home/user" "other" "/" "/home" "/" ]
+           == { cycle   = "/";                  # cycle encountered at this element
+                loops   = [ "/" ];              # and continues to these elements
+                visited = [ "/" "/home/user" ]; # elements leading to the cycle (in reverse order)
+                rest    = [ "/home" "other" ];  # everything else
+   */
+  listDfs = stopOnCycles: before: list:
+    let
+      dfs' = us: visited: rest:
+        let
+          c = filter (x: before x us) visited;
+          b = partition (x: before x us) rest;
+        in if stopOnCycles && (length c > 0)
+           then { cycle = us; loops = c; inherit visited rest; }
+           else if length b.right == 0
+                then # nothing is before us
+                     { minimal = us; inherit visited rest; }
+                else # grab the first one before us and continue
+                     dfs' (head b.right)
+                          ([ us ] ++ visited)
+                          (tail b.right ++ b.wrong);
+    in dfs' (head list) [] (tail list);
+  /* Sort a list based on a partial ordering using DFS. This
+     implementation is O(N^2), if your ordering is linear, use `sort`
+     instead.
+     `before a b == true` means that `b` should be after `a`
+     in the result.
+     Example:
+         toposort hasPrefix [ "/home/user" "other" "/" "/home" ]
+           == { result = [ "/" "/home" "/home/user" "other" ]; }
+         toposort hasPrefix [ "/home/user" "other" "/" "/home" "/" ]
+           == { cycle = [ "/home/user" "/" "/" ]; # path leading to a cycle
+                loops = [ "/" ]; }                # loops back to these elements
+         toposort hasPrefix [ "other" "/home/user" "/home" "/" ]
+           == { result = [ "other" "/" "/home" "/home/user" ]; }
+         toposort (a: b: a < b) [ 3 2 1 ] == { result = [ 1 2 3 ]; }
+   */
+  toposort = before: list:
+    let
+      dfsthis = listDfs true before list;
+      toporest = toposort before (dfsthis.visited ++ dfsthis.rest);
+    in
+      if length list < 2
+      then # finish
+           { result =  list; }
+      else if dfsthis ? cycle
+           then # there's a cycle, starting from the current vertex, return it
+                { cycle = reverseList ([ dfsthis.cycle ] ++ dfsthis.visited);
+                  inherit (dfsthis) loops; }
+           else if toporest ? cycle
+                then # there's a cycle somewhere else in the graph, return it
+                     toporest
+                # Slow, but short. Can be made a bit faster with an explicit stack.
+                else # there are no cycles
+                     { result = [ dfsthis.minimal ] ++ toporest.result; };
+  /* Sort a list based on a comparator function which compares two
+     elements and returns true if the first argument is strictly below
+     the second argument.  The returned list is sorted in an increasing
+     order.  The implementation does a quick-sort.
+     Example:
+       sort (a: b: a < b) [ 5 3 7 ]
+       => [ 3 5 7 ]
+  */
+  sort = builtins.sort or (
+    strictLess: list:
+    let
+      len = length list;
+      first = head list;
+      pivot' = n: acc@{ left, right }: let el = elemAt list n; next = pivot' (n + 1); in
+        if n == len
+          then acc
+        else if strictLess first el
+          then next { inherit left; right = [ el ] ++ right; }
+        else
+          next { left = [ el ] ++ left; inherit right; };
+      pivot = pivot' 1 { left = []; right = []; };
+    in
+      if len < 2 then list
+      else (sort strictLess pivot.left) ++  [ first ] ++  (sort strictLess pivot.right));
+  /* Compare two lists element-by-element.
+     Example:
+       compareLists compare [] []
+       => 0
+       compareLists compare [] [ "a" ]
+       => -1
+       compareLists compare [ "a" ] []
+       => 1
+       compareLists compare [ "a" "b" ] [ "a" "c" ]
+       => 1
+  */
+  compareLists = cmp: a: b:
+    if a == []
+    then if b == []
+         then 0
+         else -1
+    else if b == []
+         then 1
+         else let rel = cmp (head a) (head b); in
+              if rel == 0
+              then compareLists cmp (tail a) (tail b)
+              else rel;
+  /* Sort list using "Natural sorting".
+     Numeric portions of strings are sorted in numeric order.
+     Example:
+       naturalSort ["disk11" "disk8" "disk100" "disk9"]
+       => ["disk8" "disk9" "disk11" "disk100"]
+       naturalSort ["" "" ""]
+       => ["" "" ""]
+       naturalSort ["v0.2" "v0.15" "v0.0.9"]
+       => [ "v0.0.9" "v0.2" "v0.15" ]
+  */
+  naturalSort = lst:
+    let
+      vectorise = s: map (x: if isList x then toInt (head x) else x) (builtins.split "(0|[1-9][0-9]*)" s);
+      prepared = map (x: [ (vectorise x) x ]) lst; # remember vectorised version for O(n) regex splits
+      less = a: b: (compareLists compare (head a) (head b)) < 0;
+    in
+      map (x: elemAt x 1) (sort less prepared);
+  /* Return the first (at most) N elements of a list.
+     Type: take :: int -> [a] -> [a]
+     Example:
+       take 2 [ "a" "b" "c" "d" ]
+       => [ "a" "b" ]
+       take 2 [ ]
+       => [ ]
+  */
+  take =
+    # Number of elements to take
+    count: sublist 0 count;
+  /* Remove the first (at most) N elements of a list.
+     Type: drop :: int -> [a] -> [a]
+     Example:
+       drop 2 [ "a" "b" "c" "d" ]
+       => [ "c" "d" ]
+       drop 2 [ ]
+       => [ ]
+  */
+  drop =
+    # Number of elements to drop
+    count:
+    # Input list
+    list: sublist count (length list) list;
+  /* Return a list consisting of at most `count` elements of `list`,
+     starting at index `start`.
+     Type: sublist :: int -> int -> [a] -> [a]
+     Example:
+       sublist 1 3 [ "a" "b" "c" "d" "e" ]
+       => [ "b" "c" "d" ]
+       sublist 1 3 [ ]
+       => [ ]
+  */
+  sublist =
+    # Index at which to start the sublist
+    start:
+    # Number of elements to take
+    count:
+    # Input list
+    list:
+    let len = length list; in
+    genList
+      (n: elemAt list (n + start))
+      (if start >= len then 0
+       else if start + count > len then len - start
+       else count);
+  /* Return the last element of a list.
+     This function throws an error if the list is empty.
+     Type: last :: [a] -> a
+     Example:
+       last [ 1 2 3 ]
+       => 3
+  */
+  last = list:
+    assert lib.assertMsg (list != []) "lists.last: list must not be empty!";
+    elemAt list (length list - 1);
+  /* Return all elements but the last.
+     This function throws an error if the list is empty.
+     Type: init :: [a] -> [a]
+     Example:
+       init [ 1 2 3 ]
+       => [ 1 2 ]
+  */
+  init = list:
+    assert lib.assertMsg (list != []) "lists.init: list must not be empty!";
+    take (length list - 1) list;
+  /* Return the image of the cross product of some lists by a function.
+    Example:
+      crossLists (x:y: "${toString x}${toString y}") [[1 2] [3 4]]
+      => [ "13" "14" "23" "24" ]
+  */
+  crossLists = builtins.trace
+    "lib.crossLists is deprecated, use lib.cartesianProductOfSets instead"
+    (f: foldl (fs: args: concatMap (f: map f args) fs) [f]);
+  /* Remove duplicate elements from the list. O(n^2) complexity.
+     Type: unique :: [a] -> [a]
+     Example:
+       unique [ 3 2 3 4 ]
+       => [ 3 2 4 ]
+   */
+ unique = foldl' (acc: e: if elem e acc then acc else acc ++ [ e ]) [];
+  /* Intersects list 'e' and another list. O(nm) complexity.
+     Example:
+       intersectLists [ 1 2 3 ] [ 6 3 2 ]
+       => [ 3 2 ]
+  */
+  intersectLists = e: filter (x: elem x e);
+  /* Subtracts list 'e' from another list. O(nm) complexity.
+     Example:
+       subtractLists [ 3 2 ] [ 1 2 3 4 5 3 ]
+       => [ 1 4 5 ]
+  */
+  subtractLists = e: filter (x: !(elem x e));
+  /* Test if two lists have no common element.
+     It should be slightly more efficient than (intersectLists a b == [])
+  */
+  mutuallyExclusive = a: b:
+    (builtins.length a) == 0 ||
+    (!(builtins.elem (builtins.head a) b) &&
+     mutuallyExclusive (builtins.tail a) b);
diff --git a/nixpkgs/lib/meta.nix b/nixpkgs/lib/meta.nix
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..bc04394dcf0b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/nixpkgs/lib/meta.nix
@@ -0,0 +1,102 @@
+/* Some functions for manipulating meta attributes, as well as the
+   name attribute. */
+{ lib }:
+rec {
+  /* Add to or override the meta attributes of the given
+     derivation.
+     Example:
+       addMetaAttrs {description = "Bla blah";} somePkg
+  */
+  addMetaAttrs = newAttrs: drv:
+    drv // { meta = (drv.meta or {}) // newAttrs; };
+  /* Disable Hydra builds of given derivation.
+  */
+  dontDistribute = drv: addMetaAttrs { hydraPlatforms = []; } drv;
+  /* Change the symbolic name of a package for presentation purposes
+     (i.e., so that nix-env users can tell them apart).
+  */
+  setName = name: drv: drv // {inherit name;};
+  /* Like `setName', but takes the previous name as an argument.
+     Example:
+       updateName (oldName: oldName + "-experimental") somePkg
+  */
+  updateName = updater: drv: drv // {name = updater (drv.name);};
+  /* Append a suffix to the name of a package (before the version
+     part). */
+  appendToName = suffix: updateName (name:
+    let x = builtins.parseDrvName name; in "${x.name}-${suffix}-${x.version}");
+  /* Apply a function to each derivation and only to derivations in an attrset.
+  */
+  mapDerivationAttrset = f: set: lib.mapAttrs (name: pkg: if lib.isDerivation pkg then (f pkg) else pkg) set;
+  /* Set the nix-env priority of the package.
+  */
+  setPrio = priority: addMetaAttrs { inherit priority; };
+  /* Decrease the nix-env priority of the package, i.e., other
+     versions/variants of the package will be preferred.
+  */
+  lowPrio = setPrio 10;
+  /* Apply lowPrio to an attrset with derivations
+  */
+  lowPrioSet = set: mapDerivationAttrset lowPrio set;
+  /* Increase the nix-env priority of the package, i.e., this
+     version/variant of the package will be preferred.
+  */
+  hiPrio = setPrio (-10);
+  /* Apply hiPrio to an attrset with derivations
+  */
+  hiPrioSet = set: mapDerivationAttrset hiPrio set;
+  /* Check to see if a platform is matched by the given `meta.platforms`
+     element.
+     A `meta.platform` pattern is either
+       1. (legacy) a system string.
+       2. (modern) a pattern for the platform `parsed` field.
+     We can inject these into a patten for the whole of a structured platform,
+     and then match that.
+  */
+  platformMatch = platform: elem: let
+      pattern =
+        if builtins.isString elem
+        then { system = elem; }
+        else { parsed = elem; };
+    in lib.matchAttrs pattern platform;
+  /* Check if a package is available on a given platform.
+     A package is available on a platform if both
+       1. One of `meta.platforms` pattern matches the given platform.
+       2. None of `meta.badPlatforms` pattern matches the given platform.
+  */
+  availableOn = platform: pkg:
+    lib.any (platformMatch platform) pkg.meta.platforms &&
+    lib.all (elem: !platformMatch platform elem) (pkg.meta.badPlatforms or []);
diff --git a/nixpkgs/lib/minver.nix b/nixpkgs/lib/minver.nix
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..86391bcd69e0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/nixpkgs/lib/minver.nix
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
+# Expose the minimum required version for evaluating Nixpkgs
diff --git a/nixpkgs/lib/modules.nix b/nixpkgs/lib/modules.nix
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..58c6cda58e49
--- /dev/null
+++ b/nixpkgs/lib/modules.nix
@@ -0,0 +1,945 @@
+{ lib }:
+  inherit (lib)
+    all
+    any
+    attrByPath
+    attrNames
+    catAttrs
+    concatLists
+    concatMap
+    count
+    elem
+    filter
+    findFirst
+    flip
+    foldl
+    foldl'
+    getAttrFromPath
+    head
+    id
+    imap1
+    isAttrs
+    isBool
+    isFunction
+    isList
+    isString
+    length
+    mapAttrs
+    mapAttrsToList
+    mapAttrsRecursiveCond
+    min
+    optional
+    optionalAttrs
+    optionalString
+    recursiveUpdate
+    reverseList sort
+    setAttrByPath
+    toList
+    types
+    warnIf
+    ;
+  inherit (lib.options)
+    isOption
+    mkOption
+    showDefs
+    showFiles
+    showOption
+    unknownModule
+    ;
+rec {
+  /* Evaluate a set of modules.  The result is a set of two
+     attributes: ‘options’: the nested set of all option declarations,
+     and ‘config’: the nested set of all option values.
+     !!! Please think twice before adding to this argument list! The more
+     that is specified here instead of in the modules themselves the harder
+     it is to transparently move a set of modules to be a submodule of another
+     config (as the proper arguments need to be replicated at each call to
+     evalModules) and the less declarative the module set is. */
+  evalModules = { modules
+                , prefix ? []
+                , # This should only be used for special arguments that need to be evaluated
+                  # when resolving module structure (like in imports). For everything else,
+                  # there's _module.args. If specialArgs.modulesPath is defined it will be
+                  # used as the base path for disabledModules.
+                  specialArgs ? {}
+                , # This would be remove in the future, Prefer _module.args option instead.
+                  args ? {}
+                , # This would be remove in the future, Prefer _module.check option instead.
+                  check ? true
+                }:
+    let
+      # This internal module declare internal options under the `_module'
+      # attribute.  These options are fragile, as they are used by the
+      # module system to change the interpretation of modules.
+      internalModule = rec {
+        _file = ./modules.nix;
+        key = _file;
+        options = {
+          _module.args = mkOption {
+            # Because things like `mkIf` are entirely useless for
+            # `_module.args` (because there's no way modules can check which
+            # arguments were passed), we'll use `lazyAttrsOf` which drops
+            # support for that, in turn it's lazy in its values. This means e.g.
+            # a `_module.args.pkgs = import (fetchTarball { ... }) {}` won't
+            # start a download when `pkgs` wasn't evaluated.
+            type = types.lazyAttrsOf types.unspecified;
+            internal = true;
+            description = "Arguments passed to each module.";
+          };
+          _module.check = mkOption {
+            type = types.bool;
+            internal = true;
+            default = check;
+            description = "Whether to check whether all option definitions have matching declarations.";
+          };
+          _module.freeformType = mkOption {
+            # Disallow merging for now, but could be implemented nicely with a `types.optionType`
+            type = types.nullOr (types.uniq types.attrs);
+            internal = true;
+            default = null;
+            description = ''
+              If set, merge all definitions that don't have an associated option
+              together using this type. The result then gets combined with the
+              values of all declared options to produce the final <literal>
+              config</literal> value.
+              If this is <literal>null</literal>, definitions without an option
+              will throw an error unless <option>_module.check</option> is
+              turned off.
+            '';
+          };
+        };
+        config = {
+          _module.args = args;
+        };
+      };
+      merged =
+        let collected = collectModules
+          (specialArgs.modulesPath or "")
+          (modules ++ [ internalModule ])
+          ({ inherit lib options config specialArgs; } // specialArgs);
+        in mergeModules prefix (reverseList collected);
+      options = merged.matchedOptions;
+      config =
+        let
+          # For definitions that have an associated option
+          declaredConfig = mapAttrsRecursiveCond (v: ! isOption v) (_: v: v.value) options;
+          # If freeformType is set, this is for definitions that don't have an associated option
+          freeformConfig =
+            let
+              defs = map (def: {
+                file = def.file;
+                value = setAttrByPath def.prefix def.value;
+              }) merged.unmatchedDefns;
+            in if defs == [] then {}
+            else declaredConfig._module.freeformType.merge prefix defs;
+        in if declaredConfig._module.freeformType == null then declaredConfig
+          # Because all definitions that had an associated option ended in
+          # declaredConfig, freeformConfig can only contain the non-option
+          # paths, meaning recursiveUpdate will never override any value
+          else recursiveUpdate freeformConfig declaredConfig;
+      checkUnmatched =
+        if config._module.check && config._module.freeformType == null && merged.unmatchedDefns != [] then
+          let
+            firstDef = head merged.unmatchedDefns;
+            baseMsg = "The option `${showOption (prefix ++ firstDef.prefix)}' does not exist. Definition values:${showDefs [ firstDef ]}";
+          in
+            if attrNames options == [ "_module" ]
+              then throw ''
+                ${baseMsg}
+                However there are no options defined in `${showOption prefix}'. Are you sure you've
+                declared your options properly? This can happen if you e.g. declared your options in `types.submodule'
+                under `config' rather than `options'.
+              ''
+            else throw baseMsg
+        else null;
+      result = builtins.seq checkUnmatched {
+        inherit options;
+        config = removeAttrs config [ "_module" ];
+        inherit (config) _module;
+      };
+    in result;
+  # collectModules :: (modulesPath: String) -> (modules: [ Module ]) -> (args: Attrs) -> [ Module ]
+  #
+  # Collects all modules recursively through `import` statements, filtering out
+  # all modules in disabledModules.
+  collectModules = let
+      # Like unifyModuleSyntax, but also imports paths and calls functions if necessary
+      loadModule = args: fallbackFile: fallbackKey: m:
+        if isFunction m || isAttrs m then
+          unifyModuleSyntax fallbackFile fallbackKey (applyIfFunction fallbackKey m args)
+        else if isList m then
+          let defs = [{ file = fallbackFile; value = m; }]; in
+          throw "Module imports can't be nested lists. Perhaps you meant to remove one level of lists? Definitions: ${showDefs defs}"
+        else unifyModuleSyntax (toString m) (toString m) (applyIfFunction (toString m) (import m) args);
+      /*
+      Collects all modules recursively into the form
+        {
+          disabled = [ <list of disabled modules> ];
+          # All modules of the main module list
+          modules = [
+            {
+              key = <key1>;
+              module = <module for key1>;
+              # All modules imported by the module for key1
+              modules = [
+                {
+                  key = <key1-1>;
+                  module = <module for key1-1>;
+                  # All modules imported by the module for key1-1
+                  modules = [ ... ];
+                }
+                ...
+              ];
+            }
+            ...
+          ];
+        }
+      */
+      collectStructuredModules =
+        let
+          collectResults = modules: {
+            disabled = concatLists (catAttrs "disabled" modules);
+            inherit modules;
+          };
+        in parentFile: parentKey: initialModules: args: collectResults (imap1 (n: x:
+          let
+            module = loadModule args parentFile "${parentKey}:anon-${toString n}" x;
+            collectedImports = collectStructuredModules module._file module.key module.imports args;
+          in {
+            key = module.key;
+            module = module;
+            modules = collectedImports.modules;
+            disabled = module.disabledModules ++ collectedImports.disabled;
+          }) initialModules);
+      # filterModules :: String -> { disabled, modules } -> [ Module ]
+      #
+      # Filters a structure as emitted by collectStructuredModules by removing all disabled
+      # modules recursively. It returns the final list of unique-by-key modules
+      filterModules = modulesPath: { disabled, modules }:
+        let
+          moduleKey = m: if isString m then toString modulesPath + "/" + m else toString m;
+          disabledKeys = map moduleKey disabled;
+          keyFilter = filter (attrs: ! elem attrs.key disabledKeys);
+        in map (attrs: attrs.module) (builtins.genericClosure {
+          startSet = keyFilter modules;
+          operator = attrs: keyFilter attrs.modules;
+        });
+    in modulesPath: initialModules: args:
+      filterModules modulesPath (collectStructuredModules unknownModule "" initialModules args);
+  /* Massage a module into canonical form, that is, a set consisting
+     of ‘options’, ‘config’ and ‘imports’ attributes. */
+  unifyModuleSyntax = file: key: m:
+    let
+      addMeta = config: if m ? meta
+        then mkMerge [ config { meta = m.meta; } ]
+        else config;
+      addFreeformType = config: if m ? freeformType
+        then mkMerge [ config { _module.freeformType = m.freeformType; } ]
+        else config;
+    in
+    if m ? config || m ? options then
+      let badAttrs = removeAttrs m ["_file" "key" "disabledModules" "imports" "options" "config" "meta" "freeformType"]; in
+      if badAttrs != {} then
+        throw "Module `${key}' has an unsupported attribute `${head (attrNames badAttrs)}'. This is caused by introducing a top-level `config' or `options' attribute. Add configuration attributes immediately on the top level instead, or move all of them (namely: ${toString (attrNames badAttrs)}) into the explicit `config' attribute."
+      else
+        { _file = toString m._file or file;
+          key = toString m.key or key;
+          disabledModules = m.disabledModules or [];
+          imports = m.imports or [];
+          options = m.options or {};
+          config = addFreeformType (addMeta (m.config or {}));
+        }
+    else
+      { _file = toString m._file or file;
+        key = toString m.key or key;
+        disabledModules = m.disabledModules or [];
+        imports = m.require or [] ++ m.imports or [];
+        options = {};
+        config = addFreeformType (addMeta (removeAttrs m ["_file" "key" "disabledModules" "require" "imports" "freeformType"]));
+      };
+  applyIfFunction = key: f: args@{ config, options, lib, ... }: if isFunction f then
+    let
+      # Module arguments are resolved in a strict manner when attribute set
+      # deconstruction is used.  As the arguments are now defined with the
+      # config._module.args option, the strictness used on the attribute
+      # set argument would cause an infinite loop, if the result of the
+      # option is given as argument.
+      #
+      # To work-around the strictness issue on the deconstruction of the
+      # attributes set argument, we create a new attribute set which is
+      # constructed to satisfy the expected set of attributes.  Thus calling
+      # a module will resolve strictly the attributes used as argument but
+      # not their values.  The values are forwarding the result of the
+      # evaluation of the option.
+      context = name: ''while evaluating the module argument `${name}' in "${key}":'';
+      extraArgs = builtins.mapAttrs (name: _:
+        builtins.addErrorContext (context name)
+          (args.${name} or config._module.args.${name})
+      ) (lib.functionArgs f);
+      # Note: we append in the opposite order such that we can add an error
+      # context on the explicited arguments of "args" too. This update
+      # operator is used to make the "args@{ ... }: with args.lib;" notation
+      # works.
+    in f (args // extraArgs)
+  else
+    f;
+  /* Merge a list of modules.  This will recurse over the option
+     declarations in all modules, combining them into a single set.
+     At the same time, for each option declaration, it will merge the
+     corresponding option definitions in all machines, returning them
+     in the ‘value’ attribute of each option.
+     This returns a set like
+       {
+         # A recursive set of options along with their final values
+         matchedOptions = {
+           foo = { _type = "option"; value = "option value of foo"; ... };
+           bar.baz = { _type = "option"; value = "option value of bar.baz"; ... };
+           ...
+         };
+         # A list of definitions that weren't matched by any option
+         unmatchedDefns = [
+           { file = "file.nix"; prefix = [ "qux" ]; value = "qux"; }
+           ...
+         ];
+       }
+  */
+  mergeModules = prefix: modules:
+    mergeModules' prefix modules
+      (concatMap (m: map (config: { file = m._file; inherit config; }) (pushDownProperties m.config)) modules);
+  mergeModules' = prefix: options: configs:
+    let
+     /* byName is like foldAttrs, but will look for attributes to merge in the
+        specified attribute name.
+        byName "foo" (module: value: ["module.hidden=${module.hidden},value=${value}"])
+        [
+          {
+            hidden="baz";
+            foo={qux="bar"; gla="flop";};
+          }
+          {
+            hidden="fli";
+            foo={qux="gne"; gli="flip";};
+          }
+        ]
+        ===>
+        {
+          gla = [ "module.hidden=baz,value=flop" ];
+          gli = [ "module.hidden=fli,value=flip" ];
+          qux = [ "module.hidden=baz,value=bar" "module.hidden=fli,value=gne" ];
+        }
+      */
+      byName = attr: f: modules:
+        foldl' (acc: module:
+              if !(builtins.isAttrs module.${attr}) then
+                throw ''
+                  You're trying to declare a value of type `${builtins.typeOf module.${attr}}'
+                  rather than an attribute-set for the option
+                  `${builtins.concatStringsSep "." prefix}'!
+                  This usually happens if `${builtins.concatStringsSep "." prefix}' has option
+                  definitions inside that are not matched. Please check how to properly define
+                  this option by e.g. referring to `man 5 configuration.nix'!
+                ''
+              else
+                acc // (mapAttrs (n: v:
+                                   (acc.${n} or []) ++ f module v
+                                 ) module.${attr}
+                       )
+               ) {} modules;
+      # an attrset 'name' => list of submodules that declare ‘name’.
+      declsByName = byName "options" (module: option:
+          [{ inherit (module) _file; options = option; }]
+        ) options;
+      # an attrset 'name' => list of submodules that define ‘name’.
+      defnsByName = byName "config" (module: value:
+          map (config: { inherit (module) file; inherit config; }) (pushDownProperties value)
+        ) configs;
+      # extract the definitions for each loc
+      defnsByName' = byName "config" (module: value:
+          [{ inherit (module) file; inherit value; }]
+        ) configs;
+      resultsByName = flip mapAttrs declsByName (name: decls:
+        # We're descending into attribute ‘name’.
+        let
+          loc = prefix ++ [name];
+          defns = defnsByName.${name} or [];
+          defns' = defnsByName'.${name} or [];
+          nrOptions = count (m: isOption m.options) decls;
+        in
+          if nrOptions == length decls then
+            let opt = fixupOptionType loc (mergeOptionDecls loc decls);
+            in {
+              matchedOptions = evalOptionValue loc opt defns';
+              unmatchedDefns = [];
+            }
+          else if nrOptions != 0 then
+            let
+              firstOption = findFirst (m: isOption m.options) "" decls;
+              firstNonOption = findFirst (m: !isOption m.options) "" decls;
+            in
+              throw "The option `${showOption loc}' in `${firstOption._file}' is a prefix of options in `${firstNonOption._file}'."
+          else
+            mergeModules' loc decls defns);
+      matchedOptions = mapAttrs (n: v: v.matchedOptions) resultsByName;
+      # an attrset 'name' => list of unmatched definitions for 'name'
+      unmatchedDefnsByName =
+        # Propagate all unmatched definitions from nested option sets
+        mapAttrs (n: v: v.unmatchedDefns) resultsByName
+        # Plus the definitions for the current prefix that don't have a matching option
+        // removeAttrs defnsByName' (attrNames matchedOptions);
+    in {
+      inherit matchedOptions;
+      # Transforms unmatchedDefnsByName into a list of definitions
+      unmatchedDefns = concatLists (mapAttrsToList (name: defs:
+        map (def: def // {
+          # Set this so we know when the definition first left unmatched territory
+          prefix = [name] ++ (def.prefix or []);
+        }) defs
+      ) unmatchedDefnsByName);
+    };
+  /* Merge multiple option declarations into a single declaration.  In
+     general, there should be only one declaration of each option.
+     The exception is the ‘options’ attribute, which specifies
+     sub-options.  These can be specified multiple times to allow one
+     module to add sub-options to an option declared somewhere else
+     (e.g. multiple modules define sub-options for ‘fileSystems’).
+     'loc' is the list of attribute names where the option is located.
+     'opts' is a list of modules.  Each module has an options attribute which
+     correspond to the definition of 'loc' in 'opt.file'. */
+  mergeOptionDecls =
+   let
+    packSubmodule = file: m:
+      { _file = file; imports = [ m ]; };
+    coerceOption = file: opt:
+      if isFunction opt then packSubmodule file opt
+      else packSubmodule file { options = opt; };
+   in loc: opts:
+    foldl' (res: opt:
+      let t  = res.type;
+          t' = opt.options.type;
+          mergedType = t.typeMerge t'.functor;
+          typesMergeable = mergedType != null;
+          typeSet = if (bothHave "type") && typesMergeable
+                       then { type = mergedType; }
+                       else {};
+          bothHave = k: opt.options ? ${k} && res ? ${k};
+      in
+      if bothHave "default" ||
+         bothHave "example" ||
+         bothHave "description" ||
+         bothHave "apply" ||
+         (bothHave "type" && (! typesMergeable))
+      then
+        throw "The option `${showOption loc}' in `${opt._file}' is already declared in ${showFiles res.declarations}."
+      else
+        let
+          /* Add the modules of the current option to the list of modules
+             already collected.  The options attribute except either a list of
+             submodules or a submodule. For each submodule, we add the file of the
+             current option declaration as the file use for the submodule.  If the
+             submodule defines any filename, then we ignore the enclosing option file. */
+          options' = toList opt.options.options;
+          getSubModules = opt.options.type.getSubModules or null;
+          submodules =
+            if getSubModules != null then map (packSubmodule opt._file) getSubModules ++ res.options
+            else if opt.options ? options then map (coerceOption opt._file) options' ++ res.options
+            else res.options;
+        in opt.options // res //
+          { declarations = res.declarations ++ [opt._file];
+            options = submodules;
+          } // typeSet
+    ) { inherit loc; declarations = []; options = []; } opts;
+  /* Merge all the definitions of an option to produce the final
+     config value. */
+  evalOptionValue = loc: opt: defs:
+    let
+      # Add in the default value for this option, if any.
+      defs' =
+          (optional (opt ? default)
+            { file = head opt.declarations; value = mkOptionDefault opt.default; }) ++ defs;
+      # Handle properties, check types, and merge everything together.
+      res =
+        if opt.readOnly or false && length defs' > 1 then
+          let
+            # For a better error message, evaluate all readOnly definitions as
+            # if they were the only definition.
+            separateDefs = map (def: def // {
+              value = (mergeDefinitions loc opt.type [ def ]).mergedValue;
+            }) defs';
+          in throw "The option `${showOption loc}' is read-only, but it's set multiple times. Definition values:${showDefs separateDefs}"
+        else
+          mergeDefinitions loc opt.type defs';
+      # Apply the 'apply' function to the merged value. This allows options to
+      # yield a value computed from the definitions
+      value = if opt ? apply then opt.apply res.mergedValue else res.mergedValue;
+      warnDeprecation =
+        warnIf (opt.type.deprecationMessage != null)
+          "The type `types.${opt.type.name}' of option `${showOption loc}' defined in ${showFiles opt.declarations} is deprecated. ${opt.type.deprecationMessage}";
+    in warnDeprecation opt //
+      { value = builtins.addErrorContext "while evaluating the option `${showOption loc}':" value;
+        inherit (res.defsFinal') highestPrio;
+        definitions = map (def: def.value) res.defsFinal;
+        files = map (def: def.file) res.defsFinal;
+        inherit (res) isDefined;
+      };
+  # Merge definitions of a value of a given type.
+  mergeDefinitions = loc: type: defs: rec {
+    defsFinal' =
+      let
+        # Process mkMerge and mkIf properties.
+        defs' = concatMap (m:
+          map (value: { inherit (m) file; inherit value; }) (builtins.addErrorContext "while evaluating definitions from `${m.file}':" (dischargeProperties m.value))
+        ) defs;
+        # Process mkOverride properties.
+        defs'' = filterOverrides' defs';
+        # Sort mkOrder properties.
+        defs''' =
+          # Avoid sorting if we don't have to.
+          if any (def: def.value._type or "" == "order") defs''.values
+          then sortProperties defs''.values
+          else defs''.values;
+      in {
+        values = defs''';
+        inherit (defs'') highestPrio;
+      };
+    defsFinal = defsFinal'.values;
+    # Type-check the remaining definitions, and merge them. Or throw if no definitions.
+    mergedValue =
+      if isDefined then
+        if all (def: type.check def.value) defsFinal then type.merge loc defsFinal
+        else let allInvalid = filter (def: ! type.check def.value) defsFinal;
+        in throw "A definition for option `${showOption loc}' is not of type `${type.description}'. Definition values:${showDefs allInvalid}"
+      else
+        # (nixos-option detects this specific error message and gives it special
+        # handling.  If changed here, please change it there too.)
+        throw "The option `${showOption loc}' is used but not defined.";
+    isDefined = defsFinal != [];
+    optionalValue =
+      if isDefined then { value = mergedValue; }
+      else {};
+  };
+  /* Given a config set, expand mkMerge properties, and push down the
+     other properties into the children.  The result is a list of
+     config sets that do not have properties at top-level.  For
+     example,
+       mkMerge [ { boot = set1; } (mkIf cond { boot = set2; services = set3; }) ]
+     is transformed into
+       [ { boot = set1; } { boot = mkIf cond set2; services = mkIf cond set3; } ].
+     This transform is the critical step that allows mkIf conditions
+     to refer to the full configuration without creating an infinite
+     recursion.
+  */
+  pushDownProperties = cfg:
+    if cfg._type or "" == "merge" then
+      concatMap pushDownProperties cfg.contents
+    else if cfg._type or "" == "if" then
+      map (mapAttrs (n: v: mkIf cfg.condition v)) (pushDownProperties cfg.content)
+    else if cfg._type or "" == "override" then
+      map (mapAttrs (n: v: mkOverride cfg.priority v)) (pushDownProperties cfg.content)
+    else # FIXME: handle mkOrder?
+      [ cfg ];
+  /* Given a config value, expand mkMerge properties, and discharge
+     any mkIf conditions.  That is, this is the place where mkIf
+     conditions are actually evaluated.  The result is a list of
+     config values.  For example, ‘mkIf false x’ yields ‘[]’,
+     ‘mkIf true x’ yields ‘[x]’, and
+       mkMerge [ 1 (mkIf true 2) (mkIf true (mkIf false 3)) ]
+     yields ‘[ 1 2 ]’.
+  */
+  dischargeProperties = def:
+    if def._type or "" == "merge" then
+      concatMap dischargeProperties def.contents
+    else if def._type or "" == "if" then
+      if isBool def.condition then
+        if def.condition then
+          dischargeProperties def.content
+        else
+          [ ]
+      else
+        throw "‘mkIf’ called with a non-Boolean condition"
+    else
+      [ def ];
+  /* Given a list of config values, process the mkOverride properties,
+     that is, return the values that have the highest (that is,
+     numerically lowest) priority, and strip the mkOverride
+     properties.  For example,
+       [ { file = "/1"; value = mkOverride 10 "a"; }
+         { file = "/2"; value = mkOverride 20 "b"; }
+         { file = "/3"; value = "z"; }
+         { file = "/4"; value = mkOverride 10 "d"; }
+       ]
+     yields
+       [ { file = "/1"; value = "a"; }
+         { file = "/4"; value = "d"; }
+       ]
+     Note that "z" has the default priority 100.
