about summary refs log tree commit diff
path: root/nixpkgs/.github
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'nixpkgs/.github')
22 files changed, 977 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/nixpkgs/.github/CODEOWNERS b/nixpkgs/.github/CODEOWNERS
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..64719a7bc3a8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/nixpkgs/.github/CODEOWNERS
@@ -0,0 +1,228 @@
+# This file is used to describe who owns what in this repository. This file does not
+# replace `meta.maintainers` but is instead used for other things than derivations
+# and modules, like documentation, package sets, and other assets.
+# For documentation on this file, see https://help.github.com/articles/about-codeowners/
+# Mentioned users will get code review requests.
+# This file
+/.github/CODEOWNERS @edolstra
+# GitHub actions
+/.github/workflows @NixOS/Security @Mic92 @zowoq
+/.github/workflows/merge-staging @FRidh
+# EditorConfig
+/.editorconfig @Mic92 @zowoq
+# Libraries
+/lib                        @edolstra @nbp @infinisil
+/lib/systems                @nbp @ericson2314 @matthewbauer
+/lib/generators.nix         @edolstra @nbp @Profpatsch
+/lib/cli.nix                @edolstra @nbp @Profpatsch
+/lib/debug.nix              @edolstra @nbp @Profpatsch
+/lib/asserts.nix            @edolstra @nbp @Profpatsch
+# Nixpkgs Internals
+/default.nix                                     @nbp
+/pkgs/top-level/default.nix                      @nbp @Ericson2314
+/pkgs/top-level/impure.nix                       @nbp @Ericson2314
+/pkgs/top-level/stage.nix                        @nbp @Ericson2314 @matthewbauer
+/pkgs/top-level/splice.nix                       @Ericson2314 @matthewbauer
+/pkgs/top-level/release-cross.nix                @Ericson2314 @matthewbauer
+/pkgs/stdenv/generic                             @Ericson2314 @matthewbauer
+/pkgs/stdenv/cross                               @Ericson2314 @matthewbauer
+/pkgs/build-support/cc-wrapper                   @Ericson2314 @orivej
+/pkgs/build-support/bintools-wrapper             @Ericson2314 @orivej
+/pkgs/build-support/setup-hooks                  @Ericson2314
+/pkgs/build-support/setup-hooks/auto-patchelf.sh @aszlig
+# Nixpkgs build-support
+/pkgs/build-support/writers @lassulus @Profpatsch
+# NixOS Internals
+/nixos/default.nix          @nbp @infinisil
+/nixos/lib/from-env.nix     @nbp @infinisil
+/nixos/lib/eval-config.nix  @nbp @infinisil
+/nixos/doc @ryantm
+/nixos/doc/manual/configuration/abstractions.xml      @nbp
+/nixos/doc/manual/configuration/config-file.xml       @nbp
+/nixos/doc/manual/configuration/config-syntax.xml     @nbp
+/nixos/doc/manual/configuration/modularity.xml        @nbp
+/nixos/doc/manual/development/assertions.xml          @nbp
+/nixos/doc/manual/development/meta-attributes.xml     @nbp
+/nixos/doc/manual/development/option-declarations.xml @nbp
+/nixos/doc/manual/development/option-def.xml          @nbp
+/nixos/doc/manual/development/option-types.xml        @nbp
+/nixos/doc/manual/development/replace-modules.xml     @nbp
+/nixos/doc/manual/development/writing-modules.xml     @nbp
+/nixos/doc/manual/man-nixos-option.xml                @nbp
+/nixos/modules/installer/tools/nixos-option.sh        @nbp
+# NixOS integration test driver
+/nixos/lib/test-driver  @tfc
+# Updaters
+## update.nix
+/maintainers/scripts/update.nix   @jtojnar
+/maintainers/scripts/update.py    @jtojnar
+## common-updater-scripts
+/pkgs/common-updater/scripts/update-source-version    @jtojnar
+# Python-related code and docs
+/maintainers/scripts/update-python-libraries	              @FRidh
+/pkgs/top-level/python-packages.nix                         @FRidh @jonringer
+/pkgs/development/interpreters/python                       @FRidh
+/pkgs/development/python-modules                            @FRidh @jonringer
+/doc/languages-frameworks/python.section.md                 @FRidh
+/pkgs/development/tools/poetry2nix                          @adisbladis
+/pkgs/development/interpreters/python/hooks                 @FRidh @jonringer @DavHau
+/pkgs/development/interpreters/python/conda                 @DavHau
+# Haskell
+/doc/languages-frameworks/haskell.section.md  @cdepillabout @sternenseemann @maralorn @expipiplus1
+/maintainers/scripts/haskell                  @cdepillabout @sternenseemann @maralorn @expipiplus1
+/pkgs/development/compilers/ghc               @cdepillabout @sternenseemann @maralorn @expipiplus1
+/pkgs/development/haskell-modules             @cdepillabout @sternenseemann @maralorn @expipiplus1
+/pkgs/test/haskell                            @cdepillabout @sternenseemann @maralorn @expipiplus1
+/pkgs/top-level/release-haskell.nix           @cdepillabout @sternenseemann @maralorn @expipiplus1
+/pkgs/top-level/haskell-packages.nix          @cdepillabout @sternenseemann @maralorn @expipiplus1
+# Perl
+/pkgs/development/interpreters/perl @volth @stigtsp
+/pkgs/top-level/perl-packages.nix   @volth @stigtsp
+/pkgs/development/perl-modules      @volth @stigtsp
+# R
+/pkgs/applications/science/math/R   @peti
+/pkgs/development/r-modules         @peti
+# Ruby
+/pkgs/development/interpreters/ruby @marsam