+  */
+  filterOverrides = defs: (filterOverrides' defs).values;
+  filterOverrides' = defs:
+    let
+      getPrio = def: if def.value._type or "" == "override" then def.value.priority else defaultPriority;
+      highestPrio = foldl' (prio: def: min (getPrio def) prio) 9999 defs;
+      strip = def: if def.value._type or "" == "override" then def // { value = def.value.content; } else def;
+    in {
+      values = concatMap (def: if getPrio def == highestPrio then [(strip def)] else []) defs;
+      inherit highestPrio;
+    };
+  /* Sort a list of properties.  The sort priority of a property is
+     1000 by default, but can be overridden by wrapping the property
+     using mkOrder. */
+  sortProperties = defs:
+    let
+      strip = def:
+        if def.value._type or "" == "order"
+        then def // { value = def.value.content; inherit (def.value) priority; }
+        else def;
+      defs' = map strip defs;
+      compare = a: b: (a.priority or 1000) < (b.priority or 1000);
+    in sort compare defs';
+  /* Hack for backward compatibility: convert options of type
+     optionSet to options of type submodule.  FIXME: remove
+     eventually. */
+  fixupOptionType = loc: opt:
+    let
+      options = opt.options or
+        (throw "Option `${showOption loc}' has type optionSet but has no option attribute, in ${showFiles opt.declarations}.");
+      f = tp:
+        let optionSetIn = type: (tp.name == type) && (tp.functor.wrapped.name == "optionSet");
+        in
+        if tp.name == "option set" || tp.name == "submodule" then
+          throw "The option ${showOption loc} uses submodules without a wrapping type, in ${showFiles opt.declarations}."
+        else if optionSetIn "attrsOf" then types.attrsOf (types.submodule options)
+        else if optionSetIn "listOf"  then types.listOf  (types.submodule options)
+        else if optionSetIn "nullOr"  then types.nullOr  (types.submodule options)
+        else tp;
+    in
+      if opt.type.getSubModules or null == null
+      then opt // { type = f (opt.type or types.unspecified); }
+      else opt // { type = opt.type.substSubModules opt.options; options = []; };
+  /* Properties. */
+  mkIf = condition: content:
+    { _type = "if";
+      inherit condition content;
+    };
+  mkAssert = assertion: message: content:
+    mkIf
+      (if assertion then true else throw "\nFailed assertion: ${message}")
+      content;
+  mkMerge = contents:
+    { _type = "merge";
+      inherit contents;
+    };
+  mkOverride = priority: content:
+    { _type = "override";
+      inherit priority content;
+    };
+  mkOptionDefault = mkOverride 1500; # priority of option defaults
+  mkDefault = mkOverride 1000; # used in config sections of non-user modules to set a default
+  mkForce = mkOverride 50;
+  mkVMOverride = mkOverride 10; # used by ‘nixos-rebuild build-vm’
+  mkOrder = priority: content:
+    { _type = "order";
+      inherit priority content;
+    };
+  mkBefore = mkOrder 500;
+  mkAfter = mkOrder 1500;
+  # The default priority for things that don't have a priority specified.
+  defaultPriority = 100;
+  # Convenient property used to transfer all definitions and their
+  # properties from one option to another. This property is useful for
+  # renaming options, and also for including properties from another module
+  # system, including sub-modules.
+  #
+  #   { config, options, ... }:
+  #
+  #   {
+  #     # 'bar' might not always be defined in the current module-set.
+  #     config.foo.enable = mkAliasDefinitions (options.bar.enable or {});
+  #
+  #     # 'barbaz' has to be defined in the current module-set.
+  #     config.foobar.paths = mkAliasDefinitions options.barbaz.paths;
+  #   }
+  #
+  # Note, this is different than taking the value of the option and using it
+  # as a definition, as the new definition will not keep the mkOverride /
+  # mkDefault properties of the previous option.
+  #
+  mkAliasDefinitions = mkAliasAndWrapDefinitions id;
+  mkAliasAndWrapDefinitions = wrap: option:
+    mkAliasIfDef option (wrap (mkMerge option.definitions));
+  # Similar to mkAliasAndWrapDefinitions but copies over the priority from the
+  # option as well.
+  #
+  # If a priority is not set, it assumes a priority of defaultPriority.
+  mkAliasAndWrapDefsWithPriority = wrap: option:
+    let
+      prio = option.highestPrio or defaultPriority;
+      defsWithPrio = map (mkOverride prio) option.definitions;
+    in mkAliasIfDef option (wrap (mkMerge defsWithPrio));
+  mkAliasIfDef = option:
+    mkIf (isOption option && option.isDefined);
+  /* Compatibility. */
+  fixMergeModules = modules: args: evalModules { inherit modules args; check = false; };
+  /* Return a module that causes a warning to be shown if the
+     specified option is defined. For example,
+       mkRemovedOptionModule [ "boot" "loader" "grub" "bootDevice" ] "<replacement instructions>"
+     causes a assertion if the user defines boot.loader.grub.bootDevice.
+     replacementInstructions is a string that provides instructions on
+     how to achieve the same functionality without the removed option,
+     or alternatively a reasoning why the functionality is not needed.
+     replacementInstructions SHOULD be provided!
+  */
+  mkRemovedOptionModule = optionName: replacementInstructions:
+    { options, ... }:
+    { options = setAttrByPath optionName (mkOption {
+        visible = false;
+        apply = x: throw "The option `${showOption optionName}' can no longer be used since it's been removed. ${replacementInstructions}";
+      });
+      config.assertions =
+        let opt = getAttrFromPath optionName options; in [{
+          assertion = !opt.isDefined;
+          message = ''
+            The option definition `${showOption optionName}' in ${showFiles opt.files} no longer has any effect; please remove it.
+            ${replacementInstructions}
+          '';
+        }];
+    };
+  /* Return a module that causes a warning to be shown if the
+     specified "from" option is defined; the defined value is however
+     forwarded to the "to" option. This can be used to rename options
+     while providing backward compatibility. For example,
+       mkRenamedOptionModule [ "boot" "copyKernels" ] [ "boot" "loader" "grub" "copyKernels" ]
+     forwards any definitions of boot.copyKernels to
+     boot.loader.grub.copyKernels while printing a warning.
+     This also copies over the priority from the aliased option to the
+     non-aliased option.
+  */
+  mkRenamedOptionModule = from: to: doRename {
+    inherit from to;
+    visible = false;
+    warn = true;
+    use = builtins.trace "Obsolete option `${showOption from}' is used. It was renamed to `${showOption to}'.";
+  };
+  /* Return a module that causes a warning to be shown if any of the "from"
+     option is defined; the defined values can be used in the "mergeFn" to set
+     the "to" value.
+     This function can be used to merge multiple options into one that has a
+     different type.
+     "mergeFn" takes the module "config" as a parameter and must return a value
+     of "to" option type.
+       mkMergedOptionModule
+         [ [ "a" "b" "c" ]
+           [ "d" "e" "f" ] ]
+         [ "x" "y" "z" ]
+         (config:
+           let value = p: getAttrFromPath p config;
+           in
+           if      (value [ "a" "b" "c" ]) == true then "foo"
+           else if (value [ "d" "e" "f" ]) == true then "bar"
+           else "baz")
+     - options.a.b.c is a removed boolean option
+     - options.d.e.f is a removed boolean option
+     - options.x.y.z is a new str option that combines a.b.c and d.e.f
+       functionality
+     This show a warning if any a.b.c or d.e.f is set, and set the value of
+     x.y.z to the result of the merge function
+  */
+  mkMergedOptionModule = from: to: mergeFn:
+    { config, options, ... }:
+    {
+      options = foldl recursiveUpdate {} (map (path: setAttrByPath path (mkOption {
+        visible = false;
+        # To use the value in mergeFn without triggering errors
+        default = "_mkMergedOptionModule";
+      })) from);
+      config = {
+        warnings = filter (x: x != "") (map (f:
+          let val = getAttrFromPath f config;
+              opt = getAttrFromPath f options;
+          in
+          optionalString
+            (val != "_mkMergedOptionModule")
+            "The option `${showOption f}' defined in ${showFiles opt.files} has been changed to `${showOption to}' that has a different type. Please read `${showOption to}' documentation and update your configuration accordingly."
+        ) from);
+      } // setAttrByPath to (mkMerge
+             (optional
+               (any (f: (getAttrFromPath f config) != "_mkMergedOptionModule") from)
+               (mergeFn config)));
+    };
+  /* Single "from" version of mkMergedOptionModule.
+     Return a module that causes a warning to be shown if the "from" option is
+     defined; the defined value can be used in the "mergeFn" to set the "to"
+     value.
+     This function can be used to change an option into another that has a
+     different type.
+     "mergeFn" takes the module "config" as a parameter and must return a value of
+     "to" option type.
+       mkChangedOptionModule [ "a" "b" "c" ] [ "x" "y" "z" ]
+         (config:
+           let value = getAttrFromPath [ "a" "b" "c" ] config;
+           in
+           if   value > 100 then "high"
+           else "normal")
+     - options.a.b.c is a removed int option
+     - options.x.y.z is a new str option that supersedes a.b.c
+     This show a warning if a.b.c is set, and set the value of x.y.z to the
+     result of the change function
+  */
+  mkChangedOptionModule = from: to: changeFn:
+    mkMergedOptionModule [ from ] to changeFn;
+  /* Like ‘mkRenamedOptionModule’, but doesn't show a warning. */
+  mkAliasOptionModule = from: to: doRename {
+    inherit from to;
+    visible = true;
+    warn = false;
+    use = id;
+  };
+  doRename = { from, to, visible, warn, use, withPriority ? true }:
+    { config, options, ... }:
+    let
+      fromOpt = getAttrFromPath from options;
+      toOf = attrByPath to
+        (abort "Renaming error: option `${showOption to}' does not exist.");
+      toType = let opt = attrByPath to {} options; in opt.type or (types.submodule {});
+    in
+    {
+      options = setAttrByPath from (mkOption {
+        inherit visible;
+        description = "Alias of <option>${showOption to}</option>.";
+        apply = x: use (toOf config);
+      } // optionalAttrs (toType != null) {
+        type = toType;
+      });
+      config = mkMerge [
+        {
+          warnings = optional (warn && fromOpt.isDefined)
+            "The option `${showOption from}' defined in ${showFiles fromOpt.files} has been renamed to `${showOption to}'.";
+        }
+        (if withPriority
+          then mkAliasAndWrapDefsWithPriority (setAttrByPath to) fromOpt
+          else mkAliasAndWrapDefinitions (setAttrByPath to) fromOpt)
+      ];
+    };
+  /* Use this function to import a JSON file as NixOS configuration.
+     importJSON -> path -> attrs
+  */
+  importJSON = file: {
+    _file = file;
+    config = lib.importJSON file;
+  };
+  /* Use this function to import a TOML file as NixOS configuration.
+     importTOML -> path -> attrs
+  */
+  importTOML = file: {
+    _file = file;
+    config = lib.importTOML file;
+  };
diff --git a/nixpkgs/lib/options.nix b/nixpkgs/lib/options.nix
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..87cd8b797969
--- /dev/null
+++ b/nixpkgs/lib/options.nix
@@ -0,0 +1,265 @@
+# Nixpkgs/NixOS option handling.
+{ lib }:
+  inherit (lib)
+    all
+    collect
+    concatLists
+    concatMap
+    elemAt
+    filter
+    foldl'
+    head
+    isAttrs
+    isBool
+    isDerivation
+    isFunction
+    isInt
+    isList
+    isString
+    length
+    mapAttrs
+    optional
+    optionals
+    take
+    ;
+  inherit (lib.attrsets)
+    optionalAttrs
+    ;
+  inherit (lib.strings)
+    concatMapStrings
+    concatStringsSep
+    ;
+  inherit (lib.types)
+    mkOptionType
+    ;
+rec {
+  /* Returns true when the given argument is an option
+     Type: isOption :: a -> bool
+     Example:
+       isOption 1             // => false
+       isOption (mkOption {}) // => true
+  */
+  isOption = lib.isType "option";
+  /* Creates an Option attribute set. mkOption accepts an attribute set with the following keys:
+     All keys default to `null` when not given.
+     Example:
+       mkOption { }  // => { _type = "option"; }
+       mkOption { defaultText = "foo"; } // => { _type = "option"; defaultText = "foo"; }
+  */
+  mkOption =
+    {
+    # Default value used when no definition is given in the configuration.
+    default ? null,
+    # Textual representation of the default, for the manual.
+    defaultText ? null,
+    # Example value used in the manual.
+    example ? null,
+    # String describing the option.
+    description ? null,
+    # Related packages used in the manual (see `genRelatedPackages` in ../nixos/lib/make-options-doc/default.nix).
+    relatedPackages ? null,
+    # Option type, providing type-checking and value merging.
+    type ? null,
+    # Function that converts the option value to something else.
+    apply ? null,
+    # Whether the option is for NixOS developers only.
+    internal ? null,
+    # Whether the option shows up in the manual.
+    visible ? null,
+    # Whether the option can be set only once
+    readOnly ? null,
+    # Deprecated, used by types.optionSet.
+    options ? null
+    } @ attrs:
+    attrs // { _type = "option"; };
+  /* Creates an Option attribute set for a boolean value option i.e an
+     option to be toggled on or off:
+     Example:
+       mkEnableOption "foo"
+       => { _type = "option"; default = false; description = "Whether to enable foo."; example = true; type = { ... }; }
+  */
+  mkEnableOption =
+    # Name for the created option
+    name: mkOption {
+    default = false;
+    example = true;
+    description = "Whether to enable ${name}.";
+    type = lib.types.bool;
+  };
+  /* This option accepts anything, but it does not produce any result.
+     This is useful for sharing a module across different module sets
+     without having to implement similar features as long as the
+     values of the options are not accessed. */
+  mkSinkUndeclaredOptions = attrs: mkOption ({
+    internal = true;
+    visible = false;
+    default = false;
+    description = "Sink for option definitions.";
+    type = mkOptionType {
+      name = "sink";
+      check = x: true;
+      merge = loc: defs: false;
+    };
+    apply = x: throw "Option value is not readable because the option is not declared.";
+  } // attrs);
+  mergeDefaultOption = loc: defs:
+    let list = getValues defs; in
+    if length list == 1 then head list
+    else if all isFunction list then x: mergeDefaultOption loc (map (f: f x) list)
+    else if all isList list then concatLists list
+    else if all isAttrs list then foldl' lib.mergeAttrs {} list
+    else if all isBool list then foldl' lib.or false list
+    else if all isString list then lib.concatStrings list
+    else if all isInt list && all (x: x == head list) list then head list
+    else throw "Cannot merge definitions of `${showOption loc}'. Definition values:${showDefs defs}";
+  mergeOneOption = loc: defs:
+    if defs == [] then abort "This case should never happen."
+    else if length defs != 1 then
+      throw "The unique option `${showOption loc}' is defined multiple times. Definition values:${showDefs defs}"
+    else (head defs).value;
+  /* "Merge" option definitions by checking that they all have the same value. */
+  mergeEqualOption = loc: defs:
+    if defs == [] then abort "This case should never happen."
+    # Return early if we only have one element
+    # This also makes it work for functions, because the foldl' below would try
+    # to compare the first element with itself, which is false for functions
+    else if length defs == 1 then (head defs).value
+    else (foldl' (first: def:
+      if def.value != first.value then
+        throw "The option `${showOption loc}' has conflicting definition values:${showDefs [ first def ]}"
+      else
+        first) (head defs) defs).value;
+  /* Extracts values of all "value" keys of the given list.
+     Type: getValues :: [ { value :: a } ] -> [a]
+     Example:
+       getValues [ { value = 1; } { value = 2; } ] // => [ 1 2 ]
+       getValues [ ]                               // => [ ]
+  */
+  getValues = map (x: x.value);
+  /* Extracts values of all "file" keys of the given list
+     Type: getFiles :: [ { file :: a } ] -> [a]
+     Example:
+       getFiles [ { file = "file1"; } { file = "file2"; } ] // => [ "file1" "file2" ]
+       getFiles [ ]                                         // => [ ]
+  */
+  getFiles = map (x: x.file);
+  # Generate documentation template from the list of option declaration like
+  # the set generated with filterOptionSets.
+  optionAttrSetToDocList = optionAttrSetToDocList' [];
+  optionAttrSetToDocList' = prefix: options:
+    concatMap (opt:
+      let
+        docOption = rec {
+          loc = opt.loc;
+          name = showOption opt.loc;
+          description = opt.description or (lib.warn "Option `${name}' has no description." "This option has no description.");
+          declarations = filter (x: x != unknownModule) opt.declarations;
+          internal = opt.internal or false;
+          visible = opt.visible or true;
+          readOnly = opt.readOnly or false;
+          type = opt.type.description or null;
+        }
+        // optionalAttrs (opt ? example) { example = scrubOptionValue opt.example; }
+        // optionalAttrs (opt ? default) { default = scrubOptionValue opt.default; }
+        // optionalAttrs (opt ? defaultText) { default = opt.defaultText; }
+        // optionalAttrs (opt ? relatedPackages && opt.relatedPackages != null) { inherit (opt) relatedPackages; };
+        subOptions =
+          let ss = opt.type.getSubOptions opt.loc;
+          in if ss != {} then optionAttrSetToDocList' opt.loc ss else [];
+      in
+        [ docOption ] ++ optionals docOption.visible subOptions) (collect isOption options);
+  /* This function recursively removes all derivation attributes from
+     `x` except for the `name` attribute.
+     This is to make the generation of `options.xml` much more
+     efficient: the XML representation of derivations is very large
+     (on the order of megabytes) and is not actually used by the
+     manual generator.
+  */
+  scrubOptionValue = x:
+    if isDerivation x then
+      { type = "derivation"; drvPath = x.name; outPath = x.name; name = x.name; }
+    else if isList x then map scrubOptionValue x
+    else if isAttrs x then mapAttrs (n: v: scrubOptionValue v) (removeAttrs x ["_args"])
+    else x;
+  /* For use in the `example` option attribute. It causes the given
+     text to be included verbatim in documentation. This is necessary
+     for example values that are not simple values, e.g., functions.
+  */
+  literalExample = text: { _type = "literalExample"; inherit text; };
+  # Helper functions.
+  /* Convert an option, described as a list of the option parts in to a
+     safe, human readable version.
+     Example:
+       (showOption ["foo" "bar" "baz"]) == "foo.bar.baz"
+       (showOption ["foo" "bar.baz" "tux"]) == "foo.bar.baz.tux"
+     Placeholders will not be quoted as they are not actual values:
+       (showOption ["foo" "*" "bar"]) == "foo.*.bar"
+       (showOption ["foo" "<name>" "bar"]) == "foo.<name>.bar"
+     Unlike attributes, options can also start with numbers:
+       (showOption ["windowManager" "2bwm" "enable"]) == "windowManager.2bwm.enable"
+  */
+  showOption = parts: let
+    escapeOptionPart = part:
+      let
+        escaped = lib.strings.escapeNixString part;
+      in if escaped == "\"${part}\""
+         then part
+         else escaped;
+    in (concatStringsSep ".") (map escapeOptionPart parts);
+  showFiles = files: concatStringsSep " and " (map (f: "`${f}'") files);
+  showDefs = defs: concatMapStrings (def:
+    let
+      # Pretty print the value for display, if successful
+      prettyEval = builtins.tryEval (lib.generators.toPretty {} def.value);
+      # Split it into its lines
+      lines = filter (v: ! isList v) (builtins.split "\n" prettyEval.value);
+      # Only display the first 5 lines, and indent them for better visibility
+      value = concatStringsSep "\n    " (take 5 lines ++ optional (length lines > 5) "...");
+      result =
+        # Don't print any value if evaluating the value strictly fails
+        if ! prettyEval.success then ""
+        # Put it on a new line if it consists of multiple
+        else if length lines > 1 then ":\n    " + value
+        else ": " + value;
+    in "\n- In `${def.file}'${result}"
+  ) defs;
+  unknownModule = "<unknown-file>";
diff --git a/nixpkgs/lib/sources.nix b/nixpkgs/lib/sources.nix
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..407829b547b0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/nixpkgs/lib/sources.nix
@@ -0,0 +1,263 @@
+# Functions for copying sources to the Nix store.
+{ lib }:
+# Tested in lib/tests/sources.sh
+  inherit (builtins)
+    hasContext
+    match
+    readDir
+    split
+    storeDir
+    tryEval
+    ;
+  inherit (lib)
+    boolToString
+    filter
+    getAttr
+    isString
+    pathExists
+    readFile
+    ;
+  # Returns the type of a path: regular (for file), symlink, or directory
+  pathType = p: getAttr (baseNameOf p) (readDir (dirOf p));
+  # Returns true if the path exists and is a directory, false otherwise
+  pathIsDirectory = p: if pathExists p then (pathType p) == "directory" else false;
+  # Returns true if the path exists and is a regular file, false otherwise
+  pathIsRegularFile = p: if pathExists p then (pathType p) == "regular" else false;
+  # Bring in a path as a source, filtering out all Subversion and CVS
+  # directories, as well as backup files (*~).
+  cleanSourceFilter = name: type: let baseName = baseNameOf (toString name); in ! (
+    # Filter out version control software files/directories
+    (baseName == ".git" || type == "directory" && (baseName == ".svn" || baseName == "CVS" || baseName == ".hg")) ||
+    # Filter out editor backup / swap files.
+    lib.hasSuffix "~" baseName ||
+    match "^\\.sw[a-z]$" baseName != null ||
+    match "^\\..*\\.sw[a-z]$" baseName != null ||
+    # Filter out generates files.
+    lib.hasSuffix ".o" baseName ||
+    lib.hasSuffix ".so" baseName ||
+    # Filter out nix-build result symlinks
+    (type == "symlink" && lib.hasPrefix "result" baseName)
+  );
+  # Filters a source tree removing version control files and directories using cleanSourceWith
+  #
+  # Example:
+  #          cleanSource ./.
+  cleanSource = src: cleanSourceWith { filter = cleanSourceFilter; inherit src; };
+  # Like `builtins.filterSource`, except it will compose with itself,
+  # allowing you to chain multiple calls together without any
+  # intermediate copies being put in the nix store.
+  #
+  #     lib.cleanSourceWith {
+  #       filter = f;
+  #       src = lib.cleanSourceWith {
+  #         filter = g;
+  #         src = ./.;
+  #       };
+  #     }
+  #     # Succeeds!
+  #
+  #     builtins.filterSource f (builtins.filterSource g ./.)
+  #     # Fails!
+  #
+  # Parameters:
+  #
+  #   src:      A path or cleanSourceWith result to filter and/or rename.
+  #
+  #   filter:   A function (path -> type -> bool)
+  #             Optional with default value: constant true (include everything)
+  #             The function will be combined with the && operator such
+  #             that src.filter is called lazily.
+  #             For implementing a filter, see
+  #             https://nixos.org/nix/manual/#builtin-filterSource
+  #
+  #   name:     Optional name to use as part of the store path.
+  #             This defaults to `src.name` or otherwise `"source"`.
+  #
+  cleanSourceWith = { filter ? _path: _type: true, src, name ? null }:
+    let
+      orig = toSourceAttributes src;
+    in fromSourceAttributes {
+      inherit (orig) origSrc;
+      filter = path: type: filter path type && orig.filter path type;
+      name = if name != null then name else orig.name;
+    };
+  /*
+    Add logging to a source, for troubleshooting the filtering behavior.
+    Type:
+      sources.trace :: sourceLike -> Source
+  */
+  trace =
+    # Source to debug. The returned source will behave like this source, but also log its filter invocations.
+    src:
+    let
+      attrs = toSourceAttributes src;
+    in
+      fromSourceAttributes (
+        attrs // {
+          filter = path: type:
+            let
+              r = attrs.filter path type;
+            in
+              builtins.trace "${attrs.name}.filter ${path} = ${boolToString r}" r;
+        }
+      ) // {
+        satisfiesSubpathInvariant = src ? satisfiesSubpathInvariant && src.satisfiesSubpathInvariant;
+      };
+  # Filter sources by a list of regular expressions.
+  #
+  # E.g. `src = sourceByRegex ./my-subproject [".*\.py$" "^database.sql$"]`
+  sourceByRegex = src: regexes:
+    let
+      isFiltered = src ? _isLibCleanSourceWith;
+      origSrc = if isFiltered then src.origSrc else src;
+    in lib.cleanSourceWith {
+      filter = (path: type:
+        let relPath = lib.removePrefix (toString origSrc + "/") (toString path);
+        in lib.any (re: match re relPath != null) regexes);
+      inherit src;
+    };
+  /*
+    Get all files ending with the specified suffices from the given
+    source directory or its descendants, omitting files that do not match
+    any suffix. The result of the example below will include files like
+    `./dir/module.c` and `./dir/subdir/doc.xml` if present.
+    Type: sourceLike -> [String] -> Source
+    Example:
+      sourceFilesBySuffices ./. [ ".xml" ".c" ]
+  */
+  sourceFilesBySuffices =
+    # Path or source containing the files to be returned
+    src:
+    # A list of file suffix strings
+    exts:
+    let filter = name: type:
+      let base = baseNameOf (toString name);
+      in type == "directory" || lib.any (ext: lib.hasSuffix ext base) exts;
+    in cleanSourceWith { inherit filter src; };
+  pathIsGitRepo = path: (tryEval (commitIdFromGitRepo path)).success;
+  # Get the commit id of a git repo
+  # Example: commitIdFromGitRepo <nixpkgs/.git>
+  commitIdFromGitRepo =
+    let readCommitFromFile = file: path:
+        let fileName       = toString path + "/" + file;
+            packedRefsName = toString path + "/packed-refs";
+            absolutePath   = base: path:
+              if lib.hasPrefix "/" path
+              then path
+              else toString (/. + "${base}/${path}");
+        in if pathIsRegularFile path
+           # Resolve git worktrees. See gitrepository-layout(5)
+           then
+             let m   = match "^gitdir: (.*)$" (lib.fileContents path);
+             in if m == null
+                then throw ("File contains no gitdir reference: " + path)
+                else
+                  let gitDir      = absolutePath (dirOf path) (lib.head m);
+                      commonDir'' = if pathIsRegularFile "${gitDir}/commondir"
+                                    then lib.fileContents "${gitDir}/commondir"
+                                    else gitDir;
+                      commonDir'  = lib.removeSuffix "/" commonDir'';
+                      commonDir   = absolutePath gitDir commonDir';
+                      refFile     = lib.removePrefix "${commonDir}/" "${gitDir}/${file}";
+                  in readCommitFromFile refFile commonDir
+           else if pathIsRegularFile fileName
+           # Sometimes git stores the commitId directly in the file but
+           # sometimes it stores something like: «ref: refs/heads/branch-name»
+           then
+             let fileContent = lib.fileContents fileName;
+                 matchRef    = match "^ref: (.*)$" fileContent;
+             in if  matchRef == null
+                then fileContent
+                else readCommitFromFile (lib.head matchRef) path
+           else if pathIsRegularFile packedRefsName
+           # Sometimes, the file isn't there at all and has been packed away in the
+           # packed-refs file, so we have to grep through it:
+           then
+             let fileContent = readFile packedRefsName;
+                 matchRef = match "([a-z0-9]+) ${file}";
+                 isRef = s: isString s && (matchRef s) != null;
+                 # there is a bug in libstdc++ leading to stackoverflow for long strings:
+                 # https://github.com/NixOS/nix/issues/2147#issuecomment-659868795
+                 refs = filter isRef (split "\n" fileContent);
+             in if refs == []
+                then throw ("Could not find " + file + " in " + packedRefsName)
+                else lib.head (matchRef (lib.head refs))
+           else throw ("Not a .git directory: " + path);
+    in readCommitFromFile "HEAD";
+  pathHasContext = builtins.hasContext or (lib.hasPrefix storeDir);
+  canCleanSource = src: src ? _isLibCleanSourceWith || !(pathHasContext (toString src));
+  # -------------------------------------------------------------------------- #
+  # Internal functions
+  #
+  # toSourceAttributes : sourceLike -> SourceAttrs
+  #
+  # Convert any source-like object into a simple, singular representation.
+  # We don't expose this representation in order to avoid having a fifth path-
+  # like class of objects in the wild.
+  # (Existing ones being: paths, strings, sources and x//{outPath})
+  # So instead of exposing internals, we build a library of combinator functions.
+  toSourceAttributes = src:
+    let
+      isFiltered = src ? _isLibCleanSourceWith;
+    in
+    {
+      # The original path
+      origSrc = if isFiltered then src.origSrc else src;
+      filter = if isFiltered then src.filter else _: _: true;
+      name = if isFiltered then src.name else "source";
+    };
+  # fromSourceAttributes : SourceAttrs -> Source
+  #
+  # Inverse of toSourceAttributes for Source objects.
+  fromSourceAttributes = { origSrc, filter, name }:
+    {
+      _isLibCleanSourceWith = true;
+      inherit origSrc filter name;
+      outPath = builtins.path { inherit filter name; path = origSrc; };
+    };
+in {
+  inherit
+    pathType
+    pathIsDirectory
+    pathIsRegularFile
+    pathIsGitRepo
+    commitIdFromGitRepo
+    cleanSource
+    cleanSourceWith
+    cleanSourceFilter
+    pathHasContext
+    canCleanSource
+    sourceByRegex
+    sourceFilesBySuffices
+    trace
+    ;
diff --git a/nixpkgs/lib/strings-with-deps.nix b/nixpkgs/lib/strings-with-deps.nix
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..7b88b018da57
--- /dev/null
+++ b/nixpkgs/lib/strings-with-deps.nix
@@ -0,0 +1,84 @@
+{ lib }:
+  You define you custom builder script by adding all build steps to a list.
+  for example:
+       builder = writeScript "fsg-4.4-builder"
+               (textClosure [doUnpack addInputs preBuild doMake installPhase doForceShare]);
+  a step is defined by noDepEntry, fullDepEntry or packEntry.
+  To ensure that prerequisite are met those are added before the task itself by
+  textClosureDupList. Duplicated items are removed again.
+  See trace/nixpkgs/trunk/pkgs/top-level/builder-defs.nix for some predefined build steps
+  Attention:
+  let
+    pkgs = (import <nixpkgs>) {};
+  in let
+    inherit (pkgs.stringsWithDeps) fullDepEntry packEntry noDepEntry textClosureMap;
+    inherit (pkgs.lib) id;
+    nameA = noDepEntry "Text a";
+    nameB = fullDepEntry "Text b" ["nameA"];
+    nameC = fullDepEntry "Text c" ["nameA"];
+    stages = {
+      nameHeader = noDepEntry "#! /bin/sh \n";
+      inherit nameA nameB nameC;
+    };
+  in
+    textClosureMap id stages
+    [ "nameHeader" "nameA" "nameB" "nameC"
+      nameC # <- added twice. add a dep entry if you know that it will be added once only [1]
+      "nameB" # <- this will not be added again because the attr name (reference) is used
+    ]
+  # result: Str("#! /bin/sh \n\nText a\nText b\nText c\nText c",[])
+  [1] maybe this behaviour should be removed to keep things simple (?)
+  inherit (lib)
+    concatStringsSep
+    head
+    isAttrs
+    listToAttrs
+    tail
+    ;
+rec {
+  /* !!! The interface of this function is kind of messed up, since
+     it's way too overloaded and almost but not quite computes a
+     topological sort of the depstrings. */
+  textClosureList = predefined: arg:
+    let
+      f = done: todo:
+        if todo == [] then {result = []; inherit done;}
+        else
+          let entry = head todo; in
+          if isAttrs entry then
+            let x = f done entry.deps;
+                y = f x.done (tail todo);
+            in { result = x.result ++ [entry.text] ++ y.result;
+                 done = y.done;
+               }
+          else if done ? ${entry} then f done (tail todo)
+          else f (done // listToAttrs [{name = entry; value = 1;}]) ([predefined.${entry}] ++ tail todo);
+    in (f {} arg).result;
+  textClosureMap = f: predefined: names:
+    concatStringsSep "\n" (map f (textClosureList predefined names));
+  noDepEntry = text: {inherit text; deps = [];};
+  fullDepEntry = text: deps: {inherit text deps;};
+  packEntry = deps: {inherit deps; text="";};
+  stringAfter = deps: text: { inherit text deps; };
diff --git a/nixpkgs/lib/strings.nix b/nixpkgs/lib/strings.nix
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..49fa0196a0b2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/nixpkgs/lib/strings.nix
@@ -0,0 +1,764 @@
+/* String manipulation functions. */
+{ lib }:
+inherit (builtins) length;
+rec {
+  inherit (builtins)
+    compareVersions
+    elem
+    elemAt
+    filter
+    fromJSON
+    head
+    isInt
+    isList
+    isString
+    match
+    parseDrvName
+    readFile
+    replaceStrings
+    split
+    storeDir
+    stringLength
+    substring
+    tail
+    toJSON
+    typeOf
+    unsafeDiscardStringContext
+    ;
+  /* Concatenate a list of strings.
+    Type: concatStrings :: [string] -> string
+     Example:
+       concatStrings ["foo" "bar"]
+       => "foobar"
+  */
+  concatStrings = builtins.concatStringsSep "";
+  /* Map a function over a list and concatenate the resulting strings.
+    Type: concatMapStrings :: (a -> string) -> [a] -> string
+     Example:
+       concatMapStrings (x: "a" + x) ["foo" "bar"]
+       => "afooabar"
+  */
+  concatMapStrings = f: list: concatStrings (map f list);
+  /* Like `concatMapStrings` except that the f functions also gets the
+     position as a parameter.
+     Type: concatImapStrings :: (int -> a -> string) -> [a] -> string
+     Example:
+       concatImapStrings (pos: x: "${toString pos}-${x}") ["foo" "bar"]
+       => "1-foo2-bar"
+  */
+  concatImapStrings = f: list: concatStrings (lib.imap1 f list);
+  /* Place an element between each element of a list
+     Type: intersperse :: a -> [a] -> [a]
+     Example:
+       intersperse "/" ["usr" "local" "bin"]
+       => ["usr" "/" "local" "/" "bin"].
+  */
+  intersperse =
+    # Separator to add between elements
+    separator:
+    # Input list
+    list:
+    if list == [] || length list == 1
+    then list
+    else tail (lib.concatMap (x: [separator x]) list);
+  /* Concatenate a list of strings with a separator between each element
+     Type: concatStringsSep :: string -> [string] -> string
+     Example:
+        concatStringsSep "/" ["usr" "local" "bin"]
+        => "usr/local/bin"
+  */
+  concatStringsSep = builtins.concatStringsSep or (separator: list:
+    concatStrings (intersperse separator list));
+  /* Maps a function over a list of strings and then concatenates the
+     result with the specified separator interspersed between
+     elements.
+     Type: concatMapStringsSep :: string -> (string -> string) -> [string] -> string
+     Example:
+        concatMapStringsSep "-" (x: toUpper x)  ["foo" "bar" "baz"]
+        => "FOO-BAR-BAZ"
+  */
+  concatMapStringsSep =
+    # Separator to add between elements
+    sep:
+    # Function to map over the list
+    f:
+    # List of input strings
+    list: concatStringsSep sep (map f list);
+  /* Same as `concatMapStringsSep`, but the mapping function
+     additionally receives the position of its argument.
+     Type: concatIMapStringsSep :: string -> (int -> string -> string) -> [string] -> string
+     Example:
+       concatImapStringsSep "-" (pos: x: toString (x / pos)) [ 6 6 6 ]
+       => "6-3-2"
+  */
+  concatImapStringsSep =
+    # Separator to add between elements
+    sep:
+    # Function that receives elements and their positions
+    f:
+    # List of input strings
+    list: concatStringsSep sep (lib.imap1 f list);
+  /* Construct a Unix-style, colon-separated search path consisting of
+     the given `subDir` appended to each of the given paths.
+     Type: makeSearchPath :: string -> [string] -> string
+     Example:
+       makeSearchPath "bin" ["/root" "/usr" "/usr/local"]
+       => "/root/bin:/usr/bin:/usr/local/bin"
+       makeSearchPath "bin" [""]
+       => "/bin"
+  */
+  makeSearchPath =
+    # Directory name to append
+    subDir:
+    # List of base paths
+    paths:
+    concatStringsSep ":" (map (path: path + "/" + subDir) (filter (x: x != null) paths));
+  /* Construct a Unix-style search path by appending the given
+     `subDir` to the specified `output` of each of the packages. If no
+     output by the given name is found, fallback to `.out` and then to
+     the default.
+     Type: string -> string -> [package] -> string
+     Example:
+       makeSearchPathOutput "dev" "bin" [ pkgs.openssl pkgs.zlib ]
+       => "/nix/store/9rz8gxhzf8sw4kf2j2f1grr49w8zx5vj-openssl-1.0.1r-dev/bin:/nix/store/wwh7mhwh269sfjkm6k5665b5kgp7jrk2-zlib-1.2.8/bin"
+  */
+  makeSearchPathOutput =
+    # Package output to use
+    output:
+    # Directory name to append
+    subDir:
+    # List of packages
+    pkgs: makeSearchPath subDir (map (lib.getOutput output) pkgs);
+  /* Construct a library search path (such as RPATH) containing the
+     libraries for a set of packages
+     Example:
+       makeLibraryPath [ "/usr" "/usr/local" ]
+       => "/usr/lib:/usr/local/lib"
+       pkgs = import <nixpkgs> { }
+       makeLibraryPath [ pkgs.openssl pkgs.zlib ]
+       => "/nix/store/9rz8gxhzf8sw4kf2j2f1grr49w8zx5vj-openssl-1.0.1r/lib:/nix/store/wwh7mhwh269sfjkm6k5665b5kgp7jrk2-zlib-1.2.8/lib"
+  */
+  makeLibraryPath = makeSearchPathOutput "lib" "lib";
+  /* Construct a binary search path (such as $PATH) containing the
+     binaries for a set of packages.
+     Example:
+       makeBinPath ["/root" "/usr" "/usr/local"]
+       => "/root/bin:/usr/bin:/usr/local/bin"
+  */
+  makeBinPath = makeSearchPathOutput "bin" "bin";
+  /* Depending on the boolean `cond', return either the given string
+     or the empty string. Useful to concatenate against a bigger string.
+     Type: optionalString :: bool -> string -> string
+     Example:
+       optionalString true "some-string"
+       => "some-string"
+       optionalString false "some-string"
+       => ""
+  */
+  optionalString =
+    # Condition
+    cond:
+    # String to return if condition is true
+    string: if cond then string else "";
+  /* Determine whether a string has given prefix.
+     Type: hasPrefix :: string -> string -> bool
+     Example:
+       hasPrefix "foo" "foobar"
+       => true
+       hasPrefix "foo" "barfoo"
+       => false
+  */
+  hasPrefix =
+    # Prefix to check for
+    pref:
+    # Input string
+    str: substring 0 (stringLength pref) str == pref;
+  /* Determine whether a string has given suffix.
+     Type: hasSuffix :: string -> string -> bool
+     Example:
+       hasSuffix "foo" "foobar"
+       => false
+       hasSuffix "foo" "barfoo"
+       => true
+  */
+  hasSuffix =
+    # Suffix to check for
+    suffix:
+    # Input string
+    content:
+    let
+      lenContent = stringLength content;
+      lenSuffix = stringLength suffix;
+    in lenContent >= lenSuffix &&
+       substring (lenContent - lenSuffix) lenContent content == suffix;
+  /* Determine whether a string contains the given infix
+    Type: hasInfix :: string -> string -> bool
+    Example:
+      hasInfix "bc" "abcd"
+      => true
+      hasInfix "ab" "abcd"
+      => true
+      hasInfix "cd" "abcd"
+      => true
+      hasInfix "foo" "abcd"
+      => false
+  */
+  hasInfix = infix: content:
+    let
+      drop = x: substring 1 (stringLength x) x;
+    in hasPrefix infix content
+      || content != "" && hasInfix infix (drop content);
+  /* Convert a string to a list of characters (i.e. singleton strings).
+     This allows you to, e.g., map a function over each character.  However,
+     note that this will likely be horribly inefficient; Nix is not a
+     general purpose programming language. Complex string manipulations
+     should, if appropriate, be done in a derivation.
+     Also note that Nix treats strings as a list of bytes and thus doesn't
+     handle unicode.
+     Type: stringToCharacters :: string -> [string]
+     Example:
+       stringToCharacters ""
+       => [ ]
+       stringToCharacters "abc"
+       => [ "a" "b" "c" ]
+       stringToCharacters "💩"
+       => [ "�" "�" "�" "�" ]
+  */
+  stringToCharacters = s:
+    map (p: substring p 1 s) (lib.range 0 (stringLength s - 1));
+  /* Manipulate a string character by character and replace them by
+     strings before concatenating the results.
+     Type: stringAsChars :: (string -> string) -> string -> string
+     Example:
+       stringAsChars (x: if x == "a" then "i" else x) "nax"
+       => "nix"
+  */
+  stringAsChars =
+    # Function to map over each individual character
+    f:
+    # Input string
+    s: concatStrings (
+      map f (stringToCharacters s)
+    );
+  /* Escape occurrence of the elements of `list` in `string` by
+     prefixing it with a backslash.
+     Type: escape :: [string] -> string -> string
+     Example:
+       escape ["(" ")"] "(foo)"
+       => "\\(foo\\)"
+  */
+  escape = list: replaceChars list (map (c: "\\${c}") list);
+  /* Quote string to be used safely within the Bourne shell.
+     Type: escapeShellArg :: string -> string
+     Example:
+       escapeShellArg "esc'ape\nme"
+       => "'esc'\\''ape\nme'"
+  */
+  escapeShellArg = arg: "'${replaceStrings ["'"] ["'\\''"] (toString arg)}'";
+  /* Quote all arguments to be safely passed to the Bourne shell.
+     Type: escapeShellArgs :: [string] -> string
+     Example:
+       escapeShellArgs ["one" "two three" "four'five"]
+       => "'one' 'two three' 'four'\\''five'"
+  */
+  escapeShellArgs = concatMapStringsSep " " escapeShellArg;
+  /* Turn a string into a Nix expression representing that string
+     Type: string -> string
+     Example:
+       escapeNixString "hello\${}\n"
+       => "\"hello\\\${}\\n\""
+  */
+  escapeNixString = s: escape ["$"] (toJSON s);
+  /* Turn a string into an exact regular expression
+     Type: string -> string
+     Example:
+       escapeRegex "[^a-z]*"
+       => "\\[\\^a-z]\\*"
+  */
+  escapeRegex = escape (stringToCharacters "\\[{()^$?*+|.");
+  /* Quotes a string if it can't be used as an identifier directly.
+     Type: string -> string
+     Example:
+       escapeNixIdentifier "hello"
+       => "hello"
+       escapeNixIdentifier "0abc"
+       => "\"0abc\""
+  */
+  escapeNixIdentifier = s:
+    # Regex from https://github.com/NixOS/nix/blob/d048577909e383439c2549e849c5c2f2016c997e/src/libexpr/lexer.l#L91
+    if match "[a-zA-Z_][a-zA-Z0-9_'-]*" s != null
+    then s else escapeNixString s;
+  # Obsolete - use replaceStrings instead.
+  replaceChars = builtins.replaceStrings or (
+    del: new: s:
+    let
+      substList = lib.zipLists del new;
+      subst = c:
+        let found = lib.findFirst (sub: sub.fst == c) null substList; in
+        if found == null then
+          c
+        else
+          found.snd;
+    in
+      stringAsChars subst s);
+  # Case conversion utilities.
+  lowerChars = stringToCharacters "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz";
+  upperChars = stringToCharacters "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ";
+  /* Converts an ASCII string to lower-case.
+     Type: toLower :: string -> string
+     Example:
+       toLower "HOME"
+       => "home"
+  */
+  toLower = replaceChars upperChars lowerChars;
+  /* Converts an ASCII string to upper-case.
+     Type: toUpper :: string -> string
+     Example:
+       toUpper "home"
+       => "HOME"
+  */
+  toUpper = replaceChars lowerChars upperChars;
+  /* Appends string context from another string.  This is an implementation
+     detail of Nix.
+     Strings in Nix carry an invisible `context` which is a list of strings
+     representing store paths.  If the string is later used in a derivation
+     attribute, the derivation will properly populate the inputDrvs and
+     inputSrcs.
+     Example:
+       pkgs = import <nixpkgs> { };
+       addContextFrom pkgs.coreutils "bar"
+       => "bar"
+  */
+  addContextFrom = a: b: substring 0 0 a + b;
+  /* Cut a string with a separator and produces a list of strings which
+     were separated by this separator.
+     Example:
+       splitString "." "foo.bar.baz"
+       => [ "foo" "bar" "baz" ]
+       splitString "/" "/usr/local/bin"
+       => [ "" "usr" "local" "bin" ]
+  */
+  splitString = _sep: _s:
+    let
+      sep = builtins.unsafeDiscardStringContext _sep;
+      s = builtins.unsafeDiscardStringContext _s;
+      splits = builtins.filter builtins.isString (builtins.split (escapeRegex sep) s);
+    in
+      map (v: addContextFrom _sep (addContextFrom _s v)) splits;
+  /* Return a string without the specified prefix, if the prefix matches.
+     Type: string -> string -> string
+     Example:
+       removePrefix "foo." "foo.bar.baz"
+       => "bar.baz"
+       removePrefix "xxx" "foo.bar.baz"
+       => "foo.bar.baz"
+  */
+  removePrefix =
+    # Prefix to remove if it matches
+    prefix:
+    # Input string
+    str:
+    let
+      preLen = stringLength prefix;
+      sLen = stringLength str;
+    in
+      if hasPrefix prefix str then
+        substring preLen (sLen - preLen) str
+      else
+        str;
+  /* Return a string without the specified suffix, if the suffix matches.
+     Type: string -> string -> string
+     Example:
+       removeSuffix "front" "homefront"
+       => "home"
+       removeSuffix "xxx" "homefront"
+       => "homefront"
+  */
+  removeSuffix =
+    # Suffix to remove if it matches
+    suffix:
+    # Input string
+    str:
+    let
+      sufLen = stringLength suffix;
+      sLen = stringLength str;
+    in
+      if sufLen <= sLen && suffix == substring (sLen - sufLen) sufLen str then
+        substring 0 (sLen - sufLen) str
+      else
+        str;
+  /* Return true if string v1 denotes a version older than v2.
+     Example:
+       versionOlder "1.1" "1.2"
+       => true
+       versionOlder "1.1" "1.1"
+       => false
+  */
+  versionOlder = v1: v2: compareVersions v2 v1 == 1;
+  /* Return true if string v1 denotes a version equal to or newer than v2.
+     Example:
+       versionAtLeast "1.1" "1.0"
+       => true
+       versionAtLeast "1.1" "1.1"
+       => true
+       versionAtLeast "1.1" "1.2"
+       => false
+  */
+  versionAtLeast = v1: v2: !versionOlder v1 v2;
+  /* This function takes an argument that's either a derivation or a
+     derivation's "name" attribute and extracts the name part from that
+     argument.
+     Example:
+       getName "youtube-dl-2016.01.01"
+       => "youtube-dl"
+       getName pkgs.youtube-dl
+       => "youtube-dl"
+  */
+  getName = x:
+   let
+     parse = drv: (parseDrvName drv).name;
+   in if isString x
+      then parse x
+      else x.pname or (parse x.name);
+  /* This function takes an argument that's either a derivation or a
+     derivation's "name" attribute and extracts the version part from that
+     argument.
+     Example:
+       getVersion "youtube-dl-2016.01.01"
+       => "2016.01.01"
+       getVersion pkgs.youtube-dl
+       => "2016.01.01"
+  */
+  getVersion = x:
+   let
+     parse = drv: (parseDrvName drv).version;
+   in if isString x
+      then parse x
+      else x.version or (parse x.name);
+  /* Extract name with version from URL. Ask for separator which is
+     supposed to start extension.
+     Example:
+       nameFromURL "https://nixos.org/releases/nix/nix-1.7/nix-1.7-x86_64-linux.tar.bz2" "-"
+       => "nix"
+       nameFromURL "https://nixos.org/releases/nix/nix-1.7/nix-1.7-x86_64-linux.tar.bz2" "_"
+       => "nix-1.7-x86"
+  */
+  nameFromURL = url: sep:
+    let
+      components = splitString "/" url;
+      filename = lib.last components;
+      name = head (splitString sep filename);
+    in assert name != filename; name;
+  /* Create an --{enable,disable}-<feat> string that can be passed to
+     standard GNU Autoconf scripts.
+     Example:
+       enableFeature true "shared"
+       => "--enable-shared"
+       enableFeature false "shared"
+       => "--disable-shared"
+  */
+  enableFeature = enable: feat:
+    assert isString feat; # e.g. passing openssl instead of "openssl"
+    "--${if enable then "enable" else "disable"}-${feat}";
+  /* Create an --{enable-<feat>=<value>,disable-<feat>} string that can be passed to
+     standard GNU Autoconf scripts.
+     Example:
+       enableFeatureAs true "shared" "foo"
+       => "--enable-shared=foo"
+       enableFeatureAs false "shared" (throw "ignored")
+       => "--disable-shared"
+  */
+  enableFeatureAs = enable: feat: value: enableFeature enable feat + optionalString enable "=${value}";
+  /* Create an --{with,without}-<feat> string that can be passed to
+     standard GNU Autoconf scripts.
+     Example:
+       withFeature true "shared"
+       => "--with-shared"
+       withFeature false "shared"
+       => "--without-shared"
+  */
+  withFeature = with_: feat:
+    assert isString feat; # e.g. passing openssl instead of "openssl"
+    "--${if with_ then "with" else "without"}-${feat}";
+  /* Create an --{with-<feat>=<value>,without-<feat>} string that can be passed to
+     standard GNU Autoconf scripts.
+     Example:
+       withFeatureAs true "shared" "foo"
+       => "--with-shared=foo"
+       withFeatureAs false "shared" (throw "ignored")
+       => "--without-shared"
+  */
+  withFeatureAs = with_: feat: value: withFeature with_ feat + optionalString with_ "=${value}";
+  /* Create a fixed width string with additional prefix to match
+     required width.
+     This function will fail if the input string is longer than the
+     requested length.
+     Type: fixedWidthString :: int -> string -> string -> string
+     Example:
+       fixedWidthString 5 "0" (toString 15)
+       => "00015"
+  */
+  fixedWidthString = width: filler: str:
+    let
+      strw = lib.stringLength str;
+      reqWidth = width - (lib.stringLength filler);
+    in
+      assert lib.assertMsg (strw <= width)
+        "fixedWidthString: requested string length (${
+          toString width}) must not be shorter than actual length (${
+            toString strw})";
+      if strw == width then str else filler + fixedWidthString reqWidth filler str;
+  /* Format a number adding leading zeroes up to fixed width.
+     Example:
+       fixedWidthNumber 5 15
+       => "00015"
+  */
+  fixedWidthNumber = width: n: fixedWidthString width "0" (toString n);
+  /* Convert a float to a string, but emit a warning when precision is lost
+     during the conversion
+     Example:
+       floatToString 0.000001
+       => "0.000001"
+       floatToString 0.0000001
+       => trace: warning: Imprecise conversion from float to string 0.000000
+          "0.000000"
+  */
+  floatToString = float: let
+    result = toString float;
+    precise = float == fromJSON result;
+  in lib.warnIf (!precise) "Imprecise conversion from float to string ${result}"
+    result;
+  /* Check whether a value can be coerced to a string */
+  isCoercibleToString = x:
+    elem (typeOf x) [ "path" "string" "null" "int" "float" "bool" ] ||
+    (isList x && lib.all isCoercibleToString x) ||
+    x ? outPath ||
+    x ? __toString;
+  /* Check whether a value is a store path.
+     Example:
+       isStorePath "/nix/store/d945ibfx9x185xf04b890y4f9g3cbb63-python-2.7.11/bin/python"
+       => false
+       isStorePath "/nix/store/d945ibfx9x185xf04b890y4f9g3cbb63-python-2.7.11"
+       => true
+       isStorePath pkgs.python
+       => true
+       isStorePath [] || isStorePath 42 || isStorePath {} || …
+       => false
+  */
+  isStorePath = x:
+    if !(isList x) && isCoercibleToString x then
+      let str = toString x; in
+      substring 0 1 str == "/"
+      && dirOf str == storeDir
+    else
+      false;
+  /* Parse a string as an int.
+     Type: string -> int
+     Example:
+       toInt "1337"
+       => 1337
+       toInt "-4"
+       => -4
+       toInt "3.14"
+       => error: floating point JSON numbers are not supported
+  */
+  # Obviously, it is a bit hacky to use fromJSON this way.
+  toInt = str:
+    let may_be_int = fromJSON str; in
+    if isInt may_be_int
+    then may_be_int
+    else throw "Could not convert ${str} to int.";
+  /* Read a list of paths from `file`, relative to the `rootPath`.
+     Lines beginning with `#` are treated as comments and ignored.
+     Whitespace is significant.
+     NOTE: This function is not performant and should be avoided.
+     Example:
+       readPathsFromFile /prefix
+         ./pkgs/development/libraries/qt-5/5.4/qtbase/series
+       => [ "/prefix/dlopen-resolv.patch" "/prefix/tzdir.patch"
+            "/prefix/dlopen-libXcursor.patch" "/prefix/dlopen-openssl.patch"
+            "/prefix/dlopen-dbus.patch" "/prefix/xdg-config-dirs.patch"
+            "/prefix/nix-profiles-library-paths.patch"
+            "/prefix/compose-search-path.patch" ]
+  */
+  readPathsFromFile = lib.warn "lib.readPathsFromFile is deprecated, use a list instead"
+    (rootPath: file:
+      let
+        lines = lib.splitString "\n" (readFile file);
+        removeComments = lib.filter (line: line != "" && !(lib.hasPrefix "#" line));
+        relativePaths = removeComments lines;
+        absolutePaths = map (path: rootPath + "/${path}") relativePaths;
+      in
+        absolutePaths);
+  /* Read the contents of a file removing the trailing \n
+     Type: fileContents :: path -> string
+     Example:
+       $ echo "1.0" > ./version
+       fileContents ./version
+       => "1.0"
+  */
+  fileContents = file: removeSuffix "\n" (readFile file);
+  /* Creates a valid derivation name from a potentially invalid one.
+     Type: sanitizeDerivationName :: String -> String
+     Example:
+       sanitizeDerivationName "../hello.bar # foo"
+       => "-hello.bar-foo"
+       sanitizeDerivationName ""
+       => "unknown"
+       sanitizeDerivationName pkgs.hello
+       => "-nix-store-2g75chlbpxlrqn15zlby2dfh8hr9qwbk-hello-2.10"
+  */
+  sanitizeDerivationName = string: lib.pipe string [
+    # Get rid of string context. This is safe under the assumption that the
+    # resulting string is only used as a derivation name
+    unsafeDiscardStringContext
+    # Strip all leading "."
+    (x: elemAt (match "\\.*(.*)" x) 0)
+    # Split out all invalid characters
+    # https://github.com/NixOS/nix/blob/2.3.2/src/libstore/store-api.cc#L85-L112
+    # https://github.com/NixOS/nix/blob/2242be83c61788b9c0736a92bb0b5c7bbfc40803/nix-rust/src/store/path.rs#L100-L125
+    (split "[^[:alnum:]+._?=-]+")
+    # Replace invalid character ranges with a "-"
+    (concatMapStrings (s: if lib.isList s then "-" else s))
+    # Limit to 211 characters (minus 4 chars for ".drv")
+    (x: substring (lib.max (stringLength x - 207) 0) (-1) x)
+    # If the result is empty, replace it with "unknown"
+    (x: if stringLength x == 0 then "unknown" else x)
+  ];
diff --git a/nixpkgs/lib/systems/architectures.nix b/nixpkgs/lib/systems/architectures.nix
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..ddc320d24e0a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/nixpkgs/lib/systems/architectures.nix
@@ -0,0 +1,107 @@
+{ lib }:
+rec {
+  # gcc.arch to its features (as in /proc/cpuinfo)
+  features = {
+    default        = [ ];
+    # x86_64 Intel
+    westmere       = [ "sse3" "ssse3" "sse4_1" "sse4_2"         "aes"                                    ];
+    sandybridge    = [ "sse3" "ssse3" "sse4_1" "sse4_2"         "aes" "avx"                              ];
+    ivybridge      = [ "sse3" "ssse3" "sse4_1" "sse4_2"         "aes" "avx"                              ];
+    haswell        = [ "sse3" "ssse3" "sse4_1" "sse4_2"         "aes" "avx" "avx2"          "fma"        ];
+    broadwell      = [ "sse3" "ssse3" "sse4_1" "sse4_2"         "aes" "avx" "avx2"          "fma"        ];
+    skylake        = [ "sse3" "ssse3" "sse4_1" "sse4_2"         "aes" "avx" "avx2"          "fma"        ];
+    skylake-avx512 = [ "sse3" "ssse3" "sse4_1" "sse4_2"         "aes" "avx" "avx2" "avx512" "fma"        ];
+    cannonlake     = [ "sse3" "ssse3" "sse4_1" "sse4_2"         "aes" "avx" "avx2" "avx512" "fma"        ];
+    icelake-client = [ "sse3" "ssse3" "sse4_1" "sse4_2"         "aes" "avx" "avx2" "avx512" "fma"        ];
+    icelake-server = [ "sse3" "ssse3" "sse4_1" "sse4_2"         "aes" "avx" "avx2" "avx512" "fma"        ];
+    cascadelake    = [ "sse3" "ssse3" "sse4_1" "sse4_2"         "aes" "avx" "avx2" "avx512" "fma"        ];
+    cooperlake     = [ "sse3" "ssse3" "sse4_1" "sse4_2"         "aes" "avx" "avx2" "avx512" "fma"        ];
+    tigerlake      = [ "sse3" "ssse3" "sse4_1" "sse4_2"         "aes" "avx" "avx2" "avx512" "fma"        ];
+    # x86_64 AMD
+    btver1         = [ "sse3" "ssse3" "sse4_1" "sse4_2"                                                  ];
+    btver2         = [ "sse3" "ssse3" "sse4_1" "sse4_2"         "aes" "avx"                              ];
+    bdver1         = [ "sse3" "ssse3" "sse4_1" "sse4_2" "sse4a" "aes" "avx"                 "fma" "fma4" ];
+    bdver2         = [ "sse3" "ssse3" "sse4_1" "sse4_2" "sse4a" "aes" "avx"                 "fma" "fma4" ];
+    bdver3         = [ "sse3" "ssse3" "sse4_1" "sse4_2" "sse4a" "aes" "avx"                 "fma" "fma4" ];
+    bdver4         = [ "sse3" "ssse3" "sse4_1" "sse4_2" "sse4a" "aes" "avx" "avx2"          "fma" "fma4" ];
+    znver1         = [ "sse3" "ssse3" "sse4_1" "sse4_2" "sse4a" "aes" "avx" "avx2"          "fma"        ];
+    znver2         = [ "sse3" "ssse3" "sse4_1" "sse4_2" "sse4a" "aes" "avx" "avx2"          "fma"        ];
+    znver3         = [ "sse3" "ssse3" "sse4_1" "sse4_2" "sse4a" "aes" "avx" "avx2"          "fma"        ];
+    # other
+    armv5te        = [ ];
+    armv6          = [ ];
+    armv7-a        = [ ];
+    armv8-a        = [ ];
+    mips32         = [ ];
+    loongson2f     = [ ];
+  };
+  # a superior CPU has all the features of an inferior and is able to build and test code for it
+  inferiors = {
+    # x86_64 Intel
+    default        = [ ];
+    westmere       = [ ];
+    sandybridge    = [ "westmere"    ] ++ inferiors.westmere;
+    ivybridge      = [ "sandybridge" ] ++ inferiors.sandybridge;
+    haswell        = [ "ivybridge"   ] ++ inferiors.ivybridge;
+    broadwell      = [ "haswell"     ] ++ inferiors.haswell;
+    skylake        = [ "broadwell"   ] ++ inferiors.broadwell;
+    skylake-avx512 = [ "skylake"     ] ++ inferiors.skylake;
+    # x86_64 AMD
+    # TODO: fill this (need testing)
+    btver1         = [ ];
+    btver2         = [ ];
+    bdver1         = [ ];
+    bdver2         = [ ];
+    bdver3         = [ ];
+    bdver4         = [ ];
+    # Regarding `skylake` as inferior of `znver1`, there are reports of
+    # successful usage by Gentoo users and Phoronix benchmarking of different
+    # `-march` targets.
+    #
+    # The GCC documentation on extensions used and wikichip documentation
+    # regarding supperted extensions on znver1 and skylake was used to create
+    # this partial order.
+    #
+    # Note:
+    #
+    # - The succesors of `skylake` (`cannonlake`, `icelake`, etc) use `avx512`
+    #   which no current AMD Zen michroarch support.
+    # - `znver1` uses `ABM`, `CLZERO`, `CX16`, `MWAITX`, and `SSE4A` which no
+    #   current Intel microarch support.
+    #
+    # https://www.phoronix.com/scan.php?page=article&item=amd-znver3-gcc11&num=1
+    # https://gcc.gnu.org/onlinedocs/gcc/x86-Options.html
+    # https://en.wikichip.org/wiki/amd/microarchitectures/zen
+    # https://en.wikichip.org/wiki/intel/microarchitectures/skylake
+    znver1         = [ "skylake" ] ++ inferiors.skylake;
+    znver2         = [ "znver1"  ] ++ inferiors.znver1;
+    znver3         = [ "znver2"  ] ++ inferiors.znver2;
+    # other
+    armv5te        = [ ];
+    armv6          = [ ];
+    armv7-a        = [ ];
+    armv8-a        = [ ];
+    mips32         = [ ];
+    loongson2f     = [ ];
+  };
+  predicates = let
+    featureSupport = feature: x: builtins.elem feature features.${x} or [];
+  in {
+    sse3Support    = featureSupport "sse3";
+    ssse3Support   = featureSupport "ssse3";
+    sse4_1Support  = featureSupport "sse4_1";
+    sse4_2Support  = featureSupport "sse4_2";
+    sse4_aSupport  = featureSupport "sse4a";
+    avxSupport     = featureSupport "avx";
+    avx2Support    = featureSupport "avx2";
+    avx512Support  = featureSupport "avx512";
+    aesSupport     = featureSupport "aes";
+    fmaSupport     = featureSupport "fma";
+    fma4Support    = featureSupport "fma4";
+  };
diff --git a/nixpkgs/lib/systems/default.nix b/nixpkgs/lib/systems/default.nix
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..70ec98b03c16
--- /dev/null
+++ b/nixpkgs/lib/systems/default.nix
@@ -0,0 +1,183 @@
+{ lib }:
+  let inherit (lib.attrsets) mapAttrs; in
+rec {
+  doubles = import ./doubles.nix { inherit lib; };
+  parse = import ./parse.nix { inherit lib; };
+  inspect = import ./inspect.nix { inherit lib; };
+  platforms = import ./platforms.nix { inherit lib; };
+  examples = import ./examples.nix { inherit lib; };
+  architectures = import ./architectures.nix { inherit lib; };
+  # Elaborate a `localSystem` or `crossSystem` so that it contains everything
+  # necessary.
+  #
+  # `parsed` is inferred from args, both because there are two options with one
+  # clearly prefered, and to prevent cycles. A simpler fixed point where the RHS
+  # always just used `final.*` would fail on both counts.
+  elaborate = args': let
+    args = if lib.isString args' then { system = args'; }
+           else args';
+    final = {
+      # Prefer to parse `config` as it is strictly more informative.
+      parsed = parse.mkSystemFromString (if args ? config then args.config else args.system);
+      # Either of these can be losslessly-extracted from `parsed` iff parsing succeeds.
+      system = parse.doubleFromSystem final.parsed;
+      config = parse.tripleFromSystem final.parsed;
+      # Determine whether we are compatible with the provided CPU
+      isCompatible = platform: parse.isCompatible final.parsed.cpu platform.parsed.cpu;
+      # Derived meta-data
+      libc =
+        /**/ if final.isDarwin              then "libSystem"
+        else if final.isMinGW               then "msvcrt"
+        else if final.isWasi                then "wasilibc"
+        else if final.isRedox               then "relibc"
+        else if final.isMusl                then "musl"
+        else if final.isUClibc              then "uclibc"
+        else if final.isAndroid             then "bionic"
+        else if final.isLinux /* default */ then "glibc"
+        else if final.isAvr                 then "avrlibc"
+        else if final.isNone                then "newlib"
+        else if final.isNetBSD              then "nblibc"
+        # TODO(@Ericson2314) think more about other operating systems
+        else                                     "native/impure";
+      # Choose what linker we wish to use by default. Someday we might also
+      # choose the C compiler, runtime library, C++ standard library, etc. in
+      # this way, nice and orthogonally, and deprecate `useLLVM`. But due to
+      # the monolithic GCC build we cannot actually make those choices
+      # independently, so we are just doing `linker` and keeping `useLLVM` for
+      # now.
+      linker =
+        /**/ if final.useLLVM or false      then "lld"
+        else if final.isDarwin              then "cctools"
+        # "bfd" and "gold" both come from GNU binutils. The existance of Gold
+        # is why we use the more obscure "bfd" and not "binutils" for this
+        # choice.
+        else                                     "bfd";
+      extensions = {
+        sharedLibrary =
+          /**/ if final.isDarwin  then ".dylib"
+          else if final.isWindows then ".dll"
+          else                         ".so";
+        executable =
+          /**/ if final.isWindows then ".exe"
+          else                         "";
+      };
+      # Misc boolean options
+      useAndroidPrebuilt = false;
+      useiOSPrebuilt = false;
+      # Output from uname
+      uname = {
+        # uname -s
+        system = {
+          linux = "Linux";
+          windows = "Windows";
+          darwin = "Darwin";
+          netbsd = "NetBSD";
+          freebsd = "FreeBSD";
+          openbsd = "OpenBSD";
+          wasi = "Wasi";
+          redox = "Redox";
+          genode = "Genode";
+        }.${final.parsed.kernel.name} or null;
+         # uname -p
+         processor = final.parsed.cpu.name;
+         # uname -r
+         release = null;
+      };
+      isStatic = final.isWasm || final.isRedox;
+      # Just a guess, based on `system`
+      inherit
+        ({
+          linux-kernel = args.linux-kernel or {};
+          gcc = args.gcc or {};
+          rustc = args.rust or {};
+        } // platforms.select final)
+        linux-kernel gcc rustc;
+      linuxArch =
+        if final.isAarch32 then "arm"
+        else if final.isAarch64 then "arm64"
+        else if final.isx86_32 then "i386"
+        else if final.isx86_64 then "x86_64"
+        else if final.isMips then "mips"
+        else if final.isPower then "powerpc"
+        else if final.isRiscV then "riscv"
+        else final.parsed.cpu.name;
+      qemuArch =
+        if final.isAarch32 then "arm"
+        else if final.isx86_64 then "x86_64"
+        else if final.isx86 then "i386"
+        else {
+          powerpc = "ppc";
+          powerpcle = "ppc";
+          powerpc64 = "ppc64";
+          powerpc64le = "ppc64le";
+        }.${final.parsed.cpu.name} or final.parsed.cpu.name;
+      darwinArch = {
+        armv7a  = "armv7";
+        aarch64 = "arm64";
+      }.${final.parsed.cpu.name} or final.parsed.cpu.name;
+      darwinPlatform =
+        if final.isMacOS then "macos"
+        else if final.isiOS then "ios"
+        else null;
+      # The canonical name for this attribute is darwinSdkVersion, but some
+      # platforms define the old name "sdkVer".
+      darwinSdkVersion = final.sdkVer or (if final.isAarch64 then "11.0" else "10.12");
+      darwinMinVersion = final.darwinSdkVersion;
+      darwinMinVersionVariable =
+        if final.isMacOS then "MACOSX_DEPLOYMENT_TARGET"
+        else if final.isiOS then "IPHONEOS_DEPLOYMENT_TARGET"
+        else null;
+      emulator = pkgs: let
+        qemu-user = pkgs.qemu.override {
+          smartcardSupport = false;
+          spiceSupport = false;
+          openGLSupport = false;
+          virglSupport = false;
+          vncSupport = false;
+          gtkSupport = false;
+          sdlSupport = false;
+          pulseSupport = false;
+          smbdSupport = false;
+          seccompSupport = false;
+          hostCpuTargets = ["${final.qemuArch}-linux-user"];
+        };
+        wine-name = "wine${toString final.parsed.cpu.bits}";
+        wine = (pkgs.winePackagesFor wine-name).minimal;
+      in
+        if final.parsed.kernel.name == pkgs.stdenv.hostPlatform.parsed.kernel.name &&
+           pkgs.stdenv.hostPlatform.isCompatible final
+        then "${pkgs.runtimeShell} -c '\"$@\"' --"
+        else if final.isWindows
+        then "${wine}/bin/${wine-name}"
+        else if final.isLinux && pkgs.stdenv.hostPlatform.isLinux
+        then "${qemu-user}/bin/qemu-${final.qemuArch}"
+        else if final.isWasi
+        then "${pkgs.wasmtime}/bin/wasmtime"
+        else if final.isMmix
+        then "${pkgs.mmixware}/bin/mmix"
+        else throw "Don't know how to run ${final.config} executables.";
+    } // mapAttrs (n: v: v final.parsed) inspect.predicates
+      // mapAttrs (n: v: v final.gcc.arch or "default") architectures.predicates
+      // args;
+  in assert final.useAndroidPrebuilt -> final.isAndroid;
+     assert lib.foldl
+       (pass: { assertion, message }:
+         if assertion final
+         then pass
+         else throw message)
+       true
+       (final.parsed.abi.assertions or []);
+    final;
diff --git a/nixpkgs/lib/systems/doubles.nix b/nixpkgs/lib/systems/doubles.nix
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..61ba7dad7cc7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/nixpkgs/lib/systems/doubles.nix
@@ -0,0 +1,100 @@
+{ lib }:
+  inherit (lib) lists;
+  inherit (lib.systems) parse;
+  inherit (lib.systems.inspect) predicates;
+  inherit (lib.attrsets) matchAttrs;
+  all = [
+    # Cygwin
+    "i686-cygwin" "x86_64-cygwin"
+    # Darwin
+    "x86_64-darwin" "i686-darwin" "aarch64-darwin" "armv7a-darwin"
+    # FreeBSD
+    "i686-freebsd" "x86_64-freebsd"
+    # Genode
+    "aarch64-genode" "i686-genode" "x86_64-genode"
+    # illumos
+    "x86_64-solaris"
+    # JS
+    "js-ghcjs"
+    # Linux
+    "aarch64-linux" "armv5tel-linux" "armv6l-linux" "armv7a-linux"
+    "armv7l-linux" "i686-linux" "mipsel-linux" "powerpc64-linux"
+    "powerpc64le-linux" "riscv32-linux" "riscv64-linux" "x86_64-linux"
+    # MMIXware
+    "mmix-mmixware"
+    # NetBSD
+    "aarch64-netbsd" "armv6l-netbsd" "armv7a-netbsd" "armv7l-netbsd"
+    "i686-netbsd" "mipsel-netbsd" "powerpc-netbsd" "riscv32-netbsd"
+    "riscv64-netbsd" "x86_64-netbsd"
+    # none
+    "aarch64-none" "arm-none" "armv6l-none" "avr-none" "i686-none" "msp430-none"
+    "or1k-none" "powerpc-none" "riscv32-none" "riscv64-none" "vc4-none"
+    "x86_64-none"
+    # OpenBSD
+    "i686-openbsd" "x86_64-openbsd"
+    # Redox
+    "x86_64-redox"
+    # WASI
+    "wasm64-wasi" "wasm32-wasi"
+    # Windows
+    "x86_64-windows" "i686-windows"
+  ];
+  allParsed = map parse.mkSystemFromString all;
+  filterDoubles = f: map parse.doubleFromSystem (lists.filter f allParsed);
+in {
+  inherit all;
+  none = [];
+  arm           = filterDoubles predicates.isAarch32;
+  aarch64       = filterDoubles predicates.isAarch64;
+  x86           = filterDoubles predicates.isx86;
+  i686          = filterDoubles predicates.isi686;
+  x86_64        = filterDoubles predicates.isx86_64;
+  mips          = filterDoubles predicates.isMips;
+  mmix          = filterDoubles predicates.isMmix;
+  riscv         = filterDoubles predicates.isRiscV;
+  vc4           = filterDoubles predicates.isVc4;
+  or1k          = filterDoubles predicates.isOr1k;
+  js            = filterDoubles predicates.isJavaScript;
+  bigEndian     = filterDoubles predicates.isBigEndian;
+  littleEndian  = filterDoubles predicates.isLittleEndian;
+  cygwin        = filterDoubles predicates.isCygwin;
+  darwin        = filterDoubles predicates.isDarwin;
+  freebsd       = filterDoubles predicates.isFreeBSD;
+  # Should be better, but MinGW is unclear.