+/pkgs/development/ruby-modules      @marsam
+# Rust
+/pkgs/development/compilers/rust @Mic92 @LnL7 @zowoq
+/pkgs/build-support/rust @andir @danieldk @zowoq
+# Darwin-related
+/pkgs/stdenv/darwin         @NixOS/darwin-maintainers
+/pkgs/os-specific/darwin    @NixOS/darwin-maintainers
+# C compilers
+/pkgs/development/compilers/gcc @matthewbauer
+/pkgs/development/compilers/llvm @matthewbauer
+# Compatibility stuff
+/pkgs/top-level/unix-tools.nix @matthewbauer
+/pkgs/development/tools/xcbuild @matthewbauer
+# Beam-related (Erlang, Elixir, LFE, etc)
+/pkgs/development/beam-modules                  @gleber
+/pkgs/development/interpreters/erlang           @gleber
+/pkgs/development/interpreters/lfe              @gleber
+/pkgs/development/interpreters/elixir           @gleber
+/pkgs/development/tools/build-managers/rebar    @gleber
+/pkgs/development/tools/build-managers/rebar3   @gleber
+/pkgs/development/tools/erlang                  @gleber
+# Jetbrains
+/pkgs/applications/editors/jetbrains @edwtjo
+# Licenses
+/lib/licenses.nix @alyssais
+# Qt / KDE
+/pkgs/applications/kde @ttuegel
+/pkgs/desktops/plasma-5 @ttuegel
+/pkgs/development/libraries/kde-frameworks @ttuegel
+/pkgs/development/libraries/qt-5 @ttuegel
+# PostgreSQL and related stuff
+/pkgs/servers/sql/postgresql @thoughtpolice @marsam
+/nixos/modules/services/databases/postgresql.xml @thoughtpolice
+/nixos/modules/services/databases/postgresql.nix @thoughtpolice
+/nixos/tests/postgresql.nix @thoughtpolice
+# Hardened profile & related modules
+/nixos/modules/profiles/hardened.nix @joachifm
+/nixos/modules/security/hidepid.nix @joachifm
+/nixos/modules/security/lock-kernel-modules.nix @joachifm
+/nixos/modules/security/misc.nix @joachifm
+/nixos/tests/hardened.nix @joachifm
+/pkgs/os-specific/linux/kernel/hardened-config.nix @joachifm
+# Network Time Daemons
+/pkgs/tools/networking/chrony @thoughtpolice
+/pkgs/tools/networking/ntp @thoughtpolice
+/pkgs/tools/networking/openntpd @thoughtpolice
+/nixos/modules/services/networking/ntp @thoughtpolice
+# Dhall
+/pkgs/development/dhall-modules      @Gabriel439 @Profpatsch @ehmry
+/pkgs/development/interpreters/dhall @Gabriel439 @Profpatsch @ehmry
+# Idris
+/pkgs/development/idris-modules @Infinisil
+# Bazel
+/pkgs/development/tools/build-managers/bazel @mboes @Profpatsch
+# NixOS modules for e-mail and dns services
+/nixos/modules/services/mail/mailman.nix    @peti
+/nixos/modules/services/mail/postfix.nix    @peti
+/nixos/modules/services/networking/bind.nix @peti
+/nixos/modules/services/mail/rspamd.nix     @peti
+# Emacs
+/pkgs/applications/editors/emacs-modes @adisbladis
+/pkgs/applications/editors/emacs       @adisbladis
+/pkgs/top-level/emacs-packages.nix     @adisbladis
+# Neovim
+/pkgs/applications/editors/neovim      @jonringer @teto
+# VimPlugins
+/pkgs/misc/vim-plugins         @jonringer @softinio
+# VsCode Extensions
+/pkgs/misc/vscode-extensions   @jonringer
+# Prometheus exporter modules and tests
+/nixos/modules/services/monitoring/prometheus/exporters.nix  @WilliButz
+/nixos/modules/services/monitoring/prometheus/exporters.xml  @WilliButz
+/nixos/tests/prometheus-exporters.nix                        @WilliButz
+# PHP interpreter, packages, extensions, tests and documentation
+/doc/languages-frameworks/php.section.md          @NixOS/php @aanderse @etu @globin @ma27 @talyz
+/nixos/tests/php                                  @NixOS/php @aanderse @etu @globin @ma27 @talyz
+/pkgs/build-support/build-pecl.nix                @NixOS/php @aanderse @etu @globin @ma27 @talyz
+/pkgs/development/interpreters/php       @jtojnar @NixOS/php @aanderse @etu @globin @ma27 @talyz
+/pkgs/development/php-packages                    @NixOS/php @aanderse @etu @globin @ma27 @talyz
+/pkgs/top-level/php-packages.nix         @jtojnar @NixOS/php @aanderse @etu @globin @ma27 @talyz
+# Podman, CRI-O modules and related
+/nixos/modules/virtualisation/containers.nix @NixOS/podman @zowoq
+/nixos/modules/virtualisation/cri-o.nix      @NixOS/podman @zowoq
+/nixos/modules/virtualisation/podman.nix     @NixOS/podman @zowoq
+/nixos/tests/cri-o.nix                       @NixOS/podman @zowoq
+/nixos/tests/podman.nix                      @NixOS/podman @zowoq
+# Docker tools
+/pkgs/build-support/docker                   @roberth @utdemir
+/nixos/tests/docker-tools-overlay.nix        @roberth
+/nixos/tests/docker-tools.nix                @roberth
+/doc/builders/images/dockertools.xml         @roberth
+# Blockchains
+/pkgs/applications/blockchains  @mmahut @RaghavSood
+# Go
+/pkgs/development/compilers/go @kalbasit @Mic92 @zowoq
+/pkgs/development/go-modules   @kalbasit @Mic92 @zowoq
+/pkgs/development/go-packages  @kalbasit @Mic92 @zowoq
+# Cinnamon
+/pkgs/desktops/cinnamon @mkg20001
diff --git a/nixpkgs/.github/ISSUE_TEMPLATE.md b/nixpkgs/.github/ISSUE_TEMPLATE.md
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..1913e321a8c8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/nixpkgs/.github/ISSUE_TEMPLATE.md
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+## Issue description
+### Steps to reproduce
+## Technical details
+Please run `nix-shell -p nix-info --run "nix-info -m"` and paste the result.