+  gnu           = filterDoubles (matchAttrs { kernel = parse.kernels.linux; abi = parse.abis.gnu; }) ++ filterDoubles (matchAttrs { kernel = parse.kernels.linux; abi = parse.abis.gnueabi; }) ++ filterDoubles (matchAttrs { kernel = parse.kernels.linux; abi = parse.abis.gnueabihf; });
+  illumos       = filterDoubles predicates.isSunOS;
+  linux         = filterDoubles predicates.isLinux;
+  netbsd        = filterDoubles predicates.isNetBSD;
+  openbsd       = filterDoubles predicates.isOpenBSD;
+  unix          = filterDoubles predicates.isUnix;
+  wasi          = filterDoubles predicates.isWasi;
+  redox         = filterDoubles predicates.isRedox;
+  windows       = filterDoubles predicates.isWindows;
+  genode        = filterDoubles predicates.isGenode;
+  embedded      = filterDoubles predicates.isNone;
+  mesaPlatforms = ["i686-linux" "x86_64-linux" "x86_64-darwin" "armv5tel-linux" "armv6l-linux" "armv7l-linux" "armv7a-linux" "aarch64-linux" "powerpc64-linux" "powerpc64le-linux" "aarch64-darwin" "riscv64-linux"];
diff --git a/nixpkgs/lib/systems/examples.nix b/nixpkgs/lib/systems/examples.nix
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..6a8f4e091aae
--- /dev/null
+++ b/nixpkgs/lib/systems/examples.nix
@@ -0,0 +1,294 @@
+# These can be passed to nixpkgs as either the `localSystem` or
+# `crossSystem`. They are put here for user convenience, but also used by cross
+# tests and linux cross stdenv building, so handle with care!
+{ lib }:
+  platforms = import ./platforms.nix { inherit lib; };
+  riscv = bits: {
+    config = "riscv${bits}-unknown-linux-gnu";
+  };
+rec {
+  #
+  # Linux
+  #
+  powernv = {
+    config = "powerpc64le-unknown-linux-gnu";
+  };
+  musl-power = {
+    config = "powerpc64le-unknown-linux-musl";
+  };
+  ppc64 = {
+    config = "powerpc64-unknown-linux-gnu";
+    gcc = { abi = "elfv2"; }; # for gcc configuration
+  };
+  ppc64-musl = {
+    config = "powerpc64-unknown-linux-musl";
+    gcc = { abi = "elfv2"; }; # for gcc configuration
+  };
+  sheevaplug = {
+    config = "armv5tel-unknown-linux-gnueabi";
+  } // platforms.sheevaplug;
+  raspberryPi = {
+    config = "armv6l-unknown-linux-gnueabihf";
+  } // platforms.raspberrypi;
+  remarkable1 = {
+    config = "armv7l-unknown-linux-gnueabihf";
+  } // platforms.zero-gravitas;
+  remarkable2 = {
+    config = "armv7l-unknown-linux-gnueabihf";
+  } // platforms.zero-sugar;
+  armv7l-hf-multiplatform = {
+    config = "armv7l-unknown-linux-gnueabihf";
+  };
+  aarch64-multiplatform = {
+    config = "aarch64-unknown-linux-gnu";
+  };
+  armv7a-android-prebuilt = {
+    config = "armv7a-unknown-linux-androideabi";
+    rustc.config = "armv7-linux-androideabi";
+    sdkVer = "29";
+    ndkVer = "21";
+    useAndroidPrebuilt = true;
+  } // platforms.armv7a-android;
+  aarch64-android-prebuilt = {
+    config = "aarch64-unknown-linux-android";
+    rustc.config = "aarch64-linux-android";
+    sdkVer = "29";
+    ndkVer = "21";
+    useAndroidPrebuilt = true;
+  };
+  aarch64-android = {
+    config = "aarch64-unknown-linux-android";
+    sdkVer = "30";
+    ndkVer = "21";
+    libc = "bionic";
+    useAndroidPrebuilt = false;
+    useLLVM = true;
+  };
+  scaleway-c1 = armv7l-hf-multiplatform // platforms.scaleway-c1;
+  pogoplug4 = {
+    config = "armv5tel-unknown-linux-gnueabi";
+  } // platforms.pogoplug4;
+  ben-nanonote = {
+    config = "mipsel-unknown-linux-uclibc";
+  } // platforms.ben_nanonote;
+  fuloongminipc = {
+    config = "mipsel-unknown-linux-gnu";
+  } // platforms.fuloong2f_n32;
+  muslpi = raspberryPi // {
+    config = "armv6l-unknown-linux-musleabihf";
+  };
+  aarch64-multiplatform-musl = {
+    config = "aarch64-unknown-linux-musl";
+  };
+  gnu64 = { config = "x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu"; };
+  gnu32  = { config = "i686-unknown-linux-gnu"; };
+  musl64 = { config = "x86_64-unknown-linux-musl"; };
+  musl32  = { config = "i686-unknown-linux-musl"; };
+  riscv64 = riscv "64";
+  riscv32 = riscv "32";
+  riscv64-embedded = {
+    config = "riscv64-none-elf";
+    libc = "newlib";
+  };
+  riscv32-embedded = {
+    config = "riscv32-none-elf";
+    libc = "newlib";
+  };
+  mmix = {
+    config = "mmix-unknown-mmixware";
+    libc = "newlib";
+  };
+  msp430 = {
+    config = "msp430-elf";
+    libc = "newlib";
+  };
+  avr = {
+    config = "avr";
+  };
+  vc4 = {
+    config = "vc4-elf";
+    libc = "newlib";
+  };
+  or1k = {
+    config = "or1k-elf";
+    libc = "newlib";
+  };
+  arm-embedded = {
+    config = "arm-none-eabi";
+    libc = "newlib";
+  };
+  armhf-embedded = {
+    config = "arm-none-eabihf";
+    libc = "newlib";
+    # GCC8+ does not build without this
+    # (https://www.mail-archive.com/gcc-bugs@gcc.gnu.org/msg552339.html):
+    gcc = {
+      arch = "armv5t";
+      fpu = "vfp";
+    };
+  };
+  aarch64-embedded = {
+    config = "aarch64-none-elf";
+    libc = "newlib";
+  };
+  aarch64be-embedded = {
+    config = "aarch64_be-none-elf";
+    libc = "newlib";
+  };
+  ppc-embedded = {
+    config = "powerpc-none-eabi";
+    libc = "newlib";
+  };
+  ppcle-embedded = {
+    config = "powerpcle-none-eabi";
+    libc = "newlib";
+  };
+  i686-embedded = {
+    config = "i686-elf";
+    libc = "newlib";
+  };
+  x86_64-embedded = {
+    config = "x86_64-elf";
+    libc = "newlib";
+  };
+  #
+  # Redox
+  #
+  x86_64-unknown-redox = {
+    config = "x86_64-unknown-redox";
+    libc = "relibc";
+  };
+  #
+  # Darwin
+  #
+  iphone64 = {
+    config = "aarch64-apple-ios";
+    # config = "aarch64-apple-darwin14";
+    sdkVer = "14.3";
+    xcodeVer = "12.3";
+    xcodePlatform = "iPhoneOS";
+    useiOSPrebuilt = true;
+  };
+  iphone32 = {
+    config = "armv7a-apple-ios";
+    # config = "arm-apple-darwin10";
+    sdkVer = "14.3";
+    xcodeVer = "12.3";
+    xcodePlatform = "iPhoneOS";
+    useiOSPrebuilt = true;
+  };
+  iphone64-simulator = {
+    config = "x86_64-apple-ios";
+    # config = "x86_64-apple-darwin14";
+    sdkVer = "14.3";
+    xcodeVer = "12.3";
+    xcodePlatform = "iPhoneSimulator";
+    darwinPlatform = "ios-simulator";
+    useiOSPrebuilt = true;
+  };
+  iphone32-simulator = {
+    config = "i686-apple-ios";
+    # config = "i386-apple-darwin11";
+    sdkVer = "14.3";
+    xcodeVer = "12.3";
+    xcodePlatform = "iPhoneSimulator";
+    darwinPlatform = "ios-simulator";
+    useiOSPrebuilt = true;
+  };
+  aarch64-darwin = {
+    config = "aarch64-apple-darwin";
+    xcodePlatform = "MacOSX";
+    platform = {};
+  };
+  #
+  # Windows
+  #
+  # 32 bit mingw-w64
+  mingw32 = {
+    config = "i686-w64-mingw32";
+    libc = "msvcrt"; # This distinguishes the mingw (non posix) toolchain
+  };
+  # 64 bit mingw-w64
+  mingwW64 = {
+    # That's the triplet they use in the mingw-w64 docs.
+    config = "x86_64-w64-mingw32";
+    libc = "msvcrt"; # This distinguishes the mingw (non posix) toolchain
+  };
+  # BSDs
+  amd64-netbsd = lib.warn "The amd64-netbsd system example is deprecated. Use x86_64-netbsd instead." x86_64-netbsd;
+  x86_64-netbsd = {
+    config = "x86_64-unknown-netbsd";
+    libc = "nblibc";
+  };
+  x86_64-netbsd-llvm = {
+    config = "x86_64-unknown-netbsd";
+    libc = "nblibc";
+    useLLVM = true;
+  };
+  #
+  # WASM
+  #
+  wasi32 = {
+    config = "wasm32-unknown-wasi";
+    useLLVM = true;
+  };
+  # Ghcjs
+  ghcjs = {
+    config = "js-unknown-ghcjs";
+  };
diff --git a/nixpkgs/lib/systems/inspect.nix b/nixpkgs/lib/systems/inspect.nix
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..d2b7271210cd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/nixpkgs/lib/systems/inspect.nix
@@ -0,0 +1,69 @@
+{ lib }:
+with import ./parse.nix { inherit lib; };
+with lib.attrsets;
+with lib.lists;
+let abis_ = abis; in
+let abis = lib.mapAttrs (_: abi: builtins.removeAttrs abi [ "assertions" ]) abis_; in
+rec {
+  patterns = rec {
+    isi686         = { cpu = cpuTypes.i686; };
+    isx86_32       = { cpu = { family = "x86"; bits = 32; }; };
+    isx86_64       = { cpu = { family = "x86"; bits = 64; }; };
+    isPowerPC      = { cpu = cpuTypes.powerpc; };
+    isPower        = { cpu = { family = "power"; }; };
+    isx86          = { cpu = { family = "x86"; }; };
+    isAarch32      = { cpu = { family = "arm"; bits = 32; }; };
+    isAarch64      = { cpu = { family = "arm"; bits = 64; }; };
+    isMips         = { cpu = { family = "mips"; }; };
+    isMmix         = { cpu = { family = "mmix"; }; };
+    isRiscV        = { cpu = { family = "riscv"; }; };
+    isSparc        = { cpu = { family = "sparc"; }; };
+    isWasm         = { cpu = { family = "wasm"; }; };
+    isMsp430       = { cpu = { family = "msp430"; }; };
+    isVc4          = { cpu = { family = "vc4"; }; };
+    isAvr          = { cpu = { family = "avr"; }; };
+    isAlpha        = { cpu = { family = "alpha"; }; };
+    isOr1k         = { cpu = { family = "or1k"; }; };
+    isJavaScript   = { cpu = cpuTypes.js; };
+    is32bit        = { cpu = { bits = 32; }; };
+    is64bit        = { cpu = { bits = 64; }; };
+    isBigEndian    = { cpu = { significantByte = significantBytes.bigEndian; }; };
+    isLittleEndian = { cpu = { significantByte = significantBytes.littleEndian; }; };
+    isBSD          = { kernel = { families = { inherit (kernelFamilies) bsd; }; }; };
+    isDarwin       = { kernel = { families = { inherit (kernelFamilies) darwin; }; }; };
+    isUnix         = [ isBSD isDarwin isLinux isSunOS isCygwin isRedox ];
+    isMacOS        = { kernel = kernels.macos; };
+    isiOS          = { kernel = kernels.ios; };
+    isLinux        = { kernel = kernels.linux; };
+    isSunOS        = { kernel = kernels.solaris; };
+    isFreeBSD      = { kernel = kernels.freebsd; };
+    isNetBSD       = { kernel = kernels.netbsd; };
+    isOpenBSD      = { kernel = kernels.openbsd; };
+    isWindows      = { kernel = kernels.windows; };
+    isCygwin       = { kernel = kernels.windows; abi = abis.cygnus; };
+    isMinGW        = { kernel = kernels.windows; abi = abis.gnu; };
+    isWasi         = { kernel = kernels.wasi; };
+    isRedox        = { kernel = kernels.redox; };
+    isGhcjs        = { kernel = kernels.ghcjs; };
+    isGenode       = { kernel = kernels.genode; };
+    isNone         = { kernel = kernels.none; };
+    isAndroid      = [ { abi = abis.android; } { abi = abis.androideabi; } ];
+    isMusl         = with abis; map (a: { abi = a; }) [ musl musleabi musleabihf ];
+    isUClibc       = with abis; map (a: { abi = a; }) [ uclibc uclibceabi uclibceabihf ];
+    isEfi          = map (family: { cpu.family = family; })
+                       [ "x86" "arm" "aarch64" ];
+  };
+  matchAnyAttrs = patterns:
+    if builtins.isList patterns then attrs: any (pattern: matchAttrs pattern attrs) patterns
+    else matchAttrs patterns;
+  predicates = mapAttrs (_: matchAnyAttrs) patterns;
diff --git a/nixpkgs/lib/systems/parse.nix b/nixpkgs/lib/systems/parse.nix
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..2b789fd8ecb3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/nixpkgs/lib/systems/parse.nix
@@ -0,0 +1,483 @@
+# Define the list of system with their properties.
+# See https://clang.llvm.org/docs/CrossCompilation.html and
+# http://llvm.org/docs/doxygen/html/Triple_8cpp_source.html especially
+# Triple::normalize. Parsing should essentially act as a more conservative
+# version of that last function.
+# Most of the types below come in "open" and "closed" pairs. The open ones
+# specify what information we need to know about systems in general, and the
+# closed ones are sub-types representing the whitelist of systems we support in
+# practice.
+# Code in the remainder of nixpkgs shouldn't rely on the closed ones in
+# e.g. exhaustive cases. Its more a sanity check to make sure nobody defines
+# systems that overlap with existing ones and won't notice something amiss.
+{ lib }:
+with lib.lists;
+with lib.types;
+with lib.attrsets;
+with lib.strings;
+with (import ./inspect.nix { inherit lib; }).predicates;
+  inherit (lib.options) mergeOneOption;
+  setTypes = type:
+    mapAttrs (name: value:
+      assert type.check value;
+      setType type.name ({ inherit name; } // value));
+rec {
+  ################################################################################
+  types.openSignificantByte = mkOptionType {
+    name = "significant-byte";
+    description = "Endianness";
+    merge = mergeOneOption;
+  };
+  types.significantByte = enum (attrValues significantBytes);
+  significantBytes = setTypes types.openSignificantByte {
+    bigEndian = {};
+    littleEndian = {};
+  };
+  ################################################################################
+  # Reasonable power of 2
+  types.bitWidth = enum [ 8 16 32 64 128 ];
+  ################################################################################
+  types.openCpuType = mkOptionType {
+    name = "cpu-type";
+    description = "instruction set architecture name and information";
+    merge = mergeOneOption;
+    check = x: types.bitWidth.check x.bits
+      && (if 8 < x.bits
+          then types.significantByte.check x.significantByte
+          else !(x ? significantByte));
+  };
+  types.cpuType = enum (attrValues cpuTypes);
+  cpuTypes = with significantBytes; setTypes types.openCpuType {
+    arm      = { bits = 32; significantByte = littleEndian; family = "arm"; };
+    armv5tel = { bits = 32; significantByte = littleEndian; family = "arm"; version = "5"; arch = "armv5t"; };
+    armv6m   = { bits = 32; significantByte = littleEndian; family = "arm"; version = "6"; arch = "armv6-m"; };
+    armv6l   = { bits = 32; significantByte = littleEndian; family = "arm"; version = "6"; arch = "armv6"; };
+    armv7a   = { bits = 32; significantByte = littleEndian; family = "arm"; version = "7"; arch = "armv7-a"; };
+    armv7r   = { bits = 32; significantByte = littleEndian; family = "arm"; version = "7"; arch = "armv7-r"; };
+    armv7m   = { bits = 32; significantByte = littleEndian; family = "arm"; version = "7"; arch = "armv7-m"; };
+    armv7l   = { bits = 32; significantByte = littleEndian; family = "arm"; version = "7"; arch = "armv7"; };
+    armv8a   = { bits = 32; significantByte = littleEndian; family = "arm"; version = "8"; arch = "armv8-a"; };
+    armv8r   = { bits = 32; significantByte = littleEndian; family = "arm"; version = "8"; arch = "armv8-a"; };
+    armv8m   = { bits = 32; significantByte = littleEndian; family = "arm"; version = "8"; arch = "armv8-m"; };
+    aarch64  = { bits = 64; significantByte = littleEndian; family = "arm"; version = "8"; arch = "armv8-a"; };
+    aarch64_be = { bits = 64; significantByte = bigEndian; family = "arm"; version = "8";  arch = "armv8-a"; };
+    i386     = { bits = 32; significantByte = littleEndian; family = "x86"; arch = "i386"; };
+    i486     = { bits = 32; significantByte = littleEndian; family = "x86"; arch = "i486"; };
+    i586     = { bits = 32; significantByte = littleEndian; family = "x86"; arch = "i586"; };
+    i686     = { bits = 32; significantByte = littleEndian; family = "x86"; arch = "i686"; };
+    x86_64   = { bits = 64; significantByte = littleEndian; family = "x86"; arch = "x86-64"; };
+    mips     = { bits = 32; significantByte = bigEndian;    family = "mips"; };
+    mipsel   = { bits = 32; significantByte = littleEndian; family = "mips"; };
+    mips64   = { bits = 64; significantByte = bigEndian;    family = "mips"; };
+    mips64el = { bits = 64; significantByte = littleEndian; family = "mips"; };
+    mmix     = { bits = 64; significantByte = bigEndian;    family = "mmix"; };
+    powerpc  = { bits = 32; significantByte = bigEndian;    family = "power"; };
+    powerpc64 = { bits = 64; significantByte = bigEndian; family = "power"; };
+    powerpc64le = { bits = 64; significantByte = littleEndian; family = "power"; };
+    powerpcle = { bits = 32; significantByte = littleEndian; family = "power"; };
+    riscv32  = { bits = 32; significantByte = littleEndian; family = "riscv"; };
+    riscv64  = { bits = 64; significantByte = littleEndian; family = "riscv"; };
+    sparc    = { bits = 32; significantByte = bigEndian;    family = "sparc"; };
+    sparc64  = { bits = 64; significantByte = bigEndian;    family = "sparc"; };
+    wasm32   = { bits = 32; significantByte = littleEndian; family = "wasm"; };
+    wasm64   = { bits = 64; significantByte = littleEndian; family = "wasm"; };
+    alpha    = { bits = 64; significantByte = littleEndian; family = "alpha"; };
+    msp430   = { bits = 16; significantByte = littleEndian; family = "msp430"; };
+    avr      = { bits = 8; family = "avr"; };
+    vc4      = { bits = 32; significantByte = littleEndian; family = "vc4"; };
+    or1k     = { bits = 32; significantByte = bigEndian; family = "or1k"; };
+    js       = { bits = 32; significantByte = littleEndian; family = "js"; };
+  };
+  # GNU build systems assume that older NetBSD architectures are using a.out.
+  gnuNetBSDDefaultExecFormat = cpu:
+    if (cpu.family == "x86" && cpu.bits == 32) ||
+       (cpu.family == "arm" && cpu.bits == 32) ||
+       (cpu.family == "sparc" && cpu.bits == 32)
+    then execFormats.aout
+    else execFormats.elf;
+  # Determine when two CPUs are compatible with each other. That is,
+  # can code built for system B run on system A? For that to happen,
+  # the programs that system B accepts must be a subset of the
+  # programs that system A accepts.
+  #
+  # We have the following properties of the compatibility relation,
+  # which must be preserved when adding compatibility information for
+  # additional CPUs.
+  # - (reflexivity)
+  #   Every CPU is compatible with itself.
+  # - (transitivity)
+  #   If A is compatible with B and B is compatible with C then A is compatible with C.
+  # - (compatible under multiple endianness)
+  #   CPUs with multiple modes of endianness are pairwise compatible.
+  isCompatible = a: b: with cpuTypes; lib.any lib.id [
+    # x86
+    (b == i386 && isCompatible a i486)
+    (b == i486 && isCompatible a i586)
+    (b == i586 && isCompatible a i686)
+    # XXX: Not true in some cases. Like in WSL mode.
+    (b == i686 && isCompatible a x86_64)
+    # ARMv4
+    (b == arm && isCompatible a armv5tel)
+    # ARMv5
+    (b == armv5tel && isCompatible a armv6l)
+    # ARMv6
+    (b == armv6l && isCompatible a armv6m)
+    (b == armv6m && isCompatible a armv7l)
+    # ARMv7
+    (b == armv7l && isCompatible a armv7a)
+    (b == armv7l && isCompatible a armv7r)
+    (b == armv7l && isCompatible a armv7m)
+    (b == armv7a && isCompatible a armv8a)
+    (b == armv7r && isCompatible a armv8a)
+    (b == armv7m && isCompatible a armv8a)
+    (b == armv7a && isCompatible a armv8r)
+    (b == armv7r && isCompatible a armv8r)
+    (b == armv7m && isCompatible a armv8r)
+    (b == armv7a && isCompatible a armv8m)
+    (b == armv7r && isCompatible a armv8m)
+    (b == armv7m && isCompatible a armv8m)
+    # ARMv8
+    (b == armv8r && isCompatible a armv8a)
+    (b == armv8m && isCompatible a armv8a)
+    # XXX: not always true! Some arm64 cpus don’t support arm32 mode.
+    (b == aarch64 && a == armv8a)
+    (b == armv8a && isCompatible a aarch64)
+    (b == aarch64 && a == aarch64_be)
+    (b == aarch64_be && isCompatible a aarch64)
+    # PowerPC
+    (b == powerpc && isCompatible a powerpc64)
+    (b == powerpcle && isCompatible a powerpc)
+    (b == powerpc && a == powerpcle)
+    (b == powerpc64le && isCompatible a powerpc64)
+    (b == powerpc64 && a == powerpc64le)
+    # MIPS
+    (b == mips && isCompatible a mips64)
+    (b == mips && a == mipsel)
+    (b == mipsel && isCompatible a mips)
+    (b == mips64 && a == mips64el)
+    (b == mips64el && isCompatible a mips64)
+    # RISCV
+    (b == riscv32 && isCompatible a riscv64)
+    # SPARC
+    (b == sparc && isCompatible a sparc64)
+    # WASM
+    (b == wasm32 && isCompatible a wasm64)
+    # identity
+    (b == a)
+  ];
+  ################################################################################
+  types.openVendor = mkOptionType {
+    name = "vendor";
+    description = "vendor for the platform";
+    merge = mergeOneOption;
+  };
+  types.vendor = enum (attrValues vendors);
+  vendors = setTypes types.openVendor {
+    apple = {};
+    pc = {};
+    # Actually matters, unlocking some MinGW-w64-specific options in GCC. See
+    # bottom of https://sourceforge.net/p/mingw-w64/wiki2/Unicode%20apps/
+    w64 = {};
+    none = {};
+    unknown = {};
+  };
+  ################################################################################
+  types.openExecFormat = mkOptionType {
+    name = "exec-format";
+    description = "executable container used by the kernel";
+    merge = mergeOneOption;
+  };
+  types.execFormat = enum (attrValues execFormats);
+  execFormats = setTypes types.openExecFormat {
+    aout = {}; # a.out
+    elf = {};
+    macho = {};
+    pe = {};
+    wasm = {};
+    unknown = {};
+  };
+  ################################################################################
+  types.openKernelFamily = mkOptionType {
+    name = "exec-format";
+    description = "executable container used by the kernel";
+    merge = mergeOneOption;
+  };
+  types.kernelFamily = enum (attrValues kernelFamilies);
+  kernelFamilies = setTypes types.openKernelFamily {
+    bsd = {};
+    darwin = {};
+  };
+  ################################################################################
+  types.openKernel = mkOptionType {
+    name = "kernel";
+    description = "kernel name and information";
+    merge = mergeOneOption;
+    check = x: types.execFormat.check x.execFormat
+        && all types.kernelFamily.check (attrValues x.families);
+  };
+  types.kernel = enum (attrValues kernels);
+  kernels = with execFormats; with kernelFamilies; setTypes types.openKernel {
+    # TODO(@Ericson2314): Don't want to mass-rebuild yet to keeping 'darwin' as
+    # the normalized name for macOS.
+    macos    = { execFormat = macho;   families = { inherit darwin; }; name = "darwin"; };
+    ios      = { execFormat = macho;   families = { inherit darwin; }; };
+    freebsd  = { execFormat = elf;     families = { inherit bsd; }; };
+    linux    = { execFormat = elf;     families = { }; };
+    netbsd   = { execFormat = elf;     families = { inherit bsd; }; };
+    none     = { execFormat = unknown; families = { }; };
+    openbsd  = { execFormat = elf;     families = { inherit bsd; }; };
+    solaris  = { execFormat = elf;     families = { }; };
+    wasi     = { execFormat = wasm;    families = { }; };
+    redox    = { execFormat = elf;     families = { }; };
+    windows  = { execFormat = pe;      families = { }; };
+    ghcjs    = { execFormat = unknown; families = { }; };
+    genode   = { execFormat = elf;     families = { }; };
+    mmixware = { execFormat = unknown; families = { }; };
+  } // { # aliases
+    # 'darwin' is the kernel for all of them. We choose macOS by default.
+    darwin = kernels.macos;
+    watchos = kernels.ios;
+    tvos = kernels.ios;
+    win32 = kernels.windows;
+  };
+  ################################################################################
+  types.openAbi = mkOptionType {
+    name = "abi";
+    description = "binary interface for compiled code and syscalls";
+    merge = mergeOneOption;
+  };
+  types.abi = enum (attrValues abis);
+  abis = setTypes types.openAbi {
+    cygnus       = {};
+    msvc         = {};
+    # Note: eabi is specific to ARM and PowerPC.
+    # On PowerPC, this corresponds to PPCEABI.
+    # On ARM, this corresponds to ARMEABI.
+    eabi         = { float = "soft"; };
+    eabihf       = { float = "hard"; };
+    # Other architectures should use ELF in embedded situations.
+    elf          = {};
+    androideabi  = {};
+    android      = {
+      assertions = [
+        { assertion = platform: !platform.isAarch32;
+          message = ''
+            The "android" ABI is not for 32-bit ARM. Use "androideabi" instead.
+          '';
+        }
+      ];
+    };
+    gnueabi      = { float = "soft"; };
+    gnueabihf    = { float = "hard"; };
+    gnu          = {
+      assertions = [
+        { assertion = platform: !platform.isAarch32;
+          message = ''
+            The "gnu" ABI is ambiguous on 32-bit ARM. Use "gnueabi" or "gnueabihf" instead.
+          '';
+        }
+      ];
+    };
+    gnuabi64     = { abi = "64"; };
+    musleabi     = { float = "soft"; };
+    musleabihf   = { float = "hard"; };
+    musl         = {};
+    uclibceabihf = { float = "soft"; };
+    uclibceabi   = { float = "hard"; };
+    uclibc       = {};
+    unknown = {};
+  };
+  ################################################################################
+  types.parsedPlatform = mkOptionType {
+    name = "system";
+    description = "fully parsed representation of llvm- or nix-style platform tuple";
+    merge = mergeOneOption;
+    check = { cpu, vendor, kernel, abi }:
+           types.cpuType.check cpu
+        && types.vendor.check vendor
+        && types.kernel.check kernel
+        && types.abi.check abi;
+  };
+  isSystem = isType "system";
+  mkSystem = components:
+    assert types.parsedPlatform.check components;
+    setType "system" components;
+  mkSkeletonFromList = l: {
+    "1" = if elemAt l 0 == "avr"
+      then { cpu = elemAt l 0; kernel = "none"; abi = "unknown"; }
+      else throw "Target specification with 1 components is ambiguous";
+    "2" = # We only do 2-part hacks for things Nix already supports
+      if elemAt l 1 == "cygwin"
+        then { cpu = elemAt l 0;                      kernel = "windows";  abi = "cygnus";   }
+      # MSVC ought to be the default ABI so this case isn't needed. But then it
+      # becomes difficult to handle the gnu* variants for Aarch32 correctly for
+      # minGW. So it's easier to make gnu* the default for the MinGW, but
+      # hack-in MSVC for the non-MinGW case right here.
+      else if elemAt l 1 == "windows"
+        then { cpu = elemAt l 0;                      kernel = "windows";  abi = "msvc";     }
+      else if (elemAt l 1) == "elf"
+        then { cpu = elemAt l 0; vendor = "unknown";  kernel = "none";     abi = elemAt l 1; }
+      else   { cpu = elemAt l 0;                      kernel = elemAt l 1;                   };
+    "3" = # Awkward hacks, beware!
+      if elemAt l 1 == "apple"
+        then { cpu = elemAt l 0; vendor = "apple";    kernel = elemAt l 2;                   }
+      else if (elemAt l 1 == "linux") || (elemAt l 2 == "gnu")
+        then { cpu = elemAt l 0;                      kernel = elemAt l 1; abi = elemAt l 2; }
+      else if (elemAt l 2 == "mingw32") # autotools breaks on -gnu for window
+        then { cpu = elemAt l 0; vendor = elemAt l 1; kernel = "windows";                    }
+      else if (elemAt l 2 == "wasi")
+        then { cpu = elemAt l 0; vendor = elemAt l 1; kernel = "wasi";                       }
+      else if (elemAt l 2 == "redox")
+        then { cpu = elemAt l 0; vendor = elemAt l 1; kernel = "redox";                      }
+      else if (elemAt l 2 == "mmixware")
+        then { cpu = elemAt l 0; vendor = elemAt l 1; kernel = "mmixware";                   }
+      else if hasPrefix "netbsd" (elemAt l 2)
+        then { cpu = elemAt l 0; vendor = elemAt l 1;    kernel = elemAt l 2;                }
+      else if (elem (elemAt l 2) ["eabi" "eabihf" "elf"])
+        then { cpu = elemAt l 0; vendor = "unknown"; kernel = elemAt l 1; abi = elemAt l 2; }
+      else if (elemAt l 2 == "ghcjs")
+        then { cpu = elemAt l 0; vendor = "unknown"; kernel = elemAt l 2; }
+      else if hasPrefix "genode" (elemAt l 2)
+        then { cpu = elemAt l 0; vendor = elemAt l 1; kernel = elemAt l 2; }
+      else throw "Target specification with 3 components is ambiguous";
+    "4" =    { cpu = elemAt l 0; vendor = elemAt l 1; kernel = elemAt l 2; abi = elemAt l 3; };
+  }.${toString (length l)}
+    or (throw "system string has invalid number of hyphen-separated components");
+  # This should revert the job done by config.guess from the gcc compiler.
+  mkSystemFromSkeleton = { cpu
+                         , # Optional, but fallback too complex for here.
+                           # Inferred below instead.
+                           vendor ? assert false; null
+                         , kernel
+                         , # Also inferred below
+                           abi    ? assert false; null
+                         } @ args: let
+    getCpu    = name: cpuTypes.${name} or (throw "Unknown CPU type: ${name}");
+    getVendor = name:  vendors.${name} or (throw "Unknown vendor: ${name}");
+    getKernel = name:  kernels.${name} or (throw "Unknown kernel: ${name}");
+    getAbi    = name:     abis.${name} or (throw "Unknown ABI: ${name}");
+    parsed = {
+      cpu = getCpu args.cpu;
+      vendor =
+        /**/ if args ? vendor    then getVendor args.vendor
+        else if isDarwin  parsed then vendors.apple
+        else if isWindows parsed then vendors.pc
+        else                     vendors.unknown;
+      kernel = if hasPrefix "darwin" args.kernel      then getKernel "darwin"
+               else if hasPrefix "netbsd" args.kernel then getKernel "netbsd"
+               else                                   getKernel args.kernel;
+      abi =
+        /**/ if args ? abi       then getAbi args.abi
+        else if isLinux parsed || isWindows parsed then
+          if isAarch32 parsed then
+            if lib.versionAtLeast (parsed.cpu.version or "0") "6"
+            then abis.gnueabihf
+            else abis.gnueabi
+          else abis.gnu
+        else                     abis.unknown;
+    };
+  in mkSystem parsed;
+  mkSystemFromString = s: mkSystemFromSkeleton (mkSkeletonFromList (lib.splitString "-" s));
+  doubleFromSystem = { cpu, kernel, abi, ... }:
+    /**/ if abi == abis.cygnus       then "${cpu.name}-cygwin"
+    else if kernel.families ? darwin then "${cpu.name}-darwin"
+    else "${cpu.name}-${kernel.name}";
+  tripleFromSystem = { cpu, vendor, kernel, abi, ... } @ sys: assert isSystem sys; let
+    optExecFormat =
+      lib.optionalString (kernel.name == "netbsd" &&
+                          gnuNetBSDDefaultExecFormat cpu != kernel.execFormat)
+        kernel.execFormat.name;
+    optAbi = lib.optionalString (abi != abis.unknown) "-${abi.name}";
+  in "${cpu.name}-${vendor.name}-${kernel.name}${optExecFormat}${optAbi}";
+  ################################################################################
diff --git a/nixpkgs/lib/systems/platforms.nix b/nixpkgs/lib/systems/platforms.nix
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..92285346f754
--- /dev/null
+++ b/nixpkgs/lib/systems/platforms.nix
@@ -0,0 +1,517 @@
+{ lib }:
+rec {
+  pc = {
+    linux-kernel = {
+      name = "pc";
+      baseConfig = "defconfig";
+      # Build whatever possible as a module, if not stated in the extra config.
+      autoModules = true;
+      target = "bzImage";
+    };
+  };
+  pc_simplekernel = lib.recursiveUpdate pc {
+    linux-kernel.autoModules = false;
+  };
+  powernv = {
+    linux-kernel = {
+      name = "PowerNV";
+      baseConfig = "powernv_defconfig";
+      target = "zImage";
+      installTarget = "install";
+      file = "vmlinux";
+      autoModules = true;
+      # avoid driver/FS trouble arising from unusual page size
+      extraConfig = ''
+        PPC_64K_PAGES n
+        PPC_4K_PAGES y
+        IPV6 y
+      '';
+    };
+  };
+  ##
+  ## ARM
+  ##
+  pogoplug4 = {
+    linux-kernel = {
+      name = "pogoplug4";
+      baseConfig = "multi_v5_defconfig";
+      autoModules = false;
+      extraConfig = ''
+        # Ubi for the mtd
+        MTD_UBI y
+        UBIFS_FS y
+        UBIFS_FS_XATTR y
+        UBIFS_FS_LZO y
+        UBIFS_FS_ZLIB y
+        UBIFS_FS_DEBUG n
+      '';
+      makeFlags = [ "LOADADDR=0x8000" ];
+      target = "uImage";
+      # TODO reenable once manual-config's config actually builds a .dtb and this is checked to be working
+      #DTB = true;
+    };
+    gcc = {
+      arch = "armv5te";
+    };
+  };
+  sheevaplug = {
+    linux-kernel = {
+      name = "sheevaplug";
+      baseConfig = "multi_v5_defconfig";
+      autoModules = false;
+      extraConfig = ''
+        BLK_DEV_RAM y
+        BLK_DEV_INITRD y
+        BLK_DEV_DM m
+        DM_CRYPT m
+        MD y
+        REISERFS_FS m
+        BTRFS_FS m
+        XFS_FS m
+        JFS_FS m
+        EXT4_FS m
+        # mv cesa requires this sw fallback, for mv-sha1
+        CRYPTO_SHA1 y
+        # Fast crypto
+        IP_PNP y
+        IP_PNP_DHCP y
+        NFS_FS y
+        ROOT_NFS y
+        TUN m
+        NFS_V4 y
+        NFS_V4_1 y
+        NFS_FSCACHE y
+        NFSD m
+        NFSD_V2_ACL y
+        NFSD_V3 y
+        NFSD_V3_ACL y
+        NFSD_V4 y
+        NETFILTER y
+        IP_NF_IPTABLES y
+        IP_NF_FILTER y
+        IP_NF_TARGET_LOG y
+        IP_NF_MANGLE y
+        IPV6 m
+        VLAN_8021Q m
+        CIFS y
+        CIFS_XATTR y
+        CIFS_POSIX y
+        CIFS_FSCACHE y
+        CIFS_ACL y
+        WATCHDOG y
+        WATCHDOG_CORE y
+        ZRAM m
+        NETCONSOLE m
+        # Disable OABI to have seccomp_filter (required for systemd)
+        # https://github.com/raspberrypi/firmware/issues/651
+        OABI_COMPAT n
+        # Fail to build
+        DRM n
+        SCSI_ADVANSYS n
+        USB_ISP1362_HCD n
+        SND_SOC n
+        SND_ALI5451 n
+        FB_SAVAGE n
+        SCSI_NSP32 n
+        ATA_SFF n
+        SUNGEM n
+        IRDA n
+        ATM_HE n
+        SCSI_ACARD n
+        BLK_DEV_CMD640_ENHANCED n
+        FUSE_FS m
+        # systemd uses cgroups
+        CGROUPS y
+        # Latencytop
+        LATENCYTOP y
+        # Ubi for the mtd
+        MTD_UBI y
+        UBIFS_FS y
+        UBIFS_FS_XATTR y
+        UBIFS_FS_LZO y
+        UBIFS_FS_ZLIB y
+        UBIFS_FS_DEBUG n
+        # Kdb, for kernel troubles
+        KGDB y
+        KGDB_KDB y
+      '';
+      makeFlags = [ "LOADADDR=0x0200000" ];
+      target = "uImage";
+      DTB = true; # Beyond 3.10
+    };
+    gcc = {
+      arch = "armv5te";
+    };
+  };
+  raspberrypi = {
+    linux-kernel = {
+      name = "raspberrypi";
+      baseConfig = "bcm2835_defconfig";
+      DTB = true;
+      autoModules = true;
+      preferBuiltin = true;
+      extraConfig = ''
+        # Disable OABI to have seccomp_filter (required for systemd)
+        # https://github.com/raspberrypi/firmware/issues/651
+        OABI_COMPAT n
+      '';
+      target = "zImage";
+    };
+    gcc = {
+      arch = "armv6";
+      fpu = "vfp";
+    };
+  };
+  # Legacy attribute, for compatibility with existing configs only.
+  raspberrypi2 = armv7l-hf-multiplatform;
+  zero-gravitas = {
+    linux-kernel = {
+      name = "zero-gravitas";
+      baseConfig = "zero-gravitas_defconfig";
+      # Target verified by checking /boot on reMarkable 1 device
+      target = "zImage";
+      autoModules = false;
+      DTB = true;
+    };
+    gcc = {
+      fpu = "neon";
+      cpu = "cortex-a9";
+    };
+  };
+  zero-sugar = {
+    linux-kernel = {
+      name = "zero-sugar";
+      baseConfig = "zero-sugar_defconfig";
+      DTB = true;
+      autoModules = false;
+      preferBuiltin = true;
+      target = "zImage";
+    };
+    gcc = {
+      cpu = "cortex-a7";
+      fpu = "neon-vfpv4";
+      float-abi = "hard";
+    };
+  };
+  scaleway-c1 = lib.recursiveUpdate armv7l-hf-multiplatform {
+    gcc = {
+      cpu = "cortex-a9";
+      fpu = "vfpv3";
+    };
+  };
+  utilite = {
+    linux-kernel = {
+      name = "utilite";
+      maseConfig = "multi_v7_defconfig";
+      autoModules = false;
+      extraConfig = ''
+        # Ubi for the mtd
+        MTD_UBI y
+        UBIFS_FS y
+        UBIFS_FS_XATTR y
+        UBIFS_FS_LZO y
+        UBIFS_FS_ZLIB y
+        UBIFS_FS_DEBUG n
+      '';
+      makeFlags = [ "LOADADDR=0x10800000" ];
+      target = "uImage";
+      DTB = true;
+    };
+    gcc = {
+      cpu = "cortex-a9";
+      fpu = "neon";
+    };
+  };
+  guruplug = lib.recursiveUpdate sheevaplug {
+    # Define `CONFIG_MACH_GURUPLUG' (see
+    # <http://kerneltrap.org/mailarchive/git-commits-head/2010/5/19/33618>)
+    # and other GuruPlug-specific things.  Requires the `guruplug-defconfig'
+    # patch.
+    linux-kernel.baseConfig = "guruplug_defconfig";
+  };
+  beaglebone = lib.recursiveUpdate armv7l-hf-multiplatform {
+    linux-kernel = {
+      name = "beaglebone";
+      baseConfig = "bb.org_defconfig";
+      autoModules = false;
+      extraConfig = ""; # TBD kernel config
+      target = "zImage";
+    };
+  };
+  # https://developer.android.com/ndk/guides/abis#v7a
+  armv7a-android = {
+    linux-kernel.name = "armeabi-v7a";
+    gcc = {
+      arch = "armv7-a";
+      float-abi = "softfp";
+      fpu = "vfpv3-d16";
+    };
+  };
+  armv7l-hf-multiplatform = {
+    linux-kernel = {
+      name = "armv7l-hf-multiplatform";
+      Major = "2.6"; # Using "2.6" enables 2.6 kernel syscalls in glibc.
+      baseConfig = "multi_v7_defconfig";
+      DTB = true;
+      autoModules = true;
+      preferBuiltin = true;
+      target = "zImage";
+      extraConfig = ''
+        # Serial port for Raspberry Pi 3. Wasn't included in ARMv7 defconfig
+        # until 4.17.
+        SERIAL_8250_BCM2835AUX y
+        SERIAL_8250_EXTENDED y
+        SERIAL_8250_SHARE_IRQ y
+        # Hangs ODROID-XU4
+        # Disable OABI to have seccomp_filter (required for systemd)
+        # https://github.com/raspberrypi/firmware/issues/651
+        OABI_COMPAT n
+      '';
+    };
+    gcc = {
+      # Some table about fpu flags:
+      # http://community.arm.com/servlet/JiveServlet/showImage/38-1981-3827/blogentry-103749-004812900+1365712953_thumb.png
+      # Cortex-A5: -mfpu=neon-fp16
+      # Cortex-A7 (rpi2): -mfpu=neon-vfpv4
+      # Cortex-A8 (beaglebone): -mfpu=neon
+      # Cortex-A9: -mfpu=neon-fp16
+      # Cortex-A15: -mfpu=neon-vfpv4
+      # More about FPU:
+      # https://wiki.debian.org/ArmHardFloatPort/VfpComparison
+      # vfpv3-d16 is what Debian uses and seems to be the best compromise: NEON is not supported in e.g. Scaleway or Tegra 2,
+      # and the above page suggests NEON is only an improvement with hand-written assembly.
+      arch = "armv7-a";
+      fpu = "vfpv3-d16";
+      # For Raspberry Pi the 2 the best would be:
+      #   cpu = "cortex-a7";
+      #   fpu = "neon-vfpv4";
+    };
+  };
+  aarch64-multiplatform = {
+    linux-kernel = {
+      name = "aarch64-multiplatform";
+      baseConfig = "defconfig";
+      DTB = true;
+      autoModules = true;
+      preferBuiltin = true;
+      extraConfig = ''
+        # Raspberry Pi 3 stuff. Not needed for   s >= 4.10.
+        ARCH_BCM2835 y
+        BCM2835_MBOX y
+        BCM2835_WDT y
+        SERIAL_8250_BCM2835AUX y
+        SERIAL_8250_EXTENDED y
+        SERIAL_8250_SHARE_IRQ y
+        # Cavium ThunderX stuff.
+        # Nvidia Tegra stuff.
+        PCI_TEGRA y
+        # The default (=y) forces us to have the XHCI firmware available in initrd,
+        # which our initrd builder can't currently do easily.
+        USB_XHCI_TEGRA m
+      '';
+      target = "Image";
+    };
+    gcc = {
+      arch = "armv8-a";
+    };
+  };
+  apple-m1 = {
+    gcc = {
+      arch = "armv8.3-a+crypto+sha2+aes+crc+fp16+lse+simd+ras+rdm+rcpc";
+      cpu = "apple-a13";
+    };
+  };
+  ##
+  ## MIPS
+  ##
+  ben_nanonote = {
+    linux-kernel = {
+      name = "ben_nanonote";
+    };
+    gcc = {
+      arch = "mips32";
+      float = "soft";
+    };
+  };
+  fuloong2f_n32 = {
+    linux-kernel = {
+      name = "fuloong2f_n32";
+      baseConfig = "lemote2f_defconfig";
+      autoModules = false;
+      extraConfig = ''
+        MIGRATION n
+        COMPACTION n
+        # nixos mounts some cgroup
+        CGROUPS y
+        BLK_DEV_RAM y
+        BLK_DEV_INITRD y
+        BLK_DEV_DM m
+        DM_CRYPT m
+        MD y
+        REISERFS_FS m
+        EXT4_FS m
+        IP_PNP y
+        IP_PNP_DHCP y
+        IP_PNP_BOOTP y
+        NFS_FS y
+        ROOT_NFS y
+        TUN m
+        NFS_V4 y
+        NFS_V4_1 y
+        NFS_FSCACHE y
+        NFSD m
+        NFSD_V2_ACL y
+        NFSD_V3 y
+        NFSD_V3_ACL y
+        NFSD_V4 y
+        # Fail to build
+        DRM n
+        SCSI_ADVANSYS n
+        USB_ISP1362_HCD n
+        SND_SOC n
+        SND_ALI5451 n
+        FB_SAVAGE n
+        SCSI_NSP32 n
+        ATA_SFF n
+        SUNGEM n
+        IRDA n
+        ATM_HE n
+        SCSI_ACARD n
+        BLK_DEV_CMD640_ENHANCED n
+        FUSE_FS m
+        # Needed for udev >= 150
+        VGA_CONSOLE n
+        SERIAL_8250_CONSOLE y
+        EXT2_FS y
+        EXT3_FS y
+        REISERFS_FS y
+        MAGIC_SYSRQ y
+        # The kernel doesn't boot at all, with FTRACE
+        FTRACE n
+      '';
+      target = "vmlinux";
+    };
+    gcc = {
+      arch = "loongson2f";
+      float = "hard";
+      abi = "n32";
+    };
+  };
+  ##
+  ## Other
+  ##
+  riscv-multiplatform = {
+    linux-kernel = {
+      name = "riscv-multiplatform";
+      target = "Image";
+      autoModules = true;
+      baseConfig = "defconfig";
+      DTB = true;
+      extraConfig = ''
+      '';
+    };
+  };
+  select = platform:
+    # x86
+    /**/ if platform.isx86 then pc
+    # ARM
+    else if platform.isAarch32 then let
+      version = platform.parsed.cpu.version or null;
+      in     if version == null then pc
+        else if lib.versionOlder version "6" then sheevaplug
+        else if lib.versionOlder version "7" then raspberrypi
+        else armv7l-hf-multiplatform
+    else if platform.isAarch64 then
+      if platform.isDarwin then apple-m1
+      else aarch64-multiplatform
+    else if platform.isRiscV then riscv-multiplatform
+    else if platform.parsed.cpu == lib.systems.parse.cpuTypes.mipsel then fuloong2f_n32
+    else if platform.parsed.cpu == lib.systems.parse.cpuTypes.powerpc64le then powernv
+    else pc;
diff --git a/nixpkgs/lib/tests/check-eval.nix b/nixpkgs/lib/tests/check-eval.nix
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..8bd7b605a39b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/nixpkgs/lib/tests/check-eval.nix
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+# Throws an error if any of our lib tests fail.
+let tests = [ "misc" "systems" ];
+    all = builtins.concatLists (map (f: import (./. + "/${f}.nix")) tests);
+in if all == []
+     then null
+   else throw (builtins.toJSON all)
diff --git a/nixpkgs/lib/tests/maintainers.nix b/nixpkgs/lib/tests/maintainers.nix
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..d3ed398c80a1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/nixpkgs/lib/tests/maintainers.nix
@@ -0,0 +1,76 @@
+# to run these tests (and the others)
+# nix-build nixpkgs/lib/tests/release.nix
+{ # The pkgs used for dependencies for the testing itself
+  pkgs
+, lib
+  inherit (lib) types;
+  maintainerModule = { config, ... }: {
+    options = {
+      name = lib.mkOption {
+        type = types.str;
+      };
+      email = lib.mkOption {
+        type = types.str;
+      };
+      github = lib.mkOption {
+        type = types.nullOr types.str;
+        default = null;
+      };
+      githubId = lib.mkOption {
+        type = types.nullOr types.ints.unsigned;
+        default = null;
+      };
+      keys = lib.mkOption {
+        type = types.listOf (types.submodule {
+          options.longkeyid = lib.mkOption { type = types.str; };
+          options.fingerprint = lib.mkOption { type = types.str; };
+        });
+        default = [];
+      };
+    };
+  };
+  checkMaintainer = handle: uncheckedAttrs:
+  let
+      prefix = [ "lib" "maintainers" handle ];
+      checkedAttrs = (lib.modules.evalModules {
+        inherit prefix;
+        modules = [
+          maintainerModule
+          {
+            _file = toString ../../maintainers/maintainer-list.nix;
+            config = uncheckedAttrs;
+          }
+        ];
+      }).config;
+      checkGithubId = lib.optional (checkedAttrs.github != null && checkedAttrs.githubId == null) ''
+        echo ${lib.escapeShellArg (lib.showOption prefix)}': If `github` is specified, `githubId` must be too.'
+        # Calling this too often would hit non-authenticated API limits, but this
+        # shouldn't happen since such errors will get fixed rather quickly
+        info=$(curl -sS https://api.github.com/users/${checkedAttrs.github})
+        id=$(jq -r '.id' <<< "$info")
+        echo "The GitHub ID for GitHub user ${checkedAttrs.github} is $id:"
+        echo -e "    githubId = $id;\n"
+      '';
+    in lib.deepSeq checkedAttrs checkGithubId;
+  missingGithubIds = lib.concatLists (lib.mapAttrsToList checkMaintainer lib.maintainers);
+  success = pkgs.runCommandNoCC "checked-maintainers-success" {} ">$out";
+  failure = pkgs.runCommandNoCC "checked-maintainers-failure" {
+    nativeBuildInputs = [ pkgs.curl pkgs.jq ];
+    outputHash = "sha256:${lib.fakeSha256}";
+    outputHAlgo = "sha256";
+    outputHashMode = "flat";
+    SSL_CERT_FILE = "${pkgs.cacert}/etc/ssl/certs/ca-bundle.crt";
+  } ''
+    ${lib.concatStringsSep "\n" missingGithubIds}
+    exit 1
+  '';
+in if missingGithubIds == [] then success else failure
diff --git a/nixpkgs/lib/tests/misc.nix b/nixpkgs/lib/tests/misc.nix
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..0d249968402d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/nixpkgs/lib/tests/misc.nix
@@ -0,0 +1,730 @@
+# to run these tests:
+# nix-instantiate --eval --strict nixpkgs/lib/tests/misc.nix
+# if the resulting list is empty, all tests passed
+with import ../default.nix;
+  testSanitizeDerivationName = { name, expected }:
+  let
+    drv = derivation {
+      name = strings.sanitizeDerivationName name;
+      builder = "x";
+      system = "x";
+    };
+  in {
+    # Evaluate the derivation so an invalid name would be caught
+    expr = builtins.seq drv.drvPath drv.name;
+    inherit expected;
+  };
+runTests {
+  testId = {
+    expr = id 1;
+    expected = 1;
+  };
+  testConst = {
+    expr = const 2 3;
+    expected = 2;
+  };
+  testPipe = {
+    expr = pipe 2 [
+      (x: x + 2) # 2 + 2 = 4
+      (x: x * 2) # 4 * 2 = 8
+    ];
+    expected = 8;
+  };
+  testPipeEmpty = {
+    expr = pipe 2 [];
+    expected = 2;
+  };
+  testPipeStrings = {
+    expr = pipe [ 3 4 ] [
+      (map toString)
+      (map (s: s + "\n"))
+      concatStrings
+    ];
+    expected = ''
+      3
+      4
+    '';
+  };
+  /*
+  testOr = {
+    expr = or true false;
+    expected = true;
+  };
+  */
+  testAnd = {
+    expr = and true false;
+    expected = false;
+  };
+  testFix = {
+    expr = fix (x: {a = if x ? a then "a" else "b";});
+    expected = {a = "a";};
+  };
+  testComposeExtensions = {
+    expr = let obj = makeExtensible (self: { foo = self.bar; });
+               f = self: super: { bar = false; baz = true; };
+               g = self: super: { bar = super.baz or false; };
+               f_o_g = composeExtensions f g;
+               composed = obj.extend f_o_g;
+           in composed.foo;
+    expected = true;
+  };
+  testComposeManyExtensions0 = {
+    expr = let obj = makeExtensible (self: { foo = true; });
+               emptyComposition = composeManyExtensions [];
+               composed = obj.extend emptyComposition;
+           in composed.foo;
+    expected = true;
+  };
+  testComposeManyExtensions =
+    let f = self: super: { bar = false; baz = true; };
+        g = self: super: { bar = super.baz or false; };
+        h = self: super: { qux = super.bar or false; };
+        obj = makeExtensible (self: { foo = self.qux; });
+    in {
+    expr = let composition = composeManyExtensions [f g h];
+               composed = obj.extend composition;
+           in composed.foo;
+    expected = (obj.extend (composeExtensions f (composeExtensions g h))).foo;
+  };
+  testBitAnd = {
+    expr = (bitAnd 3 10);
+    expected = 2;
+  };
+  testBitOr = {
+    expr = (bitOr 3 10);
+    expected = 11;
+  };
+  testBitXor = {
+    expr = (bitXor 3 10);
+    expected = 9;
+  };
+  testToHexString = {
+    expr = toHexString 250;
+    expected = "FA";
+  };
+  testToBaseDigits = {
+    expr = toBaseDigits 2 6;
+    expected = [ 1 1 0 ];
+  };
+  testConcatMapStrings = {
+    expr = concatMapStrings (x: x + ";") ["a" "b" "c"];
+    expected = "a;b;c;";
+  };
+  testConcatStringsSep = {
+    expr = concatStringsSep "," ["a" "b" "c"];
+    expected = "a,b,c";
+  };
+  testSplitStringsSimple = {
+    expr = strings.splitString "." "a.b.c.d";
+    expected = [ "a" "b" "c" "d" ];
+  };
+  testSplitStringsEmpty = {
+    expr = strings.splitString "." "a..b";
+    expected = [ "a" "" "b" ];
+  };
+  testSplitStringsOne = {
+    expr = strings.splitString ":" "a.b";
+    expected = [ "a.b" ];
+  };
+  testSplitStringsNone = {
+    expr = strings.splitString "." "";
+    expected = [ "" ];
+  };
+  testSplitStringsFirstEmpty = {
+    expr = strings.splitString "/" "/a/b/c";
+    expected = [ "" "a" "b" "c" ];
+  };
+  testSplitStringsLastEmpty = {
+    expr = strings.splitString ":" "2001:db8:0:0042::8a2e:370:";
+    expected = [ "2001" "db8" "0" "0042" "" "8a2e" "370" "" ];
+  };
+  testSplitStringsRegex = {
+    expr = strings.splitString "\\[{}]()^$?*+|." "A\\[{}]()^$?*+|.B";
+    expected = [ "A" "B" ];
+  };
+  testSplitStringsDerivation = {
+    expr = take 3  (strings.splitString "/" (derivation {
+      name = "name";
+      builder = "builder";
+      system = "system";
+    }));
+    expected = ["" "nix" "store"];
+  };
+  testSplitVersionSingle = {
+    expr = versions.splitVersion "1";
+    expected = [ "1" ];
+  };
+  testSplitVersionDouble = {
+    expr = versions.splitVersion "1.2";
+    expected = [ "1" "2" ];
+  };
+  testSplitVersionTriple = {
+    expr = versions.splitVersion "1.2.3";
+    expected = [ "1" "2" "3" ];
+  };
+  testIsStorePath =  {
+    expr =
+      let goodPath =
+            "${builtins.storeDir}/d945ibfx9x185xf04b890y4f9g3cbb63-python-2.7.11";
+      in {
+        storePath = isStorePath goodPath;
+        storePathDerivation = isStorePath (import ../.. { system = "x86_64-linux"; }).hello;
+        storePathAppendix = isStorePath
+          "${goodPath}/bin/python";
+        nonAbsolute = isStorePath (concatStrings (tail (stringToCharacters goodPath)));
+        asPath = isStorePath (/. + goodPath);
+        otherPath = isStorePath "/something/else";
+        otherVals = {
+          attrset = isStorePath {};
+          list = isStorePath [];
+          int = isStorePath 42;
+        };
+      };
+    expected = {
+      storePath = true;
+      storePathDerivation = true;
+      storePathAppendix = false;
+      nonAbsolute = false;
+      asPath = true;
+      otherPath = false;
+      otherVals = {
+        attrset = false;
+        list = false;
+        int = false;
+      };
+    };
+  };
+  testFilter = {
+    expr = filter (x: x != "a") ["a" "b" "c" "a"];
+    expected = ["b" "c"];
+  };
+  testFold =
+    let
+      f = op: fold: fold op 0 (range 0 100);
+      # fold with associative operator
+      assoc = f builtins.add;
+      # fold with non-associative operator
+      nonAssoc = f builtins.sub;
+    in {
+      expr = {
+        assocRight = assoc foldr;
+        # right fold with assoc operator is same as left fold
+        assocRightIsLeft = assoc foldr == assoc foldl;
+        nonAssocRight = nonAssoc foldr;
+        nonAssocLeft = nonAssoc foldl;
+        # with non-assoc operator the fold results are not the same
+        nonAssocRightIsNotLeft = nonAssoc foldl != nonAssoc foldr;
+        # fold is an alias for foldr
+        foldIsRight = nonAssoc fold == nonAssoc foldr;
+      };
+      expected = {
+        assocRight = 5050;
+        assocRightIsLeft = true;
+        nonAssocRight = 50;
+        nonAssocLeft = (-5050);
+        nonAssocRightIsNotLeft = true;
+        foldIsRight = true;
+      };
+    };
+  testTake = testAllTrue [
+    ([] == (take 0 [  1 2 3 ]))
+    ([1] == (take 1 [  1 2 3 ]))
+    ([ 1 2 ] == (take 2 [  1 2 3 ]))
+    ([ 1 2 3 ] == (take 3 [  1 2 3 ]))
+    ([ 1 2 3 ] == (take 4 [  1 2 3 ]))
+  ];
+  testFoldAttrs = {
+    expr = foldAttrs (n: a: [n] ++ a) [] [
+    { a = 2; b = 7; }
+    { a = 3;        c = 8; }
+    ];
+    expected = { a = [ 2 3 ]; b = [7]; c = [8];};
+  };
+  testSort = {
+    expr = sort builtins.lessThan [ 40 2 30 42 ];
+    expected = [2 30 40 42];
+  };
+  testToIntShouldConvertStringToInt = {
+    expr = toInt "27";
+    expected = 27;
+  };
+  testToIntShouldThrowErrorIfItCouldNotConvertToInt = {
+    expr = builtins.tryEval (toInt "\"foo\"");
+    expected = { success = false; value = false; };
+  };
+  testHasAttrByPathTrue = {
+    expr = hasAttrByPath ["a" "b"] { a = { b = "yey"; }; };
+    expected = true;
+  };
+  testHasAttrByPathFalse = {
+    expr = hasAttrByPath ["a" "b"] { a = { c = "yey"; }; };
+    expected = false;
+  };
+  # code from the example
+  testRecursiveUpdateUntil = {
+    expr = recursiveUpdateUntil (path: l: r: path == ["foo"]) {
+      # first attribute set
+      foo.bar = 1;
+      foo.baz = 2;
+      bar = 3;
+    } {
+      #second attribute set
+      foo.bar = 1;
+      foo.quz = 2;
+      baz = 4;
+    };
+    expected = {
+      foo.bar = 1; # 'foo.*' from the second set
+      foo.quz = 2; #
+      bar = 3;     # 'bar' from the first set
+      baz = 4;     # 'baz' from the second set
+    };
+  };
+  testOverrideExistingEmpty = {
+    expr = overrideExisting {} { a = 1; };
+    expected = {};
+  };
+  testOverrideExistingDisjoint = {
+    expr = overrideExisting { b = 2; } { a = 1; };
+    expected = { b = 2; };
+  };
+  testOverrideExistingOverride = {
+    expr = overrideExisting { a = 3; b = 2; } { a = 1; };
+    expected = { a = 1; b = 2; };
+  };
+# these tests assume attributes are converted to lists
+# in alphabetical order
+  testMkKeyValueDefault = {
+    expr = generators.mkKeyValueDefault {} ":" "f:oo" "bar";
+    expected = ''f\:oo:bar'';
+  };
+  testMkValueString = {
+    expr = let
+      vals = {
+        int = 42;
+        string = ''fo"o'';
+        bool = true;
+        bool2 = false;
+        null = null;
+        # float = 42.23; # floats are strange
+      };
+      in mapAttrs
+        (const (generators.mkValueStringDefault {}))
+        vals;
+    expected = {
+      int = "42";
+      string = ''fo"o'';
+      bool = "true";
+      bool2 = "false";
+      null = "null";
+      # float = "42.23" true false [ "bar" ] ]'';
+    };
+  };
+  testToKeyValue = {
+    expr = generators.toKeyValue {} {
+      key = "value";
+      "other=key" = "baz";
+    };
+    expected = ''
+      key=value
+      other\=key=baz
+    '';
+  };
+  testToINIEmpty = {
+    expr = generators.toINI {} {};
+    expected = "";
+  };
+  testToINIEmptySection = {
+    expr = generators.toINI {} { foo = {}; bar = {}; };
+    expected = ''
+      [bar]
+      [foo]
+    '';
+  };
+  testToINIDuplicateKeys = {
+    expr = generators.toINI { listsAsDuplicateKeys = true; } { foo.bar = true; baz.qux = [ 1 false ]; };
+    expected = ''
+      [baz]
+      qux=1
+      qux=false
+      [foo]
+      bar=true
+    '';
+  };
+  testToINIDefaultEscapes = {
+    expr = generators.toINI {} {
+      "no [ and ] allowed unescaped" = {
+        "and also no = in keys" = 42;
+      };
+    };
+    expected = ''
+      [no \[ and \] allowed unescaped]
+      and also no \= in keys=42
+    '';
+  };
+  testToINIDefaultFull = {
+    expr = generators.toINI {} {
+      "section 1" = {
+        attribute1 = 5;
+        x = "Me-se JarJar Binx";
+        # booleans are converted verbatim by default
+        boolean = false;
+      };
+      "foo[]" = {
+        "he\\h=he" = "this is okay";
+      };
+    };
+    expected = ''
+      [foo\[\]]
+      he\h\=he=this is okay
+      [section 1]
+      attribute1=5
+      boolean=false
+      x=Me-se JarJar Binx
+    '';
+  };
+  /* right now only invocation check */
+  testToJSONSimple =
+    let val = {
+      foobar = [ "baz" 1 2 3 ];
+    };
+    in {
+      expr = generators.toJSON {} val;
+      # trivial implementation
+      expected = builtins.toJSON val;
+  };
+  /* right now only invocation check */
+  testToYAMLSimple =
+    let val = {
+      list = [ { one = 1; } { two = 2; } ];
+      all = 42;
+    };
+    in {
+      expr = generators.toYAML {} val;
+      # trivial implementation
+      expected = builtins.toJSON val;
+  };
+  testToPretty =
+    let
+      deriv = derivation { name = "test"; builder = "/bin/sh"; system = builtins.currentSystem; };
+    in {
+    expr = mapAttrs (const (generators.toPretty { multiline = false; })) rec {
+      int = 42;
+      float = 0.1337;
+      bool = true;
+      emptystring = "";
+      string = ''fno"rd'';
+      newlinestring = "\n";
+      path = /. + "/foo";
+      null_ = null;
+      function = x: x;
+      functionArgs = { arg ? 4, foo }: arg;
+      list = [ 3 4 function [ false ] ];
+      emptylist = [];
+      attrs = { foo = null; "foo bar" = "baz"; };
+      emptyattrs = {};
+      drv = deriv;
+    };
+    expected = rec {
+      int = "42";
+      float = "~0.133700";
+      bool = "true";
+      emptystring = ''""'';
+      string = ''"fno\"rd"'';
+      newlinestring = "\"\\n\"";
+      path = "/foo";
+      null_ = "null";
+      function = "<function>";
+      functionArgs = "<function, args: {arg?, foo}>";
+      list = "[ 3 4 ${function} [ false ] ]";
+      emptylist = "[ ]";
+      attrs = "{ foo = null; \"foo bar\" = \"baz\"; }";
+      emptyattrs = "{ }";
+      drv = "<derivation ${deriv.drvPath}>";
+    };
+  };
+  testToPrettyMultiline = {
+    expr = mapAttrs (const (generators.toPretty { })) rec {
+      list = [ 3 4 [ false ] ];
+      attrs = { foo = null; bar.foo = "baz"; };
+      newlinestring = "\n";
+      multilinestring = ''
+        hello
+        there
+        test
+      '';
+      multilinestring' = ''
+        hello
+        there
+        test'';
+    };
+    expected = rec {
+      list = ''
+        [
+          3
+          4
+          [
+            false
+          ]
+        ]'';
+      attrs = ''
+        {
+          bar = {
+            foo = "baz";
+          };
+          foo = null;
+        }'';
+      newlinestring = "''\n  \n''";
+      multilinestring = ''
+        '''
+          hello
+          there
+          test
+        ''''';
+      multilinestring' = ''
+        '''
+          hello
+          there
+          test''''';
+    };
+  };
+  testToPrettyAllowPrettyValues = {
+    expr = generators.toPretty { allowPrettyValues = true; }
+             { __pretty = v: "«" + v + "»"; val = "foo"; };
+    expected  = "«foo»";
+  };
+# CLI
+  testToGNUCommandLine = {
+    expr = cli.toGNUCommandLine {} {
+      data = builtins.toJSON { id = 0; };
+      X = "PUT";
+      retry = 3;
+      retry-delay = null;
+      url = [ "https://example.com/foo" "https://example.com/bar" ];
+      silent = false;
+      verbose = true;
+    };
+    expected = [
+      "-X" "PUT"
+      "--data" "{\"id\":0}"
+      "--retry" "3"
+      "--url" "https://example.com/foo"
+      "--url" "https://example.com/bar"
+      "--verbose"
+    ];
+  };
+  testToGNUCommandLineShell = {
+    expr = cli.toGNUCommandLineShell {} {
+      data = builtins.toJSON { id = 0; };
+      X = "PUT";
+      retry = 3;
+      retry-delay = null;
+      url = [ "https://example.com/foo" "https://example.com/bar" ];
+      silent = false;
+      verbose = true;
+    };
+    expected = "'-X' 'PUT' '--data' '{\"id\":0}' '--retry' '3' '--url' 'https://example.com/foo' '--url' 'https://example.com/bar' '--verbose'";
+  };
+  testSanitizeDerivationNameLeadingDots = testSanitizeDerivationName {
+    name = "..foo";
+    expected = "foo";
+  };
+  testSanitizeDerivationNameAscii = testSanitizeDerivationName {
+    name = " !\"#$%&'()*+,-./0123456789:;<=>?@ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ[\\]^_`abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz{|}~";
+    expected = "-+--.-0123456789-=-?-ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ-_-abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz-";
+  };
+  testSanitizeDerivationNameTooLong = testSanitizeDerivationName {
+    name = "This string is loooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooong";
+    expected = "loooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooong";
+  };
+  testSanitizeDerivationNameTooLongWithInvalid = testSanitizeDerivationName {
+    name = "Hello there aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa &&&&&&&&";
+    expected = "there-aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa-";
+  };
+  testSanitizeDerivationNameEmpty = testSanitizeDerivationName {
+    name = "";
+    expected = "unknown";
+  };
+  testFreeformOptions = {
+    expr =
+      let
+        submodule = { lib, ... }: {
+          freeformType = lib.types.attrsOf (lib.types.submodule {
+            options.bar = lib.mkOption {};
+          });
+          options.bar = lib.mkOption {};
+        };
+        module = { lib, ... }: {
+          options.foo = lib.mkOption {
+            type = lib.types.submodule submodule;
+          };
+        };
+        options = (evalModules {
+          modules = [ module ];
+        }).options;
+        locs = filter (o: ! o.internal) (optionAttrSetToDocList options);
+      in map (o: o.loc) locs;
+    expected = [ [ "foo" ] [ "foo" "<name>" "bar" ] [ "foo" "bar" ] ];
+  };
+  testCartesianProductOfEmptySet = {
+    expr = cartesianProductOfSets {};
+    expected = [ {} ];
+  };
+  testCartesianProductOfOneSet = {
+    expr = cartesianProductOfSets { a = [ 1 2 3 ]; };
+    expected = [ { a = 1; } { a = 2; } { a = 3; } ];
+  };
+  testCartesianProductOfTwoSets = {
+    expr = cartesianProductOfSets { a = [ 1 ]; b = [ 10 20 ]; };
+    expected = [
+      { a = 1; b = 10; }
+      { a = 1; b = 20; }
+    ];
+  };
+  testCartesianProductOfTwoSetsWithOneEmpty = {
+    expr = cartesianProductOfSets { a = [ ]; b = [ 10 20 ]; };
+    expected = [ ];
+  };
+  testCartesianProductOfThreeSets = {
+    expr = cartesianProductOfSets {
+      a = [   1   2   3 ];
+      b = [  10  20  30 ];
+      c = [ 100 200 300 ];
+    };
+    expected = [
+      { a = 1; b = 10; c = 100; }
+      { a = 1; b = 10; c = 200; }
+      { a = 1; b = 10; c = 300; }
+      { a = 1; b = 20; c = 100; }
+      { a = 1; b = 20; c = 200; }
+      { a = 1; b = 20; c = 300; }
+      { a = 1; b = 30; c = 100; }
+      { a = 1; b = 30; c = 200; }
+      { a = 1; b = 30; c = 300; }
+      { a = 2; b = 10; c = 100; }
+      { a = 2; b = 10; c = 200; }
+      { a = 2; b = 10; c = 300; }
+      { a = 2; b = 20; c = 100; }
+      { a = 2; b = 20; c = 200; }
+      { a = 2; b = 20; c = 300; }
+      { a = 2; b = 30; c = 100; }
+      { a = 2; b = 30; c = 200; }
+      { a = 2; b = 30; c = 300; }
+      { a = 3; b = 10; c = 100; }
+      { a = 3; b = 10; c = 200; }
+      { a = 3; b = 10; c = 300; }
+      { a = 3; b = 20; c = 100; }
+      { a = 3; b = 20; c = 200; }
+      { a = 3; b = 20; c = 300; }
+      { a = 3; b = 30; c = 100; }
+      { a = 3; b = 30; c = 200; }
+      { a = 3; b = 30; c = 300; }
+    ];
+  };
diff --git a/nixpkgs/lib/tests/modules.sh b/nixpkgs/lib/tests/modules.sh
new file mode 100755
index 000000000000..2e57c2f8e2a1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/nixpkgs/lib/tests/modules.sh
@@ -0,0 +1,284 @@
+# This script is used to test that the module system is working as expected.