diff --git a/nixpkgs/.github/ISSUE_TEMPLATE/bug_report.md b/nixpkgs/.github/ISSUE_TEMPLATE/bug_report.md
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..4d3c8888f3a2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/nixpkgs/.github/ISSUE_TEMPLATE/bug_report.md
@@ -0,0 +1,43 @@
+name: Bug report
+about: Create a report to help us improve
+title: ''
+labels: '0.kind: bug'
+assignees: ''
+**Describe the bug**
+A clear and concise description of what the bug is.
+**To Reproduce**
+Steps to reproduce the behavior:
+1. ...
+2. ...
+3. ...
+**Expected behavior**
+A clear and concise description of what you expected to happen.
+If applicable, add screenshots to help explain your problem.
+**Additional context**
+Add any other context about the problem here.
+**Notify maintainers**
+Please @ people who are in the `meta.maintainers` list of the offending package or module.
+If in doubt, check `git blame` for whoever last touched something.
+Please run `nix-shell -p nix-info --run "nix-info -m"` and paste the result.
+Maintainer information:
+# a list of nixpkgs attributes affected by the problem
+# a list of nixos modules affected by the problem
diff --git a/nixpkgs/.github/ISSUE_TEMPLATE/out_of_date_package_report.md b/nixpkgs/.github/ISSUE_TEMPLATE/out_of_date_package_report.md
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..72c09a19c0e6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/nixpkgs/.github/ISSUE_TEMPLATE/out_of_date_package_report.md
@@ -0,0 +1,48 @@
+name: Out-of-date package reports
+about: For packages that are out-of-date
+title: ''
+labels: '9.needs: package (update)'
+assignees: ''
+###### Checklist
+<!-- Note that these are hard requirements -->
+You can use the "Go to file" functionality on github to find the package
+Then you can go to the history for this package
+Find the latest "package_name: old_version -> new_version" commit
+The "new_version" is the the current version of the package
+- [ ] Checked the [nixpkgs master branch](https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs)
+Type the name of your package and try to find an open pull request for the package
+If you find an open pull request, you can review it!
+There's a high chance that you'll have the new version right away while helping the community!
+- [ ] Checked the [nixpkgs pull requests](https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/pulls)
+###### Project name
+`nix search` name:
+The current version can be found easily with the same process than above for checking the master branch
+If an open PR is present for the package, take this version as the current one and link to the PR
+current version:
+desired version:
+###### Notify maintainers
+Search your package here: https://search.nixos.org/packages?channel=unstable
+If no maintainer is listed for your package, tag the person that last updated the package
+###### Note for maintainers
+Please tag this issue in your PR.
diff --git a/nixpkgs/.github/ISSUE_TEMPLATE/packaging_request.md b/nixpkgs/.github/ISSUE_TEMPLATE/packaging_request.md
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..1ddcd983f31b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/nixpkgs/.github/ISSUE_TEMPLATE/packaging_request.md
@@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
+name: Packaging requests
+about: For packages that are missing
+title: ''
+labels: '0.kind: packaging request'
+assignees: ''
+**Project description**
+_describe the project a little_
+* homepage URL:
+* source URL:
+* license: mit, bsd, gpl2+ , ...
+* platforms: unix, linux, darwin, ...
diff --git a/nixpkgs/.github/PULL_REQUEST_TEMPLATE.md b/nixpkgs/.github/PULL_REQUEST_TEMPLATE.md
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..27d959410b61
--- /dev/null
+++ b/nixpkgs/.github/PULL_REQUEST_TEMPLATE.md
@@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
+To help with the large amounts of pull requests, we would appreciate your
+reviews of other pull requests, especially simple package updates. Just leave a
+comment describing what you have tested in the relevant package/service.
+Reviewing helps to reduce the average time-to-merge for everyone.
+Thanks a lot if you do!
+List of open PRs: https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/pulls
+Reviewing guidelines: https://nixos.org/manual/nixpkgs/unstable/#chap-reviewing-contributions
+###### Motivation for this change
+###### Things done
+<!-- Please check what applies. Note that these are not hard requirements but merely serve as information for reviewers. -->
+- [ ] Tested using sandboxing ([nix.useSandbox](https://nixos.org/nixos/manual/options.html#opt-nix.useSandbox) on NixOS, or option `sandbox` in [`nix.conf`](https://nixos.org/nix/manual/#sec-conf-file) on non-NixOS linux)
+- Built on platform(s)
+   - [ ] NixOS
+   - [ ] macOS
+   - [ ] other Linux distributions
+- [ ] Tested via one or more NixOS test(s) if existing and applicable for the change (look inside [nixos/tests](https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/blob/master/nixos/tests))
+- [ ] Tested compilation of all pkgs that depend on this change using `nix-shell -p nixpkgs-review --run "nixpkgs-review wip"`
+- [ ] Tested execution of all binary files (usually in `./result/bin/`)
+- [21.11 Release Notes (or backporting 21.05 Relase notes)](https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/blob/master/CONTRIBUTING.md#generating-2111-release-notes)
+  - [ ] (Package updates) Added a release notes entry if the change is major or breaking
+  - [ ] (Module updates) Added a release notes entry if the change is significant
+  - [ ] (Module addition) Added a release notes entry if adding a new NixOS module
+- [ ] Fits [CONTRIBUTING.md](https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/blob/master/CONTRIBUTING.md).
diff --git a/nixpkgs/.github/STALE-BOT.md b/nixpkgs/.github/STALE-BOT.md
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..0c5a21cc3524
--- /dev/null
+++ b/nixpkgs/.github/STALE-BOT.md
@@ -0,0 +1,35 @@
+# Stale bot information
+- Thanks for your contribution!