+# By default it test the version of nixpkgs which is defined in the NIX_PATH.
+# https://stackoverflow.com/a/246128/6605742
+DIR="$( cd "$( dirname "${BASH_SOURCE[0]}" )" >/dev/null 2>&1 && pwd )"
+cd "$DIR"/modules
+evalConfig() {
+    local attr=$1
+    shift;
+    local script="import ./default.nix { modules = [ $@ ];}"
+    nix-instantiate --timeout 1 -E "$script" -A "$attr" --eval-only --show-trace --read-write-mode
+reportFailure() {
+    local attr=$1
+    shift;
+    local script="import ./default.nix { modules = [ $@ ];}"
+    echo 2>&1 "$ nix-instantiate -E '$script' -A '$attr' --eval-only"
+    evalConfig "$attr" "$@"
+    fail=$((fail + 1))
+checkConfigOutput() {
+    local outputContains=$1
+    shift;
+    if evalConfig "$@" 2>/dev/null | grep --silent "$outputContains" ; then
+        pass=$((pass + 1))
+        return 0;
+    else
+        echo 2>&1 "error: Expected result matching '$outputContains', while evaluating"
+        reportFailure "$@"
+        return 1
+    fi
+checkConfigError() {
+    local errorContains=$1
+    local err=""
+    shift;
+    if err==$(evalConfig "$@" 2>&1 >/dev/null); then
+        echo 2>&1 "error: Expected error code, got exit code 0, while evaluating"
+        reportFailure "$@"
+        return 1
+    else
+        if echo "$err" | grep -zP --silent "$errorContains" ; then
+            pass=$((pass + 1))
+            return 0;
+        else
+            echo 2>&1 "error: Expected error matching '$errorContains', while evaluating"
+            reportFailure "$@"
+            return 1
+        fi
+    fi
+# Check boolean option.
+checkConfigOutput "false" config.enable ./declare-enable.nix
+checkConfigError 'The option .* does not exist. Definition values:\n- In .*: true' config.enable ./define-enable.nix
+# Check integer types.
+# unsigned
+checkConfigOutput "42" config.value ./declare-int-unsigned-value.nix ./define-value-int-positive.nix
+checkConfigError 'A definition for option .* is not of type.*unsigned integer.*. Definition values:\n- In .*: -23' config.value ./declare-int-unsigned-value.nix ./define-value-int-negative.nix
+# positive
+checkConfigError 'A definition for option .* is not of type.*positive integer.*. Definition values:\n- In .*: 0' config.value ./declare-int-positive-value.nix ./define-value-int-zero.nix
+# between
+checkConfigOutput "42" config.value ./declare-int-between-value.nix ./define-value-int-positive.nix
+checkConfigError 'A definition for option .* is not of type.*between.*-21 and 43.*inclusive.*. Definition values:\n- In .*: -23' config.value ./declare-int-between-value.nix ./define-value-int-negative.nix
+# Check either types
+# types.either
+checkConfigOutput "42" config.value ./declare-either.nix ./define-value-int-positive.nix
+checkConfigOutput "\"24\"" config.value ./declare-either.nix ./define-value-string.nix
+# types.oneOf
+checkConfigOutput "42" config.value ./declare-oneOf.nix ./define-value-int-positive.nix
+checkConfigOutput "[ ]" config.value ./declare-oneOf.nix ./define-value-list.nix
+checkConfigOutput "\"24\"" config.value ./declare-oneOf.nix ./define-value-string.nix
+# Check mkForce without submodules.
+set -- config.enable ./declare-enable.nix ./define-enable.nix
+checkConfigOutput "true" "$@"
+checkConfigOutput "false" "$@" ./define-force-enable.nix
+checkConfigOutput "false" "$@" ./define-enable-force.nix
+# Check mkForce with option and submodules.
+checkConfigError 'attribute .*foo.* .* not found' config.attrsOfSub.foo.enable ./declare-attrsOfSub-any-enable.nix
+checkConfigOutput 'false' config.attrsOfSub.foo.enable ./declare-attrsOfSub-any-enable.nix ./define-attrsOfSub-foo.nix
+set -- config.attrsOfSub.foo.enable ./declare-attrsOfSub-any-enable.nix ./define-attrsOfSub-foo-enable.nix
+checkConfigOutput 'true' "$@"
+checkConfigOutput 'false' "$@" ./define-force-attrsOfSub-foo-enable.nix
+checkConfigOutput 'false' "$@" ./define-attrsOfSub-force-foo-enable.nix
+checkConfigOutput 'false' "$@" ./define-attrsOfSub-foo-force-enable.nix
+checkConfigOutput 'false' "$@" ./define-attrsOfSub-foo-enable-force.nix
+# Check overriding effect of mkForce on submodule definitions.
+checkConfigError 'attribute .*bar.* .* not found' config.attrsOfSub.bar.enable ./declare-attrsOfSub-any-enable.nix ./define-attrsOfSub-foo.nix
+checkConfigOutput 'false' config.attrsOfSub.bar.enable ./declare-attrsOfSub-any-enable.nix ./define-attrsOfSub-foo.nix ./define-attrsOfSub-bar.nix
+set -- config.attrsOfSub.bar.enable ./declare-attrsOfSub-any-enable.nix ./define-attrsOfSub-foo.nix ./define-attrsOfSub-bar-enable.nix
+checkConfigOutput 'true' "$@"
+checkConfigError 'attribute .*bar.* .* not found' "$@" ./define-force-attrsOfSub-foo-enable.nix
+checkConfigError 'attribute .*bar.* .* not found' "$@" ./define-attrsOfSub-force-foo-enable.nix
+checkConfigOutput 'true' "$@" ./define-attrsOfSub-foo-force-enable.nix
+checkConfigOutput 'true' "$@" ./define-attrsOfSub-foo-enable-force.nix
+# Check mkIf with submodules.
+checkConfigError 'attribute .*foo.* .* not found' config.attrsOfSub.foo.enable ./declare-enable.nix ./declare-attrsOfSub-any-enable.nix
+set -- config.attrsOfSub.foo.enable ./declare-enable.nix ./declare-attrsOfSub-any-enable.nix
+checkConfigError 'attribute .*foo.* .* not found' "$@" ./define-if-attrsOfSub-foo-enable.nix
+checkConfigError 'attribute .*foo.* .* not found' "$@" ./define-attrsOfSub-if-foo-enable.nix
+checkConfigError 'attribute .*foo.* .* not found' "$@" ./define-attrsOfSub-foo-if-enable.nix
+checkConfigOutput 'false' "$@" ./define-attrsOfSub-foo-enable-if.nix
+checkConfigOutput 'true' "$@" ./define-enable.nix ./define-if-attrsOfSub-foo-enable.nix
+checkConfigOutput 'true' "$@" ./define-enable.nix ./define-attrsOfSub-if-foo-enable.nix
+checkConfigOutput 'true' "$@" ./define-enable.nix ./define-attrsOfSub-foo-if-enable.nix
+checkConfigOutput 'true' "$@" ./define-enable.nix ./define-attrsOfSub-foo-enable-if.nix
+# Check disabledModules with config definitions and option declarations.
+set -- config.enable ./define-enable.nix ./declare-enable.nix
+checkConfigOutput "true" "$@"
+checkConfigOutput "false" "$@" ./disable-define-enable.nix
+checkConfigError "The option .*enable.* does not exist. Definition values:\n- In .*: true" "$@" ./disable-declare-enable.nix
+checkConfigError "attribute .*enable.* in selection path .*config.enable.* not found" "$@" ./disable-define-enable.nix ./disable-declare-enable.nix
+checkConfigError "attribute .*enable.* in selection path .*config.enable.* not found" "$@" ./disable-enable-modules.nix
+# Check _module.args.
+set -- config.enable ./declare-enable.nix ./define-enable-with-custom-arg.nix
+checkConfigError 'while evaluating the module argument .*custom.* in .*define-enable-with-custom-arg.nix.*:' "$@"
+checkConfigOutput "true" "$@" ./define-_module-args-custom.nix
+# Check that using _module.args on imports cause infinite recursions, with
+# the proper error context.
+set -- "$@" ./define-_module-args-custom.nix ./import-custom-arg.nix
+checkConfigError 'while evaluating the module argument .*custom.* in .*import-custom-arg.nix.*:' "$@"
+checkConfigError 'infinite recursion encountered' "$@"
+# Check _module.check.
+set -- config.enable ./declare-enable.nix ./define-enable.nix ./define-attrsOfSub-foo.nix
+checkConfigError 'The option .* does not exist. Definition values:\n- In .*' "$@"
+checkConfigOutput "true" "$@" ./define-module-check.nix
+# Check coerced value.
+checkConfigOutput "\"42\"" config.value ./declare-coerced-value.nix
+checkConfigOutput "\"24\"" config.value ./declare-coerced-value.nix ./define-value-string.nix
+checkConfigError 'A definition for option .* is not.*string or signed integer convertible to it.*. Definition values:\n- In .*: \[ \]' config.value ./declare-coerced-value.nix ./define-value-list.nix
+# Check coerced value with unsound coercion
+checkConfigOutput "12" config.value ./declare-coerced-value-unsound.nix
+checkConfigError 'A definition for option .* is not of type .*. Definition values:\n- In .*: "1000"' config.value ./declare-coerced-value-unsound.nix ./define-value-string-bigint.nix
+checkConfigError 'unrecognised JSON value' config.value ./declare-coerced-value-unsound.nix ./define-value-string-arbitrary.nix
+# Check mkAliasOptionModule.
+checkConfigOutput "true" config.enable ./alias-with-priority.nix
+checkConfigOutput "true" config.enableAlias ./alias-with-priority.nix
+checkConfigOutput "false" config.enable ./alias-with-priority-can-override.nix
+checkConfigOutput "false" config.enableAlias ./alias-with-priority-can-override.nix
+# submoduleWith
+## specialArgs should work
+checkConfigOutput "foo" config.submodule.foo ./declare-submoduleWith-special.nix
+## shorthandOnlyDefines config behaves as expected
+checkConfigOutput "true" config.submodule.config ./declare-submoduleWith-shorthand.nix ./define-submoduleWith-shorthand.nix
+checkConfigError 'is not of type `boolean' config.submodule.config ./declare-submoduleWith-shorthand.nix ./define-submoduleWith-noshorthand.nix
+checkConfigError "You're trying to declare a value of type \`bool'\nrather than an attribute-set for the option" config.submodule.config ./declare-submoduleWith-noshorthand.nix ./define-submoduleWith-shorthand.nix
+checkConfigOutput "true" config.submodule.config ./declare-submoduleWith-noshorthand.nix ./define-submoduleWith-noshorthand.nix
+## submoduleWith should merge all modules in one swoop
+checkConfigOutput "true" config.submodule.inner ./declare-submoduleWith-modules.nix
+checkConfigOutput "true" config.submodule.outer ./declare-submoduleWith-modules.nix
+# Should also be able to evaluate the type name (which evaluates freeformType,
+# which evaluates all the modules defined by the type)
+checkConfigOutput "submodule" options.submodule.type.description ./declare-submoduleWith-modules.nix
+## Paths should be allowed as values and work as expected
+checkConfigOutput "true" config.submodule.enable ./declare-submoduleWith-path.nix
+# Check that disabledModules works recursively and correctly
+checkConfigOutput "true" config.enable ./disable-recursive/main.nix
+checkConfigOutput "true" config.enable ./disable-recursive/{main.nix,disable-foo.nix}
+checkConfigOutput "true" config.enable ./disable-recursive/{main.nix,disable-bar.nix}
+checkConfigError 'The option .* does not exist. Definition values:\n- In .*: true' config.enable ./disable-recursive/{main.nix,disable-foo.nix,disable-bar.nix}
+# Check that imports can depend on derivations
+checkConfigOutput "true" config.enable ./import-from-store.nix
+# Check that configs can be conditional on option existence
+checkConfigOutput true config.enable ./define-option-dependently.nix ./declare-enable.nix ./declare-int-positive-value.nix
+checkConfigOutput 360 config.value ./define-option-dependently.nix ./declare-enable.nix ./declare-int-positive-value.nix
+checkConfigOutput 7 config.value ./define-option-dependently.nix ./declare-int-positive-value.nix
+checkConfigOutput true config.set.enable ./define-option-dependently-nested.nix ./declare-enable-nested.nix ./declare-int-positive-value-nested.nix
+checkConfigOutput 360 config.set.value ./define-option-dependently-nested.nix ./declare-enable-nested.nix ./declare-int-positive-value-nested.nix
+checkConfigOutput 7 config.set.value ./define-option-dependently-nested.nix ./declare-int-positive-value-nested.nix
+# Check attrsOf and lazyAttrsOf. Only lazyAttrsOf should be lazy, and only
+# attrsOf should work with conditional definitions
+# In addition, lazyAttrsOf should honor an options emptyValue
+checkConfigError "is not lazy" config.isLazy ./declare-attrsOf.nix ./attrsOf-lazy-check.nix
+checkConfigOutput "true" config.isLazy ./declare-lazyAttrsOf.nix ./attrsOf-lazy-check.nix
+checkConfigOutput "true" config.conditionalWorks ./declare-attrsOf.nix ./attrsOf-conditional-check.nix
+checkConfigOutput "false" config.conditionalWorks ./declare-lazyAttrsOf.nix ./attrsOf-conditional-check.nix
+checkConfigOutput "empty" config.value.foo ./declare-lazyAttrsOf.nix ./attrsOf-conditional-check.nix
+# Even with multiple assignments, a type error should be thrown if any of them aren't valid
+checkConfigError 'A definition for option .* is not of type .*' \
+  config.value ./declare-int-unsigned-value.nix ./define-value-list.nix ./define-value-int-positive.nix
+## Freeform modules
+# Assigning without a declared option should work
+checkConfigOutput 24 config.value ./freeform-attrsOf.nix ./define-value-string.nix
+# No freeform assigments shouldn't make it error
+checkConfigOutput '{ }' config ./freeform-attrsOf.nix
+# but only if the type matches
+checkConfigError 'A definition for option .* is not of type .*' config.value ./freeform-attrsOf.nix ./define-value-list.nix
+# and properties should be applied
+checkConfigOutput yes config.value ./freeform-attrsOf.nix ./define-value-string-properties.nix
+# Options should still be declarable, and be able to have a type that doesn't match the freeform type
+checkConfigOutput false config.enable ./freeform-attrsOf.nix ./define-value-string.nix ./declare-enable.nix
+checkConfigOutput 24 config.value ./freeform-attrsOf.nix ./define-value-string.nix ./declare-enable.nix
+# and this should work too with nested values
+checkConfigOutput false config.nest.foo ./freeform-attrsOf.nix ./freeform-nested.nix
+checkConfigOutput bar config.nest.bar ./freeform-attrsOf.nix ./freeform-nested.nix
+# Check whether a declared option can depend on an freeform-typed one
+checkConfigOutput null config.foo ./freeform-attrsOf.nix ./freeform-str-dep-unstr.nix
+checkConfigOutput 24 config.foo ./freeform-attrsOf.nix ./freeform-str-dep-unstr.nix ./define-value-string.nix
+# Check whether an freeform-typed value can depend on a declared option, this can only work with lazyAttrsOf
+checkConfigError 'infinite recursion encountered' config.foo ./freeform-attrsOf.nix ./freeform-unstr-dep-str.nix
+checkConfigError 'The option .* is used but not defined' config.foo ./freeform-lazyAttrsOf.nix ./freeform-unstr-dep-str.nix
+checkConfigOutput 24 config.foo ./freeform-lazyAttrsOf.nix ./freeform-unstr-dep-str.nix ./define-value-string.nix
+## types.anything
+# Check that attribute sets are merged recursively
+checkConfigOutput null config.value.foo ./types-anything/nested-attrs.nix
+checkConfigOutput null config.value.l1.foo ./types-anything/nested-attrs.nix
+checkConfigOutput null config.value.l1.l2.foo ./types-anything/nested-attrs.nix
+checkConfigOutput null config.value.l1.l2.l3.foo ./types-anything/nested-attrs.nix
+# Attribute sets that are coercible to strings shouldn't be recursed into
+checkConfigOutput foo config.value.outPath ./types-anything/attrs-coercible.nix
+# Multiple lists aren't concatenated together
+checkConfigError 'The option .* has conflicting definitions' config.value ./types-anything/lists.nix
+# Check that all equalizable atoms can be used as long as all definitions are equal
+checkConfigOutput 0 config.value.int ./types-anything/equal-atoms.nix
+checkConfigOutput false config.value.bool ./types-anything/equal-atoms.nix
+checkConfigOutput '""' config.value.string ./types-anything/equal-atoms.nix
+checkConfigOutput / config.value.path ./types-anything/equal-atoms.nix
+checkConfigOutput null config.value.null ./types-anything/equal-atoms.nix
+checkConfigOutput 0.1 config.value.float ./types-anything/equal-atoms.nix
+# Functions can't be merged together
+checkConfigError "The option .* has conflicting definition values" config.value.multiple-lambdas ./types-anything/functions.nix
+checkConfigOutput '<LAMBDA>' config.value.single-lambda ./types-anything/functions.nix
+# Check that all mk* modifiers are applied
+checkConfigError 'attribute .* not found' config.value.mkiffalse ./types-anything/mk-mods.nix
+checkConfigOutput '{ }' config.value.mkiftrue ./types-anything/mk-mods.nix
+checkConfigOutput 1 config.value.mkdefault ./types-anything/mk-mods.nix
+checkConfigOutput '{ }' config.value.mkmerge ./types-anything/mk-mods.nix
+checkConfigOutput true config.value.mkbefore ./types-anything/mk-mods.nix
+checkConfigOutput 1 config.value.nested.foo ./types-anything/mk-mods.nix
+checkConfigOutput baz config.value.nested.bar.baz ./types-anything/mk-mods.nix
+## types.functionTo
+checkConfigOutput "input is input" config.result ./functionTo/trivial.nix
+checkConfigOutput "a b" config.result ./functionTo/merging-list.nix
+checkConfigError 'A definition for option .fun.\[function body\]. is not of type .string.. Definition values:\n- In .*wrong-type.nix' config.result ./functionTo/wrong-type.nix
+checkConfigOutput "b a" config.result ./functionTo/list-order.nix
+checkConfigOutput "a c" config.result ./functionTo/merging-attrs.nix
+cat <<EOF
+====== module tests ======
+$pass Pass
+$fail Fail
+if test $fail -ne 0; then
+    exit 1
+exit 0
diff --git a/nixpkgs/lib/tests/modules/alias-with-priority-can-override.nix b/nixpkgs/lib/tests/modules/alias-with-priority-can-override.nix
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..9a18c9d9f613
--- /dev/null
+++ b/nixpkgs/lib/tests/modules/alias-with-priority-can-override.nix
@@ -0,0 +1,55 @@
+# This is a test to show that mkAliasOptionModule sets the priority correctly
+# for aliased options.
+# This test shows that an alias with a high priority is able to override
+# a non-aliased option.
+{ config, lib, ... }:
+with lib;
+  options = {
+    # A simple boolean option that can be enabled or disabled.
+    enable = lib.mkOption {
+      type = types.nullOr types.bool;
+      default = null;
+      example = true;
+      description = ''
+        Some descriptive text
+      '';
+    };
+    # mkAliasOptionModule sets warnings, so this has to be defined.
+    warnings = mkOption {
+      internal = true;
+      default = [];
+      type = types.listOf types.str;
+      example = [ "The `foo' service is deprecated and will go away soon!" ];
+      description = ''
+        This option allows modules to show warnings to users during
+        the evaluation of the system configuration.
+      '';
+    };
+  };
+  imports = [
+    # Create an alias for the "enable" option.
+    (mkAliasOptionModule [ "enableAlias" ] [ "enable" ])
+    # Disable the aliased option with a high priority so it
+    # should override the next import.
+    ( { config, lib, ... }:
+      {
+        enableAlias = lib.mkForce false;
+      }
+    )
+    # Enable the normal (non-aliased) option.
+    ( { config, lib, ... }:
+      {
+        enable = true;
+      }
+    )
+  ];
diff --git a/nixpkgs/lib/tests/modules/alias-with-priority.nix b/nixpkgs/lib/tests/modules/alias-with-priority.nix
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..a35a06fc6974
--- /dev/null
+++ b/nixpkgs/lib/tests/modules/alias-with-priority.nix
@@ -0,0 +1,55 @@
+# This is a test to show that mkAliasOptionModule sets the priority correctly
+# for aliased options.
+# This test shows that an alias with a low priority is able to be overridden
+# with a non-aliased option.
+{ config, lib, ... }:
+with lib;
+  options = {
+    # A simple boolean option that can be enabled or disabled.
+    enable = lib.mkOption {
+      type = types.nullOr types.bool;
+      default = null;
+      example = true;
+      description = ''
+        Some descriptive text
+      '';
+    };
+    # mkAliasOptionModule sets warnings, so this has to be defined.
+    warnings = mkOption {
+      internal = true;
+      default = [];
+      type = types.listOf types.str;
+      example = [ "The `foo' service is deprecated and will go away soon!" ];
+      description = ''
+        This option allows modules to show warnings to users during
+        the evaluation of the system configuration.
+      '';
+    };
+  };
+  imports = [
+    # Create an alias for the "enable" option.
+    (mkAliasOptionModule [ "enableAlias" ] [ "enable" ])
+    # Disable the aliased option, but with a default (low) priority so it
+    # should be able to be overridden by the next import.
+    ( { config, lib, ... }:
+      {
+        enableAlias = lib.mkDefault false;
+      }
+    )
+    # Enable the normal (non-aliased) option.
+    ( { config, lib, ... }:
+      {
+        enable = true;
+      }
+    )
+  ];
diff --git a/nixpkgs/lib/tests/modules/attrsOf-conditional-check.nix b/nixpkgs/lib/tests/modules/attrsOf-conditional-check.nix
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..0f00ebca1559
--- /dev/null
+++ b/nixpkgs/lib/tests/modules/attrsOf-conditional-check.nix
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+{ lib, config, ... }: {
+  options.conditionalWorks = lib.mkOption {
+    default = ! config.value ? foo;
+  };
+  config.value.foo = lib.mkIf false "should not be defined";
diff --git a/nixpkgs/lib/tests/modules/attrsOf-lazy-check.nix b/nixpkgs/lib/tests/modules/attrsOf-lazy-check.nix
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..ec5b418b15aa
--- /dev/null
+++ b/nixpkgs/lib/tests/modules/attrsOf-lazy-check.nix
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+{ lib, config, ... }: {
+  options.isLazy = lib.mkOption {
+    default = ! config.value ? foo;
+  };
+  config.value.bar = throw "is not lazy";
diff --git a/nixpkgs/lib/tests/modules/declare-attrsOf.nix b/nixpkgs/lib/tests/modules/declare-attrsOf.nix
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..b3999de7e5fb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/nixpkgs/lib/tests/modules/declare-attrsOf.nix
@@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
+{ lib, ... }: {
+  options.value = lib.mkOption {
+    type = lib.types.attrsOf lib.types.str;
+    default = {};
+  };
diff --git a/nixpkgs/lib/tests/modules/declare-attrsOfSub-any-enable.nix b/nixpkgs/lib/tests/modules/declare-attrsOfSub-any-enable.nix
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..986d07227e13
--- /dev/null
+++ b/nixpkgs/lib/tests/modules/declare-attrsOfSub-any-enable.nix
@@ -0,0 +1,29 @@
+{ lib, ... }:
+  submod = { ... }: {
+    options = {
+      enable = lib.mkOption {
+        default = false;
+        example = true;
+        type = lib.types.bool;
+        description = ''
+          Some descriptive text
+        '';
+      };
+    };
+  };
+  options = {
+    attrsOfSub = lib.mkOption {
+      default = {};
+      example = {};
+      type = lib.types.attrsOf (lib.types.submodule [ submod ]);
+      description = ''
+        Some descriptive text
+      '';
+    };
+  };
diff --git a/nixpkgs/lib/tests/modules/declare-coerced-value-unsound.nix b/nixpkgs/lib/tests/modules/declare-coerced-value-unsound.nix
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..7a017f24e77d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/nixpkgs/lib/tests/modules/declare-coerced-value-unsound.nix
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
+{ lib, ... }:
+  options = {
+    value = lib.mkOption {
+      default = "12";
+      type = lib.types.coercedTo lib.types.str lib.toInt lib.types.ints.s8;
+    };
+  };
diff --git a/nixpkgs/lib/tests/modules/declare-coerced-value.nix b/nixpkgs/lib/tests/modules/declare-coerced-value.nix
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..76b12ad53f00
--- /dev/null
+++ b/nixpkgs/lib/tests/modules/declare-coerced-value.nix
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
+{ lib, ... }:
+  options = {
+    value = lib.mkOption {
+      default = 42;
+      type = lib.types.coercedTo lib.types.int builtins.toString lib.types.str;
+    };
+  };
diff --git a/nixpkgs/lib/tests/modules/declare-either.nix b/nixpkgs/lib/tests/modules/declare-either.nix
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..5a0fa978a138
--- /dev/null
+++ b/nixpkgs/lib/tests/modules/declare-either.nix
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
+{ lib, ... }: {
+  options.value = lib.mkOption {
+    type = lib.types.either lib.types.int lib.types.str;
+  };
diff --git a/nixpkgs/lib/tests/modules/declare-enable-nested.nix b/nixpkgs/lib/tests/modules/declare-enable-nested.nix
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..c8da8273cba1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/nixpkgs/lib/tests/modules/declare-enable-nested.nix
@@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
+{ lib, ... }:
+  options.set = {
+    enable = lib.mkOption {
+      default = false;
+      example = true;
+      type = lib.types.bool;
+      description = ''
+        Some descriptive text
+      '';
+    };
+  };
diff --git a/nixpkgs/lib/tests/modules/declare-enable.nix b/nixpkgs/lib/tests/modules/declare-enable.nix
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..ebee243c7568
--- /dev/null
+++ b/nixpkgs/lib/tests/modules/declare-enable.nix
@@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
+{ lib, ... }:
+  options = {
+    enable = lib.mkOption {
+      default = false;
+      example = true;
+      type = lib.types.bool;
+      description = ''
+        Some descriptive text
+      '';
+    };
+  };
diff --git a/nixpkgs/lib/tests/modules/declare-int-between-value.nix b/nixpkgs/lib/tests/modules/declare-int-between-value.nix
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..8b2624cc5d65
--- /dev/null
+++ b/nixpkgs/lib/tests/modules/declare-int-between-value.nix
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
+{ lib, ... }:
+  options = {
+    value = lib.mkOption {
+      type = lib.types.ints.between (-21) 43;
+    };
+  };
diff --git a/nixpkgs/lib/tests/modules/declare-int-positive-value-nested.nix b/nixpkgs/lib/tests/modules/declare-int-positive-value-nested.nix
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..72d2fb89fc3b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/nixpkgs/lib/tests/modules/declare-int-positive-value-nested.nix
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
+{ lib, ... }:
+  options.set = {
+    value = lib.mkOption {
+      type = lib.types.ints.positive;
+    };
+  };
diff --git a/nixpkgs/lib/tests/modules/declare-int-positive-value.nix b/nixpkgs/lib/tests/modules/declare-int-positive-value.nix
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..6e48c6ac8feb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/nixpkgs/lib/tests/modules/declare-int-positive-value.nix
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
+{ lib, ... }:
+  options = {
+    value = lib.mkOption {
+      type = lib.types.ints.positive;
+    };
+  };
diff --git a/nixpkgs/lib/tests/modules/declare-int-unsigned-value.nix b/nixpkgs/lib/tests/modules/declare-int-unsigned-value.nix
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..05d0eff01c94
--- /dev/null
+++ b/nixpkgs/lib/tests/modules/declare-int-unsigned-value.nix
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
+{ lib, ... }:
+  options = {
+    value = lib.mkOption {
+      type = lib.types.ints.unsigned;
+    };
+  };
diff --git a/nixpkgs/lib/tests/modules/declare-lazyAttrsOf.nix b/nixpkgs/lib/tests/modules/declare-lazyAttrsOf.nix
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..1d9fec25f908
--- /dev/null
+++ b/nixpkgs/lib/tests/modules/declare-lazyAttrsOf.nix
@@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
+{ lib, ... }: {
+  options.value = lib.mkOption {
+    type = lib.types.lazyAttrsOf (lib.types.str // { emptyValue.value = "empty"; });
+    default = {};
+  };
diff --git a/nixpkgs/lib/tests/modules/declare-oneOf.nix b/nixpkgs/lib/tests/modules/declare-oneOf.nix
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..df092a14f81e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/nixpkgs/lib/tests/modules/declare-oneOf.nix
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
+{ lib, ... }: {
+  options.value = lib.mkOption {
+    type = lib.types.oneOf [
+      lib.types.int
+      (lib.types.listOf lib.types.int)
+      lib.types.str
+    ];
+  };
diff --git a/nixpkgs/lib/tests/modules/declare-submoduleWith-modules.nix b/nixpkgs/lib/tests/modules/declare-submoduleWith-modules.nix
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..a8b82d176881
--- /dev/null
+++ b/nixpkgs/lib/tests/modules/declare-submoduleWith-modules.nix
@@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
+{ lib, ... }: {
+  options.submodule = lib.mkOption {
+    type = lib.types.submoduleWith {
+      modules = [
+        {
+          options.inner = lib.mkOption {
+            type = lib.types.bool;
+            default = false;
+          };
+        }
+      ];
+    };
+    default = {};
+  };
+  config.submodule = lib.mkMerge [
+    ({ lib, ... }: {
+      options.outer = lib.mkOption {
+        type = lib.types.bool;
+        default = false;
+      };
+    })
+    {
+      inner = true;
+      outer = true;
+    }
+  ];
diff --git a/nixpkgs/lib/tests/modules/declare-submoduleWith-noshorthand.nix b/nixpkgs/lib/tests/modules/declare-submoduleWith-noshorthand.nix
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..af3b4ba470ff
--- /dev/null
+++ b/nixpkgs/lib/tests/modules/declare-submoduleWith-noshorthand.nix
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+{ lib, ... }: let
+  sub.options.config = lib.mkOption {
+    type = lib.types.bool;
+    default = false;
+  };
+in {
+  options.submodule = lib.mkOption {
+    type = lib.types.submoduleWith {
+      modules = [ sub ];
+    };
+    default = {};
+  };
diff --git a/nixpkgs/lib/tests/modules/declare-submoduleWith-path.nix b/nixpkgs/lib/tests/modules/declare-submoduleWith-path.nix
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..477647f32121
--- /dev/null
+++ b/nixpkgs/lib/tests/modules/declare-submoduleWith-path.nix
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+{ lib, ... }: {
+  options.submodule = lib.mkOption {
+    type = lib.types.submoduleWith {
+      modules = [
+        ./declare-enable.nix
+      ];
+    };
+    default = {};
+  };
+  config.submodule = ./define-enable.nix;
diff --git a/nixpkgs/lib/tests/modules/declare-submoduleWith-shorthand.nix b/nixpkgs/lib/tests/modules/declare-submoduleWith-shorthand.nix
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..63ac16293e2b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/nixpkgs/lib/tests/modules/declare-submoduleWith-shorthand.nix
@@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
+{ lib, ... }: let
+  sub.options.config = lib.mkOption {
+    type = lib.types.bool;
+    default = false;
+  };
+in {
+  options.submodule = lib.mkOption {
+    type = lib.types.submoduleWith {
+      modules = [ sub ];
+      shorthandOnlyDefinesConfig = true;
+    };
+    default = {};
+  };
diff --git a/nixpkgs/lib/tests/modules/declare-submoduleWith-special.nix b/nixpkgs/lib/tests/modules/declare-submoduleWith-special.nix
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..6b15c5bde203
--- /dev/null
+++ b/nixpkgs/lib/tests/modules/declare-submoduleWith-special.nix
@@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
+{ lib, ... }: {
+  options.submodule = lib.mkOption {
+    type = lib.types.submoduleWith {
+      modules = [
+        ({ lib, ... }: {
+          options.foo = lib.mkOption {
+            default = lib.foo;
+          };
+        })
+      ];
+      specialArgs.lib = lib // {
+        foo = "foo";
+      };
+    };
+    default = {};
+  };
diff --git a/nixpkgs/lib/tests/modules/default.nix b/nixpkgs/lib/tests/modules/default.nix
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..5b0947104198
--- /dev/null
+++ b/nixpkgs/lib/tests/modules/default.nix
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+{ lib ? import ../.., modules ? [] }:
+  inherit (lib.evalModules {
+    inherit modules;
+    specialArgs.modulesPath = ./.;
+  }) config options;
diff --git a/nixpkgs/lib/tests/modules/define-_module-args-custom.nix b/nixpkgs/lib/tests/modules/define-_module-args-custom.nix
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..e565fd215a57
--- /dev/null
+++ b/nixpkgs/lib/tests/modules/define-_module-args-custom.nix
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+{ lib, ... }:
+  config = {
+    _module.args.custom = true;
+  };
diff --git a/nixpkgs/lib/tests/modules/define-attrsOfSub-bar-enable.nix b/nixpkgs/lib/tests/modules/define-attrsOfSub-bar-enable.nix
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..99c55d8b3608
--- /dev/null
+++ b/nixpkgs/lib/tests/modules/define-attrsOfSub-bar-enable.nix
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
+  attrsOfSub.bar.enable = true;
diff --git a/nixpkgs/lib/tests/modules/define-attrsOfSub-bar.nix b/nixpkgs/lib/tests/modules/define-attrsOfSub-bar.nix
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..2a33068a5687
--- /dev/null
+++ b/nixpkgs/lib/tests/modules/define-attrsOfSub-bar.nix
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
+  attrsOfSub.bar = {};
diff --git a/nixpkgs/lib/tests/modules/define-attrsOfSub-foo-enable-force.nix b/nixpkgs/lib/tests/modules/define-attrsOfSub-foo-enable-force.nix
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..c9ee36446f14
--- /dev/null
+++ b/nixpkgs/lib/tests/modules/define-attrsOfSub-foo-enable-force.nix
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
+{ lib, ... }:
+  attrsOfSub.foo.enable = lib.mkForce false;
diff --git a/nixpkgs/lib/tests/modules/define-attrsOfSub-foo-enable-if.nix b/nixpkgs/lib/tests/modules/define-attrsOfSub-foo-enable-if.nix
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..0b3baddb5ec0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/nixpkgs/lib/tests/modules/define-attrsOfSub-foo-enable-if.nix
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
+{ config, lib, ... }:
+  attrsOfSub.foo.enable = lib.mkIf config.enable true;
diff --git a/nixpkgs/lib/tests/modules/define-attrsOfSub-foo-enable.nix b/nixpkgs/lib/tests/modules/define-attrsOfSub-foo-enable.nix
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..39cd63cef724
--- /dev/null
+++ b/nixpkgs/lib/tests/modules/define-attrsOfSub-foo-enable.nix
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
+  attrsOfSub.foo.enable = true;
diff --git a/nixpkgs/lib/tests/modules/define-attrsOfSub-foo-force-enable.nix b/nixpkgs/lib/tests/modules/define-attrsOfSub-foo-force-enable.nix
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..009da7c77cdd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/nixpkgs/lib/tests/modules/define-attrsOfSub-foo-force-enable.nix
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+{ lib, ... }:
+  attrsOfSub.foo = lib.mkForce {
+    enable = false;
+  };
diff --git a/nixpkgs/lib/tests/modules/define-attrsOfSub-foo-if-enable.nix b/nixpkgs/lib/tests/modules/define-attrsOfSub-foo-if-enable.nix
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..93702dfa86f3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/nixpkgs/lib/tests/modules/define-attrsOfSub-foo-if-enable.nix
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+{ config, lib, ... }:
+  attrsOfSub.foo = lib.mkIf config.enable {
+    enable = true;
+  };
diff --git a/nixpkgs/lib/tests/modules/define-attrsOfSub-foo.nix b/nixpkgs/lib/tests/modules/define-attrsOfSub-foo.nix
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..e6bb531dedde
--- /dev/null
+++ b/nixpkgs/lib/tests/modules/define-attrsOfSub-foo.nix
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
+  attrsOfSub.foo = {};
diff --git a/nixpkgs/lib/tests/modules/define-attrsOfSub-force-foo-enable.nix b/nixpkgs/lib/tests/modules/define-attrsOfSub-force-foo-enable.nix
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..5c02dd343146
--- /dev/null
+++ b/nixpkgs/lib/tests/modules/define-attrsOfSub-force-foo-enable.nix
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+{ lib, ... }:
+  attrsOfSub = lib.mkForce {
+    foo.enable = false;
+  };
diff --git a/nixpkgs/lib/tests/modules/define-attrsOfSub-if-foo-enable.nix b/nixpkgs/lib/tests/modules/define-attrsOfSub-if-foo-enable.nix
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..a3fe6051d41f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/nixpkgs/lib/tests/modules/define-attrsOfSub-if-foo-enable.nix
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+{ config, lib, ... }:
+  attrsOfSub = lib.mkIf config.enable {
+    foo.enable = true;
+  };
diff --git a/nixpkgs/lib/tests/modules/define-enable-force.nix b/nixpkgs/lib/tests/modules/define-enable-force.nix
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..f4990a328631
--- /dev/null
+++ b/nixpkgs/lib/tests/modules/define-enable-force.nix
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
+{ lib, ... }:
+  enable = lib.mkForce false;
diff --git a/nixpkgs/lib/tests/modules/define-enable-with-custom-arg.nix b/nixpkgs/lib/tests/modules/define-enable-with-custom-arg.nix
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..7da74671d148
--- /dev/null
+++ b/nixpkgs/lib/tests/modules/define-enable-with-custom-arg.nix
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+{ lib, custom, ... }:
+  config = {
+    enable = custom;
+  };
diff --git a/nixpkgs/lib/tests/modules/define-enable.nix b/nixpkgs/lib/tests/modules/define-enable.nix
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..7dc26010ae59
--- /dev/null
+++ b/nixpkgs/lib/tests/modules/define-enable.nix
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
+  enable = true;
diff --git a/nixpkgs/lib/tests/modules/define-force-attrsOfSub-foo-enable.nix b/nixpkgs/lib/tests/modules/define-force-attrsOfSub-foo-enable.nix
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..dafb2360e1f1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/nixpkgs/lib/tests/modules/define-force-attrsOfSub-foo-enable.nix
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
+{ lib, ... }:
+lib.mkForce {
+  attrsOfSub.foo.enable = false;
diff --git a/nixpkgs/lib/tests/modules/define-force-enable.nix b/nixpkgs/lib/tests/modules/define-force-enable.nix
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..978caa2a8c07
--- /dev/null
+++ b/nixpkgs/lib/tests/modules/define-force-enable.nix
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
+{ lib, ... }:
+lib.mkForce {
+  enable = false;
diff --git a/nixpkgs/lib/tests/modules/define-if-attrsOfSub-foo-enable.nix b/nixpkgs/lib/tests/modules/define-if-attrsOfSub-foo-enable.nix
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..6a8e32e802a2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/nixpkgs/lib/tests/modules/define-if-attrsOfSub-foo-enable.nix
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
+{ config, lib, ... }:
+lib.mkIf config.enable {
+  attrsOfSub.foo.enable = true;
diff --git a/nixpkgs/lib/tests/modules/define-module-check.nix b/nixpkgs/lib/tests/modules/define-module-check.nix
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..5a0707c975fa
--- /dev/null
+++ b/nixpkgs/lib/tests/modules/define-module-check.nix
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
+  _module.check = false;
diff --git a/nixpkgs/lib/tests/modules/define-option-dependently-nested.nix b/nixpkgs/lib/tests/modules/define-option-dependently-nested.nix
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..69ee4255534a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/nixpkgs/lib/tests/modules/define-option-dependently-nested.nix
@@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
+{ lib, options, ... }:
+# Some modules may be distributed separately and need to adapt to other modules
+# that are distributed and versioned separately.