+- To remove the stale label, just leave a new comment.
+- _How to find the right people to ping?_ &rarr; [`git blame`](https://git-scm.com/docs/git-blame) to the rescue! (or GitHub's history and blame buttons.)
+- You can always ask for help on [our Discourse Forum](https://discourse.nixos.org/), [our Matrix room](https://matrix.to/#/#nix:nixos.org), or on the [#nixos IRC channel](https://web.libera.chat/#nixos).
+## Suggestions for PRs
+1. GitHub sometimes doesn't notify people who commented / reviewed a PR previously, when you (force) push commits. If you have addressed the reviews you can [officially ask for a review](https://docs.github.com/en/free-pro-team@latest/github/collaborating-with-issues-and-pull-requests/requesting-a-pull-request-review) from those who commented to you or anyone else.
+2. If it is unfinished but you plan to finish it, please mark it as a draft.
+3. If you don't expect to work on it any time soon, closing it with a short comment may encourage someone else to pick up your work.
+4. To get things rolling again, rebase the PR against the target branch and address valid comments.
+5. If you need a review to move forward, ask in [the Discourse thread for PRs that need help](https://discourse.nixos.org/t/prs-in-distress/3604).
+6. If all you need is a merge, check the git history to find and [request reviews](https://docs.github.com/en/github/collaborating-with-issues-and-pull-requests/requesting-a-pull-request-review) from people who usually merge related contributions.
+## Suggestions for issues
+1. If it is resolved (either for you personally, or in general), please consider closing it.
+2. If this might still be an issue, but you are not interested in promoting its resolution, please consider closing it while encouraging others to take over and reopen an issue if they care enough.
+3. If you still have interest in resolving it, try to ping somebody who you believe might have an interest in the topic. Consider discussing the problem in [our Discourse Forum](https://discourse.nixos.org/).
+4. As with all open source projects, your best option is to submit a Pull Request that addresses this issue. We :heart: this attitude!
+**Memorandum on closing issues**
+Don't be afraid to close an issue that holds valuable information. Closed issues stay in the system for people to search, read, cross-reference, or even reopen--nothing is lost! Closing obsolete issues is an important way to help maintainers focus their time and effort.
+## Useful GitHub search queries
+- [Open PRs with any stale-bot interaction](https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/pulls?q=is%3Apr+is%3Aopen+commenter%3Aapp%2Fstale+)
+- [Open PRs with any stale-bot interaction and `2.status: stale`](https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/pulls?q=is%3Apr+is%3Aopen+commenter%3Aapp%2Fstale+label%3A%222.status%3A+stale%22)
+- [Open PRs with any stale-bot interaction and NOT `2.status: stale`](https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/pulls?q=is%3Apr+is%3Aopen+commenter%3Aapp%2Fstale+-label%3A%222.status%3A+stale%22+)
+- [Open Issues with any stale-bot interaction](https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/issues?q=is%3Aissue+is%3Aopen+commenter%3Aapp%2Fstale+)
+- [Open Issues with any stale-bot interaction and `2.status: stale`](https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/issues?q=is%3Aissue+is%3Aopen+commenter%3Aapp%2Fstale+label%3A%222.status%3A+stale%22+)
+- [Open Issues with any stale-bot interaction and NOT `2.status: stale`](https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/issues?q=is%3Aissue+is%3Aopen+commenter%3Aapp%2Fstale+-label%3A%222.status%3A+stale%22+)
diff --git a/nixpkgs/.github/labeler.yml b/nixpkgs/.github/labeler.yml
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..5dd885552d62
--- /dev/null
+++ b/nixpkgs/.github/labeler.yml
@@ -0,0 +1,154 @@
+"6.topic: agda":
+  - doc/languages-frameworks/agda.section.md
+  - nixos/tests/agda.nix
+  - pkgs/build-support/agda/**/*
+  - pkgs/development/libraries/agda/**/*
+  - pkgs/top-level/agda-packages.nix
+"6.topic: bsd":
+  - pkgs/os-specific/bsd/**/*
+  - pkgs/stdenv/freebsd/**/*
+"6.topic: cinnamon":
+  - pkgs/desktops/cinnamon/**/*
+"6.topic: emacs":
+  - nixos/modules/services/editors/emacs.nix
+  - nixos/modules/services/editors/emacs.xml
+  - nixos/tests/emacs-daemon.nix
+  - pkgs/applications/editors/emacs-modes/**/*
+  - pkgs/applications/editors/emacs/**/*
+  - pkgs/build-support/emacs/**/*
+  - pkgs/top-level/emacs-packages.nix
+"6.topic: erlang":
+  - doc/languages-frameworks/beam.section.md
+  - pkgs/development/beam-modules/**/*
+  - pkgs/development/interpreters/elixir/**/*
+  - pkgs/development/interpreters/erlang/**/*
+  - pkgs/development/tools/build-managers/rebar/**/*
+  - pkgs/development/tools/build-managers/rebar3/**/*
+  - pkgs/development/tools/erlang/**/*
+  - pkgs/top-level/beam-packages.nix
+"6.topic: fetch":
+  - pkgs/build-support/fetch*/**/*
+"6.topic: GNOME":
+  - doc/languages-frameworks/gnome.section.md
+  - nixos/modules/services/desktops/gnome/**/*
+  - nixos/modules/services/x11/desktop-managers/gnome.nix
+  - nixos/tests/gnome-xorg.nix