+  # Always defined, but the value depends on the presence of an option.
+  config.set = {
+    value = if options ? set.enable then 360 else 7;
+  }
+  # Only define if possible.
+  // lib.optionalAttrs (options ? set.enable) {
+    enable = true;
+  };
diff --git a/nixpkgs/lib/tests/modules/define-option-dependently.nix b/nixpkgs/lib/tests/modules/define-option-dependently.nix
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..ad85f99a919f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/nixpkgs/lib/tests/modules/define-option-dependently.nix
@@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
+{ lib, options, ... }:
+# Some modules may be distributed separately and need to adapt to other modules
+# that are distributed and versioned separately.
+  # Always defined, but the value depends on the presence of an option.
+  config = {
+    value = if options ? enable then 360 else 7;
+  }
+  # Only define if possible.
+  // lib.optionalAttrs (options ? enable) {
+    enable = true;
+  };
diff --git a/nixpkgs/lib/tests/modules/define-submoduleWith-noshorthand.nix b/nixpkgs/lib/tests/modules/define-submoduleWith-noshorthand.nix
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..35e1607b6f1c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/nixpkgs/lib/tests/modules/define-submoduleWith-noshorthand.nix
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
+  submodule.config.config = true;
diff --git a/nixpkgs/lib/tests/modules/define-submoduleWith-shorthand.nix b/nixpkgs/lib/tests/modules/define-submoduleWith-shorthand.nix
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..17df248db8ef
--- /dev/null
+++ b/nixpkgs/lib/tests/modules/define-submoduleWith-shorthand.nix
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
+  submodule.config = true;
diff --git a/nixpkgs/lib/tests/modules/define-value-int-negative.nix b/nixpkgs/lib/tests/modules/define-value-int-negative.nix
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..a041222987ad
--- /dev/null
+++ b/nixpkgs/lib/tests/modules/define-value-int-negative.nix
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
+  value = -23;
diff --git a/nixpkgs/lib/tests/modules/define-value-int-positive.nix b/nixpkgs/lib/tests/modules/define-value-int-positive.nix
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..5803de172636
--- /dev/null
+++ b/nixpkgs/lib/tests/modules/define-value-int-positive.nix
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
+  value = 42;
diff --git a/nixpkgs/lib/tests/modules/define-value-int-zero.nix b/nixpkgs/lib/tests/modules/define-value-int-zero.nix
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..68bb9f415c3c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/nixpkgs/lib/tests/modules/define-value-int-zero.nix
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
+  value = 0;
diff --git a/nixpkgs/lib/tests/modules/define-value-list.nix b/nixpkgs/lib/tests/modules/define-value-list.nix
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..4831c1cc09ba
--- /dev/null
+++ b/nixpkgs/lib/tests/modules/define-value-list.nix
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
+  value = [];
diff --git a/nixpkgs/lib/tests/modules/define-value-string-arbitrary.nix b/nixpkgs/lib/tests/modules/define-value-string-arbitrary.nix
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..8e3abaf536a0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/nixpkgs/lib/tests/modules/define-value-string-arbitrary.nix
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
+  value = "foobar";
diff --git a/nixpkgs/lib/tests/modules/define-value-string-bigint.nix b/nixpkgs/lib/tests/modules/define-value-string-bigint.nix
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..f27e31985c92
--- /dev/null
+++ b/nixpkgs/lib/tests/modules/define-value-string-bigint.nix
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
+  value = "1000";
diff --git a/nixpkgs/lib/tests/modules/define-value-string-properties.nix b/nixpkgs/lib/tests/modules/define-value-string-properties.nix
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..972304c01128
--- /dev/null
+++ b/nixpkgs/lib/tests/modules/define-value-string-properties.nix
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+{ lib, ... }: {
+  imports = [{
+    value = lib.mkDefault "def";
+  }];
+  value = lib.mkMerge [
+    (lib.mkIf false "nope")
+    "yes"
+  ];
diff --git a/nixpkgs/lib/tests/modules/define-value-string.nix b/nixpkgs/lib/tests/modules/define-value-string.nix
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..e7a166965a7a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/nixpkgs/lib/tests/modules/define-value-string.nix
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
+  value = "24";
diff --git a/nixpkgs/lib/tests/modules/disable-declare-enable.nix b/nixpkgs/lib/tests/modules/disable-declare-enable.nix
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..a373ee7e550e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/nixpkgs/lib/tests/modules/disable-declare-enable.nix
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
+{ lib, ... }:
+  disabledModules = [ ./declare-enable.nix ];
diff --git a/nixpkgs/lib/tests/modules/disable-define-enable.nix b/nixpkgs/lib/tests/modules/disable-define-enable.nix
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..0d84a7c3cb6c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/nixpkgs/lib/tests/modules/disable-define-enable.nix
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
+{ lib, ... }:
+  disabledModules = [ ./define-enable.nix ];
diff --git a/nixpkgs/lib/tests/modules/disable-enable-modules.nix b/nixpkgs/lib/tests/modules/disable-enable-modules.nix
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..c325f4e07431
--- /dev/null
+++ b/nixpkgs/lib/tests/modules/disable-enable-modules.nix
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
+{ lib, ... }:
+  disabledModules = [ "define-enable.nix" "declare-enable.nix" ];
diff --git a/nixpkgs/lib/tests/modules/disable-recursive/bar.nix b/nixpkgs/lib/tests/modules/disable-recursive/bar.nix
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..4d9240a432df
--- /dev/null
+++ b/nixpkgs/lib/tests/modules/disable-recursive/bar.nix
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
+  imports = [
+    ../declare-enable.nix
+  ];
diff --git a/nixpkgs/lib/tests/modules/disable-recursive/disable-bar.nix b/nixpkgs/lib/tests/modules/disable-recursive/disable-bar.nix
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..987b2802ae8c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/nixpkgs/lib/tests/modules/disable-recursive/disable-bar.nix
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+  disabledModules = [
+    ./bar.nix
+  ];
diff --git a/nixpkgs/lib/tests/modules/disable-recursive/disable-foo.nix b/nixpkgs/lib/tests/modules/disable-recursive/disable-foo.nix
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..5b68a3c46105
--- /dev/null
+++ b/nixpkgs/lib/tests/modules/disable-recursive/disable-foo.nix
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+  disabledModules = [
+    ./foo.nix
+  ];
diff --git a/nixpkgs/lib/tests/modules/disable-recursive/foo.nix b/nixpkgs/lib/tests/modules/disable-recursive/foo.nix
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..4d9240a432df
--- /dev/null
+++ b/nixpkgs/lib/tests/modules/disable-recursive/foo.nix
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
+  imports = [
+    ../declare-enable.nix
+  ];
diff --git a/nixpkgs/lib/tests/modules/disable-recursive/main.nix b/nixpkgs/lib/tests/modules/disable-recursive/main.nix
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..48a3c6218cf3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/nixpkgs/lib/tests/modules/disable-recursive/main.nix
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+  imports = [
+    ./foo.nix
+    ./bar.nix
+  ];
+  enable = true;
diff --git a/nixpkgs/lib/tests/modules/freeform-attrsOf.nix b/nixpkgs/lib/tests/modules/freeform-attrsOf.nix
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..8cc577f38a6c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/nixpkgs/lib/tests/modules/freeform-attrsOf.nix
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
+{ lib, ... }: {
+  freeformType = with lib.types; attrsOf (either str (attrsOf str));
diff --git a/nixpkgs/lib/tests/modules/freeform-lazyAttrsOf.nix b/nixpkgs/lib/tests/modules/freeform-lazyAttrsOf.nix
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..36d6c0b13fca
--- /dev/null
+++ b/nixpkgs/lib/tests/modules/freeform-lazyAttrsOf.nix
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
+{ lib, ... }: {
+  freeformType = with lib.types; lazyAttrsOf (either str (lazyAttrsOf str));
diff --git a/nixpkgs/lib/tests/modules/freeform-nested.nix b/nixpkgs/lib/tests/modules/freeform-nested.nix
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..5da27f5a8b4f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/nixpkgs/lib/tests/modules/freeform-nested.nix
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+{ lib, ... }: {
+  options.nest.foo = lib.mkOption {
+    type = lib.types.bool;
+    default = false;
+  };
+  config.nest.bar = "bar";
diff --git a/nixpkgs/lib/tests/modules/freeform-str-dep-unstr.nix b/nixpkgs/lib/tests/modules/freeform-str-dep-unstr.nix
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..a2dfbc80cfa6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/nixpkgs/lib/tests/modules/freeform-str-dep-unstr.nix
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+{ lib, config, ... }: {
+  options.foo = lib.mkOption {
+    type = lib.types.nullOr lib.types.str;
+    default = null;
+  };
+  config.foo = lib.mkIf (config ? value) config.value;
diff --git a/nixpkgs/lib/tests/modules/freeform-unstr-dep-str.nix b/nixpkgs/lib/tests/modules/freeform-unstr-dep-str.nix
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..549d89afecac
--- /dev/null
+++ b/nixpkgs/lib/tests/modules/freeform-unstr-dep-str.nix
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+{ lib, config, ... }: {
+  options.value = lib.mkOption {
+    type = lib.types.nullOr lib.types.str;
+    default = null;
+  };
+  config.foo = lib.mkIf (config.value != null) config.value;
diff --git a/nixpkgs/lib/tests/modules/functionTo/list-order.nix b/nixpkgs/lib/tests/modules/functionTo/list-order.nix
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..77a1a43a84f0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/nixpkgs/lib/tests/modules/functionTo/list-order.nix
@@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
+{ lib, config, ... }:
+  inherit (lib) types;
+in {
+  options = {
+    fun = lib.mkOption {
+      type = types.functionTo (types.listOf types.str);
+    };
+    result = lib.mkOption {
+      type = types.str;
+      default = toString (config.fun {
+        a = "a";
+        b = "b";
+        c = "c";
+      });
+    };
+  };
+  config.fun = lib.mkMerge [
+    (input: lib.mkAfter [ input.a ])
+    (input: [ input.b ])
+  ];
diff --git a/nixpkgs/lib/tests/modules/functionTo/merging-attrs.nix b/nixpkgs/lib/tests/modules/functionTo/merging-attrs.nix
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..97c015f928ab
--- /dev/null
+++ b/nixpkgs/lib/tests/modules/functionTo/merging-attrs.nix
@@ -0,0 +1,27 @@
+{ lib, config, ... }:
+  inherit (lib) types;
+in {
+  options = {
+    fun = lib.mkOption {
+      type = types.functionTo (types.attrsOf types.str);
+    };
+    result = lib.mkOption {
+      type = types.str;
+      default = toString (lib.attrValues (config.fun {
+        a = "a";
+        b = "b";
+        c = "c";
+      }));
+    };
+  };
+  config.fun = lib.mkMerge [
+    (input: { inherit (input) a; })
+    (input: { inherit (input) b; })
+    (input: {
+      b = lib.mkForce input.c;
+    })
+  ];
diff --git a/nixpkgs/lib/tests/modules/functionTo/merging-list.nix b/nixpkgs/lib/tests/modules/functionTo/merging-list.nix
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..15fcd2bdcc42
--- /dev/null
+++ b/nixpkgs/lib/tests/modules/functionTo/merging-list.nix
@@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
+{ lib, config, ... }:
+  inherit (lib) types;
+in {
+  options = {
+    fun = lib.mkOption {
+      type = types.functionTo (types.listOf types.str);
+    };
+    result = lib.mkOption {
+      type = types.str;
+      default = toString (config.fun {
+        a = "a";
+        b = "b";
+        c = "c";
+      });
+    };
+  };
+  config.fun = lib.mkMerge [
+    (input: [ input.a ])
+    (input: [ input.b ])
+  ];
diff --git a/nixpkgs/lib/tests/modules/functionTo/trivial.nix b/nixpkgs/lib/tests/modules/functionTo/trivial.nix
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..0962a0cf893d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/nixpkgs/lib/tests/modules/functionTo/trivial.nix
@@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
+{ lib, config, ... }:
+  inherit (lib) types;
+in {
+  options = {
+    fun = lib.mkOption {
+      type = types.functionTo types.str;
+    };
+    result = lib.mkOption {
+      type = types.str;
+      default = config.fun "input";
+    };
+  };
+  config.fun = input: "input is ${input}";
diff --git a/nixpkgs/lib/tests/modules/functionTo/wrong-type.nix b/nixpkgs/lib/tests/modules/functionTo/wrong-type.nix
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..fd65b75088da
--- /dev/null
+++ b/nixpkgs/lib/tests/modules/functionTo/wrong-type.nix
@@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
+{ lib, config, ... }:
+  inherit (lib) types;
+in {
+  options = {
+    fun = lib.mkOption {
+      type = types.functionTo types.str;
+    };
+    result = lib.mkOption {
+      type = types.str;
+      default = config.fun 0;
+    };
+  };
+  config.fun = input: input + 1;
diff --git a/nixpkgs/lib/tests/modules/import-custom-arg.nix b/nixpkgs/lib/tests/modules/import-custom-arg.nix
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..3e687b661c16
--- /dev/null
+++ b/nixpkgs/lib/tests/modules/import-custom-arg.nix
@@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
+{ lib, custom, ... }:
+  imports = []
+  ++ lib.optional custom ./define-enable-force.nix;
diff --git a/nixpkgs/lib/tests/modules/import-from-store.nix b/nixpkgs/lib/tests/modules/import-from-store.nix
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..f5af22432ce1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/nixpkgs/lib/tests/modules/import-from-store.nix
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+{ lib, ... }:
+  imports = [
+    "${builtins.toFile "drv" "{}"}"
+    ./declare-enable.nix
+    ./define-enable.nix
+  ];
diff --git a/nixpkgs/lib/tests/modules/types-anything/attrs-coercible.nix b/nixpkgs/lib/tests/modules/types-anything/attrs-coercible.nix
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..085cbd638f17
--- /dev/null
+++ b/nixpkgs/lib/tests/modules/types-anything/attrs-coercible.nix
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+{ lib, ... }: {
+  options.value = lib.mkOption {
+    type = lib.types.anything;
+  };
+  config.value = {
+    outPath = "foo";
+    err = throw "err";
+  };
diff --git a/nixpkgs/lib/tests/modules/types-anything/equal-atoms.nix b/nixpkgs/lib/tests/modules/types-anything/equal-atoms.nix
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..972711201a09
--- /dev/null
+++ b/nixpkgs/lib/tests/modules/types-anything/equal-atoms.nix
@@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
+{ lib, ... }: {
+  options.value = lib.mkOption {
+    type = lib.types.anything;
+  };
+  config = lib.mkMerge [
+    {
+      value.int = 0;
+      value.bool = false;
+      value.string = "";
+      value.path = /.;
+      value.null = null;
+      value.float = 0.1;
+    }
+    {
+      value.int = 0;
+      value.bool = false;
+      value.string = "";
+      value.path = /.;
+      value.null = null;
+      value.float = 0.1;
+    }
+  ];
diff --git a/nixpkgs/lib/tests/modules/types-anything/functions.nix b/nixpkgs/lib/tests/modules/types-anything/functions.nix
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..079518913918
--- /dev/null
+++ b/nixpkgs/lib/tests/modules/types-anything/functions.nix
@@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
+{ lib, ... }: {
+  options.value = lib.mkOption {
+    type = lib.types.anything;
+  };
+  config = lib.mkMerge [
+    {
+      value.single-lambda = x: x;
+      value.multiple-lambdas = x: x;
+    }
+    {
+      value.multiple-lambdas = x: x;
+    }
+  ];
diff --git a/nixpkgs/lib/tests/modules/types-anything/lists.nix b/nixpkgs/lib/tests/modules/types-anything/lists.nix
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..bd846afd3d18
--- /dev/null
+++ b/nixpkgs/lib/tests/modules/types-anything/lists.nix
@@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
+{ lib, ... }: {
+  options.value = lib.mkOption {
+    type = lib.types.anything;
+  };
+  config = lib.mkMerge [
+    {
+      value = [ null ];
+    }
+    {
+      value = [ null ];
+    }
+  ];
diff --git a/nixpkgs/lib/tests/modules/types-anything/mk-mods.nix b/nixpkgs/lib/tests/modules/types-anything/mk-mods.nix
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..f84ad01df017
--- /dev/null
+++ b/nixpkgs/lib/tests/modules/types-anything/mk-mods.nix
@@ -0,0 +1,44 @@
+{ lib, ... }: {
+  options.value = lib.mkOption {
+    type = lib.types.anything;
+  };
+  config = lib.mkMerge [
+    {
+      value.mkiffalse = lib.mkIf false {};
+    }
+    {
+      value.mkiftrue = lib.mkIf true {};
+    }
+    {
+      value.mkdefault = lib.mkDefault 0;
+    }
+    {
+      value.mkdefault = 1;
+    }
+    {
+      value.mkmerge = lib.mkMerge [
+        {}
+      ];
+    }
+    {
+      value.mkbefore = lib.mkBefore true;
+    }
+    {
+      value.nested = lib.mkMerge [
+        {
+          foo = lib.mkDefault 0;
+          bar = lib.mkIf false 0;
+        }
+        (lib.mkIf true {
+          foo = lib.mkIf true (lib.mkForce 1);
+          bar = {
+            baz = lib.mkDefault "baz";
+          };
+        })
+      ];
+    }
+  ];
diff --git a/nixpkgs/lib/tests/modules/types-anything/nested-attrs.nix b/nixpkgs/lib/tests/modules/types-anything/nested-attrs.nix
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..e57d33ef8717
--- /dev/null
+++ b/nixpkgs/lib/tests/modules/types-anything/nested-attrs.nix
@@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
+{ lib, ... }: {
+  options.value = lib.mkOption {
+    type = lib.types.anything;
+  };
+  config = lib.mkMerge [
+    {
+      value.foo = null;
+    }
+    {
+      value.l1.foo = null;
+    }
+    {
+      value.l1.l2.foo = null;
+    }
+    {
+      value.l1.l2.l3.foo = null;
+    }
+  ];
diff --git a/nixpkgs/lib/tests/release.nix b/nixpkgs/lib/tests/release.nix
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..c3b05251f709
--- /dev/null
+++ b/nixpkgs/lib/tests/release.nix
@@ -0,0 +1,36 @@
+{ # The pkgs used for dependencies for the testing itself
+  # Don't test properties of pkgs.lib, but rather the lib in the parent directory
+  pkgs ? import ../.. {} // { lib = throw "pkgs.lib accessed, but the lib tests should use nixpkgs' lib path directly!"; }
+pkgs.runCommandNoCC "nixpkgs-lib-tests" {
+  buildInputs = [
+    pkgs.nix
+    (import ./check-eval.nix)
+    (import ./maintainers.nix {
+      inherit pkgs;
+      lib = import ../.;
+    })
+  ];
+} ''
+    datadir="${pkgs.nix}/share"
+    export TEST_ROOT=$(pwd)/test-tmp
+    export NIX_BUILD_HOOK=
+    export NIX_CONF_DIR=$TEST_ROOT/etc
+    export NIX_LOG_DIR=$TEST_ROOT/var/log/nix
+    export NIX_STATE_DIR=$TEST_ROOT/var/nix
+    export NIX_STORE_DIR=$TEST_ROOT/store
+    export PAGER=cat
+    cacheDir=$TEST_ROOT/binary-cache
+    nix-store --init
+    cp -r ${../.} lib
+    echo "Running lib/tests/modules.sh"
+    bash lib/tests/modules.sh
+    echo "Running lib/tests/sources.sh"
+    TEST_LIB=$PWD/lib bash lib/tests/sources.sh
+    touch $out
diff --git a/nixpkgs/lib/tests/sources.sh b/nixpkgs/lib/tests/sources.sh
new file mode 100755
index 000000000000..71fee719cb21
--- /dev/null
+++ b/nixpkgs/lib/tests/sources.sh
@@ -0,0 +1,59 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env bash
+set -euo pipefail
+# Use
+#     || die
+die() {
+  echo >&2 "test case failed: " "$@"
+  exit 1
+if test -n "${TEST_LIB:-}"; then
+  export NIX_PATH=nixpkgs="$(dirname "$TEST_LIB")"
+  export NIX_PATH=nixpkgs="$(cd $(dirname ${BASH_SOURCE[0]})/../..; pwd)"
+work="$(mktemp -d)"
+clean_up() {
+  rm -rf "$work"
+trap clean_up EXIT
+cd $work
+touch {README.md,module.o,foo.bar}
+# nix-instantiate doesn't write out the source, only computing the hash, so
+# this uses the experimental nix command instead.
+dir="$(nix eval --raw '(with import <nixpkgs/lib>; "${
+  cleanSource ./.
+(cd $dir; find) | sort -f | diff -U10 - <(cat <<EOF
+) || die "cleanSource 1"
+dir="$(nix eval --raw '(with import <nixpkgs/lib>; "${
+  cleanSourceWith { src = '"$work"'; filter = path: type: ! hasSuffix ".bar" path; }
+(cd $dir; find) | sort -f | diff -U10 - <(cat <<EOF
+) || die "cleanSourceWith 1"
+dir="$(nix eval --raw '(with import <nixpkgs/lib>; "${
+  cleanSourceWith { src = cleanSource '"$work"'; filter = path: type: ! hasSuffix ".bar" path; }
+(cd $dir; find) | sort -f | diff -U10 - <(cat <<EOF
+) || die "cleanSourceWith + cleanSource"
+echo >&2 tests ok
diff --git a/nixpkgs/lib/tests/systems.nix b/nixpkgs/lib/tests/systems.nix
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..36f82b783b41
--- /dev/null
+++ b/nixpkgs/lib/tests/systems.nix
@@ -0,0 +1,36 @@
+# We assert that the new algorithmic way of generating these lists matches the
+# way they were hard-coded before.
+# One might think "if we exhaustively test, what's the point of procedurally
+# calculating the lists anyway?". The answer is one can mindlessly update these
+# tests as new platforms become supported, and then just give the diff a quick
+# sanity check before committing :).
+  lib = import ../default.nix;
+  mseteq = x: y: {
+    expr     = lib.sort lib.lessThan x;
+    expected = lib.sort lib.lessThan y;
+  };
+with lib.systems.doubles; lib.runTests {
+  testall = mseteq all (linux ++ darwin ++ freebsd ++ openbsd ++ netbsd ++ illumos ++ wasi ++ windows ++ embedded ++ mmix ++ js ++ genode ++ redox);
+  testarm = mseteq arm [ "armv5tel-linux" "armv6l-linux" "armv6l-netbsd" "armv6l-none" "armv7a-linux" "armv7a-netbsd" "armv7l-linux" "armv7l-netbsd" "arm-none" "armv7a-darwin" ];
+  testi686 = mseteq i686 [ "i686-linux" "i686-freebsd" "i686-genode" "i686-netbsd" "i686-openbsd" "i686-cygwin" "i686-windows" "i686-none" "i686-darwin" ];
+  testmips = mseteq mips [ "mipsel-linux" "mipsel-netbsd" ];
+  testmmix = mseteq mmix [ "mmix-mmixware" ];
+  testx86_64 = mseteq x86_64 [ "x86_64-linux" "x86_64-darwin" "x86_64-freebsd" "x86_64-genode" "x86_64-redox" "x86_64-openbsd" "x86_64-netbsd" "x86_64-cygwin" "x86_64-solaris" "x86_64-windows" "x86_64-none" ];
+  testcygwin = mseteq cygwin [ "i686-cygwin" "x86_64-cygwin" ];
+  testdarwin = mseteq darwin [ "x86_64-darwin" "i686-darwin" "aarch64-darwin" "armv7a-darwin" ];
+  testfreebsd = mseteq freebsd [ "i686-freebsd" "x86_64-freebsd" ];
+  testgenode = mseteq genode [ "aarch64-genode" "i686-genode" "x86_64-genode" ];
+  testredox = mseteq redox [ "x86_64-redox" ];
+  testgnu = mseteq gnu (linux /* ++ kfreebsd ++ ... */);
+  testillumos = mseteq illumos [ "x86_64-solaris" ];
+  testlinux = mseteq linux [ "aarch64-linux" "armv5tel-linux" "armv6l-linux" "armv7a-linux" "armv7l-linux" "i686-linux" "mipsel-linux" "riscv32-linux" "riscv64-linux" "x86_64-linux" "powerpc64-linux" "powerpc64le-linux" ];
+  testnetbsd = mseteq netbsd [ "aarch64-netbsd" "armv6l-netbsd" "armv7a-netbsd" "armv7l-netbsd" "i686-netbsd" "mipsel-netbsd" "powerpc-netbsd" "riscv32-netbsd" "riscv64-netbsd" "x86_64-netbsd" ];
+  testopenbsd = mseteq openbsd [ "i686-openbsd" "x86_64-openbsd" ];
+  testwindows = mseteq windows [ "i686-cygwin" "x86_64-cygwin" "i686-windows" "x86_64-windows" ];
+  testunix = mseteq unix (linux ++ darwin ++ freebsd ++ openbsd ++ netbsd ++ illumos ++ cygwin ++ redox);
diff --git a/nixpkgs/lib/trivial.nix b/nixpkgs/lib/trivial.nix
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..e1581f1e91d6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/nixpkgs/lib/trivial.nix
@@ -0,0 +1,395 @@
+{ lib }:
+rec {
+  ## Simple (higher order) functions
+  /* The identity function
+     For when you need a function that does “nothing”.
+     Type: id :: a -> a
+  */
+  id =
+    # The value to return
+    x: x;
+  /* The constant function
+     Ignores the second argument. If called with only one argument,
+     constructs a function that always returns a static value.
+     Type: const :: a -> b -> a
+     Example:
+       let f = const 5; in f 10
+       => 5
+  */
+  const =
+    # Value to return
+    x:
+    # Value to ignore
+    y: x;
+  /* Pipes a value through a list of functions, left to right.
+     Type: pipe :: a -> [<functions>] -> <return type of last function>
+     Example:
+       pipe 2 [
+         (x: x + 2)  # 2 + 2 = 4
+         (x: x * 2)  # 4 * 2 = 8
+       ]
+       => 8
+       # ideal to do text transformations
+       pipe [ "a/b" "a/c" ] [
+         # create the cp command
+         (map (file: ''cp "${src}/${file}" $out\n''))
+         # concatenate all commands into one string
+         lib.concatStrings
+         # make that string into a nix derivation
+         (pkgs.runCommand "copy-to-out" {})
+       ]
+       => <drv which copies all files to $out>
+     The output type of each function has to be the input type
+     of the next function, and the last function returns the
+     final value.
+  */
+  pipe = val: functions:
+    let reverseApply = x: f: f x;
+    in builtins.foldl' reverseApply val functions;
+  /* note please don’t add a function like `compose = flip pipe`.
+     This would confuse users, because the order of the functions
+     in the list is not clear. With pipe, it’s obvious that it
+     goes first-to-last. With `compose`, not so much.
+  */
+  ## Named versions corresponding to some builtin operators.
+  /* Concatenate two lists
+     Type: concat :: [a] -> [a] -> [a]
+     Example:
+       concat [ 1 2 ] [ 3 4 ]
+       => [ 1 2 3 4 ]
+  */
+  concat = x: y: x ++ y;
+  /* boolean “or” */
+  or = x: y: x || y;
+  /* boolean “and” */
+  and = x: y: x && y;
+  /* bitwise “and” */
+  bitAnd = builtins.bitAnd
+    or (import ./zip-int-bits.nix
+        (a: b: if a==1 && b==1 then 1 else 0));
+  /* bitwise “or” */
+  bitOr = builtins.bitOr
+    or (import ./zip-int-bits.nix
+        (a: b: if a==1 || b==1 then 1 else 0));
+  /* bitwise “xor” */
+  bitXor = builtins.bitXor
+    or (import ./zip-int-bits.nix
+        (a: b: if a!=b then 1 else 0));
+  /* bitwise “not” */
+  bitNot = builtins.sub (-1);
+  /* Convert a boolean to a string.