+  - nixos/tests/gnome.nix
+  - pkgs/desktops/gnome/**/*
+"6.topic: golang":
+  - doc/languages-frameworks/go.section.md
+  - pkgs/development/compilers/go/**/*
+  - pkgs/development/go-modules/**/*
+  - pkgs/development/go-packages/**/*
+"6.topic: haskell":
+  - doc/languages-frameworks/haskell.section.md
+  - maintainers/scripts/haskell/**/*
+  - pkgs/development/compilers/ghc/**/*
+  - pkgs/development/haskell-modules/**/*
+  - pkgs/development/tools/haskell/**/*
+  - pkgs/test/haskell/**/*
+  - pkgs/top-level/haskell-packages.nix
+  - pkgs/top-level/release-haskell.nix
+"6.topic: kernel":
+  - pkgs/build-support/kernel/**/*
+  - pkgs/os-specific/linux/kernel/**/*
+"6.topic: lua":
+  - pkgs/development/interpreters/lua-5/**/*
+  - pkgs/development/interpreters/luajit/**/*
+  - pkgs/development/lua-modules/**/*
+  - pkgs/top-level/lua-packages.nix
+"6.topic: nixos":
+  - nixos/**/*
+"6.topic: ocaml":
+  - doc/languages-frameworks/ocaml.section.md
+  - pkgs/development/compilers/ocaml/**/*
+  - pkgs/development/compilers/reason/**/*
+  - pkgs/development/ocaml-modules/**/*
+  - pkgs/development/tools/ocaml/**/*
+  - pkgs/top-level/ocaml-packages.nix
+"6.topic: pantheon":
+  - nixos/modules/services/desktops/pantheon/**/*
+  - nixos/modules/services/x11/desktop-managers/pantheon.nix
+  - nixos/modules/services/x11/display-managers/lightdm-greeters/pantheon.nix
+  - nixos/tests/pantheon.nix
+  - pkgs/desktops/pantheon/**/*
+"6.topic: policy discussion":
+  - .github/**/*
+"6.topic: printing":
+  - nixos/modules/services/printing/cupsd.nix
+  - pkgs/misc/cups/**/*
+"6.topic: python":
+  - doc/languages-frameworks/python.section.md
+  - pkgs/development/interpreters/python/**/*
+  - pkgs/development/python-modules/**/*
+  - pkgs/top-level/python-packages.nix
+"6.topic: qt/kde":
+  - doc/languages-frameworks/qt.section.md
+  - nixos/modules/services/x11/desktop-managers/plasma5.nix
+  - nixos/tests/plasma5.nix
+  - pkgs/applications/kde/**/*
+  - pkgs/desktops/plasma-5/**/*
+  - pkgs/development/libraries/kde-frameworks/**/*
+  - pkgs/development/libraries/qt-5/**/*
+"6.topic: ruby":
+  - doc/languages-frameworks/ruby.section.md
+  - pkgs/development/interpreters/ruby/**/*
+  - pkgs/development/ruby-modules/**/*
+"6.topic: rust":
+  - doc/languages-frameworks/rust.section.md
+  - pkgs/build-support/rust/**/*
+  - pkgs/development/compilers/rust/**/*
+"6.topic: stdenv":
+  - pkgs/stdenv/**/*
+"6.topic: steam":
+  - pkgs/games/steam/**/*
+"6.topic: systemd":
+  - pkgs/os-specific/linux/systemd/**/*
+  - nixos/modules/system/boot/systemd*/**/*
+"6.topic: TeX":
+  - doc/languages-frameworks/texlive.section.md
+  - pkgs/tools/typesetting/tex/**/*
+"6.topic: vim":
+  - doc/languages-frameworks/vim.section.md
+  - pkgs/applications/editors/vim/**/*
+  - pkgs/misc/vim-plugins/**/*
+"6.topic: xfce":
+  - nixos/doc/manual/configuration/xfce.xml
+  - nixos/modules/services/x11/desktop-managers/xfce.nix
+  - nixos/tests/xfce.nix
+  - pkgs/desktops/xfce/**/*
+"8.has: changelog":
+  - nixos/doc/manual/release-notes/**/*
+"8.has: documentation":
+  - doc/**/*
+  - nixos/doc/**/*
+"8.has: module (update)":
+  - nixos/modules/**/*
diff --git a/nixpkgs/.github/stale.yml b/nixpkgs/.github/stale.yml
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..b5e6ec93baf9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/nixpkgs/.github/stale.yml
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
+# Configuration for probot-stale - https://github.com/probot/stale
+daysUntilStale: 180
+daysUntilClose: false
+  - "1.severity: security"
+  - "2.status: never-stale"
+staleLabel: "2.status: stale"
+markComment: |
+  I marked this as stale due to inactivity. &rarr; [More info](https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/blob/master/.github/STALE-BOT.md)
+closeComment: false
diff --git a/nixpkgs/.github/workflows/backport.yml b/nixpkgs/.github/workflows/backport.yml
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..bea970f02d40
--- /dev/null
+++ b/nixpkgs/.github/workflows/backport.yml
@@ -0,0 +1,29 @@
+name: Backport
+  pull_request_target:
+    types: [closed, labeled]
+  backport:
+    name: Backport Pull Request
+    if: github.repository_owner == 'NixOS' && github.event.pull_request.merged == true && (github.event_name != 'labeled' || startsWith('backport', github.event.label.name))
+    runs-on: ubuntu-latest
+    steps:
+      - uses: actions/checkout@v2
+        with:
+          # required to find all branches
+          fetch-depth: 0
+          ref: ${{ github.event.pull_request.head.sha }}
+      - name: Create backport PRs
+        # should be kept in sync with `version`
+        uses: zeebe-io/backport-action@2b994724142df0774855690db56bc6308fb99ffa
+        with:
+          # Config README: https://github.com/zeebe-io/backport-action#backport-action
+          github_token: ${{ secrets.GITHUB_TOKEN }}
+          github_workspace: ${{ github.workspace }}
+          # should be kept in sync with `uses`
+          version: 2b994724142df0774855690db56bc6308fb99ffa
+          pull_description: |-
+            Bot-based backport to `${target_branch}`, triggered by a label in #${pull_number}.
+            * [ ] Before merging, ensure that this backport complies with the [Criteria for Backporting](https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/blob/master/CONTRIBUTING.md#criteria-for-backporting-changes).
+              * Even as a non-commiter, if you find that it does not comply, leave a comment.
diff --git a/nixpkgs/.github/workflows/basic-eval.yml b/nixpkgs/.github/workflows/basic-eval.yml
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..3d12eda314f1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/nixpkgs/.github/workflows/basic-eval.yml
@@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
+name: Basic evaluation checks
+  pull_request:
+    branches:
+     - master
+     - release-**
+  push:
+    branches:
+     - master
+     - release-**
+  tests:
+    runs-on: ubuntu-latest
+    # we don't limit this action to only NixOS repo since the checks are cheap and useful developer feedback
+    steps:
+    - uses: actions/checkout@v2
+    - uses: cachix/install-nix-action@v13
+    # explicit list of supportedSystems is needed until aarch64-darwin becomes part of the trunk jobset
+    - run: nix-build pkgs/top-level/release.nix -A tarball.nixpkgs-basic-release-checks --arg supportedSystems '[ "aarch64-darwin" "aarch64-linux" "x86_64-linux" "x86_64-darwin"  ]'
diff --git a/nixpkgs/.github/workflows/direct-push.yml b/nixpkgs/.github/workflows/direct-push.yml
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..459475c3c6bc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/nixpkgs/.github/workflows/direct-push.yml
@@ -0,0 +1,32 @@
+name: "Direct Push Warning"
+  push:
+    branches:
+     - master
+     - release-**
+  build:
+    runs-on: ubuntu-latest
+    if: github.repository_owner == 'NixOS'
+    env:
+      GITHUB_SHA: ${{ github.sha }}
+      GITHUB_REPOSITORY: ${{ github.repository }}
+    steps:
+    - name: Check if commit is a merge commit
+      id: ismerge
+      run: |
+        ISMERGE=$(curl -H 'Accept: application/vnd.github.groot-preview+json' -H "authorization: Bearer ${{ secrets.GITHUB_TOKEN }}" https://api.github.com/repos/${{ env.GITHUB_REPOSITORY }}/commits/${{ env.GITHUB_SHA }}/pulls | jq -r '.[] | select(.merge_commit_sha == "${{ env.GITHUB_SHA }}") | any')
+        echo "::set-output name=ismerge::$ISMERGE"
+    # github events are eventually consistent, so wait until changes propagate to thier DB
+    - run: sleep 60
+      if: steps.ismerge.outputs.ismerge != 'true'
+    - name: Warn if the commit was a direct push
+      if: steps.ismerge.outputs.ismerge != 'true'
+      uses: peter-evans/commit-comment@v1
+      with:
+        body: |
+          @${{ github.actor }}, you pushed a commit directly to master/release branch
+          instead of going through a Pull Request.
+          That's highly discouraged beyond the few exceptions listed
+          on https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/issues/118661
diff --git a/nixpkgs/.github/workflows/editorconfig.yml b/nixpkgs/.github/workflows/editorconfig.yml
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..4960e9fd3d23
--- /dev/null
+++ b/nixpkgs/.github/workflows/editorconfig.yml
@@ -0,0 +1,46 @@
+name: "Checking EditorConfig"
+permissions: read-all
+  # avoids approving first time contributors
+  pull_request_target:
+    branches-ignore:
+      - 'release-**'
+  tests:
+    runs-on: ubuntu-latest
+    if: github.repository_owner == 'NixOS'
+    steps:
+    - name: Get list of changed files from PR
+      env:
+        GITHUB_TOKEN: ${{ secrets.GITHUB_TOKEN }}
+      run: |
+        echo 'PR_DIFF<<EOF' >> $GITHUB_ENV
+        gh api \
+          repos/NixOS/nixpkgs/pulls/${{github.event.number}}/files --paginate \
+          | jq '.[] | select(.status != "removed") | .filename' \
+          >> $GITHUB_ENV
+        echo 'EOF' >> $GITHUB_ENV
+    - uses: actions/checkout@v2
+      with:
+        # pull_request_target checks out the base branch by default
+        ref: refs/pull/${{ github.event.pull_request.number }}/merge
+      if: env.PR_DIFF
+    - uses: cachix/install-nix-action@v13
+      if: env.PR_DIFF
+      with:
+        # nixpkgs commit is pinned so that it doesn't break
+        nix_path: nixpkgs=https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/archive/f93ecc4f6bc60414d8b73dbdf615ceb6a2c604df.tar.gz
+    - name: install editorconfig-checker
+      run: nix-env -iA editorconfig-checker -f '<nixpkgs>'
+      if: env.PR_DIFF
+    - name: Checking EditorConfig
+      if: env.PR_DIFF
+      run: |
+        echo "$PR_DIFF" | xargs editorconfig-checker -disable-indent-size
+    - if: ${{ failure() }}
+      run: |
+        echo "::error :: Hey! It looks like your changes don't follow our editorconfig settings. Read https://editorconfig.org/#download to configure your editor so you never see this error again."