+     This function uses the strings "true" and "false" to represent
+     boolean values. Calling `toString` on a bool instead returns "1"
+     and "" (sic!).
+     Type: boolToString :: bool -> string
+  */
+  boolToString = b: if b then "true" else "false";
+  /* Merge two attribute sets shallowly, right side trumps left
+     mergeAttrs :: attrs -> attrs -> attrs
+     Example:
+       mergeAttrs { a = 1; b = 2; } { b = 3; c = 4; }
+       => { a = 1; b = 3; c = 4; }
+  */
+  mergeAttrs =
+    # Left attribute set
+    x:
+    # Right attribute set (higher precedence for equal keys)
+    y: x // y;
+  /* Flip the order of the arguments of a binary function.
+     Type: flip :: (a -> b -> c) -> (b -> a -> c)
+     Example:
+       flip concat [1] [2]
+       => [ 2 1 ]
+  */
+  flip = f: a: b: f b a;
+  /* Apply function if the supplied argument is non-null.
+     Example:
+       mapNullable (x: x+1) null
+       => null
+       mapNullable (x: x+1) 22
+       => 23
+  */
+  mapNullable =
+    # Function to call
+    f:
+    # Argument to check for null before passing it to `f`
+    a: if a == null then a else f a;
+  # Pull in some builtins not included elsewhere.
+  inherit (builtins)
+    pathExists readFile isBool
+    isInt isFloat add sub lessThan
+    seq deepSeq genericClosure;
+  ## nixpkgs version strings
+  /* Returns the current full nixpkgs version number. */
+  version = release + versionSuffix;
+  /* Returns the current nixpkgs release number as string. */
+  release = lib.strings.fileContents ../.version;
+  /* Returns the current nixpkgs release code name.
+     On each release the first letter is bumped and a new animal is chosen
+     starting with that new letter.
+  */
+  codeName = "Porcupine";
+  /* Returns the current nixpkgs version suffix as string. */
+  versionSuffix =
+    let suffixFile = ../.version-suffix;
+    in if pathExists suffixFile
+    then lib.strings.fileContents suffixFile
+    else "pre-git";
+  /* Attempts to return the the current revision of nixpkgs and
+     returns the supplied default value otherwise.
+     Type: revisionWithDefault :: string -> string
+  */
+  revisionWithDefault =
+    # Default value to return if revision can not be determined
+    default:
+    let
+      revisionFile = "${toString ./..}/.git-revision";
+      gitRepo      = "${toString ./..}/.git";
+    in if lib.pathIsGitRepo gitRepo
+       then lib.commitIdFromGitRepo gitRepo
+       else if lib.pathExists revisionFile then lib.fileContents revisionFile
+       else default;
+  nixpkgsVersion = builtins.trace "`lib.nixpkgsVersion` is deprecated, use `lib.version` instead!" version;
+  /* Determine whether the function is being called from inside a Nix
+     shell.
+     Type: inNixShell :: bool
+  */
+  inNixShell = builtins.getEnv "IN_NIX_SHELL" != "";
+  ## Integer operations
+  /* Return minimum of two numbers. */
+  min = x: y: if x < y then x else y;
+  /* Return maximum of two numbers. */
+  max = x: y: if x > y then x else y;
+  /* Integer modulus
+     Example:
+       mod 11 10
+       => 1
+       mod 1 10
+       => 1
+  */
+  mod = base: int: base - (int * (builtins.div base int));
+  ## Comparisons
+  /* C-style comparisons
+     a < b,  compare a b => -1
+     a == b, compare a b => 0
+     a > b,  compare a b => 1
+  */
+  compare = a: b:
+    if a < b
+    then -1
+    else if a > b
+         then 1
+         else 0;
+  /* Split type into two subtypes by predicate `p`, take all elements
+     of the first subtype to be less than all the elements of the
+     second subtype, compare elements of a single subtype with `yes`
+     and `no` respectively.
+     Type: (a -> bool) -> (a -> a -> int) -> (a -> a -> int) -> (a -> a -> int)
+     Example:
+       let cmp = splitByAndCompare (hasPrefix "foo") compare compare; in
+       cmp "a" "z" => -1
+       cmp "fooa" "fooz" => -1
+       cmp "f" "a" => 1
+       cmp "fooa" "a" => -1
+       # while
+       compare "fooa" "a" => 1
+  */
+  splitByAndCompare =
+    # Predicate
+    p:
+    # Comparison function if predicate holds for both values
+    yes:
+    # Comparison function if predicate holds for neither value
+    no:
+    # First value to compare
+    a:
+    # Second value to compare
+    b:
+    if p a
+    then if p b then yes a b else -1
+    else if p b then 1 else no a b;
+  /* Reads a JSON file.
+     Type :: path -> any
+  */
+  importJSON = path:
+    builtins.fromJSON (builtins.readFile path);
+  /* Reads a TOML file.
+     Type :: path -> any
+  */
+  importTOML = path:
+    builtins.fromTOML (builtins.readFile path);
+  ## Warnings
+  # See https://github.com/NixOS/nix/issues/749. Eventually we'd like these
+  # to expand to Nix builtins that carry metadata so that Nix can filter out
+  # the INFO messages without parsing the message string.
+  #
+  # Usage:
+  # {
+  #   foo = lib.warn "foo is deprecated" oldFoo;
+  #   bar = lib.warnIf (bar == "") "Empty bar is deprecated" bar;
+  # }
+  #
+  # TODO: figure out a clever way to integrate location information from
+  # something like __unsafeGetAttrPos.
+  warn = msg: builtins.trace "warning: ${msg}";
+  warnIf = cond: msg: if cond then warn msg else id;
+  info = msg: builtins.trace "INFO: ${msg}";
+  showWarnings = warnings: res: lib.fold (w: x: warn w x) res warnings;
+  ## Function annotations
+  /* Add metadata about expected function arguments to a function.
+     The metadata should match the format given by
+     builtins.functionArgs, i.e. a set from expected argument to a bool
+     representing whether that argument has a default or not.
+     setFunctionArgs : (a → b) → Map String Bool → (a → b)
+     This function is necessary because you can't dynamically create a
+     function of the { a, b ? foo, ... }: format, but some facilities
+     like callPackage expect to be able to query expected arguments.
+  */
+  setFunctionArgs = f: args:
+    { # TODO: Should we add call-time "type" checking like built in?
+      __functor = self: f;
+      __functionArgs = args;
+    };
+  /* Extract the expected function arguments from a function.
+     This works both with nix-native { a, b ? foo, ... }: style
+     functions and functions with args set with 'setFunctionArgs'. It
+     has the same return type and semantics as builtins.functionArgs.
+     setFunctionArgs : (a → b) → Map String Bool.
+  */
+  functionArgs = f: f.__functionArgs or (builtins.functionArgs f);
+  /* Check whether something is a function or something
+     annotated with function args.
+  */
+  isFunction = f: builtins.isFunction f ||
+    (f ? __functor && isFunction (f.__functor f));
+  /* Convert the given positive integer to a string of its hexadecimal
+     representation. For example:
+     toHexString 0 => "0"
+     toHexString 16 => "10"
+     toHexString 250 => "FA"
+  */
+  toHexString = i:
+    let
+      toHexDigit = d:
+        if d < 10
+        then toString d
+        else
+          {
+            "10" = "A";
+            "11" = "B";
+            "12" = "C";
+            "13" = "D";
+            "14" = "E";
+            "15" = "F";
+          }.${toString d};
+    in
+      lib.concatMapStrings toHexDigit (toBaseDigits 16 i);
+  /* `toBaseDigits base i` converts the positive integer i to a list of its
+     digits in the given base. For example:
+     toBaseDigits 10 123 => [ 1 2 3 ]
+     toBaseDigits 2 6 => [ 1 1 0 ]
+     toBaseDigits 16 250 => [ 15 10 ]
+  */
+  toBaseDigits = base: i:
+    let
+      go = i:
+        if i < base
+        then [i]
+        else
+          let
+            r = i - ((i / base) * base);
+            q = (i - r) / base;
+          in
+            [r] ++ go q;
+    in
+      assert (base >= 2);
+      assert (i >= 0);
+      lib.reverseList (go i);
diff --git a/nixpkgs/lib/types.nix b/nixpkgs/lib/types.nix
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..f47a1f92de72
--- /dev/null
+++ b/nixpkgs/lib/types.nix
@@ -0,0 +1,663 @@
+# Definitions related to run-time type checking.  Used in particular
+# to type-check NixOS configurations.
+{ lib }:
+  inherit (lib)
+    elem
+    flip
+    functionArgs
+    isAttrs
+    isBool
+    isDerivation
+    isFloat
+    isFunction
+    isInt
+    isList
+    isString
+    isStorePath
+    setFunctionArgs
+    toDerivation
+    toList
+    ;
+  inherit (lib.lists)
+    all
+    concatLists
+    count
+    elemAt
+    filter
+    foldl'
+    head
+    imap1
+    last
+    length
+    tail
+    unique
+    ;
+  inherit (lib.attrsets)
+    attrNames
+    filterAttrs
+    hasAttr
+    mapAttrs
+    optionalAttrs
+    zipAttrsWith
+    ;
+  inherit (lib.options)
+    getFiles
+    getValues
+    mergeDefaultOption
+    mergeEqualOption
+    mergeOneOption
+    showFiles
+    showOption
+    ;
+  inherit (lib.strings)
+    concatMapStringsSep
+    concatStringsSep
+    escapeNixString
+    isCoercibleToString
+    ;
+  inherit (lib.trivial)
+    boolToString
+    ;
+  inherit (lib.modules) mergeDefinitions;
+  outer_types =
+rec {
+  isType = type: x: (x._type or "") == type;
+  setType = typeName: value: value // {
+    _type = typeName;
+  };
+  # Default type merging function
+  # takes two type functors and return the merged type
+  defaultTypeMerge = f: f':
+    let wrapped = f.wrapped.typeMerge f'.wrapped.functor;
+        payload = f.binOp f.payload f'.payload;
+    in
+    # cannot merge different types
+    if f.name != f'.name
+       then null
+    # simple types
+    else if    (f.wrapped == null && f'.wrapped == null)
+            && (f.payload == null && f'.payload == null)
+       then f.type
+    # composed types
+    else if (f.wrapped != null && f'.wrapped != null) && (wrapped != null)
+       then f.type wrapped
+    # value types
+    else if (f.payload != null && f'.payload != null) && (payload != null)
+       then f.type payload
+    else null;
+  # Default type functor
+  defaultFunctor = name: {
+    inherit name;
+    type    = types.${name} or null;
+    wrapped = null;
+    payload = null;
+    binOp   = a: b: null;
+  };
+  isOptionType = isType "option-type";
+  mkOptionType =
+    { # Human-readable representation of the type, should be equivalent to
+      # the type function name.
+      name
+    , # Description of the type, defined recursively by embedding the wrapped type if any.
+      description ? null
+    , # Function applied to each definition that should return true if
+      # its type-correct, false otherwise.
+      check ? (x: true)
+    , # Merge a list of definitions together into a single value.
+      # This function is called with two arguments: the location of
+      # the option in the configuration as a list of strings
+      # (e.g. ["boot" "loader "grub" "enable"]), and a list of
+      # definition values and locations (e.g. [ { file = "/foo.nix";
+      # value = 1; } { file = "/bar.nix"; value = 2 } ]).
+      merge ? mergeDefaultOption
+    , # Whether this type has a value representing nothingness. If it does,
+      # this should be a value of the form { value = <the nothing value>; }
+      # If it doesn't, this should be {}
+      # This may be used when a value is required for `mkIf false`. This allows the extra laziness in e.g. `lazyAttrsOf`.
+      emptyValue ? {}
+    , # Return a flat list of sub-options.  Used to generate
+      # documentation.
+      getSubOptions ? prefix: {}
+    , # List of modules if any, or null if none.
+      getSubModules ? null
+    , # Function for building the same option type with a different list of
+      # modules.
+      substSubModules ? m: null
+    , # Function that merge type declarations.
+      # internal, takes a functor as argument and returns the merged type.
+      # returning null means the type is not mergeable
+      typeMerge ? defaultTypeMerge functor
+    , # The type functor.
+      # internal, representation of the type as an attribute set.
+      #   name: name of the type
+      #   type: type function.
+      #   wrapped: the type wrapped in case of compound types.
+      #   payload: values of the type, two payloads of the same type must be
+      #            combinable with the binOp binary operation.
+      #   binOp: binary operation that merge two payloads of the same type.
+      functor ? defaultFunctor name
+    , # The deprecation message to display when this type is used by an option
+      # If null, the type isn't deprecated
+      deprecationMessage ? null
+    , # The types that occur in the definition of this type. This is used to
+      # issue deprecation warnings recursively. Can also be used to reuse
+      # nested types
+      nestedTypes ? {}
+    }:
+    { _type = "option-type";
+      inherit name check merge emptyValue getSubOptions getSubModules substSubModules typeMerge functor deprecationMessage nestedTypes;
+      description = if description == null then name else description;
+    };
+  # When adding new types don't forget to document them in
+  # nixos/doc/manual/development/option-types.xml!
+  types = rec {
+    anything = mkOptionType {
+      name = "anything";
+      description = "anything";
+      check = value: true;
+      merge = loc: defs:
+        let
+          getType = value:
+            if isAttrs value && isCoercibleToString value
+            then "stringCoercibleSet"
+            else builtins.typeOf value;
+          # Returns the common type of all definitions, throws an error if they
+          # don't have the same type
+          commonType = foldl' (type: def:
+            if getType def.value == type
+            then type
+            else throw "The option `${showOption loc}' has conflicting option types in ${showFiles (getFiles defs)}"
+          ) (getType (head defs).value) defs;
+          mergeFunction = {
+            # Recursively merge attribute sets
+            set = (attrsOf anything).merge;
+            # Safe and deterministic behavior for lists is to only accept one definition
+            # listOf only used to apply mkIf and co.
+            list =
+              if length defs > 1
+              then throw "The option `${showOption loc}' has conflicting definitions, in ${showFiles (getFiles defs)}."
+              else (listOf anything).merge;
+            # This is the type of packages, only accept a single definition
+            stringCoercibleSet = mergeOneOption;
+            # Otherwise fall back to only allowing all equal definitions
+          }.${commonType} or mergeEqualOption;
+        in mergeFunction loc defs;
+    };
+    unspecified = mkOptionType {
+      name = "unspecified";
+    };
+    bool = mkOptionType {
+      name = "bool";
+      description = "boolean";
+      check = isBool;
+      merge = mergeEqualOption;
+    };
+    int = mkOptionType {
+        name = "int";
+        description = "signed integer";
+        check = isInt;
+        merge = mergeEqualOption;
+      };
+    # Specialized subdomains of int
+    ints =
+      let
+        betweenDesc = lowest: highest:
+          "${toString lowest} and ${toString highest} (both inclusive)";
+        between = lowest: highest:
+          assert lib.assertMsg (lowest <= highest)
+            "ints.between: lowest must be smaller than highest";
+          addCheck int (x: x >= lowest && x <= highest) // {
+            name = "intBetween";
+            description = "integer between ${betweenDesc lowest highest}";
+          };
+        ign = lowest: highest: name: docStart:
+          between lowest highest // {
+            inherit name;
+            description = docStart + "; between ${betweenDesc lowest highest}";
+          };
+        unsign = bit: range: ign 0 (range - 1)
+          "unsignedInt${toString bit}" "${toString bit} bit unsigned integer";
+        sign = bit: range: ign (0 - (range / 2)) (range / 2 - 1)
+          "signedInt${toString bit}" "${toString bit} bit signed integer";
+      in {
+        /* An int with a fixed range.
+        *
+        * Example:
+        *   (ints.between 0 100).check (-1)
+        *   => false
+        *   (ints.between 0 100).check (101)
+        *   => false
+        *   (ints.between 0 0).check 0
+        *   => true
+        */
+        inherit between;
+        unsigned = addCheck types.int (x: x >= 0) // {
+          name = "unsignedInt";
+          description = "unsigned integer, meaning >=0";
+        };
+        positive = addCheck types.int (x: x > 0) // {
+          name = "positiveInt";
+          description = "positive integer, meaning >0";
+        };
+        u8 = unsign 8 256;
+        u16 = unsign 16 65536;
+        # the biggest int Nix accepts is 2^63 - 1 (9223372036854775808)
+        # the smallest int Nix accepts is -2^63 (-9223372036854775807)
+        u32 = unsign 32 4294967296;
+        # u64 = unsign 64 18446744073709551616;
+        s8 = sign 8 256;
+        s16 = sign 16 65536;
+        s32 = sign 32 4294967296;
+      };
+    # Alias of u16 for a port number
+    port = ints.u16;
+    float = mkOptionType {
+        name = "float";
+        description = "floating point number";
+        check = isFloat;
+        merge = mergeEqualOption;
+    };
+    str = mkOptionType {
+      name = "str";
+      description = "string";
+      check = isString;
+      merge = mergeEqualOption;
+    };
+    strMatching = pattern: mkOptionType {
+      name = "strMatching ${escapeNixString pattern}";
+      description = "string matching the pattern ${pattern}";
+      check = x: str.check x && builtins.match pattern x != null;
+      inherit (str) merge;
+    };
+    # Merge multiple definitions by concatenating them (with the given
+    # separator between the values).
+    separatedString = sep: mkOptionType rec {
+      name = "separatedString";
+      description = if sep == ""
+        then "Concatenated string" # for types.string.
+        else "strings concatenated with ${builtins.toJSON sep}"
+      ;
+      check = isString;
+      merge = loc: defs: concatStringsSep sep (getValues defs);
+      functor = (defaultFunctor name) // {
+        payload = sep;
+        binOp = sepLhs: sepRhs:
+          if sepLhs == sepRhs then sepLhs
+          else null;
+      };
+    };
+    lines = separatedString "\n";
+    commas = separatedString ",";
+    envVar = separatedString ":";
+    # Deprecated; should not be used because it quietly concatenates
+    # strings, which is usually not what you want.
+    string = separatedString "" // {
+      name = "string";
+      deprecationMessage = "See https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/pull/66346 for better alternative types.";
+    };
+    attrs = mkOptionType {
+      name = "attrs";
+      description = "attribute set";
+      check = isAttrs;
+      merge = loc: foldl' (res: def: res // def.value) {};
+      emptyValue = { value = {}; };
+    };
+    # derivation is a reserved keyword.
+    package = mkOptionType {
+      name = "package";
+      check = x: isDerivation x || isStorePath x;
+      merge = loc: defs:
+        let res = mergeOneOption loc defs;
+        in if isDerivation res then res else toDerivation res;
+    };
+    shellPackage = package // {
+      check = x: isDerivation x && hasAttr "shellPath" x;
+    };
+    path = mkOptionType {
+      name = "path";
+      check = x: isCoercibleToString x && builtins.substring 0 1 (toString x) == "/";
+      merge = mergeEqualOption;
+    };
+    listOf = elemType: mkOptionType rec {
+      name = "listOf";
+      description = "list of ${elemType.description}s";
+      check = isList;
+      merge = loc: defs:
+        map (x: x.value) (filter (x: x ? value) (concatLists (imap1 (n: def:
+          imap1 (m: def':
+            (mergeDefinitions
+              (loc ++ ["[definition ${toString n}-entry ${toString m}]"])
+              elemType
+              [{ inherit (def) file; value = def'; }]
+            ).optionalValue
+          ) def.value
+        ) defs)));
+      emptyValue = { value = {}; };
+      getSubOptions = prefix: elemType.getSubOptions (prefix ++ ["*"]);
+      getSubModules = elemType.getSubModules;
+      substSubModules = m: listOf (elemType.substSubModules m);
+      functor = (defaultFunctor name) // { wrapped = elemType; };
+      nestedTypes.elemType = elemType;
+    };
+    nonEmptyListOf = elemType:
+      let list = addCheck (types.listOf elemType) (l: l != []);
+      in list // {
+        description = "non-empty " + list.description;
+        # Note: emptyValue is left as is, because another module may define an element.
+      };
+    attrsOf = elemType: mkOptionType rec {
+      name = "attrsOf";
+      description = "attribute set of ${elemType.description}s";
+      check = isAttrs;
+      merge = loc: defs:
+        mapAttrs (n: v: v.value) (filterAttrs (n: v: v ? value) (zipAttrsWith (name: defs:
+            (mergeDefinitions (loc ++ [name]) elemType defs).optionalValue
+          )
+          # Push down position info.
+          (map (def: mapAttrs (n: v: { inherit (def) file; value = v; }) def.value) defs)));
+      emptyValue = { value = {}; };
+      getSubOptions = prefix: elemType.getSubOptions (prefix ++ ["<name>"]);
+      getSubModules = elemType.getSubModules;
+      substSubModules = m: attrsOf (elemType.substSubModules m);
+      functor = (defaultFunctor name) // { wrapped = elemType; };
+      nestedTypes.elemType = elemType;
+    };
+    # A version of attrsOf that's lazy in its values at the expense of
+    # conditional definitions not working properly. E.g. defining a value with
+    # `foo.attr = mkIf false 10`, then `foo ? attr == true`, whereas with
+    # attrsOf it would correctly be `false`. Accessing `foo.attr` would throw an
+    # error that it's not defined. Use only if conditional definitions don't make sense.
+    lazyAttrsOf = elemType: mkOptionType rec {
+      name = "lazyAttrsOf";
+      description = "lazy attribute set of ${elemType.description}s";
+      check = isAttrs;
+      merge = loc: defs:
+        zipAttrsWith (name: defs:
+          let merged = mergeDefinitions (loc ++ [name]) elemType defs;
+          # mergedValue will trigger an appropriate error when accessed
+          in merged.optionalValue.value or elemType.emptyValue.value or merged.mergedValue
+        )
+        # Push down position info.
+        (map (def: mapAttrs (n: v: { inherit (def) file; value = v; }) def.value) defs);
+      emptyValue = { value = {}; };
+      getSubOptions = prefix: elemType.getSubOptions (prefix ++ ["<name>"]);
+      getSubModules = elemType.getSubModules;
+      substSubModules = m: lazyAttrsOf (elemType.substSubModules m);
+      functor = (defaultFunctor name) // { wrapped = elemType; };
+      nestedTypes.elemType = elemType;
+    };
+    # TODO: drop this in the future:
+    loaOf = elemType: types.attrsOf elemType // {
+      name = "loaOf";
+      deprecationMessage = "Mixing lists with attribute values is no longer"
+        + " possible; please use `types.attrsOf` instead. See"
+        + " https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/issues/1800 for the motivation.";
+      nestedTypes.elemType = elemType;
+    };
+    # Value of given type but with no merging (i.e. `uniq list`s are not concatenated).
+    uniq = elemType: mkOptionType rec {
+      name = "uniq";
+      inherit (elemType) description check;
+      merge = mergeOneOption;
+      emptyValue = elemType.emptyValue;
+      getSubOptions = elemType.getSubOptions;
+      getSubModules = elemType.getSubModules;
+      substSubModules = m: uniq (elemType.substSubModules m);
+      functor = (defaultFunctor name) // { wrapped = elemType; };
+      nestedTypes.elemType = elemType;
+    };
+    # Null or value of ...
+    nullOr = elemType: mkOptionType rec {
+      name = "nullOr";
+      description = "null or ${elemType.description}";
+      check = x: x == null || elemType.check x;
+      merge = loc: defs:
+        let nrNulls = count (def: def.value == null) defs; in
+        if nrNulls == length defs then null
+        else if nrNulls != 0 then
+          throw "The option `${showOption loc}` is defined both null and not null, in ${showFiles (getFiles defs)}."
+        else elemType.merge loc defs;
+      emptyValue = { value = null; };
+      getSubOptions = elemType.getSubOptions;
+      getSubModules = elemType.getSubModules;
+      substSubModules = m: nullOr (elemType.substSubModules m);
+      functor = (defaultFunctor name) // { wrapped = elemType; };
+      nestedTypes.elemType = elemType;
+    };
+    functionTo = elemType: mkOptionType {
+      name = "functionTo";
+      description = "function that evaluates to a(n) ${elemType.name}";
+      check = isFunction;
+      merge = loc: defs:
+        fnArgs: (mergeDefinitions (loc ++ [ "[function body]" ]) elemType (map (fn: { inherit (fn) file; value = fn.value fnArgs; }) defs)).mergedValue;
+      getSubOptions = elemType.getSubOptions;
+      getSubModules = elemType.getSubModules;
+      substSubModules = m: functionTo (elemType.substSubModules m);
+    };
+    # A submodule (like typed attribute set). See NixOS manual.
+    submodule = modules: submoduleWith {
+      shorthandOnlyDefinesConfig = true;
+      modules = toList modules;
+    };
+    submoduleWith =
+      { modules
+      , specialArgs ? {}
+      , shorthandOnlyDefinesConfig ? false
+      }@attrs:
+      let
+        inherit (lib.modules) evalModules;
+        coerce = unify: value: if isFunction value
+          then setFunctionArgs (args: unify (value args)) (functionArgs value)
+          else unify (if shorthandOnlyDefinesConfig then { config = value; } else value);
+        allModules = defs: modules ++ imap1 (n: { value, file }:
+          if isAttrs value || isFunction value then
+            # Annotate the value with the location of its definition for better error messages
+            coerce (lib.modules.unifyModuleSyntax file "${toString file}-${toString n}") value
+          else value
+        ) defs;
+        freeformType = (evalModules {
+          inherit modules specialArgs;
+          args.name = "‹name›";
+        })._module.freeformType;
+      in
+      mkOptionType rec {
+        name = "submodule";
+        description = freeformType.description or name;
+        check = x: isAttrs x || isFunction x || path.check x;
+        merge = loc: defs:
+          (evalModules {
+            modules = allModules defs;
+            inherit specialArgs;
+            args.name = last loc;
+            prefix = loc;
+          }).config;
+        emptyValue = { value = {}; };
+        getSubOptions = prefix: (evalModules
+          { inherit modules prefix specialArgs;
+            # This is a work-around due to the fact that some sub-modules,
+            # such as the one included in an attribute set, expects a "args"
+            # attribute to be given to the sub-module. As the option
+            # evaluation does not have any specific attribute name, we
+            # provide a default one for the documentation.
+            #
+            # This is mandatory as some option declaration might use the
+            # "name" attribute given as argument of the submodule and use it
+            # as the default of option declarations.
+            #
+            # Using lookalike unicode single angle quotation marks because
+            # of the docbook transformation the options receive. In all uses
+            # &gt; and &lt; wouldn't be encoded correctly so the encoded values
+            # would be used, and use of `<` and `>` would break the XML document.
+            # It shouldn't cause an issue since this is cosmetic for the manual.
+            args.name = "‹name›";
+          }).options // optionalAttrs (freeformType != null) {
+            # Expose the sub options of the freeform type. Note that the option
+            # discovery doesn't care about the attribute name used here, so this
+            # is just to avoid conflicts with potential options from the submodule
+            _freeformOptions = freeformType.getSubOptions prefix;
+          };
+        getSubModules = modules;
+        substSubModules = m: submoduleWith (attrs // {
+          modules = m;
+        });
+        nestedTypes = lib.optionalAttrs (freeformType != null) {
+          freeformType = freeformType;
+        };
+        functor = defaultFunctor name // {
+          type = types.submoduleWith;
+          payload = {
+            modules = modules;
+            specialArgs = specialArgs;
+            shorthandOnlyDefinesConfig = shorthandOnlyDefinesConfig;
+          };
+          binOp = lhs: rhs: {
+            modules = lhs.modules ++ rhs.modules;
+            specialArgs =
+              let intersecting = builtins.intersectAttrs lhs.specialArgs rhs.specialArgs;
+              in if intersecting == {}
+              then lhs.specialArgs // rhs.specialArgs
+              else throw "A submoduleWith option is declared multiple times with the same specialArgs \"${toString (attrNames intersecting)}\"";
+            shorthandOnlyDefinesConfig =
+              if lhs.shorthandOnlyDefinesConfig == rhs.shorthandOnlyDefinesConfig
+              then lhs.shorthandOnlyDefinesConfig
+              else throw "A submoduleWith option is declared multiple times with conflicting shorthandOnlyDefinesConfig values";
+          };
+        };
+      };
+    # A value from a set of allowed ones.
+    enum = values:
+      let
+        show = v:
+               if builtins.isString v then ''"${v}"''
+          else if builtins.isInt v then builtins.toString v
+          else if builtins.isBool v then boolToString v
+          else ''<${builtins.typeOf v}>'';
+      in
+      mkOptionType rec {
+        name = "enum";
+        description = "one of ${concatMapStringsSep ", " show values}";
+        check = flip elem values;
+        merge = mergeEqualOption;
+        functor = (defaultFunctor name) // { payload = values; binOp = a: b: unique (a ++ b); };
+      };
+    # Either value of type `t1` or `t2`.
+    either = t1: t2: mkOptionType rec {
+      name = "either";
+      description = "${t1.description} or ${t2.description}";
+      check = x: t1.check x || t2.check x;
+      merge = loc: defs:
+        let
+          defList = map (d: d.value) defs;
+        in
+          if   all (x: t1.check x) defList
+               then t1.merge loc defs
+          else if all (x: t2.check x) defList
+               then t2.merge loc defs
+          else mergeOneOption loc defs;
+      typeMerge = f':
+        let mt1 = t1.typeMerge (elemAt f'.wrapped 0).functor;
+            mt2 = t2.typeMerge (elemAt f'.wrapped 1).functor;
+        in
+           if (name == f'.name) && (mt1 != null) && (mt2 != null)
+           then functor.type mt1 mt2
+           else null;
+      functor = (defaultFunctor name) // { wrapped = [ t1 t2 ]; };
+      nestedTypes.left = t1;
+      nestedTypes.right = t2;
+    };
+    # Any of the types in the given list
+    oneOf = ts:
+      let
+        head' = if ts == [] then throw "types.oneOf needs to get at least one type in its argument" else head ts;
+        tail' = tail ts;
+      in foldl' either head' tail';
+    # Either value of type `coercedType` or `finalType`, the former is
+    # converted to `finalType` using `coerceFunc`.
+    coercedTo = coercedType: coerceFunc: finalType:
+      assert lib.assertMsg (coercedType.getSubModules == null)
+        "coercedTo: coercedType must not have submodules (it’s a ${
+          coercedType.description})";
+      mkOptionType rec {
+        name = "coercedTo";
+        description = "${finalType.description} or ${coercedType.description} convertible to it";
+        check = x: (coercedType.check x && finalType.check (coerceFunc x)) || finalType.check x;
+        merge = loc: defs:
+          let
+            coerceVal = val:
+              if coercedType.check val then coerceFunc val
+              else val;
+          in finalType.merge loc (map (def: def // { value = coerceVal def.value; }) defs);
+        emptyValue = finalType.emptyValue;
+        getSubOptions = finalType.getSubOptions;
+        getSubModules = finalType.getSubModules;
+        substSubModules = m: coercedTo coercedType coerceFunc (finalType.substSubModules m);
+        typeMerge = t1: t2: null;
+        functor = (defaultFunctor name) // { wrapped = finalType; };
+        nestedTypes.coercedType = coercedType;
+        nestedTypes.finalType = finalType;
+      };
+    # Obsolete alternative to configOf.  It takes its option
+    # declarations from the ‘options’ attribute of containing option
+    # declaration.
+    optionSet = mkOptionType {
+      name = "optionSet";
+      description = "option set";
+      deprecationMessage = "Use `types.submodule' instead";
+    };
+    # Augment the given type with an additional type check function.
+    addCheck = elemType: check: elemType // { check = x: elemType.check x && check x; };
+  };
+in outer_types // outer_types.types
diff --git a/nixpkgs/lib/versions.nix b/nixpkgs/lib/versions.nix
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..0e9d81ac78b1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/nixpkgs/lib/versions.nix
@@ -0,0 +1,49 @@
+/* Version string functions. */
+{ lib }:
+rec {
+  /* Break a version string into its component parts.
+     Example:
+       splitVersion "1.2.3"
+       => ["1" "2" "3"]
+  */
+  splitVersion = builtins.splitVersion or (lib.splitString ".");
+  /* Get the major version string from a string.
+    Example:
+      major "1.2.3"
+      => "1"
+  */
+  major = v: builtins.elemAt (splitVersion v) 0;
+  /* Get the minor version string from a string.
+    Example:
+      minor "1.2.3"
+      => "2"
+  */
+  minor = v: builtins.elemAt (splitVersion v) 1;
+  /* Get the patch version string from a string.
+    Example:
+      patch "1.2.3"
+      => "3"
+  */
+  patch = v: builtins.elemAt (splitVersion v) 2;
+  /* Get string of the first two parts (major and minor)
+     of a version string.
+     Example:
+       majorMinor "1.2.3"
+       => "1.2"
+  */
+  majorMinor = v:
+    builtins.concatStringsSep "."
+    (lib.take 2 (splitVersion v));
diff --git a/nixpkgs/lib/zip-int-bits.nix b/nixpkgs/lib/zip-int-bits.nix
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..edbcdfe1e682
--- /dev/null
+++ b/nixpkgs/lib/zip-int-bits.nix
@@ -0,0 +1,39 @@
+/* Helper function to implement a fallback for the bit operators
+   `bitAnd`, `bitOr` and `bitXOr` on older nix version.
+   See ./trivial.nix
+f: x: y:
+  let
+    # (intToBits 6) -> [ 0 1 1 ]
+    intToBits = x:
+      if x == 0 || x == -1 then
+        []
+      else
+        let
+          headbit  = if (x / 2) * 2 != x then 1 else 0;          # x & 1
+          tailbits = if x < 0 then ((x + 1) / 2) - 1 else x / 2; # x >> 1
+        in
+          [headbit] ++ (intToBits tailbits);
+    # (bitsToInt [ 0 1 1 ] 0) -> 6
+    # (bitsToInt [ 0 1 0 ] 1) -> -6
+    bitsToInt = l: signum:
+      if l == [] then
+        (if signum == 0 then 0 else -1)
+      else
+        (builtins.head l) + (2 * (bitsToInt (builtins.tail l) signum));
+    xsignum = if x < 0 then 1 else 0;
+    ysignum = if y < 0 then 1 else 0;
+    zipListsWith' = fst: snd:
+      if fst==[] && snd==[] then
+        []
+      else if fst==[] then
+        [(f xsignum             (builtins.head snd))] ++ (zipListsWith' []                  (builtins.tail snd))
+      else if snd==[] then
+        [(f (builtins.head fst) ysignum            )] ++ (zipListsWith' (builtins.tail fst) []                 )
+      else
+        [(f (builtins.head fst) (builtins.head snd))] ++ (zipListsWith' (builtins.tail fst) (builtins.tail snd));
+  in
+    assert (builtins.isInt x) && (builtins.isInt y);
+    bitsToInt (zipListsWith' (intToBits x) (intToBits y)) (f xsignum ysignum)