diff --git a/nixpkgs/.github/workflows/labels.yml b/nixpkgs/.github/workflows/labels.yml
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..4d1e2a2a0f95
--- /dev/null
+++ b/nixpkgs/.github/workflows/labels.yml
@@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
+name: "Label PR"
+  pull_request_target:
+    types: [edited, opened, synchronize, reopened]
+  contents: read
+  pull-requests: write
+  labels:
+    runs-on: ubuntu-latest
+    if: github.repository_owner == 'NixOS'
+    steps:
+    - uses: actions/labeler@v3
+      with:
+        repo-token: ${{ secrets.GITHUB_TOKEN }}
+        sync-labels: true
diff --git a/nixpkgs/.github/workflows/manual-nixos.yml b/nixpkgs/.github/workflows/manual-nixos.yml
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..032a456569d3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/nixpkgs/.github/workflows/manual-nixos.yml
@@ -0,0 +1,31 @@
+name: "Build NixOS manual"
+permissions: read-all
+  pull_request_target:
+    branches:
+      - master
+    paths:
+      - 'nixos/**'
+  nixos:
+    runs-on: ubuntu-latest
+    if: github.repository_owner == 'NixOS'
+    steps:
+      - uses: actions/checkout@v2
+        with:
+          # pull_request_target checks out the base branch by default
+          ref: refs/pull/${{ github.event.pull_request.number }}/merge
+      - uses: cachix/install-nix-action@v13
+        with:
+          # explicitly enable sandbox
+          extra_nix_config: sandbox = true
+      - uses: cachix/cachix-action@v9
+        with:
+          # This cache is for the nixos/nixpkgs manual builds and should not be trusted or used elsewhere.
+          name: nixpkgs-ci
+          signingKey: '${{ secrets.CACHIX_SIGNING_KEY }}'
+      - name: Building NixOS manual
+        run: NIX_PATH=nixpkgs=$(pwd) nix-build --option restrict-eval true nixos/release.nix -A manual.x86_64-linux
diff --git a/nixpkgs/.github/workflows/manual-nixpkgs.yml b/nixpkgs/.github/workflows/manual-nixpkgs.yml
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..77655c494e06
--- /dev/null
+++ b/nixpkgs/.github/workflows/manual-nixpkgs.yml
@@ -0,0 +1,31 @@
+name: "Build Nixpkgs manual"
+permissions: read-all
+  pull_request_target:
+    branches:
+      - master
+    paths:
+      - 'doc/**'
+  nixpkgs:
+    runs-on: ubuntu-latest
+    if: github.repository_owner == 'NixOS'
+    steps:
+      - uses: actions/checkout@v2
+        with:
+          # pull_request_target checks out the base branch by default
+          ref: refs/pull/${{ github.event.pull_request.number }}/merge
+      - uses: cachix/install-nix-action@v13
+        with:
+          # explicitly enable sandbox
+          extra_nix_config: sandbox = true
+      - uses: cachix/cachix-action@v9
+        with:
+          # This cache is for the nixos/nixpkgs manual builds and should not be trusted or used elsewhere.
+          name: nixpkgs-ci
+          signingKey: '${{ secrets.CACHIX_SIGNING_KEY }}'
+      - name: Building Nixpkgs manual
+        run: NIX_PATH=nixpkgs=$(pwd) nix-build --option restrict-eval true pkgs/top-level/release.nix -A manual
diff --git a/nixpkgs/.github/workflows/nixos-manual.yml b/nixpkgs/.github/workflows/nixos-manual.yml
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..2a1c1c29738e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/nixpkgs/.github/workflows/nixos-manual.yml
@@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
+name: NixOS manual checks
+permissions: read-all
+  pull_request_target:
+    branches-ignore:
+      - 'release-**'
+    paths:
+      - 'nixos/**/*.xml'
+      - 'nixos/**/*.md'
+  tests:
+    runs-on: ubuntu-latest
+    if: github.repository_owner == 'NixOS'
+    steps:
+    - uses: actions/checkout@v2
+      with:
+        # pull_request_target checks out the base branch by default
+        ref: refs/pull/${{ github.event.pull_request.number }}/merge
+    - uses: cachix/install-nix-action@v12
+    - name: Check DocBook files generated from Markdown are consistent
+      run: |
+        nixos/doc/manual/md-to-db.sh
+        git diff --exit-code
diff --git a/nixpkgs/.github/workflows/no-channel.yml b/nixpkgs/.github/workflows/no-channel.yml
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..fb9a95851f06
--- /dev/null
+++ b/nixpkgs/.github/workflows/no-channel.yml
@@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
+name: "No channel PR"
+  pull_request:
+    branches:
+      - 'nixos-**'
+      - 'nixpkgs-**'
+  fail:
+    name: "This PR is is targeting a channel branch"
+    runs-on: ubuntu-latest
+    steps:
+    - run: |
+        cat <<EOF
+        The nixos-* and nixpkgs-* branches are pushed to by the channel
+        release script and should not be merged into directly.
+        Please target the equivalent release-* branch or master instead.
+        EOF
+        exit 1
diff --git a/nixpkgs/.github/workflows/pending-clear.yml b/nixpkgs/.github/workflows/pending-clear.yml
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..d06b1e2143f1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/nixpkgs/.github/workflows/pending-clear.yml
@@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
+name: "clear pending status"
+  check_suite:
+    types: [ completed ]
+  action:
+    runs-on: ubuntu-latest
+    steps:
+    - name: clear pending status
+      if: github.repository_owner == 'NixOS' && github.event.check_suite.app.name == 'OfBorg'
+      env:
+        GITHUB_TOKEN: ${{ secrets.GITHUB_TOKEN }}
+      run: |
+        curl \
+          -X POST \
+          -H "Accept: application/vnd.github.v3+json" \
+          -H "Authorization: token $GITHUB_TOKEN" \
+          -d '{"state": "success", "target_url": " ", "description": " ", "context": "Wait for ofborg"}' \
+          "https://api.github.com/repos/NixOS/nixpkgs/statuses/${{ github.event.check_suite.head_sha }}"
diff --git a/nixpkgs/.github/workflows/pending-set.yml b/nixpkgs/.github/workflows/pending-set.yml
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..944d1deefb9f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/nixpkgs/.github/workflows/pending-set.yml
@@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
+name: "set pending status"
+  pull_request_target:
+  action:
+    runs-on: ubuntu-latest
+    steps:
+    - name: set pending status
+      if: github.repository_owner == 'NixOS'
+      env:
+        GITHUB_TOKEN: ${{ secrets.GITHUB_TOKEN }}
+      run: |
+        curl \
+          -X POST \
+          -H "Accept: application/vnd.github.v3+json" \
+          -H "Authorization: token $GITHUB_TOKEN" \
+          -d '{"state": "pending", "target_url": " ", "description": "This pending status will be cleared when ofborg starts eval.", "context": "Wait for ofborg"}' \
+          "https://api.github.com/repos/NixOS/nixpkgs/statuses/${{ github.event.pull_request.head.sha }}"
diff --git a/nixpkgs/.github/workflows/periodic-merge-24h.yml b/nixpkgs/.github/workflows/periodic-merge-24h.yml
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..341656d93925
--- /dev/null
+++ b/nixpkgs/.github/workflows/periodic-merge-24h.yml
@@ -0,0 +1,49 @@
+# This action periodically merges base branches into staging branches.
+# This is done to
+#  * prevent conflicts or rather resolve them early
+#  * make all potential breakage happen on the staging branch
+#  * and make sure that all major rebuilds happen before the staging
+#    branch get’s merged back into its base branch.
+name: "Periodic Merges (24h)"
+  schedule:
+    # * is a special character in YAML so you have to quote this string
+    # Merge every 24 hours
+    - cron:  '0 0 * * *'
+  periodic-merge:
+    if: github.repository_owner == 'NixOS'
+    runs-on: ubuntu-latest
+    strategy:
+      # don't fail fast, so that all pairs are tried
+      fail-fast: false
+      # certain branches need to be merged in order, like master->staging-next->staging
+      # and disabling parallelism ensures the order of the pairs below.
+      max-parallel: 1
+      matrix:
+        pairs:
+          - from: master
+            into: haskell-updates
+    name: ${{ matrix.pairs.from }} → ${{ matrix.pairs.into }}
+    steps:
+      - uses: actions/checkout@v2
+      - name: ${{ matrix.pairs.from }} → ${{ matrix.pairs.into }}
+        uses: devmasx/merge-branch@v1.3.1
+        with:
+          type: now
+          from_branch: ${{ matrix.pairs.from }}
+          target_branch: ${{ matrix.pairs.into }}
+          github_token: ${{ secrets.GITHUB_TOKEN }}
+      - name: Comment on failure
+        uses: peter-evans/create-or-update-comment@v1
+        if: ${{ failure() }}
+        with:
+          issue-number: 105153
+          body: |
+            Periodic merge from `${{ matrix.pairs.from }}` into `${{ matrix.pairs.into }}` has [failed](https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/actions/runs/${{ github.run_id }}).
diff --git a/nixpkgs/.github/workflows/periodic-merge-6h.yml b/nixpkgs/.github/workflows/periodic-merge-6h.yml
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..8ec4da1d8773
--- /dev/null
+++ b/nixpkgs/.github/workflows/periodic-merge-6h.yml
@@ -0,0 +1,55 @@
+# This action periodically merges base branches into staging branches.
+# This is done to
+#  * prevent conflicts or rather resolve them early
+#  * make all potential breakage happen on the staging branch
+#  * and make sure that all major rebuilds happen before the staging
+#    branch get’s merged back into its base branch.
+name: "Periodic Merges (6h)"
+  schedule:
+    # * is a special character in YAML so you have to quote this string
+    # Merge every 6 hours
+    - cron:  '0 */6 * * *'
+  periodic-merge:
+    if: github.repository_owner == 'NixOS'
+    runs-on: ubuntu-latest
+    strategy:
+      # don't fail fast, so that all pairs are tried
+      fail-fast: false
+      # certain branches need to be merged in order, like master->staging-next->staging
+      # and disabling parallelism ensures the order of the pairs below.
+      max-parallel: 1
+      matrix:
+        pairs:
+          - from: master
+            into: staging-next
+          - from: staging-next
+            into: staging
+          - from: release-21.05
+            into: staging-next-21.05
+          - from: staging-next-21.05
+            into: staging-21.05
+    name: ${{ matrix.pairs.from }} → ${{ matrix.pairs.into }}
+    steps:
+      - uses: actions/checkout@v2
+      - name: ${{ matrix.pairs.from }} → ${{ matrix.pairs.into }}
+        uses: devmasx/merge-branch@v1.3.1
+        with:
+          type: now
+          from_branch: ${{ matrix.pairs.from }}
+          target_branch: ${{ matrix.pairs.into }}
+          github_token: ${{ secrets.GITHUB_TOKEN }}
+      - name: Comment on failure
+        uses: peter-evans/create-or-update-comment@v1
+        if: ${{ failure() }}
+        with:
+          issue-number: 105153
+          body: |
+            Periodic merge from `${{ matrix.pairs.from }}` into `${{ matrix.pairs.into }}` has [failed](https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/actions/runs/${{ github.run_id }}).